THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1917. Omaha People With Relatives in Germany Worry About Situation Vertj Latest in Hats Omaha Girls Help Red Cross. Only one small organization of Red Cross workers has been discovered in the state of Nebraska. It is a group of girls in Omaha High school, who were the members of the old Brown ing society. As soon as these girls heard that- the Red Cross women of America are being called to action ' they arranged for a called meeting which will take place at Central High school this afternoon after school. These girls sent supplies of comfort bags and bandages to the soldiers who were called to the Mexican bor der. Miss Dorothy Arter is president of the club, and some of the other members are Gladys ilickel, Ann Ax tel, Camilla Edholm and Elizabeth Austin. It is planned that at the meet ing this afternoon resolutions will be taken to send word to the national organization at Washington offering the services of the society for Red Cross work. Only one branch of the Red Cross movement is organized in Nebraska. This is the "movement for peace," or the work for tubercular patients and the selling of Red Cross seals. This work was begun when a slight sur plus existed in the national treasury. It is a distinct branch and funds from its treasury cannot be diverted into other channels. Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm, in charge of this movement in Ne braska, has had her hands so full with that work that she had been unable to devote any time to the organization of other Red Cross work. An appeal was at one time made to the Daugh ters of the American Revolution of the state of Nebraska, as a patriotic or ganization, to take up the work of the Red Cross, but no action has yet been taken. Mrs. C. H. Aull, state regent of the D. A. R., stated this morning that since the question is now so imminent the society may soon take action in the matter. Members of the class in practical nursing, which met at the Young Wo men's Christian association over a year ago, are wondering whether their bit of knowledge will be of serv ice to them in the near future. In the event of war a number of the young women feel they would be glad to offer their services to their country. Miss Alice Carter said, "I' want to use my knowledge if there were a chance to do it." Miss Elizabeth Bruce feels that she has had little enough train ing, but "if there were really war, I'd want to do my share." "I should want to give my services if they would be of any benefit," said Miss Ruth La tenser. The members of the war relief cir cle, headed by Miss Stella Thummel, are keeping on with their work of rolling bandages as well as the cir cles of matrons. Mrs. O. C. Redick, who is in charge of the shipping of supplies, decided that no stop would be made, .for "when we can ship the things the need will be even greater for them. We may as well have a good supply." Entertain for House Guests. Mrs. George Tunison entertained . this afternoon at a kensington in honor of Mrs. H. E. Cornell of Diet rich, Idaho, when the guests included fifteen members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority who were in school at the time of Mrs.' Cornell. Mrs. W. I. Walker entertained at luncheon and at bridge in her apart ments at the Blackstone in honor of Mrs. Venta B. Prophet of New York City, who is visiting in Council Bluffs.- Eight guests were in at tendance. . - .i Mrs. E. Srenger complimented her house guest, Mrs. Daniel Beal of Mo line, 111., this afternoon at an informal tea, when the guests included the teachers at Brownell Hall. Mrs. Beat, who was formerly a teacher at the Hall before her marriage, arrived last evening for a few days' visit with Mrs. Stenger. Mrs. R. J. Hahn, gave a luncheon at her home Friday in honor of her guest, Miss M. A. Baden of Kansas City. Covers were laid for eight. On r Saturday Mrs. Charles Smith gave a ' luncheon at the Henshaw for Miss Baden,, followed by a matinee party at the Brandeis. Tuesday Mrs. M. S. Walklin will give a luncheon for her at the Fontenelle. With the Bridge Clubs. i Mrs. W. R. McKeen entertained the Original Monday Bridge club. "Eight members were present . Mrs. Harry S. Clarke, jr., enter tained the members of the Monday Bridge Luncheon club. Mrs. Ben Gallagher, who leaves this evening for California, and Mrs. Fred W. Clarke, who has been in that state for . a week, were the only absent mem bers. Those present were: Mdnmei ; Meadamea .1. J. Sullivan. W. J. Connell, George Patereon, Oeorfe Squires. J. M. Metcalf. Mrs. Ellet B. Drake was hostess of the New Bridge Luncheon club. A centerpiece of yellow jonquils formed the color note for the affair. In addition to the members, all of whom, with the exception of Mrs. Harold Soboker, were present, Mrs. F. N. Heller of Chicago, who is the guest of Mrs. Fred Wallace, and Mrs. Oscar Cornwall of Chicago, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. P. Trim ble, were guests of Mrs. Drake. Mrs. Cornwall, who was formerly Mass Georgie Trimble, was a member of the club. . Wedding Announcement. The wedding of Miss Alpha Grif fen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. GrifTen, and Mr. Clifford C. Sheldon was solemnized at St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church Sunday morn ing. Rev. G. A. Hulbert officiated. After a honeymoon trip to southern California, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon will be at home at Spokane, Wash., where the groom is engaged in business. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. I. Abrahamson an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Jennie, to Mr. Nate Myers of Detroit, Mich. The wedding will take place in June. Depart for the Southland. Dr. and Mrs. Ewing Brown leave this evening for Corpus Christi and San Antonio, Tex. Mrs. Richard Steffens left last eve ning for a three weeks' visit at her old home in Louisville, Ky. Personal Mention. ' The Misses Katherine Gould, Mar ' jorie Foote and Ruth Anderson re , turned yesterday from Lincoln, where they attended the Phi Delta Theta formal Friday evening, and the Del ta Tau Delta dance on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Gould and fam ily are moving the first of next week ORGANIZERS FOR OPPOSING SUTF FORCES. Photo Jins. lsie Benedict MISS MABQARET WHITTEMORE, Picketing the president, argued pro and con, will decide whether many Omaha suffragists will join forces with the Congressional Union, which hplds a luncheon-conference at the Blackstone Wednesday, or remain loyal to the National Woman Suffrage association, with which they have heretofore been affiliatted. Picketing the president and heck ling the solons at Washington are doings of the Congressional Union not countenanced by the national or ganization, nor by many conserva tive Omaha suffragists who confess to leanings toward the more youthful and fiery C. U's were it not for their near-militant policies. "We are criticized for picketing the White House, but it was while our pickets stood outside the president's door, visualizing for him the plea of the women of this country that he do something for the federal suffrage amendment that the president sent a congratulatory message to Mrs. Car rie Chapman Catt on the winning of presidential suffrage in North Dakota, something . he had never done be fore," is the defense of Miss Mar garet Whitteraore, Congressional Union organizer, who came on to be' chief speaker at Wednesday's meet ing. Mrs. Elsie Vamdergrift Benedict "suffrage regular" organizer who is doing a week's work in Omaha pre paratory to going out into the state, refutes the construction placed on this fact by Miss Whittemore. "If the president sent the message because of the impression made upon him by Congressional Union picket ers, why didn't he send his congratu lations to Alice Paul, head of the Con gressional Union picketers? Instead, he sent the message to our president, Mrs. Catt, as an expression of his approval of our dignified, construc tive efforts as opposed to methods of a different sort used by the Congres sional Union," she said. Mrs. W. E. Barkley, state suffrage president, who is in Omaha for a con ference with local workers, refused to comment on the proposed organiza tion of the Congressional Union in Nebraska. "We are entering on a new state campaign now which will take all our efforts and time. The Congressional Union is an organization altogether separate from the national associa tion. Whatever it plans to do in Ne braska is a matter of its own busi ness, not ours." Plans for beginning the state cam paign were discussed at a meeting at the Young Women's Christian asso ciation this morning and at a lunch eon which followed at the Blackstone. at which Mrs. Edward L. Burke was hostess. A large meeting of local workers is scheduled for Thursday at 4 o'clock. to their new home at 1 12 South Fifty first avenue, the former J. A. Lyons residence. On the Calendar. Mrs. Samuel Reynolds will enter tain the members of the Kappa Al pha Theta sorority tomorrow after noon. News of Visitors. Mrs. Thomas Heyward and little son returned Sunday evening to their home in Pittsburgh after a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Busch. Mrs. Katherine Woods Bevington of Schuyler, Neb., who has been the guest of Mrs. E. F. Folda for the last week, will be at the home of her brother. Dr. D. J. Davis, for the next three weeks Mrs G. P. Wilhelm of Brownsville, Tex., arrived the latter part of the week for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. E. P. Ellis. Lieutenant Wilhelm is expected in a few weeks. Mrs. Wilhelm will be remembered as Miss Mabel Clark. Mrs. T. F. Marshall, who has been the guest of Mrs. B. F. Marshall for the last two weeks, will leave for her home in Carbondale, 111., the end of the week. Jk Tbe hat at tbe lett. ot rm M',' black Milanese hemp, abawa -w7 YJ $ ' J Jif JT A tba tendency ot tba aortal jf Ifi I S A SJA brim. t. ran, whl.a balaw l) S YlJUJ Jti ?A la a model Indicative ot tbe ft V. Wi1 I X" h "be!..... suona" .,!. I'CVf) r-4 I mad. of black ..... and lA A, . " us wltb tailored braid trim- ' W L' -'W V ,rU " v"" " f"ct if ( v sN . at once onto and quiet. M A VyiX'1 Mir Tb. tla ot bat at tba it V -Sr ru"11 " Sraatlr In taeor J oat ' -!Si." JxTjr ow awan( alt tbeaa wba W " aJ J llk to ' ,h mll'ii I I tr tldC tb. season's newest styles. I B V 4wak-'''''jrjl Tbe edge and tha erown are f 9 tT X r black brocaded aaUa. Tba Taaja-a ym j V cloud of tulle wblcb tope the A'T ull R I K "bole la black ,alao. II ' I ll" aMWfllT Structure of Hair By GARRETT P. SERVISS. "For what reason do we have hair on our bodies? Do you tblnk that In time to come Deople will be completely devoid of heir? O. h. F." The possession of hair by man is an ancestral trait. 'The Pliocene, or at all events Miocene, precursor of man was a furred creature," so says an au thority on this subpect. We have hair, then, for the same reason that we are coated with an epidermis; it is a part of the anatomy that we have inher ited from our animal forebears. Hair is less imperatively useful to man than it is to the animals most nearly resembling him, such as the anthropoid, or man-like, apes, and those animals have more hair than he has, but whether the earliest men recognizable as men had notably more hair on their bodies than we have today is a question not easy to answer. Judging by the representation of thehuman form found among the rel ics of the men of the stone age, they were not hairier than we ourselves are. The oldest Egyptian mummies reveal the presence of only normal hirsute covering on the heads or bod ies. They also show the same char acteristics in the form and structure of the hair that we remark at the present time. It is a very curious fact that hair constitutes perhaps the most trust worthy and invariable test of racial purity that has been discovered. Three principal types of human hair are recognized. They are "woolly hair," characteristic of nearly all the black races, which is short, crispy, black and elliptical in section, without either pith or medullary tube; "straight hair," characteristic of the yellow races, which is long, coarse, almost invariably black, round in sec tion and having a distinct medullary tube with pith; and "wavy hair," characteristic of European races, which is smooth, soft, of various color, generally more or less fair, oval in section having a medullary tube with out pith. A fourth type, "frizzy hair," has been noted as characteristic of the Australian aborigines, Nubians and a few other races. In the wavy, or European, type the color varies from black to very light, the blondness in creasing in frequency toward the northern latitudes. The yellow races have the least hair; the Australians, Tasmanians and Ainus the most In the wavy-haired races the women have much longer hair than the men, but in both the woolly and the straight types there is virtually no difference of hair length between the sexes. That some highly interesting points in the evolu tion of man are concealed in the yet unwritten history of human hair is shown by the fact that while the present dwelling place of the anthro poid apes corresponds with that of the woolly-haired races of mankind, those apes have hair of a type not at all resembling the "wool" of the ne groes, but much like that of the wavy haired races, so that, as far as this criterion goes, the European races are closer to anthropoid apes than are the negroes, while the yellow races, in this respect, occupy an in termediate position. A mechanical explanation of the progression from frizziness in the black type through simple waviness in the white, to straightness in the yellow, is afforded by the difference in the shape of the cross-section. Frizzy or woolly hair is, roughly speaking, flat in section, and that shape enables it to curl closely, and because of curling closely it is short; wavy hair is oval in section, offering some resistance to curling, but not altogether preventing it, and the length is medium; straight hair is round in section, resisting curvature equally in alt directions, and conse quently it grows not only straight, but very long. Among the American Indians, classed with the yellow races, exam ples of hair nine feet long are said to have been found. I know of no explanation of the marked difference between the length of the hair of men and women in the white races. Civ ilization would appear to have no in fluence in this matter. Since the wall paintings discovered in prehistoric caves in Spain show the women with hair longer than that of the men. The same story seems to be told by prehistoric carvings. But while we have no evidence from archaeoloanr that the hair of man has been notably diminished in length or quantity witnin Historic ages, never theless there are other indications that our remote ancestors were more hir sute than we are. One of these is found in the presence of pre-natal hair, as well as of rudimentary hairs covering nearly all parts of the hu man body an almost irrefragable proof that at one time in the past, when perhaps the human type was only in posse, and not yet in esse, man's body was as furry as that of the creatures with whose comfortable pelts he now adorns and warms him- selt in wintry weather. How High-Water Skirt Ages Women By DOROTHY DIX. "What has become of the pretty women this summer? Have they gone off to the war as trained nurses, or suddenly been smitten down by age or fat or some other dire misfor tune?" asked a man the other day. "I don't mean girls," he continued; "thank Heaven the feminine peach crop never fails, and the sweet-and-twenties are more beautiful, more al luring and charming than ever, but some blight seems to have fallen on the women who were umpty-tumpty years old, but who were still charming to look, at, and good to talk to, and, to a mature man, far more fascinating than the whole brood of the imma ture. But suddenly all of these women have lost their good looks. They seem to have taken on pounds and pounds of avoirdupois. I hey look dumpy and ungraceful, and they've aged ten years. What's the matter with them?" "Skirts," I replied succinctly, "and sport suits. Some malevolent enemy of the middle-aged woman has made short skirts and sport suits fashiona ble, and women have fallen for them to their everlasting undoing. Every inch you take off the bottom of a woman's skirt after she has passed 18 adds five years to her age, while a sports hat is a searchlight of a mil lion candle power turned upon every wrinkle and crow's foot and sagging muscle in her countenance. "Never were the fashions so kind to slim slips of young girls, and never were they so brutal to women whose beauty is beginning to wane and whose belt measures are growing bigger. "A long skirt grres a plump woman an appearance of additional height A short skirt cuts her off. That's the reason that you notice that so many ladies that you've never thought of as being stout seem to have suddenly qualified for the heavyweight class. Also, a woman's skirts balance Jier, and when you shear these off nearly to the knees you make her look the shape of a top, and a top thafs about to topple over. "Another thing that the short skirt does is to reveal the cold, cruel truth about women's ankles and feet. Not even the most bitter misanthrope or the gloomiest pessimist could have had any idea that there were so many knock-need and how er-er limbed women in the world, or so many with ankles like mile posts, or with feet the size and shape of canvased hams. "You cannot walk down the street now and gaze upon the awful exhibi tion of pedal monstrosities that are displayed to the criical eye of man without feeling like weeping at the folly that has made woman cast aside the fluffy ruffles, the rustling silk, the lace and embroidery that obscured and palliated her defects from the world. . . "Here again the fashion that is flat tering to the young is disillusioning in the middle-aged. It is one thing for ninety-odd pounds to expose its nimble heels, and another for a hun dred and eighty to waddle along on heels that creak and bend under its weights "As for the sports hat it belongs to riotous youth, and any woman over 25 who even looks at one does so at her peril. You never can have any idea of how tired you look, and how many lines you've got in your face, nor how grizzled your hair is until you surmount it by an ascetic Panama. Nor can you dream how you have faded until yon put on one of the violent purple, or yellow, or red monstrosities in which sweet lb looks so ravishing. "After the first Bush of youth is gone a woman's hat is her whole bag EDITH L. WAGONER Preeemta Mrs. Edward MacDowell Widow of the rreateet Ameriaaa aompoaer, Lecture Recital Y. W. C A. Aucltertura SATURDAY EVENING, Fab. 10 at SilS Tickets at SchaaoUar A Maeflsrs altar Feb. 3 11.00. TSc ana SOc of tricks. It disguises her age, it proves an alibi for her beauty, and it is a barometer that gauges her intel ligence, and she casts away all of these advantages when she puts on a snnrte hat that not onlv isn't any longer, and shrieks aloud her lack of judgment in her calling attention to how differently she looks in one from the way a young girl looks in it. "That's why women appear to have siiHHcnlv sued. You unconsciously contrast them with their daughters and heir granddaughters who have on the same jaunty little hats. And granddaughter gets the prize. "Another thing that middle-aged women have failed to take into con sideration when they have decked themselves out in the juvenile array of abbreviated skirts and sports hats and coats, is the effect of what dra matists call 'the element of surprise." The way to make the most vivid im pression on the human mind that it is possible to make is by giving it a sudden shock by presenting to it the' unexpected, and that's what a woman does who dresses herself with exceeding inappropriateness. "We've all had this experience a hundred times this summer. We walk down the street behind a thin little figure. She has on flimsy white silk stockings, natty white boots, a jaunty white skirt cut off just below the knees, a gay, vivid yellow or green sports coat with a rakish little yellow or green sports hat "Ha, we say to ourselves, "what a charmina little1 debutante," and we look around to get a glimpse of a lit tle peaches and cream, golden-haired vouns sirl. "But what we see is a withered, wrinkled, tired-faced woman of 45 or so, and in our sudden revulsion of expectation we cry out, 'She's 60 if she's a day!1 "In reality the woman isn't 60, and if she had been dressed in the digni fied, decent length dress that be suited her years, and with a hat on that sofetened her defects instead of emphasizing them, we should never have thought of her lost youth, or her age at all, and would have passed on with an impression of a pretty woman. ' "It's because women haven't enough sense to know that mutton never seems so tough and stringy and unappetizing as when old sheep is served dressed up as spring lamb, that men are asking where are all the pretty middle-aged women gone this summer?" "The Kind MotkrUW "Every rime mother gets out Calu met I know there's going to be good things to eat it our house, Delicious, tender, tempting doughnuts, biscuits, cakes and piesl I've never seen a bake day failure with Calumet Mother says it's the only Baking Powder that insures uniform results. UaatMa Kajhaat AwaraV a V Wf- TV ram; mm Omahans who have relatives in Ger many at present are disturbed over the international complications which threaten to ensue. A former Omaha girl, Mrs. Herman Lommel, who was Miss Blanche Koc, a sister of Mrs, A. F. Tyler, is now at Hanover. Germany, with her hus band. Captain I-onimcl and her small daugliler, Bertclc. Mrs. Tyler re ceived a post card from her sister three weeks ago. but before that, had received no word since November 1. Blanche Roe went from Omaha to Germany about two years ago to mar ry Prof. Lommel of the Gottingen university, whom she had met while studying in Germany previously. After their marriage .Mrs. Lommel taught HOW JEAN YAUEAN MIGHTRIDE HERE Omaha Sewers Could Accom modate, if Not Please, Hugo's Famous Character. INSURE CITY'S HEALTH By A. R. GROH. The sewers of Omaha have a total length of 318.4 miles. They vary much in size and shape, each being built to carry the greatest amount of water and sewage that it is ever likely to be required to carry. The flight of Jean Valjean through the sewers of Paris in "Les Miser ables" surprises most of us because we imagine sewers are just small pipes two or three feet in diameter at most. Some Omaha sewers are sixteen feet in diameter. After heavy snows you can see wagons dumping their snow down a hole in the middle of the street at Fourteenth and Jones. If you look down the hole you will see, forty feet below,, a swift-flowing stream of water that carries off a wagonload of snow or dirt in a jiffy. ' This is only one small branch of the great many-branched stream that is owing from every house an.' every corner in Omaha, carrying the city's waste into the Missouri river. The Omaha sewers empty into the river through fifteen outlets. One of the largest of these is at the foot of Webster street. It is semi-circular in shape, sixteen feet across the top and seven and a half feet high. It is built of brick with "I" beam and arched brick top. Through the Union Pa cific shop grounds it is reinforced con crete. From there it is twelve feet in diameter to Fourteenth and Webster streets. And from there branches run north a nd west. It is so with all the sewers. They are, naturally, largest at the. river and they have branches reaching to vari ous sections of the city and these branches if their turn have sub branches. I Some Down Deep. At some places they lie very deep under the street. On the South Side a branch of the Mud Creek system runs through a 2,000-foot tunnel from Seventeenth and Monroe streets to the east side of the Burlington tracks. At Thirteenth and Monroe streets this sewer is 130 feet under the street. The water in it flows five blocks per minute. Sewers built thirty years ago are still in good condition. In some in stances, two or three; inches at the ASK FOB and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap SubiiUtutas east lfOU same price. i mi l ti ii mtm ii n i ii i i M-Steel Through Train The trip in this train to America's winter playground makes a fitting preface (or vacation pleasures. , ' Leaves Chicago 11.55 PM PEsNNSylvania Lines Via Cincinnati and L.& N. R. Ri through Knoxville and Atlanta' Arrives Jacksonville 8.30 second morning. Compartment mi Drswing-Room Sleeping CarsObservatioa Car, Club Car, Restaurant Car and Coaches. Local Ticket Agents mil furnish Partimtart, alsn social tarn Timrist Tickets to Florida and tht South ti rtquaUdvta Chuagoovtr routtof THE SOUTHLAND, W. H. ROWLAND. Tramlinr Paonrcr Artnt. ZfrttS City National Bank Bldz , Phou Douglass iWJ. OMAHA, MMR. BAD HEADACHES Mrs, N. Alexander, of Nlangna, Mo writing In regard to her experience with Thedford'e Black-Draught says; "I feel It my duty to writs and tell you how I have been benefited by the use ot Black-Draught. I have had sick headaches all my lite and Black- Draught Is all I ever could get to stop It ... I always keep It In the house ... It does all you claim and more." Why don't you try Black-Draught for your trouble? It Is a purely vegetable liver medicine, that, during the past 70 years, has belned many people to hutlar health. : Try It Costs only one cent a dose. Your druggist sells It 8-11 in the university with her husband until he was called into the service ov his country as a member of the tillery reserve. When frof. Lot had to give up his position to be(7 garrison work at Wolfenbntte! h wife also resigned and went with hri Miss Hedwig Rosenstock and hj brothers, Uave and rredenclc af loathe to have the situation any morl serious than it is on account of theil parents who live in Germany. Trans portation of letters between them has! been facilitated through the good of fices of a former Omaha girt Minna Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Meyer, who also went abroad to become the bride of Felix Stroeter, now living in Norway, bottom are worn away. Relining with cenrent is done in some cases. The old sewers were usually round or oval. The modern are usually semi-circular with flat top. The big one recently built through ' Miller park and Minne Lusa addition is of this type. Through Minne Lusa addition it is eleven feet three inches high and seventeen feet wide at the top. Built of reinforced concrete, the top of this sewer, with an asphalts: covering, will form the roadway of the boulevard. . The curbs are moulded right in with this top and the catch basins are1 set in. City Engineer Bruce gives the cost of constructing the 318.4 miles of Omaha sewers as $4,487703. Last year 21.2 miles of sewers were built at a cost of about $400,000. This was nearly twice as much sewer as was built in any of the ten years preced ing last year. , i In 1906 the sewer mileage was 15&8. In other words, the mileage of sew ers has exactly doubled in the last ten years. ! . Florida Garden Crop is i T , Reported Frost Bitten , Atlantic, Ga., Feb., 5. Florida fruit and vegetable growers have been hard hit by the cold wave. Freezin tem perature prevailed today as far south as middle Florida. Truck growers in those sections lost practically their entire crop. a Yourdaajarhasasupply of f rash Sunkist Oranges ejvwry day. These are tha uniformly good oranges. Ordaf doxan today. Sumkist Uniformly Good Oranges , CaMaaftwaCinwawrinaaaaSa THEHIGHEJTQUALrTY m0' aVleratt. I- STUNNER MFG. CO-OMAHA, USA r IMCUT HAU10HI MOODY III AMunCA I r