Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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' ana for Departure of Minister
Nat) and His Staff Front Berlin
i Not Made.
Whole Corps of German Offi
cials Will Sail Week
From Today.
Berlin (Via London), Feb. 5. The
''American embassy which from
tVn'rlnrk tndav ceased to be tlie Ameri
can embassy and metaphorically
hauled down the Stars and stripes
f when Ambassador Gerard received his
I passports will after Mr. Gerard's de
j parture house the departments of the
i Spanish embassy and the Dutch
umiea oiaica nu uii
i Pmhahlv the Roumanian. Serbian
f ahd Japanese ana otner represent
v nt whirl, sr Iflrcre or im-
fporta'nt will be concentrated under
i the same roof and the embassy bmld
): CararH'a la- Still
- J HIS W" wiiiii - V
1 hs a considerable time to run will be
kept open. ,
I Plans for the departure of Mr. Ger
JLa .-j u: .r at atill un.ttled. V
) aju anu ma " ' f ' --
t will perhaps be a matter of several
' . . t . 1 Ml 1 . Unnaiiu
aayi oeiore mey win
It. f-..,A l,a aclrrt (lr tllfl DaSS
iMJl. VJtion, ' 1 i
-L-,- TL. .mkaaaa,!, and SCfetarV
UUI t. 4 11 it.i.aau-w. .... - .,
Grew, with their famines, win rciurn
directly to tne unuea oiares. t
attaches and others who have been
- a k .mlmiv tn Innk after
VfaiBIlCU UJ mv ,
tile work connecico wun pnsui
- -11 .Ian ratllfn.tft tn
Unci will pruuauij ....... ..
nited States. The other secretaries
' Will be assigned to various European
1 embassies and legations so the em
htv scatter bv
w iaa. r
several routes of departure, by way of
Switzerland being the ambassadors
.tallow, fraaa Pw Onl
200.000 in excess of the outgoing
aliens. ' . ... ,
. n n-,lanri vained thfl first
immigration measure with a literacy
lest provision. - '"'"Y" loTt
nrnvrH the second bill, and m 1915
t :a . UM.M. ti.wtt thi third
I'TCSlUCIll T,itoii,
( President Wilson wrote his second
veto message a few weeks ago.
Uniy tniriy veioes nvc ucch
ridden in the history of the United
States, ana But tour oi incro nvi
been within the last thirty-five years.
i . too .An..a r,aaart rivr and
. in lOO VVfllliaa . " ,
harbor bill over President Arthurs
v veto. In 1886, one of pension puis
vetoed by President Cleveland was
forced through congress. In Roose
velt's administration a bill to extend
time for construction of a dam on the
in MinnantB was nassed
despite executive disapproval and
President Taft's rejection of the
Webji-XMiyon interstate commerce
votj. on re-paseage of the bill
;To override the veto
Aahurat. ' Kn, Bhaji-ara.
Bankhraa. , Klrtss, , . .
Backham. lAn. Blmmons,
m. ' Rmlth Ida.).
chambarUln, Martin, "mllh (S. C),
Chilton, atyara, Thomaa,
Culberaon. Ovarman, Tillman,
Flatrhor, Phalan, UnSarwood,
Hardwlck, Plttman, Variamaa,
Hushaa, Pomeratia, Wllllama 84.
lamaa. Roblnaon.
Johnaoa (Ha.) Shafroth,
Borah, Jonaa. flmoot.
Brady, Kanron, Starllnt.
t'laou, Pallatta, Biltharlaiat,
Cummlu. lAKtaa. Twnaand,
Cnrlla, McCurabar, Wadaworth,
Mlllasbam. Nalaoa, Wataon,
Kail. Korrla, Waaka,
Oalllnsor, Paa-a, Wofka It.
Oranna, i Panroaa. , Total, .
Hamlas, Polndaxtar. ; ,
Against overriding the veto: .,'
HoUia, Martina. Btana,
Hoatlns, lUnaaall. Tkoatpaan,
Johaaaa (SJ.l.llaa. Wlab 11.
Lawla, aolbrr, ,
Brandaiaa. DnponL . , mll (Mtoa.),
Clark Upottt, . Warran I.
Coll, abaniiaa,.. Total, II,
' Senator Phclan. one of those who
voted to override the veto, had voted
against the original passage of the
bill. Senators who. voted for - the
original bill, but would not vote to
pass it over the veto, were Hollis,
Johnson of South Dakota and Thomp
son, democrats, ana oncrman anu
Smithy ot Michigan, repupncan.
. Blaoka Tat an Oraraaa. '
A Waabinttaa, Fab. ai flanatar Waaks agaia
blocked a voto IB tao aenaia taaar on coa
rirmaUoa at Dr. Canr T. Orayaon, Praaldant
wvaon'a naval alda, aomlnatad to b a faar
adfclral. - .
Ta Provant Oria.
Colda aavaa trip Laaatlva Bromo Qulvtna
ramovea causa. Tnore la only.ona "littUMO
UU1N1NB." w. urova'i airaatnra
boa, tlo.Advartlaamant
' tic v. AdUoX
Washington, Feb. 5. Count von
Bernstorff, his wife, who is an Ameri
can woman, together with the secre
taries and servants of the embassy
will leave the capital next Sunday
night in a car specially provided
through the courtesy of the State de
partment and adequately guarded to
pieveftt any offense to the former am
bassador and his suite. On their ar
rival in New York the party will go
direct to the steamer.
Every Precaution Taken.
Every precaution is being taken to
allow no opportunity for offense to
the dismissed officials, the American
authorities throughout the country
have been requested by the state de
partment to see that every courtesy is
Ambassador Oerard, his suite at
Berlin and all the American consular
officials in Germany are expected to
receive similar courtesy from the Ger-
man government and people. As yet
no word has come from them as to
events in Germany or plans of departure.
One week from tomorrow the
whole corps of German officials in
the United States, including Count
and Countess von Bernstorff the em
bassy suite, and consuls from all parts
of the country, will sail from New
sork for Germany.
Reservations For Two Hundred.
Reservations for more than 200
persons have been engaged 'on the
big Scandinavian liner Frederick
VIII, leaving New York, February
13 for Christiania. Final arrangements
will be completed tomorrow with of
ficials ol the company. Meanwhile for
mer German consuls throughout the
country, naving turnca tncir consu
lates over to caretakers to be even
tually reopened under the direction
of Swiss officials, will start for New
York in time to be on hand when the
ship goes out.
sate conducts have been requested
by the State department of both
Great Britain and France for passage
through the allied blockade and no
doubt is felt that they will be ac
corded. Farm Hand Found With
. ; Hands and Feet Frozen
Fremont. Neb.. Feb. 5. (Special
Telegram.) -With both hands and
feet badly frozen, Walter Gwinn, a
farm hand, was brought to Fremont
for treatment at a local hospital.
Gwinn was picked up by Northwest
ern section men in a haystack near
Hooper, where he says he had been
since Thursday night. He had lain in
the below aero temperature for three
nights and two days and was almost
dead. It will be necessary to ampu
tate both legs and maybe both
hands. Gwinn says his home is at
Maryvtlle, Mo., where he has an
uncle. He says he had applied at a
number of farm houses for work, but
had been refused. -
Expeditionary Force Crosses
Border After Long Sojourn
in Mexico.
rviiimSna. N. M.. Feb. S. Ten
thousand thoroughly seasoned sol
diers, members of General Fershing-s
Mexican punitive expedition, re
turned to Columbus today, after more
than ten montns ioreign acrvicc.
t....t nt tha anldir tnniirht was
divided between the pleasures of their
first leave of absence in an American
town since they entered, and the recent
developments in me international
Columbus was a seething mass of
soldiers tonight Tomorrow they will
resume their march to border stations
and Columbus will gradually lapse
back into the calm which was broken
by Villa's raid in the early morning of
ii u n u..
The refugees from Mexico, wno
preceded the punitive expeauion re-
ties, as there are more than 3,000 en
camped here. The American Red
Cross has been appealed to for assist
ance in feeding these refugees.
Troops Which Passed Throngh
Houston Today Will Await
Orders on Arrival Here.
Governor Neville
Pledges Support of
State to President
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 5. (Special
T-1 f:n.,..-nn. M.ui'lla .Ml
1 CICKl AMI. ww.sitiw. ,,..,.. ovio
the following telegrai.. to President
Wilson mis aiiernoon;
"Nebraska will uphold you in any
contingency that may arise."
Another telegram signed by every
r. emDer oi me sei.ate picugcu uu
support of the state in any action tha
l.old the honor of the United States
and the rights ot its citizens.
Moderate Weather Promised
For Most of the Country
Washington, Feb. 5. The weather
bureau tonight predicted moderate
temperatures over most of the coun
try the next few days, following the
cold wave and high winds which since
Saturday have prevailed east of the
Mississippi, causing heavy crop dam
age and probably the most severe suf
fering of the winter. The blizzard was
over New England tonight and else
where in the east temperatures were
low with freezing as tar south as cen
tral Florida, but the winds were quiet
er. Except in the North Atlantic
states it will not be so cold tomor
art. Arrlrad. Ballad.
LIVERPOOL. .Phlladalphuv. . .
LIVERPOOL. .Finland. . , . , . . Naw Tork.
MANILA.... .Bayard.
nhw TURai,.Bt.paal
Houston, Tex., Feb. 5. The Fifth
Nebraska guardsmen, on their way
from Llano ' Grande to. Fort Crook,
Neb., to muster out, received orders
here today to continue in mobiliza
tion at the fort and await further or
ders from the War department, ac
cording to statements of Colonel H.
Paul, in command of the troops.
Other Units Are Held.
San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 5. Orders
for the homeward movements of the
Second Wisconsin infantry at San
Antonio and the Fifth Maryland in
fantry at Eagle Pass have been can
celled. Whether the approaching
movements of otl..r National Guard
organizations scheduled to leave the
border will also be halted could not
be ascertained at department head
quarters today.
El Paso, Tex., Feb. 5. After the
South Carolina and Tennessee units
stationed here had already entrained
today for home an order was re
ceived from General Funston by the
quartermaster's department suspend
ing the return ot all state guard
troops here.
Dakotana Must Stay.
Brownsville. Tex, Feb. 5. Orders
which soon would have caused the
Second Virginia infantry, First Okla
homa infantry and Fourth .uth Da
kota infantry to. move to their home
stations were recalled today, accord
ing to announcement at Fort Brown.
Utah Troop Halted.
Nogales. Ariz.. Feb. 5. An order
suspending all movements of Nation
al Guard troops was received today
at the headquarters ot the Nogales
military district The order will de
lay the departure of the First squad
ron of Utah cavalry, which had been
preparing to leave for home upon the
arrival here of the Tenth United
States cavalry, expected tomorrow.
Turk Grand Vlaler Cjalta.
London. Fab. (. Tha Tnrklah Brand vizier
haa raalsnad, according to a Reiner dlapatch
from conalantlnopie receivea oy wuy 01
Amaterdam. Ill health la given ai tha rea
aon (or hie reals natloa.
See Squadron of Japanese
Warships in Hawaii Seas
Honolulu, Feb. 5. The rumored
presence of a squadron of Japanese
warships in Hawaiian waters was
given a measure of corroboration to
day by reports from passengers on
the Tovo Kisen Kisha liner, Shinvo
Mam, arriving from Japan. They told
of having seen a cruiser early this
morning. The war vessels reported
in this vicinity are the Tokiwa, Itata
and Nisshin.
French liawra Ball.
New Tork, Fab. I. The French pasaenser
liner Chloaso sailed from Bordeau II la m.
Sunday, according to a cab.i;ram received
by the local asenla here today.
Cascara and Pepsin A Digestive Laxative
Ux-Fo! h id Improved CASCARA with PEPSIN. Pleasant to Take
In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by the addition of Pepsin
and certain other harmless chemicals which increase the effi
ciency of the Cascara, making' it better than ordinary Cascara.
LAX-FOS aids digestion. Pleasant to take and does not gripe
or disturb the stomach. Adapted to children and adults. Just
try one bottle for constipation or indigestion. 60c.
Announcing in advance
the sale of all sales
A Good Trunk
Bag or Suit Case
should come from
-OmMt BtM Btit Mdm",
,1653 Farnam Si -
Removal Sale
3 c
Wednesday, Feb.
7th, at 8:30 A.M.
See tomorrowY papers for full
details of the wonderful values
made possible by this event.
Sale to be Held in Old Location
U. S. National Bank Bldg.f
16th and Farnam
President Will Probably Ask
for That Many Volunteers tn
Event of Fighting.
Washington, Feb. 5. War and
Navy department chiefs and em
ployes, busy with plans for any mili
tary activity the nation may require,
had interest in their task heightened
today by ' a personal visit from
President Wilson. Walking over
from the White House, the president
appeared unannounced at the office of
Secretary Daniels and after the con
ference dropped in on Secretary
With Secretary Daniels he talked
over the amendments to the naval ap
propriation bill, which the house is
expected to pass tomorrow, empow
ering the president to take over ship
building plants, munition works and
other private agencies vital to the
construction or operation of the navy
in war times.
Visit la "Routine."
The president described his visit to
Secretary Baker as "routine." He is
understood to have been told just
what the army is doing in the way of
There was no change in the situa
tion at the War department so far as
surface indications went. Demobili
zation of National Guard regiments
home from border service has not
been interrupted nor have orders
gone out to speed up the return of
other guard units. There are indica
tions, however, that the question of
just what steps would f ollow a declar
tion or war or a hostile act are be
ing carefully weighed.
The most probable course of the
administration, in the view of many
officials, will be to summon a volun
teer force of half a million men and
allow the decision as to passing to
a univarsal service system to await
the response to that call.
Response Is Generous.
The War department has at hand a
study of the steps necessary to or
ganize such a volunteer army, made
at the time the situation on the Mexi
can border was acute. No officer be
lieves voluntary service will Supply
a force of the size the army general
staff has repeatedly declared ade
quate for defense of the country.
Various bureaus of both the War
and Navy departments are laying
plana for swift action should a war
emergency come. Further messages
from individuals and corporations of
fering their services continued to flow
into the departments. Secretary
Baker said a generous response to
the national need was coming from
the "business and personnel of the
The Navy department issued a list
of prompt offers reaching Secretary
Daniels, on which appeared the name
of the Bethlehem Steel company,
Fore River Ship Building company,
Electric Cable company, New York;,
Slocum Avicum and Slocum Labora
. ( t v. Vr.rL-- Lacka
wanna Steel company, New Torn,
Boston Scale and Macnine cuini;"j,
Magnolia Metal company, New York,
Bernstein Manufacturing company,
Philadelphia; Wabash Gear Works,
Terre Haute, Ind.; Roberts Number
ing Machine company, Brooklyn;
United States Rubber company, New
York; Aero Club of America, Great
Lakes Boat Building corporation of
Milwaukee; Boston & Maine rail
road, Pittsburgh Hickson company,
Staten Island Ship Building company
and Kearfoot Engineering company
of New York.
The Store for
Shows spring blouses
of a newness, a
nicety of detail and
of charming fabrics
and colors that are
oleasing to contem
$2.95, $3.95, $4.50 to $25.
Skirts for Spring
New models reveal many notable
ideas in .styles, while fabrics like Yo
San, Khaki Kool, Figured Poplins,
Flannels, Rampourchudda, Cotton and
Gabardines present a wealth of color
to the styles for spring.
Fashions for sport and street wear,
Priced from $6.50 to $25.00
Apparel, Second Floor.
-.-aia a.
When I f eel Ae least fear of catching
cold and becoming hoarse, I chew
Adams Black Jack, the licorice gum.