Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 A
Powall Brings News from Chi
cago that All Factories
Will Be On the Job.
Practically every car displayed at
the great national show at Chicago
will be included in the exhibits of the
annual Omaha Automobile exposition
at the Auditorium starting February
26, according to Manager Clarke
Powell, who has just returned from
the Windy City event.
Powell reports that interviews
with representatives of all the large
factories brought the gladsome ti
dings that not one of the manufac
turers intended to pass up Omaha.
They were all agreed that the local
exposition is one of the most im
portant in the country because it is
a show which makes sales.
it will be impossible, of course, fori
as many models to be shown at the
Omaha display as at Chicago, ; be
cause the Auditorium does not con
tain enough space. But every line
will be exhibited. And moat of the
local dealers and agents are plan
ning to hold special displays in their
own show rooms, so that if not at
the show itseit ail o. tnc moacis, too,
,..,11 1, ihnm hrrr
i Hotel Bureau.
A new feature of the auto show
wtll be a hotel bureau. The Omaha
Hotel Men's association will main
tain an office in the front of the Audi
's torium. This bureau -will have telc-
Iihone communication wijh all of the
lotels in the city and will be in a
"position to take care of show visitors
with hotel accommodations.
This hotel bureau, it is believed,
will be of vast assistance lb visitors.
Heretofore many visitors to the auto
show have found it- difficult to ob
tain quarters during their visit. But
the hotels this year are co-operating
with the auto men in every possible
manner. They are preparing lists of
rooms which will be turned into the
bureau. With th aid of this bureau
,and the fact that several new hotels1
nave ucen crcciea during inc iasi year
it is believed the hotels will be able
to accommodate even the larger
crowds ,that are expected to attend
the show this year.
Palm Room Downstairs.
"The Palm Room" is the descrip
tive title that has been given the
basement room of the Auditorium.
This room will be exclusively devoted
to pleasure cars, nereioiorc 11 ias
been for truck exhibits. , Mr. Powell
and Mr. Lair are preparing-special
; decorations for "The Palm Room,"
which will be entirely different from
the decorations on the main floor and
stage. There will also be a special
orchestra in this room.
Dealers who wilt exhibit in the
basement room of the Auditorium.
"The Palm Room boosting Club,"
and they declare the? will he the
liviest bunch of exhibitors in the
whole show.
, Rosengren Qn Secrets of ,
; Good Storage Batteries
1 ' Elmer Rosengreti at thfr JJebrski
Storage Battery company says: "A
starting battery does work which has
" never been required of a .battery be
fore. A little battery of three cells
is often called upon to deliver for a
sew moments an amount 01 current
equal to two norsepowcr, or. cnougn
to propel a heavy electric vehicle at
normal speed. ( Therefore, a starting
battery must be made of special male
rials or it will last but a short time
yet it cannot be too heavy or too
expensive. A storage battery, like
most apparatus, is a compromise be
tween cost, weight and life. If the
plates were made of platinum the bat
tery would be light and last indefi
nitely, but the cost would be prohibi
tive. The unusual service qualities
of Willard batteries are due to the
long experience of the company from
the infancy of starting and lighting
tc the present time." -
Willys-Overland Company
Faces Its Record Demand
The report comes that the Willys
Overland company of Toledo, 0., has
had a larger demand for its product
than ever before, in spite of the fact
mac tuts oemana occurs In the dead
of winter, heretofore considered a
dull automobile season.
Not only did the dealers attending
the big Willys-Overland convention
at the Toledo tactory last month con
tract for 205,000 cars in less than
three- weeks' time, , but they have
backed this up by actual orders for
immediate delivery of 24,607 cars up
to January 20, 1917, less than three
wccks(after the opening of the new
season. i .... .
At an automobile snows held thus
far the Willys-Overland line has been
the center of attention.
' i, r i
Goodyear Airplane , "
. ' Tires On Honored Flyers
The honor of being the first con
gressman to report at the national
capital in an aeroplane, asserts Joe
M. Dine, Goodyear branch tnanager,
has fallen to Congressman-elect O.
D. Sleakley of franklin, Pj., who has
just down from that city to Wash
ington in a Martin biplane equipped
with Goodyear Aeroplane tires. .
. I
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. - i
Elaetric. Crank-
y tag. Lighting and1
If nition.
Battariaa Storaga Battalias
GOOD THINGS ' , ,. V '
So ft is with a battrr. Altho
food, tt U vrr oHtcata and
needs much attention, llava it
lasted avary anonth.
Frae Batlary Impaction.
Delco Exide Service Station
2024 FamaatSt. Omaka, Nab.
. rfcaaa Pans . Soar. ." -
il Gw.PKEsrotf
V f km PHOTO '
Hence Precise Art Must Be
Employed to Make Appeal
to Feminine Fancy.
G. W. Preston, fornterly advertis
ing manager of The Bee, haa entered
the automobile business in Omaha.
Mr. Preston has formed a business
connection with H. Pelton and will
be sales manager of the truck end
of the firm, handling Federal and Vim
trucks. The Federal truck is a heavy
vehicle, running in size from one to
five tons. Vim trucks are light de
livery machines with twelve body
Styles suitable for the various lines
of business where delivery trucks are
Mr. Preston has spent the last
twenty-six years in the newspaper
business, the last riveN years having
been iu Omaha, where he has de
veloped a large acquaintance with
business concerns. His knowledge of
advertising and selling will be greatly
to his advantage in the promotion of
his new line of business,
Eddie Rickenbacker is
Buffeted by Troubles
E. .V. Riakenbactier. beloved race
demon, third in the championship for
1916, who was held up by the knglish
military authorities at Liverpool, then
released, only to become embarrassed
because he wore civilian attire while
the rest of the male population was
in khaki, is now enroute to France.
All of this information comes to one
of Rick's friends at the King Motor
Car company in Detroit, via cable and
The big Teuton is in Europe to get
ready for his next year races. Inci
dentally, he is looking over the Euro
pean field for the King Motor Car
company, where he will have his
workshop after he gets his parts to
gether as a result oL his European
shopping totfir. ,'.
Miller Tire People ' -
Establish Place Here
Arrangements have been completed
for the handling' of Miller tires in
Omaha. The location at 2220. Far
nam is being remodeled to make a
verV attractive show room. m
file Miller, 'people are located at
Akron, Q., and manufacture pneu
matic tires, Tb,e tire is quite well
known to this section aiid is of ex
cellent quality. Their slogan, "Geared
to the Road, is well known.
Tom S. Davidson will be in charge
of the Miller interests.
How much of a study it is to de
sign the interiors of enclosed cars is
little appreciated by the casual ob
server, yet the following statements
from W. H. Emond, body designer
of the Franklin Automobile company,
give an interesting glimpse of what
must be taken into consideration in
this work:
"The interior of an enclosed car
belongs to the ladies," Mr. Emond
states, "and it is perfectly right that
most of the appointments should be
designed to appeal to the feminine
eye and sense of comfort and con
0 Taste Decides. .. .
"To retain good taste in appoint
ments, they must combine well with
the Turkish overstulfed style of up
holstery, whictj seems necessary in a
motor car to attain the luxurious
comfort generally demanded. This
condition precludes the use of em
phatically scrolled decoration, which
might suggest English or French
Renaissance periods, and brings the
selection down to appointments that
are inconspicuous and avoid as far as
possible any suggestion of a bric-ar
Urac interior. Tp be in harmony with
this style, the fabrics can well be per
fectly plain, but with rich, soft and
beautifully finished texture that gives
a restful and satisfying appearance.
Pelton and Foreman -
- Make Trip to Factory
In; connection with the visit to the
Chicago show, H. Pelton and Frank
Werschay, Pelton's shop foreman,
made a trip to the Nordyke-Marmon
factory at Indianapolis. !
As distributor for the Marmon car
Mr. .Pelton is anxious for his men to
be familiar with the various methods
employed by the factory, it being his
idea that it will materially aid the
handling of service problems.
Firestone ires "
And Kelly Trucks
In Motor Circus
Assembling the transports for the
world's first motor truck circus, pro
moted by fhe United States Circus
corporation, has already commenced,
the last remaining contract for equip
ment having been signed with the
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. a few
days ago. "
A new distinct type of tire, known
as the Firestpne Giant, the largest
single tread solid tire produced, was
designed to supply in heavy service
conditions what the dual tire lacked.
The selection of the Giant by the cir
cus corporation forms an interesting
chapter in the history of the organi
zation. "
. Previous to this Mr. Knabenshue
had recommended the. purchase of
Kelly-Springfield motor trucks and
Troy trailers for the transporta
tion neeiis of the circus. These
will have the capacity of the ordi
nary sixty-five-car railroad train. Ev
ery one of the 1,200 .members of the
circus organization will find a berth
in them as well as all the animals,
including the horses, elephants, cam
els and wild beasts.
The entire wild animal collection
of Frank C. Bostock, famous animal
trainer, has been purchased' by the
circus corporation for $150,000. Agents
are now touring this country and F-u-rope
seeking rare animals that will
make the menagerie the most com
plete on the road. Contracts with
many famous circus performers have
already been signed. The circus will
be the largest extant, having six rings
and a seating capacity close to 25,000.
Packard Airplane Motor
Satisfies Tough Tests
The 200 horsepower airplane motor
built by tha Packard Motor tar com
pany was shown to the public for .the
first time in the Packard exhibit this
week at the Detroit Automobile show.
The new nroduct of Packard design
and manufacture ia a twelve-cylinder
engine of the V type, with the cyan
ders inclined at an' included angle of
40 degrees, to provida for minimum
air resistance. &n its first dynamo
meter test the engine developed more
than 200 horsepower.
As a further means of testing the
engine it was mounted on the plat
form of a two-ton truck, with the
propeller projecting over the rear end.
The force of the propeller sent the.!
truck flying along at a rate of more
than forty miles an hour. As there
was no muffler attached, the racket
of the staccato explosions attracted
a considerable amount of. attention
in the vicinity of the Packard factory
before the police department, ruled
the big engine off the streets.
af , V:
aT- tf STDMCBag "
The best battery is in
danger of ,sudden death
unless it is well cared for.
And good care includes let
ting us test it regularly.
There's no danger of its
quitting if we help you look
after it.
Nebraska Storage
' Battefy Co.
2203 Farnam St., Omaha.
' Phona Doug. 5102.
We are glad to fesf your battery at any time
We Have Beeri Talking
Gasoline Economy
here's what we mean by it
).m. MeCanaaMeh erima
ail FraaUia ti JIBS alias,
svsrajiaa JO.? miltt tu las
Sanaa M faMlia. '
R. t WiUi.l
Pnaklia '.M IJ61 nUaa.
avtragiaf 30.1 atilat ta laa
llltaa at aatoliaa.
w M. rallllaa ariaaa kit
Fraaklia l.u 766 aUlu.
varasiat 15.9 ailta to la
Salloa of SMaliaa.
Clifford Landart drtm M
rraaklla Car mi atilai,
avaraliaj 2S.7 aula to tac
taiioa m taMiiaa.
J iuiieiTf T A-tiTUHaToiirv"
i "wwTr -t-1 -
Y .. f -"""""'Co I p cwiaHum . X-A im S
ERE are four runs, aggregating' on tires.1 Owners of Series 9 Franklins
6041 miles, much of the dis-' are averaging around 2(tmiles to the gallon
ofgasoltne. Country-wide records over
a six-year period show an average, for
Franklm 6ars, of nearly 10,000 miles
to the set of tires. . v . .
To every motorist - to every man
and woman who is thinking about a
tance over the worst roads in
the country the average speed, 25.6
miles per hour; the average gasoline mile
age, 23.1 miles per gallon.
Gasoline economy and Franklin road
ability are the factors proved by these
tests. It is ip road tests like these jnotor car, we say:
tests of thousands of miles by Franklin
owners all ovefthe United States that
the Franklin Car is demonstrating its
ability to get over the ground fast and
comfortably, and more economically
than any other car known to the
motoring world.
The Franklin is an economical car
saving in gasoline consumption, easy
As the. Franklin dealers in this com
munity, wehave something here to
show you that will double the pleasure
of your motoring and cut operating cosf.y
in "half. !',... ' -' -
Something that can be demon
strated in d practical wayand you,
certainly should. Bee it before you
decide on any make of car.
Franklin Motor Gar Go.
2205 Farnam, Street n " . ' Phone Douglas 1712 -V
Allen Will Build New
Central Auto Factory
At a banquet given by the Fostoria
(O.) Chamber of Commerce a few
days ago, it war announced that the
Allen Motor company is planning for
a big factory expansion, together with
the establishment of an automobile
community on the outskirts of Fos
toria, present home of the Allen. This
announcement was received with the
greatest enthusiasm by the business
men and merchants of the city.
The -section selected 'for the new
Allen factory site consists of about
150 acres of ' land situated 'at the
northern corporate limirS of Fos
toria, and is traversed by three rail
roads, the Big Four, the Toledo &
Ohio Central and the Hacking Val
ley. The tract has been secured by
contract and is now being surveyed
preliminary to the laying out of build
ing sites, streets, etc. The new home
of Allen motor cars is to be known
as "Allendale Addition," and is to
be provided with all modern improve
ments paved streets, water, sewer
age, lights, etc.
gaaa a aaaaaaai aaaaaaai aaaaan a "
j ferry Lock
! Steering Wheel
Ia positive
TI fa
i net i
No two locks have keys a
alike. Front wheels are wild
when car is locked. I
Ask us about it now. Phona I
Douglas 3217.
( Auto Device Sales Co. I
884-6-8 Brandeis Bldg.
. ' Omaha, Neb.
Lea a asam aaaaaaai a aaasaaw asJ
Bring- us your old tlreo. Special 10 per
eent reduction for repairing aaraet dur
ing the slack winter months.
BLOW-OUTS repaired trom , ?.7S to
$4.00, depending on aisa. V
TUBES repaired Punctures, 26c; Blow
outs, 60c. v
2S1S Farnam St. Phone Doug-. 4S78.
Eight-Hour Day Works
Well in Ford Factory
Since the Ford Motor company in
January, 1914, adopted an eight-hour
working day, the plan, regarded at
that time as an experiment, has been
generally adopted throughout the
country and seems to be, increasing
in favor as its value becomes more
fully known.
Ford accidents have decreased 801
per cent in the last year alone, in the I
face of a 100 per cent increase in the I
number of employes. The Ford spirit
is responsible for this showing. And'
Ford workers, themselves, defining
this spirit assert that it is the result
of short working hours, a living wage,
safe, healthful, pleasant surroundings,
the yery foundation of efficiency. Ex
actly what part the eight-hour day
has taken in producing "these results
may never be known exactly, but
Ford employes say unanimously that
it has been a larger part. '
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Proven by Achievements
Car Owners' Service Test, 10,850 Miles Non-
Motor-Stop, Shaepahead Bay Motor Speedway, Stock Car
Sanction and Supervision A. A. A. '
Over Tortuous Ml Wilton, CaL, on High Gear.
1,700 Miles on High Gear in Northern and Sonth-
era California. ,
At Hilo, Hawaiian Islands, on High Gear to the
' "Hound the Biro of the World" Route to Big
Bear Lake, San Bernardino Mountains an Non-Boiling
Radiation Tost.
Over Lookout Mountain, Colorado, and Lookout
Mountain, California, on High Gear.
First in Slow High-Gear tlace at Richmond, Va.
Cotton Wood Canyon, from Salt Lake City to
Brighton, on High Gear. . -U.
S. Army and U. S. Marine Corps Adopt the
King Chassis for New Type Light Armor cf MotorCaz, after
Gruelling Official Teats.
On High Gear from Providence to Providence,
. via Albany and New York City.
Over-the-Road Fuel Economy Test, Pittsburgh
to Mihrankee, Stock Car Sanction and supervision A. A. A.
326 Hits Non-Motor-Stop Run, Continuous
Driving, Between Baltimore and Washington.
Via Detroit from Providence" to Providence on
High Gear.
Los Angeles to Los Angeles, via San Francisco,
on High Gear.
First High Gear Ascent np Lookout Mountain
California, by Woman Driver, Made by Helen Gibson in
King Eight j
Omaha to Omaha, via Kansas City, on High Gear
Write-Us for Details on Any of These Tests
7-patsenger Touring Car $1585 3-passeRgar Roadster I1585-4-pasaenger
Foursome - 41585 7-passenger Sedan $2150
Priomt a. h. DtCroit Vin VbMk, 190 Kxtra
We Csaael Cameulia Teat Then Weal Will Was Caaaai
Si , 2066-68 Farnam St," x M
iWft Omaha Distributors. f A l j
jfl ) Klag lfotet Car Ca. ' .rf? Jy '
Enclosed! .Protected from winter's cold
and summer's dust, ride m comfort-and
make every day's work count for more
Life's in the living and a Consummate comfort first;
Packard enclosed car not travel ease such as the old
only brings to you all the sfory kings never knew,
cityoffera of culture and de- And the satisfaction of
light it is itself a transcend ( knowing that you have per-
lngjoy; , fectioiv of appointments and
Year 'round it enables you finish, in countless detail
to do more accomplish
more enjoy more by
shortening the time 6pent in
going and coming.
Transform these wasted
intervals into periods of lux
urious rest or hospitality.
All this coupled with the
ability of the Twinsii motor
to carry you unfalteringly
over snow-bound streets or
diiEcult country roads as
far and es often as your pleas
ure or your need requires.
Ask the man who owns one
Sea the Orr Motor Salaa Company,
Fortieth and Farnam Sta, Omaha.
Branch at Sioux City, Iowa.