Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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    9f WW'1"f;v :
Parliamentary Rules in Society.
"Madam Hostess, please may 1
have the floor?"
The foregoing parliamentary re
quest came yesterday, not at a suf
frage meeting, bnt at a social function,
a luncheon which Mrs. Edward L.
Burke gave at the Blackstone in
honor of Mrs. W. E. Barkley of Lin
coln, state suffrage president, and Mrs.
Elsie Vandergrift Benedict, suffrage
organizer who is working in Omaha.
Even the most exclusive society
affairs are taking on the nature of
strictly suffrage salons, so vital has
the topic grown on account of the
entering wedge looked for as a result
of the Congressional Union confer
ence tomorrow.
The proprieties of social etiquette
go unnoticed, so heated does the ar
gument wax. After trying desperately
to "get a word in edgwise" at the
luncheon yesterday, one of the guests
. raised her hand and also her voice
to petition the hostess that she might
be heard.
"Of course the guests had alt come
from an important conference which
occupied the whole morning and they
had much to discuss, especially with
two such interesting honor guests.
But it was very funny," commented
one of the others.
Mrs. S. A. Capen, formerly presi
dent of the Omaha Suffrage associa
tion, arrives today from Sioux City,
having come on to attend the Con
gressional Union conference. She will
be with her mother, Mrs. C. S. Hart
wick.. Women from all the suffrage
camps expect to attend in unofficial
capacities to enjoy the discussion and
exchange of views.
Guests at "HtWde."
Mrs. William W. Farish of Mont
clair, N. J., and her two daughters,
Miss Arraette and Miss Florence Far
ish, who made their debut in Decem
ber, arrived last evening from St.
Joseph to be the guests for a few
days of Mra. Henry W. Yates, who is
the aunt of Mrs. Farish. Mrs. Yates
and her daughters, Mrs. Reba Mor-
san and Mrs. George Voss, gave a
smalt tea at "Hillside," asking a few
friends to meet Mrs. Farish.
The Misses Farish will receive
much social attention tomorrow. Miss
Daphne Peters will give a luncheon
at the Fonteuelle for them, Mrs. A. L.
Reed will girt s small tea at the hotel
and Mrs. George Voss and Mr. Henry
W. Yates, jr., will entertain at an
Orpheum party, followed by supper
at the t-onteneiie.
,' Change of Residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles D. Houck, jr,
have recently moved here from Lin
coln, Neb., and are residing at 5118
Burt street. ' " t 1 '
Social Gossip. 1
Mrs. Walter Hopewell of Tekamah
came in for the tea given Monday
afternoon by Mrs. George T unison
for Mrs. H. E. Cornell of Dietrich,
Idaho. The women are all Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stoll leave this
evening for a three weeks' eastern
trip, visiting in Cleveland, New York,
Philadelphia, Buffalo and Boston.
Mrs. Walter D. Williams returned
yesterday from a six weeks' visit with
relatives in Chicago, Rockford and
Beloit, Wis. Mr. Williams left Sat
urday for an eastern business trip in
New York and Massachusetts. He ex
pects to visit his daughter, Margaret,
who is attending Wheaton college at
Norton, Mass. i
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Ribbel and
family, who are spending the winter
in San Diego, Cal., plan to spend the
summer at Coronado, by the sea, and
before returning to Omaha will take
a trip to the orient.
4 Mrs. Robert Bell of Denver, who
has been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Peck, will return home
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hamilton and
daughter, Edith, have departed for
the south and are at present visiting
in San Antonio, Tex., until time for
the Mardi Gras, when they will go
on to New Orleans.
Mrs. W. F. Milray and Mrs. R. H.
Olmsted leave in a few days for a
three weeks' sojoorn at Excelsior
Mrs. John A. Kuhn, Miss Marion
Kuhn, Miss Gertrude Metz and Miss
, Harriet Mack leave this evening for
the west on their trip to Honolulu.'
Affairs in Prospect.
Mrs. Jacob Klein will give a bridge
tea at the Blackstone hotel on Tues
day,. February 13.
Mrs. John T. Brownlee will give
the bridge party in honor of Mrs.
Paul Bradley Thursday afternoon,
which she postponed last week be
cause of the cold weather.
The meeting of the Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority, which was scheduled
for today at the home of Mrs. Samuel
Reynolds, will be next Tuesday.
Misa Mary Cooper will give a the
ater party to seventy-five of her danc
i ing school pupils Saturday morning
to see "Alice in Wonderland." After,
the performance there will be a pic
nic lunch at her studio, followed by
dancing and games.
Omahans in Los Angeles. '
A number of residents of this city
are wintering in southern California
and among those who are at present
vtsi'.ing in Los Angeles and registered
at Hotel Uark, include: Mr. and Mrs.
H. Signal!, Mrs. W. H. Butts, E. H.
Barrett, Sidney M. Smith, F. M.
Smith and A. J. Andrews. 1
Banker Mackay of Ansley
; Weds Miss Elsie Saville
Ansley, Neb., Feb. 6. (Special.)
Clarence Mackay, president of the
rirst National bank here, well-known
lemocrat and former candidate for
lisle treasurer on the democratic
.icket. was married to Miss Elsie Sa-
.:11c, also of Ansley, here today. Rev,
Charles A. Shook of Ansley per
formed tlie ceremony, Mr. Mackay
to 35 years old and his bride is 31.
nicy will spend their honeymoon in
' Florida.
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Edited bit Irma df. Grote J)omA&cs
ScienAX2, 4JQefiarfanent Contra! Jtigh efcAool
Steamed Puddingt
In these days when the mercury is
just as apt to jump below the zero
line as above it, we naturally want
hot foods straight through a meal
and we enjoy desserts of the "hearty"
type. It is easy to understand why
a hot dessert should be desired; there
is an equally good reason for desir
ing a heavy dessert. In cold weather
we not only conserve our body heat
by extra clothing, but we also must
manufacture more heat within the
body. For this extra heat additional
fuel is needed in the shape of food,
either larger quantities, or richer
kinds, or both.
The steamed pudding is the modern
form of the old English puddings of
grains, fruits and suet, boiled together
in a bag. Such a pudding was very
apt to be soggy; our modern pudding,
placed in a metal can, and then
steamed or set in boiling water,
need not be soggy in the least. Neith
er need it be very ex
pensive, although the very rich fruity
kinds are necessarily so. The sim
pler kinds can be very good with their
spices, and some fruit; at the same
time they are more economical and
more digestible. At its best, how
ever, a steam pudding is not an easily
digested dessert, and should not be
given to people who most be careful
of their diet, or to little children. It
should never be served at a meal
where the main course has been espe
cially rich, such as goose or pork.
Instead of special molds, empty
baking powder, cocoa or coffee cans
may be used. As a matter of conveni
ence, a steamed podddrog may be
made ahead of time and reheated in
its original mold, over hot water, just
before serving.
bkllcvce FtronnfG.
1 C mftlassns 1 t. Soda
H c. butter or other 2 c floor
' shortening 1 It t cinnamon
1 o. mil. J t clow
Sift dry ingredients, add molasses
and milk; add shortening, melted.
Turn into greased moid, cover and
steam two hours. Serve with vanilla
straw rd riiorxnrnt prmmmi.
I T. butter 4Sfc L baking powder
l-S r agar 1 oqujireoxitooeolote,
I mr molted.
I o. raflk 14 twit
lite. Soar ,
Mix as cake, turn into a greased
mold. Cover and steam two hours.
Serve with cream sauce.
14 e. traitor 'ULaoda
It . tnelaaees It salt
. milk I r. r&Uitnp. daiooor
1 OKI flea, out iDtoomaJI
1 14 o. Graham Sour plauoa
Melt butter, add molasses, milk, egg
well beaten, dry ingredients, mixed
and sifted, and fruit. Turn into
greased mold, cover and steam two
and one-half hours. Serv with wine
sauce or hard sauce.
no rrDDDiC.
lotaiw Laa)t
lb flia. ftnolr " 0. milk
cboppod 2 ocaa
2to c atala bread J c. augar
Chop suet, and work until creamy,
add figs. Soak crumbs in milk, add
eggs well beaten, sugar and salt
Combine mixtures, steam in a greased
mold three hours. Serve with yellow
nut rrnDTNG.
1 c. molanaaa 1 lb. walnut (an-
1 o. c hupped aoec abetled), aholl and
1 e. milk chop
2H c floor lb. flga, chopped
1 t. aoda 1 amall nutmeg, grat-
1 t. aalt od
1 e. aoeded ralaloa
Sift dry ingredients, add fruit and
nuts, then other ingredients. Mjx
thoroughly and steam two and one
balf hours. Serve with foamy sauce.
I lb. atoned and
cboppod dates
lb. auat, chopped
1 e. flour
tt o. augar
2 agga
1 t ginger
1 t. baking ,
1 c enft breadcrumbal t cinnamon
V4 c. milk H t. aalt
Mix fruit and suet, add to flour
sifted with baking powder, salt and
spices; beat eggs till light, add sugar.
Mix all ingredients together and stir
till the dough is thoroughly mixed.
Steam two and one-half hours. Serve
with sterling sauce.
14 c. butter 214 o. flour
1 c. auger ?H t. baking powder
V4 e milk 4 egg whltoa
Mix as cake, folding in beaten
whites last. Steam in greased cups
thirty-five minutes. Serve with pre
served fruit or marmalade.
Sauces for Puddings.
A steamed pudding is incomplete
without some kind of a special sauce.
Cream seems quite inadequate.
Though special sauces have been sug
gested for the different puddings, the
sauces may be varied at will. Per
haps Hard Sauce is the most univer
sally used.
l-S e. batter 1-2 t. lemon axtraet
1 e. powdered atlgac 2-S t. vanilla
Cream butter, add sugar gradually,
then flavoring. Keep cold until
14 e. tatter 1 t. vanilla
1 c. brown augar 4 T. cream or milk
Cream butter, add sugar, then fla
voring and milk, drop by drop, to pre
vent separation.
. butter
sherry or Mad
eira wine
1 c. powdnred augar
Slight grating of nutmeg
Cream butter, add sugar, then wine
slowly. Place in serving dish and
sprinkle with nutmeg.
c. butter 14 t. vanilla
1 e. powdered augar yt c. cream, wtnpped
Prepare as Hard Sauce, added
whipped cream at the end.
2 eggs 1 t vanilla
1 e. augur
Beat eggs until very light, add sugar
gradually and continue ,t beating;
1 c powdered augar 1 c. cream or milk
14 c butter 3 eggs
Cream butter and sugar, add cream
and eggs, beaten slightly. Put into
a double boiler; beat with a Dover
egg beater till smooth and foamy.
Cook till it thickens and serve at 1
2 T. tatter
1 t. vanilla
Few grains salt
Mix siiear. salt and cornstarch, add
water gradually, stirring constantly;
boil five minutes. Remove from fire
and add butter and vanilla.
)4 e. sugar
1 e. boiling water
1 T. cornstarch
Potatoes Cost More Since
Paris Green Doubles in Price
In the world of potato bugs the
high cost of living has no terrors.
No, in this peculiar realm the high
cost of dying is the leading topic for
scare heads in the Bugdom Gazette.
It is a subject for exultation rather
than the topic of a grievance.
Fact is paris green will cost about
twice as much this year as it did a
few years ago. Patriarchial spud
bugs adjust their specks of an even
ing and read these quotations from
the market page of the Bugdom Ga
zette. Paris green has been retailing up tr
a few years ago for SO cents a pound
carton. This year it will probably
cost anywhere between 90 cents and
$1 a carton, for the price to the dealer
has more than doubled in three years.
Dealers used to pay W2 cents per
pound carton for this commodity.
Today they are paying 40)4 cents.
Of course, if they buy it in carload
lots, or in lots of 10,000 pounds, they
get it cheaper.
Thus, while potatoes have more
than doubled in price, paris green,
the standard savior of the potato
crop, has gone up likewise.
Mrs. William F. Baxter, who is now
in New York with Mr. Baxter, has
closed arrangements with Enos Mills,
the great naturalist, for him to come
to Omaha February 26 to make an
introductory talk before a showing
of the Audubon . society's slides.
These are a complete set of bird pic
tures compiled by Louis Agassiz
Fuertes, official photographer for the
National Geographical society. The
local Audubon society claims the dis
tinction of being the only society
owning a complete set. '
Enos Mills has many friends in
Omaha, chief among them is C. N.
Dietx, whom he has visited several
Mrs. Baxter visited national Au.
dubon Society headquarters to get
suggestions for next year's work.
Court House Man
With Big Smile is
Fair, Fat and Forty
Surfing upon his forty-first mile
stone Clyde C. Sundblad, clerk of the
county court, has the distinction of
being the oldest court houser in point
of service, with the exception of
County Clerk Dewey. For Mr. Sund
blad was fair, fairly fat and AO Tues
day. He celebrated his birthday by
passing out the smokes to a host of
congratulating friends.
The jovial clerk of the county court
as a youth dreamed that he would
some day be a packing house mag
nate. Acting upon this hunch he went
to work in the office of one of the lo
cal establishments. But fate decreed
otherwise, and when he was but 22
years old Sundbtad, the youth, found
himself probating wills, holding the
whip over the marriage license clerk
and kidding the good-looking girls
in the court house.
He was appointed by Judge Vin
sonhaler and has served under Judge
Leslie and Judge Crawford also. His
friends point to him as the original
of the man with the "smile that can't
come off.
Mayor to Welcome
The Congressional
Union Women Here
Mayor Dahlman will welcome the
Congressional Union for Woman
Suffrage in Omaha at the organiza
tion conference to be held at the
Blackstone today. Over 150 reserva
tions have been made for the lunch
eon, which precedes the meeting.
Other speakers will be Miss Mary
Graham, dean of women at the Stale
university; Miss Blanche Grout of
the university faculty, who will talk
on "Suffrage and Labor;" Mrs. Hal-
leck Rose, I he Federal Amend
ment:" Miss Beulah Amidon, "West
ern Women Voters," and Miss Mar
garet Whittemore, "The Congres
sional I n ion.
Miss Whittemore and Miss Ami
don, the Congresional Union organ
izers, return to Iowa Thursday to ad
dress the legislators at Des Moines.
The local organization, they say, will
be left to the officers who will be
elected at the conference,
Red Cross Women Enroute
To the War Zone of Europe
A part) of twenty women from
Stanford university, California, in a
special car, will pass throueh Omaha
tonight, over the L'nkin Pacific-Northwestern,
enroute to the war zone of
Europe to work in the hospitalj of
the allies. They have-all graduated
as nurses and are affiliated with the
Ked Cross,
Wilkins Rustin to Take
The Exams at West Point
Wilkms Rustin of Berkeley, Cal.,
who was to have left Thursday for
New York to prepare for his entrance
examinations tor West Point, received
word not to leave because of the
unsettled international relations. Mr.
Rustin, however, expects word any
minute to proceed with his journey.
At present he is enjoying the renewal
of old acquaintances and is at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Brandon
Howell. Mr. Rustin's mother, Mrs.
Doane, with Captain William G.
Doane, has gone to 1 Paso, where
the captain was ordered for duty.
Anti-Saloon League Man
Urges Comfort Stations
Rev. F. A. High, superintendent of
the Anti-Saloon league, advised the
city council that the closing of
saloons on May 1 will emphasize the
need of public comfort stations. He
urged the council to take cognizance
ot the situation.
A for and Grt
36 Hp AVojsf Book fht
iAaSI HMMMI MCtorr ! tMfliCA
Held in
U. S. Nat'l
Bank Bldg.,
1 6 th & Farnam
Starting Wednesday, 8:30 A. M, Sharp
$25,000 stock of new Spring Suits, Coats, Dresses and
Skirts to be sacrificed, together with all remaining Winter
Not a dollar's worth of merchandise in oar present store will enter the new
trailcVng, A positive, decisive eleac-ap must be effected within the next three
weeks. We have ignored cost, vabj? and newness of merchandise and marked
every garment at a price to ridiculously 'low that its quick disposal is assured,
i Note the wonderful values made possible only by this Eemoval Sale.
The choicest models in New Spring
Suits find no exception from Uiem de
cisive Removal Prices. Share ra these
Beautiful Styled Coats of richest
fabrics will be sold at a small frac
tion of tbeir actual worth. This Is
surely your opportunity.
Wonderful showing of Men's Wear
Serges, Satins, Georgettes, Crepe de
Chines, Taffetas and other new spring
fabrics In smartest new styles at won
derful savings.
Held in
Our Old Home, t
U.S. Nat'l BankBldg., '
J 6th & Farnam
Every Skirt in the house, including
the new Sport Skirts, have under
gone severe price-cutting. Seldom
have Omaha women been offered such
exceptional values.
All out New Spring Suits,
bought to sell at I2&.00
and itiM.
Betjwval Sate Price
All our New Spring Suits,
bought to sell at J32.50
and 3i.O0.
Kiwieval Safe Price
All our New Spring Suite,
bought to sell at $37.50
and tZiM.
Me Prtre
AU our New Spring Suits,
bought to sell at t-tlSO
and U&M.
Semen, Me Price
ix Ann
AH our New Spring Suits,
bought to sell at 41.50
and ibOM.
Besatnal Sale Price
AU our New Spring Suits,
bought to sell at S56.0O
and $69.50.
BeaMval Sale Price
AH our Wool Vekmr
Coats, that sold at $25.0
and $27.60.
Several Sale Price
Aft onr Broadcloth and
Wool Vetour Coats that
sold at W and $35.00.
BfisaoTaJ Sale Price
All onr Broadcloth and
Wool Vetour Costa that
sold at $39.50 and $45.00.
Reawval Sale Price
All onr Silk Velour and
Silk Plush Coats that sold
at $49J0 to $69.50.
Beawval Sale Price
All our Silk Velour Coats
that aoM at $69.50 and
Removal Sale Price
Ail our Silk Vetour Coats
that sold at $95.00 to
Beams. Sal Price
AU our New Spring
Dresses, bought to sell at
$19.50 and $22.60.
Removal Sale Price
All our New Spring
Dresses, bought to sell at
$25.00 and $27.50.
Removal Sale Price
AH out New Spring lATf
Dresses, bought to sell at JLBf 11
$29.50 and $32.50. J
Removal Sale Price 1 ,,
AU our New Spring It. Aft
Dresses, bought to sell at II 1 J I L
$35.00 and $37.50. Jl J I 1
Removal Sale Price UiJ
All our New Spring IMTflln
Dresses, bought to sell at IL I I la
$39.50 and $42.50. jC I J
Eemoval Sale Price jj
All our New Spring
Dresses, bought to sell at
$45.00 and $47.50..
Removal Sale Price
AU our New Spring ti J Jf
Skirts, bought to seU at JtIIiH
$6.75. flTU
Removal Sale Price...... I
All our New Spring
Skirts, bought to sell at LL tl
$8.75. sJ
Removal Sale Price a s
All our New Spring i!P
Skirts, bought to sell at (LNf 1
$9.75. 11
Removal Sale Price V,
All our New Spring AJP
Skirts, bought to sell at IL HAN
$12.50. TJ
Removal Sale Price
All our New S p rl n g . M fl
Skirts, bought to sell at ILI 1
$15.00. Jf 1 V
Removal Sale Price W .
All our New Spring I lit
Skirts, bought to sell at b I I Ala
$17.60. Jr 1 1 fj
Removal Sale Price " I 1 1
No season has produced smarter style Coats than Spring 1917. These
same Coats go in this Great Removal Sale at prices temptingly low.
t2&fi0 A $26.00
Removal Sale
Removal Sal
fSUO fs&oo
Beatoval Sale
$37.60 4 $390
Removal Sate
I4&00 t toOM
Removal Sale
Never before have values of equal merit been offered Omaha women. This op
portunity for extraordinary savings is the chance you cannot afford to ignore.
$25.00 k 250
Removal Sale
$3540 $37.60
Removal Sale
$3!U0 $45.00
Removal Sale
SA k $564)0
Bemeval Sale
$5tJ0 k $65.00
Removal Sale
This Sale Has a Purpose--
A purpose which warrants the most sensational
form of price-cutting a purpose which is made
possible only by the fact that we are determined
to start the new store, all new not a garment from
the old stock will be allowed a berth in the new
store. Severe price-cutting is the means we have
employed to clean up the stock. Get your share of
the savings. ,
Furs, Furs, Furs
Our Extensive and Select Stock of Fur Scarfs,
Mofff and Sets Go in Eemoval Sale at Prices
Less Than Cost
An Opportunity Without a
Think of buying new Spring Wearables, some of
which are but a few hours in stock, at prices which
you would expect to pay only for season-end sale
merchandise. Take full advantage of the savings
buy exclusive New Spring Apparel at Closing-Out
Prices. Be here early tomorrow morning. Bring
your friends.