Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1917, Page 10, Image 10

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Best Cattle Steady to Strong,
Others Slow and Lower
Sheep Slow, Steady.
Omaha, FrtnarT
Tteclpts wers: Cattla. Hot:..
Official Mond.y
Eatlmato Tuaadat
nil M60
Two day. thU k. 0.424
(Uma daya laat WMk.ll.li7
Fama daya I wka. ago.11,101
8am. daya I wka. aso.16.0S4
Kama daya 4 wka. ag-o.2l.S99
8a ma daya laat year. .19,491
30. 140
Recelpta and disposition of live .lock at
th. Union stock yarda, Omaha, for twenty
lour houra endlne at 4 p. ra. yesterday.
Cattla. Hons. Sheep. HVa.
C. M. St. P
TV. bash
t'nlon Pacific ....
Mlaaourl PaclflA ...
C. N. W., aaat..
C. N. W., west..
C. Bt. P., at. O..
C, B. 4V Q., east..
C, B. Q. west..
C, R. I. P.. west
C. R. I. P.. aaat
Illlnola Central ....
1 3
. 34 7
I 2
IS 20
1 1
427 0
Cattla. How.
Morrii & Co W J."4
Hwlft Co MM .
VuHmhf Pftckfnt Co..l,7t M
Armour Co M01 7.0A7
Prhwarti A Co M"
J. W. Murphy Ml
'. "ii
' Morretl
Mnroln Pachtnic Co.
8. O. Packing Co......
Wilson Pack. Co
HunotTiBer A Oliver.,
W. B. Vanatnt Co....
Ilenton, Vaniant A L.
Hill A Hon
V. B, Lewli
3. B. Root it Co
3. H. Bulla
Rosen tock Broa. .
K O. KHIobb
Wrthelmr A Dn.
31. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Brua
Rothschild A Kreba..
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co..
UlaiMberff ............
Banner Broa. .......
John Harvry ........
nnla A Praneta....
Jvnsen A Iunffrn....
Other faurcn. 411 ..... Ml
Tout. .1.011 11.301 1,437
rattleReeelnta today win quit, liberal,
141 car. being reported In. Tb. light run
yesterday however, leaves the total ftt the
two day. at 1.434 head, leas than half the
number received during the corresponding
daya last week. Good to choice beeves were
nought after, and the market en such oattie
was reasonably active at price, that were
teady to strong a. compared with yeater
ar. The heat bene, hen sold up to 111.16.
wlthltt 6c of the leaaoa'a high prlee. Com
mon to medium grades of catt). were alow
and lowsr.
Quotation, on Cattle Oood to .nolo.
beeves, 110.10011.16 fair to food beavea.
1, Itall 16; ftnmmnn to fair beavea. II. 0041
.76. enod ta eholea hslfera. 17. 7600.00;
good to choice cows. 17; fair to
gov cowa. 14.6097.60; common to fair
cowl, It.tt9t.l0; prima feeding steers,
$0.904110.00; good to chole. feeders, 11. 19
1.00! fair to good feeder., 17. 604)1.60;
common to fair feeders. Il.604r7.t0: good
. i,A(e iMkM IT. rtock ht(ra.
I7.OO0O.6O: stock cowa lt.00O7.76; atock
...I... li oamot! veal .elves. 91. 09011.09
beef bulla stage, etc, l7.OOOI.60l bologna
bulls, 11.00 0 7.00.
Kopressntattv. aaiea:
Av. Pr. No.
Ar. Pr.
. 410 t 00 I.
711 19 76
410 7 60
3$ 7 It
... .441 7 60
... 110 7 90
... Ill I 10
... 109 I 91
.... 161 40
... 991 9 79
,...1171 10 40
,.,,1111 10 70
...1961 10 90
7 76
1 It
I 76
t 60
9 71
..1197 10 60
.,1931 10 71
..1471 11 It
II,. r..
... 100
... 910
... Ill
I 71 1....
I 10 10....
T 71 T....
t It 11....
I IK 11....
... 960
... 191
7 It
7 60
T 10
I to
I 40
I eo
I 10 1,..,....1170 T 00
T 60 1. ...... .1410 T T
I 00 1 mo U
T 10 S tOO 11 00
I 71 1 40 T M
7 76 I....... .1000 I
I &0 4... M I n
f 00
fr.,. I6S 1 to
Hoff-Omaha bad th btvfeat ho run
on tha miD thl more Inc. aarlr Mtlmataa
calllnff for 400 ear, or 21,000 hd. Th
eld waihr had tied thing up ao badly
for Mviral daya thai wbtn It moderated
thara waa veritable flood of hoc. Tha
lariet run reported at any of th ether
market wai 17.000 at Chicago. Later
latimatM hare Indicated that In all nrolr
ability th record for inie day run wouia
b broken, provided that every t bin that
waa tn elfht lot to. On th baali of
tha early flfurea th total for the two dayi
la 11.100, a compared with 14.411 laat
week, two week ao aod
year at.
At all other polnta with only racotit re
ceipt advance were reported, but th local
run waa ao heavy that when packer came
out offering price that ware ateady to. !(
anything etronger, eeiiera eut looe fairly
froely. Shipper were quiet on early
round, but the few hogi Uwy bought were
easily steady.
Tha actual number of bead bought by
ahtppera waa larger than on roant daya, but
compared to the ala of the receipt, their
purchaee war rather light, and though
they were paying ateady prlcea, they were
not very eager buyer. Up to noon the
packer market had not shown murh change,
prlcea being still fully steady with yeater
day on everything eicept poealbly under
weight, many of which aellera had been
unable to get bids on all day. Hoga were
still coming In, but anything desirable waa
being cleaned up almost aa fast ah It waa
yarded. The run waa so large that a weaker
trend to value on th cloe would hot b
a surprise to any one.
Most of the aaiea made up to noon landed
at fl 1.4001 1. 9, and qulta a number of
the good heavy hoga had equaled yester
day's top of $11.00, Some of ;he packer,
comparing their purchaaea with tha few
hoga. they got yesterday, qve&d pricea
higher, but any upturn tha average shewed
could be credited to Improvements. In qual
ity, aa very few Individual sale showed
any quotable advance compared with the
general trsde Monday.
Representative aalca:
No. Ar. Oh. Pr. No. Av.
Bh. Pr.
... U &
40 11 76
... 11 14
... 11 t
37. .11
70.. SU
60.. 311
71.. 131
10.. 280
11 iO
11 70
11 SO
11 00
U 00
ST. .117
11. .127
01. .220
41. .270
Sheep While yesterday's lamb price
looked 'o 9 If anything low aa compared
with tha figure In lore at other Missouri
lv(!i- marke, paokara started out bidding
lower acaln this morning claim. nc they
wer atill abort of refrigerator can1. Seller
made an attempt to try t get vr.luea back
in Una. and asked higher price at the out
let, with tha result that llttl trading waa
gone until pretty well along tn tha fore
noon. Train war delayed, taking It late
before some of tb ufferlng wer yarded,
nd this also had a tendency to make th
market draggy.
By noon a number of ear of lamb had
been bought at prices that looked generally
trady, but ons packer refused to do any
thing at yesterday' price, and after filling
part of their orders the other buyer quit,
with the result that at noon hardly half
af th offering had been sold. 9ller who
Notice to R. R. Men
Br two fsmilles trartnt this JoabU
kens, of It Kami, nullr JiriiM,
jo. tai eut iu ml to 113.60 r
Hostlk Very small aarment down.
Wilt be (ls4 to skow rm at anr time
CaJI AavHcaa SkwHt'O, D. 101.
Aak lev Mr. rackar4
till had Iambi aald that thay wore unable
get packera to even try to irsoe.
early aaiea Included several loada or oe
rent to good weaterna at 114.86 14.16. and a
couple of loada aa high aa 114.40. No loopy
lambs had shown up ai a isia
a little staff wae till back.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb.
irood to choice, 114.26014 60; lamba. lair
IO ROOd. I13.76014.2S; limiW, Clipiiea, ,n...
I2.60; lambs, feeders, 11 2.604J 1 4.26; year-
llnra, good to choice. 1 2.60 rf 13.26; year
lln.s, fair to food. 111.264) 11.60 ; wethers,
fair to choice, 39.6fltll-16; ewes, prood to
choice. 110.36O10.S6; ewes, lair in low.
19.00010.26; ewes, plain to culls, 10,0041
Repraeentatlv. Mia:
No. A.
14 36
14 26
12 06
10 16
111 10
14 20
14 20
66 fed laanbs ?i
1 fed lamba 77
111 clipped lamba 7ft
lit fed ewes HO
tit fed iambs 74
411 fed .ambs 71 '
480 fed lambs 76
Cattle Strang Hogs Hlfong to Blgbn
Sheep Weak.
Chicago. Feb. 9. Cattle Raceipta, 4.000
head: market atrong; native beef cattle.
1700012.26; western steers, 11.90010.10;
stackers and feeders, .16.1009.36; cowa and
heifers. 16.164910.60: ealvea. I10.26ttl4.60
r Hogs Receipts, 19,000 head; market
.Iron. 16c to 20c above Yesterday a average
hulk of sales, 110.10012.46; light, 111.700
12.36; mixed, $11.60012.60: heavy, 111.85
12 60; rough, $11.16012.00; pigs, $9,760
Hheep end Lambs Receipts, 16,000 head;
market weak; wethers, $10.30 011.16; ewes,
7.76011.00; lambs, 112.10014.96.
St. Ural, lie. Stock Market,
84. Louis, Feb. 9. Cattle 4,600 head;
market higher; native beef steers, $7,600
11.76; yearling steera and hetfera, $6,600
11.60; cows, $6.6001.76; stockers and feed
era, $6.3009.60; prima southern beef ateers
and heifers. $1.00011.00; beef cows and
helfera, $4.4609.00; prima yearling ateera
and heifers, $7.60 0 10.00; native calves, 66.00
Hogs Receipts, 7, sue nana; miriwi
higher; lights, 111. 00 0 13.10; pigs, 19.260
mixed and bulcners, 9l.jn;
good heavy, $11.60012.66; bulk of aaiea,
Hheeo and Lambs Receipts, suu ncau;
market steady; lamba, $12.71014 76; ewea,
$6.60010.60; yearlings, $11.00 0 12.26.
Kanaae City Live Stock Mar.
Kansas city. Feb. 9 Cattle Receipts,
10,000 bead: market higher; prime fed
steers, 111.26012.00; dressed beef steers,
19.00 011.00; western steers, 11.00011.60:
mw. IKtflAOtn: helftrs. 17.00011.00:
stockers and feeders, $7.0009.76; bulls, $6.00
09.60; oalvea, $7. 00413. "0.
Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head: market
hl.her. hulk of sates. IU.90ftl2.3O: heavy,
$12.20012.36; packers and butchers, $11.90
012.10; light, $11.90 0 12.10; plga, $10,260
. Hheen and Iambi Reeelnta. 14.000 head;
market hlKheOi lamba 16c to 26c, lower;
lambs, 112.60 011.60; yoarllnga. 112.000
13 40; wethers, $10.60 011.60; .was, $10,000
Rlnz city Uv. Block Market.
Bloui City, la.. F.b. $. Cattle Receipt
100 head: market strong to 10a higher
beef steers, $10.00011.30: butchers. $.00O
10.90: fat cowa and helfera, $6.00010.00
bulla, .tags, lie, $6.1601.16; feeding cowa
and heifers. 16.60491.36.
Hogs Recelpte. 3,700 hand: market 10c
higher; light, 111.60 011.70; mlied, $11,700
11.16; heavy, $11.10011.90; pigs, $9,600
10.10; bulk of sales. $11.06011.90.
Sheep and Lamba Receipt., 900 head
market weak; fed muttons, $9.16011.36
wsthen, 110.00 011. 00 awes, $1.26010.26
lamba, $11.100 14.00.
86. Jeaeph Un it took Market.
fit Joseph, Feb. 1. Cattle Receipt., I.-
900 head; market active and strong: steers,
$7.10013.00; cows and helfera, $1.00010.60;
ealvea. 17.001111 . 60.
Hosa Recelota. 11.000 head: market 180
lOo higher; top, $11.20; bulk of sales, $11.10
Hheen and Lambs Receipts. 9.000 head
market steady to lOo higher; lamba, $11.60
Un atock Im Sight maratat
Cattle. Hogs, sheep.
Kansas CUT 10,000 16.000 14,000
Chicago 4,000 16,000 16,000
Nloux City..... 100 4,000 16,000
Omaha, t.000 19,000 11,000
St, Louis., 4.600 7,100 900
Totals 16,100 7 0,400 66,100
Iaxt Stocks and Bonds.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker A
American Power 4 Light pfd.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. 7 pet. pfd..
Continental (1. IB. Co. pfd...
Cudahy Packing Co. com..,..
Cudahy Packing Co. pfd
Deere Jk Co, pfd
Ilnutrlaa Hntl t"?a. onmblnM . .
Bid. Asked.
..19 100
.. 76 77
..11 Hi 111
..105 107
.. 91fc 100
.. 86 77S
Fairmont Creamery Co. pfd... ...106
Oooch 11, 4 IH Co. T pet pfd. B..100
Harding Cream Co. 1 pet. pfd. ...102
Lincoln T. ft T. Co. com. t pet... 07
Lincoln Traction Co. com 60
0, A C. B. Bt By. com. 49
O. ft C B. fit. By. pfd 72
O. A C. B, St. Ry. ft Bridge pfd. 02
Omaha K. L. A P. Co. pfd 87
Ravenna Telephone Co....,,... 000
Mtaia Hank of Omaha 112
Journal-Stockman, South Omhal07 HJ4
awirt uompany im i
Union Stock Yards Co. pet.... 102
Von Bteen Co.. Beatrice, Neb 100
Wood Broa SU Co., Lincoln.... 00 101
Am. Tel. ft Tel Co. 6.....
Booth-SC L. C. 8. 6. 1121..
Chadron (Neb.) ts, 1234....
Cudahv Packln Co. 6s. 1041
.. to
.. ItlO
..103 104
..100 100 ft
1 Portland Camant Co. fta. 1021 II ' 100
Kearney (Neb.) 8. 101.21
Omaha Atnieuc liuu ts. isii-ss iuo
O. ft C. B. Bt. Ry. 6s, 1131 98
Omaha IB. L. ft P. Co. 6a 1132.. II
Omaha Gas Co. 6s, 1217 7 I8U
Pacific O. ft B. L. Co. fist 1141. 12 13 2
Hwlft A Comnanv 6s. 1144 101 1014
U. 8. Rubber Co. 1st ret. 6a. 1147 16 tt
Ooffe Market.
New Tork. Feb. . Coffee Th coffee
market waa nervous and unssttled today,
but a moderate early decline was followed
by ralllee on covering and trad buying, with
th close not points nigner to i tower,
Reports of lncreaaed offerings from Brasll
mad to be largely responsible tor tne
early selling, while sentiment also was In
fluenced by political and spring develop
menu. The market opened unchanged to
1 saint lower with active months selling
l points under laat night close during
the middle of the day. But after touching
8.22o, however, May rallied to I 19c and
lotted at 1.28c. Bales estimated, lot, out) bags.
Fcbrnary. I.IBc: Mare n. s.jsc; April, s.atc
May, 1.120, June, 1.41c; July. 2.44c; August,
i 4Roi Seotember. 1.48c: October, l.tlo; No
vember, l.ej December, I. Ho; January,
Boot, auiet: bio ts, ivc: oanios c, juo.
Wll deaurtbed Han to 4s wer said to be ol
fering In the cost and freight market at ioo
American and 10.20c London crodlts, with
unftealred ooffeea at lower prices,
Tha official cable reportea an anvance or
100 to 160 rela In 8 an toe futures, with
Rraatltan -markets otherwise unchanged.
Bant os cleared 42,000 bags for New York.
Cotton Market. I
New Tork. Feb, Cotton Opened
teady. March, U.SOet May, 16.10c; July,
16.16; October, js.sec; Ltecemoer, i ..
Futures closed eany; March, 16.47c; MS?.
16. 6c: July, uctoner, lb.anc
cember, 16.60c. Spot steady; middling up
land. 16.40c: aaiea. 2.000 bale.
The cotton market closed steady at a net
decline or 3 w l points.
Liverpool,' Feb. . Cotton Spot firm;
good middling, 10.60c; middling, 10.40O
low middling, 10.22o; sales, 7,000 bales.
Omsha, Fb. Hay Chelo upl. nd,
212.00012.60; NO. 1, 111. Of LI. 60; NO.
19.60010.60: No L I7.60ttl.60; No. 1 mid
land. $10 60O11.00; No. 2. ll.tOOt.60; No.
1 lowland, 2.0001.60! No, 2, $7.. 07.6I
NO. 2. t.00ft0.6.
Alfalfa Choice 41T.00O1M0; No.
16.6u0'4.tO; slandard. Ill 60014.60; No.
Il0.60ai2.60: No. I. I.6010.f0.
Straw Oa IT.00OT.60; wheat. 26 00
H. Isrk Me4al Market.
"New Terk. Feb. . Metala Ia4. 11.19
apelter. firm. East 8t. Loula delivery, lOUc.
Copper, nominal: electrolytio,' secood and
-, ... .AMI, IH tmn .-, u
and unchanged. Un, nominal; spot tti.OilX
At London Boot . copper, fill; futures.
1122; electrolytic, am; spot un. hoi, io,
futures, 1201, Ha Lead, 20, 10; spelter.
OU ai
Savannah. Oa.. Feb. 0. Oil Turpentine,
dull, tic; receipt. 64 bbls.; shipments, 160
bbis.; sloe tea, dwi.
Rosin Firm; recelpta, 270 bbls., ship
ments. 102 bbla: stocks, 77.104 bbls. Quota
tions: A. B, C, I), K. F, O, 18-10; H, I, K,
$0.20; M, .36; N, $4.50;, WG, $1.16; WW,
v Lead Blocks and Hoods.
London, Feb. I. American securities were
firm, but only a small business waa trans
acted ta th stock exrhang today. s
Silver Bar, I? T-lOd per ounce.
" Money 4 per cent,
discount Rates Bhort bill, 66 per
cant; thre month, 606 par aU
Bullish Market Boosts Wheat
Seven Cents Cash Grain
Statns is Strong.
Omaha. February 9. 1117.
The cash grain altuatton was very strong
again today and substantial gain, were
made In the price of all cereala. Wbeat
waa eapeclally strong at an advance of 40
7 (6c and sellers had little difficulty In dis
posing of their samplca at the prevailing
market prlcea, the No. 2 grade of hard
winter being quoted at $1.79, the No. 2
hard at $1.77 01.71 and No. 4 hard aelllng
from $1.70 to $1.76.
Com continued to bo In good demand,
and with light receipts and a atrong market
sellera let go very readily. No. 3 white corn
going at 9646c and the! commercial grades
of yellow and mixed brougM from 96c
to 9SUC
Oata were rather slow on account of light
recelpta. but the demand for thl. cereal
waa pretty active and price, ruled from
Kc to c higher.
Rye waa quoted nominally unchanged and
barley advanced lc, the No. 3 grade Belling
1 $1.20 and the No. 1 feed at 61.00.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 311,000 bushels; corn, 11,000 bushels; oats,
333.000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 699,000 on.
and shipments 440,000 bu., against receipt.
f 749,000 bu. and shipment, of 833,000 bu.
last year.
Primary corn recelpta were' loi.oeo nu.
and shipments 603.000 bu., against receipts
of 1,883,000 bu. and shipments of 613,000 bu.
lait year.
Primary oata recelpta were 473,000 bu.
and shipment. 647,000 bu., against receipts
or 832,000 bo. and shipment, of ,ouo du.
laat year.
Wheat. Corn. Oata,
Chicago 70 171 116
Omaha 70 36 9
Kansas Cltr 141 30
. Louis 17 11 47
These sate, were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 7 cars. $1.79 tt
No. I hard winter: 1 car. $1.71; I care,
1.77. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.76; 1
car. 61.74V.: 1 car. 11.72: 1 car (smutty),
11.70. No. I durum mixed: t car, 91.74;
ear (light), 11.71. No. 1 mixed. 1 car,
11.7614. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.74 Mj; 1 car,
11.70. No. 4 mixed durum: 1 car, 91.71.
Harley No. 1: 1 car, li.zu. no. 1
feed: 1 ear. 11.00.
Corn No, 1 whit.: 1 car, 4c. Sample
white: 2-6 car, 90c, No. $ yellow: '1 car,
lllto. No. I yellow: 1-6 can, Hc.
No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 96 (ic No. 2 mixed;
car, 96UjC. No. I mixed; 1 cars, 96tto.
No. 4 mlxedl 1 car, 96c. No. mixed;
car. 46V.C
Oata No. I white: 1 ear, 63c. No. 4
white: I cars, tie. Sample whits: I can.
6241c: 1 car. 63U.C
Omaha Caah Price. Wheat: No. 3 nam.
11.7H401.79H: No. 3 hard, $1.7601.79; No.
hard. 91. 7001.76: No. 2 spring, 11.7401. 11
No. I spring, 1.7101.71. Com: No. 2 white,
8H09te; No. 3 white, 99K 094Mc; No.
4 white, 96K099C: No I white, 96096c;
No. 9 white, 96t096tte; no. 1 yeuow, sen
t96Uo: No, 3 yellow, iivsono; no.
velloW. 96t6O06Vc: No. 6 yellow. 96U0
t6Vjc; No. 1 yellow, 96098ttc; No. I mixed.
99U 09646O: No. I mixed. 1109SC no. I
mixed, 9644 091o; No. 6 mixed, 96H096UC
No. 4 mixed, 96096 (40. Oata: 13tt0 63o
standard. 630l3t4c: No. I white, 630tlo
while, 62(6 0 610, tfariey: maiung,
1.1101.31: No. 1 feed, I7C011.O9. Ry.:
No. 2, $; No. I $1.1601.17.
Omaha Future..
The wheat market waa an extremely mr-
vous affair today, with prices fluctuating
very rapidly and closing with small galoa.
a thourh at one time during tne
Mtv wheat waa 40 above tne opening pricea.
The opinion of lorn, of the trade la that
th. price of wheat now depend, upon wneth-
It Can DO .Bippro aeruau. iiu
that unleaa th.r. Is a heavy deolln. In
wheat, th. corn market will hold lu high
The trad. In rutnren today wa quite
active at times, but generally th. trade
was rather quiet
Local range of price.
Art I Open. I High I Low. Clo. I Tea
WhL I I 1 I
May 1 TO 1 74 148 1 70 171
July 1 42 1 46H 142 1 42 146
Sept 1 20 1 18 130 1 21 132
May 16 17 16 17
July 10, 90 16 $6
May 63 61 $2 62 62
July 60 60 40 41 60
Chicago closing prices, furnlabed The Bee
by Logan k Bryan, stock and grain brokers-
216 South Sixteenth street Omaha:
Art. Open. I High. Low. Close. Tes.
May 1 T$ 1 76 170 1 73 174
July 1 48 1 60 144 1 47 141
Sept 1 26 1 21 126 1 $7 128
CSir l oo l 01 n I i ioo
July 01 I 00 M 10 19
May 64 66 12 $4 64
July 12 64 62 63 62
May 20 80 21 It 21 0 20 03 21 $0
July 21 36 21 tt 29 26 21 17 21 It
May 14 tS II 17 10 SO 16 60 II 46
July If TO II 7t IS 67 II IT II 10
May It 47 II $6 It 47 15 60 It 46
July 16 TO It 70 16 06 It 17 16 10
Wheat Decline Sharply Opening Owing
to New of Activity By Submarines.
Chloaao. Feb. I. Wheat averagd lower
today largely because of unfounded rumors
that Germany naa aeciarea war on mo
United States. The market ctosea unset
tled o lolo down, with May at $1.78
to it.Ti and July at to fi...
Corn gained o to o net, oats finished
unchanged to o off and provision up
2o to 12o.
J) prees ton In th wheat trad wag evl
HAnt friim the atart. Interest at first cen
tared on the possible consequences or tne
reported killing of an American see man
by German submarine gun fire. Notwith
standing that rumors of a war declara
tion by Oermany had begun to circulate
even before th opening of business they
were not taken seriously by many dealer
until much later In the session. However,
the outlook that war had been brought
nearer than ever for the United States by
the new submarine attacks, led to sharp
declines. As a rule, shorts had covered
thMir trades during yesterday's advance.
and It seemed temporarily as If the market
was wholly without support. Kxirrmeiy un.
fi.i..i-hl. eixio renorls from Kansas, Ne
braska. Oklahoma and Missouri, led after-
warda though to a material but transient
pMritenca of the rumors of a formal
notice from Berlin of direct hostilities
agAlnst the United States turned the wheat
market decisively downgrade In th laat
half of the session. Denials that there was
In sight any confirmation for th rumors
prevented any radical setback In values,
but failed to check the spread of bearish
sentiment. Extension of rallwey embargoes
sast of Chicago acted also as a handicap
on the bull.
Assertions that as a war measure large
contract for alcohol had been let by the
United Btate government put strength Into
the corn market. It was awumed that the
fulfillment of th contract would Involva
an lncreaaed use oi corn, uiw
ened by the breaas in wneai v.uo.
.... w.a almut antlrelV local.
Advance in th hog market carried pro
visions sharply higher. Later, however, th
gains were much depressed bysthe fact that
the raliroaa emoargo w. m
restrict shipment of ait pacKing
Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red. nominal
m. ri xi.TiMl.77U: No. I hard, noml
nal: No. $ hard, $1.71. Com: No. ye.
low. $101; No. 4 yellow, 2ct$1.00
kY- -hi?. iuRti.00U. Oat: No.
.hit. a&A66Uc: standard, 16064c. Pro
visions: Pork, $19.12; lard. fl.s
tl4.2701t.27. Ry'. wonwnai.
flee da
Timothy, $2.6004.60; dove
Barley: Nominal. -
$13.00 -17.
Kgg Lower; recelpta. 2.406 case
Butter tlignor; unirij,
ft rats.
Horn BuilcUra, lacu, wish to an
nounce that its nonparticipating
$1.00 shares art) now available.
It Participating (91.21) shares
art) exhausted. The new shares
are guaranteed 7 straight in
terest, payable January 1 and
Officu 17th d DoogU St..
Omaha, Nab.
ordinary firsts, 42041c; at mark, eaaea
Included, 404944c.
Potatoes Hither; no receipts: Wisconsin
hits, 3.00t3.26: eflchlaan white, 12 I6
26; Idaho, Washington and Oregon white.
Poultry Higher: fowls, lie; sirtogi 23c;
turkeys, 21c,
Qo4atlH f the Day Vartowa Leading
New Tork. Feb. 0. Flour Firmer; spring
patents. $2.000.16; winter paten U, $1.76
winter itralgtlta, S.UVBei avaneaa
atralghU, $8.oei.l6.
Wheat Spot, firm; no. z nam, si.s; wo.
t northern, Duluth, $2.10; No. 1 northern,
u.niinK. ir At t o b.. New Tork.
Corn Boot, firm; No. z yeuow,, c v
f New Tork.
Oata Spot, steady. ......
Hay -Quiet ; No. l,; wo. z,
06; No. 2, l&97Hc; ahlpptng, 10017c.
Hniw-Hteadv: atate. common to choice.
014, 4047c; 1116. 8014c; Pacific eoasU
1114, 11014c; 1116, n ft lie.
Hldea Quiet; Bogota, 4c; uentrai Amer
ica, 41c. am t
Leather- Firm; nemioca imu, "-i
onrts, 66c,
Provisions Fork, nrm; mn,
32.60; fsmlly, $32.00084.00; short ciears,
$32.00022.00. Beef, firm: mew, $23,000
23.60; family. $26.60027.00. Lard, steady;
middle west, $10.60016.40.
Tallow Steady; city, lie, norom,
try, lUie; special, ic
Butter Firmer; receipia, ,.-
creamery, higher than exiraa,
creamery, extraa (22 score), 43ft 044c;
i. 47iiJili.- Mrnndi. 36037c.
v.wam irirm: receiDts. d.obh ca, neon
gathered eitra firsts. 40 060c; nrsta, t
04c; refrigerator, nnesi, jc, w . -
erage best, 41 Mi 42 Vic ,
Cheeae Irregular; receipt .. w.
state, held specials, ZHOZt-lac, iw.
age fancy, 24026e.
Poultry Alive, nrm; no pnew n.a..
Dreaaed. Arm: chickens.
lS4?29c; fowU,
160 24c; turkeys, 20 0 34c.
Pnnitrvu nmiier. 2tc: hens, any stu, 17c;
springs, alt slses, smooth and soft leg, un
der tlv lbs., JSC, stags unoer u J
old roosters, 10c; geee, full leamerea. iai.
14c: ducka. full reatnerea. iai,
any also, over eight lb.. 22c; turkeys, old
torn. 20c; capons, nine lbs. and over, 22c:
guinea, amch, any siae, 16c; Homer, squabs,
14-os. each, par dosen, 14.00; 12-os. earh.
par dosen, $2.00; I -ox. each, per doxen, $1 60;
under l-os eacn, par uuaau, ww,
par dosen, 76c.
Battar cnoie cietswr, .ow-n,.
Ban Freah. No. 1, case, $11.00; No. 4.
fresh. $7.l;crax, oaa. $7.60.
Cheea quotation by uriau m k,o..
rhanM-iCitrt fancv domestic Swiss, 42e;
domestic Swiss, 26o; block Bwlss, 22c; twin
chees. 26c; triplet, 26c: daisies, 26c;
young America, 27e; blue label brick, 24c;
llmburger, ZiCi w xora woite,
quefort, 46c.
neer tjuta mn; no.
No. 2. 12c Lolna: No. 1, 24c; No. , zc.
No. 2, Ho. Chucks: No. .1. 13c; No. 2,
ia; No. $, 12c Round: No. 1, 1;
No. 2, 14o: No. t, 16c Plats: No. 1.
iia. m. a na x ion.
rroMD rin waning, nwuira .."
dressed, lie! whiting, round, 2c; halibut,
per Iba., lie; aalmon falls, 12c; salmon
silver, lie; orwpplea. Ic: trout. 16c; catfish,
large, 17c; black cod, isc; smeiis, iv ana ,
16-lb. boxea, 17c: ptke, yellow, round, 12c;
pickerel, 0c; tile fish, 11c; herring, round,
7e; herring. So; wniienan, oeiaira, mcuiuiu.
10c; whlteftsh. Jumbo, 26c; large, 20c.
Freah Flab uatnsn, per id., iic, nnuont.,
20c; salmon, 20c; sea trout, 16c; Spanish
mackerel, 10c; black baa, large, 20c; black
mall, le; rea anapper, nc; nuueis,
12c; cednah. eastern, 16c; blue tun, meaium,
16c per lb.
Smoked rum Braoaeo wnii couw, iw-.
baskets, 14c; kippered aalmon. 10-lb. bask
ets, lc; Finnan baddies. It and 20-lb.
boxea, 16c: kippered cod, 10-lb. boxes, lie:
bloatefs, 60 to box, $1.66,
$1.M; lrg cans, 40c; northern selects,
gallon. $2.00; large can,- 46c; northern
counts, $2.26; large can, 60e; Chesapeake
standards, gallon. $1.60; large can, 36c;
Cheaapeak selects, gallon, $1.76; Urge can.
40c. , . ,
Fruit and vegetable quotations iurnianea
by Gllmekl Fruit company: .
Fruit orange, zsss, si, iwi .
210. 224. $2.00 box; all other sixes, $3.26
box. Lemons, fancy 20Os, 30b, $6.00 box;
hole. 200a. 200s. I4.6D box. urapeiruil. a on,
$3.60 box; 46s. its. $2.76 box; 64s. 64s. 20s,
$4.00 bog. O rapes, Emperors, market price;
Malaga, fancy. $7 00 bbla.; Malagas, extra
fancy, $7.60 bbla.; Malaga, extra selected,
$2,00 bbl. Cranberries, late Howea, $10.00
bbls; boxes., $2.2t bos. Honey, $3.i0 case.
Bananas, 4c lb.
ADDles xorg imperials, .vv do... jou-
thana extra fancy. $2.00 box; Jonathan.
fancy, $1.46 box; Arkansas Blacks, all sixes.
12.60 box; Araansas niacas, tancy, t.u
box; Arkanaas Blacks, choice, $1.60 box;
Genoa. Colorado, fancy, $1.40 box; Qanos,
Colorado, extra fancy, $1.76.
Vaa-etabte Onion, red, "c in.; onion.
Spanish, $3.60 crate, onion, Spanish, large
cratea, $7.00 crate; tomatoes, 0 baskets,
$6.t0 crate; cucumbers, $2.26 doxen; lettuce,
orate, $3.60 crate; lettuce, dosen, $1.00
dosen; turnips, carrot, parsnips, rutabaga.
bMta. lUo .lb.: celery, si.uw aoaen; pota
toes, $2.10 bushel; cabbage. 7c lb.; cauli
flower, $3.60 crate.
Oleomargarine Natural color, per lb..
Premium, 24c; Challenge, 23c; Kersey,
20o; Lily. 10c; Lincoln, 17c; Whlta,
nar Ih.. finowltake. 22c
Uldef MOitS. .ss aeg; aioiu, ooa., (.ao
Mtseetlaneoua Peanuts, no. i raw, it
fci roasted, lb., to: Jumbo raw, lb., to;
Jumbo, roasted, lb.. 10a Dromedary dates.
case, $3.76, Fig, case, 11. 00; o. l ung
ual, walnut, lb., Hc.
Kswsm CKy General Market.
Kansa City. Feb. .-i-Wheat No. I hard.
$1.7601.14; No. 2 red, $1.7401.22; No. 2
$1.4701.80; May 21.71 01.71; July,
t-orn No. X mixec iuhwiko mo. i
white, 0ftc; No, 2 yellow, Oc0$l.OO;
May, flo; July. 7tt07e.
Oats No. I wnita, ssodsc; no. i mixea.
64067 c.
Butter unensngea.
Rggx Firsts, 40c.
Poultry Hens, 12c; roosters, 16c; tur
eky. 2tc.
MlamMwelb Oiwin Market.
Mtnneapolla, Feb. . Flour Fancy pat
en ta advanced 10c; quoted at $0.10; other
gradee unchanged.
Barley bocwi.h.
Bye $1,26 01.37.
Bran $31.00032.00,
Wheat May, $1.70 1.76. Cash: No. 1
hard. $l.8401.6; No. 1 northern,
$1.7701.8O; No. 2 northern, $1.740
Corn No. S yellow, 02 00c.
Oata No. 2 white, t263c
Flaxseed $3.8092.84. N
y Sugar Market.
New Tork. Feb. 6. Sugar Raw firm;
centrifugal, 4.33c; molasses. 2.06c. Refined
steady; fine granulatod. 0.76c. Future were
In better demand on the firmer feeling In
the spot market and at noon price wer
6 to 10 points higher on covering and buy
ing by Cuban Interests.
St. Louis Grain Market.
St. Louis, Feb. 0. Wheat No. 2 red, nom
inal; No. 2 hard. $1.8201.8. May, $1.73;
July $1.44.
Corn No. 2. $1.00: No. 2 white, $1.02
1.01: May, $l.oo1.00; July, 90c.
Oats No. 2, 66c; No. 2 white, 63c.
6 M 6
For Sale Three first mortgages on three
separate Eastern Nebraska farms. Security
three times value of mortgages. Amounts,
$1,000, $2,000 and $5,000. Will sell one or
all. No commission. No discount No brokers. .
If interested state if you want, subject to in
vestigatiori, one or all. Address Security, f.
Box 1133, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. '
Strength at Opening, Heavi
ness at Midday and Eecov
eries Later.
New Tork, Feb. 6. Strength In special
stocks at the opening, heaviness In alt di
visions at midday, and recoveries in all ex
cept rails and shippings In the later deal
ings summarixed the highly Irregular and
erratic course of today's operations.
Initial advances, some oi wnicn
impressive proportions, were altogetn-'
wiped out during the noon hour, when
disturbing rumors touching upon the Inter
national situation were current throughout
the district. , A
In the final hour, which proved to be
the most active of the session, equipments
and other Imues more or lew directly as
Boclated with the war group rose 3 to
points from lowest levels, but rails and
hlppings hung bark.
The belated movement In Industrials was
simultaneous with reports that many large
contracts with the federal government were
under negotiation. It is understood that
aales of copper and other raw materials to
Important home Interests are in process of
consummation. Manufacturers of explosives
and ammunitions, report have It, are about
to submit estlmatea to the authorities at
k... tin hv foreltrn Interests, presumably
of Teutonic origin, was again put forward
In explanation of tha heavlnesa of rails,
but this was scouted In banking quarters.
Canadian Pacific was once more an ele
ment of weakness, with St. Paul at an
extreme decline of 3 polnta. and 1 to 8
points for other International shares. New
Haven waa under renewed pressure and the
new low record of 38. and Louisville &
Nashville and Illinois Central, were heav
iest of the southern and southwestern
rails. Total sales of stocks, 980,000 shares.
Trading in bonds was limited, foreign Is
sues hardening after an early decline to
new minimum. Total sales par value, $3,
t76 ooo. linuaual activity prevailed in the
market for United States government bonds
t.t rfftrllnea ran aln k from K to 1 per cenL
Panama Issues were similarly affected, the
recession being ascribed to selling by banks
in anticipation or a new government, nova
linn tn m( Imnendlnff emergencies.
Number of ales and quotations on lead
ing stocks were:
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar... S.Z0O .
American Can 11.700 45 43 44
Am. C. A Foundry 3.000 65 03 64
Am. Locomotive... 11.100 72 6 73
a om-i. a. R.r id inn Mi 7i 99
. eva. Ar
6DU It).' Il'Ort jwi
im -ra a Tl A00 12674 125 125
Am. Z, Utl... 2.000 37 35 36
Anaconda Copper.. 26,100 77 75 76
Atchison 3,800 103 loz juj
n.u.i. tomo . 6.900 62 49 62
Baltimore Ohio.. 2,900 79 74 75
Brook. Rapid Tran. 4.200 68 66 67
B. & S. Copir.... 4.400 46 43 45
Cal. Petroleum.... 1.000 23 23 23
Pnnadlan Pacific.
5.100 Ut JS314 154H
Central leather... 47,800
14 St .1
Chesapeake ft onlo l.ioo
61". law b
C, M. It St. P....
Chicago N. W...
C. R. I. ft P
4 sun Jt24 7944 80
tOO 1204, 120
........... 24
Chlno Copper
3. S00
t44t lilk
44 42 44
21 20 20
6SK 60V, 47
16 25 26
2714 264 26
Coin. Fuel A iron..
Corn Products Ref.
Crucible Steel...
. 16.100
Distillers' Sec...
General Electric.
Great No. pfd ... .
1,(00 165(4 164 164
. . 113
ut. No. ure ctia.
Illinois Central..
Inter Cnn. Corn.
2,000 31 32 :l'4
1,000 101 10114 101 H
ln.nlp.tlnn ConDer. 12.200
Inter. Harvester... 200 119
I. M. M. Pfd. Ctfl. 14,000 69
V f Rnnthnrn 1.000
Kennecott Copper.. 26.400
Louisville ft Nash.. 10,200
Miami Copper
M.. K. t. pro....
Mo. Pacific, new..
Montana Power....
National UM
Nevada Copper. . . .
New Tork Central.
N. T-. N. M. ft M..
Norfolk ft Western
Northern Pacific...
Pacific Mall
Rav I'.im. UODDflr...
Readlnl 11.100
R.n Iron ft Steel.. 11.000
Shattock Aril. Cop. 1.700
Southern Pacific... 4.000
Ofliitnurn H .11 wa V 8.
Studebaker Co 7,400 103
m . 9 600 212
Union Pacific iu.zvv ijoi w.a
Union racinc pin.. ito ;j
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol.. 17.400 127 123 126
U g steel 161.900 109 106 107
U S Stee pfd . 1.100 119 117 117
Utah Coppe". X 27 900 111 107 108
wbash pfd "B" ;; s U1
w..trn Union.... 300 94 94 14
Westlnghouae Eleo. 1,300 62 60 52
Total aaiea ror tne uj,
New York Money Market.
New Tork. Feb. 6 Mercantile Paper
' SUrllnir' Bltchaniei-tO-dar btlla, 14.72 i
commercial 60-dav bills on bank., 14.72;
commercial 60-day 4.111a. 4.72; demand,
14.76: cabin, 14.76 7-11.
gtlv.r Bar, 77c; Mexican dollars, 89c
Bonds Government weak; railroad tr-
"Tlme Loans Steady ; 90 and 10 day. and
six month, 444 par cent.
Call Money Firm; nll-h, S par oral;
low, 1 par cent: rultns; rati, 3 per cent;
last loans, 1 per cent; closing bids, S per
cent; offered at 1 per cent.
U. lr.b.r..H M. K ft T. 1st 4s 76
AO conpon ... wiv. ....... --...-
U. S. la, re....101
do coupon ...109
C. S. 4s, re... ..101
do coapon ...109
A. T. ft T. c. 4al06
Anrlo-Franch ts. 43
Mont. Power ta.. 99
N. T. C. deb. 6a. 109
N. T. City 4a.l07
New Haven c. 68.102
No. Pacific ts... 94
da 3. 66
Atch. ven. -4...
94 Ore. 8. L. ref. 4s 93
91Pac. T. ft T. 6s.. 100
B. ft O. 4a
Klh St ref. ts.l00Penn. con. 4a..l06
Central Pac lat. 91" do i ren. 4s...l02
C ft O. cv. 4s. 94Readlng en. 4s. 95
C. B. Q. 3t- 4s 988o Pac. cv 5a. ..101
C., 104 do i ref. 4...... 91
C R. I. ft P. r. 4. 76 So. Railway 6s.. 102
C. ft a ref. 4. 94Unlon Pacific 4a. 98
D ft R G. o. 4a. 83 do cv. 4a 93
Ertf en. 4 6. U. S. Rubber 6...102
Gen. Elec. 6s. ...106 U. S. Steel 5s. . .106
St. No 1st 4 its. 99W. Union 4e.. 98
I C ref! 4. .. . 93Dom. of C 1931. 99
K. C. So. ref. ts. 88 'Bid.
L. ft N. un. 4... 96
Dry Troodj MarteL
ve Tork. Feb. 1. Dry.' Goods Wool
foods were firmer today. Raw ellk markets
were unsettled. Cotton Roods were easier
in gray gooAn division. Branded Una. were
steady. Tarn, were easier. Wool buntings
were actlva
Sailor-Inventor Here
To Stimulate Recruiting
G. E. Barrett, first-class electrician,
has arrived to begin his duties in the
naval recruiting office. An electrical
firing tjevice invented by Barrett was
recently used on the San Diego, the
ship to which he belonged before
coming to Omaha. The sailor has
been in the service for the last ten
years and during that time is said
to have visited nearly every section
of the globe.
1314 13 II.
66 65 H 66.
117 117
64 66
21 21 21
46 43 44Vi
91 9714 89
3,300 37 an t,
200 16 16 16
400 29 28 28
200 98 97
1.200 t6 65 66
6,900 24 23H 24
6.500 16 94 95
6.300 39 38 H 39
1.600 12't 12SV4 128.
2.300 101 102 .103
3.200 16 22 21
2,500 14 54 64
4.000 26 15 25
93 90 91
77 76 77
26 25 25
93 92 92
29 28 28
Si 99 103
210 212
City Prepares to
Welcome Soldiers
Back from Border
Major Eisasser has appointed the
following committee to work in con
junction with the committee of Mayor
Dahlman in making prepaiations to
celebrate the return of the Fourth
VKreba r.tiini.iit at th Anrtitnrium
,.n Washington's birthday. February
22: Lieutenants Ed L. Wilbur, Com-
pany A; Thomas Kerchner, Company
BOR Recording Your Investmonfs
Years of experience in dealing in bonds
have shown us that the average investor has
difficulty in keeping a satisfactory record of his bond
and other security holdings. To meethis situation
and as a service to investors we have prepared for
free distribution
A Loom Leaf Security Record
which to connMCt, practical and, while adapted primarily to booda,
can also be and in recording other in-mtmenti. A copy of
thit record '" be fdmishad to investors upon requeat. Write
for booklet C-IO
Safe Bonds Paying 4 to 6
$100 $500 $1,000
Living (Expenses Up;
Telephone Rates Down
Although the buyer of meat, sugar, flour, po
tatoes, or butter still receives but sixteen
ounces in a pound, although paying more money
than before, the telephone user has been steadily
getting more and better service and paying the
same or less money than in the past.
The people of this country pay a great deal
more today for food, fuel and clothing than
they did a few years ago.
In the telephone business we are paying, os
an average, double the price for materials and
supplies, we did three years ago.
Efficiency of the Service Increased
Constantly the efficiency and value of tele
phone service to the subscriber has been in
creased. Today you can talk to an average of
nearly twice as many persons in each exchange
as you could live years ago.
In spite of increased labor and equipment
costs the last few years, there has been no gen
eral increase in telephone rates. Careful man
agement, improved methods of operating, and
a limited amount of new construction, have
enabled us to keep expenses from "going out
of sight"
However, as the present equipment wears
out, if we have to replace it with material that
has more than doubled in cost, a general in
crease in telephone rates would seem inevitable.
C; Arthur McShane, Company B; J.
Crosby, Company D; Sergeants
Julius Festner. machine gun company;
Frank Kimbrell, Company C, and
Walter Kampt of the United States
army attached to the Fourth regi
ment as drill sergeant
The committee appointed by Mayor
Dahlman will meet Wednesday noon
at the Commercial club.
Want Convay fthfps.
Waahlngtn, F.b. 6- Wbil. no final 4a
clslon baa been reached aa to tha attltad.
of tha covernment toward American m er
, '!""" h'.?
ror tne jsuropMO war
as hlxalv Improbable
i official circle, that eonvovmc by war-
,mps win p. unaertaa.n.
Vera Bias.
While the cost of
most of the neces
sities of life hu
been goiag up, tha
price of telephone
service hu stood
still, generally, or
has been lowered.
In a few caiei only
has it been in