Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Best Cattle Steady to Strong,
- Others Slow to Lower
Lambs Quarter Off.
Omiht, February 7, 117.
Receipts wars: Cmttle. Hogs Sheep.
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
Estimate Wednesday
Tlirw day thla week.17.414 7,37 3R.40fl
Sunt dava last week. . 26.4i7 61.11 43.069
rt.v. 1 wka. as-o.20.014 44.717 23.60
8a me days t ki, ago.22.1! 4S.2O0 37.R14
Sams daya 4 wka. ago. 37.14 4 66.SR5 63,49
Same daya tut year. ..33.I17 63,141 32.640
Receipt! and disposition of live stock at
the union Btoeic Yarns, umana. ior iwmr
four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. yea-
Cattle. HodH.fihefp.
C , M. A St. P
Missouri Pacific ....
C. N. W eaat....
C. A N. W., west...
C, Bt, p., M. O...
C, B. at Q.. eaat..,
C, B. 4k J., west...
C, R. I. ft P., eaat..
C. R. I. A P., west.
Illinois Central ....
Chicago UL West...
.. 70
.. 81
.. r6
.. IB
.. 31
.. 9
.. 1
Total rorelpts
Cattle. Hogs. Shi
Morris Co
Swift Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour ft Co
Sehwarts A Co....,
. TH1 4, MS, 2.081
7.4 L'l
J. W. Murphy
Moire 11
Lincoln Parkin Co..,
8. Omaha Parking Co..
' Wilson Parking Co
Benton, Vanaant A Lush
P. a Lewis
Hun ton ft Oliver
J. B. Root ft Co
J. H. Bulla
L. r, Husa...'
F.'O. Kellogg
H. P. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
Rothschild ft Krebs....
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co....
Olassbcrg S
Haker, Jones ft Smith.. 3
Wanner Bros fit
John Harvey 113
lennls ft Francis 5
Jensen ft Lungren S3
tTl'ay 4
Other buyers ., 433
. ToUts 6,741 2M 13,183
Cattle Recelota this morning were large
337 oars being repotted In. This me ben the
total for the three days thla week 17, M4
head, the smallest for a number of weeka
bark and smaller than a year ago by over
6,004) head. The market on the beat grades
of cattle was steady to strong, while In
ferior grades were slow and weak to lower.
The lata arrival of tralna delayed th mar
ket greatly, some trains not arriving until
Quotations en cattle: Good to rholre
beeves, $10.60011.36; fair to good beeves.
19.760 10.60; common to fair beeves, 68.000
9.76: good to choice heifers, 67.764XB.UU.
good to choice cows, 67.6006 60; fair to good
cows, 14.60 07-60; common to fair cow,
66.16O6.fi0: nrlme aaedlna steers. Il.3t
16.00; good to choice feeders. 66.7609.26.
fair to good feeders, 17. sota. 7; common
to fair feeders. 66.60 0. 0; good to eh'
lockers, $7.7601.60; atock heifers, $l.v3ji
6.10: stork cows. $4. 0007-76; stock calves,
17.0609.00: veal oalves, $6.00011.96; beef
bulla, stags. $7.00496.60; bologna bulls $6.00
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No,
16........ 636 $4 36 66
At, Pr.
, 464 $7 20
, 660 7 40
6 746 T 16
27........ 077 T 66
6 817 I 10
30 661 $ 46
4 1071 $ 40
9 ,. 660 I 76
It 693 9 00
29 1000 9 30
16. .......10S1 9 S&
43... 942 9 60
4 1040 t 40
9 1194 14 10
9 1220 14 20
20 1144 10 16
26....... .1161 14 60
$ 1061 14 60
6 771 $ 00
4 667 4 36
34. 960 I 60
16... .. 741 $ 70
7 911 6 66
9 9ft f 10
18........ 941 9 26
7. 936 9 40
' 13. 99T 9 66
T. .1194 10 00
$6. ...... .1142 10 lfi
4 1466 10 26
20 1109 10 40
7.... .1311 10 76
17. ...... .1174 10 66
20 -1171 11 40
T 1242 11 40
I 26 1,
... J7T0 6
. 636 4 00
.966 I H
. 930 4 76
.1290 T 26
.1162 7 60
. 966 I 00
1.... 760 4 26
924 4 46
1 686 T 10
.....1040 T 60
6..MM. 126 T T6
2...... ,0106 I 10
T 1129 6 20
16 1429 I 46
.1121 26
.1200 I 76
.... 422 T 71 II....... 741
I 16
Hogs T os terday' s receipt were 4ST ears,
or 21,077 bead, while today's beat It 'by
2,000 bead.
Tha trade got off to a good deal slower
tart than It did yesterday. Shippers or
ders called for lower prices and order buy
era did little on early rounds. Packers
also wanted hogs lower, the majority of
their early offers being 6l0o lower than
yesterday, and aa sellers were asklag prloes
that were, If anything, stronger, no busi
ness of consequence wna transacted uoill
well along In the 1 enoon.
When movement finally started It was
at prices that were steady to not over 6i
tower than yesterday. After the les had
been broken trading became fairly active,
and by noon the big end of the supply had
changed hands on the baala named. Lights,
which have been selling well up In the bulk
since the storm last week made receipts
ao email for a few daya, were aa usual when
a' reaction from a sharp advance acta in,
extremely uneven, Packers bought lome
underweights and light mixed stuff In strings
st prices that were comparatively as good
aa they were paying for more desirable
(lasses, hut many of the lighter hoga were
unable to attract attention and at midday
quite a sprinkling of them were still In first
hands, some sellers reporting they had
been nnaole to even get oners.
Up to noon .the market was no more
than steady to 6e lower. Of course under
weights had not sold very freely, and with
Chicago oloaing lower and something like
100 cars still back, there was a strong
probability that close would be the day'
low time. Bulk of the salos made landed
at $11.66 911-60, with scattering loads of the
least desirable kinds down towards $11.69
and under. Beat heavies again made $12.00,
which pries baa been paid every day this
Representative sales:
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. A v.
Bh. Pr.
... 11 66
40 11 76
... 11 96
... 21 96
89. .174 ... 11 40
97. .196 ... 11 70
79. .212 19 11 60
74. .286 ... 11 94
44. .290 ... 13 00
74. .196
76. .221
62.. 224
63.. 396
8 heep Yesterday's close was one of the
stickiest deals seen here In many moons.
After 11 o'clock nothing much was done
until the middle of the afternoon, ' when
a few loads sold at prices that were fully
26o to as much as 16c below morning prices.
A good class of Mexicans, as good as any
lambs bare, sold at $14.16, while $14.00
stopped some pretty desirable westerns, snd
weightier lambs sold "under the hill." Even
at these d eel I nee sellers were unable to dis
pose of something like twenty loads and
had to carry them over for today.
The shortage In regrlferator cars had
evidently Dot been relieved appreciably (his
morning, for packers refused to even make
bids until mid forenoon, and when they did
start making offers It was at figures that
were anywsy 36e below yesterday's mean
close, er 60O60e lower than yesterday morn
ing, wanting beat lambs below $14.00.
Towards noon some of the) light and
handywelght lambs were cashed at prices
that ere 16 0 36o bslow the low close yes
terday, or 40o to. In most cases, nearly
hslf a dollar below yesterday morning's
trade. The movement was draggy and pack
ers were picking their stuff, leaving strong
weight lambs, which were In good supply
pretty severely alone. Sales made up to
noon Included Blextcans at $14.40, whlctt
promised to be the day's top, and good
handywelght westerns at $11.76013 ft
while a few heavy lambs bad been bouaht
at $13.68. -sen.
Bucb sheep as were sold lata yesterday
looked steady with the previous day, but
some had to be carried over. Today lower
prices were In order, a moderate supply
moving slowly at 162o reductions. While
no ewes of the sort that brought the record
Price of $19.86 yesterday morning were here.
jJJ449 14.64 stopped a decent to pretty good
Home of the lighter lambs that were car
ried over from yesterday along with simi
lar stuff In the fresh receipt, wnt to feeder
buyers this morning and while the prices
were better than packera were willing to
give, they looked easily 2&c lower than the
big) Urns In Un f coder trade last week
Several loads sold at a spread of 6i;j.fi0
Quotations on shrep arid lambs: J -am ha
good to choice, $13. 75 V ! 4.00; lamb, full
to good, 413. 00013.76: Ismbs. clipped, 411.:
6 12.60: lamba. feeders, 812.604(1.1.90; year
lingn, good to choice, 12.604i 13.00; year-
lings, fair to good. 11 1.26 if 11.60; wetbera,
fair to choice, 19.50 ft) 1.00; ewes, good to
noire, $10.26 0 10.6" ; ewes, fair to good.
IB. 00010.26; ewes, plain to cutis, I6.00O8.60.
Representative sales;
A V.
620 Mexican lambs...
291 fid lumbs
101 fed lam be
106 fed lambs
14 00
13 9
Cattle Weak Hoga Weak and I'nder Tester-
day's Average nherp Weak.
Chicago, Feb. 7. Cftttie Receipts, 17,000
nfftfi; market, weak: native beef rattle, 17 9
& 12.26; western steers. IT. JO 1 0,30 ; atock
ts and feeders, $8.1009.36; cow and he if
or, 5.1ftel0.&0; calve, $10,254x14.60.
Hoga Receipt. 6,000 head : market.
weak; 6c under yesterday's average; bulk of
us I os, $12. 10tt 12.40: light, $11 .700 13-26
lulled, $11. 80ff 12.46; heavy, $11.86012-60
rounn. 11. 1(4y 12-00; pigs, $0.70010 90.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, IK, 000 head
market, wpak; wethers, $1060011.76; ewes,
1 '
8U.ii i City Live Ktork Market
Hlouz City, Feb. 7. Cattle Receipts, t.6ft0
head; market for killer 10telic lower
Blockers and rci-dera xteady; be-f steers,
$1-0. 00011. 2D; butrbem. $ft.Q0ft 10.00; fat
cows and heifers, 46.00 wlO.OO, camera, $4.36
6.76; atockem and teed, $6.6009 26:
calves, $8.00010.00; bolls, stag, etc., $6.6
08. 60: fucdlng cows and heifers, 66.00
Hogs Recrlpts, 10,000 bead; market
steady to 6i: lower; llghta, $1 1,60ft 1 1 .76
mixed, $11 .700 II -8e; her vy, 61 1.80 J 1 1.16
pigs, $9.60010.60; bulk of sales, $11,660
1 I . nOi
Bhecp and Lambs Receipt. 200 head
market stf ady ; fed muttons, $9.26 0 12.26
wntbers, $10.26OI1.2&; ewes, $9.26 0 10.26
IUR1PU, SIS.bOO 14.00.
fit. Loala Live Ntorfc Market.
Rt. Louis, Feb. 7. Cattle llccftlnt. 3.700
head ; market, higher; native bcrf steers,
67.60OU.76; yearling atefra and heifers,
IS.604cU.SO; rowrt. $6.0009.00; atoekcrx and
feeders. $6.3008.60; prime southern hi
steers, $8.00011.00; )-ef town and hcfJVr,
$4.2609.00; prime yrarllngM steers and hlf
era, $7.60010.00; native chIvcd, $00014.00,
Hogs HftrtdntM. 4.500 head: markpt.
lower; lights, $12.0012.16; pigs, 6B.2&0
II. on; tnlxod and tmicrmrs. iiz.iotiiiz,
good hiHvy, $12.40012.60; bulk of sales,
nhcp and Umb necflntM, 2,200 bnad
market, lower; lambs, $12. 76m4. 7ft; ewes,
$6.60010.(10; yfarllngx, $11 00012.26.
Ht. Joaeph Uve Htork Mnrket.
t. Jnariih. Feb. 7. Cattle Receipts.
000 head; market alow; Hlern, $7.60012.00;
own and heifers, $6.00010.60; calvut, $7.00
Hogs Receipt h, 10,000 hnad: market
steady to 6i- hlgbef; top, $12.30; bulk of
Kelts, in.SflOlZ.-o-
Sheep and limbw Ret-idpts. 2,000 head;
market 10O16n lower; lamba, $13.60014-40.
Kansas City l ive Htork Market.
Kansas City, Feb. 7. Cattln HeeHpts,
7,000 head ; market, steady; bulk of aalea,
Ill.iD&lZ SO; heavy, 111!. 20012.36: purk
and but-hern. $11.0612.30; light, $11,760
12, in; pttcn 8ll,llll01i.6).
Mheep and Lanibn Rccclpta. 300 head
market, lower; lambs, $1260014.60; year,
lings, $12.26013.6; wethers, $10.60011.60
wee, $10.00010.90.
live Stork In Night.
Receipt of live stork at the, five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cat tin. Ho nit. Sheen.
Pt. Louis 11,700 14.600 2. ZOO
Chtrajro 17,000 6,000 18,000
K annas City... 7,000 12,600 300
Mourn omana b.tou a.i, oou t.r.on
Bloux City 2,600 10.000 200
.38,900 76,000 30,200
Poultry Broilers, 2 do; bens, any slae, 17c;
prince, all sixes, smooth and soft legs, un
der five lbs., ISo; BUgs under five lbs., 14c;
id roosters, Wo; geese, full feathered, fat,
4o; ducka, full feathered, fat, 14c; turkeys.
any slie, over eight lbs. 22c; turkeys, old
toms, 10c; capons, nine lbs. and over, fin;
guineas, each, any size, 26c; Homers, squabs.
4-oa. each, per dosen, 84-00; is -ox. each,
per dosen, $3.00; 6-oi. each, per dosen, $1 60;
under 6os each, per doxon, 60c; pigeons,
per dosen, 76c. '
Butter Choice creamery, 864 37o,
Bggs Freeh. No, 1, case. $11.66: No, 4.
fresh, 47.60; eras, case, $7,60.
Cheese quotations by urlau ft Co.:
Cheese Ultra fancy domestlo Bwhw. 41c:
domeetlo Swiss, Sbu; block Swiss, 62e; twin
oheeae, 26o; triplets, 86o; daisies, 26Ho;
young America, 27o; blue label brick, 24c;
Umbarger, 26c: New York white. 37o: Ro
quefort, 66o.
Heel cuts Ribs: No. 1. 20o: No. 2. lie:
No. I, 13o. Loins: No. 1, 24c; No. t. 23c;
No. t, lfttoo. Chucks: No. 1, ISHuj No. 2.
13tte; No. 3, 12a Rounds: No. 1, 14VkO:
No. 2. I6tto;-No. I, Ifcfca. Plates! No. 1.
lie; NO l. lie; NO. 8, 10c.
Froieo Fish Whiting. headless and
"eased, 12c; whiting, round. 8c: halibut.
per lbs.. 16c: salmon falls. lSVko: salmon
silver, 16oi croppies, 9c; trout, 16c; catfish,
large, lie; black cod, 10c; smells, 10 and
is-io. Boxes, ito; pise, yellow, round. l3o:
pickerel, tot tile fish. Ho; herring, round.
7c; nerring, so; wnitensh, Selkirk, medium.
140! whtteflah. Jumbo, 26c; large, 20c
rresh risn cattish, ner lb.. 17c: ha but.
30o: salmon. 30u: sea trout. 16c: Bnanlsh
mackerel, 16c; black baas, large, 20c; black
, email, lso; red snapper, 17c; flounders.
2c; codfish, eastern. 16c: bluefish. medium.
14o per lb.
Smoked Fish Smoked white chubs. 10. tb
baskets, 14c; kippered salmon, 10-lb. bHsk
sts, 16c; Finnan baddies. 16 and 3 1Mb,
boaes. 16c; kippered cod, 10-b. boxes. ISq
bloaters, 60 to bos. $1.66.
oysters Northern standards. as lions.
$1.46; large cans, 40c; northern selects,
gallon, $2.00; large can, 46c; northern
eounts, $2.36; large can. 60c; Chesapeake
standards, gallon, $1.60; large can, 3i.ii;
Chesapeake selects, gallon, $1.76; large can.
Fruit and vegetable ouoUtlona furnish l
oy uitinsKi Fruit company:
rrs Its Oranges. 318s. 324s. 82.76 h
316s, 634s, $3.90 box; all other sixes, $126
box. Lemons, fane 200s. 80s. 16 uo h.-
choice, 204s, 360s, $4.60 box. Orapefrult, Un,
. uvx, ins, was, doi; sis, G4b, 80s,
$4.00 box. Orapes, Emperors, market prlre
Malagas, fancy, $7 00 bbla.; Malagas, exlra
fancy, $7.60 bbla.; Malagas, extra aelected,
$6.00 bbl. Cranberries, late Howes. Ho an
bbls; boxes, $3.26 box. Honey. $8.60 CSS.
Bananas, 40 lb. ,
Apples Torn imoerlala. 86.00 bht Jona
thans, extra fancy, $2.00 box; Jonathans.
Knur, vox: Araansaa uiacaa. all el zee
$2.60 hex; Arkansas Blacks, fancy, $? oe
box; Arkansaa Blacks, choice, $1,60 box;
Genoa, Colorado, fancy. $1.60 box; Oanos
Colorado, extra fancy, $1.78.
Vegetables Onion, red, 4o lb.; onion
Spanish, 42.60 crate; onion, Spanish, large
crates, $7.00 crate; toms toes, basket
$6.60 crate; cucumbers. $2.26 dosen; lettuce
orate, $2.60 crate; lettuce, dosen, $1.00
dosen; turnips, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas
beets, lo lb.; celery, $1.00 dexen; pota
toes, $3.10 buahel; cabbage, 7o lb.; cauli
flower. $3.60 crate.
Oleomargarine Natural color, per lb
Premium, 24c; Challenge, 32c; Kersey
30Hc; Lily, 19Hc; Lincoln, 17Hc; White,
per lb., Snowflake, 22o.
Oder Motts, $4.26 keg; Motts, bbls., $7.26
Miscellaneous Peanuts, No, 1 raw, lb,
c; roasted, lb., 8c; Jumbo raw, lb.. 8c
Jumbo, roasted, lb lOo. Dromedary dates!
case. $8.76. Figs, esse, $1.00; No. 1 Ung
iUb walnut, lb., 180.
Omaha May Maraet.
Omaha, Feb, 4. Hay Choice , upl nd.
$11.00012 80; No, i, $1190011.60; No 3
49.6eoio.6b: No. I. $T 61)06.69: No. 1 mid
land. 81060011. 00; No. 1, $6.6409.60; No
1 lowland. 6.00O8.60; No, 2. l7..'Tf.
No. 1. $6.0006.60.
Alfalfa Choice, $17.94017.10; No. 1
IIS t-vO'tl.tll; standard. 813 6BO14.60: Ne. f
819.60412.60; No. 3, $9.64014.f6.
Straw Oft $7 90OT.60- wheat, 14 04)
04 60.
Metal Market.
New Tork, Feb. 7. Metals Lead. $8.60
Spelter, steady; spot eaat Bt. Louis delivery.
10c, Copper, nominal; electrolytic, second
and third quarters, $30.00033.40. Iron,
steady nd unchanged. Metal exchange
quotes tin firm, $64.60066.60.
At London: Copper: Spot, 1137; future
1132; electrolytic, 114. Tin: Spot. t300- fu
tures, 203. Lead. 30 10s. Spelter,, 47,
OH aad Hosm.
Savannah, Oa., Feb. 7. Turpentine Dull;
41o; sales, none; receipts, 34 bbls.: ship
ment, 100 bbls,; atock, 16,994 bbls
Rosin Firm; sales none; receipts. 340
bbls.; shipments, 360 bbls.; stork, 77 914
bbla. Quote: A. B, C. D, E. F, Q, $i,iO: H, 1
K. $6.30; M. $4.96; N, $4.40; WO, $6.46
WW, $4.90.
Saga Market.
New Tork. Feb, 7 Sugar Raw. firm;
centrifugal, 4.ftrc; molasses, 4.02c. Refined
steady; fine granulated, 6.76c, Sugar futures
quiet owing to the uncertainty In shipping
circles and labor troubles. At noon prices
were unchanged to 3 point higher.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. -
Cash Wheat Breaks Four Cents
and Corn and Oats Drop
a Little.
Omaha, February 7, 1917
The rash wheat market followed the break
in ruiure today and ruled from 3u to 4
lowrr. The demand for thla cereal would
pronabiy havo taken care of tho offerings.
which were very light, had the traders been
willing to aell on the dec ne. but. In aev
eral Instance, tho traders held Ihlr samples
ior tomorrows market.
Most of the stoles of wheat were of th
naru winter variety and the No. 2 srad
brought from $1.76 to $1.76. while the
.no. d naru sold from $1.72 to $1.76.
Corn was steady as comnared with whea1
and sold from unchanged to ,ic lower. The
demand for the butter grades of corn was
very good and moat of the samples were
disposed of during the early hours of the
The commercial grade. of corn aotd ge.n
eral'y around 90 14:, but a fow sale of No.
2 white were made at 96 c, and some No.
j mixea aiso sold at 9t
The oats market continued slow and
prices generally wore cjuoled Me lower, the
.10. 4 wnue selling at 63 r.
Rye was alow at a decline of 1c to 2r
but barley was quite actlvo and prices on
mis article were steady.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
10 4?,uitU dii.; pat. 202,000 hu.
Primary wheat rerelnta were 720.000 bu.
and shipment 669,000 bu., -against receipt
or i.oih.uqu nu. and shipments of 769,000 bu.
last year.
Primary rorn receipts were 978,04)0 bu.
and shipments 486.000 hu.. aaainst rerelnta
of 1.730.U00 bu. and shipments of 702.000
ou. last year.
Primary oat receipt wore 440.000 bn.
and shipment 382,000 hu., against receipts
01 sj.oyj pu. and shipment of 146,000 bu.
last year.
These '-ties wero renorted todav
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. $1.74: 2
rare, ll.7fi; 1 car, $1.7G. No. 3 hard win
ter: i ar, si.vii; z cam, sj.74; 3 cars.
1 car, 11.72. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car,
wl.71 . Hample hard winter: 1 car (smutty)
$1.66. No. 3 mixed durm: 1 car. $1.71. No. 4
mixed durum: 1 car. .11.71: 1 car. 81.69.
no. -1 mixeii; 1 car, 91.61.
Rye Hamnle: 1 car, $1.31
Harley Nu. 4: 1 car. $1.09; 1 car. $1.08
1 car, xi. 06,
Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, 98'Ac.
hltn: 3 cars, 9c. No. 2 yellow: 7 cars.
Hc No. z mixed: I car, 96c. No.
mixod: i cam, 96 'c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car,
Or ; 1 car. 96 c. Sample mixed : 1 car.
Oats No. 4 white: 1 car. 62'Ac. Sample
wnue; 1 car, 62 c.
Wheat. Corn.
Chicago 29
Minneapolis 124
Duiuth 1
maha 49
Kansas City 68
Ht. liuls 96 102 73
Wlnnlpog 137
Omaha ('ash Trice Whest: No. 2 hard,
81.7001.76: No. 8 hnrd, $1.7201.76; No.
4 hard, $1.70M.J 1 ; No. 2 spring, $1,710
1.79; No. 3 spring," $1.6801.76:, Corn: No.
3 white, 964094c; No. 3 white, 9609ftr
No. 4 white, 9G09Cr; No. 6 white, 96 41
96c; No. 4 white, 964096L; No. 2 yel
low, uKUtrOBttr; NO. 3 yellow. e096ttc;
No. 4 yellow, 9&096c; No. 6 yellow. 16
oio: no. yeuow, v&wsbc no.
mixed, 96U096c; No. 3 mixed, 960
Otfo; No, 4 mixed, 95 096c; Nu. & mixed.
96ttj096c; fj,,. 6 mixed, 96f6c. Oat:
No. 2 white. &3j'&3 ',; standard, 6Z062o
No. s while, 02O62c; No. 4 white, 62
O62o. Barley: Malting. 61.U01.21: No.
1 feed. 97c &1 1.09. Rye: No. 2. 11.36 01. M.
NO. 3, $1.3401 36.
Omaha Futures Market,
The market today displayed a very mixed
sentiment during the early trading hours.
but the bears took control during the later
part and forced a sharp break in wheat,
which was followed by a small decline In
corn and a very slight drop In oat. There
. however, very little news on wheat
that might be termed bearish and while
his country faces the proposition of sup
plying enormous iiuanlJtles of wheat to for
eigners, the present political situation hai
rested a bearish sentiment and todays de
cline In wheat was the result of heavy sell
ing by short and profit taking by long.
The corn market lollowed the decline in
wheat, but the crop report on thla article,
received from Argentloa, are very unfav
orable and many of the traders regard the
Argentine situation a a very bulllah fac
tor In the making of rorn prloes.
Oats held steady during the session, bat
there was very little interest displayed In
this market and the trade was very light.
j.ocal range or prices:
I Art. Open. I High Lew. Close. Tea.
May 1 71 1 71 144 1 97 174
July 1 43 1 43 143 1 42 143
Sept. I 31 1 SI 131 1 31 131
May 970H 46 94 97 97
July 95 97 96 96 96
Oats. I
May 63 63 63 63 66
July 49j 49 44 49 49
Chicago closing prloes, furnished The Bee
by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brolo
ers. 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha:
Art 1 Open. I High. Low,) Close. Test
wut. 7 I "n
May 1 744 1 74 168 1 70 178
July 1 47 1 49 144 1 46 147
Bept 1 37 1 38 136 1 36 137
May 1 01 1 02 100 1 01 101
July 99 1 00 98 99 99
May 64 66 64 04 64
July 63 64 63 63 63
May 26 62 29 96 29 10 29 10 29 62
July 29 30 29 CO !8 80 28 80 it 27
May 16 47 14 66 14 35 14 97 14 60
July 16 76 16 76 16 62 16 62 16 47
HI be.
May 16 60 16 60 16 40 16 40 16 60
J'ly 16 66 16 70 16 65 16 66 16 67
Hubmarine Activity Tends to Weaken Prices
of Wheat.
Chicago, Feb. 7. Activities of German
submarines caused sharp breaks In wheat
vaviuea loaay. xne market closed unset ted
at the same an yesterday's finish to 4 cent
tower, wttn uay at 11.6nttti.70 and Juiv
i.h0-1.g- t-orn and oat ahowed vir
tually no change as contemplated with
twenty-four hour before. The outcome in
provisions was a sotback of 70 10u to
62 c.
Downward swings In the price nf wheat
began. as soon as trading opened, and they
attained their greatest force shortly before
tha end of the day. Trade authorities
seemed unanimous in the optn 011 that thi
wholesale deatructlono t vessels had checked
export nusiness and was turn ns aoecula.
tor to the selling side of the market. Home
bearish leaders even suggested that after
all this country might still have a liberal
carry-over of old wheat on hand when the
nrsi receipts 01 tne lsu crop were avail
able. Stoppage of shipments to neutral
countries appeared to be almost comnlet.
and there was no evvldenoe of any fresh
business with the entente allies. !
Word that no convoy would be slven to
me American sieamer Bt. Louts and that
her sailing aa well aa the departure of many
other vessels from United States ports had
been halted, acted as a special hand lean
un m wneai ouus. nesioes, tne market
was depressed by Increasing railway freight
congestion and by chances of a bis strike
of switchmen. Crop damage reports from
west of the Missouri river tended to sustain
the July and September on Hons, but hri nn
effect on the May delivery, which at one
iimo enowea a tan or 0 cents under yes
terday's latest figures.
corn snowed much strength In ih rn
of whest weakness and of selling en the
pari or a prominent long. Advices regarding
tho Argentine crop were more pessimistic
than ever, and it was said rain now would
be too late for any great benefit to result.
us is merely renevted the action of com.
Provisions were governed lareelv hv th.
course of the hog market Packers' buying
ueaaed, and declines ensued when quotations
at the yards had been forced to a lower
level. The unpromising expert outlook was
also a bearish factor,
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : Nn
3 red snd No. 2 and 3 bard, nominal. Corn
No. 1 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, 99cO
$1.00; No. 4 white, 99cO41.04. Oats: No. 4
white, 64064o; standard. 66054o. Rye:
No. 3, $1.46. Barley: 4l.90Ol.2s. Seeds Tim
othy, $3.6006.60; clover, $12.40017.64 Pro
visions: Pork, $39.10; lard, $16.97; ribs.
Butter Higher; creamery, I3t)4ee,
Kggs Lower: receipts. 1,692 iw.
42043o; ordinary firsts. 40 0 41a: at mrh
cases included, 40 0 42c.
fntatoes Higher; receipts. 19 eara- Wis
consin, white. $2.1002.26; Michigan, white
lJ.16fr3.lS; Colorado. Idaho, Washington
and Oregon. $3.2602,36.
rounry Alive. , higher; fowls, tc
prlngs, 23c,
Kansas City (.rntral Market.
Kansas CUy, Fib. 7. Wheat .No, g hard,
$1.7701.81; No. 2 red, $1.7601.80; May,
$1.70; July, $1.44.
Corn No. 2 mixed. 99049c; No. 2 white,
99099c; No. 2 yellow. $1.0001.00; N, 3,
19c tt $ 1.00; May. $1.01 July. 99c.
Oats No. 2 white, 68068 c; No. 3 mixed,
66056c; May, 64V:.
Butter Unchanged.
Kggs Frists, 38r.
Poultry Unchanged.
Quotations of the lsy on Various Leading
New York, Feb. 7. Flour Unsettled.
Wheal Spot, weak; No. 2, 81-94; No. 1
northern, Ouluth, $2.05; No. 1 northern.
Manitoba, $2.04. f. 0. b., New York.
t.'orn Spot, steady; No, 2 yellow, 41.14, c.
1. f, New York.
Oats Steady.
Hay Quiet; No. 1, $1.10; No. 2, $1,000
1.06; No. 3, 95097 r ; shipping, 90ft 97r.
Hops Steady; stale, common to thoite,
1910, 40047c; 1915, i14:; 1'aclflc coast,
19IH, 11014c; 1916, Sftllc.
Hides Quiet; Bogota, 43c; Central Amer
ica, 14c.
Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 57c; ec-
onds, 6fr.
Provisions Pork,
Firm, mess, i.i.i.ioiu
t.,.i,v : lamny, xsz.unti 3(.f)0 ; hhorl Henri'.
332.049)33.00. Beef, firm; mess, $23,004
23.60; family, $23. 6007. 00. aLrd,
middle west, $16.40016.60.
Tallow Firmer; city. 11ic, nominal:
country, ll012o; special, 12c
Butter Firm; receipt. 7,0ir, tuba; cream
ery, higher than extra, 46046; extras
(92 score), 44j44c; first, 37ft43c; sec
onds, 36037c.
K gs Waaler; receipts, 5,3.". 1 cases; fresh
gathered extra firsts. 47448c; llrats, 46
Choose Firm; receipts 4,464 boxes; statu,
held special. 26026c; State, average
fancy, 24026e.
Poultry Alive, Arm; no prices net 1 led.
Dressed, firm; chickens, 1929c; fowls, 17ftj
24c; turkey, 20034c.
Minneapolis (irain Market.
Minneapolis, Feb. 7. Flour Unchanged.
Barley 8&c 0$ 1.1 7.
Rye $1.3301 36.
Bran $31.00 032.00.
"Wheat May. $1.73: .lulv. II 70 u th, 1 7n
Cash: No. 1 hard. $1.81 at 1.83 44 : N, t
northern, $1.746d1.77 : Na 2 nnnh-rn
Corn No. 2 yellow, 979Sc.
Oats No. 3 white, 5l062c.
Flaxseed $2.820 2.S8.
HU nl 4 i rain Market.
lit. LoUlS. Feb. 7. Wheal M 9 ,H
$1.86; No. 2 hard, $1.8101.86; May, $1.70;
July. $1.44.
Corn No. 1. $1.00: No. 2 white, tl 09-
May, $1.01; July. 99c.
uata No. JL 66 c; No. 3 while, nominal.
Coffee Market.
New Tork, Feb. 7. 'oftee There was
renewal of trade tullfni? ! 1 h.. .n.b.,
for coffee futures liero today and yrkeB
made new low ground for th movement.
The ope.nlng waa 3 to 6 milnl unri,-r
niall offerings In the absence of nv im
portant support and reports that some of
the fjxm offerlngH from Braxil late yes
terday were easier. Part of the selling
was supposed to be nuri'hiMu t
the cost and freight market, and after
opening at about 8.37c May contracts
eased off to 8.23c In the Into trading T,n
close aws at a not decline of 12 to 16 points,
the lowest point of the day. Sales were enti-
iiiaieu ai os.uow oags. February, 8.09c;
March, 8.14c; April, 8.18c; May, 8.22c; June,
8.36c; July, 8.28c; August, 8.31c; September,
8,34c; October. 8.38c: Novemher. H 42i-: Do.
cumber, 8.46c; January, 8.49c. Spot, un
changed; Rio 7s, 10c; Santos 4s, 10r. Bids
maae ai declines late yesterday wore de
clined by Brazilian shippers and the asking
prices for Han toe 4b ranged from about 9.76c
to 10.10c, American credits, today, with
offers on London credits about 20 nnlnis
above these figures. Undeslred Hantos 3s
and 4 were offored at 10c, London credits.
The official cable reported an advance of
du re is in Mantoa futures, with the luo mar
ket unchanged. Santos cleared 8,000 bag
for Now York.
Cotton Market.
New Tork, Feb. 7. Cotton Opened
steady; March, 16.46c; May, 16.60c; July,
16,63c; October, 16.31c; December. 16.49c
Cotton tut urea closed steady : March.
16.46o; May, 16.66c; July, 16.70c; October,
6.46o; December, 16,66c. Spot, steady: mid
dling, 16.66c.
The cotton market c osed stead v net 4
point lower to 13 point higher.
Liverpool, reo. 7. cotton Soot, easier:
good mlddll-.g, 10.41c; middling. 10.31c; low
middling, 10.13c; sales, 6,000 bales.
Don't Neglect
Your Cold!
In adalta the result of cold is
often disastrous. Grip, pneumonia,
bronchitis and tonsilitis, not to
mention chronic catarrh and num
erous other ailments, can all be
traced to the general system hav
ing been weakened by the attack
of a common cold.
The Judicious use of
Pure Malt
when tMlency to a .old is first noticed
will help to prcTent its becoming deep
.-rated mnd dangerous. It is also efficient
to reiiev. any tbroat troubles that have
already taken hold. Daffy's is made from
selected Brain thoroughly malted. It
strengthens as well as stimulates. Use
it at th. right time and orev.nt a break
down of th. vital fores, when you most
need vigor to mist th. rigors of winter.
Uo 11 now
Get Duffy, and
Keep W.ll
At most drug
gists, grocers am
dealers. J 1.00. I
they can't suppl;
you. write us
Useful household
booklet free.
Th. Duffy Malt Wh,.,.., vo.,
Rochsster, N. Y.
151 ITM
There's a Place for "U" in the
"The New York Peacock"
in ,
on tho mammoth
orchestral organ.
f lV""X Svrltng
0f 'the
ipA'rlWm Splendor,
iWf 7 Dr,.n
if mm ip
Shares in the General Wat
Bride Class Are Again
Brought Forward.
New Tork, Feb. 7. The conflicting and
shifting movements attendant upon today's
operations were In themselves evidence of
thu Increasing uncertainties arising from
the International situation.
Shares of the numerous companies which
aro likely to derive additional revenues f' m
the sale of war products were again brought
forward, while rails evinced greater heavl
ness on ihe recurrence of liquidation, com
monly accepted as emanating from Teutonic
jtourres. This view was heightened by the
wrakness or Canadian Pacific, a former fa
vorite of the Herlin Bourse, which made s
Kh.ri nf th. "hw ,A.rf , r'.n..n.n P.
rifll. -ubaidlarv. vielded 8 nolnt. with 1 to
I 3 ror oilier transcontinental, grangers,
coalers and some of the southern division,
Minor rails were In lltrht demand, with
fresh weakness In New Haven.
Specialties were at their best during the
early part of the sesHlon, Ionlng virtually all
ther advantage, on the later reversal In
rails, United States Steel cloned at a net
losn of l points after having shown an
I actual gain of a point.
Changes In other industrials, copper and
various unclassified issues were greater,
forenoon advances of 3 to 6 point being
substituted by net losses of 1 to 3 points,
all tho activity of tho lat hour being on
the down ne ale. Total sales, 935.000 shares.
Tho extraordinary strength of exchange
rales on Berlin cables, advancing to 70
in the afternoon a against yesterday's
rato of 67, seemed confirmatory of the re
port that German Interests were eellinr se
curities here and remitting the proceeds
notne. lenna exchange hardened sym
pathetically, and sterling, slightly easier at
ine outset, made complete recovery,
International bonds were again Irregular
on the new low record made by United
I Kingdom & of 1921. Total sales, par
vniue. $3,570,000. United State government
1 bunds alMO moved uncertainly, the 4s ad
1 vancing per cent and Panama 3s declining
mat inucii.
Number of sale and quotations on lead
Inn stocks were:
Rales. High. Jow. Close.
6.300 100 97 97
2.400 46 44 44
3,400 6 04 634
29,4110 74 70 70
8,000 100 98 98
1,300 107 100 10B
400 125 125 1L'5
3.000 38 14 37 .lfi.
Am. Beet Sugar...
American Can
Am. Car ft F'dry.
Am. Locomotive...
Am. Smelt. & Ref..
Am. Sugar Ref. . . .
Am. Tel. ft Tel. . . .
Am. S!., L, ft S.
naconua copper. . 1 6,1 on 77 7b 7b
Atchison 4,900 103 102 102
Haldwin Locomo. .. 37,100 59 62 63
Baltimore- Ohio.. 1,000 76 76 76
Hrook. Rapid Tran. 2,000 6N 66 66
H. & H. Copper 6,300 47 4 45
Cal. Petroleum .1,300 24 22 23
Canadian Pacific. .. 21,300 M 148 149
Central Leather... 77,000 88 82 83
Chesapeake & Ohio 1,700 69 67 68;
C, M. ft St. P 10,700 81 79 79
i -nieago at n. w . . . z,u" 120 117 US
Chlno Copper
Colo. Fuel & Iron ,
2,000 64
1,700 45
Products Kef. 17.100 22
I'mctbie Hteel 69,700 69
Distillers' Securities ,5,700
General H lee trie. . ,
(Jreat No. pfd
Great No. Ore. Ctfs.
Illinois Central
Inter. Con. Corp. . .
4.700 26
300 164 164 163
1,800 113 112 112
6,600 33 3t 31
zoo J.uzi ii im
300 13 13 13
Inspiration Copper. 18,900 66
Inter. Harvester... 300 117 115 114
I. M. M. pfd. ctfs. 16,300 67 64 64
K. C. Southern.... 200 22 21 21
that public utilities corpora
tions possess greater stability and
steadier growth than any other stocks,
because they render a ntassary mtscc,
and their earnings incrssst with the
growth of the community.
in mi imrms coipmhtwi
(Incorporated lutder tht laws
Hi Uh StaU of Nam York)
owns and operates public utilities
in 12 thriving cities of the mid-west The
population of the territory served ia
100.0UO, and at present rate of growth in
dicates 250,000 within arc yean.
These corporations are wisely and
efficiently managed by the same men
who are successfully managing public
utility corporations having assets of
I5O.000.0O0. or more. Th$ Mttdi-rifkt
1 now is paying a 10i diaiitmi yitid.
with SOO pnucsun.
Ws sdvis. your seriy mm4 vwJkd Isnrtatt
gallon of ihisstOTk
Fordttailtd information, spaab CiraUar. E''
.Slavics Msl ftonsfs
22 South Ls Sslle Strost CHrCAOO
Long Distance Mien. Harrison 46)91
Ask for and Get e-.
36 hgr Recipe Book frrt
Coming Tuesday
Kennecott Copper,. $,400
Louisville ft Nash.. 400
Mex. Petroleum.... 16,100
Miami Copper 1,600
M., K. ft T. pfd
Mo. Pacific, new... 700
Montana Power... 300
National Lead 900
44 44 44
124 123 123
92 89 89
37 27 37
28 28 28
98 98 98
57 66 65
24 22 22
95 93 94
40 39 40
129 128 128
104 102 102
64 63 64
26 26 26
92 90 90
79 76 76
26 25 26
92 92 92
28 27 27
107 102 102
215 209 208
126 133 133
83 83 82
127 123 123
108 100 108
1 1H 117. 117
110 107107
26 25 25
9u 94 94
53 51 52
935,000 share.
Nevada Copper 1,900
itew iorK central..
N. Y., N. H. A H-.
Norfolk ft Western
Northern Pacific...
raemc Man
Pennsylvania 10,710
Ray Con. Copper... 6,700
Reading 9,600
Rep. Iron Steel.. 17,400
Shattuck Ariz. Con. 200
Southern Pacific... 2,400
aoutnem Kail way.
Studebaker Co
Texas Company..,.
union racmc
Union Pacific pfd. ,
U. S. Jnd. Alcohol.
U. . Steel
U. S. Steel pfd..
Utah Copper. . . .
Wabash pfd. "B"
Western Union . .
Westing-house Klec.
Total sales for the day.
New York Money Market.
New York, Feb. 7. Mercantile Paper 4
per cent.
Sterling Exchange ftO-day bills. 14.72 :
commercial 60-day bills on banks, 24.72;
nimerciai flu-aav Dills, M.iZV: demand.
$4.75; cables, $4.70 7-l.
hllvcr Bar, 77c; Mexican dollars, G2e.
Bonds Government, lrretrular: railroad.
Time Loans Baay; sixty days, 3 &4 per
ent; 90 days and six months, 3&4 per
Call Money Steady: high, 2 per cent:
low. 2 per cent: rulins ratp. 2 ner rent-
last loan, 2 per cent,; closing bid, 2 per
cru; onercu n i pr com.
U.- S. r. 2s, reg. 99 M. K.& T. 1st 4s 77
do roupnn ... 99 Mo. Par. con. 6s. 104
U. S. 3s, reg... .100 Mont. Power 6s.. 99
do coupon ...100 X. Y. C. deh Km inn
U. 8. 4s, reg..,.109rr. y. City 4r.107
do coupon ...110New Ilavrn c.
A. T. & IT. c. 4s 104.N'o. Pad fin 4 m
Anglo-French 6b. il do 3s 66
A ten. gen. 4s... 94Ore. S. h. ref. 4s 04
H. & O. Kb 924 Par. T. T. fia. innu
Beth. St. ref. Ss.l00Penn. con. 4a..ino
Central Par. lnt 90 do vrn ,u, in'i
v.. v j. cv. B.. K4 4 rteaiiing gen. 4s
C, B. ft Q. jt. 4s 98So. Pac cv. 6a..
CM. 10 Vi do ref i
C. R. I. A P. r. 4s 7SSo. Railway 5s.
' in"-. OOMUHiuu I ai'UlC IS
P. & R. G. c. 4s. ti2 do cv. 4
Brie gen. 4s 69 IT. S. Rubber 6s.l0j-
uen. Kiec. ia...I0&u. a. ateel l ion
Jt. No. 1st 48.100 W. Union 4s...g
. C. ref. 4s 9rDom. of C., 1931. 99
i. C. So. ref. 6b. Ha BId.
L. & N. un. 4a.. 96
London Btocks and Bonds.
London, Feb. 7. American necuHl-l. a.
dined slightly at the opening, but Improved
later, and closed steady on toe stock ex
changn today.
btlver Bar, 37d por ounce.
Money 444 per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills. 6&6U nr
i-mn, uiim uiuiiins, vok per cent.
Th. Story of a No-.ood Rich Youth Who
Managea to Mak. Good.
Less than two days
ride from here is the
wonderful Garden of Eden
that millions of money has
transformed into a vast recrea
tion field and that American
society has established as its
national wintering place. Isn't
it "Florida" for you this year?
leaves Kansas City at 6d5 p. m.,
reaches Jacksonville 8:25 a. m. sec
ond day only a day and a half's ride
via Frisco Lines and Southern Rail
way the direct route. All steel train
of coaches, sleeping cars
and Fred Harvey dining
The undersigned haTsome
new Florida literature that
will interest you write for
it, and get full information
about fares and reservations.
HI 7WWaanstSt,KaasaaCitr.M fif
DjlT Matinee, 2:15; Night. 8:15. This Wsek.
I nd HOFF, Ssvoy ft Brennan, S
j Larry Comer I Belgium Girls, Newhof ft
Phelps, John Webster A Co., The Ferraros.
Orpheum Travel Weekly.
Prices Gallery. 10c: Best Seats (sxcept
Saturday snd Sunday). 25c. Nights, 10c
25c, 50c snd 75c.
jyCafffl&t Evsn'gs, 15-25-S0-75C
Jee Hurtli'i Record Broken
Is the New Sinetaeular Fastaty
"A Rag Doll in Ragland" B"r,'.?.'..
Stuffed With Catchy Tumi and Pretty Qsii
Frank Keenan t
I "The Bride of Hate" i
"HU Sweetheart"
Mrs. Vernon
Castle as
- A Bluebird Photoplajr
Z in "
2 The return of th heroine of SJoe "