THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, ' 1917. 10 1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Fifteen to Quarter Up Sheep Steady to Strong "7v and Lambs Slow. BOOS QUARTER HIGHER V Omaha, February &, U1T. - tttpts were: Cattle, llos-a. Sheep. Kstlmsta Monday .... 1.400 14.000 hn aay lut week .. I.C20 10,7:1 1M1 Bum day I wks. am. 7,032 10,177 6.871 Sms day I wka'aco. ",61 MSS S.729 Kama day 4 wki. ato. 11.0(8 Il.lii 11,171 Bam day la yaar .. 1,111 11,160 11,111 I Receipts and disposition of live itork at fm Union stock Tarda, Omaha, for twenty- fonr hours andlnc at I o'clock p. m yoa- ! terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hon. Shaep.RVa Mtaaran Faelne ... I Union Padno C. 1. W., east... i CAN. W west... C, B. Q., east... 1 C. B. Q., west... 27 C. R. I. P., east.. 1 Chlcaao Ol West.... Total reeelota ...70 l 15 1 1 .. 1 I 1 1 ii 20 '.. "x si 11 4 ' f ; DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hoia. Hneep. Morris tt Co 117 477 lit ! J2S 1,163 444 4,027 flwirt and Company.... Cudahy Packlnr Co.... Armour Co ehwarta Co t. W. Murphy Lincoln Packlnr Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co. Wilson Packing Co.... Cndahy, K. C Benton, Vansant ft Lush Bill Bon F. B. Lewis I. B. Root Co F. O. Kellof H. r. Hamilton olllvao Bros. Rothschild Krebs.... Mo. Kansas Calf Co.. Hlrvln Hatfman Olassberff ............. John Harvey Jensen Luniren...... CDay Other, buyers 1,041 1.270 6.400 041 1,231 II 17 1 44 120 11 I 111 1 0 11 7 10 4 141 17 t 187 136 J Totals. 1,470 1,466 11,114 Cattle Receipts were Hint, only fifty, two cars being reported In, the run belns freatly reduced by Sunday's storm, which rendered loading a difficult matter and also . fcy tke fear of market complications grow Ing out of the European war situation. For tsnately there was a good demand and that, together with a light run, sent prices up ward, the market being ll of 16gf26c higher, which means that the break during the latter half of last week was entirely asgnlM4. In other words cattle sold back bout when they did on Wednesday of last week. Quotations on Cattle Oood to choice leaves, llO.IOOH.16i fair to good beeves. $0.764110.60; common to fair beeves, 1(1.00 &7t; good to choice heifers. 17.764tl.00; food to choice cows. I7.604rl.16; fair to good oows, 14.6007.60; common to fair cows, I6.164y4.60; prims feeding steers, 10.00410.00; good to choice feeders, 18.60 0.00; fair .to good feeders. 17.6098.60; sooimon to fair feeders. 16.60407.60; good to choice suckers, 7.76f)8.60; stock heifers, 17.000)1.60; stock oows, I6.00O7.76; stock salves, 17.00OI.00! Teal calves. 16.00011.00, bnl bulls, stags, etc., 17.OOOI.60; bologna bulls, I4.00O7.00. . Hepresenutlvo sales: BEEF STEERS. Wo. Ar. Pr. No. A. Pr. 10........ 461 96 75 1... (10 7 B0 If 4 1 TO 1 7&0 7 16 I... Til I 25 I TM I 76 .......... Ill 00 II tt4 t 10 I Ill I 6S 20 1067 t 70 17 1121 10 35 40 Itti 10 40 COW8. I 170 I 26 10 MS I SO 4 143 S 71 S 731 f 00 I........ 094 8 75 17 10M 7 20 .,......1037 I 00 1)S I 2f 10 1121 f 35 1 UM I 60 HBIFERS. t.. ....... 110 7 00 1 100 7 26 1 170 7 TB 1 712 00 1 .'.1020 I 0 HowCon tinned bd weather kept hoc nottpu down to low (tguro this morn ing, receipts of only fifty can, or 2,100 head being Id 4b fact, the emalleit tor any obo day fine October. The trade was -"Keort t.tivt htjnn advance that featured the close ofiast week. Prices .wero very uneven, but movement waa active at figure! that averaged around 96c higher than Saturday, 8 hip peri led the way again today, buying moat of the hoge offered al flnirea that ran red all the way from 16c to as much as 36026o higher, and were as general thing eloee to a quarter better than last weeaa ciois, ovy im? pretty good job of cleaning up what ehlp is. at tha nrAvnUina advance. By shortly after I o'clock a pretty good clearance had been made, only a few -mattering loads remaining In the pena and a 4i n..ntr. nt these were second!. Hardly enough hogo were offered to make a bulk, but moat of the stuff here sold at a spread of 111.16911.10 and choice kinds reched 12.00, a flat quarter above luuirday's top. All of today's quotations ail the highest ev-r recorded here. Since January 1 values have moved up nearly II 00 per hundred, which advance Is more Mnsmtionat thea the one made during the corresponding period of Hi:, when on rec rd receipts the market showed a steady rise. Wea AW. Ah. p. Hit. Av. Bh. Pr. 11 60 14. .Ill M..IM 50a. 101 13.. 26 8 74.. 114 , 11 60 11 II 11 71 11 16 11 II 71.. IM 71. .I7 77. .Ill 10. .211 11 70 11 80 11 10 IS 00 , lft 16 PIGS. .101 .141 10 II 14.. 101 . ffl 10 Sheep The supply Included several cars of feeders going through, but oven after de ducting those, offerings of lambs were still feaereus. Reports of advances elsewhere caT Mllerg every reason to expect higher prices, and they priced their holdings at harp upturns, but packers, who are ex periencing a shortage of refrigerator ears and had to carry some lambs over from last week, made first offers at lower levels. Old aheep were fairly active at figures that were fully steady to If anything stronger. Among the earlier sales were Navajo wethers at $11.16. and a little pack age of Navajo yearlings at 111.36, both these prices being the highest ever psld here. Light western ewes sold to $10.76, breaking the record for the market, and other light and handy ewes reached $10.86910.70. It was along towards midday when pack rs finally began buying lambs. Movement sroa anything but aclivs, and several loads were stlil unsold at a lata hour. As a general thing, sales when finally made looked almost steady with last week's close, though la spots reductions of anywhere from a shade to 10c was noted, Packers ay they are vnable to get an adequate umber of refrigerator cars, and paid steady prices only under protest, though at nearly all other markets lambs sold to better ad- vantage than they did on last week's close, vocally most of the good light and handy hnta .old around $14.30 14.16, with a de- ent kind at $14.11 and aome weighty ones "under the hill." A little package of Mex- ' loaus sold early at $14.60, but up to noon no full loads had sold there, though the price was reported as bid on eholoe Mexicans Which were being held for more money. Odd bunches of feeders were here, bat ' Anything In the feeding lamb line on which eemparlsons could be based was lacking. A hunch of feeding ewes brought $9.00. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $14.36914.60; lambs, fair to good. $12.76914.86; Iambs, clipped, $11.36 911.40; lambs, feeders, $12.60914.26; year Tings, good to choice, $12.60911-26; year- lings, fair to good, lll.S6911.B0; wethers, fair to choice, lt.60911.16; ewes, good to choice, 110.26910.76; ewes, fair to good, 11.00910.26; ewes, plain to culls, 16.009 1.60. Representative aales: No. Ar. Pr. 206 fd Umbo 74 14 16 0 fed lambs 76 14 16 126 fed ewes 17 10 76 CHICAGO LIVE NTOCK MARKET. Cattle Strong flora Ktrong Sheep and Lsmbe Htrong. Chicago. Feb. 6. Cattle Receipts. 0.000 head ; market, strong ; native beef cattle, 17.86013.26; WMtarn steers, 17.86910.26; Mockers and feeders, 10.0099,26; cows and heifers, .V10fr 10.40; calves, $10.26914.26. Hose Receipt, 20,000 heed; market, strong, 20 to 36c higher; bulk, !2.00 12,26; light. 111.609 12.10; mixed, 1 11. 069 12-36; heavy. 111. 70912.36. with a bid of 112.40 refused on prime heavy; rough, $11,709 11. 6; pigs, $0.60910.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 11,000 head; market, strong : wethers, $ 1 0.60 911.86 ; ewes, $7,76911-00; lambs, $12.10914.86. fit, LonJs Lire Stock Market. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 6. -Cattle Receipt! 6,000 head; market higher; native beef steers, 17.60911.76; yearling; steers and helf era, l8.6O9il.6O: cows. $6.6097.60; stotk ere and feeders, $6.3098.60; prime southern beef steers, $8.00911. 60; beef cows and heif ers, $4.2691.00; prime yearling steers and heifers, $7.60 911-00; native calves, IS.009 13.60. Hogs Receipts, 11,100 head; market higher; lights, $11.76912.26; pigs, $9,269 11.00; mixed and butchers, $U.012.3I; good heavy, fl2.2tty 12.4&; bulk of sales, $11. 96911-20. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 460 head ; market higher; lambs, $12.76912.66; ewes, $6.60910.ti0; yearlings, $11.00912.26. Kauai City Lire Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo- Feb. 6 Cattle Re ceipts, 13,000 head; market steady to 16c higher prime fed steers, $11.26 911-76; dressed beef steers, $8. 60 9 1 1.00 ; western steers, $7.60911-60; cows, $5,769 60; heif ers, $7.00911.00; stockers and feeders, $6.90 910.00; bulk, l6.50tJ8.Ci0; calves, $7.00 913.76. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market, higher; bulk, $11.06912 06; heavy, $12,009 12.10; packers and butchers. $11.80912.70; light, $11.60911-10; pigs, 19.60911-26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 bead; market, higher; lambs, $12.76914.70; year lings, 112.00913.26; wethers, $10.60911.26; ewes, $10.00910.76. SIobx City Live Stock Market. Slous City, Ta., Feb. S. Cattle Receipts. 300 head; market for killers, 10916c higher; stockers, steady; beef steers, $10.00911.26; butchers, $8.00910.00; fat cows and heif ers, $6.00910.00; canners. $4.2696.76; stockers and feeders, $8.6091.36; calve, $6.00910.00; bulls, slags, etc., $6.6098.60; feeding cows and heifers, $6.0098.26, Hoge Receipts, 700 head; market 16c higher; heavy, $11. 06911 70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady; fed muttons, $9.26 912.26; wethers, $10.26911.26; ewes. $9.26910.26; lambs, $12.60 9 14.00. 1 lire Stock In Sight. ' Receipts of live stock from the five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1,400 8,600 14,000 Sioux City...,, 200 700 600 St Louis 6,000 11,900 460 Chicago 1 000 20,000 11,000 Kansas City 13,000 10,000 9,000 Total 26,800 48,200 24,900 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Feb. 6. Cattle Receipts, 2. 000 head; market 10916c higher; steers, $7. 60612. no; rows and heifers, $6.00910.60; oalves. $0.60913.60. Hogs Receipts, o.ono need; market 16o to 30c higher; top. $13.00; bulk of sales, $11.80911.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 8,600 head'; market trOng to 10c higher; lambs, $13,609 14.66; ewes, $1.7(910.06. Coffee Market. New Tork, Feb. 6. Coffee Reports of an easy turn in the cost and freight situa tion arid a bearish view of political affairs seemed responsible for further liquidation in the market for coffee futures today. There also was some selling by trade Interests and after opening 1 to I points lower, active months sold 9 to 11 points under Sat urday's closing figures. May eased off from 8.89c to B.23o and closed at 1.86c, bid with the general list closing at a net loss of 0 to 0 points. Sales estimated, 10,000 bags; February, 8.21c; March, 1.20c; April, 8.30c; May, 1.36c; June, 1.38c; July, 1.41c; August, 8,46c ; September. 8.60c ; October. 8.68c ; November, I. Mo; December. I.6I0; Jan uary 1.62c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, 10c; Santos 4s, 19tte; coat and freight offers were lower with Santos 4s said to be offering at 10.20c, Lon don credits, neutral steamers. The official cables reported no change In Brail Han markets except a decline of 176 re Is in Santos futures, but private cables reported a further decline in Santos futures today, which doubtless promoted some of the selling here. Cotton Market. New Tork. Keb. 6. Cotton Futures opened steady;. March. 116.20(T16.10c; April, 16.164,16. llo; July, lb.304l6.ll; urtooor, 14l6pl4.11i; December, 16.H0lfl6.20o. The cotton market closed alronff at a net advance of 14 to 06 points. Cotton futures closed firm; March, 16.16c; Mav. 16.00c: July 14.06a: Ootober. 16.43c: December, ll.filo. fepot, stesdy; rolddllnf up land. 16.R0GI ssles, 1,800 bales. Liverpool, Feb. 8. Cotton Spot, weak; rood middling, 10. Sic: middling, 10.11c; low mlddllm, 10.00c. Bales, 7,000 bales. Metal Market. New Tork, Feb. (.-Metals Lead, 11.60. Copper, nominal; electrolytic first, sseond and third quarters, 111.60031.60, Iron, steady; No. 1 northern, 131. 604031.60; No. 3, 131. Q0tf33.00: No. 1 southern, 110.604040.00; No. 1, 120.00 Q 20.60. Tin, nominal; spot, 164.00. At London: Spot copper, 134 6s; future,, 1130 6a; electrolytic, 1146. Tin, spot, 1300 17s 0d; futures, 1201 17s d. Lead, 120. Spelter, 161 Its, Omaha Ifay MaMeO. Omshs, Feb. 1. Hay Cholos I1IO0S11S0; No. 1, 111. 004011. 60; No. 1, 0.60O10.60. No. 1, I7.t00t.60i No. 1 mid land, iio.60(,u.oo: No. :. ti.6or,,.60; no. 1 lowland, 1.0041.10; No, 1, I7..)T.60; No. I. 14.00 0 4.60. Alfalfa Choice, 11T.OO01T.IO; No. 1, 16.6O0't.6O; standard. 118. 60014.10; No. 1, I10.l0tyll.60; No. 1. 10.60 0 10.60. Straw Oa', 17.00 0 7.10: wheat, 16.00 00.10, Oil and Kosln. Savannah, Oa., Feb. 6. Turpentine Mar. ket dull. 610 ; sales, none; receipts, 11 bbla.; shipments, none, stocks, 10,161 bbla Rosin Firm; sales, none: receipts, 121 bbls.; shipments, 111 bbls.; stock, 71,137 bbla Quotation.: A. B, C. D E. F, O, 14.10; H. 1, K, 11.20; M, 14.35; N, 16.60; WO, 66.46; WW, 16.10. Dry Goods Market. New Tork, Feb. 6. Dry Goods Cotton goods and yarns were steadier with trade light today. Dress goods were firmer. Raw silk was unsettled in foreign markets, but quist here. Markets were generally steadier ana more commence was shown in value. assured growth s of earning power of Mid Continent Consolidated Oil and Utilities Corporation makes this stock unusually attractive to small or large investors seeking permanent and ever increasing incomes. The stock repre sents public utility corporatMos in It ckies In the mid-west, owning In addi two, oil and gas properties of proven past and present production that should rapidly develop Into great monev-mak-era. The population of the territories served is now 100,000. Present growth indicates 2a0,000 within five years. MID-CONTINENT CONSOLIDATED ML Alt ITaimS COIMUTHHI ' (Jnarpormitd umdtr tk Jstes ' tftk Sta Aim Yk) Financial advisers of recognised authority recommend public utility stocks, and statistical experts have proven that this type of eecurity shows greater stability than most industrials ana rsuroaas Because n is wsssuotcciio fluctuating trade conditio na. Tremen dous speculative values are aopplied by oil end ass bold in as. while mutttea sale guard the principal and income. " 10 dividend ylela) with tOO areteetiea Msiirssi r dttmki inform, tpmfy Orarfar -19 GRAIN ANDPRODUCE General Advance in Prices Stimulates Market, Though Receipts Are Light. CEREALS ARE IN DEMAND Omaha, February 5, 1917. Receipts of grain were comparatively light today and a good demand for the dlnrent cereals forced a general advance in prices. Wheat wu strong at an advance of 2c to 3fcc. Corn followed wheat with praln of 3c to 2c, while oats were quoted from lc to lfco higher. No. hard wheat brought the bent prices, this grade selling from 11.72 to $1.73. and the No. 3 hard coins at 11.71 to 11.71V No. 2 durum wheat sold around $1.72; No. 2 mixed brought. $1.73, and the nominal quotations on spring wheat were 11.6 to 11.76 on the No. 2 and I1.S& to $1.72 on the No. 3 grade. The trade In com vai excellent and buy ers took up most of the nam plea on the ad vance, the bettr gradi-s of com selling around &Hc and tho mixed and yellow aamplee going at 94 to ibc. Oats were very anlvo and were In good demand at the prevailing prices. Receipts of oats, however, were very light, and the bulk of the offerings, which graded No. 2 and No. 4 white, sold from 12 fcc to 62c on No. 3 white to Clc to 634c on No. i white. Rye was very quiet at a 2c advance and barley was very active with prices quoted steady. Clearancea were: Wheat and flour, equal to 663,000 bunheln; corn, 239,000 bunheli: oats, 39.000 bus he la. Primary wheat receipts were 744.000 bush els and shipment! 4x4.000 bushels, againiit receipts of 1,7116,000 bushels and shipments of 864,000 bushels lant year. Primary corn receipts wre 918.000 bush els and shipments 414.000 bushels, against receipts of bushels and shipmenta of 644,000 last year. Primary oats receipts were 615,000 bush els and shipments 761,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,093,000 bushels and shipments of 719,000 bushels last year. CARLOT HKCKIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago a2 i8 58 Omaha J so 87 9 These sales were reported yesterday: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 11.73; 3 cars, $1.73; 4 4-5 cars, $1.72. No. S hard winter; 3 cars. $1.714; 13 cars, $1.71; 1 car, $1.70; 1 car, $1.9; No. 4 hard win ter: I car, $1.68; 1-6 car, $1.67. No. 2 durum: 1 car, $1.72. No. 3 durum: 1 car (light) $1.66. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. $1.78. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.71; 1 car, $1.67. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars, $1.67. Barley No. 2: 1 car, $1.20. No. 1 feed: 1 car, $1.07. Rejected: 1 car, 96c. Bample: 1 car, 9bc. Corn No. 3 white: 3 cars, 9&Sc No. 3 white; 3 cars, 95Vac; 2 cars, 96c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 96-c; 1 car, 96c; 3 cars, 95c. No. I yellow: 8 cars, 96o; No. i yel low: 1 car, 94 c. No. 2 mixed: 4 cars, 96c; 1 oar, 94c. Nu. I mixed; I cars, 96c; S cars, 4c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 94c; 3 cars, Hc, No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 94c Uata No. 3 white: 1 car, 52c; 3 cart. 62 Ho. No. 4 white: 2 cars, G24o; 1 car, 52c; 1 car, 61 c; 1 car, 610. Sample white: 1 car, 62c; 3 earn,, 61 He Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2' hard, $l.?201.73ftc; No. 3 hard, $1.7001.71 Vt ; No; 4 hard, $1.66(1.68; No. 2 spring, $1.6SB 1.76; No. 3 spring, $1. 6501. 72; No. 2 durum. $1.7001-73. No. I durum, $1. 6801. 70. Corn; No. 2 white, 96140960; No. 3 white, 960 9&4c; No. 4 white, 94Q95c; No. 6 white, HA94b; No, 6 while, 9494c; No. 2 yellow, 9&tt096ttc. No. 3 yellow, 940 96c; No. 4 yellow, 94094Hc; No. 6 yel low. 94094c; No. 6 yellow. 9394c. No. 2 mixed, 9409Gc; No. 8 mixed, 94Vj095c; No. 4 mixed, 9494c; No. 6 mixed. 4K094c; No. 6 mixed, 94094tta. Oats: No. 2 white, 62 $ 5214 c; standard, 52 0 63c; No. 1 white, 62H082c; No. 4 white, 61 0 62Kc Barley: Malting, $1.1001.20; No. I feed, 96c0$l.O8. Bye: No. 2, $1,360 1.38; No. 1, $1.3401.27. Omaha Futures. The future wheat situation was extremely bullish today and the trade In the local pit was very active. Buying by longs and heavy short covering forced a sharp rise In all options except September wheat and May corn, closing on the highest quo tation of the day. The sentiment In wheat was not necessarily bullish today but the sharp rise In Saturday's market not only caused many traders who were bearlshly inclined to get In the market. Corn and oats were quite active and closing prlcea on these articles were strong, May oorn closing at 96 He and May oats at ic. Local range of options: Art. Open. jHIgh, 'Low. Close, jfiat'y. ! WhlTl j 1 May I148H6S 1711164 I 711U. July I 1 44 1 46 141 1 46l43 Bept 1 1 82 1 83 130 ) 1 32ft131tt torn. May 94140 94 U 94H July j 94 9&fe 94 I 96fe 934 "is. I lii ; May B3fc 63(41 G3 5214 July 49 49 49 49fci 48 Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brok ers, 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art 1 Open, High. Low.) Close. Hat. WhT f ! May 1 69 1 74 167 1 74 168 July 1 60 1 60 144 1 49 148 Sept 1 40 1 40 135 1 8B 137 Corn. May 99 1 00 98 1 00 98 July 97 99 97 99 97 Oata. May 54 65 3 64 63 July 63 64 52 63 62 Pom, May 3 10 80 00 28 80 29 60 39 32 July 28 10 39 40 28 80 29 16 29 00 fcard. May 18 It 1 67 18 30 18 46 18 16 July 18 63 16 72 16 62 18 60 16 32 Ribs. May IS 33 IS SO IS 25 IS 46 IS 10 July 16 45 16 62 IS 46 16 SO 16 36 CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. Wheat Rises at Opening oa Rumor Austria Will Adhere to tiertnaa View. Chlcaa-o. Feb. 6. Wheat rose sharply In value today after wavering until the last hour. A notable oecreaso in ine unttea States visible supply total did a good deal to lift nrlces and so. too, did ad vires that. regardless of Germany's change of sea meth ods, the loading and shipment of breads tuffs purchased for the entente allies would at present, In any event, not be Interrupted by Every Man Should invest portion of hi profit or savings so that they will yield a reasonable income. The FORESIGHTED, CONSERVATIVE investor re quires such investments. The SERVICE we render, the PRODUCTS we ell and the ADMINISTRATION of our busi ness policy makes this company desirable to such investors. . n The motor age is advancing so rapidly we need additional capital to meet the demand for our products, and we offer a portion of our capital stock at $100 per share, in allotments of from one to ten shares. We shall be glad to have you invest with us. TheL Vjrtholas Oil Company Grain Exchange Bldg., Omaha, Neb. the owners but, on the contrary, would be rushed. The market closed strong, 1 to c net higher, with May at $1.74 to $1.74 H and July at $1.49 to $1.4H- Other leading i tap leu likewise scored gains, corn 3c to 2c, oats 14 01c to Iftc, and provisions 27030c to $1.27. At first the chief -characteristics of the wheat trade were nervousness and lack of volume. Recent fluctuations apparently had been tuo violent for all but the hardiest of speculators with ample financial backing. Buying orders predominated in Initial busi ness, but were soon checked by reports that Austria had taken the same position as tlermany regarding unrestricted activity of BUbmarines. Pronounced weakness followed, owing to prospects that an Immediate break In diplomatic relations with Austria was likely. When traders, who had sold short, attempted, however, to collect profits the -narket was found to be bare of offerings. H was at this juncture the visible supply ligures were Issued showing that the aggre gate readily available stock In this country had shrunk to nearly 18.600,000 bushels less than was the case a year ago. Word of continued rapid forwarding of supplies to the entente allies seemed to glvo decided Impetus to the upward ten dency of the wheat market as the end of the session approached. The rise, though, was largely confined to May and was ihared to but a moderate extent by the new crop months, July and September. May closed at the topmost point reached, about 20 cents up from the lowest figures of Sat urday. Com was etrong from the start. Scanti ness of rural offerings Intimidated sellers, who were a I no affected by talk that the prevailing low temperatures had Increased the feeding demand. Oats were Influenced by the same conditions as corn, but were less active. New high record quotations on hogs car ried provisions sharply upgrade. Pork led the advance, and at one time showed a Jump of $1.72 a barrel, as compared with the clone on Saturday. Cash Prices Wheat: No. S red, nominal; No. 3 red. $1.66H: No. 3 hard, $1.7401.76; No. 3 hard, $1.6901.71. Com: No. 2 yellow, $1.00; No, 4 yellow, nominal; No. '4 white, 96c. Oats: No. 3 white, 63 065c; standard, 644056c. Bye: No. 2, nomi nal; No. 3, $1.2701.38. Barley: $1,000 1.27. Seeds: Timothy, $3.6005.60; clover, tl2.00fiM7.60. Provisions: Pork, $29.60; I lard, $16.17; ribs, $16.00016.60. I Butter Higher; creamery, 32039c. HeKn Higher; receipts, 2.090 cartes; firsts, UtyiiHc: ordinary firsts, 42043c; at mark, cases included, 40044c. Potatoes Receipts, 22 cars; unchanged. Poultry Alive, unsettled; fowls. 20 He; springe, 20c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Vartons Leading ('commodities. New Tork, Feb. 6. Klour, steady; spring patents, $8.508.76: winter patent. 8.25t?p 8.50; winter straights, $7.8008.15; Kansas straights, $R. 50608.75. , Wheat Hpot, strong; No. 2 liard, $1.96; No. 1 northern, Duluth. $2.09; No. 1 north ern Manitoba, $3.07 H. f. o. b.. New Tork. Corn Hpot, strong; No. 3 yellow, $1.43 i C. 1. f. New York. Oats Spot, strong; standard, 67 068c. Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.10; No. 2. $1,000 1.06; No. 8, 5097ttc; shipping, 90 0 97c. Hops Si eady State, common to choice, 1916, 40047c; 1915, 8014c; Pacific coast, 1916, 110.4c; 1915, 8011c. Hides Quiet;. Bogota, 43c; Central America, 41c Leather Firm; heiwtock firsts, 67c; sec onds, 66c. . Provisions Pork, strong: mess, $33,000 33.60; family, $32.00034.00; short clears, $32.000 33.00. Beef, firm; mess, $23,000 23.60; family, $26.60027.00. Lard, strong; middle west, $16.60016.60. Tallow Steady; city, 11c nominal; coun try. 11 4 ?ll4c; special, Uc. Butter Firm; recelpta, 7,467 tnbs; cream ery higher than extras, 43 4 044a; cream ery extras 92 score 48c; firsts, 27 0 42c; seconds, 3602614c. Kggs Firm; receipts, 4,408 cases: fresh gathered extra firsts, 49c; firsts, 48048c; refrigerator finest, 48c; refrigerator, good to fair. 4OU041ttc Cheese Firm: receipts 3.351 boxes; state held specials, 26025ftc; state held average fancy 24 025c. Poultry Live, steady; no prices settled Dressed firm; chickens, 19029c; fowls, 170 24c ; turkeys, 20 0 34c. Minneapolis Grata Market. Minneapolis, Feb. S. Wheat May, $1,764: July. $1.73. Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.84 01.90 ; No. 1 northern, $1.77 0 1.89; No. 2 northern, $L7401.8O. Flour Unchan ged. Barley 86n$l. 17. Hye $1.3501.36. Bran $31.00033.00. Corn No. 3 yellow. t70tte. Oats No. 3 white. 62069. Flaxseed $2.79 02.86. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City. Feb. Wheat No. 3 hard. $1.6601.77; No. 3 rod, $1.66 01.76; May, $1.72; July, $1.46. Corn N. 2 mixed, 97097c: No. 3 white, 97098c; No. 1 yellow, 98 0 98e; May, 97097c; July,. 96096c. Oats No. 3 white, 67068c; No. 3 mixed, 56058c. . St. lAois Grain Market. St. Louis, Feb. 6. Wheat .No. 3 red, $1.80; No. 2 hard, $1.7701.83; July, $1.46. Corn No. 2, 98c; No. 3 white, $1,000 1.00; May, $1.00: July, 98c Oats No. 2, 64 c; No. 3 white, nominal. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Feb. 6.-Flour Winter, 47s. Hops (In London) Pacific coast, 14 15s0 6 16s. Bank Clearings. Omaha, Feb. 6. Bank clearings for Omaha today were $4,404,168.80, and for the corresponding day last year $3,662,967.63. Announcement ! Ham Builders, Ine wish to announce that its non-participating $1.00 shares are now available. Its participating ($1.21) shares are exhausted. The new shares are guaranteed 7 straight interest, payable January 1 and July 1. Offices: 17th and Doagla Sts., Omaha, Neb. President. NEW YORK STOCKS Break in Relations With Ger many Made Occasion of Fur ther Advance in Shares. BETHLEHEM STEEL RISING New Tork, Feb. 6. Far from causing dismay or even hesitation, the break in relations between the United States and Germany was made the occasion of a fur ther advance in stocks today, last Satur day's spectacular up rush being supple mented Dy advances ot I to 6 points in many fssus of importance. Prominent specialties, particularly those embracing the so-calId war group, made even greater gains Bethlehem Steel (old stock (rising 16 points, although the new stock yleled 4 points. Shares of numerous other concerns, which have been the most conspicuous In the war booms of the last two years were substantially better, a few gaining at their best as much as 6 to 10 points. United States Steel occupied Its cus tomary commanding position throughout the day and on a total turnover of about 360,000 shares, or almost 80 per cent of tho whole, made an extreme advancs of 1 OS hi , and closed at 107 4, a net gain of 3S. poinU. Kindred Issues such as Lackawanna, Cruc ible Steel, Sloss-Sheffleld common and pre ferred: Republic Iron. American Car anrt allied equipments were 3 to 4 points better wim s points each for Gulf States and Nova Scotia. Metals, especially the fore most coppers, were In steady demand, Ana conda, Utah and Gran by rising to 8 points, with 4 points for Butte and Superior. Soml-war descriptions like Central Leather, industrial Alcohol, Petroleums and Sugars were sufficiently etronsr to indicate a re newal of past preferment and shippings ap peared to ignore the rise In maritime In surance rates to the highest figure thus far quoted on ships of American registry. Of all the representative Issues, rails alone were consistently Irregular, gains In some transcontinentals and grangers being offset by losses in other shares of the same char acter. New Haven at the new low record of 3 and Brooklyn Transit 3s decline of 7 points, were attributed to specific causes. Totals sales of stocks, 1,245 000 shares. New minimums for United Klnrrtnmi and Parts fie and weakness in local transactions made for an irregular bond market Total sales of bonds, par value. 14,660,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. numoer or dales and quotations on lead ing stocks were: Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... as.00 99 92 9H American Can it. .tori nu in a-.u Am. Car & Foundry 3.300 64 62 63 n.iu, uocomouve. . . 7,700 71 68 '70 Am. Smelt. & Refg. 21,200 99 97 98 Am. Sugar Ref soo 106 106 106 Am. Tel. & Tel 2,600 126 124 125 Am. Z.. L. A S at lx Anaconda Copper.. 36,600 77 74 76 Atchison 2,600 103 102 102 Baldwin Locomot.. 8,600 61 48 50 Baltimore & Ohio. . 2,900 77 76 76 Brooklyn Rapid Tr. 6.200 72 65 67 Butte 4 Sun. Cod.. 5.000 4f i.if. Cal. Petroleum 3,000 24 22 23 Canadian Pacific... 3,500 167 156 156 Central Leather 29.500 81 77 80 cnesapeahe & Ohio 2,900 60 58 68 C, M. A St. Paul.. 2,300 85 84 85 Chicago & North... 200 120 120 120 C. R. 1. & P. Rv Chino Copper 6.700 65 52 53 coio. j'uel & iron.. 6,200 44 42 43 Corn Prod. Ref 7.700 2nA isu. vntL Crucible Steel 32,700 61 57 60 Krie 10.300 21 2BTt Oeneral Rlecrlc... 500 166 165 165 Ureat North, pfd.. 500 116 115 114 Gt. North. Orectfs. 4,100 33 31 32 Illinois Central.... 600 103 100 101 Inter. Con. Corp... 1,500 13 13 13 Inspiration Copper. 24,800 67 64 55 Inter. Har., N. J lis Int. M. M. pfd. ctfs 28,900 69 65 68 K. C. Southern 1.000 21 21 ii 21 U. Kennecott Copper. . 30,100 44 42 43 Louis. A Nash 125 Mex. Petroleum.... 6.800 90 87 88 Miami Copper 4,200 37 36 36 Mo.. K. & Tei. pfd 16 Mo. Pacific, new... 2.100 29 i 28U 2ft Montana Power. . . 700 98 97 99 National Tad 600 56 54 55 Nevada Copper.... 6.700 23 22 23 N. T. Central 7,400 96 95 9.1 N. T., N. H. & H.. 11.400 42 39 39 Norfolk A. West.... 2,400 130 129 129 Northern Pacific... 3,500 106 103 104 Pacific Mall 1.900 23 19fe 23U Pacific Tel. A Tel 29 Pennsylvania 3.500 55 54 54 Ray Con. Copper. , . 9,900 26 25 25 Reading 42.600 94 90 92 Rep. Iron & Steel.. 7,100 78 73 76 Shattuck Arts. Cop. 1,700 21 24 26 Southern Pacific... 8.200 93 91 92 Southern Railway.. 10.200 29 28 28 Studebaker Co 7,100 101 99 100 Teaas Comoanv.... .600 216 209 209 Union Pacific 11,900 135 134 1.14 Union Pacific pfd.. 400 83 83 83 P 11.111 IF i t TRAIN SERVICE TO COLORADO AND THE PACIFIC COAST Daily Trains to Colorado Denver Special Leaves Omaha, 7:45 A. M. Daily Trains to California Restricted to first class passage. Extra fare of $8.00 Omaha to San Francisco. Barber and baths, ladies' maid, valet, stenographer, vapor heat, electric ventilation, ' select library, club car for men, stock and market reports by wire, writing desks and stationery, compartments and drawing rooms ensuite if desired. Two other trains for San Francisco, leave Omaha at 11:55 A. M. and 12:40 A. M. (midnight), each carrying Pullman Standard and Tourist sleeping cars. Two trains for Los Angeles leaving Omaha Los Angeles Limited, 11:55 A. M. Pacific Limited, 12:40 A. M. 2D a 1 1 y Trains Each of which follows for nearly two hundred miles in Panfit Inrlhwest the Scenic Columbia River. From Omaha to Port 10 r acme nonnwesi Tacoma geattle and intermediate points. Oregon-Washington Limited Portland and Puget Sound Express Leaves Omaha, 10:30 A. M. ' Leave Omaha, 12:40 A. M. midnight) For additional information about train service, literature jescriptivif of routes of Union Pacific System, Pullman reservations, apply to ' 1324 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. U. a Ind. Alcohol. 3S.600 120 114 134 V. S. Steel 329,600 108 106 107 U. S. Steel pfd.... 700 118 118 118 Utah Copper 40,600 111 107 109 Wabash pfd "B".. 2,000 26 26 Z5 Western Union 9f0 94 93 94 Westlngh. Electric. 11.900 61 49 0 Total sales for the day, 1,246,000 shares. New York Money Market. New Tork, Feb. 5. Mercantile Paper 3 fc3 per cent. Sterling Exchange 60-day bills. $4.73; commercial 60-day bills, on banks, 14.72; commercial 60-day bills, 14.72; demand, $4.7570; cables, $4.76 7-16. Silver Bar, 76c; Mexican dollars, 64 c. Bonds Government, steady; railroad, Ir regular. Time Loans Strong: 60 days, $0 days and S months, 404 per cent. Call Money High, S per cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 3 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. , U. S. r. 2s. reg. 99 L. & N. unl. 4s. 95 do coupon 99M. K. & T. 1st 4s 77 U. S. 3s. reg.. .101 "Mo. Pac. con 6s.l04 do coupon. .. .101 Mont. Power 6s. 99 U. S. 4s, reg... 110 N. Y. C. deb. 6s. 109 do coupon 110N. T. City 4s.l08 A. T. A T. &4s.l05 New Haven c. 6s.l04 Anglo-French 6s. 92 No. Pacific 4s... 94 Atch. gen. 4s... 94 do 3s 67 B. & O. 4s 92Ore. S. 1 ref. 4s 92 Beth. St. ref. 6s.l00 Pac. T. A T. 5s. 100 Cent Pacific 1st. 91Penn. con. 4s.l06 1 C. A O. cv. 4s. 84 do gen. 4s..l02 C, B. A Q., J. 4t. 98Resdlng gen. 4s. 95 C..M.& 105 So. Pacific cv. 5s.l01 C. R. I. A P. r. 4s 74 drt ref. 4s 92 C. A 8. ref. 4s. 84So. Railway 5s. .101 D. A R. G. c. 4s. 82 Union Pacific 4s. 97 Erie gen. 4s 70 do cv. 4s 93 Gen. Electric 6s.l05 IT. 8 .Rubber 6s. 102 Gt. No, 1st 4s.l00 U. S. Steel 6s... 105 I. C. ref. 4s.... 93W. Union 4a.. 96 K. C. 8. ref. Gs. 89 Dom. of C, 1913 99 Rid. London Stock Market. London, Feb. 5. American securities moved with Wall street and only a few transactions were recorded on the stock exchange today. London, Feb. 5. Silver Bar, 37 d per ounce. Money 3 per cent. Discoun t Rates Short bills, 5 5 per cent; three months, 695 per cent. Sugar Market. New York, Feb. 6. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, 4.83c; molasses, 3.96c. Refined, steady; cut loaf, 7.90c; crushed, 7.75c; mould A and cubes, 7.26c; XXXX powdered, 6.90c;, powdered, 6.85c; fine granulated, 6.75c; diamond A. 6.75c; confectioners' A, 6.66c; No. 1, 6.60c. Futures opened lower under scattered liquidation, but later ral lied on good demand from Cuban interests and at noon were unchanged to 1 point higher. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fraits. New Tork, Feb. 6. Evaporated Apples Dull; fancy, 89c; choice, 8t$8c; prime, 77c. Dried Fruits Prunes, easy; California, 7fl! 7c; Oregons, 810 c. Apricots, firm; choice, 17c; extra choice, 17c; fancy, 18c. Peaches, steady; choice, 8c; extra choice, 9c; fancy. 9c. Raisins, easy; choice to fancy seeded, 810c; seedless, J0(gll c; London layers, $1.80. For Sale Three first mortgages on three separate Eastern Nebraska farms. Security three times value of mortgages. Amounts, $1,000, $2,000 and $5,000. Will sell one or all. No commission. No discount. No brokers. If interested state if you want, subject to in vestigation, one or all. Address Security, Box 1133, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Over the only line that is double tracked all the way between Omaha and Colorado. Colorado Express Leave Omaha, 4:30 P. M. The foremost of these trains is the famous OVERLAND LIMITED Leavee Omaha, 8:00 A. M. Arrives San Francisco, 10:10 A. M. L BEINDORFF, City Passenger STOCK MARKET IS STRONG MD HIGHER SteeL Smelter, Copper and Kindred Issues Open One to Three Points Up. ATTENDANCE IS LARG1 New York, Feb. 5. Wall street be gan the day in a mood more serious than at any time since the beginning of the war. The developments over Sunday suggesting the extent of the precautions taken throughout' the country brought the financial com munity to a further realization of the grave conditions resulting from the diplomatic break with Germany. At the stock exchange the attend ance, despite the storm, was larger than on any day since the memor able 1st day of August, 1914, when the exchange entered upon an en forced and prolonged period of sus pension. The tone of the market at the open ing was strong, with gains of 1 to points in American Smelting, Lacka wanna Steel, Utah Copper and Cen tral Leather. United States Steel made an initial gain of 2 points, at 106, on its offer ing of 2,500 shares. Bethlehem Steel, old stock, rose 15 points, while the new stock was otl j points Highest Price Ever Paid For Hogs On This Market Never before did hogs sell as high as they did Monday in the stock yard. at Omaha. A flat 12 cents was reached on a few loads, and the bulk sold at from $11.65 to $11.90. All the quotations on hogs were the highest ever .re ceived on the market here. The fig ures averaged 25 cents higher than Saturday. Recratttna; for both the army and ih navy during the month of January raaehet! satisfactory proportions, according to tin ares made public. The navy made a net In crease of 1,422 men, and the army of 1.10C Colorado Special ' Leaves Omaha. 12:30 A. M. (Pullman keeping- Car ready for occupancy 9:30 P. M.) Agent J Phone Doagla, 4000. B. A. PERRON A COMPANY il . La Sail $3t,, CMeage '4 V .