THE BEE: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 1917. Want -Ad Rates XO AD TAR Kit FOB I.KSS THAN A TOTAL Or tOr OR I.EN8 THA.N , 10. TY.R DAT. CASH WITH OMA fUt Solid (No DtlDlMT). 1C par word,.. acta Insert. ir FaragrapBeo or uispiayea - . typo: So per line 70 per line, 2 or more consecutive l-isertfons (Count i words to the line.) SITUATIONS WANTTO. Weakly rats.. m p" CARDS OF THANKS. IkKATHS AND FOOCRAL NOTICBSi 19c per line Insertion (Count at words to the Hoe.) (Minimum charge, M ceuta.) MONTHLY RATE FOR 8TANDINQ ADS. (No change of copy allowed.) One lln .V'.MJ Two lines or more.: P . '1M (Count els worde to the tine.) ALL FOFKIGV ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATION Si 2c pr word t1m lc per word, two or more consecutive in sertion. SPECIAL COMBINATION ATF On lABd. Poultry mmI Other Adv.wt.eta. THIS OMAHA BEH (over dally). 20TH CENTURT FARMER, (T UO.OOt weekly). A combined circulation wWch will reach both the city and rural rodent. Special Reg. Rates. Rate. 2 Ineertloni in Omaha Be and 1 Ineertion In toth Cen. Farmer, per line Sc 42c I Insertions In Omaha Be and 1 Inaertlon In 10th Cen. Farmer, pr word T Insertions In Orhaha Bee and t Insertion In th Can. Farmer, per Hn Ilo 720 7 Ineertloni In Omaha Bee and I Ineertion In 2Hh Cen. Farmer, per word " (Contract rates on application.) TUB BEE wll! not be wsnonslots tor more than one Incorrect insertion of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipt given by The Bee In payment for Want Ada, ae no mistake can be rectified without them. UflB THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently bring or wind In your ade. Auk for a Want Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the aame food eerrlre as when delivering- your ad at the office. PHONE TCT.RR 100. WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS..., 12:00 M. MORNING EDITIONS t:M F. M. MOVIE PROGRAM. Cvmnit etfartnga of the beat Motion Fie tore T beaten in Umaha. (t nance umuf.i North. OIIAND, 81XTKKNTH AND BINNET CHARLES BAT IN "THE HONORABLE ALGY" DIAMOND, TWEN'TY-POUIITH AND LAKI LAST CH APT FIR OK "THE SHIELDING SHADOW" AND rl.OR.KNCH I.A BA1IIB BHOVTW LOTHIIOJ", 34TH AND lTHROP " CL.BO MADISON "BLACK ORCHIDS" South. ATOU.O, 39TH AND LEAVBNWOIITB BLUB BIRD PHOTOPLAT ALSO "GOOD GENERAL PROGRAM BOULEVARD, 831) AND LEAVENWORTH EDITH STOREY in "THE TWO EDGED SWORD" AND COMEDY 26H LEAVENWORTH TIIEDA BARA IN "THB ViXMH" Wert, MONROE, IHI TARN AM RICHARD BHNKETT hi "THE VALLEY OF DECISION" AND COMEDY South Side. OltPHKUM, TWENTY-FOURTH AND M WII.PRKD LUCAS and CONSTANCE TALMAOM In "THE MICROSCOPIC MYSTERY" DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. SCHROEDEK Norman T aged ' yeara. niontha, II daye beloved aoa of Mr. and Mr. P.. C. Schroeder. Funeral Wedneaday monitor at I o'clock from family reeldenee, ,20 North Twenty-Intlt atreet, to at. Joan , catho- llo ehorch. Twenty-fifth and California atreeta, at S:o. Interment Holy sepia. chor cemetery, Frtenda are welcome. TAN DEN BOdAERDE Henry, aled H yeara. February a. Funeral from family reeldenee, l4Zt Cam Tburaday, 1:4, a. m to St. Ueclllaa proMiathedral at I a. m. Interment Holy Sepnlche oemetery. Auto earvlce. He to aurvlved by the foltowinf children: Paul. Reml, Adolph, Frank, Irma and Emll of Omaha: Mra. Mary van Moorleiien, Huron, S D.i and Mra. Emm Deprea, Mare ball. Minn. PHILLIPS Kmma F., January . 1111. ate 77 yeara. Beloved wtfa of Jamee N. I'bll- ' llpl of San Joae, Cat. Funeral aervlcea will be held from Brailey A Dorranoe ebapel, llth and Cum mlnf atreeta, Wedneaday, February 7, at 1:3, o'clock p. m. Interment Proapeet Bill cemetery. Frlenda Invited. IANUE Otto, at local boapltat Monday ova nlny, February t, 117, ace 4 yeara. Funeral from Crooby'a parlora, -3111 North Twenty-fourth, at I p. m. Wedm day, February 7, 1,17. Interment Foroat Lawn eemotary. n-.lRRl& Martha. H. ajre 73 vaara. Funeral Wedneaday. February T, at t:3, e'etock p. m., from family reeldenee, 133 North Thlrty-flrot avenue. Interment Proapoet Hill cemetery. CARD OP THANKS. WE WISH to express our sinoere thanks to our many mends ana u a. u, u. w. Kb. . Uacabeea No. 76. B. of R, T. No. 1.6, B. of S. F. and B. No. 123. Woodmen Circle No t. Uniform Revlsw No. 66 and the C B. A Q. employes, lor tnetr sym mihv and floral olsartnaa In rur sad be reavement In the death of our husband and Utoer Mra. r. m. iugiey ana cmmiiy. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWRRS or plants. Art combinations: shipped every where. Excellent service to our custom ers In past years recommend. HEBS8 SWOBODA. Mis yarnam pu uong. ieei LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fresh flowers. detlverea r anippea anywoare. u. rx DKR8QN, 1610 Farnam St. poejg. 1131. Fontenell Florist. LEE L LARMON IK 14 Douglas St. Douilaa 3344. PARKER Flower ahop. 411 S. 13th. D. 3103 A. DONAQHUE,' 1333 Harney. Doug. 100L BATH, NaUonal Floruit, 1304 Fnrnam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HITLnB & RIEPEN, undertaker and em balmera, 7U S. III! at Douf laa ini. DUFFT A JOHNSTON, em balmera and fu. neral dlreetora. 717 a llth St. Tyler 1(73. FRATERNAL ORDERS. CRODNSE HAIiL. Oppoatto poatofflee. New hall for lodge Mount ana aancca. Kieaiiaai poor. TOUNO A DOHRRTT. Sit Brandeia Theater Bldf. Dong. U71. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following Kuurlage Ueenees have ieaucd: Name and Address. Morris Rubensteln, Omaha. ,qvi Ibdith Csstteman. Omaha... evi Jbmea L. Smith. Sciibser, NebM, "vm ConnoTt Omthi,.,,,!,,,, Ml firtc Scott. Lincoln. Neb.,.,..,, , Walker. Lincoln, Neb........... "ft Simons, Tork, Neb. ......... ( . Clapper, Modste. la tViiittrdo rlcihana, Omaha.,..,.,,,., lltttftiMKj Vohanason, Omaha..,,...,.. ,t.. ,U PolKer. jr.. Omaha.. , lUMli ItvLh. SL Joseph, Mo.. bean Age. ir 11 ir It . IS . 24 . U SI . S3 . 14 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrt he Samuel and Bona Sorenson, Fifty- fourth and Burdetts, boy; Joseph and Pau lina Pokorskl, 4604 South Twenty-seventh, boy; Joseph and Frances Tylskt, ZOIO Spring, girl; Andrew and Arma Sydus, 4410 South Twenty-seventh, girl ; Rev. Denton E. and Edith Cleveland, 4747 North For tieth, girl: Samuel and Anna Bartoa, 16 II Q, girl; George and Catherine Jes. 4216 South Thirty-ninth, girl; Joseph and Var onlcka Benak, 6410 South Twenty-fourth, girl; Ernest and El ma Ryder. 2430 Brown. boy: Harry and Qeorgla Jacobberger, sotl Capitol avenue, boy; John and Mara Vrnot ich, 110 Popple ton avenue, girl; John S. and Madeline Kerr, 3406 North Thirty-seventh. girl; Perry J. and Julia M. Rush la , 70 Bancroft, girl; Nets A. and Elsie Anderson. 4701 Cass, gtrl; Frank and Florence Barr, 41M Ersklne, girl. Deaths George Cook, 44, West Dodge; Prank Moores, 92, 220 North Nineteenth Andrew Peeena, 27, 404 Park avenue; Mary Fuller, 66, 2171 Grand avenue; Daisy Tur ner, i months, 321 Haskell; John Stivers, 67, hospital; Albert W. Berger, 00, 60S .South Twenty-fifth avenue; Patrick Des mond, 60, 1602 Capitol avenue; Gtlen New lln, 16, hospital; Neoma Kennlson, 2 months, 1IU Ohio; Frank Brandeau, 66, 311 South Third; Ella Hickman, 35, hos pital. BUILDING PERMITS. Nebraska Telephone company, Nineteenth and Douglsa, brick, stono and terra cotta office building, $760,000. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF" you lose anything and wll! advertlM It here you win surely recover It IE round by an honest person. Remarkable ro erlea are brought about every day through Ihla column. THB HONEST WAT, If yon Bad aomethlng of vslue, or a keepsek. of Tama only to the owner, la to tnaert a email ad. The owner of the article In moot caaea la will ing to refund the coat of advsrtlBlng. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha St Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car, Many articles each day are turned in and the company ts anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 100. $6 REWARD for return of biack leather handbag, lost Friday evening between Dodge and Howard Kts., on 16th, or at Hayden'a. Name and aridreea on bank book Inside. Telephone WebeUr 1142. TltK GREATEST OAIN 5S.7SI In pitid want ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record of THE OMAHA HUM for 111 6. BEST RESULTS -LOWEST RATE FOUND a tanltary 000a rounrain. OREEN S PHARMACY. lh and rc-. m LOST Boy', National bicycle; taken from reieraona. 3,11 n. Reward. LOST-t-A gemot ring at the Moulin hall, laat Saturday. Reward. Webeter 411,1 MEDICAL TOU CAN HAVE TOUR HEALTH! LATEST AND MOST SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. CONSULTATION, EXAMINATION FREE. Dr. Barnaa treat, aueeeaafully all Curable Dteeaae. of the Now, Throat, Lunge, Stomach,. Liver, Kidney, Heart, Brain, Nerve., Blood and Skin, aa well a. Catarrh of any part of the body, Canatlpatlon, Chronio and Aout. Rheumatism. Ulcere, Neuralgia, Sci atic Lumbago, Dr. Barnea 1. the only phyelclan In thl part of the country admln latarlng thta ayvum of treatment. Invaatlgate It. DR. BARNES, , alt . Ill to 130 Rom Bldg. I, 8. Corner 16th and Farnam St.. Phono Tyler 341. PILES. FISTULA TUBED. Dr. fj. R. Tarry cure, ptlaa, flatula and etner rectal dlaaaa. wtthaat eorgloal operation. Cur. gnarantead and n money yM until eared, Writ, for booh, on re, tal dleeaeee with Uallmonlala DH, U. B. TABBY, 140 B. Bids.. Omaha. Mah. RUPTURE ucoeefutly trralod wttbout a a meal op. ration, call or wnu Dr. Frank B Wraf, 303 Be. Bldg. Chiropractic uid Spinal Adjustment Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer school graduate. Doug. IS47. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 1461 Dr. Frances Dawson, fcOS-3 Rose Bid. T. 8366, Dm. 8. L. Bllllngham Crelgbton Blk. D.7&0I Dra. Johnston, 1S36 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 1621. ( Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rma., 306 Row Bldg. D. 1186. FOR SALE Miacellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ECONOMY SALB By purchasing your fur niture wnere your money goes the farth ast. Our goods are rare bargains at the prices we quote. Don't take our word, all We ask la that you come and see. The STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge nil. uougiaa lan. THE GREATEST GAIN 61,736 in paid want ada ever made by any Omaha paper, Is the record of- THE dmaha hk ror ills. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE. MONBY-&AI81NO SALE. 16,000 stock of furniture, ruga, linoleum, all kinds of bedding, complete Una of house furnishings, 11-0-1847 N. 14 to. Tel, Web. 1607. Open 7:10 a. m. till 11 p. m. RITG8 MADE FROM CARPETS. Write for illustrated folder of rags, meae rram oarpets. VTeigbt paid, Lin coln Rug Factory, Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE Beautiful fumed oak buffet In perieci -conumon. owner has purchased larger one, tvx b. istu Ave, Harney kill. STOVES. ALL KINDS. Sou lis first. Prices right, city Furniture Co 107 a. Uth, Lioyat rurnnure uo., 3zs n, ilia at. GOOD opportunity for quick buyer. New furniture of three rooms. Apply No. 7, at. iiaire Apt., aom ana Harney. Sewinf Hachinea. "IIKACHINES" We rant, repair, sell needlea and parts os in sewing marninea. MICKELS NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney 6ta. Doug. 1668. Billiards and Pocket tablet. FOR BA1JC BILLIARD TABIDS, Brand pew. carom and packet, with complete ouiui, tiee. sevona-oana taoies at re duced prieee; bowling alleys and supplies easy paytnenta. Cigar store fLuures i specialty. Send for catalogue. TBS BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLfiiNDBR CO Trpewritera and Supplies. NEW machines sold the same aa rant $3 pr month. Bee us before you buy or rent Shipped any place on ten days' free trial, Butte' Typewriter Exchange, TYPEWRITERS sold, ranted and repaired. 16. Central TypewrlUng Exchange, 1106 ramam. REMINGTONS, Honarohs and Smith Pre- - miers for rent; sent anywhere. Rcmingtoa Typewriting company, u. 1X16. GUARANT EED typewriters. $10 up. Writs ror iisu Miniaaq j-yp. uo,, h Bldg. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public sione. mono tor pnoes. . uouglsa S9va, 640 Fax ton UIK. GET eur prices on Job priming. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO.,' Bee Bldg. , Douglas U7f. WAT ISRS-EARNHARDT Ptg. Co., auallty printing, leu aire, sit o. nth m FOR SALE Miscellaneous Harness. Saddles, Traveling Goods. WE MAKE them ourselves and sell direct to consumer, no middle man's profit Why psy two profits for Inferior goods when you can gel hlgh-grada goods at first cost? ALFRED CORNISH Co. 1210 Farnara St, OmaJia, Neb. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND aToTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 218-20 S. 12th St., Omaha. ONR woodworking power machine. Rip and cut off boring Dado Joints, nearly new. Call or write 1126 B. 21th SL BOILERS, steam, electric, 1 gas engines. Pipes Gross Wrecking Co.. Hit Coming. Nurseries. Seeds and Plants. ALL FOR 20c POST PAID. I, fin pickets of seeds, 3 Icicle Radish, S Grand Rapids Lettuce, 2 Early Beets, 2 Stone Tomatoes. Rush your order, O. P. Conklln. Fremont, Neb. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Down Comforters made ever Juat like new. AH your own feathers back, when we renovate. We call tor and deliver. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. DESKS nates, scales, showrases, shelving. etc. we only sen. umana mxxore ana So pp 1 y Co. 414-16-11 B. 12th. Doug. 2724. NEW Toledo electric-lighted computing scales, 30-lb. capacity, at a bargain. Jep son Bros., 2602 Cuming. ONE iron stand and SO Job type cases, cheap. U. S. PrintlngCo. ""DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1637. SALT, 1.7I bbt. A. W. Wagner, 601 N. 16th. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU HAVE some article that has out lived Its usefulness to you, make up a little ad and run It In this column at lc per word. Yon will be more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two insertions In nearly all cases are sufficient to get what you want, TRY IT TODAY. WANTED Good horses, cows or used ear in eichange for equity In 4-room stucco houae and 6 lots or will sell on contract Colfax 1741. 8S23 Hlmebaugh Ave. THB O R EAT EST GAIN 66,716. In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record ot THB OMAHA BRH for 1616. BEST RKHULTS IX1WT58T RATH. WE swap or buy kodaka; fllmadeveloped free, one-flay service. ase .oaa Studio. Neville Blk., 16th and Harney. RARE old violin, worth SIM. to swap for cornet of atandard make. Must M in iirsx elass condition. Box 171, Ba. A LITTLE AD In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. WANTED TO BUY. PTTTTMAM PS Highest Prices UU I i AVlxVlN for Furniture, Rugs, Clothes, Pianos Office Furniture, Trunks, Shoes. Douglas 3071. Rra.. Webster 4304. DESKS DESKS DESKS New dcaka, need drake, bongbt, Bold and tradrd. J. C. Reed. 1307 Kamam. D. 6I4. WANTED Old falae teeth. Don't matter If broken. I pay 31 to 33 per aet. Mail to L. M.ior, 3007 8. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Will Bend caah by return mall. TVTMVTVC! P hMjheat rt ,or dCilNXVUNO clothe, eboeo. trunk. etc. Red 3297. Res.. Douglaa 3632. ROCHMAN P",, 'T'l?!.' ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. 1 636 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 2168. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxtnn-Mltehell Co.. 37th and Martha Sta. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY, -12 K 16TH BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDEN BROTHERS, OUR MOTTO "BETTER BAKED GOODS." CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z. H. Reeder, H06 N. 18th. W. .627. Baths. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. The only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by physicians. Staats Institute, U 08 Harney St. t. 7067, Open evenings and Sundays. DR. BENDA Sulphur, steam, Modern Turk ish BATHS AND MASSAGF.. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. 1619 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6877. BJTTENHOU8E sanitarium; aU kinds baths. 310-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas, German nurse, massage, baths of all kinds. 226 Neville mock, lfith and Uirnr Carpenters and Contractors. LB83ARP 4k BON. S021 Cu mtng. Tyler 1 61 J. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford, 6.0 Paxton Blk. Red 4667. DancinK Academy. TW T TTY1? BALL TUBS- THTTRS.. JUAJ UUiUJ BAT., SUN. kiVE. SCHOOL HON. EVE. Ill S. 16th St. Op. Fontanel Detectives. Private detective, evidence seen red, all eases, strictly eontMenttal. Gov. rer. Flo, 646. JAMES ALLAN, 31S Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Interstate Detective Ass'n, 482 Ramge Bldg. Dressmaking. Exp. dreaam'k'r. wk. private ram. H. 4065. Sewing by day. 1623 Locust Webster 362. R- A- Connelly, 200 Balrd Bldg. D. 2T06. Terry Dreasmak'g Co., 3oth and Farnara. LAD IEtT aul U Remodeled. DotitgiaVTlie SEWING DAT OR WKBK. TYLERiiT Everything for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, hex pleating, covered buttons, all slses and styles, hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery beading, braiding, cording, aye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. ' IDEAL BUTTON AND FLU ATI NO CO., 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1636. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 336-7 Paxton Blk. Doug. 3109. Accor dion, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, plcot caging, pin King, rucning, covering but tons, all styles and all sizes. Price list free. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box PleaUna, (jov. Buuona, n ems tl telling, .neb. Pleating ana uution uo., m-j fax ton Blk. K. 4143. Electric Repairs, ELECTRIC REPAIR, phono as your troubles. Ntsw Automobile lamp Co. Dong. 2334. Fixtures and Wirinar. TYTTPIfTTM K'trlc washing reach! nee, UXVIVm electric Irons and readlna imps. 2323 Cuming St. Douglas 2519. Furnace Cleanintr. BORNEMAN, fur., chlm. cleaning. D. Till. Hair Dressintr. IDEAL Batr Parlors, 307 Balrd Bldg. M curing, tonet articles. Donglaa 6186. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 973-14 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 3318. Job Printing:. GATV CITY Printing Co., high-grade print ing. 2131 N. 24th. Phone Web. 1697. Masseures. SWEDISH and muscular massage, electric treatment of all kinds. Staata Inetttata, 1506 Harney St. Douglas 7097. Open ev enings and Sundays. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 308-14 Balrd Bldg., ITth Douglas. D. 3466, MISS LILLY Massage, baths. 1223 FanT'ra. Osteopaths. DR. M. PRYOR, M. T, rheumatic specialist Office 14-16 Patterson block, 17th and Farnam Sta Phone Douglaa 6824, Patent Attorneys, PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 633 Brandeis. D. 6691. Pwting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning. 60c per room and up. We clean carpets In your home with out removing same, SI par rug and up. Webster 3863. CALL Charles Roadh for paper hanging and Interior decorating. Douglaa 3390. Pianos (or Rent - 33.60 per mo. A. Hoe pa Co.. 1618 Douglas. Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST stock of costumes for theatricals and maaquerades in the country for sale or rent. Lteben 4k Son, 1614 Howard, THEATRICAL gowns, full dress itulta, for rent ao w. jonn feiumau. o. 3128. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 24 i ts. llth. D. 1.8 ANNOUNCEMENTS Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement, and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. T.l. Doug. 344. Where to Eat EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. 1306 FARNAM. BtrRROUQHS CAFE. OMAHA. NF.B. (Service). LINCOLN. NKB. 313 8. 13th SL 132 8. 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES THE GREATEST. GAIN 48,738 In paid want-ads ever mads by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 191s. Bfc,HT RESULTS LOWEST RATE HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise, la city or country; quick action. OMAHA SALVAGE CO., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglaa 1833. GOOD BUSINESS OPENINGS On the South Side, if for sale, are reas onable 13 price and are worth while, you may ha sure are listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4326 S. J4th St. Phone South 1247. I OR SAL Er Jewelry store In good Iowa town of 660 population. Good location, ter tnry and rich German and Irish commun ity. AU new fixtures and stock. Will invoice around 61,600. Must sell at once. Good reason. Box Y 836, Bee. BROAD minded lady or gentlemen to con nect with an honorable and lucrative busi ness1 enterprise without competition. Some investment required. Bright future. In v est! gate. Box 417 Bee. FOR SALE, only drug store western Ne braska town, population 400; main line Union Pacific; sales 81 0,000, invoice around 34. POO. Box Y 832, Bee. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard ware; live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Address T 367, Baa. TO GET In or out of business In SOUTH OMAHA call at SOUTH OMAHA INVEST MENT CO. 4926 S. 24tb. Soath. 12A7. WANTED Salesmen who will make invest ment with established Omaha concern Jobbing lubricating oils and greases. Ap ply 678 Brandeis Bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant confectionery and rooms. Kstablished 1896; fine business, a good opening for a live wire. Address G. M. Dischner, Garretaon, 8. D. LOCATION Information regarding a fine location In Neb,, can be had by address ing Boi Y 898, Bee. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters, supplied. Omaha Film Exchange, 106 S. 14th St COMPLETE fixtures of 2 -chair barber shop, very reasonable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South 1963. WE BUT. wo sell motion ptcturs theaters, machines, feature films. Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 210 Biomley Bldg. WILLIAMS, estabtlahed 29 years. To buy or atell business see him. 411 McCague Bldg. Reference. U. 8. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mora mdse. stocks than any other flnn In P. B. Writs for term, IF TOU wsnt to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busch as Borghoff, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone P. 3319. GOOD opening for the 'second drug store corner building. A splendid location. Ad dreas Q. M.Dischner. Garretaon, S. D. MILLINERY shop for sale ; goodline of spring hata to start season, owner has other Interests. Box 374 Bee. TO GET In or out of business call on GANG EST AD. 423 Bee Bldg. Dong. 3477. GUARANTY PLAN; get In or out buslneeV All states. F.JV. Knlost Bee Bldg., Omaha. PROFITABLE office business, cheap ; small capital required; investigate. Red 6790. MOVING picture show for sale. 1111 B. 34th St. Harney 4882. WANT Job printing plant to move to small town. Canan, Mcf'ague Bldg. 36 -ROOM hotel for sale or trade. Box T 326, Bee. Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, all staes. great bar gaina. 419 Rose Bldg. Phone Trier 3487. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, live PER LINK. Business ada, regular rates; I lines ona week .....40c S lines 0.9B week eOe Each antra., line 2fla par week Hate. MARRIED man wants Job In blacksmith shop; year' around, allaround man, age 36. No. botner. Write p. O. Box 7, Cali fornia Jet., Ia. THE GREATEST GAIN 68.733 la paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, is the record ( THIS OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATS EXPERIENCED salesman wishes position. Will furnish car. Can furnish the best references. My past success aa salesman will interest yon. Box Y 833, Bee. POSITION wanted by young man. Fire years' experience as bookkeeper and atenog- rapher. Address Box 1179. Bee. MAN wants piace to work for room and board and small pay. Carl 8. K rones, 80 IS Charles St EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires work for spar time; books posted, audited, etc. Address Bog 1143. B?e. INSIDE work, middle-aged man ; handy with tools or machinery. Web. 6219. FIRST CLABS butcher wants eteadv ivmiI- fv tlon. References furnished. Harney 3953. WANTED To manage a farm, married, can give references. Box 142, Herman. Neb. OFFICE or honao cleaning by man woman. Colfax 4938, Female. THE BEB chargo for "Situation ada" la lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the coat of printing. WANTED Laundry Work or housework. Mrs. Julia Joaaa, 944 N. 37th. Barney 6737. RELIABLE colored woman wants bundle washing or day work. Douglas 7449. COLORED woman wants cooking lnboYr"d ing house or day work. Red 53$6. COLORED girl wants housework or c-bam- bermaid. Good references. Web. 1629. WANTED work, mornings and "evenings for board and room. Web. 192. PRACTICAL nurse wants position; house work also. Harney 4904. PRACTICAL nurse, Col. 1691. middle aged woman. EXPERIENCED woman wlshss day work o' a n yJtind. Douglaa 6180. A -NO. 1 cook wants position, oolorra. Phone Harney 2694. Laundry and Day Work. LADIES and gentleman's bundle wuhingT 7c a garment; rates, 84c doseo; union suits, He; fine amrts and waists, lie to 36c; handkerchiefs, 3c; socks, 3c; ties. 2 t 6c. No bundle teas than 69c. Rough dry-, 40e dosen. Web. 3306. EXEPERIENCBD lady wants bundle wash- lng and day work. Harney 2912. FOR experienced bundle washing," caliTweb star 1877. prompt delivery. WANTED Bundle washing, specialty made of atlks; also fine underwear. Web. 1483. COLORED WOMAN wants day work for Tuesday, we Deter Hotels and Retuurmnta. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St Dwaglaa 1366. Headquarters tnr atel bolp. COOK la small hotel west Mrs. Smith, 614 8. 17th Ave. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. AUDITOR. Mfg. firm. 1125: hook k some stenography, 3100; stenographer and Ass't Bkpr., 866; Bkpr. and office mana ger, small office, some stenography, 100; record clerk. 160; correspondent, S6; ex periences Dana merit, 67b; R. R. clerk. 960; traveling salesman, staple line, 8100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Originators' of the Reference Business, in vmaiiat, .imonai nana Hlug. YOUNG man of good education and habits aa superintendent ot large coal and build ing material yard. Apply In your own hAnd wrttlnff. advlslna as to m. mtinn.i. Ity, kuowledge ot Omaha, experience, it any, In similar work and especially la the employment and Handling of teamsters and common labor. References proving ability and character will be required. Aid drees Box 1168, Bee, STENOGRAPHER and PRIVATE SECRlS TART it large nrm. ' Tbls position re- quires man 24 to 26 years of age who has good personality and education; one who is anxious to advance into executive position; salary, M- to sino. WATTS REF. CO,, First Nat'L Bk. Bldg, HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. AN office man with soma capital to take active la teres t in local mercantile estab lishment This proposition will bear thr cloaest investigation snd they insist upon good references. Expansion of business reason, for considering capital. If Inter ested, rail or writ a. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'S, 782 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - WE. NEED AT ONCE BOOKKEEPER, 376; STENO. (private sec'y), 3100: STENO., private sec'y, 36: EIGHT STENOGRAPHERS, 76-l0; " OFFICE CLERK, 50-$0; BILLING CLK-, S&0. NO FILING FEE, only 60 cents to look, up references. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMANTlnv.) , SIOO.OO BKKPR (Inv.) 36.00 STENO AND PRIVATE SECT 100.00 STENO 90.00 BKKPR S6.00 CLERK (R. R.) 76.00 TF1E CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. THR GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, ts the record of THS OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RKSULTS LOWEST RATE. YOUNG man for bookkeeper; must be rapid and accurate ; opportunity tor advance ment; give record of previous employ ment and salary. Box 37t, Bee. STENOGRAPHER to act as private secre tary. Splendid opportunity tor brignt young man. 3100. Box 1187, Omaha Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. Drug Positions Ail States CO-OFBRATIVI5 II K1F Mi HtHPiK; Hi '-.. 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. . WANTED -Two thoroughly experienced ar chitectural draughtsmen, experienced in school building work; state full particu lars first letter. E, F. Broomhall, Archl tjet, Duluth, Minn. WANTED Drapery work man. Must be thoroughly experienced in hanging high class draperies. Position permanent. Ref erences required. Duff & Repp Furniture Co., Kansas City, Mo. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED HIGH GRADE STOCK SALESMAN. Large middle west corporation desires services of strictly high class stock sales man for one of the most attractive yet conservative offerings of stork on the mar ket. We will consider only tho man whoee reputation is the beet and whose past work Includes experience In middle wost. Answer with all particulars possible. Box No. 14, Bee. SALESMAN WANTED. We have a moat attractive opening tn this city for a high powered salesman. One capable of calling on and doming big busi ness. If you can sell advertising spe cialties and are not afraid of hard work call at once. M. F. Shafor & Co., 12th and Farnam, four floor. . MAN 24 to 28 years ot ago who luu good personality and experience calling on high class . merchants. This is an excellent proposition for the right man. WATTS REF. CO., First Nat'L Bk. Bldg. SALESMAN wanted at once to sell our high grade line of calendars and advertising specialties in this olty and out aide terri tories. M. F. Shafer, lth and Farnam, and Farnam, fourth floor. WANTED -A single young man of good habits to travel In Iowa to solicit See L. 0 8. Cook. Hotel Rome. Call Thursday 10 WANTED solicitors with crew In Omaha. New proposition. Money every night Phone evenings, Harney 2032, Mr. Messenger. SALES positions, mercantile lines. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. FIRST-CLASS aalertnan wanted. Money maker. 209 N. 13th St. Trade School?. CALL or write for our free tlluntrated cata logue explaining how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, etc. Largest modern equipped barber college in the west Moler's. 110 S. 14th, Omaha, Neb. (Estab lished 1808.) ' AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS.;. 3817 N. 20th St. Cmaba. Send for Free Catalogue. LEARN barber trade; bo Independent, mors than make your expenses while learning Wagea or percentage. We don't over charge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, Boys. WANTED At the Hotel Fontenelle, one page boy and one porter. Miscellaneous. RAILWAY MaU Clerk Examinations In Omaha soon commence, 76 month. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 339 B, Rochester. M. Y. FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, beginners paid 8126-1160 monthly; no strike. Railway, Box Y-S31, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and STENOGRAPHER and clerk, mercantile, $76; stenographer and clerk, law, $75-385; stenographer and Ass't Bkpr., real estate, (76; stenographer, small office, good, bright beginner will do, contractors, 60; stenographer, beginner, high school edu cation, insurance, $60; stenographer, bank, $60; stenographer and record clerk, up town office, $66; typist and P. B. X. oper ator. $40. . WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. A LEADING department store in this city wishes to net in tout:h with an expert' enced glove fitter for their women and children s glove department, hox iii, Beo. 43TENO.. $75; Steno., IS6; Steno., $50 Steno., $40; Compt. opr., fig to Office Clerk, $40 to $45: Steno., $35. WATTS REK. CO., First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. THB GREATEST GAD 68.738 la paid want-ads ever mads by any Omaha paper, is the record ot TUB OMAHA BEE for 1916. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE BKKPR . t5.0o STENO Q.vv STENO 30,00 THE CANO AGIJNCY, 600 BEE BLDG. W ANTED Stenographer, Smith Premier operator: give experience, references and salary. Permanent if satisfactory. Box 1121 Bee. STENO. and Office Clerk, $66; Bteno., $60; ficeno., $36: Steno,, $65. THE MARTI CO. 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, clerical po sitions. WESTERN REFERENCE t BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. LADIES You will like to work in our Ideal shirt department. Your work is making men's shirts on sewing machines driven by electric power. The work isn't difficult and you can make good wages. The workrooms are large, clean and well ventilated. Work ing condi tions will please you. Experienced operators preferred, but if you have had no experience, come down any way ; you can esally learn the work. Ask tor Mrs. Dobeck, M. E. Smith A Co., southwest corner 9th and Douglas Sta., Omaha. WANTED 36 and 36 girl models for fash Ion show: also one 46 woman with good form. Apply Monday morning. House of Uenagb. WAVTED Girla with commoa school edu cation, between 18 and 83 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. small town; must speak German. Phone Harney ssei. Household and Domestic. GOOD girl for general housework, small family, gooa wagea aii niornins. ney 3273. GIRL to assist with (looking and general housework. Harney 4102 Farnam. GIRL for general housework; no washing. 3027 Chicago. Harney 473$. HOUSEKEEPER 26 ,4 Chicago, D. 811.. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to And the room yon desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms la all parts of the city, if mora convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you st once. New lists are issued every wexk Furnished Rooms. T9JB GREATEST GAIN 68,73$ In paid want-ads ever made by. any Omaha paper, Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE for 1916. BE6 RESULT LOWEST RATH 3G1S DODGE, nicely furnished warm front room for rent, $10 per month; private home; gentleman preferred. Harney 6058. 2602 ST. MARY'S AVE., strictly-modern, warm room? easy walking distance; pri vate family: reasonable. Phone D. 1377. HERE'S a fine comfortable room for four men st only $6 pPr week. With bath ad joining, a 09 a. 24th St. Douglaa s-fre. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, south east exposure; hot water heat; excellent board. Phone Harney 4604. 2116 HARNEYT.rniceTyfurnl7hed for one or two gentlemen in private family. Phone Douglas 344". 2773 CTJMTNG Nice room on third floor, gaa, heat, on car line, home privileges, $2 per week. NEWLY furnished front room, large enough for 3 young men. firo South 21st Ave. Douglas 5065. LOTHRO r 1466 Comfortably furnished room and board, strictly modern. Gentle men preferred. Web. 751. 614 N. 21RT Light housekeeping rooms, walking distance; rent reasonable. Doug las 6512. NICELY furnished front room with private family; one block from Harney car line. Harney 6896. t DE8IRA1TLE steam heated room with elec tric light and tile bath, close In. Red 4232. FURNISHED room In modern bungalow for one or two. Breakfast if desired; walking distance; reasonable. Tyler 2575. 1814 DODGE ST. Modern furnlnhed sleep ing rooms; steam heat. Can Tyler 170Q. FOUR modern rooms, 2401 Patrick avenue, for colored people. Call Red 2999. HEATED room for working men. Modern home. 2428 Decatur. Web. 4574. 809 S. 18TH Large, modern, front room. 1st floor, close in, for gentlemen. 310 N. 20TH Excellent front room, near car line. Good heat. EAST front parlor suite, exceptionally warm. $3.50. C04 S. 28th St. 1611 HOWARD ST. Modern rooms; steam heat. Housekeeping Rooms. 312 N. 22D ST., 2 nicely furnished rooms, well heated, gas range In kitchen. Walk ing distance. LARGE parlor, main floor; also beautiful front suite. 2648 Dodge. Harney 4175. ONE Large modern room. Near car line. $2.76. 2026 California. MODERN light housekeeping room. 412 N. 16th St. R. 2806. MODERN housekeeping rooms, 809 S. 18th. Board and Room MODERN, nicely furnished front room, sin gle or ensulte, in quiet, refined private residence; board if desired; elegant loca tion. 24th St car line. Phone Webster 2229. BOARD and room, private home; close to two cars. Reasonable. 604 S. 35th. Har ney 6164. 619 S. 2STH Strictly modern room, home cooking; steam heat, employed people pre ferred. BOARD and room, private home, cloae to two cars. Reasonable, 604 8. 35th St. GOOD warm rooms, fine location; good board. TcL Harney 4703. BOARD and room, $5 per week. 2533 Cali fornia. Douglas 4925. FURNISHED room, breakfast and dinner obtained. Harney 2402. Hotels. WORKWOMEN'S httteL 209 N. 13th St Night, week or month. Reasonable. Call, Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. ROOM and board wanted for lady Invalid: must be well heated and cheerful; good board, private family without children preferred ; good pay to right party. Phone Tyler 905. FOR RENT APARTMENTS , West! S ROOMS "and sfeeping porch, upper flat, all modern, furnace, elegant shape, $32.60; water rent paid by owner. Located 3116 Davenport St. C. G. Carl berg, 312 Bran deis Theater Bldg. VERY choice 6-room steam healed apart ment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM ST. 8T. CLAIRE, 24th and Harney, 8 -room apartments. Call Harney 647. 2903 DEWEY AVE., 6-room duplex flat, modem. Red 3038. . North. 309 NO. 17TH ST., 6-r., ht. and water.35.50 1104 No. 22d. dandy 4-r 15.00 RASP BKOS.. 210 KEBLINB B1.DO. Ty. 721. ESTABROOK apartment. Dear Dwtofflce. O. r. Stebbtna, 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous 330.00 560 So. 26tb Ave., all modern 5-r. brick Sat. 330.00647 So. 27th Are., 6-r. brick Sat. In excellent condition. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3982. 919-20 City National. FOR RENT Business Pr'pty 32J9 CUMTNO ST. 20x60, good location, rroestown transfer, $27,60. 2306 Cuming SL, office, aealits. yard, and blna, suitable for coal and feed store, 336.00. . ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1639 333 Rose Bldg. MODKRN STORES AN DOFFICKS In Far nam Bldg. First Trust Co.. D. 1151. STORE for rent, 16th 8L, near postoffice, G. P. Stebblna, 1010 Chicago. Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and an suite, lu a central loca tion. BROWN BLDG., Room 407. Douglas 1628. Uii.lKABLE office rooms m lh remodeled Crounse block, 119 N. 16th St (opposite postoffloeL $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandeis Theater Doug. 1671. CHOICE o:!ct. space. Balrd Btdg., 17tb and Douglas. McCague lnv. Co. Misceiweoua. LARGE, light basement, ltith and Howard, cheap. Wright n Lasbury. Doug. 161. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apartments. AH slses and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. D. 1471, HELP WANTED FEMALE Trade Schools. NIGHT SCHOOL Autos and electric start ers. For particulars call Douglas 4473, or write us, AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 2069 Farnam St, Omaha. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men, women lo try examinations for government jobs. $70 month, vacations. Common education sufficient. Apply Im mediately to Hox Y-811. Bee. EDUCATIONAL BO TLBS COLI.F.QB. DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLKS COLLEGE. Douglaa 1666. 19th and Harney Sta. VAN BANT SCHOOL OF BU3TNKS3, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omabe National Bank Bldg. Uotrance 220. Douglaa 590. T. at. C A. Day and Night School. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 3303 HOWARD ST. A 3-story frame. 7 rooms and aleeplog porch. New furnace. Room for on. c.r In garage If delr.d Hi.uee rent, 339. ALFRIiD THOMAS. 303 first Nat. Bk. Bide. 8-R-. 4643 FARNAM, large yard, mod. ex. furnao. 31S. Hastings & Heyden. 1614 Har. Ty. 60. Sfb.NR" HOUSK and garago at Elst and Dodgs. 970. W. L. Selby ft Sons. Douglas 1510. Keellne Bldg. North. GOOD 6-r house, 2103 Spencer, largo yard; excellent conil. : water paid. 335. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGCT. HASTINGS & HETDEW, 1614 Har. Ty. 50. 2116 SPENCER St., 8-r., ail mod (25.0 416 N. 23d St., 7-r ail mud 22.50 2922 S. 18th. dandy 6-r.. all mod 20.00 2124 N. 27th SL, 7-r.. mod. ex. heat. 20.00 1106 N. 22d St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat.. 16.00 2526 Wirt St., 5-r., mod. ex. heat.. 12.00 RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 72L 4-ROOld, 2876 Maple, mod. ex. heat; newi 318. OMAHA'S LARGEST RT5NTAJ. AOCT, Hastings Heyden. 1614 Har. Ty. 6. 3 ROOMS, all modern, east front, porches, everything new and up-to-the-minute. Walking distance. 336 per month. Doug la. 6886. TRAVER BROTHERS. 819 New First National Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM. 1920 Emmet, mod. ex. heat, water paid. 913. listings & Heyden. 1614 Har. Ty. 30. -R.. 3320 Parker, with store In front for confectionery or small grocery store, barn, 515. HAST1NGS4 HETDEN. 1814 Har. Ty. 60. -ROOM ali modern house, newly decorated, nev furnace, 320. 2016 N 22d St. Tel. Red 1881. 6-ROOM honse, 3715 N. 24th, mod.; good; snap for 337.60. Hastings ft Heyden. 1614 Har. Ty. 60. HW house 3504 Blondo. mod., for 913. HASTLNGS SHETDEN. J614 Har. Ty. M. 5"-ROOMraodern bungalow, 330. Call Wal nut 3317. BEAUTIFUL 6-r. houae, 1220 N. 34th. lam yard; oak finish. 338.50. JH astlngs ft Hede n. 1614 H ar. Ty. 60. 6-ROOM cottage, partly modern. Call Col fax 304. 7-R. MOD. house with garage, large yard, good neighborhood, 1903 Kmmett, 332.50. HASTINGS ft HETDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 50. 6-R.. mod. cot.. 3544 N. 28th Av.. 816. T.4711. South. 7-R 625 S. 20TH, close In, very good. 326. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 69. 5RObMr3i23intoiiTitiod. ex. heat, 18. Hastings ft Heyden, 1611 Har. Ty. 60. Miscellaneous. WB HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, j PARTLT MODKRN. 4- R. HIS Carter lake Blvd 314 01 6- R. 503 Martha 8t 12.60 7- R. 5016 N. 42d at - 16.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-R. 29J4 Saratoga St 20.9 5- R. 616 N. 17th St 20.0 6- R. 2819 No. 27th St. (tor col ored) 15. STRICTLY MODERN. 6- R. 5327 N. 27th St 35. 7- R. 4613 S. 23d SL (good brick . dwelling, close to business cen ter of Sooth Omaha) 25.0 8- R 2430 Bristol St. (good brick dwelling, with largo barn tn the rear) 33.541 8-R. 38 4 9 Charles St. (In flret class condition, with large garage tn rear) 26. 10-R. 2221 DodSe St 40.0 6-R. 3018 Dewey Ave. (very choice brick dwelling within walk ing distance to business center and In nrst-clasB residence dis trict) S7.34 WB HAVE OTHERS SEE OUR COM PLETE PRINTED LIST BEFORE BUNT ING. PORTER ft SHOTWELL,' 303 S. 17th St , Doug. HIS. Office with HOME BUILDERS. BEFORE RENTING, call us for our weekly printed rental list of cottages, house, flats and apartments; it will help you ao4 ave time; the largest list in ObuUul OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCT. Hastings ft Heyden, 1614 Harney. Tyler 50. IF YOU WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSi THE BEST, EASIEST AND QUICKEST WAT TOU WTLL USB BEE WANT-ADS. THE EXPERIENCED ADVERTISER! ALWAYS USE THE BEE. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS . FOR OMAHA. WAJNTEORENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE want more houses and apartments to rent. Tho fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list ia conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented ee Payne ft 8later Co., "Omaha-. Rental Men," 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1016. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mar tag. 21$ N. llth St Phone Douglaa 394, HDELITY FBM Phone Douglas r88 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. ltJth and Jacluoa Sta. METROPOLITAN VAN AHQ STORAGE CO, Careful attention given to orders fa moving, packing or storage. OOica ad Raymond Furniture Co., 161$ and l14 Howard St Phone D. $524. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for hoaaehold goods and pianos, moving; packing anal shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 102 S. 10th St Douglaa 4 US. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing aad storing, call Tyler 230, or Douglaa 4338. JP PTTlV'n Kipress Co. Moving. . Kj. IXLUEjU Packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. S146. Maggard ,v,"2n6 and two men, per hour. Van and Stnrsge Co., Moving, Packing, Storage and Sblppln g. Phone Doug. H) 6 . TWIN CITY iixPRESS CO., 1522 CassSt Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. REAL ESTATE Investment , Good Location for Down Town Garage 132X133 FEET. Northeast corner 17th and Jackson Sta. See us for price and terms. George Company, Phone D. 766. 902 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. A CORNER lot. 46 1 4)6, unrestricted and suit table for store or fists, to be sold at a aoflfiue for cash, for ovner, who is leav tug Omaha. This lot is on corner ot far nam and Cuming car Hue and all paving is In snd paid for. Call us if you are In terested In a bargain. Sduier ft Carr X04 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 6074. 8KB US FOR JNVESTMKNT AND SPECULATIVE PROPKUTT. A. P. TUKBY & SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. APAKTUtiN't fH.Ouu. locuiue U pr ot-nt. out- yeai old very fine Iocs r Ion; mortgaig 5,00Q and Hi swept izo.000 lo trads; baiaoce ca.h or nttguitabitt papers, CALKINS A CO. I .one in 1 31 W City Net'l Be nit Bids LET your money earn 7 PUR CENT in Homo Builders' 11.00 sharps, Cash divi dends Jan. let snd July 1st. .Secured by mortgages on new hoinra. Nun. partici pating Preferred Shared liUHrautced 1 per cent now ready. Offices, lUh aud iJouglj