6-8 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 4, 1917. MUSIC fir IMI By HENRIETTA M. REES. IaNNER is a matter of im Dortance. The more one ItMM r,f mnair and sees its public performers, the mnr me- imnorunLC , manner impresses one. Th r n mA tn the manner I icicia itvt o ... - their interpretation, as to the general manner noon the stage. Of course, there is the manner of playing or sing ing that each one has, just as each one i ...,; nnnm nf ane-ch or HUB WW" ........... - - r . , laughing, which makes as able to recognize our rnenas wnen ausccu, .' :ni:n:at and vocalists imon Lll LII I'lU ,nj,....t... the phonograph, after we are more or less laminar wim ineir qnaiujr ui tone and manner of interpreting. Bat ..a..l manner, nf 9 nllV-r OT singer before an audience has a peat deal to do witn tne success 01 uia work. positive, simple and unat- r J .. ... im an aear. hut a iciku maim... ... . a It A negative, uncomfortable or affected manner prejudices an anaience more or less accoraingiy. nam ummi i i . u . mn.irftl neonle at 1 recital are affected by the manner of the interpreter, the less musical to an even greater aegrcs mu CT- . The great artists who appear from .: kfr,r na have crracioas IU1IC W www. " easy manners. Is it because they are great artists or are iney grc T j partly because their manner helped Jinn uj suviLMi , We often hear of some person who from a musical itauaporm e to some other one, yet one will make a success before the public and the other win not. reiaou". doubt the cause of h, yet personality in public penormancB a great extent by manner. There is much that could be said about this. There are the singers whom we have to admit sing well, while we heartily dislike them every minute they are singing, because of . i . Th.H or fhi nlavers IDCir IlieilUCI. - - - rs - who play beautifully, but spoil half of the ertect ot it ny ' carry themselves upon the stage, the expression they wear, and their man ner ot acknowledgment r i- often wlinllv uncon V w. -- . scious of how they look or act upon the stage, and sometimes all inno cently, through concentration upon the music they are about to play or sing their manner is not favorable. Others are too conscious, and add unnecessary motions, or are unneces sarily awkward as a result In innu- ui. - the iMntirr will DaSS over to the audience, the silent ac knowledgment of conceit, irigni, lac of interest or a number of other points r i mnjsA Uinnir II a oi cnaracicr ,n : 1 - thing which should be considered during the years oi musical .raining. At pupils' recitals the manner of en tering and exiting should not only be thought about and spoken of, but re hearsed beforehand, and an easy and pleasant manner cultivated. It is of exceeding importance to the public performer to have an attractive man ner, even though he has, to reform his ' whole personality in order to ac quire it. y . , In view of the forthcoming visit of Mrs. MlcDowell Saturday evening, February 10, it might be interesting ' to turn our attention for a moment to some of the achievements of her late highly gifted husband, whose fame as a composer has become known all over the musical world. How tnnch of his music do yon know? Just a little, more than likely. A few songs, 'To a Wild Rose" and a few other piano compositions. Yet considering his early death, at the age of 40 years, he was quite a prolific composer. Among other things he wrote for piano and orchestra, two concertos; for 'cello and orchestra, a "Romance;" for piano, four sonatas (probably the climax of his creative achievements), two suites, and soma 107 pieces of varying style and cali bre; several numbers for male chorus (the fruit of his directorship of the Mendelssohn Glee chjb); fourteen for mixed chorus; and last, but not least, forty-two songs. Mrs. MacDowell in her forthcoming recital (the proceeds of which are used to uphold the ar tist's colony at Petersborough, which MacDowell himself planned), presents not only a rare opportunity for a wider acquaintance with this music, ' which established her husband as art acknowledged genius, and the great est of American composers, but also a chance to get a view of the com poser's own interpretation of his work from the one who was nearest. to him. " . Her program will be as follows:' ' A abort talk on the wark or ,Mao Dowell Momorlal aaaoclatlon. - Prelude Krom Opne 10. . Plae idyl From Optra SI. Uonolofrue From Opue II. " From Woodland Skeloaea. Opoe 11. To a Walerllljr." "Will o' the Wlep." ljirgo From Sonata Tratlea. ' Th Eagle From opua S3. ' Winter From Opue It. Krom "Fireatde Taloa." 'From a Uertnaa Foreet." "Br er RebbU." From "Bea Pteee," Opua II. "To the Sea" , "From a Winder) at Iceberg," "A. D. liJO." Wltchee Dance Opoe IT. The Tuesday Morning Musical club concerts are coming to be quite a factor in the musical life of our com munity. Each concert this year has drawn a large attendance of both members and music lovers. The next will be in the afternoon of February 20 at 3:30 o'clock at the Brandeis theater, when Leopold Godowsky, will give a piano recital. This is. good news to all the piano contingent, for piano recitals are not very numerous in comparison with other musical at tractions and an artist of the rank of Godowsky is especially interesting. The announcement that Galli Curci. the sensation of the Chicago Opera has been engaged by this dub to make up for the cancelled recital by Julia Culp, fulfills the fondest hopes of the concert going public This recital will be held in the Boyd theater some time in March. Mme. Galli Curci has the reputation of being one of the greatest living coloraturas. A course of musical appreciation is soon to be introduced at Cotner uni versity. It is a one-hour class open to all, and is accredited. According to the Cotner Collegian, principles of music will be considered, including lone quality of voices and combina tions of men's and women's voices. National music of various countries will be studied, noting the similarities and 4i2ere&eeaV The history of mu sic will be briefly surveyed, and a studv of orchestral instruments and instrumental music. Special lectures will also be eiven by outside must ciana, and parties made up to attend the musical attractions at Lincoln, which is but a short distance from Rethany. A supplementary course of this kind for students of music, and as a valuable subject for ambitious music lovers should hnd a welcome place in any corriculam, and the action of Cot ner is hut another 1 lustration 01 tne wider spread of interest and desire for musical knowledse. Colleges and uni versities everywhere are more ana more recognizing its value in general education. It is reoorted that the doet "Oh Wert Thou in the Cold Blast," by Mendelssohn, was sung last week at an evening entertainment Quite pos sibly the guests had been. Musical Notes. Th naat number on the concert eoante at the Metropolitan club houee ii ram Kelraera. February . atr. Belmeri eraa In Omaha hurt year for the Tueadmr Morning Mualcal cluh, and la aleo weU known looalty by hla pbonoarapji recoraa. Mme. Marguerite Melellle Mean-wake of Vienna (rill be at Broernell nan. aiaron e, for roar daya, In which time ah will ex amine pvpll for moate credit work. Bhe will aleo be heard In reelial. Thla la Mme. Uianewake'a second America war. A mrmber of ewleea are being trained la the Alice MacKenale'e eludio. Among theae la Mia Haaal Tne, who Bang for the wn.'a eJnb erf the Soath Bide Wedn-ooay, and pleaaed greatly. Another le a tenor of eaceptlonally line quality. Joeeph Bateman. Mtee Haaal Lang of Council Blnffa la mneh In demand muawairy beoauae 01 ner warm, tr-a, fauue and ear-Mat 0UM loll. Mb Mabel Morrow, toe, ha greatly Imprwead a TaiuaM contralto voloa. RDU Blur" ' " ' a . . . . n - alkin la a mamher of the guartet at Temple larael and Dundee Praabyurun enarcn aa wen; French la aowano aotnhrl at Frrat Baptlat . k. . haa? dlreete quartet' Dundee Preabyteiian: Lynn Beckett. tenor, director cnoir at iir, " -bytarlan and member of Temple larael quartet, and Walter Wood row. bexltrme. In quartet Dundee PreRbyterlan. Mr. Forreat I . . .La a mmll of Mr. Oraham'a, haa been haying splendid men ant In oonoert worn tne leei aeaeva- h. n t,aa elaimed a rwreK ch 1 ' - - aerlea of tronoay wuob ' ri.en by her puplla for the "Shutlna." The - . ', 1 I irahma-e 11 at the HOUM of Hope, In Florence. The second will be given renruary la a nw ' Home, 111 Wirt atreet It I Mre. Palmer'a . . ., . tkan a nroeram of BUCh IQIBDIMII, w - " length aa will afford an afternoon a enter tainment. In addlUon to the dates gl-en above a number of other Bunday afternoon will be devoted to entertaining the "leas fori anal-." wnsrerer tney '" " w . 1 I ii an , Wtrh Ignaic IO- re are iwn.e . . keen anticipation to the MacDowell renter .. . . a - ' - tTa. Iis-11a.se IB whMTl Bdlth h. WifDMf will preBent th widow of Um TMte.t Anwiiran compo-wr. Jdn UmeWwll will lv ft brief talk on th Patarborouffh eolohy, explalDlng th plana . . . . i kt.. A hnruwl In uhlN fOT this Mlonf ftnd whloh It b hr tntmt to carry out Th rtnfttndr of thprorrara Will DO OeTTOM0 IV ri Hftt.Dowll' worhs. Tbo .fa n lor Minrksft) ettib met mt dw boiM of Mrm. H. 8. Clarko Salartiaj wwrnoon. Tho program proved t bo ot tho moot iDUi-vMUns thla group ot yomot waM9 t doou bMM givm. k. us. ewbaartMl fllnh WM OTKMBtood MOIk- 47 vfjnlie by th advsaoaid paplli of Mim Bella UoblnaoB, ID -no nuiri . procram waa fv and oftUwn wro claotad. Mr. CharlM Loo Cock waa ehOMn proaW dnt; Hlaa Martha Murpay, not prtawaflin. Mlra Bdlth Hitior. aoorvtarr. -BUwl B ho iter, traMPrnr. At tho nit maot- In. whloh will bo robruary 11, raa namo will bo chooaa and tha oororamo ap-, potntnd. Tho OMb will tnx every iwo , Omaha Art Notes By GEORGE BARKER, Jr. OME of the Omaha artists who recently exhibited at the Art Gild exhibition are boxing their pictures for the third annual exhibition of the work of northwest- em artists, which will be held in St Paul. Among those who expect to be represented are Miss Augusta Knight, Miss Cordelia Johnson, Miss Klizabeth Ferguson, Miss Lillian Ru dcrsdoff, Miss Gertrude Young, Mr. R. F. Gilder, Mr. Dunbier and the writer. Bank Clearings Gain Eight Million Dollars Over $8,000,000 was the gam marked uo bv Omaha bank clearings for the week. The clearings for the week were $29,0565&b7, and for the corresponding week a year ago $20, 679,724.70. This gain is about 40 per cent, the percentage of gain Omaha bank clearings have been consistently ma king for th last three months. JEAN GILBERT JONES PIANO 1804 Farnam St DAVIDGE BLOCK (Pupil of Wager Swayne) Cora Schwartz ' TEACHER OP SINGING 804 Lyric Bldg. Tyler 1631. The Omaha Society of Fine Arts is planning another exhibition of paintings to be held in the spring. The society has made a commendable effort to secure an exhibition of the work of Ignacio Zuloaga, the great Spanish painter. This collection would be a benefit to artists and lay men alike, and Omaha artists are hoping that the society may be successful. The art atmrtenriara ,ni,l rWks 1 is thickening. Three paintings were sold last week at the Gild exhibition. They are: "An Intrrior," by Miss Knight; "The Crest," by Miss John son, and l he Kiver, by Mr. 1 ru. man. i his will have a stimulating ettect upon local art More namt ings could have been sold had not the shy artists neglected to designate the prices asked upon the backs of the canvases. The art classes of the Omaha uni versity, under the direction of Miss Knight Jiave moved into their new quarters, where they have much more room and better facilities than for merly. J. Laurie Wallace, who was re cently held up and robbed by auto bandits of his watch, opera glasses, stick pin and other valuables, suc ceeded last week in identifying one of his assailants and in recovering but watch. The artist s experience in portrait painting enabled hrm to re, member distinctly the bandit's fea tures and countenance and made Men tification easy. Robbers take warning an do not hold up portrait painters. Mr. Gilder, who has recovered from the grin sufficiently to be about again, made the first out-of-door sketch of the season one warm day last week. Mr. Gilder will hold an exhibition of his work at the Whitmore gallery m the near future. Differences in Expression. We are all more or less susceptible to the truth and beauty of nature. Where we mainly differ is in the use are able to make ot our experi ences. We may teel, tor instance, the pathos of a parting, but how many of us are able to put our thoughts into poetry or literature, or express them clearly in music or painting? Only a few. And why? Our power of expression is inadequate. We appreciate Kreisler s music: we feel the music in just about the same way that he does, else we would not like it so devoutly, but, why cannot we play violin as well as he? Hamlet banded the nute to Gaild- enstern. Will you play upon this Dtner" he asked. "My lord, I cannot, the coortier replied. govern these ventages with your finger and thumb, give it breath with your Drouth, and it will discourse most eloquent music. Look you, these are the stops." ' And the courtier answered: "But Learn to Play TJKELELE AND STEEL GUITAR by note Solos and Aeaompanlmanta Taaffct Laella Allen's Violin School 2S Arllntton Block. Residence) TsleplMne, Harney Henry Cox Mualeian. 1 Patterson Block "MUSIC CULTURE FOR BAPPDTKSa AND SOCIAL SERVICE." A GIFT WtSURPA&OCD. Tfcrre Gr-ac Beciele of Mwsiea! Podacory Develoo Beauty ot Kxpreaaiea Challens inc Coinperieoa. VERNON C. BENNETT Concert Orjranist, Pianist and Teacher NEW STUDIOS 436-437-438 Rosa Bldg., Sixteenth and Farnam Sta. Tyler 2487-J. Florence Basler-Palmer VOICE CULTURE CooehhuT a Oeraaa and Italian rlonira Pupil prepared for eoneert and church Positions Volet Hearings Free. Btndla, 1S9T Farnam 81, Omaha, Neb. Phone Doutlas ISS4. CORINNE PAULSON PIANISTS AND TKACBKR OF PIANO 8tadlos Rooms 4 and I, Baktruw BUu, !Stk and Pananm Sta. Raatdanoa Telephone, Hamey MM. LORETTA DE LONE Harpist Coneert, Oreheetra and ' lmtruetlou Harp Ratted to PvpiU SOS Lyrle Bids. D. 1701 International Academy of Music J VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Lyric Bldg. James Edward Carnal EXPERT VOICE BUILDER AND VOCAL COACH Veleee lea lad free by apnalntsnant, Btvaeear t Pint Metkedlat Chutek shall and tka tlMianul mala ohorua. Stadia, Slt-llS MsaJana lids, llth and Dodt-Ttla, Phone l Studio, D. 4SS4 Re., B. SS4S. Jean P. Duf field TEACHER OP PIANO a Rooms 8 and 9 Baldrige Bldg. these cannot I command to any ut terance of harmony; 1 have not the skill." He realized the deficiency m the art of flute playing, bat was not at all reticent in attempting to play upon hamlet, a much more complicated piece of machinery. "I hold that none but an artist can be a competent critic," said Whistler. "Before you attend the art educa tion of the public you must cultivate your own perception of the virtues of painting, otherwise your endeavor to elevate public taste may lead to its debasement," said a writer. Oh, it is so easy to talk; we have all always talked, bnt let the critic take up the brush and demonstrate his point The difference between people who talk and people who paint is merely a dif ference in expression. Why, anybody can see a great sun set and say, "Gosh." And while that explosion may mean worlds to th. declaimer, it cannot possibly mean much to the outsider who is inter ested in art But if instead of saying uosn a man puts down a tew tones of gold and violet ona canvas, he may give some slight hint of the im pression the sunset has made upon him. Perhaps, then, a few may un derstand his emotion; but if he can even approximate the myriad specific tones, the shapes of things; if he can suggest the play of light over the various shapes, and indicate how in the evening light some forms are lost and others revealed' if he can sug gest the character of the vegetation and the appearance and the physiog nomy of the country, why, then, he haa gone farther toward tellinir of the majesty of that sunset than either the "gosh" man or the crude impres sionist row, n Dy virtue ot a still finer fidelity to nature and the can nons of art he might suggest the ex act conditions of light form and color on a particular moment of a particu lar evening, he would be an even bet ter interpreter and recorder of that sunset "Look here, upon this picture and on this." The first is a diamond in the rough. It has the possibilities of a brilliant sparkling gem. It may mean much to the diamond cutter, but unless an expert chance to bring it out, the work would better be left undone. For one skillful touch, one stroke too many, and the gem is ruined. Rather than take this ha zardous chance, the diamond is often exhibited in the rough. Let us -accept it for what it is. But here is the other. It, too, was a rough stone in the beginning, but look at it now. Every stroke has brought it nearer to the ideal which the craftsman has kept clearly and unswervingly in mind. Here is a well nigh imperishable monument to a consummate skill. The diamond is finished. There has been no bun gling. The finished diamond, imper fect as it may be, because no human agency is perfect, is infinitely more brilliant, more perfect, more capable of giving enjoyment and more worthy of an intimate acquaintance than the other. Th workraaaahlp UJlraiatu th sold kl wrought Adda yet a rlehnea to the richest told; Wno lack Um art U ahape hla thought I hold Ware little reorer lfhe racherl the thought ANNTB E. GLASGOW VOICK CULTURE AND PIANO Studio (03 Karbarh Block 200 South ltth St Phone Red 181. ALICE MACKENZIE TEACHER OP SINGING. From the rudiment of tone pla-ciitf t artistic finishing tor concert, oratorio, recital and opera. Pupil from the Konfffttehc KonserTB toriam ron Leipzig, Germany. TeL Bed 6378. 2511 Harney. Apt. 14. TTw Maewood. EMILY CLEVE VIOLIN STUDIO 504 Karbach Block Ron. Phone, Web. 6289. Effie Steen Kittelson ART OF EXPRESSION Teebnirroe of the Spearfn Voice, Phyeiea) Culture, Pantomime, Dramatic Art SIS Baird Bldy., 1T0Z Don Phone Tylar 1US NORA NEAL PIANO AND ORGAN 513 McCagtu Bldg. Organist First M. E. Church. Phone Douglas 4804. Walter B. Graham Baritone Studio, Strite 1 and 2 Wead Bldg. Phone Red 4444 Luella Anderson VIOLINIST AND TEACHER 618 MeCagne Bldg., Hamey 6715 The "Cleverest" Hits ever put out by the Victor Company, are those included in the New February Victor Records We shall be delighted to play over any or all for yon MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Corner 15th and Harney Sts Omaha. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. i4 Mr. and Mrs. August M. B or glum Omaha a Rmtrwrrt Teacben and See ognlaad Authorities on Art and Maude Tutors ot Miss Maria Mlkova, Coneert Piantat and Aitrbitant teacher to Wager 9-rerne of Paris, Wanna and later ot New Tort City; Eleanor Lear, Mrs. nor eno Peterson Anderson, Miss Irene Trambls and manj other oonadenttoas rrromiranrt Omaha teachers, havtnt par ohased two magnificent Steinway Parlor Grands, thereby plao their approval on tne STEINWAY The Btandard Piano ot the World" Mr. and Mrs. Borglrrm, like all renowned teachers and artists who want th best, prefer the Stelnway, the instrument adopted by all th Royal Courts of Europe praised wherever ipnsle is appreciated ctear to all music lovers in all climes the only piano that fully realises the Ideal ot tha musician. Intending purchasers ss well as lovers of Art and Music are cordially invited to visit onr wanrooms and listen to tha isoorri parable Stelnway tone. BeanOfsl Mahofraay Uprights, $550 and Tp. Art Flnttk Mahogany Grands $825 and Pp. Convenient terns involving monthly payments may be arranged. liberal allowances will be made on Pianos or Player Pianos ot other makes taken in exchange. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. ltU.M Farnais 8b, Omaha, Neb. Exehrarm Mefaraay IlravjeentaUvn for Nebraska and Westers Iowa. tl3 101 'V liv.. V' ilwi lwr ar. a PIANOS have set a new standard of piano tone quality, more beautiful than ever before achieved, or possible, under the old system of construction. So remark able are the results obtained that musicians every where proclaim them the finest pianos the world has ever known. Though necessarily higher in price than any other pianos, the demand is taxing the pro ducer's facilities to the utmost An examination of these pianos will interest you, whether an intending purchaser or not We invite a hearing of them the one test of musical excellence. A. H0SPE CO. 1513 DOUGLAS STREET. Sole Eepresentative. 3 fidraVXIV.Wi VICTROLA A Living Source of Pleasure for Everybody Every Day. AD Kinds of Needles in Stock. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414-416-118 South 16th St The Kind of Music You Always Like Can only be produced by an instrument that responds to the musical feeling of the performer and puts his personality into every note. The siiccess of the Haddorff Player Piano Is due to its ability to absorb your musical desires and reproduce them in the music it plays. You or anyone in your family will never tire of Haddorff music, be cause it is full of the individuality of whoever plays it A complete Bne of Grafonolas and Records, ranging in price from $2tU0 to $300. We invite your inspection. (Demonstrations in sound-proof rooms for your convenience.) Haddorff Music House Doug. 4240 1807 Farnam Street. "Watch Onr Window." Doug. 4240 KARL E. TUNBERG PIANIST AND DIRECTOR Studied with the following masters in Berlin, Germany, 1900 to 1905- FRANZ KULLAK, Piano WILHELM BERGER and EDWARD BEHM, Harmony & Composition LEOPOLD SCHMIDT, Musical Criticism. Win accept students in harmony sod artistic piano play in Coaches vocalists, German and English. THE BLACKSTONE HOTEL Appointments by Telephone Only. Singing to a Ukelele Accompaniment' Is surely delightful and if you're musically inclined it is no trick at all to learn to play one of these pleasing little Hawaiian instruments. GENUINE HAWAIIAN UKELELES, made by M. Nunes & Sons, at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00. And to add the additional Hawaiian charm you'll want KU KU PE PE, the original Hawaiian doll, 15 inches high, non-breakable, dressed in the vividly colored Ha waiian costume. ALL THE RAGE. $2.50. A. HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas Street Bee Want-ads are the best, easiest and quickest way to Success. Make no mistake Use Bee Want-ads,