ii THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY iMORNINO-EVENIWG-StJNDAT' ' FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR . TfB BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. intered at Omaha poatotfict as saeond-tlaM attlg. . K.i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , Br Carnal Bl IUO 'b and Sunday far aiooLb. Mc per mr, I6.M fl aritbnut Sunday Mo " , . '.nine and Sunday o .. mitr Km only ". " . ally and hrin Bm. am yeen l advance..... ul'-J t nee, inimJaaoa ivurrriMrc mom ay orwt, uuw or pom oraar. inuy hm - ' .it n .i Avi. umi n tak and ,' OFFICES. ' Oeiihe Ta Baa BlfMtns. Oiloato tnVt Oas BuM 6 ' tVntk 0M nil K St Kw Tert-M FlfU lia Uaoela UUM BulidW WMUaiua fl Mb St. n. CORRESPONDENCE. adnwes eomawmlcetlflns ntlsuac lo-news and filorlal Oauae Bee, Xditerlal Department. JANUARY CIRCULATION s 54,320 Daily Sunday 49,878 Awes eueulttlw far the month subscribed and sworn Co by Dalght WUUiM. CuvuUllsa Merjetw. SubecrsWr leaving Ik ctty ehewM kave Tha Baa nailed ta tfceaa. Address chanted as eftea aa raejsestsl Universal military service casta its shadow before."'. ' ' ; Uncle Sam it going to maintain neutrality if he has to fight for it. ; , , , , Reviled slogan of the White House: "We are not too proud to fight" N There is talk of conscription. Governor Ne ville's gold-laced colonels first! Welcome to . the hardware men I Keep your hammers bandy, trat don't knock! ' In the language of a once popular ditty, "Oh, what ' difference a few hoars make!" Still, a hunch in the capitot corridors often exerts a pull unsurpassed by a tip in lobby. As a smasher of neutral crockery, "Furor Tcutonicus" backs the china-shop bull off the earth. i . ' ' , - . ' A pact of neutral nations, as a preliminary to a world pact to enforce peace, might not be out of order. ' ' . , Should . the worst come, as appears likely, the new Austrian ambassador will not be denied the privilege of taking notes of wayside scenery. The subsea order may stand, but if the kaiser is as wise as he is credited, he will be careful not to have it offensively applied to American ship ping. ; William II thunders for war. William J. shouts for peace. ' So long as the Bills disagree, the sole recourse is to push the debate to a finish. If any officeholder hereabouts who thinks himself underpaid failed to have a salary-boosting bill Introduced for himself at Lincoln, it is only because he was "asleep at the switch. ,. -atiHifjJ ap for -oca's homeland is "the first aotJ last duty . of cirirensWp. Should the vital test of service and sacrifice come, true Amer icans will again toe the mark with both feet. Representative Keegan leaps, to the front with a bill changing the color of , fire escape lights from red to green. The; green above the red, Hurroot And Keegan beat Jerry Howard tO hi Ochonel 'ii-.vl f :S Rustic youth and beauty -and buxom charms seasoned with experience deftly unite in the prospective bridal of Benson and Florence with Omaha. Absence of objection prophesies a speedy and prosperous union. ' , Note that our amiable democratic contempor ary has not yet uttered a peep about the presi dent's veto of the literacy test immigration bill. Waiting to find out how the senator ia going to vote? Or, hoping the house veto win stop the measure and save the senator from showing his hand? . , Senator 'Beat should consider himself duly slapped on the wrist by the World-Herald. In cidentally, he might go back and read the tan trum thrown In that paper whea the tame bill to nullify municipal control of public utilities (which it now takes so tamely) waa op for con sideration In the last session of the legislature. : To us in Omaha the current debate over mil- nary training in the high school sounds like an anachronism. Our Omaha High school has had a cadet battalion for more than twenty-five years. Instead of trying to evade the military training, the boys all take to it as a supplementary course in athletics and the once predicted harmful re sults have, proved purely Imaginary. , Wasted Water Power -New York WorU- As to the need of developing the water-power uf this country now going to waste, there cannot be two opinions. At least 60,000,000-horse-power could be generated, according to Secretary Lane's estimate, by harnessing streams not today util ized: In fuel this is the equivalent of 490.000,000 tons of coal per annum, approximately 90 per cent of the annual coal production of the United Slates. . : : - During alt the years that it has had the ques tion under consideration, congress has been un able to agree on- the details of any plan designed to open the way for the use of the nation's unde veloped water-power resources. Between those legislators .'who insist that the public must be fully protected against private control of power . alien and others who hold that where millions of money' are required for private investment at tractive terms must be granted to capital, all legis lation has been at a standstill. The Shields bill, which ia now hi conference, otters at least a reasonable basis for compromise, but little effort appears to have been made to arrive at an adjustment of the differences be tween the house and the senate. Less than five wet Its of, the present session remain, and if noth ing is accomplished before adjournment the whole question will lapse. When a solution seems mt near as it does today, the opportunity should not be lost to effect it for reasons of public ex pcdii'iicy. 'r .; ' ' . , t I'rimarily, congress must decide, whether great , sources of water-power .shall tie used or be un productive indefinitely. Jt ought .to be possible with a little common sense to safeguard all pub- lie interests, and provide for the pratiral use of the water-power 'that is now going to. waste. Austria and the Subsea Order. The president and congress, in fact the whole American people, are proceeding on the assump tion that the subsea orders of the German em peror have the adhesion and approval of Austria Hungary, whether already declared or not, both of whose sea forces are working in harmony. If Turkey and Bulgaria, as the other members of the "Central-Powers" partnership, had a fleet, they, too, would have to be taken into considera tion, for it is well understood that all the nations allied on both side of the war fence are in solemn pact with one another for, concerted ac tion, and that no important move is made by any one of them unless satisfactory to, and ac quiesced in, by their associates. It is unthinka ble that Germany should have undertaken to re sume the policy of "schrecklichkeit" on the high seas for mutual benefit of its comrades in arms as well as itself, except as a war measure agreed upon by all with joint assurance for carrying it through and taking the consequences. At the same time it is perhaps well that we should deal with Germany separate and distinct from the other nations associated in the war and not seek to hold one responsible or blameworthy for the acts of another until that responsibility is expressly accepted. It may well be that the influence of Austria-Hungary, or of Turkey and Bulgaria, to the extent that it ia potential, may yet be exerted against persistence in the odious Subsea order when they realize that they stand to lose much more by it than they can possibly gam. That might be a way out with least em barrassment for the kaiser, if he wants to find a way out now or later, by deferring to the ob jections of the other "Central Powers" lilies. Time for Reflection. President Wilson's announcement that he would take a night to reflect after be had made up bis mind has had a good effect, apparently, on the country. Wall street, which fairly represents popular moods, faced business on the opening day of the week in a calm and deliberate way, with prices wed sustained and transactions taking normal course. This suggest ' that reflection over a night , has convinced the public that the situation is not entirely desperate, and that for the present at least commercial and industrial ac tivities will proceed as usual. The government is taking necessary steps to safeguard public in terests, and moving so as to preserve order every where. The absence of hysteria or excitement is an excellent portent. The American people have reflected, and are determined to go steadily forward along the course that leads to right and justice. Only with the nation calm and united will its decisions have the mighty influence they ought to carry. . . I , Oar Industrious Legislators. Douglas county members of the legislature have shown themselves to be deeply devoted to their duties, if this devotion is to be measured by the number of bills introduced. Two hundred and sixty-four measures have been proposed by the seventeen senators and representatives from tills county. This indicates enterprise and en thusiasm in research work, a well as industry, lor it take much digging in Nebraska to discover that many subjects for new laws. To be sure, the Douglas county bunch ha had the help of a large number, of admiring constituents, anxi iouj to see.' their legislator rank op' with 'the others. Many of these are vitally concerned in having; their pay raited, or seek to obtain favors of other kind. Thai personal interest as well as local, pride had had some effect on tl. result. However, the record will show that the members are quite industrious in starting things regardless of their finish, which fact will be flourished from the stump many times when another campaign rolls around. ,',-' , South America and the War. , Governments of South America are quite as intimately involved in the newer issues of the was as the United State. That so little has beed said concerning their course is due in some sense to the overshadowing interest in our own affair. But it is now coming out that our south ern friends have been active on their own behalf, although influenced to some extent by the course of the United State. Brazil has a note of, pro test prepared for transmission to Germany, said to follow closely the line laid down by President Wilson, Brazil's situation differ only in degree with that of the United State, and this ia true of all the exporting nation of South America. . . ' It Is noteworthy, fat this connection, that the leading paper of Rio de Janeiro interprets the action of the United State as a projection of the Monroe doctrine into European politics. "But," it goes on, "there is nothing in this act which is inconsistent with the traditional policy of Amer ica. The war has entered a new phase in which no nation will be able to remain neutral. In this grouping of power our place is at the side of the United States, pur destiny lie with the great republic of the-north." Chilean papers comment in similar strain on the American action, the sig nificance of this being found in the fact that Sooth American politics have for several years contained possibility of conflict between the east ern and western countries. It is apparent that if nothing more come out of the break with Germany, one immediate result will be the setting forward of the realization of the Pan-American ideal. With this established, the Monroe doctrine will be greatly strengthened and less of a menace to our home interests, One of our state senators wants to rcauneil the discarded voting machines and make their use compulsory : throughout , Nebraska. Our ex perience with the voting machines here in Dong las county, however, was hardly satisfactory, and certainly expensive. Give us the short ballot, and the voting and counting will take care of themselves without the help of any mechanical device 1 . i Presumably folks may be thankful that no royal potentate baa yet blocked out any chunk of atmosphere outside of the fighting area through which aircraft may sail only at peril But that is probably because air transportation has not yet been extensively converted to, commercial uses. t ' , Of the avalanche of bills jammed' into the leg islature two reveal in the text the bubbling humor of the authors.' One regulates beauty -contests; another provides protection for bald-headed eagles. As a rule, however, the Jokers with be coming modesty are confined to the inside pages. Omaha's New Archbishop. -Qwtorhr Romlnda Omaha is the third great field of labor to which Archbishop Harty has been called in the vineyard of the Lord. St Louis, where he worked faithfully as a priest for twenty-five years, was the first, His holy zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls drew to his-confessional hosts of penitents. It is said of him that he heard more confessions in those days than any other priest in St. Louis. People from all parts of the city crowded round his confession box. so that he had to hear them outside regular hours. As a preacher he was magnetic Not only catholics, but non-ttnolics, eagerly came in large numbers to hear his eloquent sermons on the great truths of faith. He was a great organ izer, an indomitable worker. He organized and built ud the ereat model oarish of St Leo s in the city of St Louis, erecting school buildings, residence and church. His amiable qualities as a priest endeared htm to the faithful people of St Leo's and to this day they cherish the memory and mourn the loss of their beloved pastor, Father Harty. His zeal,' his talents and his successful administration of his charge attracted the atten tion and merited the endorsement of his eccle siastical superiors. In 1903, when the holy father was casting about for a man of mind and ability to adjust the church in the Philippines to its altered conditions, he selected Father Harty for the delicate and difficult task, and elevated him to the high office of Archbishop of Manila and metropolitan of the Philippine Islands. Pope I'ius X himself consecrated him at Rome on August 14, 1903. Archbishop Harty took posses sion of his see on January. 16, 1904. At that time the Filipinos were at war with this country, and it was no ordinary undertaking tor an archbishop, who himself, belonged to the hated Americans, to win their filial confidence and love so as to exercise a beneficent rule over them and reconcile; them to the American government But Archbishop Harty is a great man and he nobly rose to the level of the occasion. By his broad and deep sympathy, by his kindness and charity, by his unfailing tact, and by the splendid poise of his sterling character and great mind, tie not only won the affection and trust of the Filipinos, but he kept and strengthened them in their holy faith, and at the same time reconciled them to American rule and occupation of the islands. And so great became their attachment to and veneration for Archbishop Harty that when the holy see, as a reward and recognition of his great work, transferred him back to his native land, to this important see of Omaha, it was with the greatest difficulty that the arch bishop could tear himself away from them. It is written of our Divine Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, that "He has done all things well." Following faithfully in the footsteps of the Mas ter, Archbishop Harty has done things big things and he has done them all well. He won the official approval of the holy see and the esteem and confidence of the American govern ment by his great work in the Philippines. The auspicious beginning he has already made in this city is a sure augury that he will make good in Omaha. He will accomplish great things for this diocese. By his kindly, democratic ways, his impartiality and wise discernment he has already attached to him the priests, religious and people of his diocese and he has gained the esteem and appreciation of our non-Catholic brethren. And there is no doubt but that after a very few years, as the scope of his achievements develops before our minds and we come to know better the estima ble personality of our saintly archbishop, he will win a place in the hearts of his Omaha people as secure, as sincere and as lasting as he has in his former spiritual children of St. Louts and Manila. The spirit of Archbishop Harty is well expressed in these words of the poet: "I will go forth 'mongst men, not mailed in scorn. But clad i' the armor of a pure intent. ' Great duties are before me, and great aims; And whether crowned or crownless, when I ... ,...fa4 ; ' , , t ' No matter, s that 'God's work isdone.-'. 'i The Immigration Veto out Jot Despite the preponderant vote by which the bill passed both houses; and the prospect that congress ' will pass the bill- over the veto, we believe Mr. -Wilson more accurately represents the sentiment of the country in this matter of immigration regulation than does congress. It is doubtful, to. begin with, whether any restriction of immigration is necessary, except to shut out real undesirables.' The best judg ment of those who should know is that heavy immigration ia not in the least likely after the war and that the sore need of Europe for man power to repair the ravage of war will draw from America many natives of the various coun tries who are now at work here. If this prognosis is accurate, it is evident that labor, both skilled and unskilled, will be even scarcer in this country after til war than it is now.) Our industries will be called on for heavy production of the things Europe will be most in need of, and it would be fool ish to restrict their supplies of labor. The shipbuilding industry, for example, expects to be driving at top speed for at least; three years after peace is declared, in order to re place the ship' that have been sunk. . These now amount to more than 9 per cent of the world's total merchant marine tonnage. The steel industry will be similarly busty for a per iod of years, furnishing all sorts of constructive material The president, however, lays the. emphasis for his disapproval on the certain failure of the literacy test to shut out the undesirables and let in the desirables. Opposed to all American tra ditions, which have made of this a land of oppor tunity, the literacy test seta up a wholly false standard by which to judge those from other countries who desire to enter this one. ' The president's veto message makes this very clear, and it is difficult to see how congress can consistently or logically override to disapproval. But then, congress doesn't usually bother much about either consistency or logic. , Nebraska Press Comment Fairbury News: Over 1,000 bills have been in troduced in the Nebraska legislature hills for everything from the protection of skunks to re- fiealing the law. of gravitation. The Nebraska egislature is unquestionably 'one of the worst jokes that was ever perpetrated upon the people of the state. , , , Kearney Hub: The expected has happened. A bill haa been introduced to purchase the Fre mont normal school, owned by State Superin tendent Clemmons, and operate it as a state insti tution., 'The price, named is $165,000. Four years ago it was offered for $140,000, and two years pre vious to that for $125,000, a jump of $40,000 in four years, The Hub has already expressed it self regarding this business and aa to the policy of buying private schools at . public expense, Wayne and Chadron being two examples already In point therefore It la not Strang that tha Fre mont proposition has bobbed up again in the 1917 session. ; : . , Falls City Journal: The clerks in the legisla ture are not satisfied with the regular pay of $4 per day, but charge the state at the rate of 75 cents per hour for overtime. According to the report of the committee on employes, the chief clerk, G. W. Potts, drew twelve day pay, $48, and in the same twelve days was paid $40.50 overtime. This overtime business is all wrong. It is merely an excuse for: getting double pay. The democrats are great on reform and economy until they get a chance to put their hands on the real money, and then they fall for it like a negro does for a watermelon, regardless of the consequences. RnUth Hint for the Day. By keeping nose, throat and mouth In good condition you will avoid much serious acute and chronic disease In many other parts ot tha body. . One Tear Ago Today in the War. Rnumanla reported near break- with central powers. German warship reported sunk In Cattegat oft Sweden. Austria's arms factory at Pitaen, Bo hemia, blown up. Berlin reported repulse of British attacks near Neuvllle and along La Basses canal. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. : Considerable Interest I being taken In the wrestling match -between Charles Moth and an unknown from the Turnvereln society, which will be given at the exposition annex. Moth agrees to throw the unknown five times within an hour. There will be three Gr&eco-Roman falls and two catch-as-catch-can. . Mr. Brezee of this city participated In the district school entertainment held In Council Bluffs, by his skin ful playing of the guitar and the mouth organ at the same time. t n.,t- waturtAi.. who was injured by being thrown from the balcony of the Exposition building, has recovered sufficiently to be able to walk around, assisted by crutches. The regular monthly meeting of the Omaha Gun club was. held at Pen rose se Hardin's gun store, Mr. Ush er was chosen chairman and Mr. Hughes secretary. On motion of Dr. Worley, Penrose ft Hardin were dele gated to conduct the next tournament of Nebraska sportsmen. J. K. Gor don, A, J. Clark and Hugh McCaffrey were elected members of the club. At a meeting of the women's auxil iary to the board of missions, held In the Episcopal rooms, Bishop Worth ington was elected president The Concordia society gave a grand masquerate ball In Masonic hall. The committee of arrangements was com posed of the following: J. P. Lund, I Grobecker, August Schafer, G. Btratman, E. Ackerman, Julius Meyer and Richard Engleman. A meeting of the Omaha C U S. C was held at the residence of Mrs. R. D. Hills, 2018 California, This Day m History. 1771 Treaty of alliance concluded between the United States and Franc. 1815 Full pardon granted to the Barataiian pirates by the president tat consequence of their fidelity and cour age in the defense of New Orleans. - 1818 William M. Evarts, famous lawyer and secretary of state under two presidents, born In Boston. Died in New York Ctty February 28, 101. 1825 William Eustis, secretary of war under Madison and afterward governor of Massachusetts, died in Boston. Born at Cambridge, Bass., June 10, ITU. 18 S3 General J. E. B. Stuart cele brated confederate cavalry leader, born In Patrick county, Virginia. Died In Richmond, June- 12, 1864. 181 Fort Henry, Tennessee, cap tured by the federals under General Grant and Commodore Foote.- 1874 The British, under Bir Gar net Wolaeley took and destroyed Coo massle, the chief town of the Ashan tees. 1904 Japan severed diplomatic re lations with Russia and the Russian minister to Japan was recalled. The Day We Celebrate. ';. John W. Baton, lawyer, la 48 yean old today. "Jack" Batttn was one of the popular men at Cornell university, where he graduated, and has also figured in local politics here. Samuel G. Smyth, editor of the Sovereign Visitor of the Woodmen of the World, Is 14 today. He Is an Englishman by birth and waa letter carrier for thirteen years at Daven port la., before he took up his pres ent work. I William Hafke, the real estate man. Is 84. He was born In Germany, but came to this country when S years old, being educated In the Omaha schoola , Ralph A. Van Oradel Is celebrating his thirty-third birthday today, his birthplace being Newcastle, Pa. Ha Is one of Omaha's younger lawyers, being associated with the firm ot De Bord, Fradenberg ft Van OrsdeL Clyde C Sundblad, clerk of the county court born in Omaha forty years ago today. He has been In his present position for seventeen year. Major General Samuel S. Sumner, U. & A retired, born at Carlisle, Pa, seventy-five years ago today. Dr. Edwin M. Potent, president' of Furman university, born In Caswell county, North Carolina, fifty-atx years ago today. t George J. Gould, capitalist and rail road magnate, born in New York City fifty-three years ago today. George H. Hodges, the only demo crat ever elected to the governorship of Kansas, born at Orion, Wla, fifty one years ago today- ' Max Flack, outfielder of the Chi cago National league base' ball- team, born at East St Louis, I1L, twenty six years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. . Lumbermen from numerous states are to gather at New Orleans today for the opening of the annual con vention of the Southern Pine asso ciation. The annual convention of the Amer ican Paper and Pulp association, to gether with nuettngs of various affili ated organizations, will begin today in New York City. ' . Branches of the Alliance Francalse throughout North America are to cele brate today tha 189th anniversary of the first treaty between the United States and France, a compact of peace and friendship still unbroken. . - Storyette of the Day. Beth Low, who died recently on Broad Brook farm, his Mount Kisco estate, had devoted all his later ener gies to bringing back harmony be tween the railways and railway work ers. ',.-. Mr. Low, discussing one day a dis cord In this harmony he was working on, said: . ,. , "The thing was Eie's fault ' Exe treated the other side as the husband in the story treated his wife's birth day. . . "The evening of her birthday, this husband brought home an Interesting little parcel carefully wrapped In white paper and gilt string, which he handed to his wife. " Oh, you darling!' said she. Then yon didn't forget my birthday, after ail, did you T" "She opened the little parcel with Interest then she gave a kind of groan. ' . "'Pipe cleaners!" she said. " "Yes, love,' said the husband, 1 knew they'd please you. You never did like me to use your hairpins, did youf" Fniladalphia Ledger.- . . Jerry on the Job. Lincoln, Feb. 5. To the Editor of The Bee: According to newspaper re ports, it seems that ocean travel is not the safest In the world for our Ameri can tourists. Therefore, I would sug gest to those seafaring travelers to de vote their attention to something be nevolent humane and patriotic in oharacter at home such as to inves tigate the starvation wages paid to the mothers of the American race. How can an army be raised from Im poverished and hungry mothers. . : JERRY HOWARD. No Record of Such Trip. Grant Neb, Feb. 4. To the Editor ot The Bee:' Could you inform me now many trips the German subma rine "Bremen" has made to the United States; also as to whether or not it haa been caught M. D. KELLER. Note: There is no record of any trips made to the United States by tne "Bremen." Solving the HC. of h. Problem, West Tocol, Fla., Feb. S. To the Editor of The Bee: Your cartoon en titled "Possibilities of Egg Boycott" struck me as very interesting. 1 en joyed my nice, big, fresh Rhode Island Red eggs for breakfast this morning all tha more on account of It although my first course had been dewdrop cov ered strawberries and fine rich Jersey cream, all of my own raising. I was formerly an Omaha lawyer; but have been living on a farm here in Clay county, norma, lor tne last five years. I am not a fancy agriculturalist or orange grove magnate, although I have citrus fruit trees for my own use. But I raise winter Irish pota toes 2or northern market corn, hay and other forage and maintenance crops for my Duroc-Jersey hogs and other stock. Nnt a very romantic life, but a very Interesting and profit able one. Cattle and hog raising Is now re ceiving marked attention in this state, where the climate Is superb and fresh water and forage crops abundant A northern cattle concern has re cently opened up a 60,000-acre ranch In this county. They now have sev eral thousand acres In cultivation and about 8,000 head of cattle on the place. A wealthy Ohio man Is putting into operation a 12,000-acre model farm near mine. So you see this country Is rapidly developing into a country of big farms as well as small. We raise from two to three crops a year on the same land, so farming here Is a continuous performance. Several of my neighbors were for mer Omaha business men. Yes, we are solving the high cost of living problem for ourselves In the "land of sunshine and flowers," and doing a little to solve It for our city brethren In the land of wintry blasts. ( H. P. PETERSON. Grateful (or the Helping Hand. Omaha, Feb. 1. To the Editor of The Bee: In the present day there are many necessary evils. In the mind of the writer the greatest of these evils is the professional critic. The func tions of the critic are to find fault and pick flaws. The following Is Intended as a criticism, following a close In vestigation at first hand of the Salva tion Army Industrial home at 1108-10-12 Dodge street If It appears more aa a eulogy of that home than as a criticism that Is not the fault of the critic but rather the fault of the home Itself: - To every organisation there must be the heart and head. In the Sal vation Army Industrial home these are to be found In tha person of Harry H. Kline, captain and ensign. In a cozy little office, up a narrow flight of stairs this gray-haired, gray-mus-tached man, quietly and unobtrusively runs the home and runs it well. Cap tain Kline creates a very favorable impression. He Is bluff and hearty In manner, fond of a good laugh, and brimming over with good will to ail, malice toward none. He siies up a man and acts accordingly. He is said to rarely make a mustake in his Judg ment of men. He is a reformed gam bler, and one of the most splendid things that can be said about him, or In fact about any other man, is that he most certainly puts into practice the code of bis religion. , ' One part of the home is devoted to the store space. There, at reason able prices, persons with short pocket-books-can be fitted out though, to do the army Justice, much of the clothing is given free to the penniless. In the shop men are working at all times to repair the material waste that has come into army hands. The workmanship that Is done there Is surprising in its good quality. There are two reading rooms where excellent magazines are at the dis posal of the men and a commodious dormitory. Meals are served those needing them In the dining room where the em ployes are fed. Practically all the em ployes are men who have been plucked from the paths that lead to 'destruc tion, mental and physical, and have been built up to that stage where they again become useful though bum ble citizens. The waste material In men and Its conversion into useful material Is the fundamental mission of the Salvation Army. The work It does, for the most part unheralded and minus drum and trumpet Is of the utmost value to the community. The men are grateful, though in our leading drawing rooms the meth ods they take to express their grati tude would not be recognized as such. There Is no person In the world who does not have smouldering in him somewhere that divine spark that only needs a little action from the bellows to leap Into flame and consume, with the desire to be something in the world beside a vagabond and a tramp, a thief, a gambler, a drunkard, or per haps worse. Salvation Army Indus trial home officers are the bellows that the Ail-Powerful uses to ignite this spark and they are used successfully. GRATEFUL DOWN-AND-OUTEB. Security for Bank Reserve. Grand Island, Neb., Feb. S. To the Editor of The Bee: I notice a letter from Grand Island, signed by R. L. Thomas, In reference to reserve banks (national) being used by state banks to deposit their reserve fund. If I remember correctly I think that Senator Hitchcock endeavored to have all national banks under a guarantee fund and while he did not succeed, a law was passed allowing national banks to comply with the guarantee law In states where the guarantee law was in force. It seems to me a very wrong thing to allow state banks to deposit their reserve in non-guaranteed national banks and they pay nothing for the guarantee, while state banks are compelled -to do so. I un derstand there is a law being intro duced In the legislature to correct this matter. I hope that our legislators will see to It that our state fund and our state banks and all other deposi tors are properly protected by hav ing absolutely secure reserve banks for their funds L. T. RITCHIE. SMILING LINES. "Anytll!nir aohig In PlankTfllaf- "Not a thine" "But I aee by tha papa? that majij subtle improvement are contemplated." "Contemplated la the wort. Merfttr mimiclpal cmitles In the air." LoulaviUe Courier-Journal. , Willie Willie What's a "popular Idol," pa? Papa, Willi It la the fellow who la bi between the fellow h- hue n., iitmI . the fellow who is soing to lick bun. Judge. f haven't noticed Tootlee playlas In ronr orchestra lately." "No; he allpped on the Icr sidewalk and "Well, couldn't ha set another from the musical Instrument dealer?" Boston Tran script. . "Bverrbody Bars that roans Ore obit takes "That can't b so." . "Why notf" ' ' "The old man never leaves anTtbtac tS take after him." Baltimore American, Business is congested., Orders are delayed. Manufac turers' desks are daily piled with "hrary ups." Western Union Telegrams are opened first From front office to shipping room they get immediatt action: ' Is your S. 0. S. one letter among many or a WESTERN UH10H TELEGRAM which gets first attention? v THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. having trouble wilhyour sldn? Does vour sldn Itch and bornf Orb your appearance marred by patches of emotion? There is no need of enduring such discomfort when Resinol Ointment usually stops itching: at once and quickly makes the skin clear and healthy again. Doctors have prescribed Resinol Oint ment for over twenty years in the treat ment ef skin affections. So yon need not hesitate to use it, nor to recommend it to skin-tormented friends. Kabul ObssBM Is ae naarlr 6aabaVted Vl fe aaa be eaad aa siiimiS aarnusa without aDMonac ' aaan. iitsasiov SoUbj all anuria.