Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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Brief City News
Wadding Blag JCdholm. Jowolry.
Han Boat Prist I Now Boaeon Preaa.
Be sore to read our ad on page 10 of
this Issue. The Basket Stores.
W. Whlttaker and Myrtle A. Kelk-y
announce their removal to 1338 First
National Bank building.
Philosophical Society Miss Myrtle
Roberts "will address the Omaha Philo
sophical society in its rooms In the
Lyrle building Sunday at S o'clock.
Her subject will be "Work of the Vo
cation Bureau."
Master Plumbers Dance Master
plumbers will hold their annual dance
and meeting at the Metropolitan hall
February 8. One of the features
will be an Illustrated talk on "Plumb
ing Fixtures" by J. M. O'Connor. ,
New Oil Firm Capitalized at 110,
000 to do a general oil business, the
Voss-Diemer Oil company has filed ar
ticles of incorporation with the county
clerk. John H. Voss and Albert Die
mer are the incorporators.
Steals Way to Jail Found guilty in
police court Of petit larceny, William
Morganfellow, Itinerant laborer, was
sentenced to thirty days in Jail. Mor
ganfellow stole two pairs of trousers
from the Palace Clothing company.
Alamito Employes to Dance The
Efficiency club formed by office em
ployes of the Alamito sanitary dairy
will give a card party and dance this
evening at Dannebrog hall, Twenty
sixth and Leavenworth streets.
2-lb. roll butterlne, 3 Sc. The Bas
ket Stores.
.Engineers Go to Lincoln Twenty
Omahans will go to Lincoln Saturday
evening to attend a meeting of the
Nebraska association of members of
the American Society of Civil Engi
neers. The subject under discussion
will be "Highways."
Breaks Arm Morgan Smith, 19
years of age, Molveln, Ark., em
ployed for the last few days at odd
jobs at the Auditorium, fell Thursday
night while at work and fractured his
right arm. He was attended by police
surgeons and sent to St. Joseph hos
pital. Record Recruiting; Omaha yielded
seventy-four recruits to Uncle Sam's
army for the month of January, the
largest number in the history of the
recruiting station. From the twelve
stations under the control ot the
Omaha branch a total ot 228 men were
recruited for the month.
Children's Diseases "Children and
Their Diseases" will be the topic of a
lecture which Miss Townsend, a reg
istered nurse, will give Friday after
noon, February 9, before members of
the Central Park Mothers' league. The
meeting will be held in the Central
Park school at 2:30 p. m.
"Dry" Women to Meet A sailed
meeting of the Douglas County Wom
en's Christian Temperanoe union will
be held today at 2:30 o'clock on
the second floor of the Young Men's
Christian association. Bills pending in
the state legislature will be discussed.
Mrs. William Berry will preside.
Building Boom Building, boomed
in Omaha during January, 1917. Six
ty-one permits were granted to erect
structures whose total value was
$192,835. In January, 1916, forty-five
permits were issued by the building
commissioner and the sum value of
the buildings erected was 1177,273.
(Had Ho ia Not m. Plumber- About
the happiest man In Omaha today is
lorn r'lynn, united states marshal.
"Just think," the marshal said as he
gazed out at a few bundled pedestrians
who were scurrying lor shelter, J
used to be a plumber and if I didn't
have this Job I might be out now with
a kit of tools digging up a frozen pipe.
Whew, wouldn't that be awful?"
Prisoners' Relief Announcement
The prisoners of war relief commit
tee, at 24 North Moore street. New
York, which was organized primarily
for the relief of prisoners of war of
Germany and Austria-Hungary, both
civilian and military, has advised that
it is prepared to assist also the trans
mission of packages to prisoners of
war, subjects of the allies, interned
by the central powers.
Fifty Hit the Trail The evangelis
tic meeting that is being conducted by
Trinity Baptist church on the South
Hide under the leaaersnip or tne pas
tor, Rev. Charles F. Holier, who is as.
sisted by Evangelist A. J. Morgan of
Texas, is on in full force and bids fair
to continue for several weeks to come.
According to the modern evenagelist's
method of counting, more than fifty
lersons have already nit tne trail.
5 lbs. best 10c grade Jap rice, 2Sc.
j'ne uasKei etores.
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland,
Boy Steals Hogs ,
And Ships Them to
Omaha, is Charge
Stealing seventy-two hogs and
spiriting them away from Nebraska
City to South Omaha, is the pheno
menal theft charged up against Frank
Moore, 18-year-old stripling, who now
faces the indictment of grand lar
ceny. Moore, who says his home is
in Eldora, . Ia., was arrested at the
South Omaha yards by Sheriff Fisher
. - - i ' . i t- . 1 1
oi neorasKa i-ity anu ocrgcaut man
ning of South Omaha.
Leo Waber, proprietor of the Ne
braska City Hide and Tannins com
pany, says' the hogs were stolen from
his place Monday night He is here
to appear against Moore. Frank and
Bertram Gillispie of Weeping Water,
who were arrested with Moore while
he was trying to sell the hogs, say
Moore asked tnem to come aiong
with him and share in some of the
Compared to Pressnt Weather
January Was a Mild Month
The monthly meteoroloeical sum
mary of the United States Weather
f bureau shows that there was only
one day in January on which the
mercury dropped to zero January 13.
Early spring-like weather prevailed
on January 27, when the thermometer
recorded a maximum temperature of
52 degrees above zero and a mini
mum of 35 degrees above zero. The
mean maximum temperature for the
month was 31.3 degrees above zero
and the mean minimum temperature
13.8 degrees above zero. The average
mean temperature was 22.6 degrc
nhnv 7rn Thr uiara iohtj.n
clear days, nine partly cloudy days
ana tour ciouay aays.
Found With Broken Lea .
And With Nothing to Eat
: , in answer to a call lor help the
' Volunteers of America found Albert
Sanders, 60, of Kansas City in bed
at 716 North Sixteenth street, with a
broken ankle. He said that he had
had nothing to eat the last two days
but a few crackers. Sanders said that
he arrived in Omaha recently and
had been given shelter during the cold
spell by the people where he was
found, but that they had' not been
in a position to feed him. He was
-i far Uy the Volunteers.
Friday, February 2, 1917-
- Phone Douglas 137.
Saturday at Burgess-Nash Will Be a Great
Everybody to Practice Thrift
THE day is at hand
when every adver
tisement will be vigor
ously censored when
merchants will rigidly
adhere to the spirit as
well as the letter of truth.
The first step is the
ES. Through over-enthusiasm
values are fre
quently exaggerated a
tendency to mislead and
Burgess-Nash siveit ise
ments do not contain compara
tive statements of value we
welcome the most exacting
comparison of our merchan
dise in every essential re
quisite. An effort toward better
values and better service is
our constant aim.
Clearaway of the Fall and V inter
Blouses at Reductions of V3 to V2
THE values are really remarkable, but they're
broken lots consisting of light nets, colored chif
fons end crepe de chines, in light, and -suit shades,
all sizes, but not all sizes in every
style or color. Two groups, at
$1.95 and $2.50.
Blouses at $3.50 and $4.50
Blouses of chiffon, in suit
shades, 'plaid taffeta and a few
dark georgette and crepe de
tit in a V1mi acta a il"Or1 mAala
C and dressier blouses, every
" 11 ll 3 1 J
Diouse greauy reaucea ana a
remarkable value at $3.50 and
BoriaM-Naah Co. Stoat Floor. '
- r " Ml
Women's "Burnasco" Quality Silk
Hosiery Featured Saturday $1.15
YDU'LL appreciate the quality and the very special value when
you see tne hosiery; we consider the values very unusual at the
price. Black and white, also other makes of hosiery in silver, light
gray, medium gray, steel, taupe, navy, emerald, purple and tan shades.
BurtM-Nul Co. Main Floor,
Everything Is Ready for Our
Annual February
Furniture Sale
Beginning Monday, Feb. 5
The special price-tickets throughout the
stock are attached and you have
Saturday As Courtesy Day For
Inspection and Comparison.
Whatever you may select will be held for you
until the sale begins, this privelege is extended be
cause we consider it a matter of importance to you
that no purchase be made anywhere until you have
seen the splendid collection of under-priced furni
ture here.
Our-entire furniture stock is reduced from 10
to 50 per cent.
Burgea.-Naah Co. Third Floor. '
CANDY Day at
Burgess Nash
Pure fresh candies, specially
priced for Saturday.
Old fashioned chocolate
creams, lb. 29c
Caramels, chocolate or va
nilla nut, lb., 29c.
Delicious maple caramel
glaces, lb., 29c
Black walnut ices, creamed
brazills and pecan croquettes,
SOe to SOe lb. '
Burffooa-Naah Co. Mala Floor.
Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits
Specially Reduced Saturday to 73c
ANY woman will practice thrift in its fullest tense by providing
a season's supply from this group of white cotton union suits
that have been reduced to 73c
High neck, long sleeves, also low neck, elbow sleeves and ankle
length. )
Burs osi-Naah Co. Main Floor.
EW Books in the
Library Dept.
Are you a member of the
Burgess-Nash Circulating Li
brary? It costs you nothing to
join and gives you the oppor
tunity to read the very latest
books at a cost of 2c a day. -
These books recently added
to the library :
"Mr. Britling Sees It
Through," by H. G. Wells.
"Wild Fire," by Zane Grey.
"The Hillman," bj Oppen
heim. '
"The Postmaster's Daughter."
"My Unknown Chum."
"When a Man's a Man," by
Harold Bell Wright.
Bursoaa-Naah Co. Fourth Floor. '
Gloves for the. Matron, the
Miss and the Little Tots
THE statement in the heading expresses ,the range of our glove
stock, and as to value, we sincerely believe there is no better
French kid gloves, $2.00 $2.25 and $2.S0.
Wash leather gloves, $1.75, $2.25 and $2.50.
Gray mocha gloves, at $2.50 pair.
Kayser leatherette gloves, at $1.0,0 pair.
Reindeer fabric gloves, at 85c pair.
Lined gloves for boys and girls, 65c pair.
Double wool mittens for children, 29c pair. , . '
New silk gloves, at 60c and 69c pair.
Burgeaa-Naih Co. Main Floor.
Attractive Display
Our showing of valentines
this season is different from
any previous display. Many
new ideas are featured for the
first time. Cards and folders
cards for "My Wife," "My
Husband," "Sister," "Brother'
"Babies First Valentin e,"
"Birthday Valentines," and the
Price range, le to 25c
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Mara Floor. '
Drugs and Toilet Goods
Pebeco tooth paste, 29c Triple cut nail files, 25c
Daggett & Ramsdell's cream, 32c Cocoanut oil soap, cake, 4c.
Transparent handle tooth brush- Meal brushes, special, 49c.
es, 4 rows, 32c. Mentholatum, 1 5c.
Danderine, 34c -J
Large, heavy white ivory combs, Listerine, 34c.
f' S9e. Sal Hepatica, 34c.
Locust blossom perfume, oz., 29c Bromo Seltzer, 17c.'
Sayman's soap, 2 cakes, 15c Kodol dyspepsia remedy, 36c. .
Metal Water Bottle, $1.39 '
A high grade sheet steel, nickel plated, 8-pint metal water bot
tle with electric welded seam, guaranteed 6 years.
1-lb. absorbent cotton, 37c . Free, 1 cake of Palmolive soap
1 - quart household ammonia, 13c with a 26c bottle of Almond
2- quart hot water bottle, guaran- Cream or Chappedine.
teed 2 years, special, $1.29. Hair brushes, special, at 49c. ,
Large cake of hard water cas- Large face chamois, 10c.
tile soap, 3c. Large powder puffs, 10c.
Burffooa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
ICTOR Records
For February
Are ready in the talking ma
chine section on the Fourth
Flbor, and many pleasing num
bers are featured, both vocal
and instrumental.
Come in and let us play them
over for you, nd trouble we as
sure you' and you'll enjoy the
time spent.
Boriaaa-Naab. Co., Fourth Floor.
Featuring the New Spring Models
In Women s Boots
THE first showing of the new models in
women's boots for early Spring wear.
9-inen line colored kid lace boots. ,
Golden brown and gray kidskin . , .
Turn soles covered French heels. .
Black kid vamp lace boots with
ivory and gray kid tops, welt soles,
leather Louis cuban heels ,
Children's Shoes Reduced.
Extra reductions in the children's section:
Shoes for class and school
Sizes 84 to 11, special, at $2.25.
Sizes 11H to 2, special, at $2.55.
Big girls' sizes, 2 to 7, at $3.25. . .
Dura t-INaah - second Hoor.
We are the exclusive selling agents
for the James A. Banister fine shoes for
men. (Fourth Floor.)
You Really Oafbt to Moot
Miss E.M. Matthews
New York
Special Representative
The Pictorial Review Co.
who will be at our store on
Miss Matthews is an expert
on style and can show you how
to construct your own dresses.
She will be pleased to explain
the use of Pictorial Review Pat
terns which will enable you to
make your own' clothes at com
paratively little cost.
. Coma In to See Her.
It Will Pay You to De So.
Every thrift-wise man will certainly
take advantage of this sale of
Men's Overcoats
Specially Reduced For Saturday
$9.75 and $16.75
Certainly a most timely offering just at a time when you will get
most good out of them when old Boreas comes striking at you
with his chilling blasts you have the opportunity to save a third
to one half according to the garment you buy.
The coats are all ihis season's product, Including a wide assort
ment of fancy mixtures and weaves such as boucles, cheviots,
tweeds and kerseys, in gray, brown, blue oxford and plaids. Made
double or single breasted with plain box and semi-fitting belt or
pinch-back with sloping shoulders and flared skirt.
. One-fourth, one-half or full lined and finished with
velvet or self-material collar, patched, plain or muff pock
ets; all sizes 33 to 48, but the greatest range of selection is
33 to 37 bust measure.
Men's Ulsters at $9.75
Full lined and finished with
shawl or convertible collar,
double breasted, 52 inches
long, made of such materials as
chinchillas and oxford, in black
or gray; reduced to $9.75.
Men's Mackinaw 6.95
Double breasteM style with,
large shawl collar, inch-back
or norfolk style, skate or heavy
welt patch pocket; overplaids
and fancy mixtures; sizes 34
to 46 ; reduced to $6.95.
urfoM-Naah Ca Fourth Floor.
"Will Every Hat of the
' Black Y Stock Go Out of the
House Saturday at SOc?"
HAT'S the question the
sales manager asked and if
it does not we will miss our
guess, for we've seldom, if
ever, seen such wonderful val
ues. The hats are all good lots,
styles most of them right in line
Tor Spring but bear the "Black"
label, so out they must go.
'The offering; includes every favored style in soft hats, such as
narrow, medium and wide brims, with pencil curl, bound or raw
edge, flat, roll or turn-down brims, in cloth, velour or scratch-ups,
etc.; black, green, gray, brown, etc.
The stiff hats are the latest blocks, in brown and black all at,
choice, SOc. ,
BuriMl-Nata Co. Fourth Floor.
Overcoats Are
Greatly Reduced
The Suits are made in a va
riety of styles, Norfolk, double
breasted and the like, of such
favored materials as caasimeres,
fancy cheviots, tweeds, home
spuns, etc., medium and dark
colon. Some have two pain of
pants. For ages 8 to 18 yean.
The Overcoats are all the
favored materials and lata
styles. -
Suits and Overcoats, t9 AC
reduced to W
Suits and Overcoats, M AC
reduced to J)Jo3)
Suits and Overcoats, AC
reduced to .(
Suits and Overcoats, C AC
reduced to PUoTO
Burfaaa-Naah Ca. Foorth Floor.
Clearaway of Men's Sweater Coats
At z to Vi the Former Prices
IT'S the result of a positive order to unload and no man can afford to overlook the ex
treme saving possibilities. ; -. '.,''"
The sweater coats are all wool, heavy weight; some of them double over the shoul
ders; shaker and jumbo knit, rough neck and flat collars; gray, red, maroon, three or
four shades of blue, in fact, most any shade you might faicy.
It's certainly a sweater coat opportunity at the price, $2.45.
Men's Underwear, 98c
Heavy and medium weight cotton
tfnion suits, closed crotch, white and
ecru colors, "Madewell," "Superior"
and "Hesco" brands reduced for Sat
urday, to 98c. I a.
Men's Sleeping Wear. '
Year-round weight and outing flan
nel night robes, SOc and $1.00 pajamas,
98c and 11.29.
BurfOM-Nath Co Mala Floor.
Men's Neckwear, 29c and 69c
Large, flowing end four-in-hand,
very desirable colon and patterns.
Men's Hosiery, 25c
Fiber and lisle, all good colors, dou
ble heel, toe and sole, 25c. .
( Men' Hose, 12Vc
An etceptional line, of meVs Vi hose,
most all good colors, Maco yarn, dou
ble heel and toe; sale price, 12 Mc
Extra Special Values for Saturday
In the Down Stairs Store
Children's Coats,
$3.95 and $3.00
TVO groups of children's
coats, for ages 6 to 8
years, made of Scotch mix
tures, chinchillas and as
trakhans trimmed with plush,
large pockets and buttons;
very special.
Children's Dresses.
VI7 ASH ABLE materials,
' ginghams, p e r c a 1 es
and chambray, in plaids,
pinks and blue; middy and
jacket effects, specially re
duced for Saturday to 89c
BurfMa-Naah Co. Dow Stain Star.
98c v
Ar that price the saving ia
about half, made with,
large shawl or military col
lars, in gray., red and heath
or color; sizes 32 to 36.
The price for Saturday is
just about half.