THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1917. Dry, Hoarse or Painful Coughs Quickly Ended j Haaar-Maa Reaedr tkat lam I Vra 91 Don tk -nark j Tkonckjr. . The prompt and positire action of this simple, inexpensive hoxnemade remodv in quickly healinc the inflamed or swollen membranes of the throat, chest or bron chial tubes and breaking up tizht foiirhs, has caused it to be used in more homes than any other cough remedy. Under its healing, soothing influence, chest soreness goes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in tnroat stops and vou get a good night's restrul sleep. The usual throat and chest colds are conquered br it in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bron chitis, hoarseness, croup, whooping cough, bronchial asthma or winter coughs. To make this splendid cough srrup, pour 2':. ounces of Pinei (SO cents worth I, into pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sngar sttup and shake thoroughly. You then have a full pint a family supplv of a much better cough svruo than vou could buy r?Rdy-made for $2.50. Keeps perfectly and children love its pleasant taste. Pinex is a special and hiehly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extraet. combined with guaiacol and is known the world over for' its promptness, ease and certainty in over coming stubborn coughs and chest colds. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with lull directions, and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or monev nromptlv refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD J' 1 Saps Cream Applied In Nostrils j Relieves Head-Colds at Once. j If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti septic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of you head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you get instant relief. Ah! how good it feels. Your nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just 'vliat sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight. Adv. Dandruff Surely Destroys The Hair Nebraska HOWARD'S WAGE BILL PASSES HOUSE Vote of Fifty-Six to Thirty-Six Recorded in Favor of Measure. DOLLAR DAY FOR WOMEN Girls if you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to nrusn or wash it out. ilie only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis solve it, then vou destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring: use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or lour more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every Mngie sign and trace ot it. ) ou will find, too. that all itching una digging ot tlic scalp will stop, and vour hair will look and feel a hun dred times better.' You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inex pensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. Advertisement. Applying This Paste Actually Removes Hairs (Beauty Notes). Merely applying an inexpensive paste to a hairy surface, say beauty specialists, will dissolve the hairs. This paste is made by mixing a little water wtih some powdered dclatonc: alter about 2 minutes it is rubbed off and the skin washed. This simple method not only removes every trace of hair, but leaves the skin free from blemish. To insure success with this treatment, be careful to get real dela tone. Advertisement. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Hhh Cot That Aavm Cm Uh Without Discomfort or Lou of Tlmo. W hav, a N,w yttthcll that care. Asthma, and we want you to try It at our exoonao. No matter whether jrour case la or long-atandlng or recent development whether It ta present aa occaalonal or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation. If you are troubled with awthma. our method should relievo you promptly. We especially want to send It to those Apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, furoea, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want lo show everyone at jur own expense that this new method ta designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing . ........ iei.iv.w fin, ami, ai OUCC and for all time. This free offer la too Important to ne glect a single day. Write now and then hegtn the method at once. Send no monev. Simply mall coupon below. Do It Today." (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Feb. 6. (Special.) Legis lation to tax a minimum wage for female workers completed the first half of its course with the passage of H. R. 34 by Howard, in the house this afternoon. The vote stood 56 to 36. Many members gave explanations of their votes for or against the Mil. It provides that regular adult work ers shall receive at least $1.50 a day; apprentices and learners, $1.20, and girls under 18, not less than $1. The Grecnwalt bill to relieve new branch line railroads from operating exclusive passenger trains, passed by the vote of 92 to 0. Another measure which got through on third reading was the Renekcr bill, H. R. 37. for standard-sized grape baskets after October 1. 1917. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., Feb. 6. (Special.) The Southeastern Nebraska Dental society will hold its annual meeting in Beatrice on February 20. The btisi- Lness sessions will be held in the Com mercial club rooms and in the even ing a banquet will be served at the Paddock hotel. The Gage County Farmers' insti tute will be held at the court house in this city next Wednesday and Thursday. Among the speakers are Messrs. Warner, Burbank, Prof. Bengsten, Prof. W. W. Burr and Prof.' H. F. Williams. Mrs. C. D. McMillan of this city yesterday received word announcing the death of her father. R. D. Trent, formerly of this city, which occurred at his home at Tinbcr Lake, S. D.. aged 65 years. Big Damage Suit is On Trial at Aurora Aurora, Neb., Feb. 6. (Special.) The case of Mary Irene ISerry against the city of Aurora for $20.- 000 damages is now being tried in llic district court. Judge F; Corcoran is presiding. E. J. Burkctt and E. W. Brown of Lincoln, represent the plaintiff, and R. R. Smith of Aurora and C. G. Ryan of Grand Island, rep resent the city. The plaintiff alleges that she fell on the Aurora sidewalk and fractured her hip and her arm. She was carried into the courtroom yesterday. It is thought that the case will occupy the attention of court and jury for two days more. Judge Lindsey to Speak To Teachers at Fremont Fremont, Neb., Feb. 6. (Special.) Judge Ben B. Lindsey of Denver will deliver a lecture at the conven tion of the East Central Nebraska Teachers' association to be held in Fremont March 30 and 31. Other speakers of national reputation on the program are Fred '.. Kecler, superin tendent of the Michigan schools, and Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford, superin tendent of public instruction of Colo rado. It is expected that 500 teachers will be in attendance. The declama tory contest of tlje East Central Ne braska High Schol district will be held Thursday evening, March 29. Omaha Firm Gets Big Ditch Contract at Wakefield Wakefield. Neb., Feb. 6. (Special.) The contract for the big drainage ditch here has been awarded to Pol lard & Campbell of Omaha at an esti mated cost of $75,000. The ditch will be eleven miles long, running along the valleys southeast of town. Work will start in April. SALARY RAISES ARE NOT POPULAR HOWELL IN WORDY ROW IN SENATE House of Gives Slap to Measures With This in View. Representatives j No Blood Flows and Senators Quickly (Jet Down to Work. BOXING BILL UP SOON (MEDICAL BILL COMES UP l From a Staff Correspondent.! Lincoln, Feb. 6. (Special.) Turn ing cow pastures into pleasure grounds for city Jolks did not appeal to some of the members of the house today when the forestation bill backed by Thomas and Waitc came up for discussion. It was sought to provide that the city man could condemn laud for picnic grounds and turn it into a park. This provision was killed. The bill squeezed through. The bill aimed at itinerant physi cians who guarantee cures ami take the notes of their patients before the treatment is given finally got through committee of the w hole. Postpone Salary BUI. County assessors who joined in an attempt to get their salaries raised now know how it feels to go up against the legislative buzzsaw. The committee on fees and salaries report ed their bill, house roll No. 199, by Scudder, for indefinite postponement. This bill would have raised the Lan caster county assessor from $1,800 to $2,100 and other counties $100 or $200 each. The bill boosting the salaries ot the registers of deeds in Lancaster and Douglas counties from $2,500 to $3,000 and their deputies from $1,500 to $1. 800 was amended to cut out those in creases, but the committee reported in favor of raising the copyists and olhcr assistants in the office from $80 o $100 a month. County judges were bumped by the committee in recommending for pass age the Fults bill reducing their sched ule ot tees tor handling estates. 1 he i bill as amended also cuts down the fee I for adoption papers from $8 to $2. An increase from $1,000 to $1,500 in the salaries of supreme court judges' stenographers was approved by the fees and salaries committee, the hill on that subject being recommended to pass. Bates Boxing Bill. One of the bills soon to be taken up in committee of the whole is house roll No. 22, the Bates measure to legalize boxing exhibitions and put them under the control of a slate ath letic commission, governed by strict regulations. The bill is backed by Gene Melady of Omaha. Petitions re questing its passage have been re ceived by many of the house members from their respective districts. The bill to amend the Lancaster county paving law was reported Tues day morning for the general file. Others which came out were: To prohibit elK.-.retta smoklnn In a speci fied tlet of pulilc place. (Fulls hill.) To remove Hie tia.-terioloftlcal laboratory i,f the male h.-alth depurlmnnl to Omaha and place It under the university repents. t'onstll utiene I iimcndmenl empowering the legislature to create inferior courts, Bills Advanced. Following are other bills advanced to third reading: To prohibit officers who draw a specified annual salary, out of fees collected, from drawing In any one month moro than one twelfth of the yearly salary. To make penalty for fee splitting apply only to the doctor who pays a commission and not to the person receiving it. to relieve teacjiors Irnm paying seronn fee when being re-examined for certificates. County clerks to keep record of vital sta tistics. Requiring approval of railway commission for construction of high power transmission lines. Penalty JHftrt to $1,000 fine. Authorizing electric power and light coin panics to erect towers on public highways. From a Staff Correspondent.) j Lincoln, Feb. 6. (Special.) Sen ; ator Ed Howell of Douglas and Sen ! ator Jack Robertson of Holt, who sit side by side on the south side of the I senate chamber, got into a wordy bat tle this morning over delay in furnish 1 ing copies of a resolution, but no j blood flowed. The senators were a busy bunch of toilers afterward. Fourteen bills were i considered. Eight were passed to third reading as follows: S. R 1. Real. Coster Providing for vis iting rToTSfs In any community. H. R 4(1. Neal of Nemaha Publication of legal notices In dailies, weeklies and seml weoklles. II. 11. 7, Hofmelster Requiring forfeiture of railroad right-of-way tf twenty miles a year are not built after the first year or purchase. S. !'. 7:', McMullen. Oage Raising pen .ilty tor driving auto while Intoxicated froiv 100 to $300. or three to six months In Jail If anyone is Injured the tine is raised to from :100 lo ir.OP. S. !-'. 7.1. Morlarty. roug!as Raising balllfr's salary In I'ouglnn county to II. SOP. Amended by Chsppcll lo raise other bailiffs from $2 to $3 a lny. K. l- 7t, Mu.MiiMen. Oage Raises maxi mum pentlty for wrongfully taking an auto mobile from 1100 to 9100 to 1:100 plus three 10 iv months in jslt. 11. R. Modification of revorsal of Judgments by application to supreme court. s. l' 1:15. rlplrk. Stillne I'rohlbltiog past ing bridges full of signs. Amended by Hushco so as not to tnterfero with road signs. Medical Bill Under Way. Senate Kile No. 60, the Fox bill re organizing the State Board of Health, almost came up for consideration. Dr. Wilson, chairman of the medical so cieties' committee, proposed its con sideration, while Mattes, who intro duced it, seconded him. It was a big nil!, and the medical profession is divided, argued Beal, Chappell. Oberlies and Howell. Beal and Howell both declared themselves for the bill, however. It was finally re ferred back to get a more specific category of points in which it differs from the present law. Go to Third Reading. These bills were passed to third reading by the committee of the whole in the afternoon: S. P. 130. Morittrt), INtuKlaa--Raitliif (Hil ary of pubUf dcOrsdrr In Omaha from J!. 200 to $2,400 & year. H. P. 8G, Chappfll Shortens tlmr In hlrh cBtHtfa may probated. S. V. til Chartfiwi hoiran courtly from Thirteenth to Twelfth judicial dtKlrlrt and incorporatfa Arthur county, a judicial or phan, in the Seventeenth dint riot. 8. K. 85 Provides hall pending an appeal of criminal canes to suprrmn court. 8. F. 66 Allow! cities of nerond clans to alter appointees' salaries, raising the max imum for policemen from JKO a month to f 1 10; chiefs of police, from 7b to $H0, and city engineers from $4 to )6 a day. S. F. 133, KouertHon, Holt Allows a rrf oree's sale anywhere In the county, Instead of at the court house. Roy Roberts Given Twenty Five Years in Penitentiary North Platte, Neb., Feb. 6. (Spe cial Telegram.) Judge Grimes of dis trict court tins afternoon sentenced Roy Roberts, confessed murderer of Vernon Connett, to twenty-five years in the stale penitentiary. The pris oner wept when sentence was pronounced. Stops Tobacco Habit in One Day Sanitarium Publishes Free Book Showing How Tobacco Habit Can Be Banished in From One to Five Days at Home. The Elders Sanitarium, located at S0 Main St.. ft. Joseph. Mo,, has published a free book showing the deadly effect of the tobacco habit and how It can be banished in from one to five days at home. Men who have used tobacco for more than fifty years have tried this method and say it Is entirely successful, and in addition to banishing the desire for tobacco has Im proved their health wonderfully. This meth od banlsheB the desire for tobacco, no mat ter whether it Is smoking, chewing, cig arettes or snuff dipping. Aa this book is being distributed free, any one wanting a copy should send their name and address at once. Advertisement. HYMENEAL Woods-Kent. Table Rock, Neb., Feb. 6. (Spe cial.) John Woods and Miss Velma Kent were married at Wymore Satur day. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods and the bride a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kent, who live three miles west of town. FRKK ASTHMA COITOX FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 10111 A .N'laKs.ia and Hudson Sis.. Buffalo, N. T Send free trial of your mathod to: Special This Week PIVER'S POWDERS Le Trtfla Aturea Ftoramye Safranor Pompeia J Violet (Paris) Ric Powder s 99c each GREEN'S CHAPOLA CREAM Too Beat Far Chapa" 5 IStk and Howard SU. ' Phona Douflas Ma. News Notes of Hastings. Hastings, Neb., Feb. 6. (Special.) The Chamber of Commerce held its annual banquet and election last night with upwards of 200 business and professional men present. Bert K. benner, one of the most popular barbers in Hastings, died Sunday night following an operation for appendicitis. All barber shops in Hastings were closed during the fu neral this afternoon. Found Dead in Room. Columbus, Neb., Feb. ... (Special Telegram.) Found dead in his room at a hotel, O. W. Mead, a ersident of this city for five years, was found dead in his room at the Pacific hotel yesterday evening. Coroner Water i attributed the man s death to suicide. The reason for the act is not known. He was about 50 years old. Filing in Paving Case. Columbus, Neb., Feb. 6. Special Telegram.) An amended petition in the paving controversy was filed in ditrict court today by attorneys for Charles Wurdcman. It is alleged that the required number of signers was not obtained. An answer is to be filed by the city this week. Raymond's First Day of Their February Clearance Sale--Yesterday- passed into history, leaving that "big value bargain smile" on many faces. Everybody who came wag pleased Because they found what they wanted, and the clearance prices were right and not disap pointing. WERE YOU THERE? Remember what we have promised for this sale many handsome pieces, parts of broken suites at a price less than our every-day low net prices are scattered over every floor of our store. This fact alone gives you assurance of the values to be had if you BUY NOW. Anticipate your spring furniture wants and make good on this real opportunity to save money. Soldier's Home Notes Grand Islsnd, Neb., Feb 6. (Special.) Mrs. 8. A. Swart yesterday morning asked for a furlough to extend over slily' days. The administration is much pleased orer a ruling the flute Board of Control has made in reward to the issuance of under wear for the members at Burkett. Here after the winter weight underclothing will be delivered to the Bo Idler's home during the months of .Tnly and August, and all summer underwear will be delivered In the fall months. The body of Comrtdo William Huth win laid to rest In the Home cemetery on Sat urday afternoon at 1 o'clock, ftev. A. A Stnldt of the Presbyterian church delivered the funeral orstloD Here Is a Good Model Most men like comfort mixed with fashion in their footwear. This model meets the most ex acting requirements for good looks and ease. Slip your feet into a pair and you will say they are the most com fortable fashionable shoes you ever tried. We have your size and last. Specially priced at $6.00 SHO&CQ 16X3 & DOUGLAS DOUGLAS MEMBERS FOR SALARY BOOST Long List of Increases Pro vided for Office Holders in Their Bills. New York Appropriates Million for the Militia Albany, N. Y.. l"cb. 6. The senate unanimously tod.iv passed a bill ap propriates Jl.OiKI.OOO for the ex penses of the National Guard, naval ! militia and other organizations called into service in connection with the exf isting situation arising from Ger many's submarine campaign. USE BEE WANT-ADS ALL ALONG THE LIKE Mother Praises Remedy That Relieved Her Baby (From a Staff Correspond.1 nt. ) " Lincoln, I'cb. W-(Spccial.) Mem bers of the Douglas county dclegatino are a bunch of philanthropists and as such should be given great credit for (ehir generosity for they have intro duced bills in the legislature raising Ihe salaries of all of the Douglas county officers except their own. If these hills all pass the salaries will be raised as follows: Cntlnty JuilK from $3,000 10 14 000. PubUo stpfrndsr from H.L'OO to 1.1.000. Chlsf drputy sheriff from (2.600 to (3.000. Register of deeds, IS.f.00 In 13.000: depill)'. $1,600 to $1,1,00; clerks, (so per month to $100. County surveyor, $11,000 to $2.fifl0 Deputy elet-tlon commissioner, $J,&00 to $ Clerk municipal court. $1.1100 in $L',00, County clerk to be counly comptroller wtth Increase of $1,000. Additional probation officer at (100 per monlh Highway commissioner tnew), not more than $3,600. Three municipal Judges with a clerk nt $1,800 a year. County clerk from $2,500 lo $3,000. County commissioners from $11,500 1 $3. iOO. County assessor from 9 J. 100 to $1.00, Police detectives from (100 and $110 to (126 and $136. County auditor (new), (l.sflo. District court liallllff from (1.200 to $1.:.00. There are other minors changes, but none them effect salaries of the members of the legislature and they will still continue to light off ihc grim wolf at $10 per day. Dr.CaldwelVs Syrup Pepsin Is a Dependable Family Laxative Nearly all the sickness incident to a baby's lite is due to constipation, or inaction of the bowels. At the first indication of irregularity in this im portant function, relief should be af iorded promptly. A mild laxative should be administered to gently carry off the congested waste and leave the stomach and bowels free to perform their allotted tasks. Of the various remedies recom mended to relieve constipation, the combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, as prescribed by Dr. V. LI. Caldwell and sold in drug stores under ihe name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'cpsin, is the most effective. It contains no opiate or narcotic drug, is pleasant to the taste, mild and gen tle in action, and quickly brings the desired relief in an easy, natural manner. Mrs. C. J. Douglaa, Mason, III., writes that she cannot say enough in praise of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'epsin as a dependable family laxative. Lit tle Mary Kva had been badly consti pated until they tried Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which brought the first natural relief the child had had in two weeks. fir ' Ji I lv je j " ijjjl Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold in drug stores everywhere and costs only fifty cents a bottle. To avoid imitations and ineffective substitutes be sure to ask for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Sec that a facsimile of Dr. Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton in which the bottle is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained h)j writing to Dr. V. B. Caldwell. 4is Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. Bright, new, crisp mrchandii arriving daily. 1 ELEPHONE 2020 DOUGLAS brandeis Stores Orders br Mail or Telephone Promptly Filled "Every One Is Simply a Darling9 Is tHe way one woman expressed it, as she looked at the garments for the opening of the Misses' and Small Women's Department On the Second Floor, Monday morning, and she expressed orally what every other woman was thinking mentally, because every suit, coat, dress or skirt shown in this department hasbeen selected with the most extreme care, not only for its unusual smart ness, but for its exclusiveness. They are all exact reproductions of the models from such famous makers as Callot, Jenny, Lanvin, Paquin, Worth, Peggy, Cheruit, Bulloz, Beer, Georgette, Martial & Armand, ' Drecoll, Agnes. It is the hardest thing in the world to select the best dress, suit, coat or skirt, because they are all "best." The opening day was an unqualified success. Women and misses who are contemplating a trip to the Southland or -California find this a most wonder ful department, filled with just the gar ments that they are seeking. Sports Wear of all kinds and beautiful Summer land Apparel but, scores of garments suitable for present wear in this clime. The smartest, snappiest, most stylish apparel for misses and small wom en ever brought together in Omaha. This is a Specialty Shop in every sense of the word. Specialty in its styles and exclusiveness, and Specialty in its PER SONAL SERVICE. ; It caters in every particular to the individual. Second Floor. Crochet Cotton Day Wednesday In the Art Needlework Department To make Wednesday Crochet Cotton Day in the Art Needlework Store, we offer Mercerized Cordonet Crochet Cotton, in white, ecru and colors, worth 10c and 12'2C, at, a spool, 6S Third Floor, Wednesday Is CARAMEL DAY That means that on Wednes day you can come here and buy delicious full cream Car amels, some plain and some with nuts, at a price that is considerably less than that which we ask on other days. Wednesday, they will be 25c a Pound Main Floor. Pompeian Room Your Grocer IS RELIABLE He wants to hold your trarje sa and tries to sell you Dranas he knows you will like. He is always ready to recommend KG Baking Powder -Ask him -fssas 77