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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1917)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 4, 1917. Firms Listed on These Pages Are Members of Omaha Real Estate Board and Have a Right to Use the Name "Realtor" 6 D ACREAGE "REALTOR" , FIVE ACRES, MODERN AS CITY HOME Well built brick house, hot water heat, fine bam and chicken house, 1,500 grapes, 2,000 blackberries, 1 acre in fine assorted orchard, balance cultivated land, located high' and sightly, near school, 114 miles from two car lines, close to paved road. Price J7,600. You will want this if you see it. . - , N NEW BUNGALOW V . Six rooms, strictly all modern, screened front porch, two fine south front lots. Price $3,500. Reasonable terms, or will sell with one lot if desired. . . v VACANT LOTS ' N" Northeast corner Fontenelle Boulevard and Wirt streets, 45x116. Price $700. Terms, $10 cash, $10 per month. Near 36th and Dodge, 43x122. Price $8504200 cash, bal ' ance $10 per month. A good speculative buy. FARMS 120 ACRES, WASHINGTON COUNTY Ten acres pasture, 20 acres hay, 88 acres in crop, all fenced., 7-room house, barn, 8 stalls, 36x40, and many other out build kigs. Mortgage $5,600 due 1919 at 5 per cent Offered for a short time to close an estate at $125 an acre. Located five miles south west of Herman, nine miles northwest of Blair. . - , " 118-ACRE IOWA BARGAJN Twenty-two acres in pasture, 10 acres of hay. Can't be be a h Iowa, 10 acres tame grass, balance cultivated. All fenced and cross fenced, abundance of best water; 6-room house, bam 40x60 for 12 horses, granary, corn crib and other out buildings. Located iVt miles southwest of Underwood, Iowa, on River to River road. ( If 70U want high class farm, this will suit you. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., i REALTORS ' Doug. 2715. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Money to Loan Money to loan on business property, houses, double brick houses and apart ment houses at lowest rated. Loans for building purposes. The word "Realtor" has been adopted and copyrighted by the National Association . of Real Estate Boards. It can only be used by members of the local board, which in turn are members of the National Association. The Association has coined this name- in its effort to elevate the real estate business, and to give a name. to that which has become a t recognized profession.' In its effort to see that each member deals farily with his fellow ' members, and his clients, the National Association furnishes a pode of ethics adopted by the National Association and by each local board in the .Association.- Individual members of such local boards are "Realtors." !,",. The Omaha Real Estate Board has officially adopted the name "Realtor" and here- after its members will use the word as an indication 5f their membership and profession. To make the name good the Board stands behind each member for fair dealings, but in case any customer feels he is not fairly dealt with, the Board will investigate and disci pline any member in the wrong. ' Any real estate agent in Omaha is eligible to membership in the board, provided he has maintained an office for at least six months and will subscribe to the code of ethics and who has a reputation of fair dealing with his clients. The Board wants them, as they x want to put the real estate business on so high a plane that sellers and buyers will have confidence in their agents and will feel protected against unfair dealings. v- Buyers and sellers of Real Estate will undoubtedly be greatly interested and attract ed by this "toning up" process. Naturally they will feel drawn in their dealings to the person or firm who has a right to carry and use this new name. We solicit your patron age for the - , "REALTORS" By order of the OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD. 7 Put Yourself on the Payroll 7 Payne Investment Company Realtors w275ft$J08 DOWN AND $25 A MONTH . 7-room, strictly modern bumratovr, just north of Kountxe Park. East front, full Jot. Full cement basement, furnace heat. DUNDEE BARGAIN $4250 1 "One of the swellest little bimgalcrwa In Dundee; 6 rojfms, strictly modern, located near 50th and Davenport, lyot 60x135. Oak floors and oak finish. One half block to car line. Otssfcri Wb)g city, will sell all of hia furniture also. . - GENUINE SNAP MILITARY AVENUE $2750 Six-room, "strictly modern, nearly pew. Full lot. Oak finish and oik floors. Owner coins on s farm, wUT sell at less than the house can be built for. . 2510 SOUTH 20TH AVENUE $ 1900 Owner having bought another lot, expects to build a larger home and has listed his 6-room cottage, modern except heat, at a bargain figure. 49TH AND DOUGLAS Six-room, strictly modem bungalow; five rooms and bath on first floor one room finished upstairs. Oak finish and oak floors. Combination -hot water heat. Paved street, paving all paid. Lot 60x140. Priced at $4700. 24TH AND CAMDEN AVENUE PRICE $3000 Five-room, nearly new bungalow, oak finish and oak-floors. Lot 45x132, Full cement basement, furnace heat. Paved street. 49TH AND NICHOLAS - Brand new, 5-room, strictly modern bungalow. Oak floors and oak finish throughout. Full cement basement, furnace heat. Lot 50x130. Price $4,000. Will - make terms. S27 GEORGIA AVENUE, $8400 $200 DOWN, $30 A MONTH Sfx-room, strictly modern home; four roomB on first floor, two roomj and bath on second floor. Oak floors throughout. Lot 48x142. Half a block from the Leavenworth car line. Why pay rent when you can buy close-in home on pay ments the same as rent and save car fare? . " ACREAGE , Juat listed one acre of ground with a brand new 6-room house on it. Full cement basement, furnace heat, electric lights, new garage, new chicken houxe. Four rows of grapes, strawberries and other small shrubbery. Priced at S2800. A good deal less money than improvements cost. t ,i Payne Investment Company 5S7 Omaha National Bank Bids;. Douglas 1781. W. H. Thomas &.Son , ; ;' . 228 Keeline Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1648. 7' You pay the butcher, the grocer, the candlestick maker. ' How much do you pay YOURSELF? . V ' , Why not bring your pay check to be cashed by the HOME BUILD ERS, putting $1.00 to interest for YOURSELF? " HOME BUILDERS issues now. $1.00 shares bearing 7, payable January 1st and July 1st,) secured by mortgages on new homes.- "A child can do business with Home Builders as safely as a man," '. s x . ' Orders received by mail or in person. A Home Builders, Inc. r-itrl ' American Security Co., Fiscal Aeents. ' American Security Co., Fiscal Agents, t n A TATTT.nrtTTlTT W j u. jx. ftunnDuuun, ires. u. u. SriiMUK. bec'y. - 17th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. - F. D. WEAD'S . BARGAINS. . ' NICE HOMfe, SOUTH, $1,850, S large rooms, nice bath and kitchen, attractive gas fixtures, cemented cel lar with laundry tubs. Lot fenced in and -runs through to other street, with barn in rear. Near 20th and Bancroft. 1 NOBBY BUNGALOW, ' NORTH, - . . $2,750. .V V . : :( 6 fine rooms, oak finish and in splen did condition, 4 years old, east front, choice location. Near 24th and Lcjthrop. Owner, leaving city. ELEGANT WEST FARNAM HOME, $6,000. v 9 rooms, beautiful oak woodwork throughout, excellent hot water heat ing system, 4 handsome fireplaces, lam laundry with three stationary tuba. This elegant home is an east, frdntand is in the choicest neighbor hood near 40tb and Uewey Ave. CUT OFF LAKE HOME, $850. 3 room home with electric lights,' back porch, stable and chicken coops. Full lot, fenced in. This little place is in the best' repair and in a nice neigh borhood; near 14th and Fowler Ave. 4 blocks from the lake. F. D. WEAD. ' -310 So. 18th St. ' Wead Bldg. Realtor. Dundee ; Specials $7800 Here la a flna home of 9 rooms, located in a fine neighborhood, close to ear lint i living room, dining room, ' den and kitchen on first floor; three bedrooms, bath and enclosed sleep ing porch (heated), on second floor; fin. MaMMtal ka..M.a. mAti. .nU.. did hot water heating plant. Bit of lot ooxiBC, Double garage. $600 This la an attractive horn of seven rooms, located on Hurt street, near aiat mi. Reception neii, parlor, din ing room, kitchen and den on first : floor; three bedrooms and hath fan , seoontj floor; well Hah ted basement ; with aement floor. Siae of lot 60x13$. $4180 -Nothing better' In Dundee. Cosy atueeo home of ill rooms, located on good street with - beautiful shade . trees; large living room, dining room, ; kitchen with oak floors -and finish; three exceptionally large bedroom s on second floor ; oak floors with birch and enamel finish ; onehalf block from ear line The above properties art LOCAT ED RIGHT, PRICED RIGHT and BUILT RIGHT. Call ma up for an appointments . VACANT Probably you would ilka to build home, If so. I can fit you out with a deslrabla site in Dundee, Happy Hollow or Evanston, all jrf which are good locations. Better see what I have before deciding , -elsewhere, y ' C. A. GRIMMEL, BKALTOR tit Omaha National Bank Bids. I'hona Douglaa 1SI3. BUNGALOW DREAM Will prove true i! you will look at 2872 Bauman St., Minne Lusa Addi tion. All I ask is for you to look at this new, up-to-the-minute 'bungalow, which is just about completed. Low price and easy terms. " V MUST SELL QUICK. , Fine cottage, 5 rooms and bath, strict ly modern, with garage, on corner lot, paved street. Near 24th and Fort St., for 3,500;, a bargain and glad to show it. i .,,," i - $2,350 SNAP. : Dandy 5-room cottage with bath, city water, electric light, sewer and gas, full lot, garage, cement walks. If sold thjs week will make the purchaser a S resent of the gas range, hard coat urnec, kitchen linoleum and shades. Owner leaving city and made a price to sell. , , SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN, $950. 5 rooms, hot water heat, electric light, well, nice lot, near car line. With a few repairs will make you money. $200 cash, balance like rent. P. J. TEBBENS, . S (REALTOR)1 605 Omaha Nat. Bit Phone D. 2182. . J. .H. DUMONT & CO. REALTORS. Loans,' Insurance and City Property, Fanps and Ranches for Sale NBusiness Property . 141 feet front, improved, Harney St., near'22d. $65,000. Corner, 66x60 feet, with 2-story brick building and trackage; $25,300; income 10 per cent gross., , Xorner 88x120, with 2-story brick building and trackage; $47,000; income 10 per cent gross. Corner 132x120, vacant, with trackage, $25,000. ' , , The above trackage "properties' are all in the heart of the whole sale district and one piece is on a car line. , ' Corner 40x71 feet, with new brick improvements, leased for 3 vears for retail business. Located at street car transfer point; $12,000. v Corner 60x140 feet, with 2-story brick building 35x56 ft. on the corner, rented for retail business. Located- at iunction of several car lines, $17,000. The building cost $12,000 and would cost 20 per cent more to build now. Full particulars upon request. TWO FARM BARGAINS. Extra choice farm of 240 acreH adjoining live town, on paved road, 12 miles from Omaha, mostly rich bottom land, no over flow, no swamps or other defects; teased for 5 years for half the crop, but possession can be had March 1, 1918, if desired; $200 per acre. i ' 150 acres, 6 miles from Florence, poor improvements, but extra -good land; $110 per acre. This price wilt not be good after this month. , Omaha city and farm loans at 5, 5J4 and 6 per cent. Good first, mortgages for sale. " All kinds of insurance at the lowest rates. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 416-18 Keeline Bldg. . Phone poug. 690. ' N.P. , DODGE' &C0. 15th and Harney. ; Phone Doug! 829. ' Realtors v Rentals. .' v Insurance. See us for bargains in close in, property and invest We Are '"Rectors"" In Reality Are you a home owner? If ot, It Is nobody'a fault but your own. Nearly all neceasltlea have greatly fnereased In price of late, lnclodlng all building ma terial, but we etlll have t brand new biilgalows. that the material waa all contracted for before the prices raised. Therefore the first I buyers will , re ceive the benefit of " our baying before price raised, which amounts to about L Each bungalow has ft rooms and bath oak finish and modern In every waywlth several built-in features; all on fine large lota, lit good neighborhood, .near car serv ice. Prices range from $2,106 to $1,210; and each actually worth from $300 to $600,, mora than we offer them at. A personal Inspection will convince yod that We are truthful In. our statement. Terms can be arranged to suit most anyone. It will be. a pleasure for us to show you these fine homes at your convenience. Rasp Bros. REALTORS. ' ' J10-1J-H KMtina Bids. Tyler 711. HOMES " WEST FARNAM DISTRICT - $5,500 Buys a new 8-room house at 37th and Davenport. This house is now in the course of construction, being built by one of the best contractors in Omaha. Sun room, living room and dining room will be finished in oak; oak floors in every room in houle'excep bathroom, which will have tiled floor. Three nice bedrooms, sun room on second floor; stairway to attic. Com plete with fixtures, sodding, sidewalks, screens, etc. Terms can be arranged. $5,500 ' , Beautiful 6-room all modern home on Dewey Avenue near 35th. The rooms .... t ,.,ll .rnrtA CAtk front lot, 50x100, worth at least ftodojand vineyard House could not at duplicated tor less than $4,000 today. V $10,500 A 9-room house on Harney Street. near 36th. This house was built by day labor, one year being required to com plete, same. It will stand up under the most rigid inspection. Materials used were the finest obtainable. We cannot properly describe this beauti ful home in a small ad. If interested, 'phone us and we will glady make an appointment to show you through. THE BYRON REED CO. Dougjas 297. 212 So. 17th St .SUBURBAN i : 40 ACRES , This property" is located one-half mile west of Elmwood Park ; has frontage on two main thoroughfares and. right in line with Omaha's certain growth. This property is ideal ly located for a high-class suburban home, as it' com mands a charming view of the city and country. There are two sets of improvements, good water system, nice grove and about four acres in " orchard We can sell .this property at 50 less than you can buy any of the adjoining proper ties if sold within the next few days. It will cost nothing to get the particulars on this choice suburban property, but means much to the purchaser. O'NEIL'S R E. AND ' INS. AGENCY, 632 Brandeis Theater Bldg. , Tel. Tyjer 1024. v; 'FARMS "' NEAR OMAHA x 160 acres 4tt miles from city limits, ltt miles from paved 'road, good 7-room house, fair outbuildings, all clean rich soli, ho waste land; 15 acres alfalfa, 10 acres pasture; TVing water; balance in corn last year a very productive farm; splen did value at our price. 240 acre 9 miles from Benson; good' improvements; 200 acres cul tivated, 40 acres pasture; rolling; good soiL $146 per acre. : We have several close-in tracts of 30 to 80 seres;fsome especially de sirable as feeding farms; good val ues. .Western Neb. Farms and Ranches. THE W. F. SHELTON COMPANY, Realtors, General Salei Agents, x Union Pacific Lnds. .HT..U IT...1J Til j 1 UAaU-UCIIIlU OlUga v V' Choice V. Y We have a nurnber of good corners in .; the wholesale dis- , , a trict at very rea- v sonable prices. All ' , are conveniently located, close to the freight sta--tions and, near the large wholesale ' houses. George & Co. 902 City National Bank Bldcr.. ; N Douglas 756. Beautiful v Mercer Park Where every lot fronts on a boulevard, all specials in and paid, including: paving:. Served ' by three car lines, fine natural timber, near churches and school, restricted as to cost of '' buildings; no frame houses per-, ... mitted. ' . ' There are no undesirable lota In this addition. " Prices and' t terms reasonable. Give us an opportunity to show you these beautiful home , sites. .. ' ,v $650.00 CASH Buys a . corner 60x183 feet, - only one block from crosstown car line; surrounded by fine homes, on paved street; adjoin ing lots sold up to $1,000.00. This is a special bargain. W. FARNAM SMITH . & COMPANY, 1320 Farnam Street. Tel Doug. 1064. ' - Evenings, Harney 6767. W. L. Selby &.Sons ' Bjstabiished 1886. . 1 Real Estate i and ; v ' AHNKindsoJ V . Insurance W. L; SELBY, V ' FRANK SELBY WAYNE SELBY New House Low Price , Easy Terms Py only $601 cuh and balance mentally. Cornr lot 60x115 ft. on oaved tmt. Oak finish tint floor, whlta enamel toeond OaJt floor throughout. Lse llrtnf room ftcroas tha aUro front Of- hOUM. Attractive dining room, conrenlont kltch-' en and pantry with front and rear vet turaiea on- (Int floor. Four convonlont bedroom. tnclnrJlnc an elotod aleaplnff porch, linen clotot and bath room on locond floor. m Good attic. Cemvntod baasmont, furnaco hat. Lawi' dry conncctiona. Located In Dundee. PVice .TM. . George & Company, , , Door 761. ' 03 tlty Nat' I Bis. Bld. AFTER look Int at MINNE LU3A, 100 tf feren buyers deoMed hat It waa tne bmt pFopoaltlon on the niarhnt end they barked their JodaTroent by buytoa lota IF TOU will come otrt today you will understand wny lb otbera a buylny. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. tU Omaha Nat. Hank Bids. Tytor 1. btt US v roa INVES'l MENV AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. 'A. P. rUKEY & SON. 'tit Hint NalLinal Hana Bids. HOME BUILDERS, INC Naw euHailaatlon. 11. . H. Naw Sl.M Pralarrad Hharta Ouarantaad J CK oaah dWIdanda Jan. I A Jalji 1. I 10 an an numbar f abaraa Fab. 1. AaMrtoaa Sacuiigr Ca., m. Asia. Oaaafea. INVESTMENT 156x135 ON CUMING ST. Joet west of 26th St., on eouth side of Cumin, the above tract of around, with improvementa comprlnlnir I cottagee, one brick, etotts, and 2-atory frame flat build ing, producing 11.162 per year. We can ell this property at a prlee that will net you 1 per cent on the Investment and at the (tame time la aim out sure to grew In valqa during the next i years. Coming SL today shows more promlm of being a real thoroughfare than ever before. This deal cant be handled on a reasonable cash pay ment. THE BYRON REED CO., ! Dtutalaa 17. tit So. J 17th Bt. ' CORNER N. 21th and FOroaaa, lM-ft. trmt. S.,80. Brick tinnaa within i block af T. O. ; full oomvr, ll.StO wital: prtca, $2B,0AO. iH and 2ttt Daurlaa, 60x144, $10,000. Vlt 8. 41t. on iur terms, H.OOO. K. FRtNZER. Douclaa Ui. ' $2,000 Buyw ttt aeraa Imovarail, aaar Floranea, Ownar laavlac cKjr. Tata la a baasala.' r. O. Waad, M B. lMh St D. 171. Choice Apartirient' House " N in Dundee 1 v 49th and Dodge Sts. 136xl31vfeet, corner let with north and east frontage, on car line, paved street, convenient to stores and public Improve raente. This Is by far the closest buy suitable for this purpose- en the Lincoln Highway. Prlee aftd terms on application. Do not fall to Investigate If yon are loekM tag for a mooey-nmker. George & Company, Pfaan D. 7 St. , Mi City Kan Bk. Bldak CLOSE IN v NEW BUNGALOW Large Itrlng poom, dining room, klte-ae en drat door; three larre bedrooms ami balb on second floor; oak finish and oaJI floors: built-in bookcases and buffet; full basement: gnnranteed furnace; east front lot ; paved street; ftne ktoerk.s, Priog I4.M. Turn SCOTT AND HILL CO.. Done. loot. Ground pr. UoCaama Bldb , ; ADDITIONAL REAL ESTATE BARGAINS v WILL BE FOUND ON PAGES- 3, " 4, 5.