Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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Have You Backache,
Gout, Rheumatism?
(By M. C. l-ucis, M. D.)
American men and women should
guard constantly against kidney trou
ble, because we eat too much and all
our food is rich. Our blood is filled
with uric acid which the kidneys
strive to filter out; they weaken from
overwork, become sluggish; the elim
inative tissues clog and the result is
kidney trouble, bladder weakness and
often the poison reaches the tissues,
causing rheumatism and gout.
,' When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead, when your back hurts or th
urjne is cloudy, full of sediment, or
you are obliged to seek relief Jwo or
three times during the night: when
you suffer with sick headache or dia
zy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or
you have rheumatism when the
weather is bad. ask your druggist for
Auuric (double strength). I have
. found in practice that Anuric is more
potent than lithia and in most cases
it will dissolve the uric acid as hot
water does sugar.
Most pepple do neglect themselves.
Their tongue has a dark brown color,
skin sallow, breath bad, yet they fail
to see that their machinery needs at
tention. Everybody should take a
mild laxative at least once a week. A
pleasant way to clear the tongue and
the highly colored water noticed in
the morning is to take a laxative
which will cure the inactive liver and
.A pleasant vegetable pill is made
, up of May-apple, leaves of aloe and
jalap, made into a tiny pellet and
coated with sugar. First put up by
Dr. Pierce nearly fifty years ago.
Druggists sell these vegetable pellets
in vials, simply ask for Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. Adv.
Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tall why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast,
Why is man and woman, half the
time, feeling nervous, despondent,
worried; some days headachy, dull
and unstrung; some days really inca
pacitated by illness.
If we all would practice inside
bathing, whit a gratifying change
would take place. Instead of thous
' ands of half-sick, anaemic-looking
souls with pasty, muddy complexions
we should see crowds of happy,
healthy, rosy-cheeked people every
where. The reason is that the human
system does not rid itself each day
of all the waste which it accumulates
under our present mode of living. For
every ounce of food and drink taken
into the system nearly an ounce of
waste materials must be carried out,
else it ferments and forms ptomaine
like poisons which are absorbed into
the blood.
Just as necessary as it is to clean
the ashes from the furnace each day,
before the fire will burn bright and
hot, so we must each morning clear
jjje inside organs of the previous day's
' accumulation of indigestible waste and
body toxins. Men and women,
whether sick or well, are advised to
drink each morning, before breakfast,
a glass of real hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone' phosphate in
it, as a harmless means of washing
out of the stomach, liver, kidnevs and
bowels the indigestible material
waste, sour bile and toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Millions of people who had" their
turn at constipation, bilious attacks.
acid stomach, nervous days and sleep
less nignts nave Decome real cranks
abput the morning inside-bath. A
quarter pound of limestone phosphate
will not cost much at the drug store,
but is sufficient to demonstrate to any
one its cleansine. sweeteninc and
freshening effect upon the system.
. uvcriisemcnr.
Cocoanut Oil Fine
For Washing Hair
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with. '
Most soaps and prepared sham
podS contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle.
and is very harmful. Just plain mul-
sitiea cocoanut oil (which is pure and
entirely greaseless), is much better
than the most expensive soap or any
thing else you can use for. shampoo
ing, as this can't possibly injure the
. Simply moisten jjoxxt hair with
water and rub it inf One or two tea
spoonfuls will make an abundance
of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses
the hair and scalp thoroughly. The
lather rinses out easily, and removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and it leaves it
line and silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage. - i '
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It it very
cheap, and a few ounces is enough
lo last everyone in the family for
months. Advertisement. .
who are delicately constituted,
who have thin blood or pale
cheeks, will find in
a true tonic and a rich food to
overcome tiredness, nourish
their nerves and feed
their blood. Start with
SCOTTS to-day and
say -NO" to substitutes.
Scott a Bownc. Bio"--", W. I. st-ea
Regular Bits 2k, He, 11. At DrorffUts.
Left-Handed Jolt From Bench
Is Delivered at Omaha
Legal Lights.
(From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 5. (Special.) An
$18,000 verdict against the Union Pa
cific, in favor of Eliiabeth L. Kriss,
administratrix of the estate of her
husband, John J. Kriss, obtained in
the Douglas county district court, is
declared excessive by the Nebraska
supreme court and must be shaved off
before the judgment is affirmed. Kriss.
an electrician, was killed in a railroad
The court finds that the widow her
self is to get $10,137.16, which is "at
least 25 per cent too large." The court
asks that $2,534.29 be remitted. The
opinion was by Judge Sedgwick.
The attorney for the estate was J.
J. Sullivan of Omaha, former judge
on the Nebraska supreme bench. The
grounds for reversal advanced by the
defendant were alleged misconduct in
Judge Sullivan 'f closing remarks to
the jury.
The briefs of the contending attor
neys Judge Sullivan for the plaintiff
and hdson Rich for the railroad are
given to almost an exchange of per
sonalities, which moves the nign
bench to remark.
"These respective attorneys, are, and
long have been, among the leading
and influential members of the bar of
this state, and from the view that we
take of this record we are fortunate
in not being required to comment on
the propriety of the language com
plained of." '
Judge Sullivan had intimated that
the railroad had to do with the alter
ation of a train dispatcher's record in
connection with the case.
In his brief, he pointed out that the
contending side sat quiet and did not
object to the .court when he made
these statements. He said they were
evoked by previous remarks made to
the jury by the other side. J
Douglas Solons
Introduce 264
"Proposed Laws
(From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 5, (Special.) Repre
sentative Keegan was the busy legis
lative swatter of the house Douglas
county delegation in the matter of
introduction of bills, although Senator
Monarty of the upper body ran him
a tie. .
Senator Strehlow introduced the
least number of bills of the entire
delegation, although Bulla and Good-
all in the house ran him a close sec
ond. The house delegation, or a majority
of them, jointly introduced five bills,
while the Senate delegation got to
gether on one. Lovely and Keegan
did considerable team work over in
the house. ,The two delegations in
troduced in all about 264 bills, ninety
in th senate and 174 in the house.
As near as can be determined un
officially 'bills introduced by each will
run about like this:
Heeran I
Morlmrtr S6
Howell 21
Howard I
Shannon 19i
Craddoek V 18
Tanner 17;
Lovely If
Richmond 16
This record may be changed a lit
tle when the back precincts get in
and the official count is made, but it
shows that eight members of the
house eaualed or exceeded the gen
eral average, which was approximate
ly nine bills, while lour ot tne nve
.senators exceeded the general average
of about nine and one-half bills.
Hopkins it
iBennett .13
Nielsen V
Jelen - S
jschnelder S
Strehlow 2
Roberts Pleads Guiltv
To Second Degree Murder
North Platte, Neb., Feb. 5. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The most spectacu
Mrt mui in th annals nf Lincoln
county court procedure came up to a
sudden end tnis morning, wncn
Roberts, for the second time facing
the court on a charge of -murdering
Vernon Connett, entered a plea to
guilty to seconn aegree marner.
Obituary Notices., ,'
JOHN S. SALSBURT, civil war'vet
eran and pioneer of Buffalo county.
died at his home in Kavenna Hutur
day night Ever since the settlement
of this part of the country Comrade
Salabury had been regarded its one of
the leading citizens ana win to greatly
missed from the community.
HERMAN 'CONRAD, an aged cltiien
died yesterday at West Point, Neb.,
at the age of 78. He was the father
of thirteen children, of whom eleven
survive. He came to West Point from
Scribner ten years ago and made his
home there. He was a native of Ger
many and had lived in-eastern Nebras
ka since 1869. Mr. Conrad was pos
sessed of a valuable estate, which was
divided among his children some years
ago. Funeral services will be held at
the German Lutheran church at West
Point, of which Mr. Conrad was a
life-long member.
aged 76 years, died early Monday
morning from ailments Incident to
old age. He is survived by e!t:' chil
dren: Paul, Remi, Adolph, l-'rank.
Irma and Emil of Omaha and Mrs.
Mary van Moorlehen, Huron', 8. D.. and
Mrs. Emma uepres, Maranaii, Minn.
He came to this country sixteen years
ago from Belgium. He lived at 3123
Cass street. The funeral will take
place from the family residence
Thursday morning at 8:!0 o'clock.
Services will be held at St. Cecilia's
cathedral at- o'clock. Kiev. D. P.
Harrington will officiate at requiem
high mm. Interment will be in the
family lot in Holy Scpulcher ceme
tery. ' . -
8PANGL.ER BRUGH, 86 years of
age, who settled on a farm east of
Fremont in the fall of I860, died a'
his borne In Fremont Mr. Brugh,
who was a native of Pennsylvania,
came to Nebraska in 1860. He traded
a rifle for a filing on what Is now the
L. M. Keene farm on the Lincoln high
way east of Fremont and resided there
for Ave years. He then removed to
Saunders county and located on a
homestead. About fifteen years sko
he came to' Fremont and .had since
made hi home here. Mrs. Brugh
died eight years ago. The sons, Jacob
A. of Beatrice and Bpangler Melville
of Omaha, and one daughter, Edna,
of Fremont, are the close surviving
Hoffmeister Kills Measure That
Howard Member Wanted
to Get Through. 1
Tells Committee He 'wants It
Passed and the Finish
Is Certain.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Feb. 5. (Special.) The
legislative waters looked fine today
and Mr. Fries of Howard thought it
would be a good time to send a little
bill he had in for a legislative oath,
but the undercurrent proved too
strong for the frail creature and it got
beyond its depth and the treacherous
waves carried it out to sea where it
perished before the life-saving crew
could man its boats and go to the
rescue. Mr. Fries Wde a heroic ef
fort to save it, but to no avil for Rep
resentative Hoffmeister gave it a swat
in the solar plexus the last time it
came up to the surface and it sank into '
Davy Jones' locker.
Mr. Fries' bill was an amendment to
the present law to enable individuals
not .able to pay for keening relatives
in a state hospital to make affidavit j
ot tneit inability to so do and the state
would stand good for it. He did not
desire to take away the authority to
make those who could pay requred
to do so, but he did want It made
easier for those who could not.
Hoffmeister Kills It
While the house was engaged in
discussing the measure, Hoffmeister
sent up an amendment to knock out
the whole law and before Fries could
gather himself the house had adopted
the amendment and the bill was not
only dead, but the law also as far as
the house action was concerned.
Four-year terms for county officers
got another boost when the judiciary
committee handed in a recommenda
tion for the passage of such a bilL
'The measure makes a four-year term
without extending the term of officers
now serving, but the committee elimi
nated the provision which would
abolish the office of county attorney
anrl incleart rmhrtrlierl a nmvicirtn in I
the bill giving each county a sounty
attorney. The present law prohibits
counties of less than 2,000 population
having a county attorney.
Bill to Revenue Committee.
The judiciary committee did not like
to tinker with the bill which allows a
county assessor to be a candidate for
re-election and which also gives every
county a county assessor and turned
the bill over to the committee on
revenue and taxation.
Bills approved" in committee of the
whole and sent to third reading:
Allowing county road funds to be used
west of the 100th meridian for keeping pri
vate roads in fhape for travel.
Authorising cemetery associations that
are 20 years old to condemn adjacent farm
land for cemetery use. ,
Joshing or Liggett.
Mr. Liggett, bachelor member from
Seward county, was , "joshed" on his
approaching wedding, and Mr, Green
wait of Custer was admbnished to fol
low his example, in a resolution offer
ed by Mr. Murtey.
-. Liggett was called before the honse
to speak on this resolution. He ad
mitted the charge and asked his col
leagues to exercise forbearance if he
should seem at times absent-minded
or peevish. ,
Mr. Greenwalt, the dean of bach
elors in the house, who also had some
fun poked at him in the resolution,
also made a speech and said he was
willing to stand up alongside of Lig
gett and Murtey, introducer of the
resolution, and let the rest of the
members judge between them as to
"preparedness" for war or anything
else. '
County Clerk Hudson Is
Arrested on Forgery Charge
Hastings, Neb., Feb. 5. (Special
Telegram.) On complaint of County
Attorney Fouts, County Clerk Hudson
was arraigned in county court late to
day on a warrant charging him with
having'uttered a fraudulent . warrant
on the county treasurer. The county
warrant was for $883.19 and was
cashed at a local bank on January 18.
1917, though it is alleged to have
been'written, according to the records
of his office on July 5, J915 or 1916".
J. F. Heiler, president of the county
board said during the day that this
complaint might be withdrawn and
another substituted. .
Mr. Hudson gave bond in the sum
of $1,500 and took a continuance to
February 20. Mr. Hudson is serving
his third term as county clerk and has
been a popular official. When asked
for an explanation of the matter today
he referred the questioner to his attor
ney, who said there were no develop
ments! The warrant bears the name
of Mr. Heiler. The complaint charges
that the warrant is a forgery. ,
' (Prom a Suff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Feb. 5. (Special.) The
house voted, 70 to 20, to overturn the
report of the railroad committee in
definitely postponing H. R. 214, ,to
prohibit the running of any train
without a regular headlight. Mr. Har
ris (Greeley, the bills introducer,
moved that it be placed on the gen
eral file. He was backed up by
Messrs. Cronin, Thomas, Shannon.
Hoffmeister and others.
The motion was antagonized by
Messrs. Sass, Schwab, Reisner and
Harris (Buffalo).
Mr. Cronin quoted a railroad lob
byist as saying to hiin that he (the
lobbyist) had found a new way to get
bills killed, and. that was by telling
the railroad committee he was for it.
"And he remarked that he was for
this bill," said Cronin, "but, of course
he wasn't." " '
"That fellow was a liar," retorted
Reisner, who is on the railroad com
mittee. Mr. Cronin called attention to the
statute that requires automobile driv
ers to have headlights, on their ma
chines after night. He though a rail
road conmany should not be allowed
to risk the lives of its employes and
passengers by using a brakeman's
lantern in place of a broken head
light. Mr. Harris (Buffalo) was afraid the
bill would tie up shipments of live
stock on the way to market, in case
of a headlight accident, and thus cause
the owners of the animals to lose
Another Hearing Slated
For Board of Education Bill
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Feb. 5. (Special.) Sena
tor Ed Howell, whose school board
bill was under fire at an Omaha Com
mercial club hearing Saturday, vants
both friends and opponents of the
legislation to be present next Satur
day when the bill will come up for
another hearing before the Omaha
senators at that city.
"I believe the selection of school
board members by wards and' their
subsequent election then by voters
of the entire city is right in every
respect. When slates are put up' by
any particular faction they usually
make their selections from various
parts of the city. Why should we not
do the same way, by picking them
originally in this manner?
"The provision to bring the present
board to the end of its term in 1918
should be amended. That was an over
sight In the original draft of the bill
which should be remedied. There is
a demand that this be done. I am
satisfied, and I want to see it done, I
am ready to assure the people of
Mr. Howell does not intend to
withdraw the bill, but does want it to
be given the most extensive discus
sion possible while the senators are
home next Saturday. He believes that
everyone interested in the measure
should be present so that all objec
tions may be registered at once
upon it.
Brainard Farmers' Company
Pays Dividend and Bonus
Brainard, Neb., Feb. 5. (Special.)
The second annual meeting of the
Farmers' Elevator company of this
.place was held Saturday. A dividend
of 8 per cent was declared, also a
premium of 1 cent a bushel on all
grain sold to the elevator by- stock
holders. In addition, a cash refund of
25 cents per ton on all coal purchased
by stockholders. The entire board of
directors was re-elected. Charles E.
Eckerle of Chicago, general organizer
of farmers! co-operative organizations,
delivered an address on co-operation
between farmers and merchants.
State Capital Notes
! Rare ta . fine old-fMhtoned reetp
s for coughs, eoldn or catarrh trouble &
that baa been used with treat -rue- f
f ceo. at from your dracKtat 1 01 '
of Parmlnt (Doable Strength) about
s 76c worth and add to It H pint of i
5 , hot water and 4 ot ot granulated
5 agar. Thta will make full half a ?
5 pint when mixed. Take one table- 5
1 spoonful 4 times a da?. i
' No more racking jronr whole bodr i
s with a cough. Clogged nnstrlli should
5 open, air pasaagea of your head clear ?
" up ao you can breathe freely. It la
- ea.iy to prepare, ooets little and la jji
5 pleaaant to take. Anyone who haa
f a stubborn rough, or hard cold or
2 catarrh In any -form should give this J
prescription a trial.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Feb. 6. (Special.) The Brlcaon
Lake company of Lincoln, owner df an
artificial lake and summer resort at Eric
ton, Neb., has atiked the legislature to re
fund $&, paid to Secretary of State Pool
as flllne fee for Incorporation, efler ' the
company bad already filed once. The sec
ond filing was to amend the form of the
organ! aallon.
Stntm the supreme court held that the
state could collect old Insane fees from
counties, three counties have remitted to
State Auditor Smith, two of them In full
for the balsnce due. The last remittance la
from Scottibluff .county, which paid In full
$381. ! standing against iL Colfax settled
In fult last week and Madison county has
remitted $1,000 on account
B. B. Blackmail of Kansas City, Mo., haa
been temporarily engaged by tho Nebraska
State Historical society to make a survey
and report upon the museum material of
that society and Is now engaged In that
task. Mr. Blackman was for several years
archaeologist of the Btate Historical so
ciety and many of the collection in the
museum were collected by him. Mr. Black
man la now engaged In business at Kansas
City and his services here will be for a fw
Liven Ip lour Torpid Liver.
To keep your liver active use Dr, King's
New Life Pills. They Insure good digestion
and relieve constipation. At druggists. 21c.
and a complete linn at
Office Equipment.
Globe-Wernicke Co.
Steal and Wood Files. '
Sanitary ' Office Desk, Solid
Oak, as low as $25.00.
W invite you
to sm our Una
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th St.
I am treattajt hndrls of mm snd worn. I off.r Too th best at medics! and
sunrieal ff'vlM for a smalt cash te. WOMEN with diseases and disorders of their
ses should know of the help for them. Medy have been saved from an operation.
Consultation and medielne. 11.00. Elimination or office treatment, 12.00. Medicine
free m all cases. Cssh fees. Office practice only. Hours to 5 snd by appointment.
DR. J. C. WOODWARD, Suite 301, Ros Bulldmi, Omaha. Telephone Tyler MO.
Expect Rush of Men to
Join the Army and Navy
Army and navy recruiting has not
been stimulated here as a result of
the break with Germany. Captain
J. F. McKinlcy of the army recruit
ing station reports that twenty-two
men were sent from the Omaha sta
tion and branches to the training
station at Fort Logan, Colo., in the
last two days, but that this number
was not above the average. "We
look for a large number of applicants
in the next few days, though," the
captain said.
Four men were enlisted Saturday to Success.
and the same number Monday, ac
cording to the report of Lieutenant!
W. W. Waddell of the navy recruit-
ing station. Lieutenant Waddell also
predicted a rush in the next few days.
Persistent Advertising Is the Roaj'.
Mail and Tele
phone Orders
Ibrandeis Stores
1,500 Blouses-Some Slightly Soiled
To Go on Sale Tuesday at 50c
These are all Lingerie
Blouses, a great many ot
them daintily embroid
ered and lace trimmed.
There are Voiles, hot
ted Swisses, Batiste,
Lawns, etc., some trimmed
with filet and others with -Venice
lace. There are
scores, of models in this
assortment for you to
'choose from, and the price
is small enough for every
woman to buy as many as
she needs.
The entire lot of 1,500 blouses will be put on sale in the Basement Tues-
day morning. '
Basement. - , .
These Are Some of the First Offerings
From Our Recent New York Purchases -
Extremely modest prices prevail all through these basement departments, mid with
the arrival of the first shipment from the east, we invite you to share in the offer
ing and save money. , '
Knit Underwear
Women's Cotton Fleece Lined Union Suits, Dutch
neck and elbow sleeves. Regular and (J J A A
extra sixes pl.UU
Miases' White Cotton Fleece Lined Union CO
Suite; ages 2 to 16 years. Tuesday U17C
Women's Union Suits, fancy lace trimmed OP
and cuff knee styles. All siies s6JC
Women's Sleeveless "Cumfy-Cut" Vests,
lightly imperfect, each
. Handkerchiefs
'A splendid assortment of Women's Handkerchiefs, initial, plain, fancy embroidered and rolled edges.
YV niVB snu niivrcu ci ii-vni ixipu iugii o , mm ,,. ,,unv.v,v.B, vv,vvu wv.h.w .
i .... , : ; '
' Basement ' ' V ' t '
Women's Cotton, Fleece Lined Black 1 P
Hosiery, per pair. Ov
Women's Black CaBhmere Hosiery,
per pair .'.
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery, black and as
sorted colors. Fine lisle garter tops and double
soles. Seconds of 60c quality. Special, , O C
3 pair for $1.00 per pair OOG
pillow tops. Choice, each ,
I i -
1 W WZrlC MM
ra St v ssa:.:
Mil .r"yX lil mtJf ! fl . . Lt,x..'C I I.
.-a- . .RL1W M l fq-BN.
i rauu;
Hold a bottle of Nujol up to the
light. Its crystal transparency is
without a flaw. Every trace of
impurity, every vestige ot color
or "bloom" has been removed
by varied and many times re
peated processes of refining.
Nujol is water-white, tasteless1
and odorless. It neither looks,
tastes.nor smells like"medicine.
As a matter of fact it isn't medi
cine at all, in the ordinary sense.
It is not a laxative or a purgative,
is not absorbed by the system,
hence doesn't form a habit. It
acts in effect as an internal lub
ricant, softening the contents of
the intestines and so promoting
normal movements. .
Nugol is bottled at the refinery and is
sold only in pint bottle bearinf the
same Nujol and the imprint of the
Standard Oil Company (New Jer
sey). Refuse substitutes 4e sure yeu
et the genuine. Write today for
booklet, "The Rational Treatment fov
Constipation." .
KNsoJsrstr) '
Bsyonoe , New Jersey