Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Are You Being Slowly
Poisoned ?
The most eminent physicians recog
nue that uric acid stored up in the
system is the cause of gout and rheu
matism, that this uric acid is deposited
in tne joints, muscles, or nerve
sheath. By experimenting and analy
sis at the Surgical Institute in Buf
falo, N. Y., Dr. Pierce discovered a
combination of native remedies that
ne called Anunc, which drives out the
uric acid from the system, and in this
way the pain, swelling and inflamma
tion subside. If you are a sufferer
from rheumatism, backache, pains here
or there, you can obtain Anuric (dou
ble strength) at any drug store and
get relief from the pains and ills
brought about by uric acid.
Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due
to a dropsical condition, often caused
By disordered kidneys. Naturally
when the kidneys are deranged the
blood is filled with poisonous uric
acid, which settles in the tissues of
the feet, ankles, wrists or back as
uratic salts; or under the eyes in bag
like formations.
It is just as necessary to keep the
kidneys acting properly as to keep
the bowels active to rid the body of
The very best possible wav to take
care of yourself is to take a glass of
hot water before meals and an Anuric
tablet. In this way it is readily dis
solved with the food, picked up by
the blood and finally reaches the kid
neys, where it has a cleansing and
tonic effect. '
Step into a drug store and ask for
a iU-cent package or Anuric, or send
Dr. Pierce 10c, for trial pekg. Anuric
many times more potent than lithia.
eliminates uric acid as hot water melts
sugar. A short trial will convince
you. Advertisement.
8y we will both look and fed
clean, tweet and fresh
and avoid Illness.
Sanitary science has of late made
rapid strides, with results that are of
untold blessings to humanity. The
latest application ot its untiring re
search is the recommendation that it
is as necessary to attend to internal
eanitation of the drainage system of
the human body as it is to the drains
of the house.
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a
daisy by opening the sluices of the
system each morning and flushing out
the whole of the internal poisonous
stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each mornine before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a tcaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it to wash from
the stomach, liver and bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste, sour
bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans
ing, sweetening and purifying the en
tire, alimentary -canal before putting
more tood into the stomach. I he
action of hot water and limestone
phosphate on an empty stomach is
wonderfully invigorating. It cleans
out all the sour fermentations, gases,
waste and acidity and gives one a
splendid appetite for breakfast. While
you are enjoying your breakfast the
phosphated hot water is quietly ex
tracting a large volume of water
from the blood and getting ready
for a thorough flushing of all the
inside organs.
The millions of people who arc
bothered with constipation, bilious
spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic
stiffness; others who have sallow
skins, blood disorders and sickly
complexions are urged to get a quar
ter pound of limestone phosphate
from the drug store. This will cost
very little, but is sufficient to make
anyone a pronounced crank on the
subject of internal sanitation. Advt.
Sage Tea Dandy
to Darken Hair
Look years younger) Use the old-time
Sage Tea and Sulphur and
nobody will know.
You can turn gray, faded hair beau
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
night if you'll get a 50-cent bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound" at any drug store. Millions
of bottles of this old famous Sage
Tea Recipe, improved by the addi
tion of other ingredients, are sold
annually, says a well-known drug
gist here, because it darkens the hair
so naturally and evenly that no one
can tell it has been applied.
Those whose hair is turning gray
or becoming faded have a surprise
awaiting them, because after one or
two applications the gray hair van
ishes and your locks become luxuri
antly dark and beautiful.
This is the age of youth. Gray
haired, unattractive folks aren't
wanted around, so get busy with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound tonight and you'll be delighted
with your dark, handsome hair and
your youthful appearance within a
few days.
This preparation is a toilet requi
site and is not intended for the cure,
mitigation or prevention of disease
To Avoid Dandruff
I You do not want a slow treatment
for itching scalp when hair is falling
and the dandruff germ is killing the
hair roots. Delay means no hair.
Get, at any drug store, a bottle of
zemo for 25c or $1.00 for extra large
tite. Use as directed, for it does the
work quickly. It kills the dandruff
fterm, nourishes the hair roots and im
mediately stops itching scalp. It is
4 pore, reliable, antiseptic liquid, is not
fcreasy, is easy to use and will sot stain.
Soaps and shampoos are harmful, as
they contain alkali. The best thing to
use for scalp irritations is zemo, for it
is safe and also inexpensive.
y The a W. Ron Co.. CtoTeluA, O.
. At Draaiwta.
j Brief City News
Wedding- Ring Edholm. Jeweler.
Un Root Print It Now Beacon Press.
Goes East With Buyers c. C Beld-
cn ot Thompson. Belden & Co. has
gone east with several buyers.
Wrenches Her Knee Mrs. W. D.
Mcllugh is confined to her home with
a badly wrenched knee caused by
Insurance Men at Banquet The
Mutual Benem Lite Insurance com
pany will have a bunquet for seventy
ac tne lilackstone Friday evening.
Towl Engineering Company 'has
moved to top noor New First National
bank building. Expert drainage and
municipal engineers. Phone Douglas
Rreakx heg in Kail While on his
way to the Aetna hotel from work
Henry Mauss, laborer, slipped on the
icy sidewalk and suffered a fractured
right arm.
Two Wives Freed Two wives have
been granted decrees in divorce court
as follows: Reka Viola McCormlrk
from William L. MrCormlck and Bar
bara Pricss from John Priess.
Fourth I win re In Series Mrs.
Harriet Tuttle Bartlett will give the
fourth of her serirs of levturos, "The
Supersensitive Child," this evening
at Theosophical hall, 701 Bee build
ing. Scalded in Hath Tnb John Hig-
grins, a lodger in th work house, was
painfully scalded about the arms when
he was playfully shoved into a bath
tub by George Parks. He was Just
going to take a bath. Higgins was
UiKen to St. Joseph s hospital.
Saffrac Debate The Young Peo
pies forum will assemble at Miller
Park school this evening to hear
Gladys lsom tell why the suffrage
amendment to the federal constltu
tion should be adopted and Earl Davis
win tell why it should not be adopted.
New Globes Comtnc Superintend
ent Taylor ot tne city gas street light
ing department states he expects a
shipment of new globes within two
weeks. He has received many com
plaints from citizens on account of
defective gas lamps. An order for
globes was placed last summer.
Steal Nine Pairs of Garten Anna
Trusky reported to the police that
while absent from hcV domicile, 606
Poppleton avenue some thief made off
with one pair of her hose and nine
pair of garters. Several days ago Miss
rrusky also reported that burglars had
entered her house and taken 17.
Reward for Burglars Burglars
gained entrance to the store of Louis
Maskovltz, Missouri Valley. la., and
stole JS6 in cash, a quarter carat dia
mond ring and a large amount of mer
chandise. The Omaha police have been
furnished with descriptions of the bur
glars and asked to be on the lookout
for them. A reward of 150 is offered.
Story Is Not Believed Tom Mumhy
told Police Judge Fitzgerald that he
wanted to be honest. He tried, he
said, to make a little money by in
vesting his last 5 in twelve spark
plugs. But Murphy was unable to
satisfactorily explain why he tried to
sell the spark plugs in a saloon for
HQ was given a sixty-day sen
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland,
Gompers Will Do All He
Can to Keep U. S. at Peace
New, York, Feb. 7. Sampel Gom
pers, president of the American Fed
eration of Labor, said tonight he and
ins organization will do everything
within their power to avert a war be
tween the United States and Germany.
cut if war comes, said he. the
working men of America and the
labor unions in the federation will do
their duty by their country. Let no
one doubt that."
Break Will Interfere With
Collection of Peter's Pence
Milan (Via Paris). Feb. 7. The
relations of the Vatican with Ameri
can Catholic bishops are, according
to the Secolo. seriouslv affected and
almost prevented by the German
blockade notice and protest has been
made to the nuncios at Munich and
The Secolo savs the Vatican con
siders the blockade t ill be the cause
of material damage throng!, interfer
ence with the tribute of the Peter's
Want Power to Commandeer
All Privately-Owned Ships
Washington. Feb. 7. Congress was
urged by the administration tonight
to amend tne federal shipping law so
as to -authorize the shinning board
in time of war or threatened war, to
commandeer all ships under construc
tion in the United States of foreign
owners. Authority also was asked to
commandeer all privately owned
American ships in time of emergency.
Ohio House Votes to
Make Quail a Sonqbird
Columbus, 0 Feb. 7. By an almost
unanimous vote the Ohio house of
representatives today passed a bill to
put quail on the song bird list and
prevent hunters from killing them.
The measure now goes to the senate.
Under exisiting law quail may not be
killed until 1920.
French Munitions Makers
Are Charged With Graft
Washington. Feb. 7. Charges that
French munitions manufacturers have
made millions in excessive prohts on
government contracts are contained
in a report ot a committee of the
French senate outlined in dispatches
today from Commercial Attache Ve-
ditz at Paris.
Hour Peple Don't Know
alagg-iah liver causes an awful lot of
misery to keep it active use Dr. King's
New Life Pille. Only S6e. All druggists.
urgess-Nash Company
Wednesday, February 7, 1917.-
-Phone Douglas 137.
A Great Unloading of Seasonable, Wanted Merchandise,
Beginning Thursday, at Wonderful Price Reductions
TT'S housecleaning time in the Down Stairs Store, inventory brought to light many lot of seasonable merchandise that we do not want to carry over
- to another season and these, together with odd lots, broken assortments and discontinued lines, have been marked at prices that will take them
out in a hurry. Then, too, it's in reality an introductory sale planned to quickly introduce to you the great advantages of shopping in the Down Stairs
Store, brought about by the re-arrangement of the layout of this big underpriced store. Taken all together, it's an occasion you cannot afford to
Don't let anything keep you away. Come, rain or shine, snow or blow. The season's greatest galaxy of real bargains awaits you.
Women's Lingerie Waists
at 33c
WOMEN'S lingerie waists, in
a wide variety of styles,
the materials are voile and ba
tiste, in white and assorted
stripes, sizes 34 to 44. The val
ue is very extreme. Choice, 33c.
Crepe de Chene Blouses
at 98c
Crepe de chene waists in flesh
and white and a few black blouses.
Several styles from which you may
choose; sizes from 34 to 46. Every
waist fresh, crisp and clean; spe
cially featured during the sale,
at 98c.
Burgesa-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store
Embroidery Flouncing
A SELECTION of dainty em
broidery flouncings, Swiss,
voile, rice voile, etc., beauti
fully embroidered in pretty de
signs; full 46 inches wide; spe
cial, at, yard, 17c.
18-Inch Flouncings,
Yard, 9c
Corset cover and embroidered
flouncings, also rice voile
flouncings, 18 inches wide; very
specially priced during this sale,
at, yard, 9c.
Edges and Insertions,
v Yard, 3c
A selection of dainty em
broidery edges and insertions,
1 to 4 inches wide; variety of
designs and patterns to choose
from; specially featured in the
sale, at, yard, 3c.
Burgaaa-Naab Co. Dawo Staira Stora
Wonderful Shirt Values
at 44c sgs
A FINAL clearaway of all "odds"
and "ends" of the upstairs and
down stairs store accumulated in
one big lot at an enormous cut in
price, even below what any shirt, no
matter how inferior the quality
might be, can be bought at whole
sale ; sale price) 44c.
Flannel Shirts, 98c
Any man's flannel shirt in our entire '
Down Stairs Store; all sizes; blue, gray
and, in fact, all good colors; remember,
your unrestricted choice, 98c,
Burgees-Noah Co. Down Staira Storo
Wash Cloths, lc
AN unusually attractive value in
wash cloths well made,
firmly knit and very desirable.
While they last, in this sale, at,
choice, lc.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
Wash Goods Remnants, lc
ONE big lot of mill ends of col
ored wash materials; many
pieces may be matched; pretty
colorings, and very desirable; spe
cially priced, at, each, lc.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Suira Stora
Kimono Challies, 5c
A GOOD selection of challie in
pretty designs and patterns
for kimonos and dressing sacqnes;
full 27 inches wide; special, at,
yard, Sc.
Borgaaa-Naab Co. Down Staira Stora
Cretonnes, lc
THE well-known Stratford cre
tonnes, in a variety of pretty
designs; full 36 inches wide; very
desirable for comforters, etc.; an
unusual value, in the sale, at,
yard, 7 H e. 1
Burgaaa-Naab Co. Down Staira Stora
Jewelry Sale at 5c
ONE big assortment of jewelry,
including hair pins, back
combs, barrettes, leather and
metal fobs, soft-collar pins,
brooches, bar pins, emblem but
tons, jet and ivory crosses, cuff
pins, etc ; unusual values in every
instance; choice, Sc.
Jewelry at 10c
Included in this lot are gold
plated bracelets, vanity cases,
mesh purses, stone-set barrettes
and combs, cigarette cases and
many other special values in jew
elry, specially featured in this
sale, at, choice, 10c.
Jewelry at 19c
Gold-filled cuff links, scarf
pins, crosses, fobs, brooches, bar
pins, belt pins, arts and crafts
pina and imported pins. All ex
thaordinary values at the sale
price of 19c.
Hat Pins, lc
A selection of stone-set hat
pins, in the sale, at, choice, lc.
Burgeaa-Naah Co, Down Sutra Store
Men's Blue Denim
THINK of it!
Men's high
back and suspen
der overalls,
made of 220 and
240 American
blue demon, with
two front-swing
pockets,' watch
and pencil pocket
on bib, rule
pocket on right
leg, two patch
hip pockets, two
buttons on side
opening and two
on bib; all seams
double stitched
and felled. None
sold to dealers.
Burgeaa.Naah Co. Down Staira Storo
Stationery, 3 Boxes, 10c
AN odd assortment of station
ery, good quality paper and
envelopes; specially priced, at 3
boxes for 10c.
Bargeoa-Naeh Co. Down Staira Storo
Copying Books, 10c
LETTER copying books, best
quality tissue paper, ranging
from 300 to 700 leaves to the
book; for a quick clean-up they
are priced at, each, 10c.
Burgeae-Naeh Co. Down Staira Stora
Expense Books, lc
ONE lot of small expense and
time books, very desirable for
men on the road; sale price, 10c
the dozen, or lc each.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
Handkerchiefs, 4c
A BIG lot of colored-border
handkerchiefs for men, in
splendid patterns and quality; very
specially priced for this three-day
sale, at 4c each.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Statre Store
Men's Overcoats
MEN'S ulsters, in black and
gray; all sizes, 34 to 40; very
special, at $4.95.
Men's Suits, $4.95
Wen's suits, of cheviots, wor
steds and cassimeres; sizes for
young men, 15 to 20, and for men,
34 to 44; sale price, $4.95.
Men's Pants, $2.95
Cassimere and worsted pants,
good neat stripe effects; all size
waist measures, 32 to 44; at
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Storo
Men's Underwear 29c
TEEN'S 2-piece fleeced, undor
wear, heavy weight, soiled,
mostly shirts; very special, at,
each, 29c.
Men's Underwear, 45c
Men's 2-picce cotton ribbed un
.derwear, heavy weight and lighter
garments; extra well made; not all
sizes, but if wo have yours it will
be a saving of one-half; price,
each, 45c.
Union Suits, 98c
Any man's union suit, cither
wool, cotton or fleeced lined, in
our Down Stairs Store .section;
this means a surprising reduction;
at 98c.
Burgeeo-Naeh Co. Down Staira Storo
Sweater Coats, 50c
A CLEARAWAY of a limited
quantity of sample sweater
coats. The sale price is but a
fraction of the fornier price.
Burgaaa-Naab Co. Down Staira Store
Men's Cotton Hose
glG lot of men's cotton hose,
in black, and some colors;
good quality, strictly fast, all
sizes; in Down Stairs Store,
pair, Sc.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Store
Men's Hats
rALANCE.of the "Black"
J stock, including favored
styles in soft hats, in' black,
green, gray, brown, etc.; also
stiff hats, in brown and black;
all at, choice, 25c
Burgeoa-Naeh Co. Down Staira Store
Children's Dresses
at 39c
CHILDREN'S washable dress
es, made of gingham and
percale, in check and stripe ef
fects; middy, dutch and long
waisted styles are included;
some are slightly mussed; in
one big group, choice, at 39c.
Burgeaa-Naah Co, Down Staira Store
Notions! Notions!
Skirt belting all widths, yard, 5c.
Safety pins, 2 cards, 5c.
Wooden coat hangers, lc.
Wire hair pins, paper, lc.
Trimming buttons, card, lc.
Silk finish crochet cotton,
spool, 3c.
Pearl buttons, card, 2c.
Small barrettes, each, 5c.
Bone hair pins, box, 5c.
Children's hose supporters,
sizes, pair, 10c.
Small scrub brushes, each, 5c.
200-yd. spool cotton thread,2Kc
50-yd. spool silk, 3?c
Colored bias tape, bolt, 10c.
Hooks and eyes, card, 1c.
60-inch tape lines, each, lc.
Linen tape, 6 widths to pkg., 10c.
C. M. C. crochet cotton, all colors,
ball, 6Mc
- Burgeea-Neeh Co. Down Stair Store
Women's, Girl's, Boy's and Infant's
Shoes at Prices Greatly Reduced
r to-
Group I at $2.35
OEVERAL hundred pairs of women's shoes that have
been transferred from our Second Floor Section;
including patent colt and gunmetal, button and lace,
goodyear welt soles, cuban and low heels; during the
sale, pair, $2.35.
Group II at $1.69 ,
A big lot of women's high shoes in kid
patent and gun metal ; shoes that have been
reduced to $1.69.
' &
i ' 1
Boys' Shoes,
at $2.39
Sample pairs of boys' black oil grain shoes with
solid oak tan leather soles choice, at $2.39.
Girls' Shoes,
at $2.45
Girls' patent colt dull calf button shoes;
well made, and very special, at $2.45.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Down Stain Storo
Boys' Shoes,
$2.45 and $2.95
Boys' high-cut torm boots, in black and tan
calfskin, in two big groups, at $2.95 and $2.45.
Infants' Shoes,
at 89c
Infants' and child's button shoes, patent kid,
vici kid, cloth and kid tops; really the price quoted
is less than cost of making; pair, 89c.
Drugs Toilets
1 lot of rubber gloves, all sizes, 25c
1 lb. absorbent cotton, 37c. -1
qt. household ammonia, 12c. ' -Mentholatum,
jar, 15c.
Listerine, bottle, 34c.
Camphorated toilet cream, 10c.
Witch hazel toilet cream, 10c.
Transparent handle tooth brushes,
at 14c.
'1 lot pure bristle hair brushes, 49c
Wire hair brushes, 49c.
Soaps! Soaps!
Large cake cocoanut oil soap, 3c
Toilet soap, 3 cakes, 11c.
Peroxide soap, cake, 7c.
Lilac roso soap, 7c.
Free- 1 cake Palmolive soap
with a bottle of Chappedine, 25c
Women's Fjose,
Pair, 9c ;
MrOMEN'S plain black cotton
hose, hem tops, seamless; J
vvi specially pncea in me saic,
at, pair, 9c.
Women's Silk
Boot Hose, 29c
Women's black, pure thread silk
boot hose; full regular made foot,
full fashioned; subject to imper
fections; a splendid value in. the
sale, at, pair, 29c.
Infant's Hose,
Pair, 5c
Baby's cashmerette hose, white
only, seamless; sale price, pr., 5c.
Burgaaa-Naab Co. Down Staira Storo
Burgeaa-Naah. Co. Down Stair Store