J' THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, FERRUARY 7. 1017. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. . Close In, Near Harney St. Owner Says Sell Former Price $5,500 Brrn ta your offr. This is to be sold thli vmk and la the biggest bargain on close-in property. Glover & Spain, Realtors, D. JM2. I1-J0 City National. JSL-KQANT west Farnam home for ,00O; finest woodwork throughout; hot water heat, strictly modern; choicest location. P. D. Wead. 310 8. 18th St.. Wead Bldi. Douglas 171. WEST PARNAJa, stucco. 1-r.. modern. Lot Talus, 11,00; house value, $4,000. All for. M.0M. lit No. Jlth Ave Doug. 1147. North. 2TH AND CAMDEN AVE. ' PRICE $3,000., (room, nearly rwrw bungalow, oak finish and oak floors. Lot 46x132. Full cement basement, furnace heat. Paved street. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 6S7 Omaha Nat'l Bit. Bldff. Doug, 1781. NEW BUNGALOW. Ftro rooms, strictly modern, finished In Oak. Located at 3923 N. 26th Sc. Pries Terms. Will take small cot tags In trade. NORMS A NORRIS. M0 Boe Building:. Phone Douglas 4270. South. 16 PER CENT INVESTMENT. Cedar St., near 5 th. S small houses, one lot: sewer, water ana gas: close to car live in one, rent the other two. BIG BARGAIN. WRIGHT & I.ASBURT. Douglas 162. Miscellaneous. CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW Lsrg Itrtng room, dining room, kitchen n first floor; three large bedrooms and bath on second floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in bookcases and buffet; futi basement; guaranteed furnace; east front ot ; paved street ; fins location. Prlct SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 1009. Ground Kir McCagus Bldg . CHOICE HOMES. Modern to the minute, ranging In price from 93,000 to 96,000, on large plots, re fined surroundings and every known im provement and convenience; for sale at your own terms, exclusively oy me SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4926 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247. $300 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. 5-room cottage, nearly new and strictly modern; only one block to car, two blocks to school. Owner will sacrifice for $2,860. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 3486. THE GREATEST GAIN 68. 7 M tn paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THil OMAHA BEE for ISIS. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE MODERN BUNGALOW Floe location, east front, paved street, I rooms, hardwood floors and finish, close to school and oar. A bargain at $1,000. Easy terms Call owner Dcu till. MEW bungalow, also 8-r. and gardening, yonr terms and price; lnv. with $400, rent S houses (cost $3,600), $2,600. D. 2107. FIVE rooms, new, oak Qnlsh, fully deco rated, all modern, etc., $2,760; $200 cash, balance monthly Colfax 7835 OWN your own home, but be sure to buy It from Orimmel, 849 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. HOUSES In all parts of the city. CBEIC.H, SO TS A CO.. 608 Bee Bldg. j. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate andHlnsur ance. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at MINNE LU9A, 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots IF YOU will come out today you will understand why the others are buying, CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler lgf. THE GKEA'fEtf'l GAIN 68,788 In paid want-aus ever made by any Omaha paper la the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 191 , BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. REAL ESTATE B'nesa Pr'pty CHOICE WHOLESALE LOCATIONS We have a number of good corners In the wholesale district at very reasonable prices. All are conveniently located close to the freight stations and near the large wholesale warehouses, GEORGE & CO., OS City National Bank Bids. Doug. 766. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE. I eS-WO acres C. B. . trackage at Gibson. Suitable tor laduotry deslrlnf large area with low price. Also have 0 acres beautifully located on boulevard, a K. part without trackage. W. L. Helby & Sons, Keellne Bid,. - REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. Two Acres Brand New 2-Room House $100 Down $20 a tyonth l Baas good chicken house, well and out buildings. Located In West Benson, only a short distance from paved road and free JUnflry. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Beed. Hastings & Heyden, Realtors 1014 Harney Street. Six Rooms, Modern 2-3 OF AN ACRE. A practically new, 6-rm. all modem house, garage, with 2-3 of an acre of ground; a nice east front, beautiful view of the surrounding country; 2 blocks from car line; $3,600; terms. Hiatt Co., S4S Omaha National Bank. START TOUR HOME IN BENSON. BUT THS LOT. tllsl down and tin 00 per month; price tt.M; site, 60x12$; located on Locust Rt.. between Clsrk and Bdrnbam, not far from school and oar llao. Geo, B. Wrlgb'. Bm Office, Oamtm. REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. SEVERAL lots. buildtOK restriction. Il7 600.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow Circle. W L. HKLBV A tK)NH, Uoug. 1618. Florence. 1260 ACK1L acreage Mid: 1 tracts Inft $300. Last o(i an os. Call Netbaway. Flo 221. South Side. A GENTLEMAN'S HOMB. A stately, spacious mansion on Sid Ave. overlooking Hansoom Park, witb 12 larg airy rooms, i nre places, steam heat and innumerable oioaeta and oantrles. Ter raced olot. I0xl76 feeL Price. SlX.uoo Only I2.&00 cash required. For sale only oy me SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4826 South Mth St. Phone South 1141, MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On the South Bide, on full-sust. lots, ranging from 11,600 to 3,000 in different localities, with all city Improvements, uear schools and churches; can be bought i rem us on a small cam payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4925 S. 24th St. Phone South 1247 CHEAP HOURS. Wo have a large number of small bouses with S to 4 rooms, ranging In price from 800 to 11,200, on full sized lots, which we can sell at your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO.. 4926 S. H4tb Bt. Phone South 1247 FOUR ACR1SS. Well improved Will taks good bunga low as part payment. 3. P BOSTW1CR A SON. Tyler 160 gun Bee Bldg Miscellaneous. ACREAGE. Just listed one acre of ground with a brand new, 6-room housn on it. Full cement basement, jTurnace heat, electric liehts, new garagtf, new chtcke . house. Four rows of grapes, strawberries, and otner small shrubbery. Priced at $2,860 Less money than improvements cost. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 537Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. REAL ESTATE To Exchange TO EXCHANGE 330 acres Improved farm in Oklahoma, for Gen. Mdse., or Hdwe. Must be good. Address Box T 836, Omaha Bee. L 280 ACRES, highly Improved, near Aber deen, South Dakota, to exchange for in come property. Write F L. Jones. Creston, Iowa. 3-STORY brick furnished hotel, north Mo. Brick business building. Iantba, Mo. 80 acres, 35 cultivation, 3 mites railroad, What have you ? Tell ua. Gllmour, Pomona Mo. FOR exchange, 1,440-acre ranch, highly Im proved, 1,100 acres in cultivation. Want soma rash. hnl. ITlinnis Inwu pant or n Ne braska farm, or, Omaha city income. W. U. Templeton, 603 Bee Bldg. THE GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ads ever made by an Omaha paper, ta the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE NONRESIDENT what have you, 6!-room house, 6-year-old. Strictly modern. Garage. Northwest. Owner, Smith, Room 606, Castle Hotel. WE have some good, homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or Iowa land Edward F Williams Co., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ranch specialist sell or trade ranches foi city nropertv 'Vant 7ts Km ridels Hi da 6 LOTS, southwest of Hanscom Park, to trade for residence. Address Box 1180. Bee, REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4. 6 and 6 -roomed bouses that can be sold for $100 cash, balance $16 per month; send complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 10i4. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us WE SELL THEM OSBORNE REALTY TO Onus, 1474 LIST your 6 and 6-room houae with K. 'WARD F. WILLIA MS CO.. Doug. 430. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loan:,, Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates t, oft ana t per cent. Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th. Omaha, Neb. City and .Farm Loans 6. 6tt and 6 'par cent. Also ttrst mort gages od farms and Omaha real estate (or sale. J, H. Dumont & Co.. 416-18 Keellne Bldg.. nth and Harney. 6 FeJH ua.Nl to o uei uetil on beat ulase city residences In amount lli.evv up; also farm loans. Keaaornhle comialssloD. PKTBK8 THUSI CO.. im Farnam St. THE GREATEST GAIN 68.739 In paid wan t-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, ta the record of THE OMAHA T3EE tor II U. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. STANDARD SECURITY AND INVESTMENT CO., S WEAD BLDG- 181H AND .'ARNAM. SHOPEN CO.. PKlVATfe MUNiii, litUU UO to loan oo Omaha real estate or jentrai Neb. land. W. L. Selby & aona, Keellne Bldg. MONEY to loan oo improved farms and i sain. uvm. it s BIBM uujr guuu larui oiuri RELIABLE lusuraiica See O'Nell's Real aviate ana insurance Agency, eaa-d Bran dels l'heater Tel. Tyler 1024. MONEY oh band for city and farm loans. H, W Binder, City National Batik Bldg. tV, CITY GARMN BROS., u 2 f 1-oANS-"um. Nat. Bk. Bid. Vltt omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES. EAST NEB. FARMS. Q'KEEFiS K. E. CU., 1U1B Omaha Nat l. FARM and ciiy loans, b-th ' t per cent. W 11 rtlotllH- Kfctlliv HIllK lr,.,JK IMf WORLD KhALi Y CO., 'Sun Theater1 CITY aud tarni loans, lowest rate. E. H. LOUUEE. inc., bfi Keeiiue Bldg. $luu to liu.utiu made prompli F L Wead, Wead bldg., lath and fur nam Sts. LOW T. TES. C G. CARLBERO, 210-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. D, &H6. Abstracts of Title. 306 a L.tb St.. ground floor Bunded by Mass bonding and Ins Co. rtfcCD ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abstract of- ye in Nebraska Hrandele rbwater Financial Wanted. GALLAbHEK & NELSON, Represent prompt pay Insurance ootn pa ii lea 44 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb MONEY IO LOAN WANTED. HIGH CLASS LOANS. $60.00 to $300.00. Ten per cent interest per annum and 10 per cent brokerage feoa Provided by law. Easy Payments. Utmost Privacy. Twenty-five Years Established. OMAHA LOAN CO. Licensed and Bonded. TeL Doug. 2296, Room 340 Paxton Blk. FURNITURE, pianos, lnd. notes as security. t44 mo. ti. it. gas., wiai cost, 93.60; $40 " Indorsed notes, latal cost, $2.i. Smaller, larger ara'ts., proportionate rata PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organized by Omaha Business Men. 431 Rose Bldg.. lstb ssd farnam Ty Ml. n Dla. Gross, 410 N. 16th. R. 608 L FARM AND RANCH LANDS 71orida Lands. PALM BBAH COUKTT. We have the record crop truck farden and Minis fruit land the United States. You can buy on easy arms. Note: If you are t good land sales man Palm Beuch county. Florid . offers you the best land proposition In America. PARSONS & SON, tb Brandels Bldg. Doug as 7841. Excursions lei., Omaha first and third Tuesdays every month. Make j ur reser vations with us early. - , RAISE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Hay) this winter. First cutting, 90 days, $69 to 10 annually on $60 land. 126 Pax' on Blk Walnut ;7 (evenings). Texas Lands. TA 8. FRANKS Real estate, east Texa lands. Jvl Mwnus xwu iMugiaa , FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. 80 ACRES Well Improved five miles northeast of Logan, la., 1130 per acre. IS.fOO i-asb will handle Ihla. Can give possession March 1. or have tenant for It at $ti00. Ed B, Oibbs, 39 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Michigan Lands. FOR SALEClover-land " "farm Grains thrive. Drouth, bail unknown. Root cropa. dairying, grazing, ideal. Fins roads, mar ket; .48 growing days.- Average killing frosts October t. Terms oasy. George Howell, Jr., !S Bacon Blk., Marquette. Mich, Mississippi Lands. 30,000 ACRES, cut over hardwood trraber land, $4,76 acre; terms; also Improved farms; grand grain, stock country; all bargains. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Missouri Jjinds. FOR SALE the " besF blue grass farm in southwest Missouri; tioo acres in b.ue grass, graced 8" years: 200 acres In bluest em, gracing all the year; mild winters, abundance of spring water and shade: price, $30,000. Address George T. Sidway, owner. Monett, Mo. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no intercut or taxes; highly productive land; close to i big markets. Write for photographs and full information. Munger, A-ua w. Y. uro Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, Nebraska Lands. WE FARM the farm we sell yon, THE HUNGEUFoKn POTATO GROWERS' ASSN., Co-operative Potato Farming, 16th and Howard Bts opposite Auditorium. WW'i land made dry enough for cropa or no pay, ts our wsy of draining land. No tract too large or too wet. Guarantee prmnnge co Oakland. Neb. SOME bargains tn Kimball county farms improved ana raw land; land that raises 16 to 36 bushels of wheat per acre; $10 aoq up, f armers- i-ana CO., Kimoall, Neb. Wisconsin Lands. WE OWN 150,000 ACRES. $7.50 to $25.00 per acre. Reasonable terms. GRIMMER LAND CO., Marinette, Wisconsin. FARM LAND WANTED RANCHES, Farm Lands bought, sold, ei cnangeo, ts. . and R. E, Montgomery. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Screenings $1.60 100 lb. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. lBtn Ht. AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED TIRES. y2 Price We make dm new tkro from the old onea GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. We Buy and Sell USED CARS TIRES. Live agents wanted, if you are a bu tler write for our agency proposition. 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO.. 1S16 Davenport St. Omaha. WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 3250. 2047-49 Farnam. Overland Touring and Roadster. Studebaker tourings. Maxwell tourings. Ford tourings. Oakland tourings. Mitchell tourings. Bulck tourings. Hudson tourings. Terms If Desired. Prompt attention given to all Interested out-of-town puyera. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2309 Farnam St. Douglas 3310. Cadillac "8" Touring. 1916 Stearns-Knight Touring, 1916 Chevrolet Touring. ALL TO BE SACRIFICED. 15 PCI. Cash rebate on your auto iosuraao pot toy if you car la equipped with PERKY LOCK. Hbotie Douglas 321 7 M4 Brandsls Bldg. a.U.S. MOTOR CO. Heated 3406 Leavenworth. and Fireproof storage. $6 per month. Day and night service Phone Tyler 717. v 11913 PAIGE, . electrio equipped, $219. 11914, 6-60 Maxwell, speedster, $499, Several second-hand Franklins. TELL & B1NKLEY, 318 Harney Bt. lfM. IIS-& 34TH Ct., CROSSTOWN GARAGE. D. 4442. Single cyl. Harley motorcycle, $26.00. Pony 1917 touring, perfect run ning order, $126.09. Windshields, $6.00., etc. WE will trade you a now Ford tor roar old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGF CO., H9th and Harney. Douglas 4141. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES. C VV. rKANUS AUTO CO., Douglas M63. 3219-1$ Farnam St. REBUILT high and low tension raagnetoes, magneto pa s or magneto repairs. Mat tox. 1420 South 18th Tyler 1113-J. AUTO Tops, Cushions, Seat Covers, Bodies, ' Manufactured and Repaired. AUTO TRIMidING AND EQUIPMENT CO., 410 S 18th; Douglas 6977. Hhh iwil Ksn-Flx-lt." per 20tb and Harney Sts. Souioeast cor Douglas 7399. Auto Liver, anc' Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready." Omaha Garage, 3010 Har- n-v St. Tyler "66 Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repaired Baysdorfer. 210 N. Hth NEB. AutoRadlator Repair Service, and prfees right 218 S 1 Sth D 7390. PERSONAL i THE GREATEST GALN 18,731 Omaha paper, la the record or THE OMAHA BEE for 1919. BEST RESULTS -LOWEST RATS THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnea We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect our new home, 1119-1113-1114 Dodge St. .IBS LARSON Batbs, massage and maot CQT Scalp 'id facial massag . Staats I us tit ate, l&tifi ..,rny St. D 7097. Open venlnas a..J Sundays. Sulphur,, steam and eucalyyptus batbs tor chronlo diseases; exp. attendant for ladles snd genttem en 402-3 Rose Bldg Ty 33K3 MlSftEtt LILLY AND GOULD Bath, mas sage 1322 Farnam St. Phons Doug. 2410 LUKLLA W EBSTEFL nuVsaagsand mani curing. 618 Paxton Bjk.Jlted JI400. MISS S. BENJAMIN, maalcurlnK, faclaL scalp treatment Staatslna. 1606 Harney. MISS N ASHr BIIUOM AN, sclennricniasseus aud tthfl 23 Karbacb Blk. Red 2727. AIL RlghtpT vate Maternity HonieT 1011 Miami St. Webster 2908. tjC'ENTlFlC massage, 60 Bos Bldg. Phone DourIss 8373, EROTT Magnetic masBage. 2434 CumlntT MiSSGlLE, mass., chiropody. 1322 Farnam. Manicuring and mass 1032 Farnam. Rat. 19. Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTOkCYCLES Bar gains In used machines Victor Roos, "Tb Motorcycle Man." "703 Lesvenworth REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Rppd Bros, to Joseph E. Marks, Gorby street. 4& feet east of Twrn-ty-elffhth street, south side, 46x 15 3 Tloreno.e K. Mlxtir and husband to Arthur Theodore. Twenty-second street, AO feet north of Orace street, west side, 30x140 1 Charles W. Martin and wife to Her. bert W. Miller, Newport avenue, 120 feet west of Twentr-fourtb street, 44x120 IM REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jesne Robinson to Chris R. Rooae. Thlrty-slith street, HO feet north of Webster avenue, east aide, 80x 1 34 ft i Delia C. Patrick and husband to 11. G. Carnea. Vinton street, 160 feet, west of Thlrty-vlxth street, north side, 60x134 236 James J, Sherlock and wife to Mary Lynch et al. Forest avenue. 400 feet east of Tenth street, north side, 60x110 1 Gordon Rex Pet teg row and wife to James F. Pettegrew, Thirty-first street, 46 feet north of Fowler ave nue, weot side. 46x13ft 300 Serena E. Rohan to Frances M. Wait, southwest corner Fiftieth and Cum ing streets, 60x136 3 Joseph M. Swanson and wife to Me llora S. Rlngwalt, Davenport street, 75 feet east of Fortieth street, south side, 80x100 10,400 Lillian Miller and husband to Hen rlkke Knudsen, Hoctor boulevard. "8 feot south of Central boulevard, east side, 4txJ20 1 310 Gina O'Neill and husband to Frank I. Stephens, Davenport street, 331 feet east of Twenty -seventh street, south side, 33x116 J,jfl LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Publishing Company will be hld at the office of said company, Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m.. on Monday, March 6th, 1 91 7, for the election of the Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for ths transaction of such other buta nes as may properly com before the meet ing. By order of the President. N. P. FEIL, Secretary. me F4Rt NOTTCK OF STOOKHOLDERg' VlEBTTNa Notice Is hereby sven that the regular annual meetlnv of the stockholders of the South Platte I,and Company will lie held at the -office of said Company, Room 701, First National Bank Building, Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the Seventh day of March A. D., 1,17. Lincoln, Nebraska, March sth. 1,17. C. H. MORRILL. President. W. W. TURNER, Secretary and Trenaurer. bVt7-P6d20t Kearney Awakens to Hear Burglars Robbing Store Though A. J. Kearnty has skpt in his drug store at the southwest cor ner of rhrrty-seecond avenue and Ar bor street for years to ward off bur glars, robbers chiselled their way into the place Monday night and robbed the cash register of between $2 and SX I his occurred about 3 o clock in the morning. Mr. Kearney, sleeping in a back room in the store, was par tially awakened by a slight noise, but thought nothing of it, for milk wag ons begin to ramble early in the morning at that corner, and people catching early cars in winter stamp around his front door a good deal, thus disturbing his early morning slumbers quite frequently. Soon, however, he noticed a flash of light that even lighted his bedroom. There s that stove blown up, he said to himself, and he leaped out of bed and ran for the front of the store. It was then he heard the shuf fle of feet and heard the burglars clatter out of the front door. Thev left a cold chisel fully ten inches long, marked on one side with the letters "XXX" and on the other with the letter "N." both markings being somewhat crudely filed into the steel. - Want State to Co-operale In Employment Bureau At a meeting of the Board of Pub lic Welfare yesterday evening Chair man Sturgess stated he is working toward state co-operation in con nection with the free employment bu reau recently established in the court house by thj Welfare board and the federal eovernment. Mr.1 Sturgess conferred with Governor Neville on the subject a few days ago and re ceived encouragement from that executive. Since the jureau was opened on January 11, 507 persons asked for 477 workers and 437 were plac.d in posi tions. The total applications for work was 829. The plan of securing state co-operation is to furnish labor to farmers of Nebraska. i Government Takes Over Dundee Wireless Station The amateur wireless station that has been in operation in the western portion of Dundee was commandeered by the government and Sargeant Baily of the Fort Omaha signal corps placed in charge. The station will be brought up to date by the installa tion of new and much larger trans formers. The Dundee wireless station is lo cated on a high hill, said to be ideal for handling government business. There are a number of the amateur stations in and about the city, but the one in Dundee is asserted to be the only one that comes anywhere near up to government requirements. Depot Barber Shop Till Is Out Eighty Dollars One hundred pennies was the ex tent of loot obtained by robbers who broke into the store of L. Rasmus sen at Fortieth and Bedford avenue. The pennies were taken from the cash register. Nothing else in the store was molested. The Union depot barber shop re ported to the police that $80 had been stolen from the cash register. Simultaneously with the loss of the money the barber shop reported that its negro ported disappeared. Jack Frost Packs His Duds and Flees Country There is not a zero temperature or one ranging below the zero mark in the entire country, an unusual event for this time of the season, accord ing to reports received by the weather man up to 7 o'clock this morning. The weather is ' apparently moderating in all sections of the country. Some of the low spots were: St. Paul, 4 above, and Chicago, 8 above. Omaha reg istered 28 above at 7 o'clock. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Miss Margaret Butler, laoe buyer for Burgess-Wash company, turn gooe to Now YorJt City. D. C. Buetl. director of the rafrway edu cational bureau formerly conducted by the Union Pacific for Its employes, has just re turned to Omaha from an eastern trip. Enroute to the Paotflo coast. Gerritt Fort, passenger traffic manager of the Un ion Pacific, arrived from Chicago and spent several hours around hadruarters, he and A Mis tan t General Passenger Agent Murray going west together, Eugene B. Flnnegan, chief of tartff bu reau of the Chicago, UUwaukM, was Mon day appointed assistant general freight agent In place of C. A. Butler, who was pro moted to the position of assistant to ' vice preexdent. To Cure Children', (Mils. Keep child dry, clothe comfortable, avoid expoeure, give Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honer. raises phleim, reduces inflammation. 2fc All druggists. Advertlsaiasnt CHICAGO MAN GETS FREEDOM ON WRIT Special Investigator of Cook County Who Was Arrested While On Train. DENIES EE TOOK RECORDS Writ of habeas corpus action to ob tain his freedom was successfully re sorted to by Franklin Kapps, formerly a special investigator for County At torney Hoyne of Cook county, Il linois, who was arrested and taken from a train in Omaha last Saturday at the request of the Chicago police. Kapps, with his wife and child, was enroute west when the Omaha police arrested him and incarcerated him in the city jail. Judge Sears issued a writ of ha beas corpus ordering Kapps' release and the former Chicago investigator and his familv continued their jour ney. The Chicago authorities at County Attorney Hovne s request charged that Kapps committed lar ceny when he took, it was alleged, certain records from the former s ot Ace. In Omaha Kapps said that the "records" were merely personal memoranda of his own. He asks his release on the grounds that he was being unlawfully detained without a warrant or any proper charge. Quarter Million Medical Inspections in Schools During the first semester of the school year, from September 4 to January 26, thtf' medical inspection de partment of the public schools made 240,005 inspections. The nurses made 39,942 inspections for pediculosis and found 109 cases of that ailment which consists of cer tain forms of life which may be re moved from the head with a fine tooth comb. The report shows 783 cases of de tective vision and seventy-eight cases of defective hearing. During the semester sixty-eight school chil dren had scarlet fever and thirty-one were stricken with diphtheria. U. S. Naval Board Has Data On All Nebraska Industries The Naval Consulting Board at Washington has detailed information of all industries of Nebraska, this data having been completed last year by a committee of Omahans. H. H. Holdrege. W. R. McKcen, jr.; W. T. Page, Prof. C. F. Crowley and Elliott Holhrooh: are tne men who gathered the information which Uncle Sam wanted for time of need. The nation-wide movement, ot which five Omaha men are members, is known as the Organization for In dustrial Preparedness of the Naval Consulting Board. Late Trains Cripple Justice in Omaha Court Instice in the United Statea dis trict court was halted Monday and delayed half a day Tuesday because of two jurors, Joe Morton of Har- tmgton and Steve Keeker ot for dyce, could not make train connec tions to Omaha. The jurors are sit ting in the Nebergall-Morris Pack intr comoanv case, in which the lat ter organization is suing for the re covery of $8.000. Several Autos Burn At the Fontenelle Garage An early morning fire in the Fon tenelle garage. Eighteenth and Doug las, damaged several automobiles, one being a small car used by the park department. A large machine used by City Commissioner Hummel was slightly damaged. The De Luxe Dancing academy, over the garage, was not damaged so but what the dance may go on. Piece of Steel Flies Into Harry Green's Arm A piece of steel eight inches long flew off a freight car in the Union Pacific yards and Imbedded itself in the right arm of Harry Green, 105 North Ninth street, who was at work unloading a car. Surgeons had to cut Green's arm open to extract the steel. Obituary Notices. MRS. MAROAUET RYAN, who had ltved on the name farm on the Elk horn river east of Fremont In Wash ington county for over llfty years, died at Blair and the body was taken to Fremont for burial. Mrs. Ryan, known aa Grandma Ryan, Is bUved to have bocn over 100 ynani old, al though her agfi Is not dlflnltely known. She came to Washington county with her husband from J inland llfty-two years rko and had made her home on the farm where they located until frix months ago when she removed to Blair to live with her daughters. Mr. Ryan died eight years ago. Two daughters, who reside at Blair, are the close surviving relatives. PROF. O. D. HOWE, well known educator of Pawnee county, died at his residence five miles north of Table Rock, Neb., at midnight Hunday, aged 85 years. He had served as county suporintendtn of school of this county for three years and as county surveyor for many years. He was born at Painesvtlle, In 1831. His father, Eber D. Howe, published a paper in Cleveland, O., for a great many years. He is survived by a son, Edmund D. Howe, a graduate of the state univers ity at Lincoln and an aged sister of PalncHville, O. MRS. MARTHA HENRY BKEHE, 78 years old and a resident of Omaha since April, 1869, died of heart fail ure Monday night. Funeral services will be beld Wednesday at 2:80 o'clock from her late home, 138 North Thirty-first avenue. Interment will be In I'rospect Hill cemetery. She Is sur vived by one son, T. E. Beebe, and two grandsons. Talmage G. Beebe and Wymon C. Beebe of this city. A brother and a niece reside In Ohio. HKNRY F. W1NDEM of Syracuse, Neb., died unexpectedly Sunday morn ing of pneumonia at the age of 42 years. He was sick only a few hours. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 1 p. m. from the First Lutheran church by Rev. K. H. Gabriel. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Fa vorite for Cold. J. L. Easley, Macon, 1IL, in speak ing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy says, "During the past fifteen yean it has been my sister's favorite medi cine for colds on the lungs. I myself have taken it a number of times when suffering from a cold and it always relieved me promptly." Adv. Editors Art One In Agreeing to Uphold Wilson Actuated by love of the land of their adoption, six editors of foreiKn-lan-fftiage newspapers, representing more than 500,000 citizens of Nebraska, met Monday noon at the Commercial club and unanimously adnpted the follow ing resolution, which was wired at once to President Wilson: Whereas. We. the underMlmml nnhll-he. of foroign language newspapers reprint ing over 6,ono clttsens of Omaha, of for Mgr. birth and extraotlon, and ovi-r BOO.ooo msens or in Masks, with paramount love nil devotion to the lttntl at our mi.mti, the United States of America, deeply regrnt th 8flvran-tt of diplomatic rotations b twtn this oountry and Gorman v. r nnv other foreign oountry. and slncoroly hop vhbi i r m rvisiions may again soon be rostored, and, W liftman. Wo ar oornlsant nf Ih. ft that American rights and tho dimity of "i nnuun mum ana snail do protoclM and inainiaina. rncrerore, bn it HcsolvtHl. That w unanimously commend and potior th action takn by our orwU dnt in tho present ("finis and solemnly p ma g mm ana ins nation our loyal and unwHvvrius pud port. National Printing company, publish Una- pouar ana Kvty Atnerirh. (Itohf-mlsnr by WalUr Kostcky, swretary and advertis ing managor. Sophua F. Nfthl Puhllshlnr oomnanv. rrab. i inner uantsn j-Monevr, (Danish), by Hana r, naDiv. oustntws manager. Oorriers del Fopolo. (Italian), by Louis Padanplll, publisher. Dally and Sunday I'okrtik, (Bohemian), pub lisher. Vaclav Hiirnah. Omaha Prist fn, (Hwodlnh), publisher, Nsl- swn .-, i norson. Polish Rtar, Pollsh), by Thomas Kfulol, puoiianer. Indian Witnesses Have Secured Their Release Fonr of the Indian witnesses given jail sentences by Federal Judge Woodrough for contempt of court because they appeared intoxicated when they were subpoenaed, were re leased from the county .jail and al lowed to go to the Winnebago reser vation. Louis i wmn. one of the In dians liberated, is well known in this section as a base ball player, having traveled with several Indian ball teams. The other three released were Susan Davis, Charlie Rice and Felix White. Alimony is Awarded To Louisa C. Hendricks Alimony to the amount of $1,000 was awarded Louisa C Hendricks, de fendant in a divorce suit brought by Everett K. Hendricks, who was grant ed a decree. Daemar Tnlloch. who is svmg David Tnlloch for divorce, alleges that he treated her with extreme cruelty and compelled her to support herself. Dora Koewler asks her freedom from Frederick Koewler, alleging n on support. Thomas L Rook Wanted: "Eva Has Passed Away" The police are trying to , locate Thomas L. Rook, so that they can de liver to him the following telegram received from Salem. la.: "Eva passed awav at 4:30 p. m. Funeral tomor row. Come if you can." The message is signed "Cora." They Make You Feel Good The pleasant purgative effect ex nerieneed after taking Chamberlain's tablets and the healthy condition of body and mind to which they con tribute, makes one feel that Irving is worth while. Advertisement. PHOTOPTAY1I MONROE TODAY Clara Kimball Young in "The Dark Silence." Frank Keenan "The Bride of Hate" ( If iittiiii iiiitniii v iiiitinniiiiiiniMiiiwimi wi :in www U..HH,.. ..-II,.,. ...ii . i i. ,ii i.i ,i... u..i '.am.., I.'., i... iiuMJ. :.,!-':j,i,i,.lw, m,j i """ "" " ' ns '' Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West Family Trade Supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor, 2502 N St Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868. Ami nmxmfitt-n a. OJ KmjnnyBrooki I Whiskey I -.Bri!i.w -I Id GROTTE Mrs. Westcott Says that Her Husband Shuns Her Khtie Luella Westcott, who is suing her husband, Carl F. Westcott, sales manager of the Omaha Alfalfa Mill ing company, for divorce, alleges that since their second child died he has ceased to love her. She asserts thai he avoids her society and tieats her with contempt. AMrSKMKNT' BRANDEIS Tomorrow and FH. and Sat, with Mat. Sat. Ths International Conwdiennt MAY R0B5ON and Her Own Company In Ths Making Over of Mrs. Matt." Mat, 25c.4l.00; Nights, 2Sc-$1.50. Sun., Feb. lltht "Daddy Long-Legs." BOYD ftsnV MATINEE TODAY OC. Tb. Blf Musical Comadr "Gus Hill's Follies" SO Paools SO Nlaftta Z5C 35c, Nsat Wa.lt, Hsr Unborn Child" Phone Douglai 494. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Dally Matins. 2:15! Nl,hl, 8:15. This Week !i.a.i raniii? "E DANCING GIRL OF EMMA CARUS DELHI" with V A N D A I r HOFF, Savoy a Brannan, S LJ,r?5????TjB.Iiiim Girls, N.whofl A, Phrp4, John Wbstar A Ces, Th. Farraroa, Orphsum Travel Weekly. Prices Gallery, 10C Best Seats (except Saturday and Sunday), 25c Nifhta, 10c 2Sc, 50c and 75c. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tjZSrtMuFTli ."'"r M-. is--o 25i"ia' Evan'cs, 15-2S-60-7BC lea Ham,'. Reserd Breakers 0c STONE & PILLARD Ella Is ths Naw SsMbMsiar Faatasy "A Rag Doll In Ragland" R5SI. tulles With Catefljr Tsee, an. Pretty Girl! LaSI.,' Dine Hansel WetH Daya Bat. Hal. a W: al X. lull a, "llaldi of Imerlca." PHOTOPLAY" TWs'i a PUc for "U" in th LAST TIMES TODAY MAY ALLISON and HAROLD LOCKWOOD Id "PIDGEN ISLAND" Tomorrow! Valatlu Suratt Ufa Tuesday and Wednesday LOU TELLEGEN In 4 "THE VICTORIA CROSS" A frtpplna war drama ef the tamoua Indian Swpoy Rebellion GEORGE BEBAN -In- , "Hit Sweetheart" Mrs. Vernon Castle as "Patria" JX "DOUBLE CROSSED" M PRINCESS FRANCIS FORD and GRACE CUNARD In No. 7 of "THE PURPLE MASK" A "Left Getter" L-KO Comedy "THAT DAWGONE DOG" International Cartoon ii!C WM I BROTHERS CO. 3P CHAJ. HENDRIX CO. jL&Vi j HAROLD YATES CERVETll Y CATHRYN CHALONER a CO. . CHARLIE CHAPLIN, hi Tl l "EASY STREET" VI r Admission 20c and 10c V rz nnl Distributors Onuha. Nebraska