Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Teacher of Country School
Charge Assault Interfered
With Her Whipping Son.
A German-American row between
pupils of a district ichool, in which
the father of one of the "allies" took
the part of his son when the teacher
started tQ apply the rod to the lad's
back, forcibly interfering with the
young woman pedagogue, resulted in
an indictment by the grand jury,
which is grinding out the fateful bills
in large quantities.
W. W. Wright, who lives near Wat
erloo, was arrested by a deputy sheriff
on a capias writ issued by the in
quisitorial body and held in the coun
ty jail until he obtained his release
on bonJv His indictment by the
grand jury followed the testimony of
Miss Lucy Richardson, daughter of
Dr. Richardson of Elkhorn, who be
lieves that she caa keep order in her
school without help from parents.
'Allies and Pro-German.
According to Miss Richardson, who
teaches the young idea how to shoot,
spell, read, etc., in district school No.
41, which is located four miles north
east of Waterloo, her pupil, hive been
divided into two factions allies and
pro-German for some time. Frequent
clashes resulted and snarp woros ana
warnings, she told the erand jury.
seemingly had no effect upon the
young battlers, who planned trencn
attacks and counter-attacks when they
should iiave been getting a strangle
hold on geography and arithmetic.
On January 22. Miss Richardson
testified, the miniature, transplanted
European war waged hotter than ever,
the German faction and the allies
hurling shrapnel from behind their
text books and torpedoing each other
from beneath the seats. She resolved
to stairs a little Dunishmentfest of her
own. advising the pupils that promptly
at 4:30 o'clock certain "Germans" and
"allies" would be soundlv chastised
by the principal power in the school
Father Is Warned.
Louis Wright, 14 years old, so the
story goes, was one of the leaders of
the, "allies." Miss Richardson said
that when she made the announce'
merit Louis' little sister hurried home
and advised Wright pere that hostili
ties, in which his son was to be quite
a factor, were scheduled to ensue.
When the time for the wholesale
court-martial and negative demon
stration of spare the rod and spoil
- the child arrived wngnt was on
hand outside tne scnooi. miss rucn
ardson told the grand jurors that he
asked if he could witness the official
walloping of his son and she assented.
The teacher told Louis, as the first
culprit, to prostrate himself over a
chair, with certain parts of his anat
omy raised conspicuously to the sky,
or, rather, the ceiling of the school
Grapples with Teacher.
But at this juncture, Miss Richard
son said. Wright horned in and hi'
utructed his son not to follow the
DedagOKue s advice. Then things hap'
pened, Miss Richardson admitted. She
secured a firm hold on Louis' collar
and made a couple of swipes at him
with the rattan. The teacher told the
grand jury that Wright grappled
with her and attempted to take the
t u.. I J cu. -ll-..- nuiu lid 1 1 1 1 i tjtrc tg
that in the struggle her waist was
soiled and feelings hurt. Anyway,
Wright was indicted for assault and
Other Indictments.
Other indictments by the grand
jury in which arrests have been made
and the indicted persons placed in the
coonty jail are:
Thomas F. Muir, 4312 North Forty
first street, grand larceny.
Charles Girard and Mary A. Ster
ling, 2220 Leavenworth street, adul
Adolph P. Schmitz, Sixteenth and
William streets, nonpayment of ali
mony. ...-
James Hanley, South Side, at
tempted criminal assault.
Jacob Kocar, Benson, perjury.
Hanley's alleged attempted crime
was committed last Monday, when he
attacked a voting woman on the
South Side, near the high school.
The indictment by Kocar grew out
of a civil suit heard in Judge Troup's
court, which involved the transfer of
a deed. Kocar was the plaintiff in
the case and James Whelan the de
The following have also been in
dieted for gambling:
Harry Sillik, Guy Sillik, Ray
Mrodd. lharles Crummie, Virgil,
. Bailey, Ben Greenway and Harry
The principal case investigated by
the grand jury Tuesday morning, it is
understood, concerned a possible in
dictment tor arson.
Five Fighters Testify,
Among the witnesses who entered
the closely-guarded doors of the
grand jury chambers on the fourth
floor ot the court house were:
Martin Dineen, assistant fire chief
John C. Trouton, assistant fire mar
shal H. F. Requardt of Lincoln
deputy state fire warden; E. J. Smi
zewski, a policeman; six Japanese and
; American employes of an establish
ment over the scene of the fire.
The grand jury is rumored to be
still on the trail of vice. A couple of
nights ago the sixteen star chamber-
fl ers went the rounds to see if the
J I. .J . ' i u .
MU WB VII MB llglll H SIIUU1U uc
while the august body was in session.
'Tis said they found nary a place
open. i -
After hearing evidence on the
rumored arson case in the morning,
the sixteen jurymen spent the re
mainder of the day in a trip of in
spection to the county hospital. In
asmuch as the county hospital has
already been condemned by nearly
every person and organization in
Omaha and as plans are being made
for a new institution, the grand jury's
investigation there is not considered
to be of much import
Scene at Fire Where Ten Thousand Kegs of Beer Burned
Fanned by a light northwest breeze.
fire, which originated in the pitch
room when as park flew into pinch
kettle and ignited its contents, com
pletely destroyed the frame buildings
of the Willow Springs brewery at
Third and Hickory streets yesterday
afternoon ruined 10,000 kegs of beer
and for a time threatened to destroy
the entire plant. While H. V. Hay-
ward, president of the institution said
he could not accurately place the
amount of damage, he hold the loss
will be somewhere around S75,00O,
perhaps as much as $100,000.
The fire started about 1:43 o clock.
According to Martin Clausen, cooper,
who was working on the pitch kettle
which caught hre, the pitch had
reached a temperature of 440 degrees.
It is said 460 degrees is the maximum
to which the pitch may be heated with
safety. Workmen attempted to put
several more sticks of wood under the
kettle with the result that a spark
flew up and dropped into the kettle.
According to Clausen, the kettle be
came a mass of flames almost in
stantly. One employe attempted to
smother the blaze with ac loth sack,
but a second later had to flee for his
About 10,000 kegs of beer were in
the storage room and practically all
of it was ruined by the fire, smoke
and water. This loss of the beer is
believed to represent about $20,000.
Henry Dietz, member of Hook and
Ladder Company No. i received a cut
in his eye by a piece of glass. He was
not seriously hurt, but had to leave
the fire.
On December 19 a fire damaged the
Willow Springs brewery to the ex
tent of about $25,000. Mr. Hayward l Vs.
said the insurance on that fire had
been adjusted and the insurance rein
stated so that the losses would be
Fire Warden E. T. Morris was
present during the blaze and among
others questioned Martin Clausen as
to the origin of it
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Thursday Evening Set Apart
for Discussion of Needs
of New Capitol.
Chamberlain Says Answer to
Germany Must Be Blow
Between the Eyes.
London, Feb. 6-Arthur Neville
Chamberlain, director general of the
British national service, outlining the
scheme for national service today,
"Let nobody suppose that because
Count Bernstorff has been given his
passports there is nothing else to do.
Germany intends to starve us. The
answer must a blow straight between
the eyes, which will beat the enemy
down and bring him to his senses."
Arthur Henderson, labor leader and
minister without portfolio in the Brit
ish war council, presided at tne meet
ing, which was open to the public,
and Premier Lloyd George and Mr.
Chamberlain made addresses.
. Mr. Henderson said the labor sup
ply would only be met when every
man and woman not in tne army ana
navy was employed in some work of
nstional importance.
Must Have More Young Men,
Mr. Chamberlain said the recent ac
tion of Germany was interpreted as a
sign that it was in a desperate situa
tion, but that of the allies were to se
cure a victory and save themselves
from the misery ot another winters
war, it wonld be necessary to supply
the army with drafts of young, phy
sically ; fit men, who alone could
stand the terrific strain of modern
trench warfare. i
Mr. Chamberlain ' announced that
women would be enrolled, that ar
rangements would be made to utilize
the work ot the clergy and that doc
tors would, be mobilized. Ireland,
he said, would be included in the
scheme, but circumstances in that
country made necessary some mod
ifications. He pointed out that vol
unteers would have to make sacrifices,
The first thing to do was to start a
great publicity campaign, volun
teers would be allotted to occupa
tions for which they were best fitted
by reason of their past experiences
and a minimum wage of 25 shillings
a week would be fixed.
Commissioners had been appointed
for agriculture and the industries who
would keep the central office in
formed as to supply and demand. The
question was, Mr. Chamberlain con
tinued, where labor was to be found.
They could not suddenly destroy non
essential trade. Destruction of cap
ital would interfere with credit. The
necessary industries, he said, should
recuperate quickly after the war.
They had no intention of suppressing
any trade, but if labor and material
had to be rationed the shortage must
first fall on the less essential trades.
"The premier urges every man to
place his services and energy at the
disposal of the state," Mr. Chamber
lain continued. "The nation must
answer the threat of Germany at
once. We must build ships to pro
tect our merchant, men in order to
demonstrate that murder on the high
seas is futile. We can do it, but the
nation must be organized. We must
organize civilization to meet organ
ized barbarism. No man or woman
has a right to look on whilst others
are struggling for what is equally im
portant for them.
- Premier Lloyd George had pointed
out, Mr. Chamberlain continued, that
irt proportion to its population Great
Britain has sent fewer men to the
army and navy than any other of the
great powers of the west. This was
not because it was shirking, but be
cause it was making a larger con
tribution in other respects. If it
was impossible to get the necessary
men by voluntary means the nation
must save itself by resorting to com
pulsion. 'The nation is fighting for its life,"
Mr. Chamberlain went on. "It is
fighting for the life of civilization.
That is a tragic reality. The treat
ment of prisoners of war and the
civil populations of Belgium and
France, together with the sinking of
harmless merchantmen at sight, is
organized savagry studied savagry
and the most dangerous barbarism
we ever have been called upon to
meet." -; '
Four Charged With Plot to
Kill Premier Are Committed
Derby, England, Feb. 6. Four pris
oners charged with conspiracy to
murder Premier Lloyd George and
Arthur Henderson, member of the
war council, whose preliminary hear
ing has bei'n in progress since last
week, were today committed for trial.
They are Mrs, Alice Vherldon, her
two daughters, Miss Anna Wheeldon
and Mrs. Alfred George Mason, and
the latter'a husband.
at Hotel Fontenelle
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 6. (Special.) On
Thursday evening a joint session of
the two committees on finance, ways
and means will be held in representa
tivev hall to consider the merits of
H. R. 1, the Richmond new state
house bill which provides for a levy
of one mill on each dollar to erect
a new state house.
The bill calls for an appropriation
of ,$.5,500,000 to be raised annually
until the amount produced by the levy
shall have reached the required
That a new building is sadly needed
most of the members are willing to
admit, but they do not seem to be
able to agree as to the amount and
the method of raising it. I he plan in
a bill introduced to move the state
house to Grand Island or some other
point is considered by many to be
simply a scheme on the part of those
most interested to knock out the
proposition for a new state house at
this session and thus put the respon
sibility upon some future session.
Very few of the members believe
that the people of Nebraska would
vote to move the state house to some
new location outside of Lincoln.
Eight Belgian Relief 1
Ships Are on High Seas
London, Feb. 6. Eight ships of
the commission for relief in Belguim
of an aggregate tonnage of 48,000 and
carrying enormously Valuable car
goes of wheat, bacon and maize are
now on the high seas out of a total of
167,000 tons of shipping flying the
commission's flags.
Most of those on the high seas are
from American ports and therefore
carry the customary safe conduct
from the German consul at the port
of departure.
The commission today authorized
The Associated Press to state that
any plans published for turning over
the relief work to some other neutrals
may be set down as premature.
The questions 'as to what neutral
'shall take over the control of the
work, if a break comes, is being con
sidered, with Holland the favorite for
the task. '
I Make Macaroni for the
Millions and I am Very
Particular How I Make It
My SlfDfltur
On Evary Package
Ask For and Get
Macaroni Products
Beautiful Recipe Book Free
Skinner Manufacturing Co.
Omaha, US. A.
Largest Mscironi Factory in America
Experienced white chambermaids
salary $20.00 per month, room and meals
Apply to Housekeeper,
Hotel Fontenelle
"Give Me Men
As Sleep
Jullut Cattar.
Borton, Fb. C. Tbfl British itltmtr
Cambrian of tha Lartand Una nailed today
(or London with a canaral cargo.
Sdattea'f Ftenie- Fate.
Ygu ana Sapaad npon Sloan's Ltatmsnt to
am Uo nerva pallia of aelaUaa, It pane
tratM wllbont rabMnf. Onlj lie. All
drotslsu. .AdvartlaenMttt.
One of the most admirable of
modern recipes for good, healthy
night-sleep is the abstaining from
coffee (and tea) at the evening meal.
A better recipe, for health and comfort at
all times is total abstinence.
For a cheering, healthful, non-disturbing, delicious
beverage, use
"There's a Reason'
"Tb nr-to-date, eoruetentioui doe
tori are insistinc upon their patients
having the tth put into parfeet con
dition. Theae doctors know that doc
toring is useless and health impos
sibla without good teth."
Haaviaat Bride I Bast SOw Fill-
Work, par tooth. fail
Wonder Platen
worth SlStoS2S,
$5, $8, $10
Wa plsass you ar refund jour moatrr.
14th and Farnan 1324 Fi
Phono Doutfaa 2S72.
Beat 21 Cold
rdajr remember to
order suppljrof Sun
kiat Oranges from
your dealer. Sunklst are
the uniformly good
Uniformly Good
LER PIANO CO. take plaas.
ura hi calling attention to a
Piano racltal of MacDowoU music,
smartca's foremost composer's
competitions, under tha manage
ment of Mrs. Edith L. Wag oner,
ana of Omaha's prominent teach
era and artists.
The recital tehee place at tha
Y. W. C. A. neat Saturday even
ing, February loth, and the music
la Interpreted by Mrs. Edward
MacDeweU, tha widow of tha fam
ous deceased composer. Every
music lover and student who
withes to advance the interest of
America'a greatest composer
aaeuid net fail to attend.
Advene arsajrama and tickets
can new be obtained at tha
Schmoller A Mueller Plan Co
Omaha's leading Piano House, the
heme of tha Steinway Plane the
tnatrument need and preferred by
the trMlMl llvisssr sts-tlate and
and families.
Damoselle Cloth and Phantom Cloth
Especially Adapted for Uhdermuslins
Damoselle Cloth
Is an ideal fabric for under
garments. It comes in a
. weight that is between lons;
cloth and nainsook it's
heavier than nainsook and
lighter than longcloth. In a
fine, soft finish, 42 inches
wide, 35c a yard or $3.50 a
bolt of 12 yardi.
Phantom Cloth
So called on account of its'
fine shadow stripe, is excel
lent for dainty undermuslins.
During the February White
Sale the price for 40-inch
Phantom Cloth is 35c a yard
or $3.00 a bolt of 10 yardi.
Linen Section, Main Floor
No Specials or Baits. But Every-Day Prices.
We Have Over 300 Prices Lower Than Other Nebraska Grocer.
Thrifty Habit Coffee, sweet drinking
Santos Blend, 1-lb. pkg 20c
Independent Coffee, 35c grade, lb. . . .2Sc
Harmony Coffee, a 45c grade, lb. . . .37c
Kellogg'a Drinhat. made instantly, SO
cups; regularly sold for 25c, our price
at 20c
Crackers, plain 2 lbs., for
Graham Crackers, per lb 12c
Fancy Salted or Plain Crackers. 25c pkg.,
for 21c
Sugar. 10-lb. standard pkg.. beet or
cane, for 70c
Shredded Wheat, 15c pkg 11c
National Corn Flakes, 3 pkg.... 16c
Rice, best Jap, 10c grade, 5 lbs.. 25c
Krinkle Corn Flakes, 16c siae 10c
Quaker Puffed Wheat or Corn, per
pkg at 14c
Post Toasties, 15c pkg 13c
Kellogg' s Krumbles, per pkg 9c
Quaker Oats, large 25c pkg.. 22c
Basket Store Oatmeal, large 25c pkg., 21 c
Kellogg's Bran, 25c pkg 20c
(We Carry Only the Best Quality Meats)
Veal Roast, lb 17c
Steer Rib Roast, lb 18c, 20c
Maittr Kouna aieaa, id, ec
c Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 17c, 19c
kid fsou, per id lie. iac
Beef Extract, 50c can 42c
Bouillon Cubes, tin 20c
Cream Cheese, per lb 30c
Brick Cheese, pr lb . . '. 26c
Eggs, per dozen 39c
Magnolia Butterine, 2-lb. roll 33c
Crisco 30c, 60c, $1.20, $130
Good Corn, size 2 can, 3 for 28c
Good Country Gentleman Corn, size 2
can, for 11c
Tomatoes, a grade you will be delighted
. with, else 2Vi can, 3 for 34c
Laundry Starch, bulk, 6 lbs 25c
Argo Gloss Starch, 5c pkg 4c
Oswego Silver Gloss, 10c pkg 8c
i Sal Soda, 11 ya lbs 25c
Oatmeal, bulk, 6 lbs
Shoe Polish. Bull Frog 4c
Royal or Jet Oil Shoe Polish 8c
Gilt Edge, 25c bottle Shoe Polish, 19c
Shinola Home Sets, 25c seller 15c
Stove Polish, Enameline, 10c can, 8c
Stove Polish, Rising Sun, liquid,
10c enn for 7c
Salt, fine table, 5c sack 3c
Salt, fine table, 10c sack 5c
Salt, fine table, 20c sack 13c
Bulk Salt, c per lb 280-lb. bbl., $1,55
Armour's Soup, can 9c
Snyder's Soup, can 10c
Yeast Foam 3c
Tacks, carpet, 5c pkg 4c
Market Basket 7c
Small Cove Oysters, 3 cans 22c
If yon want a Basket Store In your neighborhood get up a petition. Wa will open
another store in Omaha where enough petitioners show patronage will justify it.
Mail yur petitions to the basket store office, 108 North 9th street.
$5.00 orders delivered free within a reasonable distance smaller orders for Ac.
ssaaamiYour pay check will go further if you trade with us.ssmsam
When Women are Weak
Women who feel weak, languid and depressed
who look pale and dull-eyed, and have lost appe
tite and fresh looks need a tonic that will
purify the blood, help the organs of digestion,
regulate the liver and bowels, and strengthen
the system. It long has been known that
are a blessing to weak women, for they quickly correct
womanly ailments, improve the appetite, purify the
blood and re-establish nealthy conditions. They are
safe to take as they are purely vegetable and without
any harmful drug. A few doses will bring better
spirits, improved health, a feeling of fitness and
Give Renewed Strength
Direction! of Special Value to Women are with Emy Bos
Sold bydrugfiita throughout tha world. In boxen, 10c, 25c
Whr doer- Catarrh of the Head often
get bitter in the enmmer and return in
the irVtert Bee.uee dry weather drive,
the Catarrh genni to the ulterior of the
The onlr war to permanently get rid A
of Catarrh In to kill the germi that cause
it. The many widely auveroseu .o-wieu
"Catarrh Curee" can not do this. Yet
if it is not done thin winter will be like
the previoue one, or worae. For the
genni multiply like every other living
thing. When they become too numerous
in the head they often spread down into
the eheet and lunga. Their invasion of
the lungs is only a question of time.
Their increase there may mean CON
SUMPTION. Why run such a risk I 'Take
your Catarrh In hand AT ONCE before
extreme cold sets In. If you don't get
rid of it now you'll meet extremely try
ing weather with your system terribly
weakened and undermined. Hundreds of
Americans have been quickly but per
manently rid of their Catarrh by means
of Specialist Sproule's scientific method
of treatment. Remember, ha is a Gradu
ate In Medicine and Surgery, Dublin Uni
versity. Ireland, formerly Surgeon Brit
l.h Royal Mail Naval Service Take advantage of Ms generous offer of
Whrs Catarrh Starts
Let him tak H Id hand now, and thi
winter and all the following onea may
ba pasted hi health and comfort. You
will no lonar dlirut your friends with
tout hawkintr and blowing apltttas.
You will breath eaally jou will think
dearly for your head will not be hear?
with Catarrh. You will find yonraelf
filled with a new energy and ambition,
and life it-elf will look brighter, ror all
the strength that yoor system it now
wasting in fighting the Catarrh genu
will then be yours to use.
Free Medical Advice Coupon
Do you spit up slime 7
Are your eyes m
Doea your nose feel full?
Does your nose discharge T
Do you antes a good deal T
Do crusts form in your nose 7
Do you bava pains across the eye 7
Does your breath smell offensive 7
Is your hearing beginning to fait 7
Are yon losing your sense of smell T
Do you hawk up phlegm in the morning T
Art there bussing noises In your ears 7 .
Do you have pains across tb front oi
our heavd7 . . ,
Do you feel a dropping In back part of
Answer tha questions, yes or no, write
your full name and address plainly oa
the dotted lines, cut out and send to
Catarrh Specialist Sproule,
192 Trade Building, Boston. He will glad
ly give you Just the information you need.
Be suit and writ today.