Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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"The Chicago Diet
'SQuad' succeeded in
cutting down the average
cost of each meal to S-lz
cents in spite of the high
cost of foods. And the
squad waxed fat and hearty.
The most expensive foods
are generally the least nu
tritious. Two Shredded
Wheat Biscuits with milk
make a perfect meal, con
taining all the nutriment
any man or woman needs
for a half day's work and at
a cost of four or five cents.
Shredded Wheat has all the
. body-building material in
the whole wheat grain in a
digestible form. For break
fast with milk or cream, or
- for any meal with fruits.
Made in Niagara Falls,N.Y.
Dress Warm and
Keep'Feet Dry
Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to
Take Salts and Get Ri'd.
of Rheumatism. .
Rheumatism is no respecter of age,
sy, color or rank! -; If not the most
dangerous of human afflictions it is
, one of the most pajnful. Those sub
ject 10 rneuniaTism snouut less
meat, dress as warmly as possible,
avoid any undue exposure and, above
all, drink lots of pure water. ' '
Rheumatisni is Caused by uric acid
which is generated in the bowels and
absorbed 'into the blood.l It is the
function of the kidneys to filter this
acid from the blood and cast it out
in the urine; the pores of the skin are
also a mens of freeing the blood of
this impurity. In damp and chilly,
cold weatner tne skin pores are closed
thus forcing the kidneys to do double
work, they become weak and sluggish
and fail to eliminate this uric acid
which keeps accumulating and circu
lating through the system, eventually
seining in tne joints ana muscles
causing stiffness, soreness and pain
called rheumatism. '
. At the first twinge of rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about four
ounces ot lad baits; put a tablespoon
ful in a glass of water and drink
before breakfast each morning, for
a week. This is said to eliminate uric
acid by stimulating the kidneys to
normal action, thus ridding the blood
of these' impurities.
-Jad Sahs is inexpensive, harmless
' and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia
and is used with excellent results by
tnousanas ot ioiks wno are subject
to rheumatism. Here you have a
pleasant, effervescent lithia-water
drink which overcomes uric arid anH
is beneficial to your kidneys as well.'
Advertisement. '
If Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets f
The secret of keeping young is to
feel young to do this yon must watch
your liver and bowels there's no need
of having a sallow complexion dark
t rings under your eyes pimples a Bil
ious look in your face dull eyes with
no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you
ninety per cent of all sickness comes
trom macyve bowels ana liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
in Ohio, perfected a, vegetable com
n pound mixed' with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
action, yet always effective. They bring
about that exuberance of spirit, that
natural buoyancy which should be en-,
joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver
and clearing the system of impurities.
' You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets by their olive color. 10c and
25c per box. All druggists.
What to Do for Eczema
Greasy salves and ointments should
not be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. From any druggist for 25c or
$1.00 for extra large size, get a bottle
of zemo. When applied as directed, it
effectively removes eczema, quickly
stops itching, and heals skin troubles,
also sores, burns, wounds and chafing.
It penetrates, cleanses and soothes.
Zemo is a clean, dependable and inex-
?:nsive, penetrating, antiseptic liquid,
ry it, as we believe nothing you have
ever used is as effective and satisfying,
v Th E. W. Row Co., Cl.v.lud. O.
. MiiOTJDn nncTrnpi
lVIustemle Wnrlra TCaaiM Hiiir-lrai
and Without th Rlistor
' There's no sense in mixing a mess of
inustard, flour and water when you can
:asily relieve pain, soreness or stiffness
with a little clean, white Musterole.
Musterole is made of pure oil of mus
tard and other helpful ingredients, com
bined in the form of a pleasant white
ointment It takes the place of out-of-date
mustard plasters, and will notblister.
Musterole usually gives prompt relief
from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head
ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism,
lumbago, pains and aches of the back or
joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises,
chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the
-Jiest (it often prevents pneumonia). "
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.,
Brief City News :
WVddtag Riot. Edholm. rw.l.r..
Han Root Print It Now Br.coo Pna.
W. Whltlakrr and Myrtle A. Kellr J
announce their removal to 1S38 Klrat
National Bank building.
Grocers' Bannuel The' annual
dance and banquet of the retail pro'
errs ot Omaha will be held this
evening at Hotel Rome.
. Nelson Recovering Oscar Nelson,
letter carrier. Is rapidly recovering
from a bad attack of grip which haa
Kept mm borne for the last montn,
Clifton Hill Social Cliftoa Hill
Community center will have a musi
caie and dramatic entertainment Tues
day night in the Clifton Hill school.
Wins Gold Watch Camp (650,
Modern Woodmen of America, won
tne gold watch awarded in the mem
bership contest among the camps in
Douglas, Washington and Sarpy coun
Towl Engineering Company has
movea 10 lop noor new First jNanonai
bank building. Expert drainage and
municipal engineers. Phone Douglas
Maloney's Flat Burns Steve Ma
loney. rautaln of detectives, lost tffOO
when fire did that much damage to
tne St. Louis Hats at 1303 South Tenth
street He is the owner of the prop
erty. Grocers to Meet Matters incident
to the grocery business will be dis
cussed t the meeting ot the Basket
Stores employes to be held this eve
ning at the Young Men's Christian
No Guards at PostofBce Officials
in the federal building said that they
had not received any special instruc
tions to safeguard any government
buildings of property or to guard
bridges and the like. i
Improvers Meet Principal Adams
or me iign School or Commerce will
address a meeting of the United Im
provement Clubs In Commissioner
Hummers oflice in the city hall
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
New Lumber Company The Smith
Lumber company, which will do a gen
eral wholesale and retail business, has
filed articles of incorporation with the
county clerk. The capital is (15,000.
J. N. Smith and J. . Dodds are the
Medal Contest Tonight The silver
medal contest two weeks ago by the
First United Evangelical church will
be repeated this evening at the Asso
ciation Evangelical chuVch, Eighteenth
and Cuming streets. Another medal
will be awarded.
Taken to Grand Island Harry
Schuey, sentenced to six months by
Judge Woodrough because of a theft
from an Interstate shipment, was
taken to Grand Island, where he will
serve his sentence, by United States
Marshal Flynn.
Wholesale Coffee Finn Capitalized
at f60,000, the Olson Coffee company,
incorporated to do a wholesale and
Jobbing business in coffee, tea, spices,
etc., has filed articles with the county
clerk. Charles E. Olson and H, O.
Wulff are the Incorporators.
Boy Scouts' Night at Oak Street
Church Next Sunday night, February
11, will be boy scouts' night Mr. C.
H. English of the boy scout movement
will be present and .conduct the serv
ice. He will be assisted by members
of the by couts of the city.
Auto Parte FirmOrville R. Hand-
icy, Anna H. Handiev and Paul Hand
ley are the incorporators of the Auto
Parts company, which has filed arti
cles witn the county clerk. The acrji
tal Is $25,000. The concern will buy
uuu eu auto parts ana accessories.
Woodmen of World Directors of
the Woodmen of the World will meet
in Omaha February 13. A full at
tendance is expected, with the pos-
uiuie exception oz senator Bheppard
who may be detained at Washington
The board of managers is In its semi
annual session now.
Will Recover Arthur Miller, clerk
at Hotel Harley, who was shot by a
nervous bandit Saturday night after
ne naa tnrown up ms hands In re
sponse to the' robber's request will re
cover from the wound, according to
officials at Lister hospital. The bullet
grazed Miner s liver.
Travels Far as a Witness Mrs
Garth Reed, Auburn, Neb., stopped off
at the marshal's office here on her
way to lyos Angeles, where she had
been subpoenaed as a witness. Just
before taking the trip to the coast she
naa Deen suopoenaea by the govern
ment to attenu a trial at Buffalo, N. Y,
New Trial Hearings Wednesday
Muuuuo iui new trials uiea dv rmir
of the nine defendants found guilty
iu me wna norse case, wnicn were
to have been heard before Judge
Woodrough this morning, have been
postponed until 'Wednesday mnnh
because of the absence of Attorneyj-
r leiiariy, wnu ib.hi urana island.
New Plumbing Code The cltv
commissioners have been handed cop
ies ot tne new piumoing coae as pro
posed by City Plumbing Inspector
weiizei. me coae, wnich Is before
the council la form of an ordinance.
will be considered by the council com
mittee of the whole next Monday
illuming. m r
Letter Carriers to Meet n nmQ
ha branch of the National Associa
tion of Letter Carriers vntH Satur
day to send a dull delegation of twen
ty-two men to tne Nebraska state con
vention at ivearney February 22. The
delegates, with the officers of the state
association, who 'are Omahans, will
pruuamy mane tne trip in a sneclil
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland.
Retailers Here
Show Interest in
Check Clearance
Retailers in Omaha are fJecomino
interested in an effort being made
in luiigicsa iu put tne cost ot clear,
ance of checks nn a hiiri,..
They will likely be opposed to this
iiiuvcinciu, as me suoject is to be
taken up at the regular weekly meet
in? nf the A.nrtaHt t?a-:t. - t
Omaha at the Commercial club rooms
next inursaay noon.
Rv a rprnt Tonnn f .L. f - J
j ' ..B...iiun w, UC ictl-
.eral reserve board there is a clear
ance of checks at exact cost. This
is looked upon as an economy which
the business man has sought very
diligently in the past.
At present an effort is being made
by means of a bill in congress to
take from the federal reserve board
the Dower to regulate the rlraranr. n!
checks. '
The charge under the present sys-
. .. - - . VII VIICLftS
frrtm mpmh,, kanlra ,(....
. r mi ik as inu, as i ,mim m i .
-. ..... iiim ib, mem
bers of the federal reserve system.
as tne, retailers handle thousands
ing the clearance charge as low as
:i.t- uru-i I .1 , ...
pussiuic. w nuicsaicrs tnrougnout the
United States have already poured
many letters into the hands Of 'Chair
man farti.r lilacs th k.-.!-. J
finance committee of the national
house. Few retailers have yet writ
ten him in opposition to the pro
posed change. It is expected that
tl, Omaha ritai!ra will k. - .
the leaders in opposing Hie measure, j
Kumor that Organized Band of
Auto Thieves Operates
Here Piques Them.
The grand jury is understood to be
exercising its sleuth-hound proclivities
in an investigation to determine
whether an organized band cf auto
mobile thieves and motor car bandits
is. making headquarters in Omaha.
Wholesale thefts of cars last fall and
the continued steady disappearance of
mvvers, which, it is generally known
can be converted into cash most read
ily by even a fair organization of auto
thieves, have prompted the inmiisitor-
ial body to action in this phase of
The sixteen grand jurymen reported
promptly at 9 o'clock to start their
second weeks probe into things that
are but shouldn't be. Examination of
subpoenaed witnesses continued all
morning behind ultra closely guarded
: One of the witnesses who remained
closeted with the star chamber mem
bers for a considerable length-of time
was W. W. Slabeugh, an attorney.
His testimony, it is said, was an after
math ot charges concerning "hush
money" made against city detectives
by two negroes, clients of Mr. S a
baugh. The charges were withdrawn
by the. negroes at the hearing before
the city commissioners.
Mary E. Thies, who figured ir
bitterly-fought divorce suit a few
weeks ago, being awarded a decree
by Judge Leslie, appeared before the
grand jury as a witness. In the
divorce suit the bone of contention
was a valuable farm located near
Omaha, which both parties claimed.
The wife was finally awarded consid
erable alimony.
There is much speculation as to
wny the grand jury called Lew Kent-
trew, tormer proprietor of the Mil
lard hotel, to testify.
John M. Coleman, manager of the
Urschel supply company, and Em
maline Banks, a clerk, were other wit
The general impression round the
court house is that the grand jury
will wind up its session by the end
ot the week.
Omaha guilders to Banquet
At Commercial Club Rooms
The builders of Omaha are to dine
together this evening at the
Commercial club rooms at 6:30.
The occasion is the annual banquet
of the Omaha Builders' exchange..)
some entertainment has been pro
vided in the way of fancy dancing
by pupils ot LnamDers academy.
Frank W. Judson, known as "one of
the family" in the Builders' exchange,
is to preside ove the speaking and
entertainment features of the evening.
V. Ray Gould, president of the ex
change, is booked among the speakers
Hair Tinting
All the Rage
The Absolute and Utter HarmlesBness
of "Brownatone" Has Made Hair
Tinting Safe and Easy.
You need not tolerate gray, streaked1 or
faded hair Another day: It takes but a few
moments to apply "Brownatone" with your
comD or Drusn,
and it will flv
your hair tne
beautiful shads
you most de
Will not rub
or wash off a
contain none of
the dangerous
miMm ' Mi s4a s
ayes ana so
called "re
storerV' Any shade
from light
somen Drown
to black -
Sample and
booklet s e d t
on receipt of
10c. "Browna
tone" Is snM hv
leading drur stores, In two sixes 26c and
$1.00. Order direct from The Kenton Phar
macol uo., szt K. flke St., covin ifton, Ky., it
your druirjrlflt will not suddIv you. You will
save yourself much annoyance by refusing to
accept, a auDsinuic iu samples at aeaiers.
Insist on "Brownatone" at your hair
dresser's Mention shade desired. '
Hold and guaranteed In Omaha by Sher
man McConnell and other leading dealers.
M Over Face
Was a sight. So bad could
not shave. Skin very red and
sore. Some nights did not
sleep on account of itching.
Used a cake of Cuticura Soap
and a box of Ointment and
was completely healed.
From signed statement of Win. Knier
ing, 6310 Cottage Grove, Chicago, 111..
Sept. 29, 1916.
Cuticura Soap, to cleanse, purify and
beautify, Cuticura Ointment to soften,
soothe and heal, have been most success
ful in the severest forms of skin anH
scalp troubles, but greater still is what
they have done in preserving clearskins,
clean scalps, and good hair as well as in
preventing little skin tnoubles becoming
great ones. This has been brought about
by using no other soap for toilet pur
poses than Cuticura. It is ideal for the
complexion because so delicate, creamy
and fragrant.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. H,
Boston." Sold throughout the world.
Lame Back,
Any Leeal
m i
Itching Rash
Monday, February 5, 1917.
It's the beauty, flie quality,-the desirability, the variety,
the reality of every dollar you save the furniture
itself, from first to last, that is the great thing inthis
THIS great annual feature of this service store, gives promise to be the most important from a money sav
ing point bf view of any that has gone before. '
' And well it should, for months of careful preparation have been given over to this big event with'a result
that justifies almost mailed praise tor the quality and workmanship of the future selected. ,
Every piece consistent with the Burgess:Nash Standard of quality, dependability and economy. J J
Our Entire Regular Stock Together With Several Fortunate t .
, Purchases Is Included at Reductions of
10 to 50 Per Cent '
' The great part of our regular stock is owned at low prices which have not advanced here and this has
been reinforced with new purchases which were made at large discounts for specific trade reasons. '
It's a sale no homemaker can afford to overlook for at no other time of the year has the range of assort
ment and selection been so great and. the saving possibilities so manifest. i .
It's one of the most important contributing features toward the making of better homes, for it points the
way to better furniture at lesser cost ,
Furniture suitable for every room and use in the home off ered during this sale at reductions ranging
from 10 to 50. ', .
Burii-Nuh Cm. Third Floor. 1 , t
, " Grand Priu Panama-Pacific Etpttititn
You must see this time-saving invention for yourself. Let us dem
onstrate it in your office on your own work, or send for literature
today. Write, or 'phone
Bee Want-ads always bring
Burgess-Wash Company.
everybody!? store"
Annual February Sale of
are the
-innoceilt looking typewriter
keys 'that force an automatic
speed gain of 15 7 to 257 onpfd
inary correspondence,
A built-in part of the n&w
best and quickest results. That's why Experienced. Advertisers use The. Bee.
Self Starters
Phone Douglas 137.