Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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    Are, You IntoxK
Cated 7 '.The qoestioa is
not as impertinent as it
stwnds. Ton may be steal
iccmwucrBasijcmv uno-
catMT that B, poasooed by
the leases thatcome frocn
imperfect digestion. The
products of food putrefaction
are taken op by- the blood
and often poison the entire
system. Cot oat meats and
starchy foods for" a while.
Eat Shredded Wheat with
rrrftk or cream for breakfast;
eat it with stewed fruits and
green vegetables for dinner
.or supper. ' It win core atrto
vmoxication and make a new
man of you. All the. meat
of the . whole wheat in a
digestible form.' A perfect
meal at lowest cost' Mads
at tBagara Palls, N. Y.
Casily Prevented by
Use of Cuticura
These distressing disfigurations are
prevented, in most
cases, by using Cuti
l cura Soap for every
day toilet purposes
ana ntue toucnes ot
Cuticura Ointment
as needed. If pim
ples are actually'
present, smear them
gently with Cuticura
Ointment and let it
remain on five min
utes and then wash
off with Cuticura Soap and hot water.
The mission of Cuticura is not only to
soothe and heal but to prevnt skin
troubles by keeping the pores free irom
impurities and irritation.
For Free Samples by Return Mail
address post-card: "Cuticura,Dept 28,
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
K year skin is yellow complexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you have a bad taste in your mouth a
lazy, no-good feeling you should take
Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub
stitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17, years of study
with his patients.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely, vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by their
dive color. '
To have a clear, pink .skin, bright eyes,
no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood days you must get at the cause.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the
liver and bowels like calomel yet have
no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
. itipation. That's why millions of boxes
are sold annually at 10c and 25c per
box. All druggists. Take one or two
" nightly and note the pleasing results.
For Skin Blotches
There is one remedy that seldom fails
to clear jaway all pimples, blotches and
other skin eruptions and that makes the
skin soft, clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with
mo, which generally overcomes all
skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim
ples rashes, black heads in most cases
give way to remo. Frequently, minor
blemishes disappear overnight Itching
usually stops instantly.' Zemu is a safe,
antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and
dependable. It costs only 25c; an extra
large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is
not greasy or sticky and is positively
safe for tender, sensitive skins.
The E. W. Rot Co.,, O. . ...
When the Children Cough, Rub
Musterole on Throats
and Chests
No telling now soon the symptoms may
develop into croup, or worse. And then s
when you're glad you have a jar of Mus
terole at hand to give prompt, sure re
. lief. It does not blister.
As first aid and a certain remedy,
Musterole is excellent Thousands of
mothers know it You should keep a
jar in the house, ready for instant use.
It it the remedy for adults, too. Re
lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head
ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism,
lumbago, pains and aches of back or
joints, sprains, sore muscles, chjlblains,
frosted feet and colds of the chest' (it
often prevents pneumonia).
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.,
Gives Instant Relief
Sherman's Chilblain Remedy
Giro Prompt Results
25c per bottle at the
Four Rexall Drug Stores
Nation-Wide Move to Find a
Method . to Combat the
Present H. 0. L.
"Thrift day" will be observed all
over the country today. '.
This observance of '"Thrift day"
comes as the result of inquiries to
find a method of'combating the high
cost of living, which has become such
a serious "problem in the last few
Investigation has disclosed the fact
that lack of thriftiness on the part of
a great percentage of the American
public is one of the primary reasons
for the increased cost of living.
American extravagance has in a large
way brought on the higher prices..
The American is wont to recklessly
spend large sums for luxuries. He
objects to paying big prices for neces
sities, and then unhesitatingly digs
down into the family roll to purchase
something that is strictly a luxury.
Reason for Thrift Day.
To curb this extravagant tendency
"Thrift day" was born. .A campaign
to teach the American the ten com
mandments of thrift starts on -this
day, and it is hoped the campaign Will
be so successful as to alleviate in a
large manner the suffering, or at least
the anuoyance, caused by the high
c$st of living.
When the subject of thrift is
broached the ordinary person is gen
erally inclined to interpret the term
as meaning the saving of money. But
thrift has a broader meaning than
this. A man who is thrifty does not
necessarily have to be a tightwad, so
careful of money matters that1 it is
painful both to him and to others;
who counts every penny with
thoughtful care and spends it. with
regret,dcnies himself every rightful
pleasure, wears- his clothes until they
are threadbare, eats the nUinest
foods and deposits his money in the
savings bank with clock-like regu
larity. ' , ,
To Save Consistently.
This is a narrow thrift and not a
true thrift. The man of true thrift
works hard, spends his money wisely',
not niggardly, and saves consistently.
That is true thrift. We construe the
word wrongly when we make it syn
onymous with self-denial. Thrift
means remember tomorrow, but do
not forget today.
Thrift is largely sa matter of edu
cation. By the "Thrift day" cam
paign it is hoped to teach the young
er generation that a broad and help
ful thrift is the best thing for himself
and his neighbor, and to correct' the
older generation in the mistakes it
has been making and which have had
such a big part in bringing about the
high cost of living terror.
Mrs. Sheely, Last of Pioneer
Family, Dies' of Pneumonia
Mrs. Wilhelmina Sheely, 78 years
old, and one of Omaha's territorial
pioneers, died of pneumonia Thursday
night at her home, 3717 North
Eighteenth street. Funeral services
will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock. Interment will be in Mount
Hope cemetery.
Mrs. Sheely was the widow of John
M. Sheely, the first man to own a
meat market in Omaha. It was his
brother, Joseph, who was for many
years chief of the Omaha fire depart
ment and who bilt the Sheely block.
Six children survive her:- Walter,
John, Grace, and Mrs. Jennie Schron
brun, Omaha; MrsA W. E. Merritt,
Uine Bluffs, Wyo.; Mrs. Mary Jack
son San Diego, Cal. .
Frozen Folks Ask Help' -c
From Volunteer Corps
Two of' the persons applying for
shelter at the Volunteers of America
were found to have been rather, badly
frozen.' A. Olson had his ears and
face frozen and J. Healey both feet
and hands. Emergency treatment was
given to them. It is not thought that
their cases will be serious.
, The numerous calls that poured in
upon the Volunteers of America were
for clothing Captain McCormack
gave out nearly alt his disposal, but
found a great shortage of children's
Boy Scouts Will Have
- 'Week-End Camp in Omaha
A week-endBoy Scout camp is to
be established on a thirty-twp acre
site donated for use by the Hillcrest
Land company just south of Child's
Point. It is planned to put up a num
ber of tents so that "the scout troops
can spend their week-ends there. The
tract is wooded and is an ideal place
for the scouts to practice their lore.
The scout movement Is taking a
great hold and new troops are being
formed rapidly.
Grazing Fees Will Be
Increased 25 Per Cent
. Washington, Feb. 2. An increase
of 25 per cent in the grazing fees on
alt national forests, instead of 33 1-3
per cent, as originally contemplated,
will be made for the 1917 season, Sec
retary Houston today announced.
Additional increases will be made
after March 1 next year, when the
real value of the forage upon any for
est is found to be more than the
amount "charged.
Domestic Arts Building of
Luther College is Burned
Wahoo, Neb., Feb. 2. (Special
Telegram.) Fire destroyed the music
and domestic arts building of Luther
college here list night The fire
started from a defective flue. The
Wahoo fire department and college
firemen could make no headway in
the cold. Four women teachers who
roomed in the building were unin
jured, but lost their belongings. The
loss, $6,000, is cover 'd by insurance.
Tired, Arhlng Muoclee Keller!.
Sloan's Liniment lightly applied, a little
quiet end your aoreneae dlaappeara like
magic dot a ISc pottle todar. All drug
flHte. Adrertleement.
Frohi Our Near Neighbors
lira. Ros Khtam of Hei-tnted is Bpandliis
lb week with relatives horn.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MM! were vtalUuv
relatives at Alvt tat Unnda.
Austin B. Iiewton nan returned from a
vuit with rviattvra at Barry. Ill
Q. W. Rrnaiaalo loft for Chappel the first
of the week for a few weeks' stay.
C. O. HoMenberver and H Mick I wr
Weeping Water visltvra Monday evenlnr
Mm. o. w. Breaxeale left the first of the
week for a visit with relative at Phelp,
Mr. and Mrs. John Brerett, ana, Oharlea,
and daughter, leoooa, were at Union Toee
day. '
Mrs. H", C. .Anderson and Mrs. Anna
HaiKhjnan were visiting at Omaha this
Hn. b. A. ttlller enjoyed a TiMt from
her mother, who reatdea at Brock, the flrei
ot the week.
Mr. and Mm. W. J. Bhannahan left the
first of the week for a vlalt with relatives
in California.
The ladles' auxiliary of the Ami Ceme
tery, asttorlatfon met with Mrs, Stmoit Friday,
Misses Villa and Elsie Oanen were at
Murra.the first of the week attending tbjD
funeral of a relative.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Ztmrnerer and Mr.
and Mrs. U. I). Maneman were In Omaha
several dayr this week.
Mrs. Louise allien is here from Council
Bluffs, la., for a visit with her parents,
air. and Mrs. F. W. Ruhge. l
" toringflcM.
Mrs. Solomon Zeerlan went bark to Los
Angales after a two months' stay here,
Charles Tielfold of Fairfax, S, D., Is
visiting William Wltnusa. .
J. K. Jarman vtktted his daughter In
Hastings the last of the week. , ;
M Ins Mabel Rrtsley of Fairmont Is visit
ing Mr. and Mm. I A. Bates. t N
Ed Armstrong of Brunswick, who has
beeen visiting relatives here, left for home
Wednesday.. . . " . X
County Assessor T. J. Wright attended
the meeting of the county assessors at Lin
coln this week. ' , . -
Mrs. William Wltmus, sr., of -Fairfax, 8.
D., Is visiting at tha borne, of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Charles K ram back, ' , , ,
Miss Elisabeth Thomson was called to
her home in Osage City, Kan., last Satur
day by tmr announcement of the tfaith of
her mother. ' .
Henry Zimmerman died at his late home
tn Held, N. D., on the 3Xth. and was
brought here for burial last Monjlny. He
was a resident In this vicinity several years.
Mrs. W. B, Weekly visited tn Benson last
, Mr. and Mrs. Holcom of Buffalo, N.' T
visited Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Itesun last week.
Miss Harriet Wahlgren went to Omaha
Thursday morning, MIm Cork. Miss Ander
son, to Lincoln, Miss Hanna, to Falls City,
and R, N. Hagerty, to Geneva.
The members of the First Baptist church
gave a very enjoyable farewell surprise party
at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryitrom
last- week. Mr. Bystrom has leased land
at Comstock, 'Neb., and the, family will
leave before March 1.' t
Tha home of Iter, and Mrs. Hasselblad
was the scene of a quiet wedding Wednes
day, when their eldest daughter. Eugenia
Arthurdale, was united In marriage to Gttjj
Caldwell of Sheridan, Wyo Rev. HasselbladX
read the marriage lines at 10 a. m, uniy
relatives and Intimate friends were In at
tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell were both
residents of Valley for many years. They
left at once for Sheridan, Wyo., to maks
their home.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. B. T.
Hughes Wednesday.
Mrs. Hans Peters returned to her home
at Red Oak, la., after a short vlalt with
relatives and friends here.
William Hughea has given p his work
at the Lincoln Commercial college to ac
cept a position In a bank at Verdon.
Misa Lydta. Helnen, who Is studying thir
st ng at the Nicholas 8nn hospital In Oma
ha, spent Saturday visiting friends here.
Mrs. Dr. Moon of Omaha visited friends
here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Moon waa
formerly Miss Verda Sanborne of Gretna.
Tom Proctor, who Is suffering from blood
poisoning caused from a cut tn the hand,
was takes to an Omaha hospital Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bremors and son
of Omaha -visited Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Bremen' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hughes. .
Weeping Water.
Bay Krelder and family moved to Rock
port, Mo., the first of the week, making the
trio oVerland.
E. M. Pollard of Nehawka addressed a
meeting of the Congregational brotherhood
Tuesday night
John Bogard of Avoca, visited here the
first of the week on his way to Oskaloosa
and Mason City, la.
Miss Anna Nye of Lincoln visited three
days the first of the week at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Henry Crosier.
Homer Jameson left the first of tha week
with a ear of household goods and imple
ments for their future home, near Or, Neb.
Henry Meyers was on the Sooth Omaha
market Tuesday with a car of thirty-five
hags that sold for $11.40, bringing him the
total of tl.680.
News has been received of the birth of
a son to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Taylor at
Cbtnook, Mont. Mrs. Taylor was formerly
Miss Lillian Leonard of this place.
A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Denver
Carpenter Tuesday. .
Miss Kffa McClure of tpmaha visited
friends here Sunday. -
Mike Dowd of Omaha was a guest ot
Mrs. Louis Leeuler Friday,
Frans Marth dlfd last Friday at Savan
nah, Mo., where 'he had gone for treat-
The Average Man
Has a surplus above his regular require
ments. The best way to use this money is to
invest it in a company of good financial
standing who are building for the future.
' The L. V. Nicholas Company Js a western or
ganization conducted along typically western
lines and ideals. Our development speaks for
We are a NEBRASKA firm with the desire to .
hare our stock owned by NEBRASKANS, to do '
business in the western manner, and giro the'
small man a chance. We are offering one to ten
shares of capital stock at $100 per share.
The L. V. Nicholas Oil Company,
Grain Exchange Building, Omaha,
meet for eaaear. Flsnarat i lues wire
held bar Muaday at Use Frtodea Lutheran
The local lodge, Xnlgtata of Pythias, at
tended lodge la Omaha Monday night.
Dr. and Mr. A. A. Crandall of Omahu
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jv T.
Gate wood. .
The Oerman MethodtarV will spend $4,v(Mt
on remodeling anT enlarging their cbareh
In the next few weeks. . '
Mlas Margery Thornton of Anna, la., ar
rived Wednesday for several days' visit
with former rapt l lion friends.
The evbnlng meeting of the Woman's
olub was held Wednesday avenlng at the
Presbyterian rhurch and at the home of
Mrs. K K. Ntckerson. The program was
given at the church, after which there was
a social hour and refreshment served at
Mrs. Nick ron'e. Mrs. C. T. Pike read a
splendid paper on "Some of the Ways in
Which Nebraska Spends Its Money." which
she 1 1 last rated by stereoptlcon slides. Mrs.
C B. Tower playrd a piano solo and Mrs.
C. F. King sang.
Coal Supply Not
Heavy, but Little
, Fear Expressed
While the local coal situation is not
alarming, there is no large supply on
hand in the city. The intense cold
weather of the last week has rapidly
exhausted the. surplus stocks and a
good many of the dealers arc Inaking
their sales dfrect from the cars that
re brought in daily by trains from
the south and cast. .
The bins of the dealers are practi
cally empty of some grades of coal
and customers are forced in many in
stances to take about anything they
can get. The demand during the last
week has been enormous, dealers as-
serting that the men and teams have (
been worked vertime to fill the
orders. -
There is a growing .shortage in !
steam coal, used in the big plants.
but no famine in this grade of fuel is
anticipated if the roads operating into :
the southern and Iowa and Illinois i
mines are kept open. Four to six j
coal trains are arriving daily and the j
stock coming on these is sufficient to i
supply the demand. ' j
Says Negroes "Rode Him j
Through Floor;" Is Freed!
Failure on the part of represents j
tives of the Rome hotel to appear I
against him has resulted in the dis j
missal of assault and battery charges
against F. C. Schultz, salesman, who
lives at 405 South Sixteenth street. !
Schultz was arrested as the result of
an altercation in the Rome hotel
"Vineyard." In police court he said
several negro waiters at the "Vine
yard" were instructed to put him
out. but that instead "thev rode him
through the floor."
of mn't women's and children'i
clothing, v
BEDDEO Douglas St
The Crime .
of tha Age
Is committed erscy day
the use
of wrong
glasses. I will examine
your eyea and fit them
properly. If you have
not the ready oaaa, you
can arrange to make It tn aarmmta,
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dr. j. t. McCarthy
Give your Want Ad a chance to
make good. Run it in The Bee.
.1 y '
W u f
Manhattan Shirts
$1.75 Shirts
$2.25 Shirts
$3.00, Shirts
$4.00 'Shirts
$5.00 Shirts
$6.00 Shirt
Sweaters, $1.45
$1.50 heavy cotton
Union Suits. 95?
$.1.00 heavy cotton
Union Suits. 78?
$1.50 Madras Shirts
$1.00 Madras Shirts
Extra valuta,
priced, at-
Orchard 5v Wilhelm Co.
I 414-16-18 South 16th Street
You Can Choose Best Where There Is Most
Discontinued and Broken
Lots of Fumed and Golden
Oak Dining Room Chairs
Reduced One-Fourth, One-third
end ee much aa One-Helf
Complete sets of 6 chairs of
a few styles. Single chairs only
of others.
Saturday Special
Folding Card Tables
Felt or imitation leather top.
each $2.00
A few slightly marred tables
greatly reduced. '
To Move Quickly We Have
Priced The$e Few Items in
Our House Furnishing
Section As Shown:
12.71) Folding Wringer Benches . . . . $2.28
S2..0 Pari Ironing Board $1.35
50c Vacuum Hand Waahera 35c
11.21 (-ft. Clothe Rack. Sefold Oc
IS. 26 Square and round willow hamper,
for- . .t .2M
4.00 Square end round willow hamper.
for $3.45
14.76 Square and Tound willow hampers,
for 3M
$2.76 Square aed round willow hamper.
for $2.45
16.00 Triangular willow hamper. .$4-45
$6.71 Triangular willow hamper. .$5.25
90c Clothea baiket. . . S5c
One Only Demonstration
O. K. Electric Washing
$50 Value, Special $40
Electric Iron
Regular $3.50 Value
For Saturday Selling $2.25
Occidental Building and Loan Association Pays 6 Per Cent Quarterly
ASSETS $5,000,000 . Dividends SURPLUS $180,000
322 South Eighteenth Street '
'JOHN F. FLACK, President; R. A. McEACHRON, Vice President: GEO. C. FLACK, Treasurer. ; ' ; .
G. N. B0VELL, Secretary; JOHN T. BROWNLEE, Assistant Secretarv. '
Tremendous Saving
Opportunity is
6ft E
After-Inventory Redactions
' of Great Interest
It's the greatest collection of high-grade
hand-tailored fine clothing in the middle west.'
Our windows are an example of what to
expect and get.
t I,,,
.Boys' Overcoats and
Broken lines of Over
coats that sold up to $5;
sizes to (j years
The greatest value ever shown m
Omaha; $5 to $6 values, now at
To Choose From
This is a store filled with striking examples of furniture that is
attractive, well built and inexpensive. Such types as the iable il
lustrated shown tn great variety.
The English Brown Mahogany Finish predominates, Davenports,
Chairs and Rockers to match, giving consistency to your rooms that
is very pleasing Furniture in good taste need not "be extravagant
in price. ' For example, the table illustrated is priced at $26.00.
Special Odd Pieces
At Special Prices
l8.00 Soil j Maheaanr Chiffonier. Co
lonial if roll deibre S44.00
179.0. Solid Mahogany low-bor or
ebeet of drawer. ......... .S3SJO
$74.00 Old Ivory Dreeier, very quaint
Colonial trpe ..137.00
IfiO.OO Mahogany Hall Seal, large mir
ror above with hat and eoet hooka,
for S3S.0
172.00 Solid Mahogany Dreeaer, large
mirror SS2.00
70.00 Solid Mahogany Settee, beantl.
fully carved $MM
l70.mrSo!ld Mahogany Morrla Chair,
fo HO.00
127.50 Mahogany Dreeaer $21.00
5.00 Mahogany Settee S3S.0O
$80.00 Mahogany overetuffed, Upee
try covered Davenport $704)0
Saturday Specials
, Carpet-Made Rugs x
These are made up from rem
nants of carpets, all sized and
bound so they make excellent rugs.
Priced at less than first cost of the
materials used in the making. A
partial list only.
9x10-6 Red Tapestry Rug. .$3.50
9x9 Green Velvet Rug $4.50'
9x12 Brown and Green Tapestry'
Rug i $13.50
9x11 Oriental Brown Tapestry
Rug $12.60
'6-9x8 Brown Body Brussels Rug,
for $13.95
7- 6x9 Green Tapestry Rug. $12.60
6x9 Best Body Brussels Rug,
for $14.95
9-9x19 Delph Blue Tapestry Rug,
for . ., ..: $15.50
4-6x8 Red Velvet Rug $50
8- 3x10-6 Tapestry Axminster Rug,
for ..$16.95
Knocking at
your door
o : .
-Hall Oil
, Broken lines of Over
coats that sold up to $10;
sizes to 17 years
Winter Caps
and Hats
That Sold at 50c
and TBc
Close-Out Pieces of
Suitable for wedding, birthday or
graduation gifta. The former price
we will not enention, bat euffU-e to
ay the price we quote la far below
Juat eoet Yon ehould anticipate yoar
near future need, in tbie inetanee.
For example N
A Solid Mahogany Inlaid Tea Table
with aeparato glaae bottom tray.
at $10.00
Othera, at $12.00
Inlaid Solid Mahogany Sewtng Table.
Sheraton atyle, at.$l$-00 and $2040
Sheraton Mahogany Drop Leaf Tea
Table, at $10.00
Solid Mahogany M of fin Tray.. $10.00
Solid Mahogany Tea Tray $3.00
Inlaid Mahogany Bridge Set Case,
for $7.50
Solid Mahogany Candle Holder. $1.00
Solid Mahogany Traya, at 3.00,4.00,
$7 JO and ..$1040
All 1 and 2-Pair Lots
Lace, Scrim, Net Curtains,
Over 30 Styles, at Half
Price and Less
1 40 Styles Imported and Domestic
Cretonnes, up to 80 yards of a
pattern, values to 75c yard, for
15c yard.
Nulace Voile, white and -ecru -with
rose, blue and brown borders,
in curtain length patterns; regu
lar $1.75 values, reduced to 95c
a curtain, or $1.90 pair.
Drapery Remnants
Marked for final clearance.
Values to $1.25, for 9c each. ,
Values to $5.00, for 95c each.
Vacuum Carpet Sweepers
A few that are slightly shop
worn. Values up to $9.00 each. As
they are, for $1.60, $3.75 . and
$6.00 each. y
Give your Want Ad a chance p
makc good. Run it in The Bee. '