' THE. BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 6, 1917. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. NEW bungalow, also -r. an A ktrdenttiB your forma and price; Inv. with 1400, rent I dooms (omt is.boo). iz.sou. p. jiqt. PIVB room, new. oak finish, hilly deco rated, all modern, etc.. $2,750: 1200 cuh. Mitnr montftiv coltai 78SS OWN your own home, but be aura to boy it trom u run me i, mj Omaha Natl Bids. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AfTint lookta at MINNS) LD8A. 100 dlf ferent aurora decided tbat tt was the beat proposition on the market and they backed tneir judgment bj buying lots IF YOU will oorae out today yon wilt vnaeraiana way me omers are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Ut Omaha Nat Bank Bid. Tyler 1st. TUB UKfa.ATta.31 GAIN 6K.711 IB paid want-ade ever made by any Omaha paper la the record of THK VM AHA DC-HI IOT 191. BB8T R BSt ' I jTS b W BST RATB. REAL ESTATE Investments Down Town Investment 19th and St Mary's Ave. Income $1,560 Per Year .' Thfai aplendld Investment can be bought for $15,000 if you act quickly. Hastings & Heyden, HI4 Barney St. Phone Tyler SO. COFNER lot, 4il4, unrestricted and suitable for store or flats, to be sold al a sacrifice for cash, for owner, who Is leav ing Omaha. This lot Is on corner ot Far- am and Cuming car Una and all paving Is In and paid for. Call us If you are In terested la a bargain, Shtiier tk Cary, 104 Keelme Bid. Phone . 6074. APARTMENT $71,900. income 12 per cent, one year old eery one location; mortgage t&.oov and will accept 120.000 In trade; balance easo or negotiable papers, CALKINS A CO., Donglas 1113 City Nat I Back Bldg roa INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A, P. XUKEV & SON. 680 Ftrat National Hank Rldg. .&T your money earn 7 PER CENT" In Home Ballders' 11.00 sharea. Cash dlvl dends Jan. 1st and July 1st. Secured by mortgagee on new homes. Non-partlct- patlng Preferred Shares Guaranteed 7 per cent now ready, unices, nth and Douglas. UH.A1 UtU'A'i'S. W1L CulvFAJC. 1M Baetlne Rldg. Doug. 1171. REAL ESTATE B'ness Prpty CHOICE WHOLESALE LOCATIONS We have a number of good corners in the wholesale dletrlet at very reasonable prices. All are conveniently located close to the freight stations and near the large wholesale warehouses. GEORGE & CO., ' 902 City National Bank Bldg. Doug. 76ft. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TJtACKAOE. t 10-100 acres C. B. Q. trackage at Otbson. Suitable lor Industry desiring large area with low price. Also have b aores beautifully located on boulevard. U. B. part without trackage. W. U 8elby Sons, Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START TOUR HOWK IN B BIN SON. BUT THtJ LOT. IU.ee down and flu 00 per month; price llee.ee; else. tOxin, located on Locust St. between Clark and Barnham, not far from cnoo and car line. Oee. B. Wright. Bee Office. Omaha. Dundee. SEVERAL lota, buUdlag restrict loo. 12, H.00, Adjoining Happy Hollow Urol. 1400,90 to 11.008. W. W. L. BMLBY A BONM. jJoug, X610. Florence. 1259 ACRB, acreage sold; 2 tracts left at 9200. Last chance. Call Netbaway. Flo 229. South Side. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. A stately, spacious mansion on S3d Ave., overlooking Hanaoom Park, wttb 12 large atry rooms, 7 fire places, ateam heat and tanomerable closets and pantries. Ter raced plot, 160x176 feet Price, 912,009. Only 92,909 cash required. For sale only by the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4926 South Utb St Phone South 127. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES. On tbe South bide, on full-sized lots, ranging from 91.900 to 93.000 In different localities, with ail city Improvements, near schools and churches; can be bought from us en a small cash payment. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4929 8. 24tb St Phone South 1247 CHEAP HOMES. We have a targe aura bet of small bouses with 9 to rooms, ranging in price from 9900 to 91,200, en full slsed lots, wbicb we can sell at your own terms. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 929 8. 24tb St. Phone South 1247. POUR ACRES. Weil improved win lake gwod bunga low as part payment. , & P BOSTWICK at SON. Tyler UM too Bee Bldg Miscellaneous. ACREAGE. J net listed one acre of ground with a Brand new. S-room house on 1L Full cement basement, furnace heat, electric lights, new garage, new chicken house. Four rows of grapes, strawberries, and ther small shrubbery. Priced at 92.8W. Less money than Improvements cost, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 117 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1791. 2 ACRES. Good house, barn, fruit; 1 block to ear and paved stroeC $2,900; terms, a B. BOBBINS, 1922 FAR NAM ST. , Tel. Douglas 2842 or Webster 4920. REAL ES I A TE lo Exchange TO EX CHANGS 120 acres improved farm In Oklahoma, for Oen. Mdse., or Pdwe. Must be good. Address Box T 919, Omaha Bee lis ACRES, highly improved, near Aber deen, South Dakota, to exchange tor in come property Write P. L. Jones. Creslen Iowa, 1-6 TORT brick furnished hotel, north Mo. Brick Duslnees building, Ian t ha. Mo. - HO acres, i cuiuvatloa.- miles railroad, W ; What have you? . Tell . us. Gllmour, r-omona mo. a KOR exchange, 1,440-acre ranch, highly Im proved, 1,100 acres In oultlvatlon. Want some cash. bal. Illinois, Iowa, eastern Ne braska farm, or, Omaha city Income. W. O. Tempieten, 901 Bee BUlg. r. REAL ESTATE To Exchange THE GREATEST GAIN 88.711 In paid went ads ever made by any Omaha paper, le the reoorC of THH vMAflA tJISBi tor llf, BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB NONRESIDENT what have yon. 9-rootn nous. 6-year-old. Strictly modern. Garage. Northwest. Owner. Smith, Room HO. uaaue Hotel. K hav aunif good homes and rental prop ertle for Neb or Iowa land Edward F Williams Co.. Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg Ranch apeclailil sell or iradtf ranches fo LOT8. southwest of Hanscom Park, to ..tradgjor realdence. Address Box 110, Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTKD-4. & and 9-roomed homes tha can be sold for 910 cash, balance 019 oet month; send complete description flrst tetter. W FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1380 Farnsm Tel Doug 104 LIST vour 9 and 4-room houses with WE SE1.1 I'HKM OS HIK NIC REALTY nous 1474 LIST your 9 and 4-room house with E 'WARD F WILLIAMS CO.. Doug 410. FINANCIAL Real Estate, louii Mortgages. CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates & KLL - A a . . 1 . , mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 213 South 17th, Omaha. Neb. City and J?'ann Loans 9. by, and 9 per oent. Also flrst iiort gageM on farms and Omaha real estate for sale I H Uumont A Co.. 416-Jb KeMne mdg 17th arid Harney. & fh.H i b. i u t utt on Ufi jae clt) realdences in amount li.uuo up; else farm loans Keaso'tbl coimuission HETKUN I'HI. HI CO, ittfi Farnsm Mt. THE GKEA I'KS'I GAIN 98,719 In paid wam-sda ever made by any Omahd pa tr. la the record of TUB OMAHA MEG tor I9U. BEST HKSl TK UMVK3T RATB. STANDARD SECUBITY AND INVESTMENT CO.. 8 WEA1 BI.IHl Ih'tH ANl AKNAM CU.. i'tUVAl fa. aluNbJY SiOU Oil to tuait mu umaba real estate or trai Neu, iand. U Selhy it sim. Keellne Bldg MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches We man buy good farm mort gagwe Ktnk- mv Co.. Omaha. HhtLlAULE tuMUraiica See O'Nell's Roa I Ealate ana limurance Ageno. 4-4 Bran aeis i neater l'ei Ty ler 1024. at UN alT nn hin1 tn ,(t nA farm loans H, W binder. City NailonHi batik Btdg .ty CITY GAR' iN BROS., u Z 10 LOANS Um. Nat. Bk Bid ' MONE V H AltiliBt N UUHtWiN I ' 916 OinahH Nat I Hank Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS O KEEFK ti Hi. UU 1U16 Omaha Nafl. h'AKil and city loans, a-au W 11 IXnilxi. Hlrtlf WOKLU KEAl.i Y LO.. un Tbrater Dkiiuing. CITY aod farm luune. lowest rates. 1. H UlUGEE. inc.. hit Kcetuie Bldg. 91fJ to 91U.UUO made promptly f D Wead, Wead Bldg.. IStb and Karnam Sti. LOW I TES. C. G. CARLBERG, 210-12 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. b96. Abstracts of Title. U'ti rT I'ltie, Guarantee aud A bi tract Co I sob S. 17th St.. ground floor Bondfd by Mass Bunding and ins Co KhifcO AbSTKACI CO.. oldest abstract of- floe in Nvbrupka tH H ran rbustsr Financial Wanted. GALLAGHEK & NELSON, Represent prompt pay Insurance com panies - 44 Hrandels Bkg omaba. Neb MONEY fO LOAN WANTED. HIGH CLASS LOANS. S&0.00 'to 8300.00. Ten per cent interest per annum and 10 per cent brokerage fees. Provided by law. Easy Payments. Utmost Privacy. Twenty -five Tears Established. OMAHA LOAN CO. Licensed and Bonded. Tel. Doug. 2296. Room 340 Paaton Blk. FURNITURE, pianos, Ind. notes as security. 240 6-mo. a, a. go., total cost, 83-60: 840 " Indorsed notes, total cost, 82.00. Smaller, larger am'ts., proportionate rats. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha business Men. 423 Rose Bldg.. Ifitfa aod Farnam Ty . n Dla. Gross, 410 N. 16th. R. 6081. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM BEAH COUNTY. We have the record crop truck garden and Itrus fruit land the United States. You can buy on easy erms. Note: If you are t good land sales man Palm Becb county. Florid . offers you tbe beat land proposition In America. PARSONS SON, 86 Brandels Bldg. Doug.as 7848. Excursions lea.e Omaha first and third Tuesdays every month. Make ur reser valiona with us early. RAlbE ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Uaj tbls winter b int out ting, to days, 860 to 8 SO annually on 890 land. 926 Paxon Blk Walnut (evenings). Iowa Lands. 80 ACRES Well Improved five mi lee northeast of Logan, la., 8130 per acre. 83,000 cash will handle this. Can give possession March 1, or have tenant for It at 9600. Ed B. Glbba. 2229 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Michigan Lands. FOR BALK Clover-land farms. Grains thrive. Drouth, hall unknown. Root crops, dairying, grazing. Ideal. Fine roads, mar ket; .42 growing daya. Average killing frosts October 2. Terms easy. George Row ell. Jr., 21 Bacon Blk., Marquette, Mich. Mississippi Lands. 50,000 ACRKS, cut over hardwood timber tana, e.7i acre; terms; also improved farms; grand grain, atock country; all bargains. Q. P. Btebblns, 1610 Chicago. Missouri t ands. FOR SALifl The beat blue grass farm In soutnwtiSL uisauuri; tiuv acres In b.ue grass, grased 3" years; 200 aores In blUHstem, gi-asing all tbe year; mild winters, abundance of spring water and shade; price, 230,000. Address George T. Sldway. owner. Monett, Mo. SMALL MISSOURI FARM 810 caah and 86 mommy; no interest or taxes; highly pro ductive lard; close to 1 big markets Write for photographs and full informa tion. Muoger. A -110. N. T. Life B:dg Kansas City. Mo. Nebraska Lands, FINE CENTRAL NEBRASKA FARM 180 acres noiiom tana, oiecK loam soil, K6 acres natural Umber; 4 miles to good town, mile to auhool; good buildings; priqfc 113,000; terms; no trades. Box 428, Bee. WK FARM the farm we sell roo THtt HUNGERFOKO POTATO GROWERS' AD8N,, CoHVparattvo Potato Farmlaa. 1 6ta and Howard Sts., oppcslte Audi tortnm. wk'i snd made dry enough for crops or no pay. is oar way oi oraimng tana, no tract too Urge or toe wet tiuaraate I )r ulnar- 'o Oakland Neb SOME bargains io Kimball county farms; improved ana raw tana; iand that raises 18 to 86 bushels of wheat per acre; 910 and up. Farmers' Land Co., Kimball, Neb. A rAK4l tot sat it trade D 8797 W foiand e 'n 441) Bee Bldg Texas Lands. ' & FRANKS Heal estate, east Texas lnd N-vttr Blk Itousias 9400 Wisconsin Lands. WE OWN 150,000 ACRES. $7.50 to $25.00 per acre. Reasonable terms. , GRIMMER LAND CO., Marinette, Wisconsin. FARM LAND WANTED RANCH KS p.rm boufht. Mid. .1 th.ml 8 a .iid R. & MoDt.oraMT. AUTOMOBILES GUAKAN 1 tKU TIRES. y2 Price We make one now Ure from Um old onea. GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES We Buy and Sell USED CARS TIRE. Live s gents wanted. It you are a boa tier write for our ageooy proposition. 2 IN I VULCANIZING CO., 181 Devonpnrt Omaha WILLYS-OVERLAND INC. U8E1) CAR DEPT. Douglas 3290 2047-49 Farnam. Overland Touring and Roadatera, Studebaker tourluga. Maxwell tourings. Kord tourings. Oakland tourings. Mitchell tourings. Bukk tourings. Hudson tourlngi. v - Terms If Desired. v Prompt attention given to all Interested out-or-town ouyere. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 9209 Farnam St. Douglas 8S10. Cadillac "8" Touring. 1016 Steams-Knight Touring. 1914 Chevrolet Touring. ALL TO BK SACRIFICED. 15 PCI. Cash re bale on yuui auu iitaurance pol icy If ou oar is equipped with PEHHY LUCK. Htvoiis.UoMKiaa 9"4i KM 4 brandela Bldg S.U.S.. MUTUK CO. 94U0 Loavvuworth. and Fireproof Mluragv. lb pet month Day and night wrvlr Chuni" TyU'r 117 -1013 PAU1B, electric equipped. 8310. 11914. 4-60 Maxwell epffdater. 9400. Several second-hand Krankllni, TELL A BINKLEY. 9318 Harney St. D. 1979. 115 8. 34TH U., CROS8TOWN GARAGE. D. 4442. Single cyl. Harley motorcycle, 826.00. Pony 1917 tourtn-, perfect run ning order. 8126.00. Windshields, 89.00.. etc. WE will trade you a new Ford for your Aid one. INDUSTRIAL QARAGP CO.. 80th and Harney. Douglas 8391. USED CARS AI KEAL PRICES U W r RAN CIS AUTO CO.. Douglas 68 10-18 Farnam St. REHHILT high and lo tension magnetoea. magneto pa a or magneto repalra Mat tot. 1420 South ltb Tyler llll-J. AUTO Tops. Cushions. Seat Covers, Bod It. Manufactured and Repaired. AUTO TRIMMING AND EQUIPMENT CO., 410 S lBtn- uouglaa wil. HMO.srm Knn-Flx-lt." Souioeasf cor- net 20th and Harney Sta Douglas '111. Auto Liver, ant Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready. Omaha Garage, 1010 nar nv St Tyler "66 Auto Repairing and Painting. 8100 reward for magneto we can't repair Colls repaired Bayndorfer. 810 N llth NEB Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prtre rlrbt 818 S 19tb D 7890. PERSONAL THE GREATEST GAIN 98,799 Omaha paper. Is the record of THB OMAHA BEE for 1118. BEST RESULTS -LOWEST RATB THE Salvation Army Industrial borne so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnea We collect. We d let r I bote. Phone Doug. 4128 and our wagon will calL Call and inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St IBS LARSON Baths, msssage and man! cur Scalp nd facial massag-, Staats Inatltnte. 1608 .larnuy SL D. 709T. Open venings a..d Sundaya Sulphur, steam and eucalyyptus baths for chronic diseases, exp. attendant cor laaiee end eenllemen 402-1 Rose Bldg Ty 2988 UieSBH LILLY AND GOULD Bath mas gs 1822 Farnam St. Phone Doug 841 B LUELLA WEBSTER, massage aod man! curing. 618 Paaton Blk. Red 9400. MISS S. BENJAMIN, mantcurln, facial. calp treatment Btaata Ina. 1806 Harney. MISS NASH. BRUGMAN, scientific massus and baths 209 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. ALL Right Pt vate Maternity Home, 2911 Miami at. wo osier zves. SCIENTIFIC massage. 62U Bee Bldg Phone Douglas 8172. E BROTT Magnetic massage. 2424 Cuming. MiSSOILK. mass., chiropody 1822 Farnam. Manicuring and mass 1629 Farnam. Rm. 19. Motorcycles and Bicycles H ARLET-DA VIDSON MOTOkCTCLES Bar gains In used machines. Victor Rooa, "Tbe MotoreycM Man." 708 Laavenworth. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Walker N. Clark and wife tb Marga ret M. Buckley, Twenty-fourth street. 80 feet south of V street, east aide, 70x160 9 2 Parkers National Bank to Fred L. Shell, Thirty-second avenue, 160 feet south of Francis street, west side, 160x200 Jacob Marts and wife to Alexander Tlmmin et al, Z street 100 feet east of Twenty-eeventh street north side,. 26x128 828 Florence K. Mlxter and husband to Julius TmkeL northeast comer Twenty-third and Grace streets, 28 x 100 1 H. Arthur Nelson to Mary L. Clark, California street, 60 feet east of Thirty-sixth street, south side, 60x100 1 M. K. Howell to William Sternberg, Thlrty-elxth street 629 feet north of Dodge street, went side, 60x127.6. - 1 George J. Gerard and wife to John Haller, Seventeenth street 220 feet south of Lincoln avenue, west aide. 49x132 2,000 Stuart H. jonnaton ana wire to h. H. Tyson, Harney street, 667 feet west of Twentieth street, north side, 46x 132 1 Herman Seseman to Laura R. Harp ster, southwest corner Ninth street and Hlmebaugh avenue, 280x1287. 1 Anna D. Smitz and husband to John N. Hlgbee, Thtrty-seoond street 206 feet north of Lincoln boulevard, west side, 42x126.. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meed rig of the stockholders nf The Uee Publishing Company will be held at the of flee or said company, Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock p. m., on Monday, March 6th, 1917, for the election of the Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction ot aurh other busi ness as may properly come before the meet ing. By order of the President N. P. FEIL. Secretary, . 846 F4d29t NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of aald Company, Room 701. Pint National Bank Building, Lincoln, Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the Seventh day of March A. D., 1017. Lincoln. Nebraska, . March 6th. 1917. C. H. MORRILL. President W. W, TURNER. Secretary and Treasurer. ,- 647-F6d20t Departaaens Orders. Washington, Feb. 6.T-(Spec!al Telegram.) Nebraska poatmasters appointed : Do I la ghan, Sheridan county, Blanche Abbott, vice w. 13. roage, resigned; nooo, cnerry county, John A. Swanson, vice H. J. Coons, resigned; Morlavllle, Rock county, David P, Peacock, lce G. W. Palmer,-resigned. Iowa rural letter carriers appointed: Bag ley. Ralph H. Peters, H in ton. Barn est Cut ler; Rockwell City, Morris H, Gould; Weet Union, Harry J. Illff. ' Wants More Submarines, Washington. Feb. 9. A bill to place Im mediately in the hands of the president 260, 000,000 to complete submarines and deetroy ers now under construction wsa Introduced today by Representative Emerson of Ohio. Bow to Core Colds. Avoid exposure and drafts. Eat right Take Dr. King's New Discovery. It kills and destroys the sold genu. All druggists. Advertisement ATTRACTIONS IS OMAHA. Boydt "Go II Ill's PolUea." HranriHst "The Garden of Allah.' Kmpreast anrievllle and photoplays. Jiavety t The Hag Doll In Raland. Htppi Photoplay. M unet Photoplay. Orpheum : Vaudeville, Ntrandt Photoplays. Sunt Photoplays, Promises of the Press Agent. Orpheum The customary full house with cplety In evidence attended the Orpheum Monday nlhr ' n . . m.r. uill.tnl popuUr f.vor u Ih. mollur llrartlon of tht dlvefla DHL MIh OdPU.1 Hul Hul mng It, r,h rh.r.clM In wrlliul.r. n w.ll rw.l..d. -Tl. 1.I,H t i ."I wllh V.n.d. Horf, Ih. cme In tnr mn.h . . and .napmhU .Ilw Z"'".. J" aii ...... i. miiTuiiiy aone ana th scenic Investiture is elaborate and at- Bovd With thn 'S'1H.- .w. m v tun nnya n negro actor. John Larklns. who rune the 1 "imams a close race as a comedian. Larklns has been wllh many nu nin vsuaevuie specialty haa al w itys Ktoppcfi the show." With "The Follies." this wlr h tn.,.u patter and steps, and his songs and parodies 't i Tininre. nraudeis In 'The Garden .r,f Ail.h which will appear at tb Brandeta theater ii two umes today, matinee and wB.Ub, acnes or superb stage settings Braadele 'The Making Over of Mm Matt." will be preannted at the Brandels for thr l.v. k. , i . . day night, with May Robson, that typical t.arety Regardless of hvh. im.,.,., many, many miles to attend the sessions of .urauermen s and the Hardware Ieal era. convention In Omaha this week, mre s nunnreds of delates who will glady miss the aenslonn for the ripe oppor tunity for visiting the popular Onyety theater, where those two famous danoert.. , rinam ana me mg musical bur- lwque, "A Rag Doll In Ragland." are ap pearing twice a day this week. Laill-V matinee daily, In the Silent Dram Sun At the Sun today "Pidgin Island," stnrring May Allison ami Harold Wkwoml. This Vrinilnrnl.il ......a T. Gratha great novel, la one of the beat Metro- y,vVimy aiarnng tneae two well known nilu inrniflry is me main Tea tures In this love story of a girl apy. A nev , ' "'j-ioira rvioaruB, in ward B. Hortons orchestral organ recitals prtorraance. Strand Frank Kdm i. nr-H . .v- Strand for three dftys commencing today In " ' nia moai rorcerui char aciensaiion, "The Bride of Hate." Splendid In action and suspense thin n raring tint, win uuiu jvu irom BTa.iT to nnish. ' " " i prwumTO at tne - - -hihb nkpiin in nis latest comedy success. "Easy Street." The nuraow is a nve-act feature with Clara Kimball Young In "Trilby," one w ! iimi aiirnng aramatic errortB. Hmp Lou Tetleren Will h hnwn a Ihn Hipp today and Wednesday In "The Victoria Cross." This story la based on the famous Indian Sepoy rebellion of Cawnnnra mnA h omo apienuia war scenes Incorporated In It. ....nvn iii nTTriai qurrn, rmnn wnite, will be shown at the Princess today In the " -i'i i n o me Army. Ruth Clifford In "The Melody of Death" and i ' 1 "'""u TTPfur win com- ..n mo oui. i o morrow win oe tne sev- funord In "Th. Puii. vii. n Mnee Oeorge Be ban will be the attiwHnn at the Muse today. Wednesday and Thurs day In nis Sweetheart," a quaint pathetic, phntodrama showing the real heart anri ui of the Italian. Mrs. Vernon Castle will bo on the bill as "Patrla" in "Doubled Crossed." Dorothy Oreen la Introduced as the vampire aim inu vpivooe promises many surprises. MnnwMI PlrharH Ttunn.tt (H lam.. Tr.w of Decision" will be shown at this theater today. Tomorrow wilt be Clara Kimball Silence," In which she dwpUcatee ber former Apono A Bluebird photoplay wilt be the attraction at tne Apollo today and Tf Ifs a Bluebird, it must be good. Tomorrow the orrerm wni be Edith Lysne Mathewson In "Tne uovemors Lady. Grand Charles Ray In "The Honorable A!iry." will he shown at the Grand today. Tomorrow Wilfred Lucas and Constance Tal mage In 'The Microscopic Mystery," Inter en ting story of love and microbes. Diamond The last chapter of The flh fold ing Shadow," will be the main attraction at the Diamond today. Florenre La Badle In "Saint, Devil and Woman." a Pathe Oold Rooster play will also be shown In con nection. Boulevard Edith Storey In "The Two Edged Sword," will again be shown at the Boulevard today. It Is an Interesting Vttagraph offering with a notable star and Is a convincing story of vengeance that was two edged. A good feature has been ar ranged for tomorrow. lAthrop The fate of a heartless flirt In the story of "Black Orchids," which stars Cleo Madison In a Bluebird photoplay, pre sented at the Ijothrop today. Tomorrow will be Florenre La Badle In "Divorce and the Daughter," an Interesting Oold Rooster play. Kohlff Theda Bare will be shown at the Rohlff today In "The Vixen," In which she comes up bo If not surpasses her former successes. Tomorrow will be a Pathe Gold Rooster play. "The Challenge," featuring Helen Chad w Irk. and Conntance Talmage tn "The Micro scopic Mystery," will be the attraction at tne Houtn ia urpneum today and is a story entirely different than any that have been shown so far. Wednesday the attrac tion will be the fifteenth chapter of Helen Holmes In "The Lass of tbe Lumbnrlands," and a Mutual program. Mrs. Bartlett Lectures On 'Pyramid and Its Message Mrs. Harriet Tuttle Bartlett lectured at 701 Bee building Monday evening on 'The Great Pyramid and Its Message." She brought out new and astonishing facts. Tuesday at 8 p. m. she gives "Truth, the Great Harmonizer," which brings out the fact that there is a set of universal symbols that express the wisdom of the ages. She shows how their trans lation assists one to understand the Bible. Wilson Will Have Respect For Rights of GermansJIere Washington. Feb. S. When reports that vessels had been seized by Ameri can authorities in duterent places were called to the attention ot President Wilson today he authorized this state ment through Secretary Tumulty: "We will do nothing that we hare not a clear legal right to do. When we act we will act on principles of right and not on expediency. . There is no haste or panic anywhere." Attention, Hardware Convention Visitors We cordially Invite yon to make tha. Standard Aluminum Works Exhibit, Booth 70 at Auditorium, yonr headquarters. - ' RcpraMatwI. by J. Steinberg & Son HAPPENINGS IH THEMAGIC CITY Nebraska University Students Accept Invitation of Yards for Annual Trip. FOUR HUNDRED COMDIQ E. Buckingham, vice president and general manager of the Union Stock Yards, has extended the annual invi tation to the faculty and students of the Nebraska Agricultural college to visit the stock yards and packing houses, Tuesday, February 13. About 400 students and their instructors have sent word they will make the trip here. A special train leaves Lincoln about 7:30, arriving at the yards shortly after 9, Tuesday morning. A large corps of guides will meet the visitors, and escort them to the var ious packing houses, where displays of various cuts of beef, pork and mut ton will be arranged for inspection. Luncheon is to be served at the Ex change dining room, after which a trip will be taken through the various departments of the stock yards, af fording an opportunity to inspect and judge stock. At 6 o'clock the entire student body, together with various rcprrsentatrrcs of the South Omaha market and local press, will be guests of the Stock Yards company at a luncheon, in cluding entertainment following. The visitors will return to Lincoln, leaving here at about 9 o'clock. Breen Introduce! Bills. Three bills vitally affecting local civic affairs were placed before the state legislature by Jerry Howard last week. Judge Breen. author of the bills, has returned from the state capital with the information that the meas ures are now up for passage. The most important of the three requires a re-division of the municipal court field, alloting one district, in cluding the South Side. By this one ot three judges will of necessity sit in the local city hall. This will satisfy the many complains that have been coming from hundreds of citizens and attorneys, who have had use for the court to settle petty claims. The second important bill refers to the necessity of a passenger railroad station on the Burlington and Rock Island railroads. On petition of 100 property owners living outside tnree-mile radius of the Union and Burlington stations uptown, it will be possible to compel the building of passenger station convenient and suit able to bouth Siders. The third bill refers to local bmile. vards and the possibilities of building me same tnrougn nonos. Myron Tibbits Enlists. Myron Tibbits. 17 veara old. for sev. eral months first assistant to Circu lator fclroy Tibbits of the local Bee office, surprised his friends yesterday umu timsicu ui uic uniica states army for a period of from one to seven years at his own ontion. The consent of his parents was obtained snct although under age. he was granted admittance to a hospital corps in me jNeDraska legion. He will en ter the service today, leaving for an lowa training station this afternoon. Famous Tenor to Sing. Under the ausDices of the Garfield and Jungman schools, Prince Lei La vi, Hawaiian tenor soloist, wtl give a recital at the South High school aunuoriuni, Wednesday atternoon, February 7. The program will open HUD ClOCK. Morns Resumes Hog Killing. Morris and comoanv started hna killing again yesterday for the first time since the big hre which de- troyesd their plant a few months ago. Dean Cutter to Attend Convention in Chicago Dr. Irving S. Cutter, dean of the university college of medicine, left Sunday evening for Chicago to at tend a conference ot the American Association of Medical Colleges, to k u-u -. .1 f 1. . . . I us iic.u b uic iuugrcss uuicl ints week. AMIWBME.NT. Brandeis Today E':: 82 LAST 2 TIMES Tb MlfhtlMt Pity oa tha PUmi "The Garden of Allah" M.L. 50c to 1J0 Eimf, 50c to $2.00 ThTM D.r. Bf . Not Thur.., Fab. S May Robson ZiX'r.T THE MAKING OVER OF MRS. MATT" BOYD Mat. Tomorrow, 25e Ths Big Musical Comedy "Gus Hill's Follies" BO PaopU SO NI.hU Z5c, 36c, 50c 75c Nat Waak, "H.r Unborn Child" Phone Douglaa 494. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Daljr MatinM, 2:15; Night, 8:1S. This Wwk. iT-rTDTiaT "THE DANCING GIRL OF IA CAR US DELHI with V A N D A HOFF, Savoy 4 Brannaa, 8 urrr Lamar I o.i:. ' yil mj L.n. Phdoa. John Wabttar A Co fha Fanranta. Orphaum Traval WmUv. Saturaay aad Sunday). 25c. Ntcbta, 10c, oc, ouc aaa toe. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" i5-is-o. 25-SO-7S. Jm Ham.'! Itanca UrmkKi Geo. STONE & PILLARO EIU lit tb Ntw tMiteNlar Futaty "A Rag Doll In Ragland" awnM win uamr Jmnt Pntly Qlru SatUi. Wt: Al JL Uail 4 "ftUtd of AmarUM." i John Haynes Holmes I of Nav Yark Pravfcat of a Naw Social OroW I FEARLESS POWERFUL FARSEEINO THE INTERNATIONAL MIND" a War an4 Paaca World CJUiaaabb t BOYD THEATER FEB. 22. S P. M. B.n.f It Nav Uoltartan Charch 2Sc, SOc .rn(ill'iaiJauiiMnMiwiaiilaliiwibitniiiii!ius.iniiiittl pnasn j'wfii isEjr J HAROLD YATES CERVETT aM-fc litll I IfSfSjWkj J I " ff CATHRYN CHALONER CO. "9 1u"w,"5 !SN"1'' BMrftiKSil!m f . CHARUE CHAPL to i LOOTELLEOEN 1 W .j ti. T... X THE VICTORIA CROSS" I ' II WY OJ A " 5 A trtpptaf ww drama al tha lamoua I sllil.fManmnaNMifHiNiHnaiwajatiiittitttiilninManw I '. . FHOTOIOAYS PHOTOFLAl'S - taEHE'a A PLACt FOrt "U" IN THt ' II I SBdXt II J i Ciu its J mmwm jp ( VaaaawaaaaaaraaaaaaBajaaaaaaTiaBaaaaaaw NEW SIDNfcY DKtW HOMED? METRO TRAVELOGUE Edward B, Horton and tha Mammoth. Orchestral Organ Tuesday, Wednesday WWtT" and Thursday The Eminent Character Actor . Mr. Frank Keenan In a distinctive drama of the old south, ' with mystery and suspense to the very i end. Bold, powerful, original arid ; L!'f a convincing, this ranks as Mr. Keenan's TiT )i most impressive characterization and ' n Ix is called . , ( ' II "The Bride of Hate" TO : '""s,, WBmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is Love Is I 1 W -Z The Great Secret" The Stupendous Metro Serial in 15 Chapters, With FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN 1 and BEVERLY BAYNE MIGHTIEST OF METRO MARVELS. BEGIN WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER AT TP LIE" CI TT Tuesday and Wednesday 1 HE. O U1N FEB. 13th and 14th. a aa wiatnsMHiiiliiuwinloliitninniiiliiiiiiuiiiHitiam j PRINCESS I I . PEARL WHITE, la No. S "PEARL OF THE ARMY" f i RUTH CLIFFORD, l i "THE MELODY OF DEATH" ' ; Aolnu-tad Waaklr. niiiittttininiiititioiiausiijiiiiitnminiiiiitnaiiji the Master Key That Unlock . IJEORGE 6E6AN "His Sweetheart" Mrs. Vernon . Castle as "Patria" "DOUBLt CROSSED" A