tl; tin-it r-iJi.!B-- lJ.AjJ..J I... Omaha Stiffragists' Luncheon. No organization of the Congret iional Union for woman suffrage was effected Wednesday afternoon, al though a conference of over 150 wo men listened to more than three hours of suffrage talks. Another attempt to organize wilt be marie this morning at 10 o'clock at the Footenelle. Miss Margaret Whittemore, Congressional Union organizer, who was to leave with Miss Beulah Amidon, another organizer, lat night, postponed her departure until a local set of officers shall be chosen. Forty-six women of the number present signed the membership cards to the Congressional Union at 25 cents for a life membership. Among them were Meidames E. M. Fairfield, Halleck Rose, Frank H. Myers, Stephen Davies, S. A. Capen, h A. Follansbee, David McGehey, M. T. D. Williams, Miti Mons ' Cowell, and Miss Louise Pound of the State uni-" versity faculty. Each of these wom en have been active in suffrage work under the national woman suffrage organization or hold office in the Woman's club or Association of Col legiate Alumnae. The meeting started full of promise, hut interest waned as the moments flew. By the time Mayor Dahlman, Miss Sarah Muir of Lincoln, Mrs. Rose, Miss Amidon and Misa Whitte more had finished speaking the con ference had dwindled to a handful of women. When Mils Whittemore completed reading the constitution of the Congressional Union for adoption a half dozen women 'voted a feeble acceptance. There were not enough women to hold an election, so this part of the conference was adjourned until this morning. Mrs. J. H. Domont was the only one who pressed the claims of the National Woman Suffrage association policies at the C U. conference. Other suffragists actively allied with the national society did not attend the meeting. In explaining why Congressional Unionists picket the Whita House, Miss Whittemore asserted it was not because they liked to. It il an ex cellent way to get publicity, that was the reason, she said. Mayor Dahlman sat by and listened while Miss Amidon told how Califor nia women had cut down the demo cratic majority in the last election because the party in power had re fused to do anything for suffrage. Several weeks ago Mayor Dahlman announced he had been converted to suffrage because western women had shown political sagacity in voting the democratic ticket ...-.. Mrs. Warren Blackwell. affiliated with no suffrage society, presided. Among the women present was Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, who had in her party,! Mesdames J. M. Metcalf, I. L. Kennedy, C. WT Russell, C. S. Steb bins and E. C. Twamley. . Mrs. A. L. Fitch had at her table; Meadamee lfeailanwt Charjeo Bono, 3, Hollenbeck, " I Council Bluffe. Council Hlurfl. Arthur L. Wllllama, Clan ti, fowler, ' Walter BmIm, c. H. Merple, Mrs. Frank, H. Myers had with her: lmw Meaaatnm Alfred O. Blllrk, B. 8. Devle, W. Brace Fonda, Mrrtle ritaBoaerte, ' Arthur Walah, CharIM O. Telatase, Fred A. Cueeaden, Nancy White. Uharlea Sumner, Mrs. Charles Johannes entertained at her table: ...... v Meademee Maidamae . w. ounuur, Warren BlacRwell, - Whltcomb, a. w. Bowman. Lawrenea Hayden, V'letor Coffraan hlleeen MlMee , ' Anna Bourae, Clara liewley. '- Mrs. A. C. Anderson had as her guests: . , Weedamee Ueedantee Francea Kolanabee, B. B. Miller, H. J. Peek, II. Barnum, , 1 Minnie Wynant, Mary Morn, t ' " P. Miller, . At Mrs. D..R. MUls' table were: Maadamea . R. L. Bridges, H. K. Holoomb. . Mlaaea ' H. a Clarke, Jr., AonaM Petoreon, Helen Caeanegr, Carol Howard. Kuth Mllla, The guests of Mrs. Joseph Folcar. were: .... ,-. hfeadameo I. w. Woodmsk. lohn Moore, Morris Dunham, , Meedamee Herbert Daniel, T. L. Combe. At the table with Mrs. Halleck Rose were the ushers: Anne Qlfford, Retina Connell, Bosanla Pattereoh, ? Alice Carter, - Ben Boyoe. Meeaai Booa Towto, Mrs. Alfred Darlow had at her table: ' , . - Meadamee Meodamea -' T. M. Orr, k. Her ley Moor need, . John J. Sullivan. J c W. BuaeelL Mlaa Helen Bofcneoe. Among others who attended with smaller groups of guests were: Meadamea H. H. Btevena. (leorfe Summer, Myron Learned, lAUIe Neeh, W. H. Barrett, S. A- Capen, W. B. Purvlanee, Cuthbert Vlnceut, R. C Howe. Joeepn Duffy, Moodamao Frank' Weodl, Lincoln. C a Hartwlok, Richard Cleveland ... Hoyt. Martin HarrH. , , F W. Shotwell. lluntl of Lincoln, Wllkmaan, Wlleon Low, T. L. Trove n. . David Mrtl.bey. MiH Alice Mackenatt. Jotted on the Social Calendar, The winter garden at the Black stone is reserved for the week-end dinner-dance which the Misses Eliz abeth and Meliora Davis have in charge., Eighty guests will make up the party. The Pagalco club will give a danc ing party Tuesday evening of next .week at keeps dancing academy. : Society to Help If Needed. , Omaha women wno visited Chicago during the recent allied bazar held there decided that it was such a huge success that It would be well worth trying in Omaha, For some time it was talked ot quite seriously. Now, however, the . rumors of wars hovering over our heads have com pletely driven all thought of a bazar on behalf of the warring nations of l-.urope trom oar mmds, . The general sentiment seems to be: "We may soon need all the money and the effort for our own wounded and destitute." .The story goes that AAforansjGt THE HIGHEST QUALITY , MACARONI ' " atf ACdt? &Otk fttt JXIKSER MFG. CO. OMAHA. USA SKfflNEK Dfot& lrfJ SPEAKS AT CONGRESSIONAL UNION CONFERENCE. a social affair for Thursday was under discussion. When one woman was approached on the subject she promptly demurred. "Oh, no," she said, that is my afternoon to work at the war relief room; I can't do any thing else on that day." Societv women feel that now. if ever, they must put forth all their el- ions lor me war renei work. wnu knows that we mav not need the hos pital supplies for our own men soon?" People who are going on trips are hesitating. Mrs. lohn A. Kutin. Miss Marion Kuhn, Miss Gertrude Metz and Miss Harriet Mack, who left last evening for Honolulu, felt some hes tancy about setting forth, but all their reservations having been made, they decided to leave as arranged. Tense waiting il the attitude which most people have adopted and every lunch eon table or bridge party has its dis cussion of what we would do it there were war. ' Pending word from the Literary Di- gest, the $1,000 raised by Omaha peo ple for the Literary Digest fund on behalf of starving Belgian children is being held at the Omaha National bank. Miss Carrie Millard, who has the fund in charge, was at the bank preparing to send the money by New York draft to headquarters, when news came of the break in diplomatic relations Willi vrcimajiy. Knights Templar Reception. Mount Calvary Coromandery will give its annual reception and dance at the Blackttone Thursday evening, February 15. Full Templar uniform will be worn by the knights. The committee in charge of the affair in cludes Messrs. Jonathan Mellen. Dan iel A. Johnson, Walter G. Silver, John T. Dysart, Harold L. Pritchett. Charles W. Y. Loucks. William S. Rowe, Harry C. Schroeder and George W. Long. Personal Mention. Miss Joseohine Nearv is recovering; from a surgical operation at St. Jo seph's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rood plan to leave about April. 1 to superintend the building of a log house on their ranch in the Black Hills. They ex pect to remain there several months. Mrs. Austin J. Collett and two sons have returned to their home at Santa Domingo. Mr. Collett went ahead. Mrs. G. H. Renard of Wausa, Neb., who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Bridges lor the last week, leaves this evening for her home. . With the Card Clubs. Mrs. R. E. Graham entertained one of the Wednesday whist clubs at the macKsrone. valentine decorations and heart-shaped score cards were RmJ with rA tl.lirta a 4a. . U - table. Mrs. William Simpson is the n.wt liAtl.,, " ' Mrs. Cheater Nieman will entertain ihft Mnnrlav Rriae f l..k .... .........J ... .u0v UUUbUWII viuv a week from Monday. , Drake Cards Received. Cards have been received by Omaha friinrla frnm Mr, Cmmm Uf:i..u: of San Bernadino, Cal., announcing me marriage 01 ner daughter, Grace, and Mr. Luther Drab rimi,B January 25, and that Mr. and Mrs. )rake will be at home after March i at the uiackstone. To Honor Bride. Miss Emily Wen (worth entertained at an informal afternoon for Miss Marie Horloe. whrte m,;... .u. Dlace thil mnnth Miee H...I r will give a kensington for Miss Hodge e-cuiuary it. Pleasures Past, . ' Mr. and Mr. 11 R W-,ll at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hoisjngton of Neligh, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Hoising ton are spending the winter with their wuu, cTcreu u. noisington. Covers were laid for seven. Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Bridges enter tained last evening at a bridge party in honor of their house guest, Mrs G, H. Renard, of Wausa, Neb., when four tables were placed fur the game. The parlors were decorated in spring flowers. . '. Creighton College Affair. Creighton University Mixers' club gave a banquet and prom in honor , EDITH 1 WAGONER - . ,. Praaaats Mrs. Edward MacDowell tan.,- . I Lecture Recital : Y. W. C. A. AUDITORIUM SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 10 AT EIGHT FIFTEEN . . "rkee SI .00. TSc an. SOe from rRRsuthoililifiPh "She plared ht the aplrit of the master huaeelf." -Ctnetaaeti Inquirer. "Hre. HaeDowwU met with tnataa Uneoni acclamation." Coanuut (Ohio) Newe-Uerala. . "Keep. Your I HEY are dangerous out suddenly lifted over the The soft eyelids down cup hiding mouth and nose only the brows and still eyelids -demure unexpressive. Suddenly they are lifted and two eyes regard of the junior and senior classes at the Blackstone last evening. The mayor and Mrs. James C. Dahlman and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woodrough were guests of honor. The governor and Mrs. Keith Neville and Judge Andrew M. Morrissey were unable to attend. Dr. E. H. Bruening was the toast master. The toasts were: "Creigh ton," R. F. Mullin; "Our Alumni," Bryan M. Riley; "Influences," Arthur F. Mullen, and "Omaha," J. C Dahl man. Entertain at Luncheon. Mrs. D. A. Foote entertained at luncheon at the Commercial club in honor of Mrs. E. F. Denison, wife of the general secretary of the Young Men's Christian association. Decora tions were in pink. Covers were laid for six guests. Mrs. M. S. Walkin entertained at a luncheon yesterday at the Fonte nelle for Miss Marie Baden of Kan sas City, Mo. The luncheon table had a basket of pink roses for a centerpiece. After luncheon the 'guests went to Mrs. Walkin's home, where the afternoon was spent enjoying a musical program. Mrs. Charles L. Smith will enter tain at a bridge lunchon at her home tomorrow in honor of Miss Baden. A basket of tulips will form the cen terpiece and the place cards will be yellow tulips. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. The high food value as well as the low price of Silver Cham, ghres it im portsmca with practical booawwivea. Orjy high grade fats, soch as are doily cammed in every household, combined with ctofca paailewl wOk, 'are used in this fine product Put Silver Churn on yoor tu sixl redtx yowbotwbflla. TJse kataoinyoor baking and cooking, with perfect cwifslwye as to its parity and heaeithfulness. Lik aD Arrnorrr top-grada food products. Silver Oram cornea nndr the Oval Quality Label. Specify Sflver Churn by narot when orderirif. ABMOUBCOMPATTr m ROBT. BUDATZ, Mgr, Utk 4 Jwaoa Sta. Paeoe Dong. loss. Omaha. Nek. W. L. WUkiaeoa, Sank A qTSo. 170. THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1917. Eyes in Your of it I" Did you ever see a girl's eyes white rim of her cup as she drank under their fringes the fan-shaped Tone is the Heart of a Piano On the surface most pianos look alike, but the real value of a piano is the tone. For years the HADDORFF PIANO has been one of the standard makes. It is built with all the care and attention given the making of the finest watch. Haddorff pianos have a tone all their own Ezdusrve patented features, high grade materials and superb ' workmanship make this piano the choice of music lovers. We have the Haddorff Piano in various styles at direct factory branch prices, sawing yon the middleman's profit Haddorff Music House 1807 Farnam Street "Watch Our Window." Doug. 4240 When in BOSTON Stay at the HOTEL BRUNSWICK BOYLSTON ST., COR. CLARENDON, FACtNO. Conxv Souanc A Htghclaea, modem niinoe, rfttatUaeat earrlee, pleesaat leonavseperlor entente. Ladtee traeellos alooe are aeoarod of mwlemie attention. Check baggage to Sack Bay Station, bate train there, ana you are within snuantea walk eihotaL Boscage traaifenoafmifcbckaan) given ear clerk when regwtarins. (uaoetM puw. sural Root, a, $1.60 Fj with bath Sa.oo ur. Douevt .so " " 3.00 " Aminicaa win, S4.00 k DAT ve pwco S. MMia. P no etc ran - "ft! I 4 CaHuiAVmiirSg ?::: ' aVaVaeeTaf mm a. Sa At I e ' -a.wavjw ' at WN.V SSmwM a aSSh W W aOTaaSl atY -:. .T,..,... .-. Cup" O SL&LifcsKS? you I No matter how sober they are your heart goes pity-oatl There is something about the gaze of a pair of feminine eyes widely re garding over the cup she drinks from that calls and stirs. So you understand why a little maid's duenna says, "Keep your eyes in your cup, my child." NELL BRINKLEY. i Doug. 4240 e nne & SiiiiiuiniininiiniiiiniiiniiiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu I Hats Off To Tip-Top Bread! j 1 It's the answer to the high cost of living. If s a great big loaf made of good flour, good yeast, good shortening, good milk all food value and it 1 takes the place of more expensive things at every meal. It's good with butter, with jelly, with jam. It's good as sandwiches, toast, paddings. 1 It's good, wholesome food any way yon take it, and it's cheap at 10 cents. I We could not afford to give you this bread value at I E 10c if we did not save in labor and wrappers and 1 by making a big loaf. Ask for Tip-Top, 10c Baked Electrically. "It's Bigger and Better" 1 Petersen & Pegau Baking Co. ( sj Formerly U. P. Steam Baking Co. autumiraiuiinaiiiiiu UNIONIST WOMEN , ASK COOPERATION Mia s Whittemore Explains Aim at the Meeting at the Blackstone Hotel. CONCENTRATE" SENTIMENT :, "We are not asking suitiagats tr. choose between the Congressional.! union and the National Woman Snf- frage association. We are appealing-! for greater co-operation," explained I Miss Margaret Whittemore, Cgrea sional union organizer, in her address at the conference-luncheon held at thw. Blackstone today. "The difference m the two organizations is only that we ! are not doing propaganda work, though we think it an excellent tiring for the other suffragists to do, she said. Here is the policy of the mticn mooted Congressional union as out lined by Miss Whitfore: 'To concentrate existing suffrage sentiment on congress, backed by groups from the 4,000,000 women voters. "To deal with the party which con trols legislation, no matter which one it is." "The Congressional union is in no way incompatible with any other suf frage organization. Its work over laps to the extent that almost every member of the Congressional union also belongs to the national, and fre quently officers in one organization also hold office in the other," said Miss Whittemore. Miss Whittemore described the first great convention of women voters m San Francisco and the cross-country auto trip of Sarah Bard Field to se cure signers to the suffrage petition and other work in congress all spon sored by the Congressional union. "Since the democratic party is in power, we expect it to grant us suf frage," she said. Miss Mary Graham of Lincoln, dean of women at the state university, and Miss Blanche Grout of the university faculty, Mrs. Halleck Rose and Miss Beulah Amidon were other speakers. Miss Whittemore and Miss Amidon go tonight to Des Moines, leaving Congressional union affairs in Ne braska in the hands of the organiza tion which was effected at today's meeting. Other Congressional union speakers will come later. SEA FOODS Received Direct From Coast Twice a Week Live Lobsters a Specialty HOTEL ROME Safe Milk or Infants Invalids ibstitsfbss Coat YOU SeatePriea A Nutritious Diet for AH Ages. Keep Horlfck's Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Home or Office. ilir: ICllMkilir.e I