THE BEE : OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 19)7. POLICE RON HUMAN REPAIR SHOP HERE Sixty -Seres Derelicts Storm City Jail and Beg for . . ' " Shelter. ..." MANY ARE 8CAKTILY CLAD Driven to shelter, by frigid blast from the north which sent tempera tures to points well below zero, sixty-seven homeless and penniless men, some of them with barely enough clothes to cover their bodies, Thurs day night sobgnt beds at the city jail. Few of them, however, had suf . fered seriously from the cold or ex posure, as most of them applied early tor places to "bunk." "All records for . the number of lodgers accommodated at the jail have been shattered by Omaha's latest cold wave. Previous to Wednesday night the highest number of men accom modated had been fifty and the aver age had been around thirty, Wednes day nignt, nowever, seventy-six ap plied . for places to sleep. The de crease in the number' who sought . shelter Thursday night is accounted for by the fact that Wednesday night's storm probably caused many of the men to let out a notch in their ef forts to obtain employment. Police Surgeon Connolly Thursday night had a busy time. He treated four persons, one of them a policeman and another a fireman, who sustained frost-bitten ears. Here is a list of the cases handled by him as a result of tne cow: George Jennings, 522 South Twenty-second street, both ears frozen. Edwin Mederis, 2226 Howard, left ear frozen. - . Patrolman Herman. Creal, both ears frozen. Frank Soukup, fireman at engine house No. 7, both ears frozen. Forty Fires On Two Coldest Days ; Omaha Ever Knew Attempts to thaw out frozen water pipes, defective flues and chimneys, overheated stoves and furnaces all due to the cold wave of the last two days Thursday resulted in a total of twenty-seven fire alarms. Friday the same causes resulted in more than a dozen alarms up until 2 o'clock, and, while, none of the fires caused any great ' losses, firemen at practically every' station in the city have expe rienced the most strenuous time in their careers.' Low temperature! which have pre vailed have added discomfort to a condition which ordinarily would give the fire department all that it could well handle. Scores of the firemen suffered frost-bitten ears, nosei, hands and feet and some of them have found it necessary to remain at their homes. Edward Turner, a member of colored fire company, No. 11, is at home as the result of having been overcome by smoke at a fire in the home of S. H. Farm worth, 2437 Spaulding street. His condition is not serious, bpwevcr, and he will be on duty again in a few days. So busy have been the different sta tions that even work at the chiefs . office' has stacked up. But four re ports on Friday's fires had been re ceived up until 2 o'clock. Baby Cries and . - Probably Saves Nine from Death Henry Kropowski, 1417 North Sev enteenth street, was rendered uncon scious, his wife was partly overcome and seven other occupants of the house were aroused from peaceful slumbers early Friday as the result of coal gas fumes which escaped iron! a hard coal stove and filled the house. i ' Kropowski' was awakened by the criea of his 10-month-old baby and he went to the kitchen to prepare aome milk for the child. There he fell to the floor. His wife, alarmed when he did not return, followed him, and site also was partly overcome. She aroused- Miss Sarah Weiner, aged 19, a roomer, and she called a telephone operator, who notified the police. Officers and police surgeons made a hurried trip to the home, but when they arrived all had been revived and suffered no ill effects. The stove was found with the door open and the damper closed. . .; Six Persons Charged With Breaking Drug Law Freed Six cases that were pending in the United States district court against persons accused of violating the Har rison narcotic law have been dropped by the United States district attor ney with the consent of the internal revenue commissioner. It. was found impossible to prosecute the cases be cause of the ruling of the supreme court that certain sections of the Har rison act were unconstitutional: The cases dismissed were against George Brown, Raymond Nclsen, Robert Kennedy, Graham Beil, Rose Bell ana uuunccy cerger. Pollard Changes Temps of Hundred and Three Degrees Tax Commissioner Pollard of the Burlington has returned from Flor ida, but he wishes that he had re mained there a while longer. When be left Florida Wednesday morning the temperature there was 80 degrees above zero, and when he dropped off train here and into a temperature of Zi below zero, he felt chilly. Florida weather, according to Mr. Pollard, has been -about the best in the history of the state, warm and barmy, and just the kind that has suited the tourists. ., . Lightest Receipts of Year ' On Omaha Grain Market Cash grain on the Omaha market recovered from the slump of Thurs day and scored a considerable ad vance. Wheat sold up S ceuts at 1.641.68tf; corn, tlj cents, selling at W9lc, and oatt ltfo, selling at 51 cents per bushel. Owing, to bad. weather holding shipment back from the country, re ceipts were the lightest of the year, there being but thirteen carloads of wheat, twenty-seven of corn and four of oat on the market. There was a dci-saJ for everything io fight Historical Pageant Of Religious History By Sunday Schools Historical pageant representing the growth of the Sunday schools from the Hebrew period through all the stages of development until the present day, wilt be given, in Omaha at the fiftieth anniversary of the Ne braska Sunday School association in June. This pageant requires 500 partici pants, 300 in the pageant and 200 in the chorus. It was given in Chicago a few years ago and Topeka, Kan., was the next city to stage it at their fiftieth anniversary of the State Sun day School association. Other cities besides these have put on the work. Mrs. C. A. Munlemian had entire charge of the oaseant that was given in Topeka. She is now a resident of Omaha and her services have been secured to train the participants. It will require the co-operation of the Sunday schools and young people in this city and a meeting has been called of the Sunday school superin tendents and ministers of the various churches, February 4, at the Young Men's Christian association, room 316, at 2 p. m., to make preliminary arrangements. Miss Emma Lindquist, secretary-treasurer of the Douglas County Sunday School association, is arranging for the meeting. ' Bossie Fights Against Lowering Milk Standard Dairy' and Milk Inspector Bossie has gone to Lincoln to oppose a bill introduced in the house by Jensen of douglas, lowering the butterfat stand ard in cream from 18 to 16 per cent in the state. State Food Commissioner Murshell also will fight this measure. , "I know who is behind this bill and I intend- to fight it for all I am worth. Eighteen per cent is low enough for cream, but I can understand that cer tain interests would have it lowered to 16 per cent," aaid Mr. Bossie. , ; Salvation Army Man from ' : War Zone Will Talk Here Colonel Gauntlett, territorial secre tary for the country west of the Mis sissippi river foi the Salvation Army, will pay 4 visit to Omaha in the near futuie, according to a telegram re ceived by Captain John M. Paton of the local offices. Colonel Gauntlett has just re turned from the war zone, where he has spent several month j, and is said to have a fund of knowledge and facts about the great struggle which are unusually interesting. Captain Paton will immediately start to make ar rangements for the colonel's visit and wilt arrange for a speaking pro gram. .. .. Extreme Cold.Has ' ; . Caused Suffering Among the Poorer . The Salvation Army Industrial home, Eleventh and Dodge streets, is crowded to capacity these bitter cold days. "About thirty-five men in addition to our usual run, sought shelter Thursday," said Captain Kline. "Two men came in with frozen ears. They had been frozen while th men were going about coal yards and other places trying to get work. I sent them to the police surgeon for atten tion to their ears and then gave them meals and lodging." The army's wagons for collecting donations were not sent out Thurs day and Friday on account of the cold. "Mother" Brown, who has charge of the army "store, said she had five times as many applications for warm clothing Thursday as she had during the preceding two weeks. Many of these people were willing to pay small .sums, out couldn't af ford to pay the regular prices the clothing would cost new. The ex treme cold has brought in a lot of requests from poor but respectable people whose children were suffering, or who did not have warm enough clothing to wear to school. Captain Kline asks that people hav ing cast off clothing call him up so that it can be sent for. Omaha Robbers'-Victim Discovered Terribly Beaten Terribly beaten, Jeff Cocklin, Griswoll, la., automobi'e man, who came to Omaha yesterday tor a "good time," was found yesterday evening at Twelfth and Cass streets, in a gutter, half frozen and suffering from a broken leg. He was taken to St. Joseph's hos pital unconscious. His pocketsjwere turned inside out and he had no val uable possessions, indicatirg that he was the victim of robbers. . Mrs. Sholes' Heirs Ask v That Will Be Probated Heirs of 'the' late Delphina C. Sholes,' who died December 26, have filed a petition in county clerk asking that her will be probated. Mrs. Sholes. who was the widow of a one-time well s known Omaha real estate dealer, left an estate estimated to be worth $16, 000. Lewis C. Sholes of Omaha, a son, and Helen Sholes Calkins of Omaha, a daughter, were the petition ers. Other heirs are Mrs. Kate Hot comb of Rapid City, S. D., a sister, and Simeon W. Clark of Los Angeles, a brother. 'The petition asked that Edgar A. Baird be appointed execu tor of the estate. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. . i . ' . IU " Jj, .. Sk i- Ji it1 a JB Tl i t I ; l . ' : -Starts laJqirofV ; ; CMcago Sunday Tribune ; Tomorrow in the color section of the ' ' , - Chicago Sunday Tribune you'll find the opening lip installment of one of Henry Sydnor Harrison's best novels ! .. , . "Captivating Mary CarstairV'. aTainorroiir you'll be given an opportunity . to enjoy one of the season's literary fraf--a delightful, modern Amer ican romance by the famous author of "V. V.'s Eyes" and "Queed". AModWAmencaa HENRY SYDNOR HARRISON "Captivating Mary Carstairs" is a story of today. 1 It's full of life love action! It founded on fact. That's what makes it i7rrf and intorttting. Mary is nineteen; she s beautiful; she's just the sort of girl all girls "would like to be. - - i i --1 bat let Henry Sydnor Harrison teU you beut "CaptiratUg Mary Carstalrs"-4n tomorrow's Chicago Sunday Tribune. In announcing the publication of the story "Captivating Mary Carstairs" we also announce a new method of illustrating it. Each illustration will be an actual photograph, posed for by models especially selected to portray the characters. Thm character in thU ttory nan bn brought to lift and will bt$howa in photographic nality. "Captivating Mary Carstairs" has never, before been published serially. ' It will be presented for the first time serially in the Chicago Sunday Tribune itarting tomorrow. If you're a lover of real romance- If you're get red blood and a heart that can stand a throb if you're interested la reading a story of reel ON-EARTIi pwph getttomorrow'a Chicago Tribune tad read "Captivating Mary Carstairs, " Don't Miss This Remarkable Story In Tomorrow's v; CHICAGO) STOOMSf IfflMME Orfrr year OUeage &1ey Trioaad EmrtyTtltpU year neaaeWer NOW I fcKIC.NtLSUN, Wholesale Di.tribotor Chicago Tribune. Phone Douglas 61S4. ' 1618 Capitol Annua.