f .THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : FEBRUARY 4, 1917, Nebraska HOUSE STANDS BY LOBBYIST VOTE Xeroses to Recede From Vote ' ' against "Advisers' of ; .' Members. BOSTETTLEB WASTES yiGHT ; a atari omnM.) Lincoln, Feb. J. (Special.) By i rott of 40 to 47 motion to recon sider the action of the botue yesterday m denying all people access to the lobby of the house unless they coald convince the sergeant-at-arms that they did not carry concealed designs a gam it the members was voted down. Hostettler of Buffalo made a strong fight for the reconsideration. He tilled the action of yesterday a "slap at the intelligence of the members, and would keep away a member's con stituents who might want to come down and talk over matters in which they were interested." He said that he was not afraid of the lobbyists. They did not bother him any and he did not believe that when a man's constituency came down to visit him they should be insulted when enter ing the lobby of the house by being asked if they had registered as lobby- tate . i Hostettler said the place back of the lobby rail was made for the public ' and the house had no right to deny any citizen and taxpayer the oppor tunity of standing therein as long as he behaved himself. "If a man from right to call me into the lobby and talk to me if he wants to and we have no right to say heshall stay out." Window in House Breaks With a Crash (rreaj a Huff Cerreapeadeat.) Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Specr-I.) The .M w.hht a. win nf the state- house took another fit this morning and while the noose or representa tives was reverberating with patriotic speeches over the German situation ' the north side took a hand in game and with a report like the sound of gm the north window, immediately below where Henry Richmond sits, split across from top to bottom. : For some time it has been known that the sonth end of the wing was i:n kM an th nnrth aide there had been no sign heretofore that the walk was weaic. l ne miner wm u called to the attention M the .gov ernor and an- examination made. Commercial Travelers ' , To Increase' Membership The United Commercial Travelers of Council 118, Omaha, held , a banquet Saturday noon at the Paxton hotel. Grand Counselor Hogan of Nebraska was present nd gave a talk. Plans were laid for increasing the member ship and a United Commercial Trav elers club was formed, Talks were given by Harry Whitehouse of the National Cash Register company, and ' jthef members. i V -HYMEWEAL" .' Shifferd-McClain. Stella, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special) Word has been received here -of the marriage of Miss Ella McClain and Frank Shifferd of Stella at Pawnee City. After a shbrt visit at Liberty, N'tf)., and Summerfield, Kan, they will return to Stella to reside. , ' ' Lanttwisch-Broton. Fremont, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.) The wedding of Miss Emma Brunton of Blair to Julius Langewisch of Winslow was solemnized at the home of the groom's parents at Winslow Wednesday. The Rev. J. H. Gerges of Hooper officiated. Miss Jessie Brunton and Adolph Langewisch were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Lange wisch will make their home on a farm near Winslow. West Point, Neb., Feb. 3-( Spe cial.) Freeman Givena and Miss Martha Poldena were united in mar riage at St Mary's church Wednesday morninr. Father Peiltz was the cele brant of the nuptial mast, The groom is a son of Felix Givena of this city and the bride the daughter of the late John Poldena. They will occupy the Farley farm, near Rosalie. ' , . McRoberts-Matthls. , West Point, Neb., Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) County Judge Dewald officia ted at the marriage of M. J. McRob erts and ..Miss- Lena Matthis. The groom is a young man of Wayne and the bride the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gust Matthis of this county. They will make their home on the Matthis tarm in Bismarck township, Special This Week PIVER'S POWDERS L Turns') 99c each VltM (Park) Sice Pev4ar...a GREEN'S CHAPOLA CREAM Tin Beat Far Caeee -4 SI 16th aad Howard Sts. Pkona Dongla,,S46. . Tee Mr.. W. Waal Is la Omaha . leaking for future. Ha U krisht, ream fellaar ekoet IS ram at an, H aaa aalaa ability aad la awaiting as araortaaity to preae n. ' The Opsmrtamlty U Hera all a ark b that tkla man kr linear, la kls efferta u ealaMlaa aim.alf aa a repreeeatatiaa of ana of . . , Oataka's Landing Bualnaas Hooeae. If raa ara ta aiaa en.wet tklr ad aalek itll ua waa aoe ara, what roa ara aainc at Bmmt and wkat your ' aalea euMrwaee la lha peat kaa baa a. (it va teiaehen Biunbar aa wa Bay make appatatment at aaaa. Yoar Wt tar will ka traatad akaalulalr cacti dantiaL Aadraee Ree-O-lS. Roberts Returned to North .Platte for Second Trial North Platte, Neb, Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) Roy Roberts, who was found guilty of murder of Vernon Connett, stepped from a train here today in the custody of Sheriff Salisbury, who brought him to North Platte from the state penitentiary in Lincoln, was taken to the county jail here to await the opening of bis second trial Mon day. I It was just two years ago that sen tence was pronounced on Roberts for the murder of Cormett, who the jnry found he had slain in order to ob tain possession of a team and wagon. The prisoner was taken to the peni tentiary to await the coming of June 4, when he was to meet death in the electric chair. In ' the meantime an appeal to the supreme court had been taken and sentence was suspended pending the decision of the high bench. In July, 1915, the supreme court ordered a retrial on the ground that the trial had been too spectacu lar and detrimental to the best in terests of the defendant- Shamberg Clothing Store ! At Grand Island Burned Grand Island. Neb- Feb. 3. (See- cial.) The fire department has been kept more than ordinarily busy, six fires having occurred in the last two days, three on each day. Overheated stoves and furnaces on account of the severe cold appears to be the cause In almost all of the cases, and in only one case has there been se vere damage. This was the destruc tion of the clothing store of H. Sham berg, whose loss, however, is fully covered by insurance. The one-story frame building, one of the oldest in the city, in which the store was lo cated, was the property of L M. Augustine, and the loss was partly covered by insurance. Mr. Sham- berg's loss is estimated, between NAW ana ,uuu. Two Divorce Suits at Auburn. I .k. VT.U 17 u t c Two petitions for divorce have been filed with the clerk of the district court Mrs. Ina Chuman of Brock desires a divorce on the grounds of cruelty, charging, among other things, that her husband drew t knife and in the scuffle that ensued she was stabbed in the arm before he could be disarmed; that he repeatedly struck her with his fists, and has called her grossly vile and insulting names. The second case is Harry L. Simpson against Bernlce L. Simpson. The pa- Jiers ot this case have been withdrawn rom the court's files. i ' DEPARTMENT BUYER - BURGESS-KASH. ros J 'V aAC I t ' Fremont Ctnartngf Gabu Fremont. Neb- Feb. 3.(Speeiat) Bank clearings for Fremont broke all records for the month of January, when the total reached $3,131,382, against $2,133,447 for the same month a vear ago. This was a gain of $1,- OUtuary Notes W. J. HALDKRMAN, president of the First Stats bank ot Pawnee City, died very suddenly and unexpectedly from a severs attar k of the grip at his home In Pawnee City Tueaday nlirht Me had resided m this county since 1S7S.. Ha ana tarlra alMtad iwiunlv treasurer of Pawnee county. He also served In the Nebraska house of rep resentatives ana later in tne state sen ate. Us la survived by a wife and four sons. " F. C. KINZKU a former resident of Cumins county and a member of one of the oldest families, died at Kansas City, aged M years. Mr. Klnsel was a railway conductor for tne last twenty- seven years. He woa a brother of Mrs. Ferdinand Koch ot Went Point, wife of the representative from this county. WTLHKLM HITTER died at St Jo seph's Hdms for the Aged at West Point, aa-ed 74 yean. Mr, Kltter was a native of Westphalia, Germany, and had lived in thla country fort thlrty flve years. He waa the owner of a fine farm In Monterey township and leaves a considerable estate. His wife preceded him In death eight years ago. He is survived by bis children, Joseph A., aeputy county cleric or cnminr county; Mrs. Conrad Woerdekemper ot Howell, William L., John H. and Mire Theresa, living at home. Fu neral services were held from St. Boni face church, Monterey, Rev. H. Behoof, pastor, omciating, assisted oy Key. William Roth of Aloys. - Miss Mary I. Shumate has been ap pointed by the Burgess-Nash com pany as msnager and buyer for their corset department on the second floor and in the down stairs store. Miss Shumate has had wide experience and training in selection and fitting of corsets, coming here from Marshall Field & Co of Chicago. Fire Endangers Several Tecumseh Business Houses Tecum seh, 'Neb-, Feb. 3 (Special) Fire yesterday ignited 100 gallons of oil in the cellar of Grant Sher mans grocery store in the Onst building and the result waa a blaze which threatened the destruction of adjoining buildings, including the Ma sonic temple. Firemen fought the flames for more than an hour before netting; control. A plumber, who was thawing out a trine in the cellar, put bis blow torch too near some kerosene-soaked rags which had been placed around the pipe and thus started tne tire. A Winsome. Bonny Complexion Producaal by Using Sraart'r Calcium Wafers After Meals. Tbey Purify . tha Blood aad Remove All Skin Btsmiihas, Trial Psakaga MaBad Fraa. ' la a fair ears after urine SWarf Calcium Wafer! yon will ka evariayad to raa thaaa pimples ail gone, the redneal diaappear, new kia gradually eovering tha beaks, leek and iboskkn. fMt of bhcktowla. Moteha, HTr ipota tad tfcoM other mpttou that It been teh placucd aimoyanet. Tb tmmo for all this ( th aalehin ntt- ?hid, tho prlnefpaj ntt of thtaa Wafera. hi la a BatoraJ trabatanea, wbleh tha blood mutt haw and wfaieh it utilUaa to overcome tha Irapvarltiaa and body wan tat that load op tha ikta and maka It amiffhtlT. Try Stwt'i CaJerora Wafari. Gat a toat box at any drug ttora and thai be lure of a win some bonny eonplexioiv. Or If you with to try them first, tend the coupon below for a fraa trial paaaai. Free Tnal Coupon F. A. Staart Ca 3U 5twt Btdt Manhall. Mkh. Send me at onoa, by re- turn mail, a free trial paakaf of Btoart'i Ca4e.au Wafera.. , . f .,. , !.......:.......:...., Stre..... ......,.. City.;... State For Grippe, For Colds- Hot Lemonade at Bedtime TVTOST children can avoid1 1 A colds and grippe if a few precautions are taken. In bad weather plenty of hot lemonade fol lowed by a warm night's sleep is valuable help. Good for grown folks, too. . Be sure the lemons ate "Sonkist" and the water is piping hot - California's Sunkist Uniformly Good Lemons When yea order lemsnt, ask far Sunkirt, Iks unrfarmly goad Califernia leawoa kakist are waxy, tart and joky. See that ' they reach yea in the clean, crisp tisws wrapaers susaptd "Sunkist. They will stay fresh mack wnger if you leave mess la these i wrappers natil yea dm them. Always have st leiat a haH.daaea la the bouse. . SOl aewallia,g rSaaaOiaaa. eanaa af SS graaaaa University Extension Helps Farmer Fight Middleman Tilden, Neb. Feb. 3. (Special.) Getting the better of the middleman has always been the hobby of the farmer and he is now getting instruc tion on the best way to win in the light through the extension depart ment of the University of Nebraska school of griculturc This week Prof. K. F. Warner paid a visit to Madison county and in com pany with County Agent H, E. George gave a series of demonstrations on the proper way to prepare meat for use in the farmers' kitchens. At the farm of Louis Hansen on Friday farmers from several miles around gathered to witnesr the scientific ex ecution of a hog and later on saw' half of it cut up in the way a skilled butcher prepares it, and then tried their own hand at it on the other portion of the porker. The meat was then prepared in va rious ways best suited to the farm as a start on its . way to the table. These demonstrations are being con tinually given over Nebraska by Prof. Warner, who is one of the experts in animal husbandry of the Lincoln school. Sewing Machines Saturday At Cut Prices Surprising Values Every Used and Shop Worn Machine Must Go All Make. Singers Whites New Homes Wheeler & Wilsons . To give an idea of the amazing values, we list a half dozen of the bargains but, remember, we have fifty others. 4 Household Even in the face of this ridiculous low price, this machine sews nicely....... SINGER To see this ma chine is to be surprised. All attachments. Guaran teed for five years. Think of it, I- .. only. ..... , WHITE A $50 machine. Beautiful dark oak case. Not a mark on it Rotary type. This one goes i for only. , . k . . . . WHEELER & WILSON 6-drawer, dark quartered oak. As good as any new machine yet. Goes now at only. ....... DAVIS Beautiful case, ball-bear ing. It goes at WHITE Style 25-S. Used but 5 months, Worth $42 new. Will be sold for.... 12 fine bajl-bearing White machines that have been in use for 2 months on rental, will be sold for 33ys off. Be sure and see these, j . FREE $1 $5 $22 $15 $14.25 $25.50 A Urge Bottle of Our Pure Machine Oil With every 25 package of our celebrated nickel plated Machine needles. STORE OPEN AT 8 No Waiting Extra Sales People on Hand. 100 White Machines to Rent We Make All Makes. MICKEL'S NEB. CYCLE COMPANY Douglas 1662 15th and Harney Sts. Soldier Who Shot Self '. Taken to Fort Crook Auburn, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.) Jesse Nance, the young man who shot himself in an alleged attempt at sui cide last Wednesday, wss taken to Fort Crook yesterday and placed un der a physician's care in the prison ward. Seen just before he was taken away, Nance appeared in the best of spirits and still maintained that the shooting was accidental and that he was practicing the manual of arms at the time. The wound is healing L nicely. Studebaker Engine is Used to Light, Theater All the power for lighting Her Majesty's theater, Sydney, Australia, through the recent coal crisis was supplied by s six-cylinder, fifty-horsepower Studebaker engine taken from a, stock car and loaned to the theater management by the Studebaker Cor poration of Australasia, Ltd. Strong quiet and efficient, night after night, it produced the power for 4,000 lights, amounting to 200,000 candlepower, without hitch or strain. Its work in operating the big electric generator was equivalent to a motor car run ning at a speed of forty miles an hour, carrying with its own body a load of ten passengers averaging 160 pounds each, for over four hours continuously every night, in addition to frequent rehearsals. HOW TO JUDGE A WOMAN BY HER HAIR There is real common sense in jost noticing whether the hair is well kept to judge of a woman's neatness or good taste. II you are one ot the few who try to make the most of your hair, remember that it is not advis able to wash the hair with any clean ser made for all purposes, but al ways use some good preparation made expressly jor snampooing. lou can enjoy the very best by getting some canthrox from your druggist, dis solve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water. This makes a full cup of sham poo liquid, enough so it is easy to ap ply it to an tne nair instead of just the top of the head. Dandruff, ex cess oil and dirt are dissolved and en tirely disappear. Your hair win be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its lustre and softness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures hair growtn. Advertisement. "7T Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Colds, Influenza, OTP Be a Devotee One experience of the joy of " convalescing under Homeo pathic treatment; the complete and perfect recovery; with lit tle disturbance of the system and the least possible loss of energy; will make you an ever lasting devotee of "Seventy Seven" for Grip and Colds. . To get the best results take "Seventy-Seven" at the first chill or shiver. , At Drosriata, 26 eenti and 91 or nailed. Humphreye Homeo. Medicine Co IBS William Street. New York. . Bee Want Ads Produce Results. AFTER STOCK-TAKING SALE the UNION OUTFITTING CO. A Low Price Selling Event That Occurs But Once a Year. Hundreds of Floor Samples, a Great Many Odd Pieces and Discontinued Pat- terns Must Be Disposed of During This Big Sale. This annual selTing event is for the nrrr- pose of closing out all odd pieces of fur niture, all odd stoves, rugs and draperies, ' as well as hundreds of floor samples and discontinued patterns, all of which have accumulated from the past season's heavy business. All this merchandise is now taking; up space, which we positively must have in order to display samples and to make room for the immense shipments of new spring home furnishings which are now on the way and will soon be here. The prices have been made so low that every sample and odd piece of furniture, every odd rug and stove, should 'be dis posed of before the end of this big "After Stock Taking Sale." Come expecting to find extraordinary values, made possible by our inexpensive location, our low oper ating expense and immense buying power and you will not be disappointed, and as always, you make your own terms. 25 TO 40 SAVED B.Y BUYING DURING THIS BIG SALE i V Sale of Dressers Beautiful sample and odd Dressers, in massive and Colonial designs, in golden, fumed or mahogany finish, walnut or bird'seye maple; sale price $7.95, $10.50, $12, $13.75, $16.50. J ' ' Hundreds of "3?ai 1 ' I J Sample Beds at yaaayl iji j j ' Wholesale Prices. .' 1 1 SALE OF BRASS BEDS Beautiful Brass Beds, massive in design and in a wide range of styles. Many of these are samples and are slightly defective. Others are odd and many are discontinued patterns. Sale price j , $6.50, $8.75, $10.50, $12.75, $16.00 Ladies' and Men's Clothine. Suite, Coats and Dresses, One-half Former Selling Price. Men's Suits and Overcoats. From One-third to One-half Off. Steel Ranges AH sample Steel Rang es and Cast Iron Stoves must be closed ont dur ing this sale. Each and every Range or Stove carries with it our ab solute guarantee. Sale price $24.50, $29.50, $37.50, $42.50 All Floor Samples and Odd Pieces Must Be Disposed of in This Sale Purchases Will Be Held and Delivered Later If So Desired, Free of Charge. 7 Chiffonieres1 Mostly samples, in all the different woods and finishes; sale price $4.95, $6.50, $8.75, $10.50, $12.50, $16.50. l-aVltfWrs8 ninaiiaiiiai.il i 'M at Davenports and Dnofolds Hottiy MmplM, somt upholstered In fmbrieoid leather, some in ? erm ine Spanutfa leather, tale price $16.95, $19.75, $24.50 $32.50, $39.50, $47.5(V $54.50, $620 Kitchen Cabinets ...n I Well bvilt of eaionec wooda. uu moatlr tamples; aale prices mW-25; $12.50, $16.50 $19.50, $22.50 II u Chairs Samples and odd lots, sale price 69c, 90c, $1.25, $1.65, $2.25, $2.95 Make Your Own Terms During This Big Selling Event 1 Sale of Buffets In the famed and f olden finish; many period and eoionial deaiinu ; ale pr.ee v $14.50, $17.25, $19.50 $22.00, $24.95, $27.50 ,rSale of Rugs A splendid oppcrttrnrty to select plendKl well made rugs from a large assortment of Axmiiuter, Bit tela. Velvet and Fiber rugs. 0x12 Seamless Velvet RufSf sale llTSO, $24.50, $31.50. 9x12 Axmfnater Rues, sale prices, $18.50, $26.50, $35.00. 9x11 Bntaaela Ruya many only samples ; aale prices $11.75, $16.75, $24.50. 'axil Velvet Seawiaaa Rues, splen did patterns; sale prices $15.95, $19.50, $22.50. -3x1 0-4 Brusssk RuffSt food quality: sale prices $14.50, $17.50, $21.50. STaM Hit aa Miaa Haa Rage) sale priee 36x73 Hit aoa Mlaa Rag Kufai aale priee "illlll GaaranUed fffl MueMBeDU. Sale of Dining Room Tables Bcautlfal Drain Room Tables hi the Famed or GoMfti flrunh. Sale Prices $9.50, $12.50, $16.50, $19.75, ; $22.50, $24.50. 1 . r I I" p. n. ' a ' rowing oiep stools Just like cut, "very substan tial Sale 98 m n a a 1 I jv j .,, u.- IRONING m fll N-iv iT nr.AD.Nt, III feOTPt arw i ,i . I,!.,,.,, , i, ,r , , saAsir . ' wvaracvAar. si iaai ' m m m m - ft Hundreds of Other Sale Price H IJ VX Pricc. V The People Store. ' Opposite Hotel Rome. ggMaMgggX