Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1917, WANT-AD SECTION, Page 8, Image 30

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    i '
8 D
Burlington Fast Train Jumps
.Track at Cromwell, la.,
When1 Bail Breaks.
Four known dead and fifty injured.
one probably' iafttly, ii the toll of
'the wreck oi train No. 12, Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy, which ran into
a broken rail 300 yards east of the
station at Cromwell, la., late Friday
night, left the track and toppled
. down a sixty-foot embankment into
a frozen slough. Scores of men and
women," clad only in night clothes,
were hurled through windows and
cut and bruised. They clustered
about on the ice and snow in tern-
' perature below zero, until a relief
train with physicians arrived from
Creston one hour after the wreck.
The train left Omaha af 6:30 p. m.
" Not until 12:30, nearly three hours
- after the wreck, were the last of the
dead and injured, some of the latter
badly frozen, removed From the
i The, dead:
5 . MRS. JOHN MRR, M. Cpxton, Is.
A. B. DAVIDSON, 10, Umh. Wll
11188 MART HAWKINS, 21, Basle, Nib.
Probably fatally injured:
Mrs. E. M. Hawkins, mother
Wary Hawkins, Eagle, Neb.
Mr. Schroeder was 25 years old and
a surveyor. He lived with his mother,
Mrs. P. C. Schroeder, at, 920 North
Twenty-fifth street.
Burlington officials reported that
John P. Robertson, Keokuk, la., had
suffered a broken leg and other in
ternal injuries and that he was not
expected to live. Other injured per
sons were doing nicely at the hos
pitals where they had been taken, it
was announced.
Dead in Chair Car. ,
All of the dead and the more se
riously injured Were passengers in
the wooden chair car, which was
partly demolished. Occupants of
three steel Pullmans were cut and
bruised, but none of them was fa
' tally hurt. It is not known if there
are bodies in the wreckage, but search
is being made.
The engine, the tender and a smok
ing car did not leave the track. The
observation car was derailed, but was
not ditched.
The following Omaha and Nebraska
people were injured:
it F. M. Hawkins, Eegl,ileb.j fracturt
tf akuil.
O. O. Campbell, 'Ml Ooorgla arenu.,
Omaha, aaleaman for th W. a. Cleveland
company and brother of R. A. Campbell.
17 South Thlrtr-flrst atreat; Injured about
B W. Bobbins. North Loup, hakim ap
John McCree, 8144 Parker afreet, Omaha;
cut on head And ahoulder brutaed.
' H., Woodwlae, 1304 North Twenty-nfth
. Street, Omaha; eut on back of head,
J. MrUhee, 414 North fourteenth, Omaha;
body bruleed. -,
H. Howard, J014 North HtoTenth atreat.
Jmaha; bruleed,
H. A. Koetsra, head eut.
F, h. Stearni, Aehbr, Neb. not Injured
but had amall chlljb sllghUy'bnilsed.
P. J. Dwysr, Cheney, Neb.j ahoulder
w. A. Woerman, Oakland, Neb. hand and
limba bruleed.
: Jrsse ftobblnson, Plattamootht, hnitaed,
lira. Bill! Booker, Lincoln i hip and back
Mlea Gonpler, Omaha;' nuraa id family of
Ward Burgee, head Injured.
K. W. Uarner, 2111 North Twentr-Ofto
Street, Omaha; arratcbed.
W. H Kerr, Blaken, Neb.; none and left
, knee out
Bd Qrvla 5704 Rrekrna atreat, Omaha; left
arm epraineu. right ankle ap rained, taot
ant 1
S. Gardner, ltSt Emmet street, Omaha:
right hip brulaed,
a M. Ayer, Omaha; back . nod wrist
Sprained. I ,
Harry Miller, 121t loath ailteentk atreet
Omaha; head out, hurt Internally.
H. w. Plnkard. 144S North Eighteenth.
Omaha; eut on face and ahoulder brulaed.
Other injured are: V
J. P. Meek, Council Bluffs; back sprained,
bead allghtly Injured.
Mlea Dolly Welcher, Croaton la,
Ulen Lowe, Kent, la. ' .
O. M. Rice, Creeton, la. ,
A B. Meekj Coonoll Bluffa. '
C. 8. Christiansen, Chlcaeo. v "r
F. M. Crumpton, Chicago.
J. K. .Davte, Dorrtsrtlle, 11).
J. H. Warren. La Orange, HI,
P. A. Ferry, Oak Park. 111. ,
Carl C. Dobeon, Joy, 111.'
Herman Mclclnley, Sheridan, la.
Klfa Suhrader, New Boaton, 111.
Mra..A. T. Wlllele, New Beaton, 111.
a. S. Barker. Albln, la.
5. W. Hallack. Davannort. To. .
John P. Robertson, Keokuk, la., left leg
. . Mlae Mary Caeenll, Caeper, Wyo.
' Mri, 1. K. Barker, Albla, la.
Runninir Late.
' .The train, eastbound, was running
twenty minutes behind schedule, but
slowly. The telegraph wires were
destroyed by the wreck and other
wires were crippled by the, t)ld
weather and if was nearly an hour
before relief caljed.
Two wrecking trains were sum
moned. , une came trom Ottumwa.
but it was not sufficiently powerful to
lift the huge steel cars. Uninjured
, passengers, the Creston fire depart-
inent, summoned from six miles
away, and volunteers from Cromwell
aided the wrecking crew, which by
the use of block and tackle in con
junction with the wrecker succeeded
, in liberating a few of those pinioned
beneath the wreckage. Women, shiv
ering in the cold, aided in the work
of fescue.
: Cripplea Liberated.' ','
When a wrecker arrived from Bur-'
lington, la., the injured, whose cries
' were audible for seycral blocks, were
goon liberated.
One of the steel cars stood on end
in the ditch. Another had over
turned several times in its descent of
the embankment and rested in a bed
of crushed ice in the ditch.
The-majority of the injured were
cut by glass. . A number of them were
thrown through - the windows and
. clear of the falling ears.
A few of the passengers continued
their journey on a later train. Eleven
of the seriously hurt are now in Cres
ton suffering; from internal , injuries
" and it was.; not yet known if they
would live.. . . , ' v
Six physicians treated all of the In
jured, rendering first-aid to many at
the wreck and bandaging others . in.
the hospitals, and the. hotel , lobbies.
J. F. Slinghpff conductor .. of , the
train, was one of the bldes.t employes,
on the Burlington,; in point', of serv
. - ict, having been with the' road-close
to forty yeast. His home is in Lin
coln. While his injuries, which con
sist of cuts and bruises on his back,
shoulders and neck, will Jay him up
tome time, they are r.ot expected to
, prove fatal. v
George H. Cutler, one of the in
jured and who sustained some severe
bruises about the head and shoulders,
resides in Tacoma, Wash.' He is a
colonization agent connected with the
Vmon Pacific system; working di
rectly with the Oregon Railway and
Navigation company. He had been
ill iiuoiie m wupit if, ua,,-. ..,.
with Union Pacific officials and was
enroute to Chicago. He had intended
I.....!... ..aCcI-iv. .ft.fnnnn Hut
missed his connections and boarded
the train that was derailed.
Wayfarers Prove They '
Bought Their Checks
Robert Hilderbrant and Larry Mor
gan, 1922 Harney street, arrested Jan
uary 28 and booked for investigation,
have been discharged. Hilderbrant
and Morgan had in their possession
more than $100 in travelers' cheques,
which police officers believe were
stolen because of the manner in which
they were filled out. Information
from Denver, however, corroborated
Hildcrbrant's statements that he pur
chased the cheques there.
Central Labor Union
Endorses Boxing Bill
'. Cent Melady'a bill, now ,pending
in the legislature, foi clean 'sport in
Nebraska was unanimously endorsed
by the Central Labor union last evening.
Application of three delegates
elected by a new moving picture oper
ators' union to the Central Labor
union was temporarily refused until
the status of the new union can be
determined. The new union is'
called an electricians' union, but it
was stated the members are to be
operators of moving picture machines
only. '
First steps were taken lobking to
ward free admission to the various
unions for members of bartenders'
and brewery workers' unions who
will be thrown out of work May 1.
Many of these, it was stated, have
other trades to which they will want
to return and the unions ot which
they will want to join. Initiation fees
in most cases are $50.
Wilson's Action
Balks Ed Smith,
- Embargo Buster
Somewhere in the neighborhood of
Boston, or perhaps actually within
the-city limits of Boston, was Ed P.
Smith of Omaha on a mission that
has probably been rendered-entirely
fruitless by the severance of diplo
matic relations with Germany.
' Mr. Smith left Omaha for Boston
Thursday evening, representing the
Omaha Grain exchange and hoping
to influence eastern steamboat lines
to accept cargoes of grain from Oma
ha for shipment abroad. Smith had
planned to do a little embargo-busting
Of his own. (
It is likely' that about the time he
stepped off the train at the Boston
passenger station a Boston newsboy
pushed an extra in his facje bearing
the words, "Diplomatic relation's with
Germany severed."
Of course, whethe the newsboy did
this or not, no one in Omaha yet
knows, but Grain exchange men be
lieve Smith must have arrived in Bos
ton just about in time to buy the
first extras that came out on the new
crisis in the international situation,
which will necessarily make thi em
bargo on exports still more rigid for
a time at least. . - . -
"So I suppose Ed will turn around
and take the next train back," said
a grain man. "Oh, Ed may get his
lunch first, maybe, and probably walk
up Bunker Hill and back before train
time, but I bet he will be riding a
Pullman for the Nebraska metropolis
again by night." , .'
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Her , Father, Frank Busche,
Says He Will Prosecute
Her Husband. '""
' Casting frightened glances back
ward at her father and at the .same
time dinging tightly to the arm of
her crippled husband, Mildred Busche,
15 years old, whose disappearance
from her home at 957 North Twenty
fifth street, was reported to the police
Thursday, marched into the police
building. Her dad, Frank Busche,
who has Tiuntcd high and low, east
and west, for his runaway daughter
scowled as he walked behind her and
Floyd Wathen, her spouse, and de
livered them both into hands of the
police, i
"I am going to prosecute him to
the limit of the law," said Mr. Busche
vehemently, pointing to Wathen. "He
married my little girl in Seward two
days ago and she is only 15 years of
Wathen, a cripple, is a talented
pianist and a good singer. Busche
says that he sirig and -played his way
into his girl's heart and thus won her
consent to an elopement.
Busche was his own detective in
trailing the young couple. He found
that Wathen had relatives in Chicago
and Seward. He wired Chicago po-.
lice to witch for him there and he
himself went to Seward. There he
found them, but, not until the musician
and his girl had been mademan and
wife. Busche ordered them to pack
their 4uds and move back to Omaha
They obeyed with alacrity and Busche
chaperoned the party all the way.
Negro Physician Removed -.
-,Frc Hospital's Staff
Chicago, Feb. ,3. Dr. Roscoe Giles,
the negro physician who despite the
protests of the 700 patients at the
municipal tuberculosis sanitarium be
gan work at the institution is a junior
'member of the medical staff, was dis
charged today by JJr. u Y . Caldwell,
president of the board of directors,
and C J. Happel, superintendent, for
"the good of the service."
He was certified to the position bv
i the Civil Service commission several
days ago and insisted upon taking the
place. '
Dr. Giles is known as a specialist
on tuberculosis among Chicago's
negro population.
Ox. Giles was dismissed after scores
of patients had refused to allow him
to treat theni and members of the
medical stafjf had refused to sit at the
table with him. -
Culls From the Wire
.Oregon ift "bone dry." Governor Witney
oomb signed the absolute prohibition bill
recently paused by th , legislature and It
Immediately becaaM a law..
The prohibition bill, which
would make Indiana dry after April 3,
19J8, was puffed by th state senate. The
bill already hai passed the house.
Pressure of international affairs caused
the congressional committee that has been
investigating the so-called "leak" on Presi
dent Wilson's recent pac note to trans
fer the inquiry from New York to Wash
ington, t
The Portland, Ore., city council voted to
remove the forty-five year age limit on "all
city positions, wherever it exists, except In
the police and fie departments. The action
was taken at the request of the "Forty-five
Efficiency club." v
Appointment of a commission of five with
plenary powers to co-op rate with the In
terstate Commerce commission In the ad
ministration of a new net of car service
rules, adopted with a view to solving the
car shortage problem, was decided upon
by the American Railway association.
Twenty-One Young Women'
Students Are Pledged
(From a Staff CorreapondenL) "
Lincoln, Feb. 3. (Special Tele-gram.)--Thesecond
semester rushing
season for the sororities of the Uni
versity of Nebraska closed here to
night with the announcement of
twenty-one pledges.
Only one Omaha girl, Miss Doris
Cole, was pledged by the societies.
Following is the list of pledges:
. Arhotb Not pledging.
Alpha Chi Omega Doris Cola, Omaha;
Dorla Arnold,' Excelsior Spring!, Mo.; .Fae
.Breeae. Lincoln; Phyllis Carr, gprlngvlaw.
Alpha llrlta PI Mildred Pope, Lincoln:
Ethylna Druse. Cambridge. - .
Alpha Phi Sot pledging.
Alpha XI Deltas Ruth Pierce, Llnoala,
Luclle Keith, Hastings; Lena Cummlnsa,
Hot Springs, Ark. . , ,
Chi Omega Florence O'Shea, Lincoln,
Ifeda Kramer, Hampton.
Delta Delta Delta Helen Howard. Colum
bus; Helen Hompes, Lincoln.
Delta llsaims -Ruth Anderson. Kearney
Delta Zeta Grace White, Qe -g; Parl
Taylor, Lincoln; Basel Stewart, Meadow
Orove. '
Gamma Phi Beta Gladys. Appleman,
Kappa Alpha Theta Not pledging.
Kappa Kappa Uamnuv Klfreda Stakes,
Monmouth, III.
PI Beta Phi Vera Menagh, Denlson, la.:
Margaret Winn, Lexington. Mo.
Give your Want Ad a chanea to
make good. Run it in The Bee.
For Sale Three first mortgages on three
separate Eastern Nebraska farms.' Security
three timesY value of mortgages. Amounts
$1,000, $2,000 and $5,o6o. Will sell one or all.
No Cbmmissibn. No Discount. No Brokers.
, If interested state if you want, subject to in
vestigation, one or all. Address Security Box
1133, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
$495 F. 6. B. Factory
' y'
A successful farm tractor now in operation in thirty-seven States and several foreign countries. Manufac
tured by THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The lowest priced tractor
for general farm use. Orders on hand keep factory working night and day. You can share in the profits.
"Tkt mitckine tht world has been vxungSor".
The Ford Tractor Company of MhmmptX,
Minn., is engaged exclusively in the manufacture of
.THE FORD FARM TRACTOR, and has no conneo
tics whatever with the' Ford Motor Company of De
troit, or with aay other autooio)ile or tractor concern
Th straaaci af th (annar for a light, awricawbla farm I
at a lew prk kaa at bat boas mat. The FORD doa tha tajraWa work
batter, qoJckar and elwapar thaa tora.s caa do it Tha FORD putla
plowa, ViIUdiaca, lurrowa, aaowara, biadara, aaadara, maansra apraaaV
ara, araga, wafons and small nmi graalarat it oparataa aaailaffa cut
tar and silo fillar, (aad frfadar, watar pump, circular amw anal athar
bait slHraa machinaa xumi oa tha farm. It la daaigaad far atraagtk,
power aad durability!' It perform all claaaaa af practical farm werk. ,
Every farmer steeds a FORD. Every farmer, farmiaa torf aeraa -mora,
veeliies the aaad for a goad, atrsng, aerriceabla tractor that
Trill da tba work, aad that la constructed of strong material and b ml
each simple el sella that it ia not continually retting oat of order.
THE FORD TRACTOR b built aad daaifaad to avaet avary raoutra
ment of tha a re rare farmer.
. . 1 RELIABLE ' ' " .
-. THE roM TRACTOR aeUa far MM I. a. a. iactary. It la the barest arenal
Iracter far a en era! tarn maa. It is to aacoaeafal eperattaa fat tatitieeeea eeaeae
ami as ereral teratra eeaatrlea. The eWaaaa h) sacreeeaai eeilr. The auTM
ereare, ea which sVpeeHa have hsea aaaaa, new ea the soaks el tha lilsjliq'
mat heap tha tectery naaaaaa aaht aad aay far maatha ta ceraa.
Attar aiihtesa meatha el practical mam I anas ef Aaeerlea me FORD
asa Braved aa suceeeeral that a aew asodera factor aaa ham halt aad baaed ta
tha Csaaamy far a period el years, aad already, while the Cesspaay Was eajy
haaa hi the aew btUMmf abaat eae mouth, the demand lor THE FORD TRACTOR
la se treat that aa mtaaaloa to the factory to already aemgplaaaad.
' To. plsat el THS FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, lac, ia located as Mlisii)
at la, Msaa. the sealer el the free! Northwest arrtenltoral district aaa the hecao
el the farm tractar kMkatrr hi Aaaarfca. la m the am tranter what
' Detroit to to the aatiasitlle.
m ear apsatoa, THE FORD TRACTOR eceapeaa the aaaaa relative Hiaim
. met the law once eataateUla haa aceeatod at tha oatcieshflt haauetry. la other '
warda, the hlf I I ll I lor lana kraetan la, aad meat arwayt ha, far the lav priae
tractor. CartsJe pataata awaad hy thie Caaapaay, kaveatioaa el Mr. Feed B. Fard,
are such as to laake H tiiilstsiola, la ear epaUoa, for any ether aMsaalaotasar to
tarn oat the aaaaa aiasos.Ha. low caal farm eraeter withaet peytac rayattye
THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, ha. " -. ' t ' '
Wo have hi ear aifice ea lOaatratad folder fal apaaaaatama and .
particulars rafardau THE FORD TRACPOeV a eapy af which ha iwaday
Right how you can buy Ford Tractor Shares at the low price
Kof $4.50 per share (par value $10). Price will positively be AD
continue to advance and we predict, that enormous profits will be
made by those that take advantage of the present 'low quotation. Do
not delay, but forward your order todayV Write, wire or telephone.
W. haHev. that the enter vehicle haa made more msmy for the small la
ter, from a snail bvestaeent, rhaa any ether taetaetry la Aaeerka during . the
poet tea yeara. The aaatsss of'the aetoaseeue aaa arnoe a aew crap muuoa
aarasi ferhniee hove frown from triflinf anasauta; citiee have heea huilt, ami
the ceeapleatca ef etatae cbeafad aa a result ef the motor vehicle measlry.
Pisoahl, bo ether Invention ever efferaea the profit met aaa heea mode out ef
the meter vehicle industry. And no other mduotry tedey to saakaac creator profits
for the actual caah capital Invested. Theaa arefHa have run oil the way from
lee. aorsaaem to 1000 oar eunam ea the mveetaeeat. Ia feet, msre then 1000
par annum hoe heea eeraed by some el the lew price aatemobUe manufacti
There ere three eaetJect hraaches ef the meter vehicle taduatrr 4he aa
hue for plaeaure nuiaat.a, the truck lar iisnaea I lal purpeeee aad the ti
tar form latna,
TheMlowmt too copy of a letter from W.,Beer Ewmc, President el THE
FORD- TRACTOR COMPANY, which telle of. the early development ot THE
FORD FARM TRACTOR, the present predaitiua facilities, the plana of , the Com
pany aad eetameted profits ea future preaecuaau
"MhMisopalto. Mum, Nov. 22,
Meaera. Rehert P. Hatches A Ca, lt34 Broadway, New York, N. Y,
"Ceetlrmen: Durlnt the latter part ef tail wry atteatioa wae called ta the
hkstaut drasand ef farms far e lajht, eervicoahle farm tractor, and In 1014 I ba
ton dovetint my time and aaeray to the developuient of a form tractor, Utht m
' weight, eervoteeeie to a high degree, and that could be supplied to the farmer at
a reaaeneble price. Oa March 16th, ISIS, I mcerpereted THE FORD TRACTOR.
COMPANY, and ea July 20th, ISIS, we. aold aad delivered the first FORD TRAC-
ia neat wee ever put eui m e romeisrr lal way. uur I trot tractor la still ta coo
Stoat uae and giving sotkfoetiort in every rapect. Since nhe first tractor wee
' ehaaped we neve menufactured iMaparede end hundreds mere, ell of which have
.11 int. muiun '"""""'i .va-. been eoM end delivered end ere la uae in 37 States of the United Stsrtmi said ia '
la, kl eer apealoa, hi THE FARM TRACTOR FIELD. The loader in the levrpriee addltiea to that we have aM end snipped FORD TRACTORS into Canada, Eng.
farm tractor field to THE FORD TRACTOR, maawfaruared by THE FORD TRAP laud and Parte Rice, with Ureu-ordera from other foreign countries' ponding. .
, 'V
TOR COMPANY ef Mlomooaolio. Minn. Right i
hi the Ceaapaay aa a basis met aeeam certain to saaure I
i profits.
' THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY la lacorpereted uader the tnwa el Dele
were with a capital stock of tlO.eoo.OOO, dfvided late lOOsOOO eherm of 7 pre
ferred shock mad 8OO.0O0 eherm of cemoaoa stock. Each share hm a par value
of IO, tuHy paid and am assessable.
W. RAER EWuVC, President and Geaerel Menaeer. , . ,
HON. t-tlAKLlLs B. tUXiOIT, Vice Preoidont,' formerly Supreane Court J notice
of the Pbiltppnoe under' President Taftl aloe fin marly Judge of tha Supremo
' Court of the State ef Minnesota.
M. R. JOHNSTON. Sooretacy-Tressarar. lei merry Caehiar of the Dianaaud Iran
Btarn. a FOan Dlwur. Trotter Enrlooer.
' JAS. H. MEIER, DWecter, Caehiar and Director af the Merchants sad Manefactm"
eiek. Minneeooil
JOHN L. SMITH, Director,
R. A. ,
PresUUnt el the J oka L. Smith
JACMSON, Dbmrbar, Rainsd Ceo tractor, Mionoopelia. ;
Aaeat a meath ago the Ceaspany aoeved into a new twe-eteiy beiMioi
ry an let a facility, located et Madieon St. and 17th Ave, N. E, in the
(XO) FOKO troctere per dsy.
sapatrji aa eeeooots.
rv 1
tal factory facilities will
The agency argeeunnthm ef THE FORD TRACTOR CCajPAfTT
aver Taa Hanmrod as tat hob od I Jul or aaootta lecaaed mrougheat
beet farming country In tha United Stores. These egoerta keep aa bend
aaarby farm ana or mere farm tractors which they eabMt or ism M
aa occasion reuulrea. The uses bus1 oellBig sWUty af a bone ageaop
tnapmlr trokted and s eutopic aaa aaarcofy he tisnitlmslid aa ta Ha
roeoito. Thee, as.lsrs are tedey autmsg asare Uaotsss thai
deliver. The edded eeaital which thto Ceemmr wfU unlit fr
wiD eneble the Ceeapeny to laeroeee Ha moaefet lei bog toctlOoo. Dmlera
THE FORD TRACTOR AGENCY should m.imnahiill wtth OS et once.
m at a
for reerhbag
"m a 'n j aaa
THX PORD sofbi for teSO. It to the lowoat priced ti actor mode for teaeral
larm purs The profit at tUe price to sufficient to ahew en eeruhog of about
ta 1-S ea the per vnme ad the entire oeunaoa eteok, witk a preduttion el only
Its ehlBtv to do heavy farm work rapidly and
aeeni ta plow deeper men ey nerae tuewi to nave m ceoi ei
for eVrrlnr raachonery en eny part el too la
amp aw i bin v According ta the WALL STREET JOURNAL,
I eosue of oho . aleae ever 2,700,000 forms en which the present
. "there are in the United Stores
; aaedele el U aetata caa be ocoo-.
In nddltien to thie. thet iouenal pomU eut that "toe Antcriesn
trocMbm ohuedy find a good field in Europe," end It Is lusrved that ufter
tke war changes be European term methods vriU be revolutiouiaed and will call
ef .
Ptease send me fnfl pertkulara ragardbog aa bosmtaieiil In mo etock af THE
FORD TRACTOR COMPANY. Send am a copy of me epeclftcatlans of the trneter,
with photograph, aad foil uorticulara. Sand ana prool ef the fact that theee
troctors ere la eeceeesful overatioo ea the tareos ef America. Give am eoenplste.
netsUs, benb refereace aad tell inleraseUoU. if aerfectry mttolniilmi,, 1 aaigbt be
wuliet te toveet i
I .
Statu i ..or--.
Occupation. . . .'. ..... ,'. .0. B. 2-4
Aa Mtnt l tkt, Fnach GavmiMMt. ftar ln-tkf atm tb fmrm tre
tmr riM lr stMB te Ur& bM vimcmd mm felt-ia! 9r4mr for Fifty FORD
TRACTORS. aooitooU tW PiWic iiwi-Mit that thk rdr wm.
M Imt war iwwm. but thont tb trmevtw. wnM Im iwW to till tb
f soil mftor mbc has bM dclrA. In fet, mirimitv-mmit mi.n kav Uka ,
tba Bl-dinc f thto lr m a faranu-Mr 4 pmm, and Eurapap abort i'
man, and dm. thaa ahort In horaaa. must a( Bacaaaiti loafc ta tha tmnm
tractor far tha lwwar with which te till tha aaiL
sL to iuyil-1 Ttoch todiy in THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, vow
m ffatttoc tai oa a fraund floor ImoU wit tba law-arlcotf tractar auiiiiar
la Amartca. with a oppartoaky Ml nf to maka aiaaay out af tractara
that aiustba -laed aa tha miilKXi ol latin to tba Unitatf Statoap but with
tba typa af tractor that all Earopt nuat turn to whaa o-ca haa baaa
wT baaaatlr Wltov that THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY affan
raatoat BMaay-BMktof aplMatuait- af tha aef. W ttahasitattovlv
to our dlaatala to planca thia tiaa an4 bay awy abara af thto atock
th-y caa affard Mmvm th adyaaea hi lrica, which will vwdaubtodly
aaleuM aJawaamat twilltl t altahi
r Our cltoato ta Now York City, ar all tVoa that cam Pmk h caavaa
' taat to viait aa hi awr alttcaa. la Uift baart of AataabaW JloW, oorMr ml
6vth Straat, aa tba Cirala. 1&34 Braatiway, ahaM aa aa, aad w ahall aa V
triad to tato tba fallaat dateM rffardto thto cacnaany. Ha aigiaiit
It paat aad It fetwra. E-arythtof idie-Jt thto aaay to aijaa to tha
cteaaat acrattoy. aad wa aalictt -tha naaat rigid iMatlgattoaVp raaliitol that
ha who tavaaticata will at oartatoy tovaat.
lu our ftrst vaar af eMMarclal actirltr wa hava aaraul 0O m
riftoal to vac tad capital.
"Am aor tractara ba-w baan la tha hand af fiuiai and to actual far
mora thaa a vaar, watiave datnaaatratod baryond tha shadow of a daub thatr
bigb dag-raa1 at aff Iciaacy aad aaaarai practicability. Ia ordar to neat tha caa
ttonally artpwtoav deaMad for our tractor wa hava coata ta yoatr Banklqk Houaa
for th capital nacaBsary to Blrg our facilities for .turato out FORjD TRAC
TORS aa Urga acal. v
"W ar bow" locatad to our atw factory, which la ef th most Wdani typa
aad a constructed that additions may be added from tin to tiaa.V Our present
output capacity to twenty -FORD TRACTORS each tweaty-foar hours, but with
the steadily iitcraastog damaad far our product I anticipate the ejuHy necessity
for added factory apace.. Aa you know, 'THE FORD' to th lowest priced aer
vfeeehl farm tractor ea the aiarket, which largely accounts for Hs" wide popn
: larlty. Our present productieo is limited only by our capital. 'With tha fund '
which your bouse purpoees to furnish us, wa will, to my Judgiiusnt, be abTs to
manufacture and sail at least 25,000 tractors par annum, at, net profit ol
,.-3,000,000 par year. Thto would ind vests aa earning apnroxiiTia(cly 33 1-3 Am
aur total issue ef common stock at Its full par value. We have, hi these figure
provided for afety fund' af ten collars oa each tractor turned eut, te be used
for con tinge cies or working surplus.
' - l mmf add that w ar located rlyht la th Heart of the. Great North wast,
th richest fanning district to tha world. Our manufacturing. nd shipping facil
ities ar second to none, and I would suggest, whenever possible, that ou send
investor right out to aur factory, where they caa see fust what we are doing
v and satisfy themselves as t th large, par mans nt, profitabh industry wherein
they amy participate. y r
Om baslaes to open te taspcttoa at ail times, and w1 aolicft epportunlHea
te show vhives tors the details of same, and to demonstrate aswl vjarify the caarvct
. aaa of all stetemant mad. Very truly yours,
, -W. BAER EWING. LPrwajdant. '
Wa ar the exclusive mderwriter of th stock f THE FORD TRACTOR
COMPANY, INC and a other broker ar banking how has any authority ta
eeli or quote prices oa the Treasury stock of this CainpMiy.
For immediate subscription we offer th unsold pdrtioa' mi 50.000 sharaa
of tha common stock of thto Company at $4 .50k per ahara (par value 310.00), full
paid and non -assessable.
Na subacriDtiaa will be ace ap ted for lea than ftvw eharee, but you wttl b
welcomed into thto Contpany whether you purchase 8 shrea, 2S hares, 100 ahara
i ar 1,000 aharto. In fact, th buyer of 10 ar 20 shataa will be given th same
cajuaati. atuan a purchaser of fi.UOO " 10,000 aharoa.
Ia any vnt, subscription book to thto allotment will b closed next Satur
day, February 10th, whan the price will positively advance. Orders should be
mailed with remittance, without 4elay. Telegraphic order may b forwarded If
rTP-f - f""' by flrat maiL i
The shrewd Investor will pramptFy till out tha CbuBavTla 'the lauar" rfght head
corner af thto aaaouacemeat and pin It to draft, check or oawy order for the
numltor f shares waatod. If you send niTTncy b aura to rawrster tha totter.
' , . - ROBERT P. liATrwi? a roMPiNV
Evclaeiv Financial Afaat for The Ford Tractor .Company, Inc, 1834 Broadway,
Pleaee find anclaaed herewith 3 ha fuT! aavment for.
1 Shares of th Tr-aiof- Stock of THE FORD fRACTOR COMPANY,
- vaiua piu par aoara, louy- pam ana
Cit1 ao-.4.. ...
V "
Occapation , .
. . .0. B. 24