Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
Cecelle at New York and Crui
sers Kronprins Wilhelm and
. Eitel Are Taken Over,
Boston, Mass., ' Feb. 3. United
States Marshall Mitchell tonight took
physical possession. of the North Ger.
man Lloyd liner Kronprinzessin Cece
fie, which has been nominally in his
custody since the litigation instituted
against the owners by the National
City bank of New York.
Four Liner Seized.
i '"Panama,' Feb.' J.-'-The Hamburg
American line steamships, which have
, been in Cristobal harbor were siezed
' this afternoon by the canal zone . au
1 thorities. Night harbor traffic at Cris
tobst has been stopped.
Two Taken Over.
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, Early tonight
the interned German auxiliary cruis
ers Kronprinz Wilhelm and Prim
; Eitel Friedrieh were seized by order
of the Navy department and their
, crews imprisoned in an isolation bar
racks. The seizure was followed by
the placing of an armed guard at the
yard entrance, while marines were as
signed to patrol the land aide limits
of the government preserve. Motor
boats and other light craft with ma
chine guns aboard patrolled the river
and prevented vessels from coming
within prescribed limits. Command
ant Russell issued orders recalling
shore leave of all marines and sailors.
Visitors to the yard were atrictly for
bidden,' , - '
Four Steamers Sail.
, Disregarding the new' sea peril an
noticed by Germany, four steamers,
one flying the American 8ag laden
with monitions, and other rich cargoes
destined for the war, zone, sailed from
here today. They are the British ships
Mendip Range for Leith and Saxo
leine for Havre; the Italian liner,
Italia for Genoa and the Norwegian
ship Admiralen for Liverpool. Among
the half dozen steamers that cleared
for foreign ports was the American
tanker Gold Shell, for Bordeaux and
Rouen, France.
Friendly Relation. ;
With Germany Now
: Brought to an End
' PDaatlmaS aw Faff 6m.S '' v
staff. His passports were not actually
delivered until 2 o'clock in the after
noon. ' While the president was. ad
dressing, congress, one of Secretary
Lansing's confidential assistants called
at the embassy and delivered the pass
ports and a note in reply td the Ger
man declaration.
; President Wilson kept himself m se
clusion during the morning, except for
a brief conference with Secretary
Lansing, until he left ' the White
, House for the capitol shortly before 2
o'clock. In preparation for the history
making event, the senate and house
had assembled in the hall of the latter
body," Justices of the supreme cour
had seats on the floor, the cabinet
sat in. a reserved space. Ambassador
Jusserarid of France occupied his re
served seat in the diplomatic, gallery,
which was packed, principally with
neutrals, who came to hear words of
far-reaching importance affecting their
own governments. , ' ' , ,
As nsual a committee of congress
men met the president and escorted
him to the speakers' dais. The whole
body rose, and cheered as the presi
dent, acknowledging their greeting
, without his usual smile, but grim
faced and solemn, took his place at
the clerk's 'desk and began reading the
document which is being heard "round
the world. .. , -
: , v Reviews Situation. V
i Not a sound eame from floor or gal
lery, but the clear calm tones of the
president reading slowly an distinctly.
The assemblage of senators, represen
tatives and notables v about him
. listened with ." Closest attention to
words which mayj record one of the
sombre moments of American ' his
tory, if .not indeed of the world. -
Briefly Je reviewed hpw last April
the United States warned Germany
after the destruction of the Sussex
that unless the , imperial government
declared an Affected an abandonment
of thai sort of submarine warfare, the
United State's' would have, no .choice
but to sever diplomatic relations alto
gether. Then he quoted from the German
reply which gave' assurance that no
ships would be sunk without Warning
and provision for safety of passengers
and crew,. ,, . ). .-. . ,-, ......
Quotes previous Warning.
, He recounted the provision the Ger
man government attached which in
effect reserved to itself the right to
recant its, promises .-if . the- United
States did not .secure relaxation of the
British restraints on commerce, and
then quoted from the j reply of the
Un'ted States which refused to con
sider a conditional pledge and gave
Germany final warning that it could
not entertain or discuss an such sug
gestion. i
The president did not refer to the
long list of submarine operations
which have been conducted in vioU'
tion of the Sussex pledges, but pro
ceeded at once to the war zone order
which became eneet've February 1.
When he told how the German
K reclamation left nothing for the
onor and dignir of the United
States but a break in relations and
that he had ordered passports sent to
von Bernstorff and a recall . to Mr.
Gerard, the assemblage broke into a
cheer in which republicans and. demo
crats alike joined. -
Waiti for Avert Act . '
More applause greeted his declara
tion that only an avert act could con
v'nee him that Germany intended to
violate American lives and rights, and
there was prolonged applause ' and
cheering when he concluded by an
nouncing that should American ships
and lives be sacrificed "In heedless
contravention ef the just and reason-
Mr. Dyspeptic!
' You Cm Now Eat
A Rip-lWinf, Rich Mal if You'll
"" Tak a Stuart' DytpcptU
v fi TabUl After II, ;
Don't TtJw Our Won! Fr It. IM Vm 3nd
Yoa a Fra Sampl to tovva It.
- AD yon tomftch saffcrvn whom food hat
cowed tad who walk to roar meali u
thong h you wr about to onter tht arena
of Nero, ton la a fflmw that will naka
yoa flad
!.& bo. Oooa DtjMtfaa
Tako a MttW omfly.lfta Btuart'i Dyt
tt Tablet afur each meal, and on at bed
lima, aod no matter what you oat or when
you eat It, rood oldfaabioned-honatlried-lakaaVr-boUad
food will not injur you, ,
Many phyalelana 'preaoriba 8toarta Dya
'aepsta Tablet to their eaaea of stomach
troobjaa aad diirmtiv dlaord?rav They are
aold at every drug atora erywhere( price
10 eenta a box. If you want proof before
you purchase fill out coupon below.
1 Free Trial Coupon
F. A. Stuart Co- WO Stuart Bid.,
ManhalL Mich, jfend me at one by re
turn mall, a free trial package of Stuart's
Dyapapeia Tablet.
Everyone Knows this Kidney
I have 1een in the drug bnsiness
for tWTty-fivtf'years and. I nave gold
Sr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot . satisfac
torily as long a I can remember, I
have -never heard " an unfavorable
comment, bnt have heard of several
different cases of kidney, liver and
bladder ailmenta where Swamp-Root
, produced beneficial results. 'Judging
from personal experience I can say
that I believe it to be a very good
medicine and I Tecommend it
. s Very truly yours,
- . C. BTEINER, Druggist,',
." t 208 South 12th St
Sept 21, 1918. ' . Lincoln, Neb.
Some twenty-five or thirty years
ago I- began to sell Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root and I am satisfied that
there is not a superior kidney, liver
and bladder medicine on the market
I enjoy a steady and satisfactory sale
on the remedy and my customers
have nothing bnt praises in behalf of
the merits of Swamp-Root I am so
favorably impressed with the prep,
ration that I recommend it to those
in need of such a medicine, because I
firmly believe it is a valuable and
reliable proprietary. ,
Very truly yours, ' '
': ". .' S008 South 10th Street
' C. M. COBB, Druggist,
Sept 21, 1916. Lincoln, Neb.
, Prove What Swamp-Root Will Da For Yon
.k!?i,r7S.'"ti 'iiS ?""' SWHUP-Eoet, tkat haa rml rvrrtir, vain,
wo. kr bm Wo.Uwd u Hum wtu, m ta ' Mi at It., ,7"""
Dr. Xumw'l Swmnir-Kot la h?teWt vMtriptloa. It hu ben U.U4 for nan
hM bright mulu t. anU aumb.1. vho han .iff.rrd. , "
vmm t Sr. KOmn'i wam-Bi la (hi. to th fart tht tt folmii ahxxt
paatraliMa ta. aria atia whick aanaat , , , w
iU" " "J' K,V.T - hwlfc N. Y., for a unpl. aha hottla. It
fll arorhwa anjou. Ye will alaa tmrtj a bookkt of valaaUa tnformauon. tollhur abont
th. n.r. ai blaajer. Wh.n writta. b. .or. and mantion Th. OmS gunoaV Ka.
mlsr fiftr-oaat and aao-dallar .b. kotuaa Urn aala at all eWatmc
able understanding of international
law and the obvious dictates of hu
manity," he would aga'n appear before
congress to ask authority to "use any
means that may be necessary for the
protection of our seamen and our peo
ple." "
As he concluded there were cheers
of approval from both sides of the
chamber and the president returned
to the White House to discuss meas
ures of precaution with Secretary
Daniels of the navy and Secretary
Baker of the War department.
i Diplomats Attend.
There was an unusual attendance of
diplomats to hear the president's ad
dress. Practically all the South Amer
icans were represented . and inany
other neutrals.
The gravity of the occasion was
further p'ctured by the presence, of
the justices of the supreme court and
members of the cabinet upon the floor.
When the president concluded con
gress rose and again cheering re
mained standing while he left, the
While the president was addressing
congress, Law Adviser Woolsey of
the State department was at the Ger
man embassy with a communication
for Count von Bernstorff which con
tained passports for the ambassador,
h's wife, the embassy staff and his
suite, which comprised more than a
hundred persons.
Expressions of Approval.
There were expressions of support
and approval of the president's course.
As the joint session dissolved, both
houses went back to their work.
Soon after Count von Bernstorff's
passports arrived, United States secret
service men threw a guard about the
ambassador and his suite to make
certain that the hospital'ty of the
United States is not violated while he
remains on American soil The status
of Count Tarnowski, the Austrian am
bassador was undecided, although he
called at the State department to ar
range lor presenting his credentials
to President Wilson.
For months, ever s'nee relations
with Germany became acute there
have been ominous signs of threatened
activities of German sympathizers and
disloyal Americans if diplomatic rela
tions were broken off. The admini
stration has not been unmindful of
these. Var'ous branches of the gov
ernment have informed themselves on
the subject far more completely than
miglk be thought.
Can Handle Situation.
Officials express themselves as
satisfied that they will be able to cope
with the situation. In the army and
navy, and in the citizenship generally,
officials realize that the composite
character of Amer'can nationality
makes it difficult not to find some per
sons who Will express sympathy with
the land of their birth.
The attempt to sink the- torpedo
boat Jacob Jones at Philadelphia to
day is recognized as an instance of
some of the things which may be ex
pected, but on the whole all the
agencies of the government believe
they have made preparations to meet
such ex'gencies or are prepared to
meet them as they arise.
1 L,
German Prize Crew Is
Removed From the Appam
Washington,' Feb. 3. Lieutenant
Hans Berg and his German prize
crew were removed from the liner
Appam at Newport News, Va,; today
by coast guard cutters under direction
of a United States marshal. The .ship
is in the custody of the federal court
pending appeal to the supreme court
from a decision .warding it to its
English owners. . ,
Lieutenant Berg notified the em
bassy here by long distance telephone.
He had been allowed to retain pos
session of the vessel under bond given
by the German government.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Nebraskan Declares America
Should Not Fight a Nation
That Is Not an Enemy.
Austrian Ship Interned
At New York is Damaged
New York, Word reached the po
lice today that coincident with the
publication of the news of the rup
ture with Germany, the Austrian
freighter Himalaya, which has been
lying in Newark bay, an estuary of
New York harbor, has been put out
of commission. The report had r
that the piston heads and other ar! .
of its engines had been smashed !i.
crowbars and axes.
Bee Want Ads Produce Result!
New York, Feb. 2. William I.
Bryan; declared at a peace meeting in
Madison Square garden here tonight
that it would be a crime against the
nation and the world if the United
States nters theEuropean war. He
praised highly President Wilson's ef
forts in behalf of peace and asserted
that the president's recent address to
the Senate had placed him among the
nation's immprtals.
The mass meeting was called by the
American Neutral Conference com
mittee to voice approval and support
of the president's peace policies. A
resolution was adopted pledging un
faltering support of the president in
any effort to keep the nation out of
war." " '"-
Mr, Bryan roused the audience to
enthusiasm when he asserted the con
stitution shourd be amended by pro
viding for a referendum on the declar
ation of war.
No nation has challenged the
United States, Mr, Bryan declared,
but if any nation should, this would
be the answer, he said, the country
should give: 'No, we have the welfare
of 100,000,000 peOpel to guard; price
less ideals to preserve and we will not
wallow with you in a mire of blood
to conform to a false standard."
"God forbid that we should go to
war with a nation .that is not an
enemy and does not want war with
Arch Stjppobx
HEEL' r.. 1 .jft
DrexePs Arch Doctor
The Drexel Arch Doctor is designed and constructed for the
relief and cure of the flat instep or broken archr -
Extension heel, running well up under the feet and giving
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Heavy steel shank, holding up the arch.
Long counter, running to the ball of the foot and famish
ing a side .support to relieve the strained tendons.
The material is plump vici kid, making the shoe pliable
and easy to the foot, which is necessary in the affected arch.
Soles are extra heavy single best quality oak. Widths B to
E, sizes 6 to 12.
Price $6.50
Drexel Shoe Co.
1410 Farnam St.
Mail Orders Solicited.
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