Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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3 A
The Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women-Opens
"Jeune'Pille" ex
presses the atmosphere
of the Springtime of
life, of which these
garments are the ex
ponent. ...
) 1
Novel shaped tapering
revers, can be convert
ed into a double breast
ed effect with a small
V neck in front and a
one button fastening
at the waist line.
A collar, the Ions
pointed ends of which
extend along the shoul
der and drop over, con
veys the vivid impres
sion of' a soldier's
Linings are Shown in
score, of colorings, de
signs ' And materials.
"Paisley" is extremely
good, and a Hindoo de
sign comes in for a
share of attention.
Beautiful satins and
silks are shown.
Silk stitchings, head
ings and braidings or
nament the gowns and
dresses in ' beautiful
and 1)1281X6 effects
greets one on every
hand, Beaded Silk
Sashes are a fitting
finale to some of these
feminine fancies.
With Smartest Togs for the New Season
HHE apparel business of this store has grown to
such immense proportions that we must needs
specialize, centralize our efforts on different groups
so as to render a service that is in every sense of the
word personal. So the Specialty Shop of Smart Togs
for Small Women and Misses comes into its own. -
Every garmentpurchased frorn makers who specialize
on the smartest Togs for Misses and Small Women, as
suring that most elusive, but ever desirable factor,
So the "Eternal Youthful" is the supreme quest,
" and to have and to hold this is the ambition that this
new Specialty Shop will foster. v'
On Monday We Shall' Welcome -You' to View the
Latest and Smartest Togs- -
For Misses and Small Women
Exact Reproductions of the Models
From the Ateliers of Such Famous Makers As
C allot, Jenny, Lanvin, Paquin, Worth, Peggy, Cheruit,
Bulloz, Beer, Georgette, Martial & Armmd,. Dfecoll, Agnes i
Collars so varied in
shape and. style that
every type seems to be
employed collars that
button high collars
that flow low collars
that veritably fold over
and the half has not
been told.
Accordcon Pleatings
court admiration and
lend a charm not to be
denied. '
Contrasts? Startling
contrasts convey the
motif of the designer.
A coat that looks like
beaten gold has for its
compatriot a dull black
and white skirt its
veritable antithesis.
Just a brilliant dash of
color to relieve the
darker tones of a beau
tiful satin frock and
a masterpiece is con'
. I.
Buttons are important
in their bearing on the
impression that these
newest garments give.
And there is a never
ending variety 'of but
tons, from bright to
sombre, silk to metal
it seems the more the
merrier. Twelve but
tons on each cuff is
the proud boast of one
smart suit, as well as
scores of followers all
over the jacket and
Introducing three distinct silhouettes:
THE BARREL SILHOUETTE, sponsored by Callot,
Jenny, Lanvin, Paquin, Worth, and Peggy. ,
THE STRAIGHT SILHOUETTE, sponsored by Callot,
r .Cheruit, Jenny, and others .
THE DRAPED SILHOUETTE, sponsored by Paquin,
and Bulloz.
The eye will be charmed
and the senses gratified with
the knowledgethat a Spe
cialty Shop, complete in its
personal service for misses
and small women, is at last a
reality. ,
Just a feature or two in the costumes that
will be shown: v
DINNER GOWNS with Short Sleeves.
AFTERNOON GOWNS with Elbow Sleeves.
COLLARS that open on the shoulder.
COLLARS square in front and rather large, but round
in back and somewhat narrow.
Tinsel and gold em
broidery lend a pictur
esque touch to the
decorative idea that is .
The "Jupe Tonneau"
is very much in evi
dence, and this barrel
shape skirt is extreme-ly-snvart.
j -
Here Are Some of the Materials Employed:
' Wool Jersey, Poiret Twill, Burella Cloth, Gabardine,
Serge and Satin-Combinations Checked Velour, Bolivia, Tri- ,
cotine and Khaki-Kool. ,
Suits, Gowns,. Afternoon and Evening
Top Coats; Motbring Coats, Dress Coats, Sport Clothes, Skirts
and Country Club Frocks all will be shown here Monday.
Colors Run Riot-Every thing in the
Rainbow-the Earth and Sky
Cornflower, Ruby, Apple Green, Peacock Green, Orchid,
Japanese Blue and Purple, Chartreuse, French Blue, Bisque,
Copenhagen, Gold, Burgundy, Wine, Jade, Heron, Dove
Gray,. Perwinkle, Rose, Reseda, Magenta, Leather, Coral,
Emerald, Flame, Nile, Peach, Beige, Navy Checks, Sunset,
Joffre Blue, Helio, Begonia, American Beauty, Alsace Green,
and Maple. ' ( '
Belts that belong in
class by themselves, for
they go far beyond the
usual utility and. lend
so much of the decora
tive and the fascinat
ing to the coats or the
jackets that they are
veritably "The Idols
Pockets Some so
bashful that they snug
gle, half concealed, un
der long lapels others
that bulge with pride
like a barrel then the
patch and strapped
and stitched sort hold
sway, each in their sep
arate way.
Plaids are good all
the Clans of Scotland
seem to have- con
tributed their quota to
brighten this corner
for fashion.
So the Specialty Shop jor Misses and Small Women Opens
J1 - i 1V , J i 1 1 l "V T 1 11 II J J i
wixn a weann oi Deautuui colors ana styles, jno woman snouia miss tnis important event.
Checks that do not In
any way "Deter," but
rather 1 enhance the
charm of the materials
employed, find their
way into many of the
smartest garments. ' . )
Persian designs an
colorings lend an ideal
istic! tone to some of
the more severe type
of garments, particuV
larly where the solid,
deep colors prevail.
. Second Floor.
Another New Feature
1 - of Fashion
' Is the Jersey Sports Suits
SPORTS SUITS of Jersey Cloth enter 'the lists for admira
tion and serious attention they already have a big follow
ing and recently when our'personal representative was in
New York, a special purchase was made and arrangements
perfected for first showing of the newest models here.
J ersey Cloth lends itself particularly well to this
style of Suit and the colors are manifold such as
Rose, Emerald Green, Burnt Almond, Peacock
Blue, Canary Yellow, Copenhagen Ijlue, Etc.
To take one model as an example The Jacket is a
modified Norfolk effect, trimmed with stitching and fancy
buttons and the sleeves are "finger tip" length. The
Skirts are comparatively narrow.
Some others are elaborated with stitched braided de
signs. There is a style here to suit every taste.
$2.50, $35.00, $39.00 and $55.00
Concerning Some of the Newest
Again Jersey Cloth is employed. Plain, chic dresses
with wide girdles; fancy buckles, and buttons and stitch
ing. Chartreuse, Copenhagen Blues, GOLD and Grays.
Prices are $35.00, $45.00 and $55.00.
Second Floor.
- High-Grade Footwear for Women
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Continues Monday
Any woman that did not attend this sale Saturday and share in these remarkable sav
ings, should take advantage Monday.
Of course, the size range is somewhat broken, and that is the reason we are going to
make a final clearance of all of them AT THE ONE PRICE, $3.85 a pair.
There are both lace and button styles-many different toe shapes and variety of heels f
and all NfcW patterns. In all about 40 styles to choose from,-Both light weight turn and
medium welted and stitched soles. Low leather heels, leather Cuban heels, leather Louis
heels and wood Louis covered heels. This is a fine opportunity fop women to supply them
selves with splendid footwear at a remarkably lowprice.
The market prices are advancing every day,) and we seriously advise every woman to
buy for future as well as present needs. Main Floor.
Lace Flbuncings,"Bands, Edges
Pretty laces that adapt, themselves readily to niany
purposes. They are especially useful for camisoles, petti
coats, jabots, trimming and skirt flouncings. Fashion pre
dicts that laces will be "very good" this coming season.
This is a splendid opportunity to purchase your require
ments at small prices.
Heavy Gold and Silver Laces, Bands and Edges, up to 9 no
inches wide. Worth 12.00, yard... VOC
All-Silk Chiffons, 40 inches wide; black, white, and colors. ?
Per yard
Dainty Shadow Lace Flouncings, 18 inches wide. For'
making jabots, waists and dresses; white, cream and
black -. :-..
Gold and Silver Run Laces 7 ..
Oriental Net Top Flouncings, 18 inches wide. . .
Worth 59c,
All-Linen Cluny Laces, white and ecru..... 1 Worth 10c,
Filet Vals., matched sets, all width , I Yard,
French and German Vals. , p . c '
Piatt Vals, Bands and Edges .... i s . J OC
6-Yard Bolts of Plain Lace Beading, bolt. 5
.Notion Needs
Men's and Women's Sleeve
Protectors, pair 104
Shell Hair Pins, box 3Mi
Hair Nets, each 14
Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, spe
cial, card .24
White Ivory Combs, each. . .19
Inside Skirt Belting, yard". . 54
Best Shell Hair Pins, card . . 54
Soft Face Chamois, each... 44
Best Mercerized Rick-Rack,
all colors, bolt... 104
Darning Cotton, 3 spools for 54
J, & F. Coats' Thread, spool 44
Men's and . Women's Suit
Hangers . .... 2 for 254
Sanitary Napkins, dozen... 194
Sanitary Aprons, each 194
Velvet Grip Hose Support-
ers, 25c values 194
Best Sanitary . Belts, 25c
values, each ..... .... 194
Real Hair Nets, 3 for 254
each .104
Hump Hair Pins, large pack
age for '. 8c
Pearl Buttons, card 3K4
"American Maid",. Cotton,
ball i 64
Scissors and Shears, pair. . .104
Wooden Button Molds, A
bunches for 54
Mam Floor.
Liijen Store.
Exceptional Values
Any woman who is in need
of an extra spread or two,
table damask, fancy linen or
crash, will do well to share
tn this sale Monday.
$2.75 Spreads, $2.25
750 Large Size, Heavy Crochet
Bed Spreads, scalloped and cut
corners; large assortment of
new designs; Monday, o )C
each Vuu
50c Damask, 39c
1,500 yards of Fine Linen Fin
ish, Mercerized Damask, 64 in.
wide; new spot and stripe oq
designs ; Monday, yard ...
69c Fancy Linens, 49c
2,000 Scarfs, Shams and Cen
terpieces, fancy lace trimmed;
also white and colored embroid
ery; very pretty assort
ment; each ...... i C
12'2c Crash, 10c
Two Cases of Bleached Crash,
the heavy, absorbent kind; blue
and red borders; , in
yard ..1... 1UC
Main Floor.
Wash Goods -
White and Colored
TaEW Fancy Voiles, in
plaid effects. Mercer
ized and lace stripes. 38
inches wide. Special, yard,
for .59c
White Cotton , Crepe, for
undermuslins, 30 i n c hes
wide. Monday, yard. . . .20c
36-Inch Sea Island Nain
sook, soft, silky and splendid
for making dainty under
muslins. Box of 12 yards,
for $2.69
36-Inch Imperial Nainr
sook, 12-yard bolts.. . .$1.35
40-Inch , Imperial Nain
sook, 12-yard traits., .$2.35
NVery fine quajity White
Voile, for . blouses, dresses,
children's wear, etc. 38
inches wide. Sale price, the
yard ....15c
Lineal in cream color only.
Every thread pure linen; 44
inches wide. Yard... 1 29c
Branfe Stores
Domestics, Dress Prints,
: Gingharrls, v :
. Sheets and Slips -
The Genuine Red Seal and Everett Classic Dress Ging
hams, in all the wanted stripes and checks. Mon- n
day, yard 1 UV2C
The Genuine Simpson's Prints, best grade: gray, black and white,
shepherd checks and fancy designs. Off the bolt,
yard ...... 2
86-Inch Best Grade Dress and Wrapper Percale; light lOl
and dark grounds. Yard...' .., "l2v
32-Inch Treffan Dress Ginghams, in all the new spring dc,- 1 Q-
signs and neatest color combinations. Monday, yard. . . . t . . Ifv
82-Inch Genuine English Poplin and Repp Shirtings, in all in.
the newest styles; regular 25c value, sale price, yard X 7 v
Dress Percale, Bookfold; neat light and dark grounds; all QjLf
the wanted styles; yard '2
42-Inch "Pequot" Tubing, best grade; lengths to 20 yards; Q
25c value, yard.......... IOC
36-Inch Bleached Muslin, good quality, soft finish; off the QlL
bolt, Monday, yard .JP C
27-Inch Fancy Outings, Amoskeag "Smyrna" Cloth; best Q4-
gradS; off the bolt, yard 12 C
36-Inch Curtain Marquisette, in plain white and ecru shades.
Neat fancy . borders. Special Monday, 12 He quality, at, Ql .
yard OJC
81x90-Inch Bleached Sheets; French seam in center, 3-inch CP
hems; good quality; each. OOC
81x90-Inch Hemstitched Genuine "Cohasset" Bleached Sheets,
made from "Pequot" sheeting; regular $1.16 values; Monday,Qgg
42x36-Inch Bleached "Belfast" Pillow Slips, linen finish,
3-inch hems; each - , 1 I C
42x36-Inch Bleached "Puritee" Pillow Slips, fine quality, g
3-inch hems ; on sale, Monday, each . IOC
. Basement. ' v
I '
I . '
A big assortment from which
to choose at prices to fit every
Unique cut-out designs. More ' ' , : ; ; .
artistic and 'attractive than
Popular fiction and beautiful gift books
make most acceptable Valentines. . ; ,
Main Floor. .?',