THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1917. The Omaha Bee 1 PlttT fllORMINO-EVENINO-SUNDAY J FOUNDED BY EDWARD KOSEWATER. VICTOR BOSEWATER. EDITOR THE EKE PUBLIBHINQ COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. ftrtsras at Ommhs potoffict m irenRd-eiag nutter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Cvtmt BT Mill Mr Ml .......... . T"- TWIT KM ta4v... - " J-S gat Irsii-r iii "401 S.OS .Mtar tm oatr - Mi t.N IHUr Mt Smtv . in ta 4.--.. ......-t.M SMS MM f aMw iMhh gr brtHUHV la ddlnfr to Oiute REMITTANCE. . t (MM sr Vt torn or poaul onte. OnU lnt ttam i ta u1i(Ml norau Panul fkacjta, m as (hubs m OFFICES. i MtdlM. Chh ft rwnWt r)M BafMlBf. tUVI OiiiiU till H SL ! Tort ?M nm to. 1.1. i. now H . I" . .minww WaiMinua 1 1411 St. H. W. Coaacfl IMIk-ll It. SUM K. CORRESPONDENCE. JANUARY ORCULATION 54,320 Daily Sunday 49,878 i Ma mAmriUi tad inn la br thrisM he ch should km The Bm AMm ckBd request". Bolts and bean (ox trot in the pits and the consumer pays the fiddlers. Speaking of signs of spring, the shop win dows have the robin beaten a mile. The patriot who raises two jobs where but one flourished before wins a place in democracy's hall of fame. Again we are reminded how hard it is to bold man who Is drafted for a public office he does not want Besides other consideration for their activities, the U-boats hasten tbe job of filling that hole in the bottom of the sea. I Fifteen vessels submarined in twenty-four hours would indicate quite a good day for "ruth lessness." Wonder what average is expected to b maintained? ' I. From tbe number of salary-boosting measures fctrodoced, ft is hard to tefl whether the Doug la delegation looks to the taxpayers or the tax caters as their constituency, Intense cold overspreads Europe, multiplying the normal distress of war. Temperatures far below tero in Germany must chill the enthusi asm of making things hot elsewhere. ' For the time being, the war flurry has com pletely obscured the "leak probe," "bone-dry," ' "eortc". and various other Bests which those im mediately concerned are glad to escape. Another brewery fire I What a shame to let the flames lick up so much liquid joy when there are so many parched throats and the time to the "dnr" inaugural ceremonies is so short I ' L. J!S 1 .. No amount of conversation will damage the State house or rear a new one. The building sur vived many man-made cyclones, but hot air is at a discount among builders these stirring days. ; To keep the record straight it should be re , membered that the volume of bills turned in by the Douglas county delegation merely glimpses the total of the campaign promises made to get m on. The piping times of peace may cease (or a while, but, as Garfield said: "God reigns and the government at Washington still lives." 'The thought inspires strength to meet the demands of national duty. Fifteen thousand Japanese reservists in the Hawaiian islands are reported to have tendered their services to the United States in event of war. Coming at this time the report is very an Boring and threatens a relapse in circles suffer ing; from Japanophobia. rf v T cannot believe the United States govern meat would seize our ships," says the director general of tbe HambuYg-American line. But the crippling of tbe machinery of the interned vessels suggests that officers and crews are under in structions to take no chances. Specious Plea Against Municipal Control The bill to take from Omaha (and other Ne braska cities, too) the power of control and regulation of its public utilities is being urgently pressed in a way that indicates something back of it more than mere sentiment. This same measure, when up before the last legislature, was beaten because undisguisedly a corporation measure and its defeat was an admitted Jolt to the corporation emissaries and lobbyists. Yet, in an appeal for support of the present bill, one of its promoters has the brashness to declare that "the men who are opposing this bill and what it stands for are the men who are in charge of publicly-owned utilities. The taxpay ers o( the city, who want their business man aged along business principles, are not opposing this measure and will never oppose it when they understand it." ' The mind o( the taxpayer may be peculiar and the attorney here quoted pose as a good mind- reader, .but when the taxpayer of Omaha realizes that an effort is under way to make him go to Lincoln with every grievance he may have against any of the public utilities serving him here and present it to a State Railway commission, com posed for the most part of men who never before lived in a place that boasted a street car system or a gas plant, we doubt whether he will regard it as a boon, even though he may not always be wholly satisfied with the way the municipal au thorities handle the problem. With the situation in the smaller cities and towns, whose public service troubles are confined to telephones and electric lighting, we are not so familiar. The telephone service is already sub ject to the railway commission and, perhaps, properly. so, being as much state-wide as local, but that does not apply equally to the others. While no one blames the public service cor poration (or preferring to be relieved of local control, no sound reason has been advanced why their patrons and the public generally should ac quiesce. Semiofficial reports of extensive graft in mu nition contract in France occasion no great sur prise. War is the handmaid of graft In one form or another, grafter get in their work while public attention is gripped by the progress of the straggle. The exception to the rule here is that France found It out first Pity the poor Astor babyl Though little more than 4 years old $60,000 has been spent on his upkeep and a larger appropriation is de manded, say $25,000 a year. A devoted group of nurses, maids, cooks, doctors and guardians stick closely to the kid's bottle and let none of the juice get away. The Dollar In War -PhUuhlpfcla U4gm If war comes with Germany, how will the two countries stand financially? I he United States occupies a vastly better position than Ger many in every particular. First of all, the people of the Unitrd States, outside of a ten-million-dollar bond issue, have scarcely a dollar invested anywhere m trie lour belligerent nationslfighting under the Hohenzollern flag. On the contrary, both Germany and Austria have very large sums invested in America. Before the war began, Germany alone had a bilHon dollars planted in various enterprises in our country.. Part of that has certainly been liquidated, but the German investment in our railroad securities is still hun dreds of millions. . War usually stops the payment of dividends and interest between combatant nations. Were this rule to follow in case of war at this tune, Americans would suffer but little. In the matter of debts and ability to finance a war. the United States stands upon an eminence high above every other country on earth. Our national wealth is more than double that of Germany, while our national debt is now not one-tenth as great as that of Germany. The United States could raise billions of dollars at a much lower rate of interest that Germany has been forced to pay for every dollar of its upward of ten billions raised since the outbreak ot war. The United States can make more clothing, blankets, shoes, runs and automobiles than Ger many. It can supply vastly greater quantities of horses, mules, sugar, wheat, flour and coffee for the use of armies. We have two-thirds of the world s cotton and Germany raises none. Ob viously, the United States has all the resources i to wage a swift and successful war, provided they ; could be quickly and ably mobilized. German Take No Needless Risks. The thoroughness of German preparations for war is shown by the reports now coming out of the condition of interned ships. While the man aging director of the great Hamburg-American line expresses hi utmost confidence in the in tegrity of the United States, it is apparent that the heads that guide the course of German arms felt that safety could be found in making as surance doubly sure. Fittings and machinery of vessels laid up in American harbors have there fore been so damaged thai month will be re quired to make them serviceable. The strategy of thts may be found in the fact that an interned ship is of no service to the empire, while it may be seized by an enemy. By way of precaution, it is rendered useless for the time; In the end it will be cheaper to repair it than to replace it entire. Tbe far-sighted Germans take no need less risks while relying implicity on the friendship and honor of the United States. Restoring tbe Relief Work. One of the most regrettable results of the break with Germany is (he suspension of humani tarian work carried on by the United States m the war zone. Since the beginning of the war it has been the privilege of this country to repre sent the belligerents on either side, and to look after the prisoners held by each, whether of war or merely interned aliens. This work has entailed a vast amount Of work, but it ha been carefully and punctually performed, and In such way as to receive commendation from the government con cerned. Of course, so far as the United States is concerned, it can now no longer act in this ca pacity, and until tbe 'nations at war can make other arrangements the important service must cease. Steps are being taken to transfer the control of relief work .for the Belgian and French ci vilians to Spain, owing to the fact that the United States must give over its active participation in the great enterprise. At the matter stands, the suspension of transport service threatens to be the occasion of much suffering in the parts of France and Belgium occupied by the Germans. Spain is carrying on negotiations with the im perial government at Berlin, asking that permis sion be given to continue the relief to the unfor tunate dependents. Should this be given, the United States will assist Spain to the utmost de gree. Unrestricted passage for relief ships should be required of alt belligerents, as no exigency of war can be admitted to prevent free travel of neu tral agents bent on errand of mercy only. Common Colds -U. S. Public HMlth Santo- State Forestry Makes Headway. Debate in the legislature over a bill to per mit the establishment of communal forests or groves shows the growth of an idea. Opposition to the measure in question was directed along the line that its operation would withdraw fer tile land from cultivation to create public parks. The utilitarian spirit of the farmer does not quite comprehend the devotion of arable tracts to such uses. Of course, there are two sides to this ques tion, and each can bring forward much argument in support of its position. What is of particular interest is that the legislature is at last waking up to consideration of the opportunity the state has in the afforestration of the waste lands now idle. In time Nebraska may have the advantage of tree planting on a scale worth while. It is not necessary just now to provide expensive machin ery, nor is it too early to make a real start on the work. All preliminary experimentation has been done, the possibility of success has been demonstrated by the federal government, and it is now up to the state to do something for it self. V - The most prevalent illness in the United States is the common cold, a disease group included under one name and considered of such minor importance that vital statistics do not record the enormous number of persons who annually are subjected to suffering, inconvenience and eco nomic loss thereby. Remarkable-as it may seem, the widespread familiarity with this condition has bred a contempt which hides its seriousness, yet when the sum total of the ravages committed by common colds is made, it becomes evident that instead of being a group of trivial affections, com mon colds must be classed as serious diseases. The phrase "common tolds," like "charity," covers a multitude of sanitary sins, and curiously enough, the name has been applied to a group of affections which far from depending absolutely on cold are frequently the direct result of living in close, over-heated surroundings having a low er relative humidity than the dryest desert known to man. The word "colds" means an acute infection of the lining membranes of the nose, tonsils, throat and larger bronchial tubes. The process may be even more extensive and amount to a general in fection of the entire body. AH of the breathing apparatus excepting the smaller terminal por tions in the lungs may be involved, and as a matter of fact the disease may, and often does, spread to these, thus producing pneumonia. In this connection it may be pointed out that pneu monia kills more people in the United States than any other disease excepting tuberculosis and heart disease. Many pneumonias begin as a com mon cold. Colds do not produce tuberculosis, yet unfortunately what is considered as a cold may be in reality the first symptoms of the white plague. The causes of colds are multiform and not entirely understood. In every ease, however, they are dependent upon the growth and activity of living germs which are always received from other people. It is true that almost everybody harbors disease organisms in the mouth and nose, and that these under favorable conditions will produce a cold in their host But these germs in every case were received from some other person. In other words, colds are infec tious. It used to be thought that sitting in a draft or a prolonged stay in the swimming pool would produce a cold. This is erroneous, but the chilling of the body which the draft produces and the weakening of the vital forces caused by too long a swim, lower the powers of resistance and permit germs which have hitherto been harm less to their host to produce disastrous effects. To prevent a cold it is necessary first of all to keep the body resistance at a high point of efficiency. This means that the body machinery should be kept in good order at all times. Good wholesome food in proper amount plenty of sleep, the careful attendance to the voiding of the body wastes, the taking of regular exercise in the open air, keeping the body clean, keeping the month and nose clean, the avoidance of hot stuffy, dusty rooms, the avoidance of exposure to sudden changes of temperature, the prevention of the chilling of the body either by cold or wet, are all protective measures. It should be borne in mind, however, that even robust persons may contract colds from people who have them. The proposal to return to the plan of electing county commissioners by the voters of the com missioner's district, instead of by the voter of the whole county, is another backward step and just a much so as the choice of school board members by wards. Folks who are protesting against the school board bill should protest just as hard against the county-board bill and for the very same reasons. It takes almost a column of double-shotted editorial space for our amiable contemporary to tell whv it is eloiinff the door on thai ?W mnA unlimited publication 6f letters discussing the war. Why not say it is to coo serve the high priced print paper, and let tbe other reasons go? A South Dakota lawmaker would prohibit po litical discussions in church under statutory pen alty. - He most be harboring the delusion that keeping politics out of the church i the tunc a keeping the church out of politics. The germs of colds leave the body m the se cretions of the mouth and hose. They enter the body through the same route. Thus a careless sneezer and the person who does not cover his mouth and nose when he coughs are breeders of these infections. The little living bodies which cause colds are so small that a million could rest on the head of a pin. When a person coughs or sneezes a fine spray carrying with it untold num bers of these germs is spread into the surrounding atmosphere to a distance of several feet and may easily be taken into the mouth and nose with the respired air. More direct contact such as by kiss ing, the common drinking cup, tbe common roller towel, by pipes, toys, pencils, fingers, food and other thin which have been contaminated by the mouth and nose secretion of person having a cold may also carry the disease. It is an obligation on tne pars oi persons Hav ing colds to see to it that they do not spread these colds to somebody else. The person who neglects to cover his nose snd mouth when he sneezes and coughs, the careless spitter, the per son who permits his germ-laden discharges to contaminate things which are going to be han dled trr other Deoole is a menace to the com munity. If such a person uses public swimming pools, it ne is not amenaDie to reason ana per- . J V . : V. LI.Minn k. atmitM Urn S1SIS in UlSiriUUUlig uib iiiicyuvu, jiiuuiu avoided aa a aoreader of oestilence. A good deal has been said about hardening people so that they will not contract colds. There is an element of danger in this since to expose a weak person to the rigors of cold baths and cold drafts is apt to lower resistance, thus favoring the very conditions which it is desired to avoid. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that the Arctic explorer does not ordinarily have colds so long as he stays out in the open and that it is not the engineers and firemen in the cold, drafty cab who have colds, but those who ride in the close, dusty, overheated coaches behind. When all is said, it must be said that dusty, un ventilated rooms, perhaps, play the greatest role in produc ing colds. Since colds are a serious condition they should be treated as such. A great many people think they have an infallible remedy tor breaking up a cold. This may be harmless in itself but usually it is not and consists of a combination of harm ful drugs and alcohol, the latter usually prepon derating. The sufferer takes these preparations In large quantities and if he is strong enough he may survive them and eventually get the best of his cold. Self medication or medication by un trained persons is always dangerous. It is espe cially dangerous to those having colds and should always be scrupulously avoided. As a rule, much time, inconvenience ana sunering win oe guniini by consulting an intelligent physician promptly. If this is not nractkable a brisk saline may be taken and the patient put to bed. This gives his body an opportunity to regain its vitality and at the same time isolates him from other people. The sick room should be well ventilated and the windows so opened as to keep the air moving freely. It is also wise to moisten the air a little hit hv nutting- a Dan of water on the radiator or over the register or on the stove. The handker chiefs and bedding used by the patient should be sterilized by boiling. Kissing, and the use of drink ing cups, etc., in common with other members of the household should be forbidden, it being borne in mind constantly that colds are infectious and readily spread from one person to another. Nebraska Press Comment Scottsbluff Star-HeraM: Senator Sph-k ha in troduced a bill in the state senate, tending to ward the reorganization of the State Board of Health, and curtailing the powers of the board of secretaries. Judging from the amount of grief this bunch of secretaries have caused them selves and tbe general public, this curtailing operation should have been performed several years ago. Beatrice Sun: It i now apparent that print Eaper, one of the raw materials of newspapers, as been altogether too cheap. Doubling the price has tended to bring about some economies, but paper is still sinfully wasted. In the large cities, particularly, the wasteful manner in which paper is thrown about is noticeable, even after all the economics which high prices have imposed. For instance, as you enter the passenger station at Omaha, you want to buy a paper. The boy will not sell you one paper. You must take three of them. The price, 5 cents. Is so small that you take all three, aitnougn you would as willing!, nav the nickel for the one naoer you want. I no other factor than high prices will check the extravannce in the use of this commodity, price will have to advance several more points before wastefulness is cut to tne minimum. 1 TODAY Health Hint for the Day. Do not take a hot bath after a meal. aa the blood Is all drawn away from the digestive organs just at the time they need it most One Tear Ago Today in the War. Germans renewed vigorous attack on French trenches northeast of Neuville. German and Turkish consuls and thirty other indicted by federal grand Jury In San Francisco for alleged con spiracy to wreck munitions plants and to furnish supplies to German war ves sels at the commencement of the war. In Omaha Thirty Tears Ago. At a meeting of the Uly division. Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias, General J. K. Smith was elected sir knight commander; J. C. Kang, sir knight lieutenant commander, and Fred Race, sir knight herald. Observer Hagen at the signal office was ordered to hoist the cold wave sig nal, the prophecy being that the tem- .....-- v,,m fail hetween fifteen and twenty degrees overnight The LAdiear Musical socieiy s piano recital at Lyon ft Healer's In which Miss Bella Robinson, Mrs. H. D. Estabrook and Miss Ida Thles par ticipated. Hose cart No. 4, which was so badly t.i..j in Minn tn the Rnvd fire, is again ready for a run, though Captain Vanderford, who was disabled at the time, will not oe aoie 10 wui for a week. Little Roy Brush, son or George Brush, residing at Twenty-first and Harney, was buried in Prospect Hill cemetery. Postmaster Coutant nas reiurneu from Grand Island, where he has hen in attendance upon the Masonic commemoration. The trustees ot tne Herman ocnoui association elected the following offi cers: Louis Heimrod, president: George Anthes, vice president; C. G. Grubs, recording secretary, and Charles Metz, treasurer. This Day tn History, 1S1E An American brigade landed tn the rear of Fort Bowyer to frustrate a threatened attack on Mobile by the British. 1819 Leander 3. McCormick, one of the three brothers famous for their inventions of farming implements, born in Rockbridge county, Virginia. Died in Chicago in 1900. 18J0 General William Tecamseh Sherman born at Lancaster, O. Died in New Tork City, February 14, 11. 1841 United States arsenal ai uuie Rock seised by the Btate authorities. 187J Karl of Mavo. viceroy of In dia, assassinated at Port Blair by a convict 1879 Peace between Russia ana Turkey signed at Constantinople. 1890 Cardinal Pecci, a brother of Pope Leo XIII, died in Rome. Born at Carpineto, December 18, 1801. 188 President Barnos oi uuaie- mala assassinated. 190 Vice Admiral Togo with tno main Japanese fleet engaged the Rus sian ships and battaries at Port Arthur. Why Stand for It? Omaha. Feb. 7. To the Editor of The Bee: What's the matter with Omaha? Where is the proverbial bravery and resourcefulness of the men ot the west? Tut tut and again zounds! Five and six "holdups" an evening. What a record! Here was one last night under the very shadow of our "bong tong" Blackstone and I under stand the victim was a detective, from whom they took revolver, cartridges and star. Again zounds and gad zoo ks! Why stand for? If our police force ia not numerous enough to cope with the evil, what's the matter with our "citizenry forces?" Pretty crowd we are to talk about the possibilities of having to meet a trained foreign foe if we allow a handful of badly-brought-up brats anxious for a little easy money to swagger about and relieve us at will of our valuables, our wits and our self-respect Elsewhere tbe men of the cities themselves have taken things into their own hands for a while or co operated with the police. Twice in my life have a formed part of such special or emergency auxiliary police and the work was effective, speedy and lasting in its effects, though, I admit a wee bit drastic And gladly will I form part of ten or 100 or 200 able-bodied chaps who'll volunteer to spend a couple of hours a night two or three times a week on patrol duty. Of course there would be accidents, some perhaps serious, and many funny ones; but even if a reputable citizen or two should he mistaken for some thing else and trotted off to a station to establish his identity. It would be better far than supinely submitting to the sort of thing that seems in full swing now in this city of opportuni tiesand of "hoid-ups," and of coal soot. SAME OLD PRO BONO. The Day We Celebrate. Albert C. Kugel, city commissioner, Is S9. He is a plumber by trade and once cltv Dlumbtng inspector, to say nothing of filling all the high of fices of the local plumbers' union at different time. Benjamin 8. Baker was norn reo- ruary 8, la, at saouia, ia. wra graduated from the University of Iowa. Judge Baker practiced law first at Webster City, la., then at Fair- bury, Neb., before locating in umaoa. He has been United States attorney, Judge of our district bench and judge of the aupreme court ot new meuco and corporation counsel of Omaha. Harrv O. -Steel, general agent ot tne Union Central Life Insurance com pany, Is an Omaha boy just 40 years old today. Frederick K. Shinrock, manager of the Glencoe Mills, was born at San dusky, O., February 8, 1850. He has been with the Glencoe Mills since 1881 and represents their membership on the grain exchange. John Wlsler, the west ijeavMiwonn grocer and hardware man. Is a na tive of Germany, where he was born Just flfty-nve years ago today. H. O. Bourgeois was oorn r rin tr-j . 1SS. in Calvary. Wis. He is now selling church good and supplies, be ing president of the Bourgeois com-PanT- .. .... A. J. EggeTss, nunaeii a - mane-iu-Oernnny" product dates back fifty one year today. He la now making boxes as president of tbe Eggeraa CFlynsj company. Baron Rothschild, head of the Eng lish branch of the great family of financiers, born in London forty-nine years ago today. Dr. Rush Rheea, president of the University of Rochester, horn in i;ru ouo. flftv-seven rears ago today. J. J. Bernet president of the Nickel Plate railroad, born in una county. New Tork, forty-nine years ago today. Rear Admiral William W. Mead. U. a N, retired, born at Burlington, Ky., seventy-two rears ago today. Right Rev. Charles a Olmsted, former Episcopal bishop of Colorado, born at Olmstedrllle, N. ?., sixty-four rears ago today. Ad Wolgast former champion light weight pugilist born at Cadillac, Mich., twenty-nine years ago today, Timely Jottings and Reminder. Dr. Maurice F. Bgan. American minister to Denmark, Is to sail from Copenhagen today for a two months' visit to the United States. The pur pose of his trip, it is stated, Is for con sultation on important suojects. The Pan-American Aeronautics ex position, the first large exhibition of aircraft and appurtenance ever held In this country, will open today in the Grand Central Palace, New Tork city, and continue for one week. Approximately 4,000 acrea of the Belle Fourche reclamation project situated In the valley ot the Belle Fourche, tn South Dakota, will be opened for settlement today under Uia term of the homestead and reclama tion law. MovyeCvs of tile Day, At a recent Missouri chaunraqna a man ram to William J. Bryan and told him: "I have always voted far you Vry time you've run. Mister Brine, an' Til be glad to vote ter you agin, as offen as possible.' Mr. Bryan thanked him, and a fellow lyoeum worker said! "Don't o get awfully tired of hav Ing men come up and declare they've always voted for yon . and always will?" "No, Indeed," said Mr. Bryan. "Tbe people that make ma tired are the ones that aay they've never voted for me and never will." Ladles' Home Journal. Heat and Nutrition. Omaha, Feb. 4- To the Editor of The Bee: The scintillant philosopher of The Bee gives out ood mental food for readers who wish to Qroh tn wis dom from day to day; but he recently set out a dish that contained nothing but calories. A person can t live on calories, as he represents. Even Billy" Sunday or Cyclone Davis can t do that Says Mr. Grolu "Food as to the hu man body Just what coal is to a boiler." Many other writers hare pre sented the same one-sided and mis leading view. It would be right to say that certain elements of food are to the human body just what fuel Is to a furnace. That Is as far as the anal ogy goes. The sole purpose of a fur nace is to produce heat The calori meter, I suppose, Is aa honest and faithful as a hen that lays eggs to door knob; but probably it would recommend crude petroleum as the most economical food, because it gives the most calories for the price. Having endured more than three score years of this world's buffeting in a search lor truth, I nave lost some of my great esteem for those exalted persons who are called scientists. Some of the most ruinous errors have had their origin and sustenance in so- called scientific reasoning or deduc tion. There are two kinds of science: One is science and the other is not science. Tbe famous Edison, if his words were correctly Quoted, said that a per son is like an engine, and shoald be well stoked Just before doing strenu ous work: although, according to re liable accounts, he has done some of his best th taking when his stomach had been empty for many boors, and every intelligent athlete or person en. gaged in close mental work knows that it is not advisable to take up the hardest tasks when the stomach is full. Would any wise pugilist or wrestler eat a full meal just before beginning a straggle for victory? Di gestion is the process that prepares food for absorption and awnminn. It consumes energy, and generates little or none. Probably in many eai persons greatly enfeebled by disease have been killed by food prescribed by physicians when the patients had not tbe power to digest the food. In such a case the food sets up noxious chemical action, the vital power is too feeble to overcome it and it snuffs out the flickering name of life, when anxious friends expect the food to re vive the patient The gentleman I now nave tne non- or to abuse also said: "Don't eat cel ery, cucumbers or lettuce for nutri tion." This raises the question, what is nutriment? The human body con tains tissues of many kinds, ranging from the Juices through many degrees ot compactness to the flinty enamel of the teeth. Are all these structures simply aggregations of calories? As used by pnyslologlsts and dieticians the word nutriment covers all ele ments of the passive kind used in tbe production of energy and also some, but not all, of those used in tlasue bullding, but excludes some or all of the elements that become active agents In the metabolism of the body, and all of the minerals used in making tis sues; and yet those who use the worrl In this way would say a person Is no) well nourished who has not In his body a suitable amount of sulphur, phos phorus, fluorine, chlorine, iodine, sili con, sodium, potassium, calcium, mag nesium, lithium or Iron. All these they say, and perhaps some mangan ese, copper and lead, are used in mak ing tissuea Heat is but one of many agenli through which the vital power carrit-.s on the production, transportation and exchanges of the internal world. U ia good for a person to have sufficient intelligence and mental breadth u realize that he baa a little world with in himself. This conception gives dig nity, breeds noble aspirations and promotes soundness and etllcieney. False science cannot reduce htm to mere mechanism. But it is good to understand the true analogies between the internal and external forces iimi structures. BERIAH F. COCHRAN. Where the Blame Belongs. Omaha, Feb. 6. To the Editor ui The Bee: Permit me sufficient spaci to briefly answer the letter in your most valued paper captioned "Why Girls Go Wrong" and signed by an expert on the subject "A Traveling Man." If anyone is fitted to give ex pert testimony on these most mo mentous subjects it is a traveling man. I know, because I have been therc and can speak first hand. I find the same fault with this writer's conclusions as I do with all men who think themselves the master and peer of woman. These people have learned nothing from life expe rience nor observation. Ninety-ftve per cent of all crime, Immorality and their attending evils have an economic basis and the in vestigations of our various cities and states prove it especially so that of Illinois. I should not cast a slur at my own mother, wife and daugh ter, nor would I blemish the fair name of the most perfect human creature, to say that any woman would prefer to sell her virtue for money just because she was lazy or Just preferred that kind of a life. I say, no, it Is not so, and I throw it back into the teeth of that most Ignorant or lying traveling man, whose profes sion Is responsible for a large per cent of our girls gone wrong. I know, . do not deny, I have eyes In see and ears to hear and I do not care to exempt myself for the part I have played in this damnable game. The remedies proposed are worse than useless, and he knows it I have a remedy that backs them all off the board: First Grant to woman her eco nomic, social and potttlcal freedom. Second One standard of morals. Third Industrial democracy, wherein the producers of the wealth of the world get that wealth and thereby permitting every man an op portunity of marrying and supporting a family as It should be supported. Do not blame the woman, stand up and ptead guilty, as a man should, that he la to blame, and be alone. JESSE T. BRILLHART. 1122 South Twenty-first street. Picture Sale at Hospe's One Dollar Buys Hand Colored Prints Size 19x23 ' Fine Buckingham Prints in Colors in handsome mats. Portraits by Millias, Gainsborough, Raeburn, Reynolds and others. Framed Pictures in gold, antique and wood Size 14x17 PHOTO FRAMES Bring a dollar and see the value you get A. Hospe Co. 1513-1515 Douglas St Perfect Health is Yours If the Blood Is Kept Pure Almost Every Human Ailment I Directly Traceable to Impurities in the Blood. You cannot overestimate the im portance of keeping the blood free of impurities. When you realize that the heart is constantly pumping this vital fluid to all parts of the body you can easily see that any impurity in the blood will cause serious complica tions. Any slight disorder ( or impurity that creeps into the blood is a source of danger, for every vital organ of the body depends upon the blood supply to properly perform its functions. Many painful and dangerous dis eases are the direct result of a bad condition of the blood. Among the most serious are Kheumatism, with its torturing pains; Catarrh, often a forerunner of dread consumption; Scrofula, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas and other disfiguring skin diseases; Malaria, which makes the strongest men helpless, and many other dis eases are the direct result of impure blood. You Can easily avoid all of these diseases, and rid the system of them, by the use of S. S. S., the wonderful blood remedy that has been in con stant use for more than fifty years. S. S. S. cleanses the blood thoroughly and routs every vestige of impurity. It is sold by druggists everywhere. For valuable literature and medical advice absolutely free, write today to the Medical Dept., Swift Specific Company, 39 Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Ga. A Word to the Women I want the women to know that there is doc tor in Omaha who treats diseases and disorders of their sex, and does not advise operation in all cases, as many do. Hundred of women have been to my office and many new cases are com ing daily for SPECIAL TREATMENT for their disorders. You can come to me and know you will get honest service and if I can not help you I will tell you so. MANY OP YOUR FRIENDS HAVE BEEN TO ME and they will tell you of my work at a small cash fee. If you have been told you need an operation I want you to call, as I will cure or relieve most all cases with my office treatment WOMEN LIVING OUTSIDE OF OMAHA are invited to call and learn of the help for them on the mall, cash fee plan. Consultation $1.00. Examination or office treat ment $2. Cash fee. Medicine free. No drag bills. Appointments made. Office practice only. Hour 9 to 5. Phone Tyler 260. DR. J. C. WOODWARD Suit 301 Rosa Building, Omaha, Neb. tl. a Ylh fj ftSi