THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1011 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW htrt living nom, dttilng room, KttctM en first fkMr; three large bedrooms and bath on seoond floor; oak f)ntab and oak floon; built-in bookcases and buffet; full basement; gQArantoed furnace; east front tot; paved street; tlae location. Priot (MN. Terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., ftoog. lMrt. Ground fir. McCarue Bid. One Block to Car and two blocks to school. New, strictly modern bungalow of 6-r, and bath; oak finish, with solid oak floors; built-in cup boards; baa a number of special features; full basement; furnace; lot 60x130. House worth 13,360; our price, ?M0; about $2&0 cash, balance like rent. We also have a number of special bargains. See aa be fore buying. RASP BROS., Realtors, WV-S14 Keeltnc Bldg. Tyler Til. CHOICE HOMES. Modern to the minute, ranging In price from 13,000 to $6,000, on large plots, re fined surroundings and every known Im provement and convenience; for sate at your own terms, exclusively by the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 826 a 24th St. Pbone South 1247. THE GREATEST GAIN 68.7W In paid want-ads aver made by any Omaha paper, la the record of TH It OMAHA BEE for 191, BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB MODERN BUNGALOW Fine location, east front, paved street, g vooraa, hardwood floors and finish, close to asbool and ear. A bargain at $3,000 terms Call owner. Deng 1728. TBW bungalow, also 8-r. and gardening, roar terms and price; lnv. with $400, rent I houses (cost $3,600). $2,600. P. 2107. FIVE rooms, new, oak flalsh, fully deco sated, aJ) modern, etc., $2,760; $200 cash, balance monthly. Colfax 7815. OWN" your own home, but be sure to buy It from Qrtmmel. 849 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. HOUSES In airpartsftheelty! CREIOH. SONS & CO.. 68 Bee Bldg. J, B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West 82y2xl87 $6,000 N. K. corner Thirty-eighth avenue and Jackson, in same block with Miliar! and Manderson homes and West Farnam apartments. Mighty cheap for this ground; good for home or apartment GLOVER & SPAIN, Doaglas MM. $19-20 City National. 80-FEET on Leavenworth, cornnr 52d. Close to MeKeen's home and Lock wood Place. Will sell for cash, cheap, or terms; would consider Ford or other make light car tn exchange. Call owner, Harney 134L North. AFTER looking at MINNE LU8A, 800 dif ferent buyers decided that it was the best proposition, on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out today you will nnderataad why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 741 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. THU GKUiATlSHT UA-LN W.T.B In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE fur l.ltt. BUST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE. t tt-109 acres C. 3. ft Q. trackage at Gibson. Suitable tor industry desiring 1 large area with low price. Also have b acres beautifully located on boulevard. 8. E. part without trackage. W. L. Seiby ft Sons, Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE Investments A CORNER lot 46x148, unrestricted and suitable for store or flats, to be sold at a saorlfloe for cash, for owner, who Is leav ing Omaha. This lot is on corner of Far nam and Cuming car line and all paving Is tn and paid for. Call us If you are In terested in a bargain, Shuler & Cary, 204 Keellne Bldg. Pbone D. 6474. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. . A. P. TUKEY ft SON. REALTOR. 24 First National Bank Bldg. APARTMENT $7 a, 00. Income 12 per oent; one year old very fine location; mortgage fc2M0Q and will accept u,0W in trade; balanci sash or negotiable paper. CALK INS CO, Doagraa nit. City Nafl Bank Bldg. IrfET your money earn 7 PER CENT In Home Builders' $1.00 shares. Cash divi dends Jan. 1st and July 1st Secured by mortgages on new homes. Non-partlcl-patlng Preferred Shares Guaranteed 7 per cent now ready. Offices, 17th and Douglas. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty Down Town Business Property This is a three-story brick building In established retail district, with stores to- low and flats above; located 14 blocks from l6tn and Harney Bta.; lot 60x132 ft. Under lease to good tenants for $6,240 per year. Price only $26,000 for long time leasehold. Desirable terms. Pays nearly W per cent on purchase price. George & Company, 102 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7G6. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. 0TABT IOUR HOME IN BENSON. BUT TUB LOT. SUM dra and I1A.O0 per month; price tM.Ml sum, eexlSS: located on Locosr SL, between Clark and B.rnham, not far from school and car Una. Geo. 8. Wrlgbt. 8m Office. Omaha. Dundee. Dundee Practically new horn, 7 room' and steeptn g pore h, ful 1 base m r n t , furnace heat. 2 full lota. 100x136; paving all paid. A fine corner In a very desirable loca tion in Dundee, I blocks from car line. Price, $7,800. See us at once, as the owner Is very anxious to selL Hiatt Company, 24S-7-I Omaha Nat'l. Bank. Tyler 60. DUNDEE BUNGALOW, Having 8 rooms, all on one floor; de lightful sun parlor; oak floors and oak fin ish throughout. This is a mighty stylish little home, situated on corner lot, with garage; both streets are paved and paid for. Price, $4,600; very easy terms, PAYNE & SLATER CO., Realtors. H Omaha Nafl. Bldg. Phone Doug. 1016. SEVERAL loia. building re8trlctionr t3 600.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow Orel.. StM.M to 61.0011.00. W. L. 8ELBT SONS. Uoug. int. REAL ESTATE Suburban Florence. 37ys Acres 1 VL' Miles From Florence New Improvements Fine, large, partly modern home, on high, sightly location. i acres grapes. 370 bearing trei, Strawberrifs, Blackberries, Raspberries, 17 acres alfalfa. AH equipment, including team, cow, etc Owner leaving for Wyoming. Price, $23, 600. Call Tyltr 60 and ask for Mr. Man vlUe. HASTINGS & HEYDEN (Realtors) . IB14 Harney st. $26i) ACRE, acreage sold; 2 tracts left ai 800. Last chance. Call Net ha way, Flo a as. South Side. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. A stately, spacious mansion on 3 2d Ave., overlooking Hanscom Park, with 12 larg airy rooms. fire places, steam heat and innumerable closets and pantrtea. Ter raced plot, 160x176 feet Price. $13, W0 Only $2,500 cflBb required, for sale only by the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 426 South V4th St. Phone South 1241. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On the South Side, on full-sued lots, ranging from $1,600 to 43,000 In different localities, with all city improvements, '.tear schools and churches; can be bougbt from us on s small cash payment SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 49 6 S. 34th St. Phone South 1247 CHEAP HOURS. We bare a largo number of small houses with $ to 4 rooms, ranging in price from $90 to $1,200, oo full slied lots, which we can sell at your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 426 S. 24th St. Pbone South 1247. FOUR ACRES. Well improved Will take good bungs low as part payment. S. P. HOST WICK ft HON, Tyler 160S. 800 Bee Bldg REAL ESTATE Other Cities ELEPHANT Butte Dam. Rk Grande Val ley. World's greatest Irrigation enter prise. Watering Dona-Ana farms. Now ready for settlers. Practice i, real co operation protecting home seekers. Write for circular. No. 20, Dona-Ana Farms Alliance, El Paso, Tex. REAL ESTATE To Exchange 10 ACRES, 8-rm. house, 2 barns, cave. chicken house, well, cherry and apple trees, small fruit; 4 a. alfalfa; all tillable. Jnst north of Florence. Will trade for western land. QUICK! INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 929-30 City Nat. Doug. 8S62. TO EXCHANGE 320 acres Improved farm in Kianoma, tor uen. Mdse., or Bdwe. Must be good. Address Box Y 836, Omaba Bee. 3-STORY brick furnished hotel, north Mo. Brick business building, lent ha. Mo. 80 acres, 36 cultivation, t miles railroad. What have youT Tell us. Ollmoar, Pomona. Mo. FOR exchange, 1,440-acr ranch, highly im proved, 1,100 acres in cultivation. Want some cash, bal. Illinois, Iowa, eastern Ne braska farm, or, Omaha city income. W. G. Temple ton. 608 Bee Bldg. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,788 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 191$. BEST RESULTSLOWEST RATB NONRESIDENT what have you, 6-rooro house, 5-year-old. Strictly modern. Garage. Northwest. Owner, Smith, Room tU6, Castle HoteL WE have tume good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or Iowa iaod Edward V Wtlllams Co., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 6 LOTS, southwest of Hanscom Park, to trade for residence. Address Box 1180, Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED (. 6 aod 6-roomed bouses tba' can be soM for I1W oash, balance 116 per month; lend ootnpleto descrlpUoo first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1350 Pai-nam. Tel. Dour 10M. LIST your 6 aad (.room bouses with as WB HULL THEM. OSBOKNI5 REALTY CO. Done. 147. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. 6 Servina our investors for 10 0 years without a lose is our rec ord In bano.lng first mortgagee on pro ductlve Nebraska farms Our loans run in amounts from $ to 826,000, Wa collect all interest and principal free or charge. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 846 Omaba Nat Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates o, dh ana 6 per cent, treasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th, Omaha, Neb. City and Farm Loans 6, 6 and 6 per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont ft Co., 416-18 Keellne Bldgl7th and Harney. 6 PER CENT to 6 per cent on best clasiTclty residences In amount $2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Farnam' St THE GREATEST GAIN 58,738 In paid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. STANDARD SECURITY AND INVESTMENT CO.. 3 WBAD BLDG. 18TH AND FARNAM. SHOPEN & CO,, PRIVATE MONEY. $600,000 to loan on Omaha, real estate or Central Neb. land. W. L. Helbey ft Sons, Keellne Bldg. M.ONEY to loan on improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort gages. KlokH lnv. Co., Omaba. RELIABLE insurance. Se O'Nells Rnal Estate and Insurance Agency, 632-6 Bran- reia Theater. Tel. Tyler 1024. " MONEY on and for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. 5 CITY LOANS GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 2 6 Of MONEYHARRISON ft MORTON, O 91 6 Omaha NaLBank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, " EAST NEB,- FARMS." O'KEEFE R- E. CO., 1018 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, &-E and 6 per cent. W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg- Doug. 1648. WORLD REALTY CO., Sun Theater Building. CITY ami farm loans, lowost rates. E. II. LOCO EE, Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F, D. Wead, wftaa mag., isin ana r'arnam sts. LOW RATES. C. "a. CARLBERuj Brandels Theater Bldg. D. 686. NO DELAY In closing loans. W. T. Graham, 604 Bee Bldg. Abstracts of Title. XT, Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co. XVCII 306 8. 17th Ht., ground floor. Honaea oy Mass. uonaing and ins. Co. REED ABSTR ACTCOo West" abstract of fire In Nebraska. 206 Rrandels Theater. Financial Wanted. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt psy Insurance com panies, 644 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. HIGH CLASS LOANS. $&0.00 to $300.00. Ten per cent .n teres t per annum and 10 per cent brokerage lees. Provided by law. jasy Payments. utmost Privacy, Twenty-five Tears Established. OMAHA LOAN CO. Licensed and Bonded. Tel. Dong. 2HH6, Room 340 Par ton Blk. FURNITURE, lilanos, Ind. notes as security. i4ut,-mo. n. n, gas., iouu cost. 83.60 $40 Indorsed no lt, total cost, $2.60. bmailer, larger am t proportionate rats. PRO VI DUN r LUArt SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha business Men, 422 Rose Bldg.. ltb cd Farnam. Ty. IC1 Jfc a Dla. Oross, 410 N, 18th. R. 608L FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM REATH COUNTY. We have the record crop truck ,rarden and Hi run fruit land ' the United States. You can buy oo easy 'erms. Note: If you sre t. good land sales man Palm county. KlorU , offers you the beet land proposition In America. PARSONS ft SON. $6 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 784$. excursions teat Omaha first and third Tuesdays every month. Make v ur reser. vattons with us early. RAISE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Hay) this winter First cutting, f days: $60 to $80 annually on $80 land. CSt Pix'on Blk Walnut t!-? (evenings). Michigan Lands. FOR SALE Clover-land farms. Grains thrive. Drouth, lull unknown. Root crops, dairying, graxlng. Ideal. Fine reads mar ket; a 43 growing days Average killing frosts October 2. Terms easy. George Rowell, Jr., 83 Bacon Blk., Marquttte Mkh. Mississippi Lands. 60,000 ACRES, cut over hardwood timber b-iiu, 'lib nurti; terms; ist imprurnu farniB : graM grain, stock country ; all bargains. O. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. Missouri I andi. FOR SALE The best blue grass farm in southwest Missouri; 600 acres In c.ue grass, grazed 30 years; COO acres in bluestem, gracing ail the year; mild winters, abundance of spring water and shade; price. $30,000. Address George T. Sldway. owner. Monett, Mo. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 3 big markets. Write for photographs and full Information. Mungnr, A lie N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Nebraska Lands. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU ' That you would like to have a little farm tn the country upon which you could retire In future years, when you have biH'orae tlroil of the city grind? From the receipts of which, each year, while you were following your regular vocation in the city, you couid assist yourself in heaping up a little bank ac count that would materially assist you when you come to that day when you wish to retire? If this desire is in your mind, then come to onr office today or telephone us. Douglas 9.171, and lit up send you one of our little books explaining our plan of selling you a potato farm with a small payment down and the balance on monthly payments and, on top of that, telling you all about how we farm your farm for you and make that farm assist you In helping to pay for itself. THE HUNGERFORD POTAO GROW. ASSN, Ibth and Howard. Telephone Douglas 8371. WE FARM the farm we sell you. TUB HUNGERFORD POTATO GROWERS ASSN., Co-operative Potato Farming. Htb and Howard Sts.. opposite Auditorium. WtiT land made dry enough for crops or no pay, is owr way oi a raining land. No tract too targe or too weL Guarantee Drainage Co. Oakland. Neb, SOME bargains In Kimball county farms; improved and raw land; land that raises 16 to 3$ bushels of wheat per acre; $10 and ap. Farmers' Land Co.. Kimball, Neb. FUR SALIC Beet large body high grade medium pocea iana in Nebraska; very little money reqntred, C. Bradley. Wei bach. Neb. Texas Lands. I'. S. FRANKS Real estate, east Texas land If"" Nevill Blk Dourtms 1M0. Wisconsin Lands. WE OWN 150,000 ACRES. $7.50 to $25.00 per acre. Reasonable terms. GRIMMER LAND CO., Marinette, Wisconsin. AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED TIRES. .y2 Price We make one new tire from two old ones. GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. We Buy and Sell USED CAR6 TIR ES, l.he agents wanted. If you are a hus tler write for our agency proposition. 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO., 1616 Davenport St., Omaha. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 3290. 2047-49 Farnam. Overland Touring and Roadsters. Htudebaker tourings.' Maxwell tourings. Ford tourings. Oakland touring!. Mitchell tourings. Bulck tourings. Hudson tourings. Terms If desired. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town buyers. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Farnam St. Douglas 3310. Cadillac "8" Touring. 1916 Steams-Knight TouTtng. 1916 Chevrolet Touring. ALL TO BE SACRIFICED. 15 PCT. Cash rebate on your auto insurance pol icy If your car Is equipped with PERRY LOCK. Phone. Douglas 3217. 894 Brandeis Bldg. S.O.S. Motor Co. Stpam Heated 2408 Leavenworth. and Fireproof storage, $6 per month. Day and night service. Phone Tyler 717. M9T3PAIGE, electric equipped, $310. 1 1914, 6-&0 Maxwell speedster, $400. Several second-hand Franklins. TELL ft BINKLEY. 2318HarneySL p. 1570. 31 fi S. 24TH ST., CROSSTOWN GARAGE. I). 4442. Single cyl. Harley motorcycle, $26.00. Pony 1917 touring, perfect run ning order, $125.00. Windshields, $6.00, etc. WE will trade you a new Ford for your Old OtlR. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Douglas 6251. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES, C. V. FRANCIS AUTO CO., Douglas 85.1. 2216-18 Farnam St. WILL nay CASH FOR several used TWO' CYLINDER CARS. Phone Harney 5708 and ask for JOHN. BERTSCHY "Kan-FU-H.'" Southeast cor ner 20th and Hartwy Sts. Douglas 2668. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 .Har-nfi- St. Tyler BRi.. Auto Repairing and Painting. $1110 reward for magneto we can't repair. I'oils repaired. Bayndorfer, 210 N. 18th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service, prices right. J 18 S. 19th. P. 7390, PERSONAL THE GREATEST GAIN 43,738 In Paid Want-ads ever made by an nmaha paper, is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1816. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so- Kelts your old clothing, furniture. xinc. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inapect our new borne, 1110-1112-1114 Dodtre St MiaVt ij&ivun nuiiw, maiwiue ana raani- cunnK. cx-Aip ami lauiai uuuimk". outais Institute, 1606 Harney St. D. 7097. Open MISSES LILLY AND GOULD Bath, mas sage. 1322 Farnam Ht. Phone Doug. 2410 LIJELLA WEBSTErT-mMsage and manl curing, mh raxton mn. rtea Z40u. MISS S. BENJAMIN, manicuring, facial. scalp treatment. Htaata Ins. 1608 Harney. MISS NAHM BRUGMAN, set on title masseuse and baths, 203Karbarh Blk. Red 2727 ALL Right Private Matrnlty Home, 3011 Miami St. Webster 2908. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 1372. E. BROTT Magnetic massage. 8424 Coming MISS GILE, mass., chiropody. 1323 Farnam. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. Km. 19. iV?oUrcycic3 and Bicycles HARLKY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bar gains in used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. Horses Live Stock Vehicles PUBLIC SALE. THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1917. 1 will sell at public auction 7 mil north of Florence, Neb., on Calhoun road, and 2 miles south of Fort Calhoun. 17 hd of horses and mules, constating of 7 head of fine mules and nine head of mares, all In foal to my Jack; also one large fine Mammonth Jack, registered, HS hands high, weigh 1.100; X head of good milch cows; this stock is all under 7 years old. Now if you are looking to buy ; good jack, horses or mules. It will par you to attend this sale. Sale starts at 18:30 o'clock, sharp. Free lunch at noon. Will meet all morning trains at Fort Cal houn. Usual terms of sale. BHOSS JENSEN. AUCTIONEERS, J. B. BK1HHIN, Clerk. M. M. STICKLER, Owner. Phone Florence 2&S6. FARM LAND WANTED MAN with three boys, ages 18, 14. t!. wants to rent a farm, all equipped with hones, mschinery, and stock. To farm on the shares or percentage. Address W. Michael, Carroll, la. RANCHES, Farm Lands, bought, sold, ei changed. S. 8 and R. K. Montgomery- POULTRY AND PETJ5TOOC THOROUGHBRED Boston bull pup; cork screw iau ; mourns ora; niroiy hhwiwm. Very reasonable. Phone Harney 0T. Screenings Vl. 60 1O0. A.W. Wagner, 881 N. 18 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Peter N. Winter and wife to Alice Quade, Sixteenth street, 400 Teet south of Canton street, west side. 60x127 $ 1 John Schindler to Brewer E. McCagui Lake street, 300 feet east of Thirty eighth street, north side, 110x300.. 160 Christ Jensen and wife to Ralph Clary, Twwnty -seventh street, 96. 4J feet south of Parker street, west side. 31.87x180 1 Ralph F. Clark and wife to Christ Jensen, Thlrty-iinth street, 186.18 feet south of Fowler avenue, east side, 38.33x1X1.78: Fifty-fourth street 360 feet south of Pratt street, west side. 60x136.6 1 Veronica Madura and husband to Her man A. Thielke, northeast comer Forty-Grit and I streeta, 62.7x130.. 1 Mabel 8. Stephens and husband to Frederick W. Htubondorf, Hadrora avenue, 40 feet west of Thirty-sixth avenue, south side, 40x113 160 Peter G. Shepard to Frank Hlbbeler. Leavenworth street, 260 rest east or Forty-fourth street, north side, 60s 127 1 J. W. Robinson to Faye Allen, Webster street, 311 feet east of Thtrty-alxtb street, south side, 40x160 4,600 Beaton Realty company to William A. Redlck, Farnam street, 310 reel east of Thirty-third street, south sMe, 80x167 6tHnM Frank Mach and wife to George Mach and wife. Fifteenth street, 99 ret south of Dorcas street, east side, 33x167 1 J. R. Alexander and wife to Charlotte Larre, Forty-eighth avenue, 47 feet north of Burt street, east side, 47x 123 199 Adella B. MoCletland et al to E W. Taylor et aL Forty-flrat street, 163.6 feet north of California street, 60x 110 1 William Sternberg to Thomas D. Crane, southwest corner Thirty -sixth and Davcnoort streets, 60x137.6......... 1 Frances M. West and husband to Ser ena E. Rohan, northwest earner Thirty-third Btreet and Lincoln ave nue. 66x160 . 3 Mary Frances Ree and husband to Glacomo Landro et ai, norm west corner Fifth and Pine streets. b$x 103 MOo LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS MEBTTOvO. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Publishing Company will be held at the office of said company, omaaa, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m., on Monday, March 6th, 1917, for the election of the Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other busl nees as may properly come before the meet ing. By order or tne rTesioeni. N. P. FEIL, Secretary, 84 F4dzftt NOTICE OF BTOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Company wlU be held at the office of said Company, Room 701, First National Bank Building, Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m,, on the Seventh day of March A. D., 1917. Lincoln Nebraska, Marcn sin, iwn. C. H. MORRI1L, President. W. W. TURNER. Secretary and Treasurer. Two Trains from The North Still Are Lost in the Snow Instead of arriving Tuesday night, as expected, two St Paul and Minne apolis trains, over the Omaha road, that has been blocked by snow ever since last Thursday, did not arrive, nor were they heard from. It is now figured that the trains are com pletely lost and there is no telling when they will come. Reports from up the Omaha line in the vicinity of Heron lake, Minnesota, there are cuts twenty to thirty feet deep and one-half to a mile long, that are completely filled with snow. The snow is packed so nara mat it cannot be moved with a snow plow and will have to be dug out. England Wants to Know About Bertschy's Process A. J. P. Bertschy received the fol lowing cablegram Tuesday from Sir Robert Hatfield, president of Hat field's, Ltd, Sheffield, England: "If you have agent in this coun try who could supply sample I should be clad to eive it a test in our works." Mr. Bertschy, who is president of the Bertschy Engineering company, Twentieth and Harney streets, last month discovered a new process for making tool steel at a cost of less than 1 cent a pound. Last week an official of the Amer ican Steel and Wire company was here to see the process and declared it was of tremendous importance. Hatfield's, Ltd., is the firm that secured a big contract a few weeks ago for shells for the United States government Burgess-Nash Windows Appeal to All Patriots Patriotism, as set forth in the art of window trimming, is seen in the Burgess-Nash store's display at the corner of Harney and Sixteenth streets. Two excellent steel photogravenrs of President Wilson are the central settings. Flanking the president's pictures are busts of Washington and Lincoln, and draping all of them is the old Red, White and Blue. At either corner of the window are pic tures of "Washington Crossing the Delaware" nd scenes of the famous encampment at Valley Forge. Radiating from Wilson's picture in the center are six silk ribbons, at the ends of which six snow-white doves flutter. Beneath the doves is the quotation. "Peace on Earth Good Will to Men. For KlimmAtisin, Apply Sloan's Liniment to ItaQ palnfal part Is nil you nftfld. Tn pain voas at once. Onlr 2Bc All dnrcrtsts. Al,ertlfwm.nt. LUMBER DEALERS FLOCK TO THE CITY! Secretary Urges Legal Depart ment and Traffic Bureau in His Annual Report. UEGE MORE USE OF LUMBER A legal department and a traffic bureau for the Lumber Dealers' as sociation are among the innovations suggested by Secretary E. E. Hall in his annual report made at the opening session of the annual convention at the Hotel Rome this afternoon. j These departments might, I think. be organized at a minimum expanse," he said, "and add direct value to membership in the association, and 1 would suggest that a committee be appointed to look into the advisability of adding these service helps, if it can be done, and with the authority to establish these departments if in vestigation should show that they are feasible." Follow Other Organizations. Regarding what other state associa tions have already done in this re spect Secretary Hall said: "Many of our neighboring associa tions have organized traffic bureaus through which the members may make claims and adjustments for overcharges, and through which all expense bills may be checked as to rate and amount, and cars may be traced in transit and speeded up. This service is given to members only and these dealers who make use of this bureau find that it pays them in many instances many times the amount of their dues. 'Another feature of association work is a legal department to which each member is permitted to present such erral problems as may con front him in his business, and this legal advice alone is in many cases more than equivalent to several years' dues." Campaign for Members. President S. W. Lightner of St Edward, in his opening address, urged a stronger campaign for membership in the association. "There have been so many of the dealers throughout the state who have been getting the bene fit of the association s work without paying their dues and becoming ac tual members," he said, "that we feel it is time for them all to come in and co-operate with us." He called attention to tne tact that a special membership committee is to work hard during this year to in crease the membership very ma terially. frcsident Lightner pointed out to the members that lumber has not kept pace with other commodities and especially not with other building ma terials in the advance in prices in years past. He declared that lrunber has made no appreciable advance in price ,in twenty years, and that even during the last year when everything else was rising, lumber increased a mere 10 per cent This is looked upon by the lumber dealers as a good talk ing point for a wider use of lumber in construction work, since other build ing materials have advanced so radi cally. President Lightner congratu lated the dealers on a prosperous year of business just closed, and on pros pects for another prosperous year ahead. Lunch at Club. At noon the delegates took lunch at the Commercial club rooms, then took an automobile trip for a tour of inspection of the Iten Biscuit com pany plant and the Brandeis stores. ohn N. Jewett or Chicago, adver tising manager of the Cornell Wood Product company, has a handsome exhibit of the company products in the lobby of the Hotel Kome. Mr. Jewett is very enthusiastic about the future ot wood products, tie pre dicts that suits, overcoats and cloth ing of all kinds will eventually he made of wood fiber, if the cost of woolens, silks and other cloth con tinues to soar. He has hose and other garments made of wood fiber to sub stantiate his claim. Br-r! U-BoatBaby Might Bombard Omaha to Pieces Unless Senator Hitchcock, Con gressman Lobeck, Big Boss Mullen or some other deserving, influential and opulent democrats come to bat with an instant and lusty protest, Col lector McCune's well known Port of Omaha is likely to lose its only means of resisting naval attack, and the min ions of the kaiser, if war is declared, will be able to lay our fair city as low as they did Antwerp, only in about half the time. For the Navy department has called for a complete accounting of all ordnance of the Omaha navy re cruiting station with a view to taking said ordnance away. The local recruiting office has among its implements of war one navy defense mine, one thirty-seven millimeter rapid-fire gun, two six inch shells, one five-inch shell and one cartridge case. Thus is the Port of Omaha fortified against the attack of the enemy. But, alas and alack, the navy may take these, our only means of protec. tion, away, and if it does the kaiser may be able to send one ot his If. boat babies sneaking up the Missouri river or a Zeppelin over from Milwau kee, and where would helpless and defenseless Omaha be? Chinook Wind Melting Snow On Western Range The chinook wind has struck Wyo ming. Advices to the Union Pacific, Burlington and Northwestern are to the effect that the chinook started yesterday and temperatures start ed the day at 36 to 40 degrees above zero, going up rapidly as the wind increased in velocity. Reports to the railroads indicate that the snow on the range is dis appearing rapidly and that the water is beginning to fill the ravines and tow places. Wore Three Overcoats Before Going to Jail Because three overcoats walked off with him, Lee Harris got a sixty-day jail sentence. When arrested Harris wore all three overcoats, one a dress suit affair which, the owner, who ap peared against Harris, said cost $85. "I COT EVEN," SAYS MAN OF MYSTERY Strange 'Phone Call Leads Po lice to Dazed Man, Who is Charlie Lewis. PAYMENT OF OLD GRUDGE "You'll find a man back of the Mil lard hotet," a party called up the sher iff's office. "Five years ago he done me dirt and I got even. His name is Charlie Lewis." In investigating the matter the po lice found a man there in a dazed condition, who was unable to tell what had happened to him or how he came to be in he alley back of the hotel. A Charlie Lewis was found to be living just north of Florence and up on the arrival of Mrs. Lewis, she identified the dazed man as that of her husband. She said that she also had received a telephone message telling her that some one had "got even with her husband." Invited to Drink. Later the dazed man recovered part of his senses and told the police that he had met a friend who had formerly worked under him in the packing house and who he had not seen for the last five years. He fired the man, he said, for some reason, and the man vowed that he would get even, wnen ne met tne inena. ne said, the latter showed no resentment and invited' him to have a drink. From then on he said his mind was a blank. He met the man Sunday, he said, while he was in Florence to purchase some groceries. He recollected that he was in South Omaha drinking with the man Monday, but from then on cannot remember where he was or how he came to be in the alley. Neighbors also received telenhone calls purporting to be from Lewis telling them that he intended to com mit suicide and that they would find' his body near the Ponca school house, three and a halt miles outside oi Florence. A search was instituted there without results. About a vear ago. Mrs. Lewis said that a man sprang out from the weeds while thev were on their way home and sandbagged her husband, from which assault, she said, be has never fully recovered. Lewis owns a small tarm near Flor ence. He has two children. Society Girl to Dance for Those Who See This Film A society girl, under name of Claire Lorraine, appears as a dancer in one of the chapters of The Great Secret," which is to be shown at the Sun theater next Tuesday and Wednes day. Realism is the keynote of "The Great Secret," Metro's unusual serial, m which rrancis X. Bushman and Beverly Baync are co-stars, and real ism explains why Miss Claire Lor raine of Riverside drive, New York, made her screen debut recently, re ceiving therefor a record price. In one of the chanters of The Great Secret" there is a sumptuous setting of a Fifth avenue tea room. A famous dancer is announced to appear. William Christy Cabanne, who adapted the story of The Great secret for the screen and also di rected the production, called on Miss Lorraine and made her a handsome offer. After she was assured that her real name would not be divulged, and that everything in the way of re fined environment would be furnished and instead of pay for services, a check for a certain amount be given to charity, she consented to appear. And so as Claire Lorraine the society girl made her first and probably only screen appearance. Miss Lorraine, as she desires to be known, is but 17 and has spent much of her life in European capitals. She took up dancing as a fad and studied in the most renowned and exclusive schools. She has refused many offers to become a professional because of her social position and family connec tions. Under her real name she has made many appearances in fashion able drawing rooms. She told Direc tor Cabanne that never before had she danced amid more splendid set tings or pleasing environment than those in lhe Great secret Lectures to Girls at the Sacred Heart School Miss Katherine A. Hennessey of Albany, N. i., a young lecturer known chiefly in the east, spoke be fore the girls of Sacred Heart school yesterday at 3 o'clock on Robert Louis Stevenson. Her discussion of the author was based on exhaustive study of his life and works and on information obtained from Steven son's personal friend. Will H. Lowe This is Miss Hennessey's first trip to the west Her last lecture was delivered in Kansas City and from Omaha she goes to Minneapolis. Her itinerary includes Boston, Detroit, Albany, Philadelphia, Cleveland and St Louis. Suffer From Piles no matter how long or bow bad go to your dntggint today and get a 60-cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment. It will give quick relief, and a single box often cures. A trial package mailed free in plain wrapper if you tend us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID OHVa COMPANY, SS0 Pyramid Bids. Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample ot Pyramid Pile Treatment, In plain wrap per. Name.. Street. Olty , . . Assistance THAT IS Dependable is often needed in cases of POOR APPETITE HEARTBURN INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS OR MALARIA and you will make no mistake in trying HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is an excellent tonic and ap petizer. Get the genuine. Be Careful in Using Soap On Your Hair Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is verv injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes bair brittle. The best thins to use rs just plain mulsified cocoannt oil, for it is purr and entirely Rreaseless. Its verv cheap, and beats the most expensive soaps or, anything else alt to pieces. You can get this at any drug store. and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub in, about a teaspoon -ful is all that is required. It maki-. an abundance of rich, creamy lather cleanses thoroughly and rinses ou, easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han dle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust dirt and dandrutt. Advertisement. Neuralgia Neuritis Sciatica, Etc. CURED Fw Trial of Naw Mvthod Tfctt Cum by Ramovlnff th Cause Sand No Monty. Wa'v m imw method that caret 1 Neural- via, Nrarttla, RhumtUm, Aathma, Sciatica, Nauraathanla, Tie Douloureux, ata and we want you to try it at our expena. No mat ter bow great your pain or now terrible the torture you endure from dlaeaaed narvci. our method will bring prompt and bleteed relief. No matter whether your cue ! oc casional or chronic, nor what your age or -occupation, thia method ifaonld cure you right tn your borne. The Miilhalt Method doei not contain drop of morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine, aeetanild, or airy mureotie whataoefcr. H provide a nerre food that cures by remov- g the eaaac, W evDeelally want to lend it to thone to-called "incurable case that have tried all the ncrioua doctors, dopei, itanitarturon, "opeihya, etc, without relief. Wa want to ibow ereryone at our own expenee that thU method will end at once and for all time, all those tortnrea and twinges of almost un bearable pain that art present in Neuralgia, Neuritis. Sciatica. Migraine, Tie Douloureux, Neurasthenia and other nerve diseases. This free offer is too Important to neglect sinsrle dev. Write now and begin the cure st once. Addreat Mulhall Co., Boom 674 Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo. N. T. THAT JAR OF MUSTEK ON THE BATH-ROOM SHELF Has Relieved Pain for Every One in the Family When little Susie had the croup; when Johnny got bis feet wet and caught cold ; when father sprained his knee; when granny's rheumatism bothered her That jar of Musterole was right there to give relief and comfort Musterole is a dean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It will not blister like a mustard plaster. Quick relief for sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma tism, lumbago, pains and acnes of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds on the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). Try Musterole for croupy children. . RHEUMATISM .1J. U. LI J and greater strength which racoon creates. Its rich oil-food enlivens the whole system and strengthens the organs to throw off the injurious acids. Many doctors them selves take Scott's Emulsion and you must stand firm against substitutes. Scott St Bowne, ElooraStld. B. J. A Buying Guide The women of Omaha have in The Bee the best possible buying guide. Advertisements are money savers. They are to the housewife what the market page is to the business man. The full and complete advertising' of almost all of Omaha's store, appears in The Bee. and only in The Bee. It will pay to watch advertising in THE OMAHA BEE " Omaha' i Greatest Market Plaei"