Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1917, Page 8, Image 8
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILT QIORMINO-tyiHIWO-jqWDAT FOUNDED BY EDWARD KOSEWATEIL VICTOR BOSEWATER, EDITOB THg BKK PUBLISHING COMPAKY, PttOHUETOa. fetprf at Omaha iwatorflo as sten rim aasttsr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT. ' tmtat mm aaa. " , a ftndw Ba l . " mitT and Saaoa Baa, ttrM fan la aSnMa.... Brad notice of aB at asanas m InafflaMtty IB i m, M.I 1.1 I.I S.I 1.1 ...It. I REMITTANCE. OaKta-fta Sm Mt mitt Omia 1 M m. Coaaflll Blnfhj-ll If. Matt BL 1 Uaaola utua suuoaa. CORRESPONDENCE. Osaka (aa, Hturial Dmattaaat. DECEMBER CtKCtfLATION 53,368 Daily Sunday 50,005 Tti tMMjnmff nf Wall att -mit hmflt varnjnff clearly comes under the head of rightfulness. Look as if "peace without victory had gone -glimmering, at least for some little time to come. It's back to the hole for Mr. Groundhog and another survey of the coal bin for Mr. Hoose-holderr As balm and comfort, scientists assure ns we will be back m a glacial period to a million years, more or less. , " ' , As. long as Omaha fails to exercise its right to charter making so long will our charter tink ers get in their work at Lincoln. Hardly likely that there will be another stock jobbing leak on the next White House peace note, or war .note, as the case may be. Fighting has started again along the River Aa. The fighting distance from this point to the end of the war alphabet remains a guess. "Colonel Hooee had nothing to say." A fa miliar note. The nerve tonic is not yet made : which would suspect this colonel of harboring a leak.' Three ships of the American navy have been driven oa the rocks in the last two month. More preparedness on the navigating bridge is clearly in order. ' "' ' . A soddea drop m the price of wheat does not alter in the slightest degree its popularity as the "staff of life." Some chaff and wind are blown away, nothing more. 1 True Americans will stand behind whatever administration is in power, says Charles Evans Hughes. , No one ever questioned the true Ameri canism of Mr. Hughes. Barney Barach admrts cleaning no (476,000 from "hunches", on the peace not. PUneas Bar num's famous census of fooidesn hat .a lively rival in the flocks of Wall street Iambi. , ' - Flowers and high favor showered oa "war brides" a short time ago no longer gar land the Tavontes. Bereft of their charm the "brides" take on the woebegone appearance of last year Christmas tree. 0 . Missouri does not need to be ibowti more than once. A Joint tocnniittea of the legislature finds the federal good road a mighty good thing and has reported in favor of matrhtng each dollar of Uncle Sam's com. If memory serve a correctly, the last stats platform promulgated by oar Nebraska demo crats promised economy and retrenchment What would become of that ptaa if all these new . job-hunting and salary-boosting bills) were en acted into law? 1 To what extent ha the law for compulsory teaching of foreign languages in the public schools been invoked in places other than Omaha? Pressure for repeal seems to come almost wholly from Omaha. Does that mean that dissatisfaction with it exists here only or that it is a dead tetter law elsewhere? ' . r 1 s The Bee does not favor legislating elective officers, out of their jobs. Neither does It favor legislating them into higher salaries or longer terms than the people voted them when they elected them. Let the salary boosts and the term extensions start with successors duly elected with that understanding and rest lure that no present office holder will resign in the interval Agricultural Education Paat- "Starvafjon" Scarcely Involved. Starvation of England is hardly within the realm of probability, any more than is the starva tion of Germany, if recent figures may be relied upon. While for a long time both England and Germany have given greater attention to other pursuits, to the apparent neglect of agriculture, and neither nation before the war produced all the food its people consumed, necessity ha de veloped unexpected resources for both. For two years the Germans have been cat off from the world, so far as importation of foods is con cerned, and yet H$ population has kept far above starvation diet Very late figures for the United Kingdom show that the agricultural resources of the isl-. ands are far more extensive than generally cred ited. While the area of wheat acreage was smaller in 1916 than in 1915 and fewer swine are reported, large increases sre noted in potatoes, cattle and sheep, with greater acreage in pasture for the feeding of meat animals. Nearly 18,000,000 cat tle are now in the islands and a correspondingly large number of sheep, with a reasonable total for bogs and horses. In this connection the people have been urged to devote backyards and similar patches to raising potatoes and vegetables and to the feeding of pigs. The British government has shrewdly antici pated the possibility of a subsea blockade, with precautionary measures to forestall any danger of starvation. If the war is to be terminated this year it will not be because of the hunger of the people, but because one side or the other will ave exhausted its military resources. "Saving Daylight" and the Public. Flam for "saving daylight" are again being agitated in the United States, and the United States Chamber of Commerce is urged by its special committee on the subject to have con gress enact a law ordering that alt clocks be turned ahead one hour. So much is involved in the topic that needs detailed consideration. On first view the proposal is attractive, but some of the charms fade on closer inspection. In the United States an artificial "standard" time, has been adopted for convenience, based on the sev enty-fifth meridian, which passes through Wash ington, and changing with each fifteen degree of longitude. Thus Omaha standard time is that fixed by the ninetieth meridian, Denver takes its clock time from the 105th and San Francisco from the 120th. On the other side, Boston takes time from the sixtieth, thus making a variation of three hours in crossing the continent. This is fairly close to the actual astronomical fact But the amount of "daylight" depends on other factors than the transit of the sun through the sky. Latitude, and altitude after 'ie daylight hours, and these vary greatly 1 iRlioot the United States. Omaha is favorably situated in this regard and also well placed as regards the 'standard" time, being an average of half aa hour ahead of the sun throughout the year. For Omaha, changing the clock tin the manner pro posed would make but a few minutes difference m the actual daylight used here. No reasonable objection can be lodged against starting work earlier in toe day, but such action will lead only to knocking off earlier. The sun will roll in his coarse on the same schedule and nature's processes will follow the same. Millions of dollars are spent annually upon all sorts of investigations, but usually the result ii merely a suggestion for more legislation rather than the adoption of educational methods, which, working more deliberately, nevertheless produce more definite results. David Lnbm. the Amri-. representative to the international institute of agriculture at Rome, recently remarked that the United States will not solve its high cost of food problem by patting the speculators in jail. He added: "We must make it impossible for the specula ' tor to operate by strengthening the farmer. The key to the plan of the Germans is keeping the farmer informed regarding the needs of the cities. of the market so that his distribution is good, so i- that he knows what his products are worth, so that he know how to sell, and so that he knows how to plant his crops." On the statute books of the different states and the nation there are adequate laws to deal with any attempt to fix the price of the neces ' i furies of life. Even the old common law wai sufficient to deal with the conspiracies against.' tne puouc inicrrn. education is tar more neces sary than new laws. . If an appropriation of $100,000 is suggested to ' congress for the making of t new investigation, I favorable action is taken. If the Department of Acriculture. however, asks for an additional 1100.. 000 to extend its educational facilities, congress looks askance at the proposal. One of the best methods of reducing the cost of living would be to give such appropriations to the Department of Agriculture and the Depart ment of .Commerce as to enable them to keep farmers and busineas men in constant touch with the best markets and the prices on the one hand and the best available supplies of rsw materials, orices and markets on the other. If such infor mal ion were at the disoosal of the farmers and business men, the work of manipulators would lie rentricUO. Bill Hopper Overflowing. V The Nebraska legislature has already made a h record for number of bills introduced, and the total is not yet reached, as the senate yet has another day on which measures may be offered. This is in the face of a tacit pledge made by the democrats in control at the opening that this session was to be marked by the proposal of fewer and better measures. A large proportion of the bills offered' deal with trivial matters, and serve only to clatter up the files, it is inconceivable that Nebraska has need of t thousand new laws, or that our exist ing statute require patching in so many places. The great mass of bills now in will surely clog the processes of legislation and will sadly inter fere with the full consideration of those possessed of real merit An inevitable result of this will be danger of Hl-formed and poorly-digested taws. In it first phase the legislature is a disappoint ment, but it may. yet redeem itself by strict atten tion to business and the manifestation of sincere Industry a killing off the larger part of the pend ing measures. .;" Paying Off for California. The administration has discharged one install ment of its obligation to California for the thir teen electoral 'votes delivered. The chairmanship of the shipping board will go to some deserving democrat of the Golden State. This was brought about only through the direct interference of Secretary McAdoo with what .he admit! to be the dear right of the board. It also. precipitated the retirement from the board, of Bernard N. Baker of Baltimore, father of the idea, and well equipped for the place. But Mr. McAdoo, with the presidents accord, "suggested" to Mr. Baker that the chairmanship should go to the Pacific coast, and it will. "The selection of suitable men for the shipping board and the proper organiza tion of the board has been matter of great con cent to the administration," sayi the secretary of the treasury, but the preservation of administra tion influence on the Pacific coast seems to be even more vital . One Rest Day in Sewn. ' Several bills now before the Nebraska legis lature have for their object one rest day in each seven for all save certain specified classes of workers. This is quite apart from the Sunday observance agitation, although the two movement may in some way be connected. The six-day work period has long been recognized, even before the world was generally apprised of the commandment covering the case. For many years the tendency has been to Shorten the work day whenever possible, and the ideal of the forty-eight hour week ha been so closely approached that extremist talk already of the thirty-six hour week, to be attained through four and one-half eight-hoar days. Some modern industrial operations, particularly those of public service, must be continuous. These can be so adjusted that each worker employed may have fall twenty-four hoars of rest within each seven-day period, although not all on the same day. The service of a law giving a worker the right to "demand" such a rest period may be questioned, as the worker already possesses that right Oa one point we note the several bills are unanimous they each exclude newspapers from the protection granted. ' ' A committee hearing at Lincoln on the Omaha charter and the lie passed only once I What de generate times are we coming to anyway? Omaha Envied by Philadelphia i iftiinHraa Bafldta Aaa'a His. Through Thomas Tr Fitzmorris the claim- is made that more people own their homes in Umaha than in any other city in. the United States, writes the Ledger. Fieures taken from 25,049 homes using city water show that fifty-six homes out ot every 100 are owned by the people who occupy them. In 1910 statistics showed 39.8 per cent, and the increase is, therefore, en couraging. We rejoice with Omaha. The Bee man starts out with a severe cold in his head, in this way: " , "Be it aver so wumbul, There snow play sly comb." They have heard of James Edward Cattcll out there, whose nose is never stopped up, and this is what they say of him: "Back in Philadelphia, the 'City of -Homes,' they have an official booster named James Ed ward Cattetl, a little man with Dundreary whisk ers. He is always harping on what a city of homes Philly is. A home in Philadelphia, dear reader, is fifteen feet wide, two stories high and built right against the front sidewalk. There is no front yard. The back yard averages about eight to twelve ieet and is neatly cemented. The residence streets are lined with such homes, as much alike as pea in a pod If someone sneaked along some night and changed the numbers there would be an awful mix-no. for thev never could tell them apart" Then . . "Omaha homes are real homes, with vards around them, and bashes and trees, and a dog and a garden, and a place for Johnny's rabbits and Mary's doll plyahouse, and perhaps a coop lor some tresn-egg layers a regular nome, you know; not a cabby hole." One thing about the Philadelphia homes, they are anchored, and if a number is removed from the door any neighbor will take the main in. Then, , again, being anchored, they remain in the neighborhood where they were built, while in Omaha that same wind which causes cold-in-thc-head lines carries the booses no one knows where, and upon occasion the Omaha man is obliged to, for months, seek for hi dog and Johnny's rab bits and Mary's doll otavbouse indeed .thev are still on the hunt Omaha is all right for all who can t come to Philadelphia. Whatever good Omaha enjoys, we congratulate the home-owners. Just at this writing, however, we confess that we envy Omaha some of those perhaps fresh eggs. Odious Sectionalism tacrtpt Sectionalism is odious. Let us all be aareed upon that. It was one of the domestic evils against which Washington most ardently warned his countrymen. It has since then been the cause of some of onr heaviest woes; and it has at all times been' at least professedly regarded by thoughtful men everywhere as a detestable and pernicious thing. Yet those who most flagrantly practice it and among themselves boast of so doing, are of all most ready to rail at others for referring to it and to denounce them for protest ing against it I The present emergency bill affords a case in point Whenever re-.blicans have remarked upon the fact that the ways and means committee was completely dominated by Southern democrats, they nave been austerely rebuked for raising the sectional issue," and have been assured that the southern democrats in question had nothing in view but the general and impartial welfare of the whole try. Yet here is the chairman of that committee, Mr. Kitchin, openly declaring that the pending bill is rankly sectional. Upon that ground he commends tt to the support ot the party cau cus, and seeks to whip into line democrats who revoii against lis uniaimess. iou can ten your people," he says to his southern colleagues, "that practically all of this tax will go north of Mason and Dixon's line." It is, that is to say, a tax levied by the sooth Upon the north. But if anyone objects to such ineauitv. he is instantly howled down for "raising the sectional issue" and "wav ing the bloody shirt. There was a similar nerrormance earlier in this same administration, One of the measures upon which the president most set hit heart and which be most ruthlessly drove through congress with worn and spur, was the Underwood tariff. One of the principal arguments used to solidhV the demo-a cranio vote in lavor ox uu measure was max it would favor the south at the expense of the north. That was Mr. Underwood's own interpretation of it When, having secured its passage, he sought promotion from the house of representatives to the senate, bis chief recommendation of himself to the people was that he had secured the enact ment of a tariff bill which taxed the north for the benefit of the south, and upon that ground he won. It is not "sectionalism to m-otest aratnst this thing, but it is the rankest form of "section alism" to maintain ft It is not sectionalism to insist that the rule of "one vote, one value" shall prevail uniformly throughout the land, and that it shall require as many votes to elect a repre sentative in the sooth as in the north. That is not sectionalism, bat anti-sectionalism; and sooi. or late it will inevitably prevail" People and Events Health Hint tor the Day. Pain In the ear Is sometimes caused by the accumulation ot too much wax. In this case drop a little warm glyc- ..ln a In, a h ..a, af nlvht anil flVT- Inge the ear out gently with warm Doiiea waier m ma morning. One Year Ago Today In the War. ' British collier sunk by bomb of a Zeppelin and all but three ot crew perished. Petrograd reported Turks afraln de feated by Russians, 100 miles south of Erserum. British and French redoubled their bombardment and mine explosions against Oerman lines. Turkish crown orlnce either commit ted suicide or was assassinated in royal palace at Constantinople. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Charles Turner, corner Sixteenth and Howard, in which the contracting parties were Mis Marga ret Tighe and Frank' E. Oould of the Union Paclflc local freight office. Rev. John Williams officiated at the cere mony and the newly-married couple will reside on the southeast corner of Twenty-third and Douglas. Mr. Megquier gave a lunch at the club -In honor of Miss Tracy. The other guests were Mrs. Barkalow, Mrs. Kountze and Mrs. Davis The people of the Methodist Epis copal church are to be congratulated on having secured Mrs. J. T. Clark for tne soprano of their new quartet cnoir. The other members are also excel lent. Including- Mr. Breckenrldge, tenor; Miss Vapor, alto, and Dr. Wood- burn, bass. The M. D. C. club met at the home of Miss Eva Parson and a very en tertaining program was rendered, in which the following took part: Misses Edith Btuht Haute Bell. MaMe Stunt, Cora Young, Nellie Magee; Messrs. C. W. Smith, Broadhurat, Ira Atkin son and Lee Plumber. W. U. Fitch, manager of the Fre mont Elkhorn A Missouri Valley rial road, has returned from the St Wisconsin makes more creamery butter than any other other state of the union. Only sixteen people in 100 have the right and lett arm exactly the same in length. The British army of today has more officers than it bad men ot all ranks a century ago. The president of Switzerland serves for one year and receive a salary of $2,700, with an addi tional J,UUU tor expenses. Trade" wmds have nothing to do with "trade." They are really "tread" winds, because they uniformly follow a certain tread or track. The word khaki, aa applied to the cloth now so generally used for military uniforms, fs derived trotn tne ferstan "khak, meaning dust or ashes, The lines on the hands are not cansed by fold ing, put by tne action ot tne brain. 1 his is proved by the fact that paralysis removes the lines from the hands. A German who became a multi-mitlionaire from making war profits has founded at Frank fort an institute for the study of the consequences ot tne war. ' Under the defense of the realm act the small boy in England is not permitted to fly his kite, for the reason that the kite might be used for signaling purposes. , The largest hoist in the world has been built in Milwaukee for a Michigan mining company. It na total rope pun ot hz.ijuu pounds and a hoist ing sped of 6,000 feet a minute. It is warmer in a frost than durinsr a thaw because when water freezes it parts with its lat ent or Hidden, neat wnictv passes into the air, During a thaw heat is taken from the air and ab orbed by the ice. . United States cavalry officers in Arizona have been conducting experiments with the object of determining whether horses can be so colored as to render them less conspicuous snd reduce the chances of their being made a target for the fire ot toe enemy. Chemist have found that thev can take a tnn of sawdust snd get a quarter of ton of sugar out of it The process consists of putting the sawdust into closed retort and subjecting it to digestion with a weak solution of sulphurous acid under Heavy pressure. . . The steel curb shoulder straps worn by British cavalrymen were first introduced by a soldier's wife, Lady Luck. She sewed them on her hus band's uniform to protect his shoulders from sword cuts at Kandahar and General Lack, on his return to England, persuaded the war office to adopt them for general use. I TODAY I n.... i iM ..mtual Mwainftninl hv Mrs. and Miss Fitch,' General and Mrs. Cook and Mrs, Keaa. . . t ..-. Quj bwiA hAv ..hibtrefl. ..11 o. jw.a '" . .M.M...IUI hv Wiaa TtolftttmbA. halve gone south to spend the winter montna. Those who braved the cold felt well h. tk. npntth nnri venlajitv which they found at the reception given by Mr. ana Mrs. -t divku from to 11 p. m. , This Day in History. ' 17S Bentamln Franklin met wren a committee of the House of Com mons to consider petitions from tne American colonies. 180ft Territory of Illinois created, with OCaskaskia aa the seat of a ment 1811 Horace Greeley, famous edi tor and presidential candidate, born at Amherst N. H. Died near New York Gity November J3, 171. 1821 Ellzabetb BlackweiL wno re ceived the first medical diploma ever awarded a woman In America, born at Bristol, England. Died In England May 31, 1910. 1S42 tjidney uuuer, ceieoraieu poet born at Macon, Ga. Died In Polk county, North Carolina, Septem ber 7, 1881. 1844 Boston harbor frozen over. necessitating the cutting of a canal for seven mUes through the lee to permit vessels to reaeh the sea. . 1867 Edward Fltsgerald WM con secrated Catholic bishop ot little Rock. i 1869 Booth's theater In New York City, erected at a cost ot over i 1.000,- 000, was opened wltri -uomeo ana Janet" 1811 First provision train arrived in Paris after the German siege, bringtng food to the starving Inhabitants. 1881 Wholesale suspension of Irish members in the House of Com mons during discussion on the arrest of Michael Davltt. 1802 The historic. Appomattox court house building destroyed by fire. 1894 George W. Chllds, newspaper publisher and philanthropist died. In Philadelphia. Born In Baltimore May 12, 1829. The Day We Celebrate. Dr. Herbert E. King, the success ful dentist offlclng In the Bee build ing, is 14 today. He came here from Sandy Lake, Pa, attended the- high school at Fremont the University of Nebraska and the Omaha Dental col lege. Ernest P. Buffett Is Just 4 years old today. He was born right hers In Omaha and has been dispensing gro ceries to Omaha people for many years. W. H. Taylor arrived on earth this day thirty-seven years ago, selecting Ashley, Pa, as his starting place. He finally reached Omaha and Is now manager ot tne umana uas company here. Judson Harmon, former governor of Ohio and at one time considered a democratic presidential possibility, born In Hamilton county, Ohio, seventy-one years ago today. James C. McReynolda, associate Jus tice of the supreme court of the United States, bora at Elkton, Ky., ftfty-nv years ago today. Joseph H. Pratt state geologist of North Carolina and president of Southern Appalachian Mountain Good Roads association, born at Hartford, Conn., forty-seven years ago today. Rt Rev. George A. Beecher, Epis copal bishop of western Nebraska, born at Monmouth, III., forty-nine years ago today. William D. Guthrie, president of the American Society for the Relief of French War Orphans, born in San Francisco fifty-eight years ago today. Rev. William F. Pisrca) president of Kenyon college, born at Chloopee Falls, Mass., forty-nine years ago to day. Ttmely Jottings and RMnindem. Today has been designated for the observance of "National Thrift day." Aimaro Sato, the Japanese ambas sador at Washington, Is to be the guest of honor and chief speaker at the forty-fifth annual dinner of the Silk Association of America, to be given tonight at the Hotel AaSor, New York City. The first of a aeries of conferences on the Amertcanlsalion of the alien born residents Is to meet la Wash ington today In response to a call la sued by Dr. P. P. Claxton, United State commissioner of education. A religious census of unparalleled extent Is to be taken 8unday, when 65,000 workers, representing Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant denomina tions, will canvass every horn In greater New York to ascertain the re ligious afnUattons and preferences of each one of the city's Inhabitants. Why Girls Go Wrong. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 2. To the Edi tor of The Bee: Much Is being said about the social evil and the under world In our daily papers. As a man of a large family and many years of travel in many states and cities I am convinced Judge Foster's conclusion "that fallen women lead the life be cause they prefer tt" ts near the truth, though every rule has- its exception. iKnorance and the low moral stand ards of the rising generation has much to do with it The public dance hall and drink is the next big factor. A false idea as to the value of fine clothes, which is only another form of ignorance, is also a factor. No matter how we may differ as to tne cause of so many fallen women, what is the beat way to aid in pre venting that vast army of constant recruits? I suggest that parents teach their sons and daughters ail the mys teries of life ss early as they become curious to know. Show them the beauty of fatherhod and motherhood let mothers keep their voune daugh ters off the streets and fathers keep ineir sons interested in athletics and away from the public dance hall. Guard with jealous care our children, inculcate high ideals of morality and teach that character is the standard of manhood and womanhood. By knowing the evils and pitfalls our cniiorea can De Drought to the age of manhood and womanhod where they are able to take care of themselves. Is it not Ignorance that would cause any young girl to go auto ing with strange yountr men? Would any but an ignorant girl pwmit the fast Immoral young man to grab round hea with both arms and she place both arms around his neck, then seal their cheeks together and go on the dance floor in that vulgar position? Another thing worthy of careful study is the separation of our boys and girls in the high school. A care ful investigation of conditions In our high schools revealed some verv start. ling facts. .Why should immature young men and women be thrown together ' daily for the four years of high school life? How many of the niga scnooi cmidren have not some love affair on hand? But why dwell upon the matter longerT xnere always has been and always will be those "Magdelines," mostly by choice, secondly through Ig norance, but let every young man and woman get this firmly fixed In mind: The fast life leadeth to misery, de spair, disease and often suicide. Just remember: "The hiring of a harlot is an abomination In the sight of the "ra. ' .A TRAVELING MAN. No Violation of that Sacred Code. . Scotia, Neb, Feb. 1. To the Edi tor of The Bee: The article which ap peared in'The Bee on Wednesday las. In reguard to the work being done bv Dr. Weekes of 8cotla was inserted by myseir ana entirely unbeknown to the doctor. As the article was followed by the word "advertisement" I feel it my duty - to publish this fact lest It appear unethical advertising by the ooctor. E. E. M GRUE. ' Family Trees as Props. ' : Scottsbluff, Neb., Feb. 1. To the Editor of The Bee: Pardon me if I seem to be monopolizing your letter box for the present. I always read the articles In this column because it reflects public sentiment and I should like to see it take a wider scope and see more new namea " But I notice that Neighbor Agnew and also another writer, who was afraid to sign his name, are laboring unuer a, ueiusion. l am not a demo crat and never was and never expect to be. But I Sm not- so politically "hide-bound" that I cannot vote for the best interests of my country when occasion arises. Neither am I one of these "blood and thunder" patriots that seek to stir up sectional strife and disrupt the union because some thing is wrong, at.-, I must confess that Neighbor Ag new has me beaten hands down on "patriotic training," for I admit I have no distinct recollection of Just what happened ivv e - , y .... ,ign believed that was ikiiu. I"-' - if a man was on the square and knew wno nis lamer wu -. ---than some people know who claim to trace their lineage back a thousand years) he is all right and Just as good as the man who has a pedigree aa long as a piece of string. Tne man mat muoi . ... liy tree to prop up n " " " " is a frail patriot It's not a question OI wnai your great, Riw". e. a.. ... j,j nH ui. -nnlrvf the flues- llhl.ll C 1 U1U lu, ' 1 - tion is, "What are you doing? r k. nrpvtiBIfiTTf Thinks the BUI Unfair. Omaha, Feb. 2. To the Editor of The Bee: The proposed state law by the legislature specifies that the act shall not be construed as prohibiting the making of wine or cider from grapes, apples or other fruits "grown and raised by any person on his own premises for the use of himself and family." ' But the constitution itself says Just the opposite, for It says, "On and after . May 1, 1917. the manufacture, the sale under any pretext of malt spirituous, vinous or any Intoxicating liquors are forever forbidden in this state except for medicinal, mechanical, scientific, or sacramental purposes." How comes It now that the farmer can make all he wants for ordinary Intoxicating purposes? All he has to do is to add a little more sugar and a little time and his barrel of wine will run 13 per cent alcohol. I am not complaining about the farmer get ting the best of it. What I complain of is that those who wrote that amend ment be made to see their mistake and that the farmer be not exempt but take his medicine with the rest. To make such a statute law will be un constitutional. There is another flaw under section 30, "The act shall not be construed to prevent the distribution of any alco- . hollo compound, preparation or rem edy containing drugs or medicines which do not contain more alcohol than is necessary for the legitimate purpose of extraction, solution or preservation and which contain drugs in sufficient quantities to medicate such compounds to make them medi cal preparations and to render them unfit as a beverage." How about essences of lemon, va nilla, ginger and a few others made by adding a few drops of the essence to a pint of neutral spirit? Many people prefer that and don't mind the es sence, for each little bottle is nearly pure alcohol. It was the sale of these essences that made many a firm rich that controlled hundreds of wagons , going in the country selling medicines among the farmers. Be fair and -do not try and defy the constitution of your state. If you want to do a little compromising on our wonderful prohibitory law, why not let us hare a case and a half of beer once a month for the whole family In stead of Just a case and make it quarts and not pints. The constitution does not say anything about what we may get from the outside, so you are safe there. The idea of giving the farmer the best of it and unconstitutionally to boot looks like politics to me. Do you think a farmer cannot get intoxicated, but a city fellow can? GEORGE P. WILKINSON. SAID IN PUN. sllllillllllllllJIIIIIIIIllIU AGE E is not always an indication of worth, .but the fact that we E have been successful in the E E moving and storing bnsiness E E for many years shows the sta- E E bility and permanence of this E 5 firm. , ' s Omaha Van & Storage Co., ' E E Douglas 4163 1 E 806 South 16th Stmt. E niMHiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminig The citlien gtsed helplessly at the piles of drifted snow that lar on the sidewalk In front of his house. "What would you take to clean this walk?" he asked the first maa who came alonv. "A shovel, mister." responded the fellow as he plodded on his way. Boston Trait script. 1 tWhy are you so strong; for prohibition t" "Weil," replied Uncle BUI Bottletop, "a country to a good deal like an Individuals After havin' had liquor without limit for .& nftrinti tit vsLrx. It vnltrhtv trrtAsI thin a to go without for a while." Washington Star. Not Jag Rolls But Jazz Rolls i"Twai Wake You Up" "Glorioun "Poor Butterfly" 'Xttdder of Rose" "Naughty, Naughty, Naughty" LDon't Forget We Still Have a Lot of Player ' Rolls at 15c. 'A. HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas St Cold Weather Dr ugs at Saving Prices Sherman's Chilblain Remedy Take oat the sting and gives almost instant relief. Price 25 tj a bottle. . Owl Prescription Department Everything fixed at the Ovrl store now stock in prescrip tion department replenished and Professors Savage, Duffy, et al., are busier than ever. Mennen's Tale, 4 kinds, box, 124 S6e Genuine Castoria. . . .!. .21fV Vantine' Toiiet Water, special sal at tt off regular price. . 25c Chamberlain' Cough Rem edy, for ..14 26c Laxative Bromo Quinine 19 60c Lambert' Listerina, for. 34 Mr. Edward G. Binz Of Lo Angeles, the maker of Binz's Bronchi-Lyptus, for coughs and colds, is at our Owl Store this week . introducing this remedy, which is indeed a meritorious one. It's made from Eucalyptus chiefly. v Cigars For Men .That' the land we sell standard brand at pleasing S rices, especially so oa Satur-ay. Saturday Is Candy Day At the Rexall Store. (200 Items in This Line.) SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Caraar IBth sad Farnasa Cmw Z4th aasl Faravua Tha HarrarsL" ' Cerasr 16 th said Dadf Caraar 16th and Haratay Tha Owt"