Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 4, Image 16

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    4 B
Tut? Omaha Rer
fam) t Qmahs poeterftca as sseonu-class matter.
Bj Cam
sawta. sac
ansa, m eel, "
DiUr ea4 Sal r Baa, Ika M ta adeaaae...
ami am ef ehaste ef una or lirareiarur to
mi. ta.w
It .IS
alreer u Outi
IHMagMdnulirk Oslr S-era taaaa tn
est r aeasasts. reraoaal uaaets, wait as Oaake asd
CUeaaa PaaiaVl Oh
, rw.t. ana k Mm tm-ih swra Aim.
OtmtO Blafts-U It. Haal aX II Uola-w BX af 0
lanils "1-1 HO WaaUesue 1 14a St H. W.
53,368 Daily Sunday 50,005
toest aMaaaataa tar Ika watt laaisrilil as mm Is ay
Wnttaaw, ClreulaUss Maaanf.
IsascrSssrs lasvtsg the T shsuM Kara Tee a
The republic's boor of trial urges calmness.
Is the backbone of winter really broken or
only sprained?
The stars in the courses steadily trace the fin
ish of "divine fighter."
So long as the north foots the bill the sooth
cheerily votes the money.
"Age does not wither nor custom stale" the
vigor of Old Winter's punch.
The admonition to tourists holds good just
now more than ever: "See America first"
Below-zero weather makes for accidents as
well as for fires. Observe all "safety first" precautions!
Uncle Sam to Ambassador von Bernatorff:
"Stand not upon the order of your going, but
go at oncel"
Current records of indoor sports cannot be
considered complete so long as the score of po
litical head-hunters is ignored.
The sisal trust no doubt remembers what the
government did to John D. Rockefeller's com
' bine and invites similar treatment.
And limiting the time for introduction of bills
to the first twenty days of the legislative session
was expected to curtail the number of measures
It is safe to assume that both ambassadors had
their trunks packed and that the polite invitation
to go home was not unexpected, even though
they might be hoping it would not come.
Mustering out National Guardsmen still at
the border may be considered indefinitely post
poned. With a real reason for remaining in the
service, however, the guardsmen wilt have no ob
jection. , , ,
It is impossible to say at this time who started
the leak" on the state senator's citizenship. A
statement from the "associated buccaneers"
might help some in turning down the finger of
The destruction of a ship wholly engaged in
carrying relief from America to the Belgians is
an inexcusable case of wantonness. Wrecking a
vehicle of human charity reveals "frightfulness"
gone mad. "
Incidentally, remember that the Austrian am
bassador to Washington also received his pass
port something over a year ago because of a lit
tle difference of opinion as to his continued use
fulness here.
The statements made by former Police Judge
Foster averring positive and detailed knowledge
of booght-and-sold police protection in Omaha
hould male him a valuable witness before the
grand jury now in session. ' If he has such in
formation the judge should not wait even to be
subpoenaed. Now is the time to bring all law
breakers to the bar of justice.
Freight Car Efficiency.
Out of the engorged condition of the freight
ear service, which gave everybody concerned so
much worry during the early months of the win
ter, the railroad managers are emerging, trium
phantly waving some new records. One of these
is the greatest average daily car mileage ever re
corded, another is the greatest average load and
the third is the correspondingly increased efficiency
of the freight car service. The Railway Age Ga
zette carefully analyzes compilations made from
the reports of torty-sn leading roads, furnished
in compliance with a request from the Interstate
Commerce commission. These reports show the
average mileage of freight cart for the forty-six
roads to have been 29.03 miles in October, 1916.
The best previous figures were in June, 1913,
when 26.69 miles was obtained. To get at what
- this means, understand that it is not the actual
, miles traveled by cars in trams, but is reached by
dividing the actual number of train miles by the
total number of cars, whether moving or stand
ing, loaded or empty. , 1 . t . v
Similarly, the average load per car was in
creased from thirty-eight tons, in 1913 to forty
one tons in 1916, while the trainload went up
from 445.4 tons in 1913 to 567 tons in 1916. The
value of alt this is summed up by the Railway
Age Gazette thus:
The statement that there was in increase of
8 per cent in car efficiency in the fiscal year
1916 over the year 1913 and an increase of 17
per cent in car efficiency in September, 1916,
over September, 1913, may not mean much to
persons unfamiliar with railway affairs. When,
. however, it is stated that there are now 2,400,
000 freight cars on the railways of the United
States and that, therefore, an increase of 8 per
cent in their average efficiency is equivalent
to an increase of 192,000 in the number of cars
and that an increase of 17 per cent in efficiency
is equivalent to an increase of 384,000 m the
number of cars, the true significance of the in
crease in efficiency becomes apparent.
That such a record is possible must be grati
fying to the railway traffic managers, who have
- been most criticised because of conditions. But
the paper quoted concludes its comment by say
ing "the present mileage per day is too small
and ought to be increased "
The threatened break between the United
States and Germany has come to reality by with
drawal of the interchange of ambassadors be
tween the two countries. The indications are
that the same situation will be forced with re
spect to the relations with Austria-Hungary.
The lucid narration by the president to eon
gress of the successive steps that have led up to
the crisis and made this action inescapable need
not be repeated here, for no one is more familiar
with the facts or can state the case more clearly
than Mr. Wilson.
When the German note proclaiming the policy
of ruthless sea warfare and warning neutrals out
of an arbitrarily defined navigation zone was
made public The Bee gave careful attention to t
question, "What is our next move?" We said
that what the kaiser has now down practically
puts na back to the stage when the ultimatum
over the Sussex went forth, leaving this country
no alternative but to follow the procedure then
outlined for such a contingency. The only open
question in our opinion was whether to wait for
another overt act in disregard of our neutral
rights. In any event, the first step would be to
discontinue diplomatic relations. This we fore
saw, while ft might not be war nor necessarily
lead to war, would be a very serious strain be
tween the two countries.
The president, nor anyone else patriotically
devoted to the republic, has been able to see a
different way out . At the outbreak of the war
the kaiser himself gave as bis excuse for attack
ing the Allies: "They have forced the sword into
my hand." In our case the kaiser has forced
the United States, despite our most peaceful in
tentions, to sever diplomatic relations with a gov
ernment that insists upon doing things we have
distinctly declared would be regarded as un
friendly acts. The kaiser has yet opportunity to
retrace his steps and reaffirm his former naval
policy. But, will he do so? If not, be will find
the American people undivided behind their coun
try, their flag and their president
What Sort of Education it Needed?
The announcement from the .General Educa
tion board, founded and endowed by John P.
Rockefeller, of purpose to experiment with some
proposed reforms in education, is arousing much
discussion. One of the most illuminating criti
cisms of the plan comes from Nicholas Murray
Butler, president of Columbia university. It is
interesting, because the proposed experimental
school is to be established in connection with
the Teachers' college of Colombo ia. Dr. Butler
looks on the undertaking with something' of ques
tioning doubt, for be is not sore that it is possi
ble to thus establish a race of intellectual giants.
Education, he says, must take account of the lower
as well as the higher forms of usefulness. To
overlook the lower entirely will produce, as Bis
marck warned, an "educated proletariat, a well
informed body of parasites unable to produce any
thing of value or to maintain themselves." Oir
the other hand. Dr. Butler say that to omit the
higher form and devote our efforts singly to the
practical will produce a "community of highly
trained ants or very industrious bees, but not
human beings." The educational system that will
bring best results is the one that most completely
combines the two forms of usefulness. This is
quite possible in the elementary instruction; when
the higher grades are reached the student may
select for himself such branches as he is con
vinced will serve his needs. A school may be
made a workshop, but ft must also be a repository
of the records of mankind from his very begin
High Cost of Living and a Remedy.
As food commissioner of the state of New
York, John J. Dillon proposes three reasons as
the cause of the high price of food. First the
indifference of the well-to-do to the situation.
Men, he says, who can initiate economic reforms
are too greatly concerned in other ways to devote
attention to the incidental of food cost Second,
improper care and packing of farm produce for
marketing, and third, inefficient and extravagant
method of marketing. Food goes through too
many hands between the producer and consumer,
each taking a bit of profit and all together enor
mously increasing the cost to the consumer with
out giving the producer a share. To remedy this,
Mr, Dillon proposes that the state establish cen
tral stations at shipping points, to which the farm
ers may bring their produce, there to be properly
graded and packed by experts and shipped to the
city, where it will be delivered at a central mar
ket and disposed of to retailers without the in
tervention of a chain of commission men, each
bent on his own interest This system will do
way with waste incident to improper handling,
will avoid delay in delivery and will greatly lessen
the cost by eliminating unnecessary middlemen
But Mr. Dillon doesn't expect his plan to be
adopted without much opposition on part of those
interested in maintaining the status quo. His
summing up is the result of years of experience,
and his pessimism asJo the result is from the
same -source. The high cost of living will be
with us until a better way of getting foodstuffs
from the fields to the homes of the city dwellers
is adopted. ,
The Psychology of Shopping.
In announcing discontinuance of comparative
prices as a new departure, one of Omaha's big
stores rabes an interesting question of purchase
psychology: Is it true that the shopper is at
tracted by assurance that an article has been
"marked down" from $10 to $6.95? Is it neces
sary, to move the goods, to say that "$2 value"
is being offered for $1 ? Is the instinct for "bar
gains" to be satiated only by representing some
thing to be cheaper than it was before or cheaper
than it can be had at any other place? Or have
shoppers been educated up to the point of look
ing at the price mark and satisfying themselves
that the goods are Worth the money?
No. we are not going to try to answer these
questions, but they suggest the further question:
Do merchants study the psychology of purchase
and grasp its variations and shades and endeavor
to adapt themselves to psychological conditions?
Everybody sells something or buys something,
and most everybody is both buyer and seller,
but how many can size up and interpret a trans
action from both sides of the counter?
By Victor Roeewstev
CONDITIONS in getting out newspaper ex
tras right now are very much as they were
at the outbreak of the present European
war, or when we were in the midst of our trou
ble with Mexico, only with this difference that
because of the print paper shortage there is
smaller disposition to overdo the "extra" busi
ness. The Bee has issued extras with the up-to-the-minute
news, and for the most part has beaten
its competitors, but because we are running close
to paper supply we are strictly limiting the num
ber printed and not making any attempt to force
the sales, though it would be a legitimate infla
tion of circulation. Let our readers rest assured,
however, that for any news that comes from de
pendable sources and really warrants an extra
they will look to The Bee as always.
Additions to the account I gave last week of
the redeipt in Omaha of the news of the shooting
of President McKinley come from E. E. Huntley,
who was taking the Associated Press report over
the wire that day and whose claim of being the
first Omaha man to have the information is doubt
less correct. My account stated that we got the
"flash" over the telephone, which is accurate so
far as it goes, but he says ; this was followed up
with transmission of the duplicate printed tele
graphic copy which is delivered by messenger
service to both the Omaha Associated Press pa
pers and that there being but one messenger in
the office at the moment (the Associated Press
office was then located in the Board of Trade
building) he instructed The Bee's messenger to
give one copy to the World-Herald messenger
when he met him at the foot of the stairs and
rush to The Bee with the other. Not meeting the
second boy. however, The Bee s messenger de
livered the World-Herald copy first and then ran
from the World-Herald office to The Bee office
with the other. Under the circumstances the
World-Herald should have "scored," and doubt
less would have except for the accident of the
"cold metal" which I have already described.
Listening to discussion of the school board bill
reminded me again that unification of control of
Omaha schools under a single board of education
was brought about through a law whose enact
ment was procured by my father as a member of
the legislature of 1871, in which is also to be found
the origin of the establishment of The Bee. There
was much opposition to this measure, and in orde
to get it through he was compelled to consent
to having a referendum clause tacked on it mak
ing its operation await a popular vote of endorse
ment It was to push this law, or rather to fo
cus public opinion for its ratification, that The
Bee was started. As a result a metropolitan
school district was organized to take over the
management of the several district schools and
also that of the high school, previously under the
direction of a separate board of regents. This
law also discloses how the membership of our
school board came to be twelve instead of some
other number, the city of that time consisting of
six wards, which were empowered to choose,
each, two school board members whose terms
were to overlap so that one would retire alter
nately each year. The six wards have grown into
twelve and the school board membership is again
the same as it was in the beginning.
Another interesting bit of mfbrmation fur
nished by the 1871 volume of session laws is that
the bonds issued to erect our old high school
building were endorsed and guaranteed by the
city. The legislature passed a special act cover
ing the subject (special acts were then not barred
by constitutional inhibition) which expressly stip
ulated that the bonds should be issued by the
school authorities and also signed by the mayor
and carry with them the assurance that if not
paid according to the terms out of the school re
sources, thev should be an obligation of the city
and payable as other city bonds. I presume
the purpose, of this was to give the bonds the
benefit of the city's credit when marketed and
possibly help secure a buyer at a lower interest
rate than would be otherwise commanded. I
wonder whether our school bonds ever suffered
since that time a serious disadvantage as com
pared with our municipal bonds.
Perils of Prosperity
It would be necessary to go back to the Ara
bian Nights and follow the underground adven
tures of Aladdin in the three halls and the Gar
den of Jewels in order to find anything appealing
to the imagination like the statistics of our for
eign trade for the year just closed, in which we
sent abroad (roods to the amount of $5,454,000.-
000 1 This staggering total is more than twice as
large as that of the fiscal year of 1913, which held
the high record before the war began. It is more
than three times as large as the total for 1906.
Onr imnorta, which reached a new high figure
also, were $2,392,000,000. The export balance was
thus more than $3,000,000,000.
If the countnrs most acute statisticians ire
right we crossed during the last year the divide
which separates the debtor from the creditor na
tion. Up till 1916 the streams of wealth poured
from this country to Europe, for Europe had
heavy loans and targe property investments in
this country. But we have oaid this back and
more. Henceforth the streams of wealth will not
pour from us upon Europe, but from Europe
upon us.
The gold movement for the last year is dis
quieting, when we . remember that gold is the
underninnini of ill paper money and that Eu
rope's ability to pay its bills is necessary to the
financial stability ot America, we are normally
a gold-exporting nation, for we mine more of the
precious metal than our necessary share for mon
etary use. Yet during the last vear we received,
net, from foreign countries $530,000,000 in gold. .
We are just now menaced by the perils of pros
perity. It was Sam Weller who wished some
rich enemy "vould try to vork his destruction" by
leaving him money. We are taking our peril in
a like spirit But the peril is there nonetheless
the peril of abnormal and one-sided industrial
development induced py aunormai demand, ot
"overextension" due to overconfidence, of the
weakening of the financial strength of our debt
ors by the draining of their gold.
Health Hint for the Day.
Specialism advise everyone to blow
out their ear drums occasionally, and
It is not difficult to do this if the fol
lowing directions ore carefully car
ried out:
1. Take a mouthful of water and
keep It In the mouth.
z. Hold the nose firmly with the
first finger and thumb of the right
a. Blow out the cheeks and keep
them blown out while the water la
One Tear Ago tn the War.
French and British awaited new
drive toward Calais.
Russians repelled new German at
tempts to eroee the Dvina river.
Passengers and crews of ships sunk
by German raider released from Ap-
Austrian met with flame-spouting
Implements the Russian assults in the
In Omaha Thirty Tears Ago.
Mrs. V. H. Coffman's reception was
one of the most noteworthy of the
'Hnn The hostess was assisted by
the following ladles: Mesdames Rich
ardson, Bierbower, Bradford, Samuel
H'i'ni. Nye, W. Wood: Misses Mo
Parkin, Jams, McConnell, McCormiek
and Butterfleld.
Miss Boyd gave a "coffee," to whirri
the, ladles were invited to bring their
fancy work and to which the gentle
men were invited to "drop in" later.
Mrs. Curtis gave a Dickens party, at
which "Our Mutual Friend" was taken
up. The participants, besides Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis, were Mr. and Mrs. Cou
t&nt Mrs. Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
People and Events
The allied bazar just closed m Chicago, after
a run of two weeks, cleared up $447,232, and all
accounts are not in.
Scientific dieting squads ire wonders, no less.
The New York squad, like the Chicago, took
on weight and otherwise enjoyed the feeds at 7
cents per teed, tunny that these wonders never
occur outside of dieting squads.
At a recent style show in Philadelphia men's
wearables were shown with pleats and gores in
the coats, belts and buckles, and kimono effects in
the sleeves. Still some people harbor the notion
that Philadetphians are slow and mossbacky.
A new line of activity is opened up to women
in New York hotels. The post is that of hostess
and is a distinct innovation. The task of the
hostess is to create such a "homy" atmosphere
that guests will linger on, and forget ibout the
bill till the vacation ends.
A bill has been favorably reported out of
committee in the house of representatives, mak
ing nepotism a punishable offense in Missouri
Nearly half the lawmakers have relatives on the
public payroll and various state departments
shelter sons, daughters, wives, brothers and sis
ters. How a measure jolting families from the pie
counter can get by the beneficiaries is a problem
no one attempts to solve-
lace, Mr. and Mrs. Keysor, Dr. and
Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Richie, Mr.
and Mrs. Wessella, Mr. WUber, Mr.
and Mrs. Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. W.
V. Morse and Prof. Lewis.
Mrs. F. W. Lee of Des Moines, who
has been visiting Mrs R. Shreve, has
returned home
Miss Luna Dundy entertamed a
number of her friends at a luncheon
party to honor of Miss Graves. The
guests wers Mimes Richardson, Cha
nute, Bishop, Wakeley, Lake, Sharps,
Woolworth, Boagiand, Cong-don, Ih
mer, Boyd.
It Is said to be the Intention of the
Jewish congregation to sell their pres
ent lot on Harney street buy another
lot and build a synagogue of magnifi
cent proportions.
O. K. Scofleld, manager of 8. P.
Morse ft Co.'s cloak department has
left for New York, where he will make
extensive purchases for his depart
ment Ttrta Sear tn History. '
180t Dr. Mark Hnpktns, who held
the presidency of Williams college for
thirty-six years, born at Stockbridge,
Mass. Died at Wllltamstown, Muss,
June 17, 1S87.
1810 The Cumberland Presbyterian
church first organized in Dickson
county, Tennessee.
IMS Lewis Cass was elected United
States senator from Michigan.
1861 Provisional eongress of dele
gates from the six seceded states met
at Montgomery, Ala.
18SS The Butro Tunnel company
was chartered in Nevada to build a
four-mile tunnel to intersect and drain
the famous Comstock lode at a depth
ot 1.S00 feet
1875 The United (States senate re
jected the new reciprocity treaty with
1881 Thomas Cartyle, famous au
thor and philosopher, died In London.
Born December 4, 176.
188T Service at Lambeth palaoe,
London, to commemorate the 100th
anniversary ef the consecration ot the
first American bishopa
18 Greater portion of Chinese
fleet sunk by Japanese fleet off Wet-hai-weL
1901 Carrie Nation began her
liquor crusade in Kansas.
1J15 German proclamation declar
ing "the waters around Great Britain
and Ireland, Including the whole Bng
liHh Channel, a war zone from and
after February It,"
The Day We Oesetessa.
B. D. Phillips, president ot? the
Phillips Medical company, was born
just fifty-one years age today In Penn
sylvania. John Harvsy, Jr., has a birthday to
day, his forty-fifth. His first appear
anos was In LlUsvUls, la., and he la
operating In the commission business
tn this city.
George Brandos, Denmark's fore
most man of letters, born in Copen
hagen seventy-five years ft go today.
John Mitchell, former president of
the United Mine Workers of America,
born at Braldwood, lit, forty-seven
years ago today.
Dr. Ernest O. Holland, president of
Washington State college, born at
Bennington, Ind., forty-three years
ago today.
Bishop William F. McDowell of (he
.Methodist Episcopal church, born at
Mlllersburg, O., fifty-nine years ago
William L. Rodgers, one of the new
rear admirals of the United States
navy, born in the District of Columbia,
fifty-seven years ago today.
Storyette of the day.
A teacher from New York state was
a visitor In Boston. A native guide
was proudly showing the stranger his
torical points ot interest Upon seeing
the tomb of Samuel Adams, the in
structor was moved to unseemly mirth,
much to the amazement and indigna
tion of her pilot Quickly controlling
herself, however, she apologized for
her laughter and ottered the following
"Last term I was teaching a grade
of sixth year pupils about the conti
nent of South America. When the day
came for examination on the subject,
1 found, in writing the questions on
the blackboard that space was limited.
So 1 abbreviated the name of the con
tinent One question read, 'In what
zones does S. A. lie?'
"That night in marking the papers,
this startling answer confronted me:
'Samuel Adams Ilea in the Torrid
Zone.' " New York Times.
Extending under tha whola of London sad
far aayarid It la a vaat underground lake,
the wster of which la ainkine at tha rate of
of a foot or mora a rear, for H la tappad
by moana of artesian walla to tha extent of
10,000,000 gauou atau.
Of laaaut ream a serious tad baa taken
root ta Japan. Tata la ttotkhMt noes or
leaa than tha alteration, by ta snrseon'a
knife, of the ahap of the eye, a that In
fetttre the Japaneae will not ha diattnsniahed
aa one of the ''aimond-oyed" raeea. The
operation Is aaid to be eiatpl sad suite
Cbfemsw aaa s firm doing boaineao under
tha Inn name of Pace AOBoos.
Kaness City, xto eharter-raakera are
booming the city manager plan of govern
ment and expreaa confidence in Batting ft
Boeton's Aaeoeisted Charltlea la 1016
eared for 4,071 families, only 15 per oent
leaa than In 1016. The tnereaaed coat of the
neeeaaariea of life overcame in large part the
benefits of mereaaed employment.
New York officials lament their foabfltty
to eeenre area rate atatiatiea of reaenera and
reoened becsnee. aa one explaina, "our yonns
men are ao modeat they won't report the
Uvea they've eared. " Do yon get thatT
St. Louia ranka ahead pt New York in
per capita coat of ita police department
St. Lonia averatgea S3.04 for each man, wo Bl
and and child and New York 12.82. Be-
aidea. the Mound City heon't much to enow
for the exeeaa.
W. C A. Smoet of Salt Lake City la the
aole BUTvrring resietered member of the flrat
company of Mormon pioneera which entered
the Salt lake valley under the leaderahip of
Bria-ham Young, July S4. 1847. Mr. Smoot
celebrated hie eissty-ntnth birthday mat
The atste pubite health laboratory at Bah
Lake City announoeo that there are hundreds
of eaaea of xmbiea in Utah, chiefly amoni
eorotee and doga, though one calf waa in
fected. The epidemic ia apreadlng eastward
from the Utab-Nevmda line and ia appearing
in all eoontiea in ita path.
Agenta of 60.000 apartmenta fat Chicago
are setting together and training to go to
the mat with local coal barona. The latter
have violated fuel eontracta and flouted de
manda for fuel at agreed prioaa. Beaidee
the bout with the barona. apartment man
agers plan to touch tenanta tor a 10 per
sent rnlee la the apring.
was sway tha dear
produced twice aa smeh
lime last year aa any other atste.
Minneaots'a creamery and dairy industry
now bringa an annual income of mora than
Trains between Cbefawati and CfaarU
nooga, a dietanee of S00 miles, are aoon to
be operated try aiecUtcity.
A great eoogreaa representing the petrot
eum and allied induatriea in Amereia ia to
be held in St. Lonia next month.
The bureau of plant Industry at Waehlng
ton ia experimenting to ascertain the prac
ticability of camphor growing in Florida,
The flrat Beeaecner ateel ever produced in
Indians waa turned out recently at the Gary
plant of the Indiana Steel company.
More than 1,000,000 wage aarnera of the
United States received substantial increases
in pay during the eloeing months ef last
Entlsad has eataollahed s great enemies!
laboratory at Huddersfield for research work
in connection with the development of the
British dys indue try.
Revised estimates place tha amount of
tending merchantable timber ha the United
States at approximately 2.767 billion board
feet. Of this total, a little more than one
half Is ia Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Mon
tana and California.
The government of the oommonwesltk of
Australia haa 'instituted an advisory council
of science and induatry, having tor ita ob
ject the promotion ot inquiry and research
for the advancement of science and its ap
plication to mannfartnrea.
"1 ought Harold kuudng one ef
"Well, aa I
Annlrin'r kl ma -
True. But It he could have gotten bold
of your powder puff he wouldn't have known
the difference, would be, deeu-r" loularllla
Mareetla Did J understand you to say
Oerty Oiddlirad won't take you aerfouelyr
Waverly Net exactly. I aaid aerioualy.
ahe won't take me at alL Toungatown Tele
gram. Nell End you eee where somewhere they
are gomg to make women mussie their hat
pins? Belle Then the) next thing win be to
make women take out licenses for their
dog collars. Baltimore
Two youngsters, having eulfl rated fee ac
quaintance of their neighbors serosa ths
aisle tn the Pullman, because be waa in nnl
furm, asked him if he waa a llOTtecuuit tn
the navy like their papa.
"Chaplain," the stranger auaweied.
"Oh. hello. Charley." they ertos delighted
ly. New York Times.
jer Ik llWORCE- AUM0HV
Wtnie was boaatlag about hts family.
"Our folks came over in the Mayflower," he
declared, proudly.
"Huh! That's nothmg." said Bobble. 1
Sueaa they stayed with our folks the first
night after they lsutded." Boston Tran
acnlpt Bnultt Oiuot has road tarrnrle failure
of his lite.
Jewltt How soT
Hewitt He married hie cook tn order to
keep her, and he not only lost her, but he
haa to pay alimony. Philadelphia Ledger.
-Sty, roe look nice in thst new suit,
"You're too rate, BrtbeL Tear tnocher said
It first and took all the enaoge I sad."
Brownlnga Magaxtne.
J. W. Foley tn raiaderpbls ldge.
If we should be shipwrecked tosjartlsar
And only had water for one.
And It waa the hottest of weather
Right out In the boiling hot sun.
He'd tell me no matter how bad he
Might want It to take a drink first!
And then he would smile oh, so glad ho
Had saved me! and pariah from thiratl
Or. tf we were rest on the prairie
And only had food for a day.
He'd come and would give the attars ha
Had wrapped up and hidden away;
And after I ate It with sadness
He'd smile with his very last breaes.
And lay himself down full of gladness
To save me and starve right to death.
And tf I was wounded In battle
And out where great danger mlgtrt he.
He'd oomo through the roar and the rattle
Of guns and of bullets to me.
He'd carry me out, full of glory.
No matter what trouble he had;
And then he wonld fall down, all rnrr
With wounds, and wonld die but be glagl
We're ehnme that's the reason he'd do It;
And that's what a chum ooKht to be.
And If it waa fire he'd go through it.
If I ahould call him to me.
Tou see other fellows may know you.
And friends that you have so and come;
But a boy haa one hoy lis can go to,
Kor help all the time Uutt'a bin churn.
Drugs and
j Toilet Articles
2 By Mail, .Express or Freight
. For mtaaj ymn lum iNiVnSibsrd
W ktandard drags and toilet articles at
m Terr low cut price. This MTin U
5 so rrtwt that our mail order basiNM
5 Mtehti oat over all tha Trantmis-
i alcsippi ita tea.
5 Viiitors to Omaha can make a nb
m itantia MTfaa- In traveling expenses
by can-ring- home an armful of goods
i from onr store. We buy dlreet from
si the manufactarera or importer, in
almost all imtanees. Therefore, our
goods are both freih and genuine.
I Sherman & McConnell
1 Drug Co,
2 Four Good Drug Stares,
Ten New Customers
who eante to
us for Min
ers B a t h i I
have come
back this!
week satisfied
eastern ers.
pleased with I
the remits j
obtained from I
onr mineral
spring baths, s
Does that mean anything to jwmt
Are you ready to try these
Wonderful Health Restorers?
S It&st3rllllf
The famous Suiph-Chiorine Min
eral Water is delivered in five
gallon jugs, $1.65 60c refunded
when jug is returned.
Brown Park Mineral Springs
SMS sad 0 St. . Snath Side. Phone flouts S7t
Osteopathic Physician s Charge.
Sovereign Clerk.
. Sovwrciwjg
0m7J 200 ROOMS
la I asaaneeaaaa I II IS
The charm of this delightful state during the period
when the entire North may be in the throes of snow, bliz
zards and zero weather are all that are characteristic of
a iemi-tropical climate. Warm sunshine, bright, clear
sides and bracing ocean breezes combine with the best of
hotels and other living accommodations to make it, along
with New Orleans, at once pre-eminent among places to
visit daring the winter.
TRAIN SERVICE: The "Seminole Limited" of the
Illinois Central, with the exclusive feature for the ac
commodation of. its Pullman patrons of a Sun Parlor Ob
servation Car included in its modern all-steel equipment,
affords superior southern service between Chicago, St
Louis and Jacksonville, Fltu, via Birmingham. Leave
Chicago 10:15 P. M., arrive Jacksonville 7:35 A. M.
(Second morning). "Florida and En Route," a booklet
pertaining to the route of -the Seminole Limited and
points ofinterest in Florida, gladly given to those inter
ested upon request at
Illinois Central, Gly Ticket Office
407 Sooth 16th St Omaha, Nebraska.
District Pammger Agent. Douglas 264.