Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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An Easy Way to
Cure Constipation
and Indigestion
Without Medicine
For distress after meals, bloating, drowsi
ness and those conditions of ill health due
to constipation, (ret a package of O-EAT-IT
at any grocery store and eat three of these
small tasty toasted slices with your meals.
In a few days or a week at most you will
be through with medicines.
The reason for this i O-EAT-IT contains
the coarse, sturdy outer parts of grains and
when it reaches the lower bowel its action
ie so well known and so certain that the
trae of medicine for constipation and indiges
tion would he a useless waste of money.
Many leading doctors who have looked into
the subject have been strongly recommend
ing their patients to follow this rule of three
slices of O-KAT-IT with meals to overcome
both constipation and indigestion, and avoid
ill health from such causes without pills or
medicine. The results have been really re
markable when the rule of three slices with
men's in followed. Don't forget this rule.
Better try it.
You will find O-EAT-IT for sale by more
than 100 leading grocers in Omaha tnd
Council Bluffs at 10 cents a package. Get
a package today, or it will be mailed pre
paid if you send the price to O-EAT-IT CO.,
22 Studcbakcr Bldg., Chicago. 111.
Apply Q-Ban Simple,
Safe, Healthful and
Guaranteed to Restore
Natural Color.
Don't use dyes. They are not only sticky,
dinwjrrppable and in bad taste, but actually
dangerous. A good many reputable drug
storcn won't sell them.
Use Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. Thia will
aerorrrtlish wonderful results. Simply wet
your hair with Q-Ran Hair Color Restorer.
Raelt will come the natural, dark shade,
evenly, gradually and permanently. This is
the right way, the healthful one. Q-Ban
claims no instant miracles it leaves that
claim to dyes and the like. But it does re
store the original color correctly and helps
your hair in growth, helps it to be glossy,
lustrous, soft, beautiful, charming.
Q-Ban is all reBdy to use. It is guaranteed
to he harmless and sold under the makers'
warranty of satisfaction or your money
back. At Sherman ft McConnell Drng Stores
and all good drug stores, a large bottle for
r0e, or iiend direct to Hessig-Kllis Drug Co.,
Memphis, Tenn.
"Hair Culture," illustrated, interesting
hooklet. sent free. Write for it todav. Try
Q-Ban Hair Tonic; Q-Ban Toilet Soap: Q
Ran, Liquid Shampoo; also Q-Ban Depilatory
for removing superfluous hair. Adv.
Valuable Hints On
Care ot the Teeth
Great care should be exercised In selecting
a dentifrice. Some powders and creams con
tain grit that scratches the teeth. Others
a dually eat away the enamel little by little.
Others contain coloring matter that stains
the teeth. Still others are so powerfully
astringent thpy cause the gums to shrink
and .re-cede. Most of them have little effect
on discolored films or "placquea" which ad
here so tenaciously and prevent many from
having really while teeth, no matter how
they rub and scrub.
The very best thing to use on the tooth
bruiih. Is ordinary avatol, which may be
found In any drug store in 26-cent tubes.
U Is open to none of tho objections named
and, besides being so thoroughly cleansing,
actually removes even the most obstinate
stains or .""pots. Used daily, like a tooth
. paste, It will keep all teeth glistening white,
lialihy and' beautiful. Occasionally a Httle
ava tol should he put on a coarse thread
and drawn between the teeth, to keep the
sides antiseptically clean and spotless. Adv.
Healthy Motherhood
A Healthy Baby.
The foundation of
perfect baby la 1U
mother's health dur
ing; the months pre
ceding expectancy,
and nothing can take,
the place of "Mother'!
Friend' In assuring hereof
pleasant and com fort bit
conditions, and witting,
nature tn lb work daring
this period. "Mothers
Friend' baa helped thou
sands through this trying
ordeal in perfect safety.
"Mother's" Friend" Is an
external remedy easily ap
plied. Get It at any drug
fiat. A free book en Mother-
bood will be tent all ex
pectant mothers. It Is a
valuable and Interesting
book you should hare.
Send for one. Address
The Brad field Regulator
Sit Lamar Bldg.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Headaches, Nerv
ousness, Blurring;
and Dizziness
Are Due to Eye Strain.
Avoid this danger. I
will examine your eyes
and fit tbem properly.
If vou have not th
ready cash, you can arrange to make it
in payments. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dr. j. t. McCarthy
Suite 707-709 Br.ndei. Bid;. Red 4499.
The Omaha Van
Is in Business to Serve and
Please You
We not only want to handle
your business in the best man
ner, but we want to keep you
for a satisfied customer. One
of our slogans is: "To Serve
and Please."
The Bifgett and Best
Phone Doug. 4163.
806 S. 16th St.
Brief City News
Wed dlnj; Rim Ed holm. Jeweler.
Han Root Print It Now Beacon Preaa.
hones His Watch A watch valued
at $10 was lost sometime Monday by
G. T. Gim. 1707 California street, so
he reports to the police.
Towl Engineering Company haa
moved to top floor New First National
bank building. Expert drainage and
municipal engineers. Phone Douglas
39 IS.
Vaow Appointed Cory E. Vaow
been appointed city inspector of heat
ing and power plants, under provisions
of a new ordinance. The salary will
be J 1,500 a year.
Improvers Meet Principal Adams
of the High School of Commerce will
address a meeting of the United Im
provement Clubs in Commissioner
Hummel's office in the city hall
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Overcome by Gas Fred Howard.
725 South Eighteenth street, was
found overcome by gas in his room
at 4 a. m. He was revived by po
lice surgeons. A leak In a gas heater
is believed to have been responsible.
Killing CUy Coffer During Janu
ary the receipts of the Auditorium
were $1,636.82. Central police court
collections were $1,591 : South Side
police court, $309. The city license
department received $2,366 during
the month.
New Commerce Teacher Miss
Louise Essex has Joined the faculty
of tho High School of Commerce as
instructor of mathematics. She was
principal of the high school at Min
den, Neb. She began her new duties
on Monday.
Ilea ton Apartments Sold Judge
William A. Ftediclt has purchased
from the Beaton Realty company,
through Glover Spain, the Beaton
apartments at Thirty-first and Far
nam streets as an investment. Con
sideration, $55,000.
Colonel Weller Dislocate Shoulder
Colonel C. F. Weller, president and
manager of tho Kichardson Drug
company, is confined to his home with
a dislocated shoulder. He suffered
this injury when he slipped on the
ice recently and fell to the sidewalk.
To Check Autos at Theaters- The
city council will grant to Joseph Mor
row a permit to maintain an auto
mobile checking system in front of
theaters. The checkers will wear uni
form caps with numbers and auto
owners will be given numbered checks.
Investigate Chinaman's Death In
vestigation of the death of Fong Suey,
55, Chinese cook who was found dead
in his room at 1304 Douglas street, is
being conducted by police and federal
authorities, in spite of the opinion of
police surgeons, who declared that
death was apparently from natural
Ugh! Ordinance Passes The city
council, Butler and Kugel dissenting,
passed an ordinance which authorizes
the Omaha Electric Light and Power
company to bill current at 6 cents
per k. w. hour, with the 6-cent rate
applicable If bills are paid within ten
days from their date.
Ukelele Quartet Organizes The
Parcel Post Ukelele quarter composed
of p or t office clerks organized Monday
evening. The quartet will make its
first appearance at the postofflce
clerks' dance to bo held at the Hotel
Rome February 17. Messrs. Hall,
Miller, Uandhaum and Harvey com
prise the organization.
Prizes for Members The North
Side Progressive club will give a card
party Wednesday afternoon at the
club hall. There will be prizes for
the women bringing ten, twenty and
fifty guests. The prizes for the ones
bringing ten and twenty people will
be pieces of linen, while the one brine-
Ing 6fty will receive a half dozen hand-
painted plates.
Fine Fireplace Goods Bunder land.
Norton Dahlquist Stabbed
As Outcome of Poker Game
Whether or not an ace-high
"straight" Tjeats a flush, providing the
"straight" holder possesses a knife,
was the contention that led to the
probable fatal stabbing Monday night
of Horton Dahlquist, 2010 Bancroft, in
a pool hall near Twentieth and Cas
telar. Amos Brown, colored, wielded the
knife. He was arrested several' hours
later by Detectives Rinn and Wade
and former Deputy Sheriff Larry
Flynn. Dahlquist fs in St. Joseph's
hospital suffering from a punctured
Omaha Sunday Schools to
Give Biblical Pageant
A biblical pageant in which twentv
two Sunday schools of Omaha will
take part, each Sunday school repre
senting a different biblical character,
will be one of the features of the state
conference of Sunday schools, to be
held at the Auditorium from June 19
to 21. under the auspices of the Doug
las County Sunday School Teachers'
association. A meeting has been called
for Sunday afternoon at the Young
Men's Christian association by the
Douglas County Sunday School asso
ciation to perfect plans for the con
vention. Socialists Urge Wilson
To Keefj.Out of the War
The state executive committee of
the socialist party, through its secre
tary, G. C. Porter, yesterday evening
addressed telegrams to President Wil
son, Senator Hitchcock and Congress
man Lohteck, which were identical as
to text which follows:
The Nebraska hoc i list a urge oar historic
position aualnat -.mlxlnir In b'uropeiin,em
brofffliea. Rral pntrtot.Hm la this, our crisis,
means loyalty to th people of Amorlra.
rather than yielding to profit mongers, who
would keep American manhood wallowing In
human blood. It la far reaching for good
hi tho other courno la for evil.
See Squadron of Japanese
Warships in Hawaii Seas
Honolulu, Feb. (.- The rumored
presence of a squadron of Japanese
warships in Hawaiian waters was
given a measure of corroboration to
day by reports from passengers on
the Toyo Risen Kisha liner. Shinyo
Maru. arriving from Japan. They told
of having seen a cruiser early this
morning. The war vessels reported
in this vicinity are the Tokiwa, Itata
and Nisshin.
Dean Cutter to Attend
Convention in Chicago
Dr. Irving S. Cutter, dean of the
university college of medicine, left
Sunday evening for Chicago to at
tend a conference of the American
Association of Medical Colleges, to
be held at the Congress hotel this
For ChlldreD'i Coach.
Tou uaanot um anything totter for your
chiid'i cough and cold tban Dr. Klng-'i New
Discovery. Contain! nothing harmful. Guar
anteed. At druggist. BOc.-Advertlsement
Omaha Woman's Club Pledges
Service to Country in
Event of War.
Omaha Woman's club members at
the general meeting of the club held
at the Metropolitan clubhouse Mon
day afternoon, signified their patriotic
feeling by empowering the president,
Mrs. E. M. Syfert, to appoint a tem
porary committee for Red Cross Re
lief work and pledged its service to
the country in the event that war be
The club endorsed the bill, now
under consideration in the legislature
for the repeal of the law providing
for the teaching of foreign languages
in the public schools. It also voted
to use influence and any other means
of preventing the repeal of the new
law which deals with the election of
school board members. Another meas
ure endorsed by the club is the bill
providing for a civil service commis
sion for the city of Omaha.
On the recommendation of Mrs. J.
C. Hammond of the library committee
of the club, magazines will be brought
by the club members to the Metro
politan building this week and from
there will be sent to the soldiers sta
tioned at Brownsville, Tex., who are
opening a new reading room and have
sent a request for current literature
J. M. Gurnett of the United States
bureau of naturalization spoke on the
naturalization appropriation measures,
which provides for the use of money
from naturalization fees for the edu
cation of the men who are naturalized
The second district convention of
the Nebraska Woman's club will be
invited to meet in Omaha during
April, according to resolutions
adopted by the club at its meeting
today. Names of twenty-five new
members were presented to the so
ciety and approved. No action was
taken in regard to the investigation
of conditions in Commerce High
school, although report of this investi
gation was made by Mrs. W. S.
Knight, chairman of the educational
The new parliamentary law depart
ment of the Omaha Woman's club
gave as a sample of its work a mock
national convention of the suffracats
Two Highway Robberies
In Same Neighborhood
Two bandits staged two highway
robberies last night in the same neigh
borhood, but got only $3 from two
The victims were A. M. Ericlcson,
2606 Chicago, who was robbed of $2
at Twenty-sixth and Chicago, and C
V. Carlson, 709 North Thirtieth, who
lost $1 at Nineteenth and Cass streets.
Early in the evening neighbors liv
ing near Nineteenth and Charles
streets, called police headquarters and
reported that two shots had been fired
in Seventeenth street, followed by a
yell and retreating footsteps. Investi
gation by Policeman Turner revealed
a trail of blood running half a block
and disappearing into an alley. A
few minutes later he arrested two
Central school boys in the neighbor
hood. One of them had a loaded re
volver which had not been fired. The
boys are not believed to have had
anything to do with the shooting, but
are being held, nevertheless, for the
juvenile court.
Human Element Is Great
Need of Salesmanship
A higher degree of the human ele
ment was declared to be the greatest
reed of salesmanship today by N.
H. Williams, salesmanager of the
Cushman Motor company, Lincoln, at
the second regular meeting of the
(World's Salesmen congress last night
at the Rome hotel.
"Develop a strong personality," he
advised the salesmen. "Call customers
by their names. There are numerous
ways in which you can find out their
names without coming right out and
asking them. This is a mechanical age
and we are allowing too much of the
mechanical to get into selling."
In making of salesmen he said the
first thing to give them is knowledge
of the goods, house policies, proper
presentation and so on. Then comes
training, actual training in selling.
Midyear Registration
At Bellcvue Is Heavy
An unusually heavy mid-year regis
tration is reported by college authori
ties at Bcllevue, where the second
semester opened yesterday. Students
from the Omaha high schools as well
as students from schools out in the
state have signed up for the second
half of the year. Miss Gladys Wright
and Miss Ruth Anderson and Carl
Beal arc South High graduates who
have entered Bellcvue. New courses
have been arranged so that the new
freshmen can take full courses.
Teutons Think They
Will Have War Won
Before U,S, Is Ready
Rerlin Via London), Feb. 5.
Comment in the morning newspapers
treats the breach in diplomatic rela
tions between the I'nitcd States and
Germany as a matter of great gravity,
but all the editorials arc calm and
moderate. The avoidance of insult
ing language and cutting epithets is
especially noticeable. Most of ihe
newspapers say the news created no
surprise, some of them explaining
that this step was expected.
All the newspapers str.ongly reject
the imputation that Germany has
broken its promise made in its note
of May 4. laying stress upon the fact
that Germany's promise was ex
pressly conditioned on President Wil
son's success in bringing England to
an observance of the laws of nations.
It is generally assumed by the
newspapers that the United States
will make an early declaration of war
against Germany, for they say the
submarine campaign can hardly be
prosecuted without the loss of some
American lives.
The newspapers say the country
must meet war with America, as the
lesser of two evils. The danger of
the United States as a war factor is
treated as comparatively unimportant,
owing to the remoteness of the area
of war and the time that would be
required to create an army. The opin
ion is evinced in some quarters that
the submarines will decide the war
before the United States can take an
active hand.
'Jack the Dog' Refuses to Let
Police Take Him to Hospital
"Jack the Dog," who is known to
only a few as Jack Lloyd, civil war
veteran, who lives in the north river
bottom section, surprised police sur
geons last night when he fell over in
a faint in Steve Colombo's saloon, ap
parently dying. He was in a patrol,
bound for St. Joseph's hospital, receiv
ing the commiseration of policemen
who knew him and who thought him
already dead, when he suddenly sat
bolt upright and demanded to know
where he was being taken.
The patrol turned around and took
him to headquarters.
Later he was released on his own
recognizance. He left $00 with Desk
Captain Patrullo for safe keeping, say
ing he feared to be robbed on his way
to his shack in the bottom lands.
"Jack the Dog" is a well known
character, much liked by the fre
quenters of the neighborhood.
Washington Highway to
Celebrate February 22
The George Washington National
highway will observe Washington's
birthday with celebrations at the vari
ous points along the route, according
to announcement from the office f
P. H. Dcarmont, national secretary,
yesterday. As Omaha is the location
of the national headquarters of the
highway the big celebration will he
held here. The" program will prob
ably he as follows:
Rnarflnir of proclamation of highway.
Oration on George Washington, the father
of oar country.
Reeding of eeeey by pnhllr school pnpll
who hne been awarded the prise for writing
the beat essay on the George Washington
National highway.
Ftye-mtnute teUce by good roada booatere
and highway eupportors. f
Patrtotlo muelc and songs to' fit tho oc
caelon. Appropriate dedications. t
Art yon nervous. Irritable, short tam
pered? Too probably have bad feet. Doc
tors realise that bad feel are responsible
for many nervous coinpUtrnn and are urging
their nervous patients tn follow a simpl
homo method of treatment that recommends
Itnelf because of lt nimpltetty and Ineipen
stvenees. We ( will give you this Informa
tion no trmt you may profit by It without
the expense of consulting; a physician. You
buy a package of V -Ne-Ta from your
drugfrtet for !i cants. Then, every evening
you dlFtsnlve two or three of the little tab
lets In hot water and allow your feet to
soak tn the solution for a few minutes. Tou
will be surprised how this moth? the tired
nerves s nd Mood vessels of the feet and
eases the whole system. Wa-Ne-Ta added
to your bath Is a delightful cleanser and
disinfectant, removing impurities and ban
Inning body odors. If your drunplst hii.m't
Wa-Ne-Ta. send us 10 cents to cover park
ing and shipping costs and wa will mall
you a aampk parkage prepaid to yoTir
address. L. ( Land on Co., South Bend,
Tnd. Adv.
That Tired Feeling
HALF OF THAT "tired-out"
feeling is caused by ill-fitting
The weight of the body SHOULD
BE SUPPORTED by the arch of
the fect.
In ill-fitting shoes the opposite
obtains the areh is left without
support, the ligaments and mus
cles become tired and strained
and the fatigue is transferred to
the whole body.
"Put Your Feet in Striker's
Hands for Foot Comfort and
Douglas Shoe Store
Opposite Pott Office.
Uncle Sam Will Also Provide
Youthful Soldiers With
Regular Cartridges.
The Board ot Kducalion yesterday
evening voted to award to Kienc &
Busch the general construction con
tract for the new Clifton Hill school,
in the sum of $2,1J6, which was their
bid. J. .1. Hanighen & Co., were
given the heating and ventilation work
on a hid of $22,1100, and tne plumbing
contract on a bid of $6,558. The
Johnston Kleetric company w ill do the
electrical work on a hid of $2,160.
This new school will he a twenty
room structure. The proposed as
sembly room will not be included at
this time.
Fiftv carbines. 350 U. S. magazine
rifles and 60.0110 hall cartridges will
be received from the government 'or
use hy the high school cadets, ac
cording to prescribed rules. The only
expense to ihe school district will be
the cost of transportation, hi furnish
ing the rifles and cartridges the gov
ernment requires that the cadets ob
serve target practice. The school
authorities anticipate they will he re
quested by the Anir-iean Defcn.-.r :
ciety to include the Omaha High
school cadets in the Junior American
I Defense society. It is said there are
300,000 public high school cadets in
this country.
Jo and Belle von Mansfelde of Ccn
1 tral High school asked to be placed
!on the pension list. Kdith Partridge
j was reinstated on the permanent list
I of teachers.
Whistles for Schools.
! Mrs. K. J. Hod of 110 South Thir
ly fourlh street, asked the hoard to
i equip all schools with whistles to be
used as signals to advise the pupils
I when schools are in session. She cx
I plained the necessity of whistles hv
I slating that sessions arc not held
I under certain conditions of tcnipcra
! Hire. This matter will be considered
ibv the teachers' committee.
The I'nited Improvement club re
quested that the teachers' training
school he re-established.
Meta Nielsen of Dundee school re
signed. The high schools will be dis
missed on the afternoon of February
12 on account of the Lincoln-Wash-nigton
program, to be held in the
Mrs. Bartlett Lectures
On 'Pyramid and Its Message
Mrs. Harriet Tuttlc Bartlett
lectured at 701 Bee building Monday
evening on "The Great Pyramid and
Its Message." She brought out new
and astonishing facts. Tuesday at 8
p. ni. she gives "Truth, the Great
llarmonizer," which brings out the
fact that there is a set of universal
symbols that express the wisdom of
the ages. She shows how their trans
lation assists one to understand the
The Workers ofj
the World with hand;
or brain, in doors or out,
doors, under all conditions;
and in all climes, will find in
Shredded Wheat the food
that supplies all the material
for building healthy tissue
and good brain a food that
nourishes every organ of
the body and keeps the bow-;
e!s healthy and active tho
one universal cereal food that
appears on the breakfast
table of thousands of Ameri
can homes every day in the
year. It is ready-cooked and
ready-to-eat For break
fast with milk or cream, or
fruits. Made at Niagara
Falls, N. Y.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackagc'
proves it. 25c at all druggists.)
YO' pipe in yo' coat pocket
modnc a tfticfir f ri on A
always at yo' side.
"New" tobacco can't
erive oerfect. mellow
satisfaction any mo'c
than a new pipe can.
And "hurry-up" methods
don't age tobacco. That's
why Velvet is aged two
years in wooden hogs
heads the slow, tne
expensive but the
right way.
You cart prove this by
trying Velvet yourself.
Tuesday, F.bru.ry 6, 1917 STORE NEWS FOR WEDNESDAY Phon. D. 137
I 1 1
Washington Irving was the
first man to use this well
known allusion to our devotion
to the dollar.
He first used it in "The
Creole Village," and since that
time its use in our language has
been universal.
And our devotton to tho dol
lar is unimpaired!
Our entire business life is an
endless effort to get as much
for a dollar as the dollar will
buy. And he who gives most
gets most in return.
This has always been our
aim to give the greatest value
to give all for a dollar that a
dollar will buy to be of the
"greatest service to the great
est number," thereby obtaining
our just reward in a constantly
growing business.
In doing this we believe that
we have gained the confidence
of the buying public to such an
extent that a plain statement
about the merchandise is suf
ficient to arouse your interest,
and we have eliminated the use
of comparative prices in our advertisements.
In the face of advancing prices
comes this Clcaraway of
Women's High Shoes
Two Groups $3.85 and $3.95
IT is not mere prattle, but a fact, that
shoes are advancing in price. This
makes the clearaway sale Wednesday dou
bly attractive.' A splendid assortment of
women's tan Russia calf walking, sport pat
tern shoes; also the well known and prac
tical Wichert's arch mode boots, in patent
and dull calf, welt and turn soles. Ihe
price quoted is about one-half reduction.
Skating and Hockey Boots
Including tan calf skin, black calf
Bkin, white calf skin and gray calf
skin skating and hockey Tjoots;
Wednesday, at $3.85 and $4.95.
Burnett-Nub Cs. Second Floor.
Well Known
Makes of Corsets
At $3.15
A cleirawar miisortmrnt of cor
eU. including men wll known
makes u B. A J., La Victoria and
Anita, all W a John boned and made
of coo til, broehe and treco in pink
and white; atsei 10 to 2ft. We con
sider these corset unusual values
at the priee Quoted Wednesday.
Burgess-Nash Co. Second Floor.
St. Valentine's Day
February 14th
"Mont every girl T meet who gives
Sty heart a double twister
Will alwayi atraightwav ask ma
If fine cannot be a sister.'
"From window to window,
To your home from mine.
Go m v friendliont greetings
With thin Valentine."
lust two of the fienres of "differ
ent" vaientinen you will find featured
at Burgesi-Nash.
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor.
Our Annual February
Brings Savings of 10 to 50
Featuring This American Walnut Bedroom Suite at $97.50
Made of American walnut, consisting of dresser, chiffonier, bed and toilet table.
A beautiful reproduction in the William and Mary design. Sale price, $97.50.
' Co. Tbird Floor. ,
Women's Taffeta and Georgette Crepe Dresses
Trim and Stylish Spring Models-Down Stairs Store
$5.95, $9.95 and $15.95
OUR buyer preceded the arrival of these dresses just
a few days, consequently they are new straight
from the Fashion Center of the East. In every instance
they are marked at prices most attractive.
The 'Dresses at $15.95
Taffeta, georgette crepe, crepe de chine and georgette crepe
combined with taffeta, made up into some very new and charming
stylos, ntraight lines predominate, with pleated waist and shirred
skirts. Shades of Copenhagen, gray, green, navy, rose, and black.
The Dresses at $9.95
Straight pleated models, belted, pleated jacket and shirred skirt
effects in crepe dc chine, taffeta and silk poplin, nicely trimmed,
shades of gray: navy, black, rose and bclgian blue, compose the
group at $9.95.
The Dresses at $5.95
Satin poplin dresses, patterned on the ever popular straight and
belted lines, trimmed with pockets and tinsel. They come in rose,
navy, gray, green, and old rose. , Co. Down Stair. Ster.