Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1917, Image 1

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    ilson Asks Neutrals Break
With Kaiser
The Omaha Daily Bee
Want-ad Service
Night or Day
Tyler 1000.
VOL XL VI. NO. 198.
American ConsuKat Plymouth
Hears German Subsea Pro
vided for Safety of Men
Aboard Housatonic.
If True, Washington Says One
.Immediate Overt Act to
Cause War Removed.
Washington. Feb. 4 The Ameri
can steamer Housatonic was given
full warning by the German subma
rine before being sunk ami opportun
ity was given for the safety of the
crew. A dispatch received at the
State department today from Ameri
can Consul Stephens at Plymouth,
England, announced this. No further
details were given. It is not known
how the information reached the con
sul, unless, perhaps, the British ship
which rescued the crew put into his
Consul Stephens' dispatch, later
made public, reads:
"American steamer Housatonic,
loaded with a cargo of wheat for the
British government, torpedoed by
German submarine at 12:30 February
3. Vessel warned and total crew of
thirty-seven rescued by submarine
and towed for ninety minutes towards
land. Submarine fired signal to Brit
ish patrol boat, which subsequently
landed crew at Penzance."
If the report is borne out, dis
patches from Washington say that
it will remove the one immediate
overt act which seemed to render
actual hostilities between this country
and Germany inevitable on the basis
of President Wilson's address to con
gress yesterday.
London, Feb. 4. The crew of the
American steamship Housatonic, sunk
by a German submarine, was landed
today at Penzance, England. Investi
gation is expected to establish before
many hours the circumstances of the
Germany Feels -Wilsoon
Views Note
Far Too Seriously
Uerlin, Feb. 4. (Wireless to Say
ville.) Press dispatches have reached
Berlin, according to which diplomatic
relations between Germany and the
United States have been broken off,
says the Overseas News agency. No
official confirmation has been received,
"In case the news is correct," adds
tiic agency, "the general feeling in
Germany is regret that the American
president gave to the German note an
interpretation which was not intended
by Germany. The German measures
are not intended to damage neutrals,
but were caused by the necessity of
defending Germany against hostile
measures which are contrary to inter
national law. Germany's enemies,
therefore, being charged with the
whole responsibility."
London, Feb. 4. Reuter's Amster
dam correspondent telegraphs that up
to 1 o'clock this afternoon no news
had been received there from Ger
many relating to the American-German
relations. The censor has pre
vented the sending of German news
papers across the frontier to Holland.
Stockholm, Feb. 4. Private advices
from Berlin say the announcement of
the rupture of relations between the
United States and Germany was re
ceived with comparative calm by the
"Judging by the news received from
the United States the feeling there
against the Germans is incomparably
more bitter than the feeling here
against Americans," says a dispatch
from Berlin.
Cherokee Indians Offer ,
To Volunteer as Fighters:
Tulsa, Okl., F'h. 4. The Cherokee j
Indian nation has volunteered its
services to the country in the event j
of war. A telegram signed by W. C. ;
Rogers, principal chief of the Chero- j
kces. has been sent to the War de
partment asking the privilege of or-1
ganizing a regiment "to defend the
flag when needed in the great crisis '
now. before us." j
The Weather j
For Nebraska Cold,
IVmpcrmturtti at Omaha Ytrrday.
Hour. I'pr.
9 p. m
7 p. in
Comparative Lorul Record.
117. 1910. 115. 1114. ypxterdtty. . . fl :M 4: 36
Ijowpst ypsterday. . . 10 '1 ::i u
Mpn temperature. .. ! n r.t; 24
Prm-lplutlon 12 .24 .17 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 21
Deficiency for the day 28
Total exceae since March I... 14b
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Kxceaa for the day 09 Inch
Total rainfall atnee March 1 17.42 lnchea
Deficiency aince March 1 12.60 lnchea
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915. .43 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1914.. 1.79 lnchea
Ij. A. WELSH, Metcoroloalat.
jjjCi a. ni ..... 9 i
fc 9 p. m 1
1 7 p. in 0
Extraordinary Precautions Are
Taken by Authorities to
Protect Harbor.
New York. Feb. 4. Major General
O'Ryan, commander of the state Na
tional Guard established his head
quarters in the municipal building
this morning and took charge of the
mobilization of the militia. Governor
Whitman, who came here last night
from Albany, also remained in the
citv in close touch with the situation.
The National Guard and the naval
militia of this state were ordered out
last night by the governor upon the
request of Mayor Mitchel, who asked
that such detachments of the guard be
ordered out "as may be necessary for
the purpose of aiding the civil au
thories in the maintenance of law and
order." The mayor's communication
opened with a review of acts of vio
lence directed against property within
the last year.
Police Reserve on Duty.
Double reserves were ordered on
duty at every police station. It is ex
pected that the first division of the
National ' Guard, numbering 17,000
men, will be ready for service in less
than a week. At 11 o'clock- a battalion
of naval militia took charge of the
Williamsburg bridge, relieving the po
lice. At noon similar guards were
placed on Brooklyn, Manhattan.
Queensboro and Hell Gate bridges, all
connecting with Brooklyn across the
East river. One hundred men were
assigned to each bridge, divided into
three reliefs.
Strict Guard on Bridges.
Their orders were to "observe card
fully and search, if needful, suspicious
vehicles or suspicious foot passen
gers," and to notify all persons cross
ing the bridges by foot or in convey
ances that they would not be allowed
to Halt while on the bridges. The
orders also called for an increase in
the illumination of the footways and
driveways and especially of the an
chorage of the suspension bridges,
"and at any other points where the
discharge of a small quantity of high
explosives might lead to the destruc
tion of the bridge."
Between the bridge piers on both
sides of the river one and three-pound
cannon were posted accompanied by
machine guns.
Announcement was also made pro
hibiting all vessels except those in
public employ from apwotching
within fifty feet of the bridges "save
in case of great v emergency." The
guards were provided with mega
phones to warn boats off.
Reason for the Action.
It was pointed out in the announce
ment that the fall of the East river
bridges would cither cut off the navy
yard from the main ship channel or
block the interior line of communi
cation from Hell Gate.
Governor Whitman, after confer
ences here today with National Guard
officers, said part of the Tenth regi
ment had been assigned to duty in
the Hudson river counties and the
First regiment in the central part of
the state. He received word that the
Hudson river bridges at Poughkeepsie
and Albany were being closely guard
ed by railroad detectives and city po
lice. The governor asserted 19,000
guardsmen could be mobilized in this
state within a few hours, if necessary.
Extra Care Taken
For Guarding Against
Disorderly Acts
Washington, Feb. 4. Machinery of
national, state and local governments
sprang into sudden activity today to
take precautions against any acts of
German sympathizers threatening
damage to the country from without
or within. Preparations for national
defense by army, navy and the in
dustries which support them showed
a quick response to the stimulation of
the break with Germany.
Many manufacturing concerns sent
word of their willingness to put gov
ernment work ahead of private con
tracts. Early this week the senate is ex
pected to act on measures prepared
by the Department of Justice to cover
unneutral acts committed within the
United States.
The treasury building in Washing
ton and its branches, tuints and assay
offices in other cities will be guarded
by increased squads of armed men.
The White House grounds have been
closed to visitors and extra police sta
tioned at all gates. x
Admission to the State, War and
Navy buildings, where thousands of
important public documents and rec
ords are kept, is now by official pass
Nebraska Guard
Has No Special War
Orders, Says Hall
Adjutant General Hall said last
night that no special orders had been
received by hint from Washington,
nor had he issued any to the Nebraska
Guard. He has ordered extra vigi
lance in guarding the state arsenal
and military warehouses. Recruiting
will proceed as usual, at least until
special orders are received from the
War department.
He had received word from Llano
Grande that the Fifth Nebraska regi
ment left there at 1:30 on Sunday aft
ernoon, and will probably reach Fort
Crook on Thursday. Beyond this he
has no word as to the muster out of
the regiment. It is possible, he said,
that word may be had from Washing
ton today in regard to these matters.
President Talks With Chair
man of Senate Finance Com
mittee About Possible
J Government Waits for Word
I as to Effect of Break
With Germany.
Washington, Feb. 4. President
I Wilson this afternoon sent for Cliair-
man Simmons of the senate finance
i committee. The committee will play
an important part in providing addi
i tional money for the government in
j the present emergency and is now
considering a revenue bill.
Senator Simmons discussed with
the president the raising of sufficient
money by congress in the event that
hostilities with Germany begin. A
definite sum was not fixed upon, hut
Senator Simmons recalled that at the
outbreak of the Spanish-American
war a bond issue of $500,000,000 was
immi'HiatpIv authorized. Hp frit rer-
I tain congress would act promptly
when necessary.
In his talk with President Wilson
Chairman Simmons gained the im
pression that the State department's
official reports on the sinking of the
Housatonic have dispelled fears of
war over that case.
In Period of Suspense.
The United States and a large part
of the world today entered a period of
suspense, not knowing what the German-American
rupture may bring
forth. All agencies of the govern
ment turned to the problems of de
fense against possible hostilities.
In Berlin, American Ambassador
Gerard was preparing to hasten home
with his staff and all American con
suls now stationed in Germany; in
Washington, German Ambassador von
Bernstorff had his passports and will
leave the country as soon as arrange
ments can be made.
Officials agree that the first overt
act of Germany in violation of what
the United States maintains are its
rights on the seas can haidly fail to
lead to war and details of the sinking
of the American steamer Housatonic
in the new submarine war zone yes
terday were sought anxiously.
Waiting Word From Neutrals.
Word from other neutrals is await
ed with keen interest in response to
fhe United States' open invitation for
them to join in resisting Germany's
aggression if they feci their rights are
The Spanish ambassador at Berlin
will represent the United States in
continuing the demand, presented
shortly before the breaking of rela
tions, for the release of sixty Ameri
cans taken by the German raider from
British vessels in the south Atlantic
and now held prisoners in Germany.
To combat German sympathizers in
this country whose depredations are
forecasted, it is believed, by a number
of petty acts reported in the last
twenty-four hours, congress has set
to work to frame new laws covering
such conspiracies. National Guards
men may be used extensively to guard
manufacturing plants, bridges and
public buildings, it is said.
Secrecy as to Navy.
Movements of navy vessels, pub
lished daily until yesterday, are now
not divulged and ordeTs have been is
sued by the War and Navy depart
ments to bar visitors from all mili
tary reservations and navy yards
where damage might be done or
secret information obtained.
The question of arming American
merchant ships or of convoying them
through the submarine blockade zone
is before government officials and a
decision may be expected before long.
Issuance of passports for travel to
Germany has been suspended by the
State department.
May Limit Inaugural.
There was considerable talk in
Washington today of the possibility
of abandoning plans for elaborate in
augural ceremonies for the president
and vice president and it was thought
the functions may be limited to the
simple administering of the oaths one
month from today.
Belgian Relief Work Is
Suspended for the Time
Washington, Feb. 4. Operations of
all transportation of the Belgian Re
lief commission have been suspended
and ships in American, Argentine, In
dian and European ports have been
ordered to remain there until further
notice, Herbert Hoover, chairman of
the commission, announced today.
Hoover hopes operations may be re
sumed soon and members of the com
mission in Belgium have been ordered
to remain at their posts until other
wise advised.
Mexicans Cheer Germany
Across From Brownsville
Brownsville, Tex., Feb. 4. There
was a small demonstration by Ger
man sympathizers in Matamoras, op
posite here, tonight when a report
from Mexico City was published that
Germany had declared war against the
United States. A small crowd paraded
the streets shouting "Vive Alemania!"
(Long Live Germany).
Unusually heavy guards were
thrown around the United States ar
senal at Harin&en Tex., tonight on
instructions from the War department.
I I ln I if i I
Crews of Boats at Hoboken
Reported to Have Put En
' gines Out of Commission.
New York, Feb. 4. The crews of
the German ships tied up at Hoboken
are reported to have put their engines
out of commission. A German sailor
on the Kaiser Wilhelm II, asserted as
he was abandoning the vessel today
with others of the crew that the
engine on his own and the other ships
had been damaged beyond repair.
Hoboken police headquarters an
nounced it was expecting the arrival
of United States' marines to take
charge of the vessels, seventeen in
It was understood that both the
German ships in Hoboken and those
in New York, numbering more than a
score, were to be seized by the cus
tom bouse authorities.
First evidence of activity in respect
to the German ships was the arrival
at upper West Side piers, where five
of them are berthed of 100 police. The
crews of the ships were forbidden to
leave. The police said they are await
ing the arrival of Collector of the Port
Malone. The departure of the crews
from the ships moored at Hoboken
also was stopped.
Germans Burn Boat.
Honolulu, Feb. 4. The interned
German gunboat Geicr is burning in
the harbor here. It was set on fire by
its crew, according to the local au
thorities. The Gcier of 1,604 tons was interned
here shortly after the war began. It
was built at Wilhclmshaven in 1894.
Crews Damage Engines.
Manila, P. I.. Feb. 4. It is reported
that virtually all the machinery and
engines of the twenty-three German
steamers lying in Philippine ports
have been damaged by their crews.
Seventeen of these vessels are in
terned at Manila, three at Cebu and
three at Zamboanga.
The damage in some cases is said
to have been done thirty-six hours be
fore the first report of the break in
the relations between the United
States and Germany. The Filipino
crews of the steamers here have been
discharged. The crews of the steam
ers at Cebu have been excluded from
the engine rooms.
The government has redoubled its
precautions concerning the ships, hut
there have been no seizures.
The American squadron has re
turned to Manila from target practice
and is patrolling the bay.
Six Men Found Dead
From Escaping Fumes
St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 4. Six men
were found dead in their rooms here
today, asphyxiated by gas escaping
from small heating stoves. Four of
the men, packing house laborers, were
found in one room in a hotel where
they were staying over night. ' Two
others died in a boarding house.
The Recruiting Sergeant
Gerard Will See
the Kaiser Today
London, Feb. 4. James W. Ger
ard, the American ambassador,
says a Berlin message received at
Geneva and transmitted by the Ex
change Telegraph company, saw
Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg
late last night. According to a re
port received in Geneva from
Munich, the ambassador may have
an audience with the German em
peror on Monday.
(state Department Makes Re
j quest That Authorities
Take Action.
Washington, Feb. 4. The State de
partment has telegraphed the gov
ernors of thr states asking them to
protect the consulates of the central
powers in their states.
Department officials explained to
day that they did not anticipate that
any violence would be offered the con
suls, but it was thought wise to guard
against the possibility of demonstra
tions, especially in the event of hostili
ties. Germany's consular representation
in the United States. Porto Rico.
Hawaii and the Philippine islands
comprises thirty-four men.
"I have received no word from
Washington on this matter," said
Governor Neville over the telephone
last night. "I do not think any espe
cial action will be needed in Nebraska
to protect the citizens of other lands.
The adjutant general has just in
formed me that the F'ifth Nebraska
regiment started home from Texas
this afternoon. It may be that some
messages from Washington, of which
I know nothing, have arrived for me."
There arc no consulates of the cen
tral powers in Nebraska. The nearest
consulate is in Denver.
Hans Hoser, 2R'J Davenport street,
a bookkeeper for the Standard Oil
company, is correspondent of the tier
man government here, lie said last
evening that he had received no ad
vices from the German consulate de
partment, inasmuch as he is not an
agent of the government, but merely
a power of attorney correspondent.
There is also a correspondent at
Carranza to Be Neutral
In Case of German War
Mexico City, Feb. 4. General Car
ranza was notified last night by The
Associated Press of the rupture of
diplomatic relations between the
United States and Germany. He de
clined to make any statement, but an
immediate member of his official fam
ily announced that he was preparing
a declaration of strict Mexican neu
trality in case of war between the
two countries.
Hurricane With Snow Rages
From Mountains East, Caus
ing Great Troouble.
Another blizzard struck northern
Nebraska, western Iowa,' South Da
kola and the southern portion of
yotning, Saturday. Indications last
night were that it was more severe
than the one of last week. Tempera
tures are running all the way from
zero to fifteen and twenty below.
Trains running through the storm
zone have been annulled, or arc run
ning hours behind their schedules.
So far as central and southern Ne
braska is concerned, the high wind
prevails, hut there is no new snow
r.nd hardly enough of the old snow
to drift. All Sunday the wind blew
a gale, continuing into the night.
Disagreeable Sunday For Omaha.
Oman experienced a most dis
agreeable day. The morning started
cold anil windy. The temperature was
nine degrees above zero and continued
at about this point until along in the
atfernoon, when the drop commenced
anil at 7 o'clock last night, the mark
ing was at zero.
The government weather office run
up the cold wave flag at noon and
not long thereafter the cold wave ar
rived. The office sent out the pre
diction that this particular cold wave
was sentering up in the Rocy moun
tains and that it would overspread
the plains states, with the cold extend
ing down into Kansas and across
into Iowa and up into Minnesota and
the Dakotas.
In Nebraska late last night reports
indicated that the wind was high
everywhere, and light flurries of snrw
over the cast and south sections, with
heavy stiow farther north.
Severe Storm In Iowa.
Dcs Moines reported the worst
storm of the season, in fact, many of
the old timers asserted that it was
the most severe in the history of the
state. All through the state a high
wind blew, prostrating telegraph nd
telephone wires, new snow falling and
drifting badly. In some localities it
was reported to have piled up in
drifts five and six feet high. Tempera
tures ranged from zero to ten below.
iSoux City was hard hit early in
the day. Snow fell throughout a good
portion of Saturday night, when the
wind commenced piling it up. In the
city, street railway and other traffic
was suspended, or greatly demoral
ized. The weather was so bad that
men could not work on the transpor
tation lines, the snow being driven
along by a tifty-per-mile wind and the
temperature down to. fourteen below
South Dakota Snow Bound.
Pierre, S. D., reported the worst
storm in years. There was a heavy
(Continued on I'M" Two, Colnmn Two.)
President Wilson Instructs
Diplomats to Invite Ail Not
at War to Dissolve dip
lomatic Relation.
Close Neighbors of Teutons
May Hesitate at This
Actio a,
Washington, Feb.M. Bi'dc's break
ing off diplomatic relations with Ger
many, President Wilson has made a
bold stroke to range the moral forces
of all other neutral countries along
with that of the United States in the
interest of peace. i
The president has suggested to all
the other neutrals that they break off
diplomatic relations with Germany, as
the United States has done, and has
instructed all American diplomats in
those countries to report immediately
how the suggestion is received. The
opinion in diplomatic quarters here is
that European neutrals at the very
doorstep of Germany, threatened by
its military power, will hesitate to
take such a step. The effect of the
suggestion in other countries is being
eagerly awaited. This was the only
known development of first import
ance which came out of a day of tense
waiting which followed the actual an
nouncement yesterday.
First Cloud Dispelled. ,
News that the American rteamer
Housatonic had not been sunk with
out proper warning and that no lives
had been lost dispelled a cloud which
threatened the storm to follow the
first overt act against the United
States under the new war-zone order.
Still hopeful that Germany will not
ruthlessly sacrifice American lives or
rights, the administration is awaiting
developments, but leaving undone
nothing to prepare the country for the
eventualities of war.
The situation as to Austria is to
night unchanged. There is no doubt,
however, that diplomatic relations will
be -broken with - her. when she aw
nouhces her intention to adhere to
Germany's course.
The president's invitation to neu
trals to follow his action was con
tained in instructions to American
diplomats to announce the break with
Germany to the governments to which
they are accredited. It was contained
in the following order:
No Choice for U. S.
"You will immediately notify the
government to which you are ac
credited that the United States, be
cause of the German government's
recent announcement of its intention
to renew unrestricted submarine war
fare, has no choice hut to follow the
course laid down in its note of April
18, 1916. (The Sussex note.)
"It has therefore recalled the Ameri
can ambassador from Berlin and has
delivered passports to the German
ambassador to the United States.
"Say also that the president is re
luctant to believe Germany actually
will carry out her threat against neu
tral commerce, but if it be done the
president will ask congress to author
ize use of the national power to pro
tect American citizens engaged in
their peaceful and lawful errands on
the seas.
"The coarse taken is, in the presi
dent's view, entirely in conformity
with the principles he enunciated in
his address to the senate January 12.
(The address proposing a world
league for peace.) '
Still Hopes for Peace..
"He believes it will make for the
peace of the world if other neutral
powers can find it possible to take
similar action.
"Report fully arjd immediately on
the reception of this announcement
and upon the suggestion as to similar
Thus it becomes apparent that in
the shadow of war the president has
not abandoned his effrost for peace
and as the first step has moved to di
rect the moral forces of the neutral
world to compel Germany's return to
an observance of international law at
The danger that broken diplomatic
relations between the United States
and Germany will develoo into a state
of war is by no means minimized by
President Wilson's course and neither
he nor other officials of, the govern
ment are abating their preparations
for any eventuality.
Steps to protect American cities
(Continued on Pnno Two, Column five.)
Many opportunities
are listed in today's
Want-Ad Section.
Read them carefully,
but if you fail to find
what you want, try a
small Want-Ad of
your own.
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You are as close to
The Bh Want-Ad Dept.
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