Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1917, WANT-AD SECTION, Page 7, Image 29

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7 D
Best Cattle Steady for Week
and Others Lower Sheep
Are Higher.
Omaha. February S, 117.
I' eelpt. were: Cattle. Hogs Sbeep.
t'rnclsl Monday I.S20
Official Tuesday 8,517
Official Wedneeday. . . 7.S20
Official Thursday 1,804
Official Friday 1,016
Letlmato Saturday...-" 60
10,728 16.881
33.7(8. i,;
2S.6H9 t.ll'S
4,087 8,473
Six days this week.. .28,367 72,638
Same day, last week.2,69g 100,406
Same days 1 w'ks ago. 28,916 102.H.7
fame days S w'ks afro. 34,440 113.019
Hanie days 4 w'ks ago. 28,739 87,381
Same days last year.. 23,350 98,023
Receipts and dtirwsitlon of live ainrir
the Union Stock Yards, Oman, for twenty
four hours ending at t o'clock p. m. yes-
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.H'
C, M. & St P 3
V abash . i ...
Missouri l aciflo ., 6
tinion Pacific 1 10
C. & N. XV., east...... a
C. A N. W'.. west...l 32 .,
C, B. A Q,. east... 4 .. ..
C B. & Q.t west
C, It. 1. P west.
Illinois Central
Total receipts
Morris A Co
Swift A Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Hc.iwarts A Co
J. W. Al urphy
.. 64
Total 6,932
Cattle Receiuts were of no consequent;!
this morning, but for the week they amount
to 28,357 head, being smallor than last
week by over 1.006 head, but larger than
year ago by 6,000 head. Considering the
severe1 weather the receipts of cattle this
week nave really been large and more tha
coi Id reasonably have been expected. The
market during the early part of the week
was In splendid condition, but It eased off
at the close, largely on account of the bad
car situation, packers being hampered by
a lack of cars In forwarding meat products
eastward. At the close of the week beef
steers of the best grades are about steady,
out less desliablo kinds weakened oft yes
terday and the day before, so that they
were z&tanflo lower than last week s close.
Cows and heifers, eased off during the
last two days until they are around 16$
joe tower.
Best feeders have held no fully steady.
while the general run of stocker and feeder
uatue are around 26o lower.'
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice year
ling beeves, 110.600)11.60; good to choice
oeeves. xo. jco; ralr to good beeves.
fl.7510.25; common to fair beeves, $8.oo
vv.ini gooa to cnoics neiters,
good to choice cows, 17.608.26; fair to
uoa cows, e.buvi.bu; common to tair cows.
lit. du tss o. oo ; prime feeding steers, S9.00 w
iu uv; good to onotc feeders, 18.50 . UK
mr to good feeders, 7.608.60; common
to fair feeders, $6.6007.50; good to choice
locKers, if.mvs.AV; stooK Belli., iv.uu
o.ow; siock cows, iu.uttui'f.vo: stock ca ves.
17.0000.00; veat calves, 8.0011.00; beef
uuiis, siaKs. etc, K.uuflis.&u; ooiogna bulls.
Hogs Prices reacted sharply this monv
nig, recovering a gooa snare of Friday
general decline. Shipper demand was very
uroau, oraer Duyers accounting for two-
thirds or more of the light run. They
bou.-ht their first hoes rnunrl ha hlsrhnr.
but had to pay 2030o higher for the bulk
oc ineir purchases. There were hardly
enough hogs here to make buy for the
jmcaers 10 oegin witn, and tney were un
able to do anything early. After shippers
had bought what they wanted killers cleaned
up moat of the balalice of the run at prices
mm were aoout line eany, tnat u, any' from 15o to 30c higher than yester
The average market was not far from
Za algQT than Friday. As a natural re.
suit of the uneven markets the last few
days and the lightness of the run, sales
are spread out over quite a range, and It Is
naru to nnc a bum. Today a good many
sales were made all the way from $11.25
to sii.iii, witn some lla-ht stuff under that.
Mont traders quoted the bulk at $11.40
11.60, and choice heavies brought the day's
lop or
-'While the general market today, is not
as high as at the high time Thursday, tt
IS SUII 35(940 i bove a week am.
Sheep in spite of severely cold weather,
receipts of sheep and lambs the last week
were well up to normal for this time of year.
Markets were for the most part irregular
and drag g-y, but closing lamb prices are as
a general thing around 10l6o higher than
a week ago. On Monday's liberal run val
ues held generally steady. Tuesday's
celpts were very generous and the trade
was a many-sided affair, handy lambs open
ing stronger on bullish advices from Chi
cago, but all kinds closing lower when val
ues in the Windy City broke Instead of ad-
vanclng. Wednesday's trade, white- slow,
was unchanged, tfnd Thursday, with
toppy lambs here, prices were quoted
jiiHuy, mouga on paper sales looked lower,
nothing selling above 114.30, while as high
us $14.45 was paid the previous day. Yes
terday the quality was very good, and un
der the Influence o a good buying demand
trade was strong to v lQo, higher, looking
oven mora than that on paper owing to the
laci mat so many good lambs were here.
A great many good Mexicans and a few
hotcs westerns made $14.60, the highest
ijryce ver pam. wnue duik oi the decent
hi.(iy westerns- brought $14.26(914.40, and
strongi. weights sold 'downward from Iiisn
Cilppyrs tvere lacking after Wednesday, but
i '"weeis were selling stronger than
a week agoX,
Quotations on sneep and iambs: Lambs,
good to fhoice $14.2S14.80; lambs, fair
io sooa, sid.iuwY4.25; lambs, dipped, $11.26
tlJ.60. lambS. XlftAllAra 112 KfiAll QK. vat.,-.
lings, good to clhoice, $12. 0013.60; year
lings, fair to gooj, $11.0012.00: wethers.
fair te choice, $9.1;
&of3li.o; ewes, good tc
choice. $10.26(910.7
$9.00if 10.26; ewes,
; ewjs, fair to good,
plain te culls, $6.00 Si
Cattle Steady Bogs Htirong and Higher
ooraii &nng.
cnicago, Fen. 3. Ja tie Receipts, 100
. - -' n A w nvattva beef cattle;
$..7612.00; western sttl. i7.7Kfiaii, 1C.
Jttockers and feeders, $6.0ffi9.n; 60WB ftnd'
' 1 caiveaj, $10.001466.
Hogs Receipt 8.000 Vhead; market,
vr",vr!L ,V?'f raa-y average;
llgnt. 111.25
i.; mixed, $11.1012.08; Iheavy, $11.46ffi
rougfi, fii.towu.fcorv Pi $9.25fii!
Sheep and Lambs iReceipt!
1,000 head
marKPi, strong; wet hern,
$10.46U. 76;
ens, $7,60410.76; lambs, $12.
(tfp 14.66.
St. uts Live (Mock
at. Louis, Feb. $. Cattle :
.ecelpts, S60
linsd; marka steady; native
$7.60(911.76: yearling steers
eef steers,
id heifers,
$8.6011.D6; eows. 6,608.76;'sl-Ockers and
teeners, o.asj i.ow; prime souL hern beef
-.wjr., f.wVii.vJi Beet sows air,d heifers,
$4.259.00; prime yearling steersnd heif.
ers, $7.6010.00; utlve calves, $6,w)i4 6a
nofs neceipts, lo.oeu neaa ;t market
mgiiBr; HHnia,; plgA 19 ma
BHixea ana sutcners, $ll.ni2 ig-
good heavy. $13.10 12,30; bulk
i sans,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 250
market steady; lambs. $12.7514.60;
i i.50 10.60; yearlings, $11.00012.26.
Kansas City Lrro Btsok Market.
Kansas uity, mo., reo. x. Cattle-Lw
telpts, 1,000 head; market steady; prime V fed
""". li.vwiy xi. to, vressen OfSE leSrS
$8.60010.86; western steers, $7.60$)11.1k
cowi, $6.0069.60 ; heifers, $7.00ll,tio:
itockrs and fetders, $6,76410.00; bunj-
18.6006.60; calves, $7.00012.76. I '
Hogs Receipts, 800 head; raarkAt
higher; bulk of sales. $11.60011.86; heavi
.$11.76011.90; packers and butchers, $11.60
11.86; light, $11.26011.60; pigs, S,2&10.?F
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,600 hear
icarket. steady; lambs, $12.76014.60; yearl.
lings, $12.00013.00; wethers, $1O.25012.6
swes, $10.00010.76. '
Chisago Uts Stock Market.
Chicago. Feb. 8, Cattla Rfwtslnta
head; market steady; native beef cn
$7.76012.00; western steers: 87.7661
jtockers and feeders, $6.0009.10; cows and
"". i,vinjLg.; caives, 8 1 o.oo ir 14. 09.
nuKs neceipis, H.uuo bead: rtfiarket
-trong at 10c to Ud above yesterday' A aver
age; bulk of sales, $11.76011.92 if light
ti.iviA.iv; mixed, $11.40012.05; J heavy.
1.4612. 16:
rough, $11.45011.6
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,00m head
narket atronsr: wath. tinirX..,
market strong; wethers,
lambs, 118.00014,66.
No Market at 8 Unix City,
Sloui City, Feb. I. Hogs Recslfct- $00
Vad. No mark at. T
Grain Men Watch International
Crisis and Cash Market
is Very Qniet.
Omaha, February S. 1917,
The rash grain situation was very quiet
agstn today, and while wheat prices
vanced from lo to 3c. the trade was very
slow on account of the uncertain conditions
prevailing. A lack of export Inquiry also
contributed to the dullness in wheat, ana
while there was a fair local demand for
this cereal, the sellers did not let go until
shortly before the close. The market on
No. 2 hard wheat was around $1.69 H
$1.72; No. 8 hard brought from $1.67 to
$1.67Mj, and the No. 4 bard sold at $1.63
and $1.65.
The corn market did not follow the break
1 wheat, but there was a .pretty good In
quiry for this article at prices ruling irom
uncnangeu to c lower.
The bulk of the corn sales were made
up of the yellow and mixed variety, the
yellow and mixed KOintr at 92Vio to 93c,
and a few cars of the white selling at 92c.
The oats market continued quiet, with
urlces quoted n radically unchanged. Stand'
ard oats was quoted at 61 '.c; No. 4 white
sold from 60o to 61c, and sample white
sold at 60 Ho.
Rve was ouiet at a lo advance, and bar
ley was fairly active, with prices quoted 1c
to 2o up.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 294.000 bushels; corn, 120.000 bushels;
oats. 686,000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 407,000 bush
els and shipments 619.000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,104.000 bushels and shipments
of 720.000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were 726.000 bush
els anil shipments '631.000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,046.000 bushels and shipments
of 746.000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 663,000 bush
els and shipments 487,000 bushels, against
receipts of 732. 000 bushels and shipments Of
1,040,000 bushels last year,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 19 144 89
Omaha 46 62 10
Kansas City 68 20 8
St. Louis 63 48 18
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 8 cars, $1.72;
1 car. $1.70; 1 car, $1.694i. No. 8 bard win
ter; 1 cat, $1.68; 6 cars, $1.67H; 2 cars,
$1.67. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.66; 2
cars, $1.63. No. 2 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.66.
Rye No. 3: 1 car, $1.36
Barley No. 4: 1 car, $1.18; 1 car, 96c.
Corn No-. 8 white: 1 car, 92c Sample
white: 1 car, 92c. No. 8 yellow: 1 car, 93o;
1 car, 92o; 8 cars, 92 He; 1 car, 92o. No.
2 mixed: 2 cars, 920. No. 3 mixed: 3
cars, 93c; 2 cars. 92c; 8 cars, 92c. No.
mixed: 2 cars, 92c. Sample mixea; l
car, 90c
Oats Standard: l car, 5iHc. no. wnue:
cars, 61c; 1 car, 60c; 2 cars, 50c.
Sample white: 1 car, 60 He
Omaha Cash Prices v heat: No. a nara,
$1.68H$1.69H; No. 3 hard, $1.6701.68; No.
4 hard, ;i.6301.S. Corn: No. 2 white, 92
f 93c; No. 3 white, 9292c; No. 4
white. 91 9214c; No. 6 white, 910
93c; No. 6 white, 91091 c; No. 2 yellow.
92iAa83c: Nr 3 yellow. n&nAc: No.
How. 91 ST32c: no. d yenow,
91c; No. 6 yellow. I91c; No, 2 mixed.
No. 3 mixed. 92093c; No.
mfiRri. 91 (a 92c: No. 6 mixed. 91!4091c
No. 6 mixed, 9191c. Oats: No. 2 white,
61i.061c: standard. 5151ttc; No.
white, 61051c; No. 4 white, 60$i5lc.
Barley: Malting, $1.1001.20; No. 1 feed,
96cii (1.0H. Bye: No. 2, $1.3501. 7; no.
$1.3401.36. j
Omaha Future Market.
The future market today showed the un'
certain sentiment which exists among the
local traders and today was an exceptional
one In the making of prices. The market
fluctuated very rapidly ana prices coverea
range of 12 vie between tne nign ana low
There was not mucn export wneai wiu
and while under ordinary conditions this
would be regarded as a bearish factor the
bulls took control shortly Deiore noon ana
forced a ranld rise in May and July wneat,
both of these articles closing on tne nign
Quotation for the day.
corn was ratner quiet ana uoin um
and oats market followed the action of
wheat, although the range was not so wide.
Local range 01 options:
I Art. Open. ( High. I Low. Close. Yes.
1 WhT ' : j
i May 1 88 1 64 162 1 84 158
July 138139 1 48 137 1 43 187
Sept 1 2 1 SI 4 1 KG I 1 31 128
Com. ( i 'I
May, 92 94 91 4H
July 92 S3 92 yj'al 92
Oats. 1 I I
May 61H 62 62K 61
July 47 to ?Ml47 I 48 Hi 48
Chlcaao -lusinK unces. lui i.miieu The Be
by Logan A wry an, hock ami urn in oroisera
316 Soutn sixteenth street, uiraiia
Art. Open. I HlKh. i Luw. Close. I Tea.
wht. i ; i
May 1 61 1 8jl64 1 68 161
July 1 44 1 48fe 140 1 48 143
, Sept. 1 34 1 38 U1 1 37 133
May 86 98 93 98 96
July 15 97 93 87 6
Oats. j
May 62 53 60 63 52
July 61 62 49 52 61
Pork. i J
May 28 80 28 35 27 70 28 32 28 27
July 28 06 28 10 27 60 28 00 J28 07
Lard. j 11
May 16 16 16 82 16 85 1$ IS 16 17
July 16 07 IS 37 (18 07 16 32 16 32
Ribs. i 1
May IS 00 IS 17 14 77 16 10 IIS 18
July 16 26 15 3(T 15 25 15 25 IS 25
Poultry Alive: SDrinsrs. 17c: hens. 16 Vic
tags, 14 o; old cocks, 12o; ducks, lc,
Jeese, 18o; turkeys, a He; turkeys, old Toms,
0e; guineas, each. 80c; Pigeons, per do.,
860. Dressed: Turkeys, dry picked. No. 1
bens and young Toms, 27c: old Toms, 25o;
ducks, 13017o; geese. No. 1, 16c; old cocks.
xiUtter cnoice creamery, ovio.
Wags Fresh, No. i, case, 811.041; No, 8,
iiise. 87.80; eras, out, 87.60.
Cbeeso quotations by uriau CCt
Cneew hlxtrm fancy domestic Swiss, 42e
domestic Swiss. 86c; block Swiss, 88d; twin
cbeeso, 26o; triplets, 26o; daisies, 86c;
young America, 27o; blue label brick, 24o
ilmburger, 880; New York white 87o; Ro-
luerort, Mk
Beef cuts kids: no, 1, sue; 2x0. z, i&q;
No. S. 13e. Loins: No. 1, 24,. No. 8,
23c; No. 8, lS'iC, CHUCKS, no. 1, is o;
No. Z, 13 o; no. 1, jtzc. not,nas: no. 1,
I0o; No. 2, 16o; No. 8. !. Plates: N
12c; no. 2, 11c; no. a, iua.
Oysters standards, $1.80: Selects, $2.84
Counts, $2.25.
'elery Mammoth, per dot.. 95c
Frozen Fish Whiting, headless and
dressed, 12c; whiting, round, 8c; halibut,
per lb., lee; aaimoe uiis. . 130; saimoa
sliver, 16c; croppies, 80; trout, 16c; oaths b.
largo. 17c 1 Mack cod, 10c; smelt,, 10 and
16-1 b. boxes. 17c; pike, fellow, round, 13c;
piciterei, so: uie nisn. 110; aernng, rouna.
Herring, c; WBiteasn, eentirK medium,
16q: whitunsh. Jumbo, 25c; large, 20c,
Fresh Fun catosb, per lb., 17c; halibut,
80c; salmon, 8O0; sea trout, 16c; Spanish
mackerel, Itio; black sass, largo, 20c; black
mail, lie; rea anapper, 170; sounders.
120'; eediteht eastern, 16c; blueffeth, medium.
I60 per lb.
Nmokea Fish smoked wnito ohuba. 19-ls.
baskets, 16c; kippered saimoa, itf-ib. bask
ou, life; Finnan hadulos, is and So-ib.
boaoa, lac; Kippered cod, itf-ib, bones, iw;
bloaters. SO to box. $1.66.
Fruit and veKetabiu uuotatlMis furaiattsa
oy uuiosKi p run oompaay.
rruiis vrangea, sses. an, sz.Tft nog:
21 os, 834s, $3.00 box; all other sixes, $8.26
oox. Lemous, fancy 800s, 860a. 86.uu box;
uAoloo, sous. 860a, $4. 60 box. Urapelruit, 86s,
$8.00 BOX; 4CS, VbB. 18. J DOi; 64. 84S. 80.
4.00 box. lira pes, ifimperora, market price,
uaiaTsn, fancy, fi.uo ooia.; ataiagaa, extrs
taocy, $7.60 bbla.; Malagas, extra selected,
$8.00 bbl. Cranberries, lata Howes, $10. 0o
obis.; boxes, $$.2$ box. Honey, $8.60 case.
bananas, 4o lb, Uldcr, Molts, $4.38 keg
Apples York imperials, 86.00 bbl.; Jon.
ibaus, extra fancy, $2.00 box; Jonathans,
taucy, $l.l box; Arkansas Blacks, all sited,
$3,50 box; Arkansas Blacks, faooy, $8.09
box; Arkansas Blacks, ohoiuo, $1.60 box.
Uauos, Colorado, fancy, $1.60 box; Canos.
Colorado, extra fancy $1.1$,
vegatUblea union, red, to lb.: onion.
jutiuso, 8V.6V crate; onion, Spaulsb, large
rates, $v.oo oraie; tomatoes, 0 baskets.
60 onto; cucumbers, $2.26 dozen: lettuce.
urstea, $8.80 orate; lettuce, do sen, $l.ov
tibMn; tt nl.s, ctirrotn, parsiilps, rui.bwKs
bests, 8o lb.; oeiory, $1.00 dozen; pota
to, $2.10 bushel; cabbage. 7o lb.; oauU
(lower, $8.60 orate.
uieomarga. iue Natural oolor, per lb. .
ewium, ao 1 Cbaiienge, 83o; Kersey,
o; LXlj. 19a; Lincoln, 17 u. White,
per lb.; tinow flake, 82u
Uder Motta, $4.36 keg; Mottx, bbls 11.16
Mlecelianeous Peanuts: No, 1 raw. lb..
60; roasteed, lb., 80; Jumbo, raw, lb., 80;
umbo, roasted, lb., loo. Dromedary date,
se, $8.78. Figs. case. $1.09. No. 1 Cos.
itzh walnuts, lb 18
Sudden Uprush of Prices Re
sponse to Break With
Germany. ,
New York. Feb. 8. The stock market1
rfjponse to the breaking off of relation!
with uermany was a sudden uprush
p. ces, many shares comprising the war
ciass recovering from early declines of
10 points and finishing at net gains
3 to 10, while Bethlehem steel, heavy
the outset, closed at a gain of 30 points
w"i iy tor tne new (voting) stock.
To United States Steel more than
other speculative favorite was due
buoyant rally of the latter part of the brief
session, hteei opened at a maximum ra
of 1 points, forfeiting more than 2 nointi
on receipt of the new from Washington
a..d carrying the balance of the active list
uown with it. On the rebound, however.
the stock was absorbed with such ease and
in aucn round amounts as to Inspire confl
uence ana oring about a general readjusi
m en 1.
More than 700.000 shares Of Steel enmmnn
cnangea hands, fully one-half in the ex
tremeiy active last thirty minute,
mnxlmum of the day was 104 and
flnal figure 104. a mt rain of 1.
Other striking reversals from the uncer
tainty and hesitation of the first hour in
etude. Industrial Alcohol, which advanced
128 after declining to 111; Central
earner at an extreme sain of 8U
General Motors 8, Republic Iron 8; Texas
company 10, crucible Steel 6 and Airbrake
Coppers rose 2 to 8 points, Utah showing
marked firmness, even when other stocks
were manifesting Irregularity,
relatively rails were less nromlnent
th buying and covering movements, dia.
playing some of yesterday' heaviness, but
R ading. New York Central. Atchison and
North Pacific finished the day at subs tan.
tiai advances. Total sales 1.076.000 shares.
Bonds failed to keen oace with the stock
list, all International leoues excepting
American foreign securities falling to lowest
quotations yet. Railway convertible and
industrials eased 1 to 2 nolnts. Total sales.
par value. $3,360,000. United States bends
ere unchanged on call during the week.
Number Of kmI.ui and nun tut tana m Inad.
lng stocks were:
Sniff. Htarh. Tjiw. rioa
ah., iiBwi ijuitar,,, ii.aoe z ea z
American Can 6.900 43 36 42
Am. Car A Foundry 8,oo 61 67 60
Am, locomotive... 7, BOO 68 6L' 67
Am, Smelt. A Ref.. 12,100 97 94 Bti
Am, Sugar Ret.... 1,900 105 104 105
Am. Tel. A Tel.... 500 124 122 123
Am. Z.. L. A 8 ' 400 33 . 'AZl 33 li
Anaconda Copper.. 26,000 73 71 73
AtchlBon 6.900 102 100 102
xtuiuwin iiocomo. . e.niu 41 4.1 4
Baltimore A Ohio.. 2,600 76 74 76
Brook. RRDtd Tran. l.(il)0 1i V KB 71 U
B. A 8. Conber 3.800 42 3K 40 il
Cal. Petroleum 4,400 23 20 23
Canadian Pacific. 4,600 167 164 156
Central Leather... 14,400 79 70 74
Chesapeake A Ohio 2.900 69 56 68
v... m. at ai, r.... i.ivu att V as (if
Chicago AN. W... 300 120 120 120
C. R. I. A P 281
Chlno Copper 8.600 62 48 52
Corn Products Ref. 8,900 19 18 19
Crucible Steel 19,700 68 60 60
lmb micro BBcuriuea ,imt ja -a in
Krie 16,900 26 25 20
General Electric... 1.300 163 161 164
Great No. pfd 2,800 115 111 114
Great No. Oro ctfs. 6,200 30 27 30
Illinois Central 2.000 101 100 100
Inter. Con. Corp... 3,300 i:i 13 13
iiiBpirttiiun copper, it.tvv 00 ou 00
Inter. Harvester.. . ,. HE
I. Ui M, pfd. ctfs. 25,100 68 62 66
it. (j, ooutnern.... i,4uu xihk 31 ill
Kennecott Copper.. 17,600 42 40 42
ijouisvuie k iaan.. 4,uuu 124
' 122 122
Mex. Petroleum
9.400 87
82 86
Miami Copper
M.. K. A T. pfd....
Missouri Pac, new.
Montana Power.,..
National Lead
Nevada Copper 3,400
New York Central.. 12.000
N. Y.. N. H. A H. . 3.700 41 40 41
Norfolk A Western 4,900 129 127 128
Northern Pacific... 6.400 106 101 104
Pacific Mall 1,700 19 18 19
rauiaic ici. tx im ..... iw
Pennsylvania 5,900
RHy Con. Copper... 6.000
Reading 30,000
Rep. Iron A Steel.. 1,600
Shattuck Arts. Cop. 1,100
Southern Pacific... 8,300
Hmi thorn Ttn llwiv. . 17 000
Studebaker Co 8,300 100
Texas Company.... 6.400 216
Union Pacific...'... 19,600 134 131 134
Union Pacific pfd A 200 84 84 84
U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 26,900 12,1 111 123
u. s. steei 2it,iuu iuii v IU4
U. S. Steel pfd 1,600 120 117 120
Utah Copper 31.800 107 102 106
uaoasn pra. a.. 2,im ztt sifj
Western Union 1.800 94 93 95U
westingnouse n-iec. iu.ouu 4t lb 4V
Total sales for tne day, l.ub.ouo snares.
Local Stock and Bond.
Local stock and bonds, quotations furn
ished by Burns, Brinker A Co.. 449-62
Omaha National Bank Building, Omaha:
Bid. Asked.
American Power A Llgt, pfd.. 92 94
Burgess-Nash Co., 7 pet., pfd.. 89 100
Continental Gas A Elect. Co., pfli 76
Corn State Serum Co 99
Cudahy Packing Co., common. .111
Cudahy racKing co., pta 105
Deere A Co., pfd ,
Douglas Hotel Co., combined
99 100
Fairmont Creamery Co., pfd.... 106
Gooch M. A K. Co., 7 pet. p. "B"100
Harding Cream Co., 7 pet, pfd. 102
Lincoln Tel. & TeL Co. c, 7 pet. 97
Lincoln Traction Co., com 50
' 100
Mountain States Tel. A Tel. Co.. 116
Orn. A Co. Bluffs St. Ry., com, 441
Om. A Co. Bluffs St. Ry., pfd., 72
Om. A Co. B. Ry. A Bridge, pfd. 62
Om. Electrio L. A P. Co., pfd.. 87
Ravenna Telephone Co 99
State Bank of Omaha 118
Journal -Stockman, So. Omaha. ,107
Union Stock Yards Co., 6 pet... 102
Von Steen Co., Beatrice, Neb..
Wood Bros. Silo Co., Lincoln... 99
Alliance. Neb., ref. 6s, 1986.. ..163
A men Tel. A Tel. Co. 6s 89
Booth-St. L. Cold stor, 6s, 1921. 99
Cudahy Packing Co. 6s, 1946.. 100
Ia.-Portland Cement Co. 6s, 1922 99
Kearney. Neb. Shi. 4s, 1921-86.100.28 101.28
Om. Athletic club 6s, 1919-1932. 99 100
Om. A Co. B, St. Ry. 5s, J 928. 96 97
Omaha Gas Co. 6. 191T 97 98
Pac. Gas A Elec. L. Co. 6s, 1942. 98 98
U. S. Rubber Co.. 1st r, 6s, 1947. 96 96
Nov York Money Market.
New York, Feb. 8. Prime Mercantile
Paper 3 03 per cent.
Sterling Exchange Sixty-day " bills,
84.72: commercial sixty-day bills on banks.
$4.72; commercial sixty-day bills, $4,72;
demand, i.iu; caDies, 4.(B
SilverBar, 76c; Mexican dollars, 69e.
U. S. r. 2s, reg. 99 M. K. A T. 1st 4s 77
do coupon ... 99Mo. P. con. 6s. .104
U. S. 3s, reg,... 101 Mont. Power 6s., 99
do coupon ...101 N. Ti C. deb. 6s.l07
U. 8. 4s, reg. ...110 N. Y. City 4s. 109
do eouDon ...110New Haven e. 6s 104
A. T. A T. c. 4s.l05 No. Pacific 4s.... 94U
Anglo-French 6s. 92 do 3s 67
Attn. gen. 4S.... -Lre. a. u. r. 4s 93
B. A O. 4s 92 Pac. T. A T. 6s. .108
Beth. St. ref. 6s. 99Penn. con, 4.. 106
Central Pac. 1st. 92 do gen. 4s.,103
C. A O. cv. 4s. 84 Reading gen. 4s. 96
C. B. A O. U. 4s 98So. Pac. cv. fi-..lim
C., 105 do ret. 4s..,.. 92
P n. T. Mr. P. r. 4s 74 So. Railway &..1o2
C. A S. ref. 4s. 85 Union Paclflo 4. 08
D. A R. Q. C. 4a. 82 do cv. 4s 94
Erie gen. 4e 76U. 8. Rubber ft.. 108
Gen. Elec. 6s....l06U. I. Steel 6s,. .185
Gt. No. let 4s.,100 W. Union 4s...
I. C. ref. 4s 94 Dom. of C, 1931. 9
K C. So. ref. 6s. 89
L. A N. un. 4s... 96
Bask C'lenrfnas.
Omaha, Feb. 8. Bank clearlnsw for
Omaha today were $4,073,330.19 and for the
corresponding day last year $2,832,773.47,
The total clearings for the week ending
today were $29,066,258.87 and for the corre
sponding week a year ago $20,679,724.70,
Cotton Market.
New York. Feb. 8. Cotton Furum
opened steady; March, 13.96c: May. 14.25a
July, 14.20c; October. 13.80c; December,
Cotton futures closed excited: March,
16.02c; May, lE.lOo; July, 16.10c; October.
4.70c; December. 14.82c. Soot steady: mid.
dllng upland, 14.69c, Sales, 278 bales.
The cotton maricet closed excited at a
net gain of 80 to 108 points.
Omaha May Market. f
Omaha, Feb. $. Hay Choice nttland.
$12.00012.60; No. 1, 311-00011.60; No. 3,
$9.50010.60: No. 3, $7.6008.60; No. 1 mid
land, 310.60011.00; No. 3, $8.6009.60; No.
lowland, 8. 0008.60! NO. '3. $7.. 307.60:
No. 3, 36.0006.60.
Alfalfa Choice. 8l7.OO017.SO: No. 1.
$16.6O0f.6O; standard, $12.60014.60; No. 3,
$10.60012.50; No. 3, $9.50010.60.
straw oat. $7.0007.60; wheat. 36.00
Wheat Prices Drop Six Cents on Announce
ment of Diplomatic Break,
Chicago. Feb. 2. Although wheat prices
dropped 8 cents on, announcement of the
54 63
24 23
98 88
75 65
25 23
92 ' 90
2K1L 9711
Note Handed to Ambassador
Conforms Closely to Wil
son's Note to Congress.
Washington, Feb. 3. The note
handed to Count von Bernstorff with
hi, passports, conveying a formal no
tification that the United States had
severed diplomatic relations, conforms
closely to President Wilson's address
to congress.
Signed by Secretary Lansing and
addressed to the ambassador the com
munication reviews the diplomatic
correspondence between the two gov
ernments since the sinking of the
Sussex, using the same ouotations
that were embodied by the president
in his address. It then announces
bluntly that "all diplomatic relations
between the United States and the
German empire are severed." that
Ambassador Gerard will come home.
and that Count von Bernstorff's
passport, have been made ready.
Text of the Note.
The note, begins as follows:
"The Secretary of State to the Ger
man Ambassador.
"Department of State, Feb. 3. 1917.
"Excellency: In acknowledging the
note with accompanying memoranda,
whidh you delivered into my hands on
the afternoon of January 31, and
which announced the purpose of your
government as to the future conduct
of submarine warfare, I would direct
your attention to the following state
ments appearing in the correspond
ence which has passed between the
government of the United States and
the imperial government in regard to
submarine warfare."
Tht Quotations Follow.
Then follow the quotations used by
the president in addressing congress:
That from the Sussex note giving no
tification of a severance of diplomatic
relations unless Germany's submarine
warfare is brought within interna
tional law; that from the German re
ply giving new pledges but reserving
liberty of action should the allied
blockade continue unmodified; that
from the American rejoinder saying
that the United States could not
predicate Germany's compliance with
international law upon the conduct of
another belligerent, and, lastly, tnat
from a memorandum accompanying
the German note of January 31, giving
notice of unrestricted naval warlarc
Can Take But One Course.
"In view of this declaration," co
eludes the note handed the ambassa
rlnr "wh ich withdraws suddenly with.
nut mv nrior intimation the solemn
assurance given in the imperial gov
ernment s note ot May t, ivio, ims
government has no alternative con
sistent with the dignity and honor of
the United States but to take the
entire, w hich it exolicitv announced
in its note of April 18, lfio, it woum
take in the event that the imperial
Hid not declare and effect
an abandonment of the methods, of
suhmarine warfare then employed ana
to which the imperial government now
purposes again to resort.
ine presiaeni n.s, mcisiufc,
rrtrA me to announce to your ex
cellency that all diplomatic relations
between the United States and the
German empire are severed and that
the American ambassador at Berlin
will be immediately withdrawn and
in accordance with such announce
ment to deliver to your excellency
your passports.
"I have the honor to be, your ex
cellency's obedient servant.
Bill Fischer Expected
To Be Pirate Backstop
Rill Fischer is exnected to do first
backstop duty for the fittshurgn
Firatea this vear. ne writes io rrc.i-
trnt nrevfus, that he has taken on
ten pounds weight, is feeling fine and
is set tor a big season. Ana ne nopes
there won't be any strike to interfere
with him showing what he can ao.
Germans Reported to Be
Short on Potato Supply
Amsterdam. Holland, Feb. 3. (Via
London, 12:40 p. m.) The Berlin Lo
kal Anzeiger says that owing to the
prevalence of low temperatures, en
dangering potatoes in transit, the sup
ply for Berlin has been cut off. The
municipality, therefore, the newspaper
states, will be unable to distribute any
potatoes next week and as a substitute
bread flour will be distributed.;
break batwean th. United State, and Oar-
many, tha excitement In the pit did not
equal that which followed Germany's notice
unrestricted warrare. nevertheless May
delivery touched $1.66 as against 11.600
bl at yesterday, nnisn in tas nrst ten
minutes, when . rebound of 4 cents took
,lace, but freeh declines lmmedltely ea-
Th. wheat trad, apparently discounted
today's newa and- opening prices ran,d
from the same as last night te le higher,
with May at Sl.tlei.tlfc and July at 11.44
1.44tt. Fluctuations m ether options
were confined to relatively narrow limits,
not exceeding s cents a bushel.
Later May wheat touched 11.61. Thla
was followed by an excited recovery of 13Kc
S1..1. rnnuencen scaaewnat ay a
rumor, credited to rlttaburgh, that "Ger
many was backlnr down," In the main.
newever, tne buying waa credited to preftt
taking by shorts.
The close waa wu at II.S71I to 11.68
for May and 11.47 to 1.4M for Jury, with
the market ae a whole ic to 1a above
yeaterday'a finish.
Corn also broke sharply, but the extent
tha decline waa only 2Ko at the greatest.
Later Influential buying caused . recovery
aooui i cent.
Losses were afterward more than over
come when wheat acored a big advance. The
cloae was atrong at lo to lftc net advance.
uata duplicated tne course of corn, weak-
neoe wee acuta during a short Interval, but
the market was far from demoralised.
Provlaione plunged lower with grain. The
breaks nevertheless were hardly wider tban
have often reaulted from ordinary trade
cases. Fork showed the chief weakness,
falling nearly 60o . barrel.
OU as
Savannah. Ga., Feb. I. Turpentine Dull.
Sic; recelrts. S, bbla.i shipments, ,1; stock,
Rosin Plrm: sales, ,2, bbl,.; receipt..
322; shipments. 2S; stock, 7MIS. Quote:
B, c, JJ, tt, r, u, (; h, l, K, 9S.20;
16.36; N, 14.60; WO, 8.S; WW, ls.0.
Minneapolis Grain Market,
Wheat May. 11.71 1.71: July,
9. cash: Ho. 1 hard. 11.7.8
1K1 No. 1 nonnern, i.i;:oi.7ft: No.
northern, II. i 1.76.
Corn No. S yellow, 46Kc.
Oats 10. I white, Slj62Ko.
Elgin Batter Market,
Elgin, Feb. . Butter Kltly-flve tubs
Id at c.
Minneapolis Orchestra Praised as
One of World's Great Organizations
The Minneapolis Symphony or
chestra, with Emit OberholTcr, con
ductor, which will appear here in
joint concert with the Mendlessohn.
choir, Thomas J. Kelly, conductor,'
at the Auditorium Monday evening,
February 19, as the fifth and last
number of the Retailers' course, is
considered the equal of any symphony
orchestra in the world. Declaring
that "there are few orchestras in the
world that can 4e ranked with the
Minneapolis Symphony orchestra,"
and placing it in the same class with
the I nomas orchestra of Chicago
and the Boston symphony, a writer
in I he Outlook discusses the visit
of the Minneapolis vorKanization to
new York and other eastern cities.
He continues, that "Minneapolis has
a reason to be proud of its orchestra"
and "the eastern cities have to look
to their laurels." The Outlook writer
"Time was when such music as the
modern orchestra gives could in the
Oppose Move to Repeal Act
Giving; Sight to Tench
foreign Languages.
The Bohemians of Greater Omaha,
as members of the Bohemian Na
tional Alliance of America, assembled
Friday at the Tel Jed Sokol hall.
Thirteenth and Martha streets, passed
unanimously a resolution, portesting
strongly against House Roll 291,
which aims to repeal the Mocket law,
adopted by the legislature four years
ago, providing for the teaching of
modern languages in grade schools, in
classes above the Fifth grade, under
certain conditions.
This law was held to be constitu
tional by the supreme court of Ne
braska and under it there were sev
eral classes in the local schools! open.
in which the Bohemian language is
being taught. The Bohemians hold,
that the teaching of foreign languages
did not cause any other regular sub
ject or the English language to be
neglected. The Bohemians of this
country are determined to have their
children educated in the English
language above all, as the language
of this country, but they feel that the
teaching of the language of their an
cestors under certain conditions can
only tend to make them advanced in
all other subjects.
It was reported at the meeting that
$1,500 had been raised in this section
for the war sufferers.
Basket Ball Standings
P. W. L. Pet.
Omaha Nationals S S 0 1.000
Omaha Soconda., 1 2 0 1.000
Beseltns 8 4 l .800
Commerce Seconds 4 2 2 .600
Commerce Teachere 2 ' 1 1 .600
Townsend Seconds 4 2 2 .500
O. L. T Its .400
Joe Smiths. S 1 2 .333
Y. Jl. U. A 2 4 .333
P. W.v L. Pet.
Calvary Baptists 7 0 1 .860
Denspn Methodists..... 7 6 2 .714
First Methodists 7 6 J .714
Methodist Wops 4 2 .Otifi
St. Mary's Ave 7 4 3 ..67:
West Side Cong 7 I 6 .288
First Christians 6 14 .200
Covenant Preeuytertans. 6 16 .160 j
Heard Among
the Flippers
"Red" Turner, sophomore of the Central
Hlrh school and a forward on the Central
Purk Community Center quintet, hits outt
basket ball. Th rim time Turner per
formed for the Community Center he broke
a perfectly goitd tooth. A dontlst rnpnlrd
i no uamage lor a live spin, in. iicxi, unie
the forward turned up to play he broke
two more teeth. Parontal objection and
the high cost of living forced his retire
ment, i
Milton MORkovltch was einrted captain of
the Townatfnd RtMerves irrlday evunins to
succeed liflchtold.
Carl -TrVelgel, manager or thn Townsends.
w has charge of the community center
rk at Miller Park. Caste iar and Kellom
schools. The position was formerly held hy
Jake Isaacson, who was recently appointed
superintendent of recreation.
jonn (jaiveri ri ine mpdsoh jMcimjaisut,
who broke his arm last Thursday, will not
be able te play any more this year. Cat
vert held down the position of uuft forward.
The Marves. out for th junior otismpion-
shlp of the state, wilt tack to the Bennington
Hlgn school me ai jjunningiou -usua)
water Ha many, captain or me First
Methodists, will be married Monday eve.
nlng at Lincoln. Ho has resigned his bosket
Dull position.
Leonard Mlllhera. star forward of tne
Commercial High school, who juttt gradu
ated, would like to land a berth on ono of
the Commercial leaeue quints. Mlllbsrg was
considered the most conelntent point get lor
en tho Commercial five during his two years
of playing. '
Coyotes Lick Giraffes
And Tigers Trounce Cubs
The Covotes won from the Giraffes
and the Tigers outdistanced the Cubs
in the weeklv games at the X tor
the basket ball championship of tie
business boys' A class! The Coyote-
uiralte game ended witn tne score at
13 each. In the extra rive minutes
Ayres, center for the Coyotes, tossed
a field goal for the winning points.
The Tigers easily won their game by
a 14 to 9 score, the lineups
Sedln R.F.
RT Roeves
L.F......M. Konecky
C Ayres
R.O Hogolow
Hluinenthal L.F.
Hrown C.
irnr K.u. Morris l,.tl. L.O Nicotera
Field goals: urown t... rogci, jienve.
(3). M. Konecky (2). Ayres (2). Free
throws: Brown, M. Konecky (2). Referee:
P. Kenecky.
Second game;
..... Burntiam
. . , . . Copeland
Anderson ....
FlRld goals
Anderson (21. Stocklrie m
Moore. Burnhem (.1), Copeland (2), Mitchell,
tree tnrow: Anaerson. neieree: t'. Koneray.
Heavy Hoisting
1212 FarnamSl. Tel. D.353
west be heard only as it was given
y an orencstra from the east. Ines
timablc service was rendered to the
country by what Theodore Thomas
did in his travels with his orchestra
Now the eastern cities wilt have to
look to their laurels.
"For example, there are few or
chestras in the world that can be
ranked with the Minneapolis orche.v
tra. An orchestra such as this
like an individual it has a soul and
body. Its soul is its musical duali
ties: its body is its financial suouort.
Emil Oberhoffer, the conductor of
the Minneapolis symphony orchestra,
is the creator of its soul, while
group of public-spirited men and
women of Minneapolis is the creator
of its body. Minneapolis has a rea
son to be proud of its orchestra.
belongs in the same class with the
Boston Symphony orchestra and the
Thomas orchestra of Chicago,
Reserved seat tickets may be se
cured at the information bureau at
Burgcss-Nash company. V
Just a Few Days Longer and
Speedy Gentry May Come
from Cellars.
Court house rumors question
whether the present grand jury,
which reported last- Tuesday and
started its investigations shortly
afterward, will continue its star cham
ber sessions more than a few day,
longer. At the very start of the in
quisitorial body , sessions it was
hinted that unless something unex
pected turned up a couple1 of weeks
at the outside would see the scatter
ing of the sixteen evidence hunters.
It is believed that the grand jury
has cleaned up most of its work al
ready and legions of that clan said to
keep just within the law; are sup
posed to be preparing to come up out
of their cyclone cellars. i
Hundreds ot witnesses have been
examined since Tuesday afternoon,
when the first fateful subpoenaes were
issued to Omahans requesting them to
appear belore the secretive sixteen
and cough up what they knew, about
this, that and the other thing.
From Soup to Nuts.
It is understood that the grand jury
in the last few days probed into
everything from soup to nuts. Rumors
ot investigations ot tne sale ot cig-
arets and of vice threw life-sized
scares' into not a few who are resting
easier, now that the week is over and
no startling indictment bombs have
burst. The grand jury returned sev
eral true rills, but they were in police
court cases, it is understood.
The body is said to be still working
on the evidence, submitted friday
when several persons were subpoenaed
to appeal as witnesses to tell ot vice
conditions and prostitution, under
stood to have been traced to certain
hotels. The elbsed-door jurymen re
treated to their sanctum of mystery
on the fourth floor of the court house
for lust one hour Saturddy morning.
A lone witness, who didn't look as if
he had anything ot titantic importance
up his sleeve, was usheret'. into the
stronghold. ,
Sophomores Hold Seniors
To Low Score in Co-Ed Fray
The sophomore girls of the Univer
sity ot UmaMa held tne senior co-ed
quintet to a score of 7 to 10 in the
second contest of , the girls' basket ball
tournament. Mav Leach and lean
Berger played unusually well for the
upper classwomen, while Quito Eddy
and uertrude Keynolds scored tor the
sophomores. The sophomores are
priding themselves over the fact that
they held the seniors to the1 lowest
score this season, ihe lineup
Leach B.F,
O. Anderson L.F.J
P-prgrr C.
Ollbert BO
Seibort L.O.
R.F.. Kdrty
,L.F L. Anderson
c Norrls
R.O Reynolds
L.d Qulnby
Keeps you posted regarding activities of
legitimste oil companies. Protection from
worthless Investments, positive information
on market conditions of vsrietia securities.
Free confidential investigation and reports
to subscribers.
The Oil Heview It published weekly in Tulsa,
tho recognised U capital ot tho world. Te
convince investors in oil stocks that they
eannot afford to be without this publication
ws will send It for four 4) .weeks without
charge, together with confidential report on
the company in which you am Interested.
Write today.
261 X. Daniel Bldg. Tulsa, Oklshoms.
Analyze Creamery Stock
COMPARE the nature of article manufactured with
that of any industrial, real or speculative, enterprise. The
conclusion drawn Bums up to absolute safety, exceptional
earning power and certain appreciation. There are many
details about the manufacture of Butter that makes it de
sirable business. Permit us to tell you more about it.
TICIPATING stock will appeal to you in preference to
any place you can choose for your money to work.
If it is bad business to sell merchandise, grain, etc.,
for less money than its market value, is not the same prin
ciple involved in investing? Why take 3, 4, 5 and 6
when you can get iy and be just as secure? ,
Gentlemen: - ' V J
Without any obligation to me, send full particuhu, reffarding th. issu. of
Preferred Stock, guaranteed to yield 7 percent. . ' '
Chairman George Makes His
Selection of Working Lieu
tenants for Year.
Chairman C. C. George of the exec
utive committee of the Commercial
club has announced the following
committees of the club:
Banking and Insurance Committee.
T. A. Kry, chairman.
"W. E. HlioaUes, vice chairman.
W. R. Adair,
W, A. C. Johnson.
Frank Uyd,
John P. Brownlee,
Harry Byrne,
F. W. Clarke,
J. F. Coad.
T. D. Crane,
J, J. Fltsgerald,
J. C. French,
W. A. Fraser,
F. T. Hamilton,
Q. H. Harries,
M, M. Heptonslall,
C. T. Kountxe,
M. E. Leatie,
A, J. Love,
C. J. Lyon,
John L. McCagua,
R. V. McOrew,
C. W. Martin,
O. H. Menold,
C. 8. Montgomery!
R. C. Poters,
A. U Reed.
O. W. Wattles.
Ward Hl'.dreth.
(train Interests.
J. B. Blanchard, chairman.
C. C Crowell, vice chairman.
B. K. Benner, C, O. Ultne.
W. F. Dawson, J. W. Hedkk,
John P. Hecox, C. H. Wright.
Harry Kooh, W. H. Yobs.
Joseph Leopold.
Membership Committee.
H, O. Vllhelm, chairman.
M. B. McFayden, vice chairman.
C, L. Rykes, vice chairman.
W. II. Baumer,
L. HoPDef.
K. H. Bonner.
W. B. Howard,
. H. Lovelt.
J. T. McGut'kln,
U. B. McQultlen,
K. D, Miller,
A. L. Palmer
John Vols,
R. U Wilder.
K. B. Wise. .
C. L. Bunlick.
W. S. Byrne,
J, T. Dysart,
O. W. Bldridge,
Q. P. Bngler,
K. 11, Flttton.
Lee Hamlin,
F, 8. II anna,
H. Q. Hoel,
ruhllo Affairs Comtnltteo,
H. H. Balrtrlge, chairman.
Norrls Brown, vice chairman.
J. M. Bsnlster,
C. T. Kountia,
M. T, Harlow,
w. P. Baxter.
is. v lAtra,
John L. McCague,
J. H. Millard,
H. W. Morrow.
A. H. Murdoch-.
D. C. Patterson.
Victor Rosewater,
O. W. Wattles,
John B. Webs is r,
J. T. Tales.
J, C. Cow In,
J. C. Dahlman,
J. H. Dumont,
Luther Drake,
F. L. Haller.
O. H. Hurries
O. M. Hitchcock,
O. W. Holdrege,
e' unite welfare tommmoo.
J. DeF. Richards, chairman.
H. R. Bowen,
M. Robertson,
nwlng Brown,
Robert Smith,
T. K. Sturgess,
Roy N. Towl,
K. A. Van Orsdtl.
J. W. Welch,
Kdward P. Williams,
Rabbi Conn.
M. O. Colpetser,
B. F. Denlson,
a K. Poster,
II. O, Moor head,
D, T. Qulgley,
Ray Young.
Hlver Navigation Commit too
H. If. Rogers, chairman.
J. B, Whits, vice chairman
H. I. Adams,
P. 8. Knapp,
J. W. Metcalfe,
Kim Millard,
R. N. Perkins.
W, W.f Schellberr,
E. T. BwotWr
A. B. Warren, 1
P. D. Wead,
Victor White,
H. Im Wilder.
P. Baxter,
K. M. Christie,
T. W. Cuilsn,
J. J. podds,
J. W. Gamble,
C. X. Gould,
W. L. Ho Ism an,
C. H. Hortou.
P. J. Hughes.
W. S. Jardlne,
8. Williams.
r i Trade extension wraiuisiev
. T. B, Coleman, chairman.
3. A. Rockwell, vice chairman.
M. C. Cole,
Goo r H. Miller,
Harry O. Morphy.
T. P. Naught In.
W. Boyd Smith
P. W. Thomas,
H. a Wind helm.
J. M. Harding,
P. C. Hyson,
H. O. Krans,
Don Lee,
J. W. Metcalfe,
klahome has th. largest,, richest oil
field in the world. !
V. I. report, show I, per cent of th.
walls drilled In rear bad an average Initial
production of 106 banal, per well, per day.
(At preaent prieea. worth mora tban Vouo.uv
par day.) Not a very hasudou, busineii,
but Immensely profitable.
Thia field ha, mad. many tniillonalrea,
and eomfortabl. fortunes for thousands,
from am.ll Investments. In Mvaral Instances .
leu than :00.00 ylaldlng nor. than 180,-
Nona of these Invested III "Wild Cat"
stock-selling schemes: but in leasee and
drilling wells on oil-beartng atructures.
located by geologist,.
YOU can grow rich In th. Mm, way. Th
field la only partially developed.
1 hev, a number of valuabl, laasei oa
oU-beartng atrueturei, re.ntly located b.
competent geologists, in proven territory.
between two producing pool., and need,
money for developmrat.
Do you want a 1-24 Interest til Mt.
era lease, with . welt drilled to top of oil
sand, for 1100. 007 It ao, make cheek o,
Money Order today for f 100.00, payable u
any bank in Muskogee, Okie.! mail It t.
th. hank and notify n Th. bank will send
you proper receipt and hold your money
in escrow, until I have drilled th. well and
delivered your assignment of 1-24 undivided
Not one dollar of your money will to for
sslsrles ar other expenses, but to pay for
your intereit in th, ins. and Ita develop
ment. You wUI set a Fair Deal ttd 1-2 1
of th. profits.
If your money is received after .11 Inter
ests .r. sold. th. bank will return it. Thi.
advertlsammt will not appear again. Send
your money today, and tnvestlgat, m.
through any bank in Mnskoge,. whu, I .ra
drilling the well. , I
C. H. P1TTMAN, .
811 Phoenn Bldg, Mu.ko,s, Okla.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. '