Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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6 A
Butron and Elekon. are' Tor
pedoed by German Subma
, rise U-67.
Madrid, Feb. 3. (Via, London.)
- The Spanish steamship Butron and
the Greek steamship Elekon have
been torpedo-d and sunk by the Ger
man lithmnpiti T TA7 Twm C...J
iards were drowned in the sinking of
the Butron. The rest of the crews
of both vessels were landed.
Ten Britons Killed, -London,
Feb. 3. Ten members of
the crew of the steamer Essonite,
previously reported sunk, were
drowned, Lloyds shipping agency
announced today. The captain and
two men of the crew have been
(ContUised From Pace One.)
mats of the friendly powers to care
for the interests of the respective gov
ernments. There should be no sequestration
or confiscation of private property
either in the United States or Ger
many,' although it may be taken for
use under certain circumstances. The
ninety-five or more German merchant
ships tied up in American ports since
-the beginning of the war may be used
by the United States, but the German
owners ultimately must be compen
sated. The ships scattered v fn the
ports of continental United States,
Porto Rico and the Pacific island
possesions, including the Philippines,
comprise some of the best known
ocean liners and aggregated 628,837
gross tons. Only in case of war is
there possibility of their being abso
lutely confiscated, and even then
such action is doubtful, for the
United States in the world court of
nations has been the leading expo
nent of the inviolability of private
jroperty. .
Mails Will Continue.
Mails will continue to move under
the Geneva convention and other ex
isting special conventions. There
has been no restriction upon the free
movement of travelers between the
two countries other than the fixed
, policy of the United States to issue
no passports to Americans wishing
to visit the war zone unless they have
pressing business there.
In fact, so far as individuals varc
concerned, the status remains prac
tically unchanged by a break'in diplo
matic relations. ,1
Prison Work Discontinued.
There is, however, one relation be
tween the United States and Ger
many wnicn ceases mruusn uiyiu
matic rupture. It is the humanitar
ian task of guarding the welfare of
soldiers in the prison camps of their
enemies and the care of German civ
ilians detained in the entente' coun
tries. This vast task which is being
performed by American diplomatic
representatives in England, in the
French camps in Africa and in the
Russian camps extending to ,the icy
water of.Siberia, will have to be con
fided to other hands. Likewise the
welfare of British, French, Russian
and other allied prisoners in Ger
many, Austria and Turkey will pass
Precedents for Action.
Precedent for the severance of
1 diplomatic relations is found in mod
ern history only between lesser neu
tral nations and first-class powers and
lesser ones. The United States sus
pended diplomatic relations with Mex
ico and only tecently were they re
sumed. It suspended diplomatic re
lations with Nicaragua when Zelaya
executed two Americans. When Job n
Quincy Adams was president, the
American charge-d'affaires at' Rio
Janeiro demanded his passports and
returned to the United States with
out instructions because he consid
ered unwarranted the capture of
American ships by Brazilian war ves
sels enforcing a blockade.
Great Britain suspended diplomatic
relations with Venezuela for ten years,
from 1887 to 1897, and suspended dip
lomatic relations with Serbia from
1003 to 1906, after murder of King
Alexander and Queen Draga.
Reprisals and Retaliation.
After the breaking of diplomatic
relations, comes the possibility of
other measures termed "nontmicable
modes of redress," which also are
"measures short of war." These
modes of redress may include reprisals,
retaliations, nonintercourse and dis
play of force, and still there may be
no state of war. )
Nonintercourse acts can be passed
by congress to stop commerce be
tween the United States and (Ger
many, but as the war already has put
the trade at a low ebb the effect will
be negligible. . v
Displays of Force.
Displays of force have been fre
quently used by the United States
and European powers to impress the
earnestness of their position. Writers
on international law class the allied
march to the relief of the legations
at Peking as a display of force short
of war. When all the measures short
of war have been exhausted or either
nation decides -to dispense with them
comes the eventuality war itself.
, More than 100 times since 1700
war has begun' before it was formally
declared. Only twelve times in the
216 years has war actually been de
clared before hostilities began.
' 'The latest notable instance was the
opening action of the Russo-Japanese
war, when Admiral Togo attacked a
Russian fleet. Russia complained of
a'surorise attack, but Japan pointed
out it had notified Russia it was
breaking oft diplomatic relations and
reserved the right to take "such in
dependent action as might be deemed
best" ,
The Hague convention of 1907 took
notice of the situation and adopted an
article making it necessary for a na
tion to declare war before beginning
It provided, however, that there
. might be an ultimatum with condi
tional declaration of war. In general
.-' practice, a declaration of war , has
come to be regarded more as a 'call
. to" arms than as a notification to a
prospective enemy. ;
CanttBUWi from Pug Om.)
jumped overboard and were drowned.
Its captatin died of heart failure. The
Gulflight did not sink and was towed
to port. The German government
acknowledged the attack as an acci
dent, expressed its regrets and prom
ised to pay damages.
Sinking of Lusitania.
The next attack was the one that
shocked the civilized world and
brought the United States' and Ger
many for the first time to the verge
of war. It was the destruction of
the Lusitania on May 7, 1915. Un
armed, with 1,257 ' passengers, of
whom 159 were Americans, and a
crew of 702, it was torpedoed with
out warning and sunk in twenty-three
minutes off Old Head of Kinsale as it
was nearing Liverpool. In all 1,198
lives were lost, of which 124 were
Americans, many, of them men of na
tional prominence. Everything
pointed to a pre-arranged German
plan to torpedo the ship. The Ger
man embassy published advertise
ments warning Americans in veiled
terms, and at the wharf a number of
prominent Americans received tele
grams warning them not to sail. It
has been charged that the German
ambassador, himself knew the, liner
was to be Sunk and that German offi
cials here counted its progress across
the ocean day by day, and as the
hour of its destruction drew near
they watched for the extra papers,
which they knew would announce its
destruction. The case passed into
diplomatic-negotiations which never
took final form. , '
Before this case passed from the
public mind a German submarine tor
pedoed another American ship the
Nebraskan without warning, May 25,
1915, south ot fastnet rock. ITie Nc
braskan's name was painted on the
sides in letters six feet high, but its
American flag had been hauled down
at darkness, as is-the custom at sea.
The Nebraskan reached port, dam
aged, but under its own steam, and no
one was injured. The German gov
ernment again promised 1 to pay
damages. -
Twenty American negro muleteers
on thej-eyland liner Armenian were
an all new store
with the same old name
--Orkin Bros, to open the
largest and best appointed
exclusive women's apparel '
store in the middle west. .
March first we move into and occupy entire
three floors of building at 1519-21 Douglas
y street, former home of the Guarantee Cloth- ...
f ing Co. '
Expanding more than 400 per cent in one move calls for
confidence in Omaha's stability and undivided faith in
the buying public's appreciation of a truly metropolitan
apparel store. The new home of Orkin Brothers will be
a distinctive type of store.
; A store where daylight visits every
corner, where every department is an
exclusive shop in itself, where shopping
will be under the most favorable condi
N. Hons, where patrons may choose in com-
fort and quiet A store where an intel
, ligent, - courteous salesforce will serve
you "promptly atra efficiently A store
where every wrong will be righted,
I ' where your visits will be appreciated. '
Orkin Bros, are determined to make
their new home just such a store
A store you'll delight in visiting.
Orkin Bros, were enabled to secure the new location sev
eral months previous to when they anticipated, with the
result early spring purchases were made and have ar
rived in stock. These are now to be sacrificed, together
with every dollar's worth of winter apparel on hand.
Not a garment from the present location in the U. S. Na
tion Bank Building will enter their new home. A com
plete and decisive clearance must be made, and to gain
this end a most important removal sale will be inaugu
rated within a few days. Watch tomorrow's papers for
further details. ' - ,
Mm Brothers
Five Year ,
at 1324
Farnam .
Dr. McKenney Says:
"The consequence of decayed teeth are serious:
The poison from them goes into the blood and the whole
system suffers the food is poorly chewed and stomach
troubles result." Let us fix them and put you into the
healthy, happygQod-looking class.
Beat Silver
Best 22k
Gold Crown. . . .
14th and
Hours: 8.30 A.
M. to 6 P.
and Saturdays
Till 8 P. M.
Not Opn
1324 Farnam Street
Phono Douglas 2872.,
NOTICE Out-of-town patrons
can gat Plates, Crowns, Bridtas
and Fillings completed In t day.
Idled Tune 28. 1915. bv shell hre an
drowning when the Armenian failed
to escape fronua submarine near the
Cornwall coast' The Armenian was
warned and invited destruction by
The next submarine attack in which
American lives were endangered was
unsuccessful, but only" because the
Cunard liner Orduna, was too speedy
for its pursuer. After sending a tor
pedo just under the Orduna s stern,
the submarine sent shells after the
fleeing liner, without hitting its mark,
and then gave up the chase.
Leo Sunk Without Warning.
Americans were endangered
when the Russian steamer Leo was
sunk without .warning on its way
"We Please
You or
Your Money
Hearmt Brictff J
Work, per tooth. T
Farnam Sts.
' Examina
tion. No Students.
from Philadelphia to Manchester,
England, July 9. 1915. Fourteen were
lost, but none were American.
On July 25, 1915, came the first de
struction of an American ship by a
submarine. It was the Leelanawa of
N'ew York, bound from Archangel to
Belfast with flax, which is contraband,
it was caught northwest the Ork
ney islands.
Conttn4 from ! On..)
t w'll give them all to the cause of
"I have a nephew who has just been
commissioned a lieutenant in the
United States army and perhaps he
may be called upon to meet his own
brothers anj cousins on the field of
battle against the mother country, but
we are for America first and we stand
ready to defend the Stars and Stripes
wherever they may go on land or sea.
Representative Peterson, minority
floor leader, pledged the people of Ne
braska to the president, assuring him
that irrespective of party he would
find Nebraskans shoulder to shoulder
backing up his every effort to sustain
the country in the present crisis.
Anderson of Boyd said that hewas
for the old flag. "I have three sons,"
For Better Furniture
Many folks consider good fur
niture out of their reach. If they
will only investigate they willfind
well made, and properly designed
furniture to be no extra strain on
the purse strings.
How long has it been since you
have looked carefully over the
period sleeping and dining room
suites, splendidly constructed and
superbly finished, that we have
displayed on onr sales floors. We
have them fine enough for the
patrician and inexpensive enough
Mr. and Mrs.' Ave'aga American.
Complete Suites Showing Discount of lA
Early Colonial Bed
' Room Suite.
Finished Old Ivory and
decorated . in dainty
flowers. The bed is a
low four-poster effect.
Special, at .$39.90
Chiffonier is a wide and
low chest of fall width
drawers, special, at. . . 40.00
A beautiful 44-inch wide
dresser with an oval
mirror, special, at. ... . 47.00
And Chair and Rocker to
match, at, each, $12.50 25.00
Complete special.. . .$151.50
Nine good Americans,
- , the American
Reading from left
"I have taken Peruna and will
say that it is the best medicine I
ever saw for coughs and colds. It
always cures a cold in a short time
and also strengthens and builds up
the system." Miss Ivy Gray, Fair
view, Ky.
"I can honestly say ithat I owe
my life to Peruna. The best' doc
tors in the country told me I could
not live another month. Peruna
cured me; so I cannot praise it too
highly."Samuel McKinley, 1215
Grand Aye., Kansas City, Mo.
"Peruna has done for me what
many doctors failed to do. The first
bottle of Peruna gave me relief and
There are thousands tnore
U '3
'; ,-.r.i.'. i.'niiiiii asi
said he. one of which has served four
vcars in the service of the country. I
am proud of my boys, but if the time
should come when the country should
need their services, I will give them
all to the cause of America and even
1 am not too old to join them in so
good a cause."
Richmond of Douglas reviewed the
last campaign and the hitler, stand
taken in opposition to the president,
"but it is all gone now," he said, "and
every man should uphold the hands of
the president."
Cousin of Kaiser Firm.
Grrenwalt of Custer spoke of the
complicated situation.
"I was born in Germany," said the
Custer member. "My father was a
captain in the German army and held
blood relationship to the present em
peror, but in a crisis like this you will
find me and other men who have
come to this country standing firm
for the president and for the glory of
the Stars and Stripes."
It is understood that Greenwalt is a
fourth cousin of the present emperor,
but he says that makes no difference,
as he is first, last and all the time a
thorough American and strong for its
' Other speakers of German parent
age added their voices to the cause of
loyalty to the flag, while those of
other nationalities were loyal in then
remarks and their speeches rang true
with their brothers from across the
ear t-w mm mm
This very charmim? Bedroom
production of the furniture made
predominating charm, many sucn
suites are shown in our Fifth
Floor display. .
The Prices Are Very
f Moderate.
We have reduced the price on several
of our extremely high frede bedroom
and dining room suites. They have been
separated from our regular stock and
art now shown on the south side of our
Fifth Floor display room. The special
net price is shown on each piece. While
not mention rng the former price, will say
they are priced far below first coat. They
are all suites that we can conscientiously
recommend u to style and quality.
Antique Mahogany
Dining Room Suite.
$85.00 Charles IT period
style Buffet, is 66 inch
es wide, has wide Unen
drawer, separate and
lined tray lor silver
ware ..$65.00
$2B.OO Serving Table to.
' match, 40 inches wide 19.00
$60.00 Dining Table, 54
inch round top, g-foot
extension 45.00
6 Side Chairs, each $T.75
for ",' .... ... .w.-. 46.50
1 Arm .Diner to match. 12.50
Special complete. . . .$188.00
30 Days' Free Trial
Round Oak, 3-Fuel Combination
Ranges, Made in Cast or Steel.
' The Range that makes ths kitchen com
fortable the year round; Keeps it warm in
winter without added expense, because it
burns without change, coal, coke or wood,
will Keep it cool in summer because
burns gas.
In every respect these are as good
Have 2 Demonstration stoves slightly
used. J
Regular $80.00 Values for $60.00 '
if they never had been used.
Were HelpedYou
who were seriously ill and( remained so until they tried the reliance of
IJome, Peruna, and who gained back their health from its use.
to right; here are their stories:
now I consider myself entirely free
from catarrh of the stomach." M.
Van Buren, 828 S. Division St.,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
"I suffered for thirty years with
chronic bowel trouble, stomach
trouble and hemorrhages of the
bowels. I took tferuna faithfully and
now I am a well man." Louis
Young, 205 Merrimac St., Roches
ter, n. y.
"After using Peruna and Mana
lin, I was cured of catarrh of the
nose, throat and stomach, from
which I had suffered for years."
Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R. 3, Ash
land, Wis.
Supreme In
of equally striking stories on
value of Pertjna, its reliability,
In liquid or tablet form it is a valuable medicine.' ,
An unbroken record of nearly half a century of dependable service is its strong
est claim for your consideration. What is has done for others you may reasonably
expect it to do for yourself. The experience of thousands of others, who have been
helped by Peruna, is a reasonable assurance it will help yon in like circumstances.
Manalin Tablets are the ideal laxa
tive and liver tonic. They taste good, are
mild and efficient, safe and sure, and
will enable you to overcome the habit
of constipation. 10 and 25 cents.
water. The speakers were Salt, Le
mar, Lampert, Olson , Reifenrath,
Taylor, Radke. Meff, Norton, Reisner,
Howard, Cronin and several others.
The Resoludoh.
The Lampert-Lemar Resolution
R.erptntitng' th. IM.nsity ot th. war spirit
and thn d.llcat. position tn which our prsal
drnt now placed, tha Iprlalatur. of Ne
braska, In bahalf of tha rltlMna. patlUon tha
provident and consrvas of tha Unttod Statos
to maintain a paanaful altltuda and tran
quility of our nation. And therabx refua.
to be drawn Into tola world-wide conflict,
whloh. In th. end. only mean, untold suffer
In and will land to tha humiliation of tha
entire human race. . .
The Hoffmeister-Peterson ' intend
ment to the resolution was as follows:
"Be it further resolved that while
we are earnest in our desires for con
tinued peace, we do as representa
tives of the state, nevertheless pledge
to the president of the United States
in the crisis at hand the loyal undi
vided support of the entire citizen
ship of the state of Nebraska of what
ever political party, of whatever blood
or place of birth, in whatever meas
ures may be found necessary to main
tain the night of Americans, the dig
nity of our nation and the honor of
our flag."
When the resolution passed by a
unanimous rising vote, Peterson led
in singing America, while the crowd
in the lobby and galleries stood with
bowed heads, many with tears in their
eyes as they seemed fully to compre
Suite, made tn floured mahoirmny,
during this early 18th century period, simplicity In design being its
Single Pieces Selling
$50.00 Mahogany hall , '
seat, large mirror and
hooks above $35.00
$70.00 Solid mahogany
sette 35.00
$70.00 Solid mahogany
Morris chair ......... 40.00
$27.60 Mahogany dresser 21.00
$66.00 Mahogany settee 35.00
$129.00 Mahogany, tap
estry covered Daven
port , . 89.00
$22.60 'Solid mahogany '
inlaid tea table 10.00
$20.00 Selid mahogany
inlaid ease for bridge
set ..A. 7J50
$58.00 Colonial style ma
hogany buffet 38.00
Reduced to One-half
All one and two-pair
, Curtains, more
Odd pairs Portieres marked
for final clearance; 10 styles;
Green, Brown and Red; regular
values $8.75, $10.00, $11.75, np
to $12.60 a pair, for '
$3.85 Pair.
Ten styles, Green, Rose, Blue,
Red; regular values $16.50,
$22.50, $26.50, $40 and $42.50,
for . $8.75 Pair.
"I have quit taking Peruna. for
I don't need it any more. I am
well and very thankful to you. I
wished ninety pounds before I
started, and now weigh one hun
dred and thirty-five pounds."
Miss Clara Lohr, 21 North Gold
St., Grand Rapids, Mich.
"I was all run down and eonld
not take up my regular work. I
began to Use Peruna v and soon
found that I was getting better.
I was able to resume my work with
renewed vigor and strength. It
certainly is a wonderful medicine
to vitalize the system." George
Atkinson, 323 E. Eighth Ave.,
Topeka, Eans.
Its Field.
file in our offices.,' They prove beyond question the real
its helpfulness, and its success. k ' ! ; v .
HAVE T, a valuable new book
for every household, containing a
great deal of practical informa
tion, is yours for the asking. At
the druggists, or write for it.
hend the condition and the need of
patriotic and united efforts in the
pending crisis. '
Telegrapher Implicates News
Writer in the "Leak" Incident
Washington, Feb. 3. Edwin A.
Roper, telegraph operator for F. A.
Connolly & Co, brokers, testified at
the "leak" inquiry today that informa
tion similar to that contained in the,
missing Connolly telegram forecast
ing President Wilson's recent peace
note was handed to him by a man that
he has been told was J, Fred Essary,
Washington correspondent' of the
Baltimore Sun.
Attention Hardware
Convention Visitors
We cordially invite yon to make
the Standard Araminum Works
Exhibit, Booth 70 at Auditorium,
your headquarters. '
Represented by
J. Steinberg & Son
also burl walmrt, !a a clever re
Down to Nearly Vi
$41.00 Period style
China eabmet in ma- '
hogany 30.00
$49.00 Mahogany dining
table, 64-inch round
top ,. 36.00
$68.00 Solid mahogany
console table and mlr -ror
. 28.00
$30.00 Solid mahogany
easy chair, upholstered
in leather 22.50
$40.00 Mahogany settee,
tapestry covered spring ,
seat , 30.00
$22.00 Jacobean oak
rocker 16.50
$40.00 Mission style hall
clock , 20.00
Regular Price and Less
lota of Lace, Scrim and Net
than 50 pattern.
Thirty patterns of Cretonnes
in lengths of 5 to SO yards; reg
ular values 25c, 50c, 75c and 85c
' 15c' Yard.
J : V' v ,
. Dainty effects in colored mad
ras, 40 and 60 inches wide; 76c,
$1.00 and $1.25 values, for
28c Yard. v I
May Be
"Three years ago my system was
in terrible condition and I was
broken oat all over my body.
Peruna was recommended to me
and a few bottles changed my con
dition. After a short time I wasT
all over my trouble." Miss Ricka
Leopold, 436 Water St., Menasha,
"I have suffered considerable
with La Grippe, and thought I
would try Peruna. I am satisfied
that Peruna is a wonderful rem
edy, and heartily endorse and rec
ommend it for la Grippe." George
E. Law. 13U Franklin St- Brmnl
(Indiana. . ,,V , '