XT i ' THE BEE: OMAHA, FEBRUARY , 1917. ' '" ' . . " i - ..r.a.-r-r. nunc I fad urni- RnnMS . FOR RENT HOUSES Bee Want-Ads .. ; MOVIE PROGRAM. rml rfMhfi ml Um. knit Metis Fk Kn ItaUn In Omaha. (Chaw Pally.) North. . DIAMOND, S4TH AMD LAKE . - RICHARD TRAVEB8. IN. "AMONG THOSE PRESENT." ' 1STH AND BINNEY FOURTKKNTH CHAPTER OF "THE SHIELDING SHADOW." A KEYSTONE CUMKIJI. HIPPODROME, SSTH AND CITHIU . A BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAY. HERBERT HENLEY AND . GERTRUDE SELBY - In "The sign of the Poppy. LOTHROP. 34TH AND LOTHROP "LOTHROP LAFF CLUB.' COME AND CHA3B AWAY THE BI.UE8, South. APOLLO, S6TH AND LEAVENWORTH CARLYLE BLACK WELL AND flATT. KANE In "ON DAjEROUJRqirNa'' BOULEVARD, I3D AND LEAVENWORTH EMMY WKHltEN. IN "THE PRETENDERS." lOHLKPl J LEAVENWORTH DOUGLAS 'fAIRBANKS, "AMERICAN ARISTOCRACY" West JNROE. 3666 FARNAM "CHARITY." PROFITS OF THIS WILL OO TO THE HOUSE OF HOPE South Side. ORPHKUM, . 34TH AND M MAROUERITA FISHER In A BEAUTIFUL PLAY. - "THE BUTTERFLY GIRL." DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. KEMP Lena M., aged 32 yean, February . 1, 1818. Funeral aervlce. Saturday afternoon, a. m.. Swanson'e rbapel, 2304 Cuming. ' interment. Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends welrome. . ' VtARRATT Edward A., aaed 38 years. Funeral Monday morning. February 6, 1 At 1:3 a. m. to1 St. Cecelia's church, at : 6 a. m. Interment, Holy Sepulcber cent v ' tery, i m CARD OF THANKS. I WISH TO" THANK my many friend for lh ktndnee siid sympathy shown .during th Illness and death of iny beloved hus . band, and also for th many beauur.il : floral onoringa. unit. i j. jupij-b, FLORISTS. BICST GUALITT CUT FLOW BBS plsnt. Art eomWnatloM shipped every- whra Excellent service to our custom am In naat years recommends. HESS SWOROOA. 1416 Farnim St. Dong. 1601. LARGEST A8SORTMKNT Of fresh flowers, delivered or snippen anywnere. , ; PERSON, 1611 Farnam St. Doug. 1238. Fontanel) Florist. LIE L. LARMON 1114 Doaglsg Bt. Douglas 8244, PARKER Flower shop, 411 S. Ul'... D. 3103, A. DONAOHUE, 1833 Harney. Doug. 1001 BATH, National Florist, U4 Farnam St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HUI.8B & riepen, undertakers and em. balmers. 181 S. 18th St. Douglas 1218. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, embalmers and fu neral directors. 117 R. 18th St. Tyler 1878. FRATERNAL ORDERS. " CROUNSB HALL. , Opposlta postoffloe, New hall for lodg. meetings and dances. Kxcenenl Boor. TOUNO si DOHERTY. 231 BrandeliT Theater Bids. Douf. 1171. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed havot been Issued to the to) lowing: Name ..fcd Residence. Age. Jnhn T. Vanman, Oreon. la 24 Iaurttta Ashton, Orson, la,.. .,,.. II John Vacih, Otnihi 27 Mary Bhtpp, Omaha... 18 Frank Kantof. Jr., Omaha.,......,..,, 24 Mary Masy, Omaha. , 31 William L. Hawkins. Omaba. Alami Perhausky, Omaha...,,......,., 21 BurneM A. Nlsley, Omih.,,,.,,,lt(H 23 Lorene K. Murphy. Oroahai. Si Jerome Toombs, Orson, la......... over 21 MolEle Jonea, Orson, la, .w... ......over II BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Morris and Qlttel Brody. 1784 worth Twenty.wventh, boyj Harry and aiary uaiia(ner, 17.1 North Eleventh, flrl John and Florence Fuohs. 2314 South Twen, ty.seventn. bovi Steve and Bertha Rardnev. 4611 North Seventeenth, hoy; Stephen and Allc. O'Connor. 2722 North Thlrtv.elahth. hoy; Edward and Llbbl. Mach, 1714 South Siivrvnin. airi. -a Deaths Lea Boyle, 88. 1141 South Elaht Mnth; Mrs, Lona Cooper, 13, hospital; Anna HMl.rmau. 18, hospital; Hugh Kinsley. 71, hospital; Carl Peterson, It, hospital; Ed ward J, Wood bourne. 24, Hammond, Ind.l A S. Jensen, 81, 4822 South Thirty-third; Mary Bats. 48, 3118 Blondo. f BUIXDINQ PERMITS. The following building permits have been Issued: John M. Kemp. 1S81 South Twenty-first avenue, frame dwelling, X,i60, John U. Kemp, 1SU South Twenty-fifth avenue, frame dwelling. 1,00; T. Undborg, Sttl Myrtle avenue, frame dwelling, 13,009; Frank Chandler. MOO South Thirty-first, frame stucco dwelling, 91.100. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS - t OliABA dOUNCIl, BI.I Fit BThBBT" , RAILWAY COHPAMT. Parson, having lost som. aftlel. would ' 4. well to call up the otflca ol the Omaha 4 Council Bluff. Street R.llw.r oompaoy : to aecertala arlu.Uur.Uwr Lit It In tih 4 .treet car. - Maey .rtlole.-Mob-d.r ar. turned la - .nd th. oompany 1. anaioua to laator. then t. u. rtgbtful .wnera. ru ' Trier I... . , J-OST Saturday, bundle of soiled laundry, tied In sheet, south of Leavenworth St. Call Doug, IrSIT Sunday or evenings,- or uoug. bii weak. days. Be warn. LOST Saturday afternoon, near Auditorium, , ladnjf gold huntlng-cas watch; initials E, L. Reward. Notify A. J. Jackson. ITlh and Leavenworth Bts, LOST, two diamond rinse In plush hot, be twees Carter Lake club and down town. Hi reward If returned ta Ed holm's jewelry store. . . LOUT Purse containing name, Virginia White; and other Items; finder call Wal- not WOl. ! .; "FOTJiSfD- anttarr ' Soda Fountain. SREBirS PH ARM ACT, lth and Howard. LOST Pair of glasses between 5th and Patrick. Ave. and 11th and Douglas. Re turn to emergency hospital.' Reward. L( .mit K 'nit ' hs nd ber on tain In g Insurance pollry and bank book. Phone Boulh sell. LltThepherd dog, j ears. Tyler IBJ0, white, with Reward, brawn FOR SALE1 Mic4illrMKut Furniture and Houseliold Goods. ECONOMT BALB By purchasing your fur. nttuea where your mny goes the far thest, 'Our good are.rr barsalns at th prices we aoota. Don't take our word, all we ask Is that ysu come and see. The -TAT IS PURNITURB CO., Utfc and Dodge ta. Dangiaa yian. - , THIS ORSJATKST QAIN MJM la paid want ads aver mad by any Omaha paper, la the rveard ot TUS OMAHA BKB for lilt. 1 BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATsl MONKT RAIHINO KALB. $!. stock rf (amtture, ruga, Unahmm, , alt kUkda of tedding, complete Ua of heus fumlsblnffs. l.a-l47 N 14th. Tei Weh. T. Open TjIS a. m. till 11 p. WRITE for UhMtrated foldwr of rugs, made from oarpeta. Prehrht paid. . Li boo la Rag Factory, uneoin. Men. bTOVBfl, ALL KINDS. Se us first. Prless right. City Pumttore Co., i7 B. 141b. Loyal Furniture Co.. 1X1 N. Kth St FOR SALE-HStogl bed Cheap. ; ( 1271. Phone Wal FOR SALE Miscellaneous Pianos and Musical Instruments. . - Piano Bargain 8&ft8 Steser A Son.' piano. Not a mark on It. Beautiful case; on sale Saturday, 1150, at Mickel's Nebraska Cycle Co., Uth and Harney Street.. NKARI.T new 8460 Schmoller Mueller piano; price 1200. 5(11 B. 33d at. rnone o. 3411. Sewing Machines. "SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair. Mil needles and part. .2 .11 sewing macnine MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Mtb nd Harney Sta. Doug. 18.2. Billiards i iards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALEBILLIARD TABLES. . Brand new. carom and pocket, wun eompiet. outfit. 1188; second-band table, .t re duced prices; bowling alloys and supplied; ...... ..vniali. Claar store natures a ancclalty. Send 'or catalogue. THK brun8wick-balke-colu:ndbii co. 427-481 South 18th M "Typewriters and Supplies. wkw nu,rhinea sold the same aa rent tl per month. He. u. oeroro you our r rant. Shipped any place on ten dayr free irl.l. Butts' Typewrltw Bachange, 418 . 18th St., Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS ld. rented and repaired. Ri an uiiver lyoownier inoitiua w 5. Central Typewriting . Bachange, 1182 RKuiHfimNfL Idonarchs and SmTth Pre, mtera for foot; sent anywnere. neuiinsMM Typewriting company. ntlARANTEED typewriters, 258 up. Writ. for list. Midland Typ. uo.. "s. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., i.Ua PJbllo Steno. Phone lor prices, umi" B48 Paxton Blk. GET our prices on Job printing. UNITEl D1AIH fftlf Bee Blda. Douglas 1171. WATfcRS-BARNHARDT Pt. Co., quality printing. Tel. Bw2j2a . . "' "- ""Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON F.LBCTRICAI. WORKS, 218-28 So. 12tW St., Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, gss engines. pipes Oross wrecking t:o jus fuming. U Harness, Saddles, Traveling Goods WB MAKR them ourselves, .nd etl direct to oonsumsr, no mioaie man s proni. u pay two profit, for inferior good, when you can got htgh-rrd good, - at Ant M"" ALFRED CORNISH sV CO.! ' - 1210 F.rnam St., Omaha. Neb. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. a 1.1. irOR too POST PAID. lo paeket. of mods, 8 Icicle Radish, I Grand Rapids Lettuce, 2 Early Beets, 1 Stone Tomatoes. Rush your order, a P. Conklln, Fremont, Neb. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt .nd hair met- trosse. made over in new ucss m Ui. pric. ot new one All your w. feathers back when we renovste. 1807 Cuming St. , Dougla. 848L t DESKS, sates so.le., showcases, shelving, to. We buy, sen. umana naiura ana Supply Co., 414-14-H 8, 11th. Doug. 8724. ONE Iron stand and SO Job typ. cases. cheap. U. B. printing wo. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACMB BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 18SJ. FOR SALE 1,000 bushels Early O.hlo po tatoes. Benson soi-J. . L. C. SMITH typewriter, almost new. Douglas 8KB, SALTr1.78 bbl. A. WW.gnsr, 601 N. 16th. SWAPPERS' COLUMN swap or buy kodaks; films 6evelopd free; one-day service.. Kase Kodak Studio. N.vllle Blk.. 16th' and Harney. WHAT have you to trade on a practically new latest model Staffer sewing machine. Box J34. Be.. i RARE old violin. woTth I1S0. to swap for cornet of standard make. Must bo in first' clans condition. Box 71, Bee. X LITTLB AD In this column will bring about aome remarkable e-hsnaa. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED A LETTER COt' PRESS. - Handling papers, 6,xl4. Give particu lars. Address Box lit, runerwn, iep. NTtrnrrtM A T , Pay. Highest Prices UUil ltlrt-it for Furniture, Rugs. Clothe.,, Pianos ORIca Furniture, Trunks. Shoes, Douglas 9871. Res, Webster 4204. DESKS DESKS , DESKS Kw dPBliB, uncd desks, botight, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. 1). I14C. PMVTMQ py highest price for XiN CLiVi O clothes, shoes, trunks, etc. Red mT, Res., Douglas 8038. Trrul i T P'. ,ul1 ".'"b ,or fufnitlre, ROUM MAN tll klnd, 4 mens do, D. 6366, WANTED To buy I whita barber chalr mirrors and natures. 8828 Leavenworth. ONE "CKBTQIta" born popper In good live town. Tel. rolls 1888 or Box an. nee. ANNOUNCEMENTS AceountintK. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. MR Ramge Bldg. Rhone Doug. ni Hrast and Iron Foundriea. Paxten-MIUhell Co., 7th and Martha Sts. Bakeries. ORT MAN'S - NEW UNO LAND BAKKRY. Jrt N. WTH BRANCH KS PUBLIC MARKKT AND 1IAYDKN BROTHKR9. OUR MOTTO "BKTTKR BAKBP GOODS." CAKKS. pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments, & H, Reeder, 1600 N. 10th. W. mi, Bathi. ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS, The only absolutely sanitary bath. Highly recommended by physicians. Staats Institute, H0S Harney St, D. 7017. Open evenings and Sundays. DR. BKN DA Sulphur, stesm, Modern Turk Ish BATHS AND MASH AUK, Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants, lilt Farnam. rhone I'oug. bill. BITTBNIIOUSK sanitarium, all kinds baths. Jlfi-IH Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. Qerman nurse, maseage, baibs of all kinds. Ill Neville Block. 16th and Harney. - Carpenters and Contractors. LESSAKD A SON. aJ21 Cuming. Tyler Mil. Chiropodists. Carrie 3. Burford, Paxton Blk. Red U&7. Chiropractic. Dra. Johnston, 1324 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 6SS. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. burhorn, Kose J5ldg. Palmer srhool graduate; Doug. a7. r Dr. J. C. Lwrnce. Balrd Bldg. D. Ml Dr. Frances Dawson, 60J-3 Rose Bid. T. S3U. Drs, S, A L Billlngham Crelghton Blk. D.750I Dancins Academy. T TTVl? HALL TUKK, THtlftS. UEd LUAU SAT., SUN. EVE. SCHOOL MOM. BVB. Ml 8. 18th St., Op. Fontenelle, Dentists. No pain. Ill Dr. Bradbury. W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Dent. Rms.. J08 Rose Bldg. p. 3181 . Detectives. Private detective, evidence secured, all canes. strictly confidential, uov, rer, Flo. Mb. JAMES ALLAN, 312 N -villa Blk. Evtdenoe secured In all cases, Tyler U8e. Interstate Detective . Ass'a, 433 Ramge Bldg, . - . Dressmaking. 7- Sewing by day. 1113 Wust. Webster 161 MraTR. A. Connelly. 3M Balro Bldg. D. 1791 Terry Dreswmak'g Co.. gth and Farnam. LA rniiurts"Te modeled" lougia4tl8.' BBWINO DAT OR WRKK. TVLEB ttt, Electric Repairs. ELECTRIC REPAIR, phowe us your trouhlca New Automobile ump uo. iug. Mae. ANNOUNCEMENTS SITUATIONS WAN l lu i ntur ni.-"- i . . rr. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, stde, knlfe.A sunburst, boa pleating1, covered buttons, all sues styles, hemstitching-, plcol edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut worK, buttonholes, pennante. IDEAD BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1838. VAN ARMAN Dress Plestlng and Button Co.. 3.18-7 Paiton Blk. Doug. 8108. Accor dion, knife, side, space,' box, sunburst and combination pleating, hemstitching, picot edging, pinking, niching, covering but tons, alt styles and all sites. Price list free. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, Cov. Buttons. Hemstitching. Neo. rieanna and Button Co., 431-2 Paxton Blk. R. 4242. Fixtures and Wiring. TtTTTJVTKr Electric washing machines. xs itxa.Aai eleetrioj Irons and reading lamps. J223 Cumlng'St. Douglas zmi Furnace Cleaning. BORNEMAN, fur., chlm. cleaning. P. 7238 Hair Dressing IDEAL Hair Parlors, 287 Balrd Bldg. Manl- cunng, toilet articles. Douglas bibo. Insurance. -BANKERS LIFE -JF LINCOLN. 13-14 City Natl. Bank B'dg. Doug. 2818. Job Printing. GATE CITY Printing Co., hlgh-grad. print ing. 2521 N. 24th. Phone wen. iJ. - Masseures, SWEDISH and muscular masssge, electric treatment of all kinds. Staats Institute, 1506 Harney St. Douglas 7887, Open ev enings and Sundays. Msasage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, 208-14 Balrd Bldg., 17th Douglas, u. 3.. Marie Gelger. R. 228 Neville Blk MISS LILLY Massage, baths. 1322 Farn'm. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bourht and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 583 uranoeia. u. e.si. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING and cleaning, 50c per room and up. Wo clean carpets in your home with out removing sama, II per rug and up. ,Webster 2863. CALL Charles Roadh for paper hanalng and Interior decorating. Douglas 3380. Pianos for Rent. IJ.20 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 161! Douglaa. Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST' stock of costumes tor theatricals and masquerades In the country for sale or rent Lieben ft son. 1D14 Howard. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for rent. 204 N. nth. John Feldman. u. aias. Towel SuDDlies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 828 Weddine Stationery. WKDD1NO announcement, and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Doug. .44. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1808 FARNAM. BURROUGHS CAFE, OMAHA, NEB. (Service), LINCOLN. NEB, 316 8. 16th tn, im b- inn BU BUSINESS CHANCES PUBLIC SALE. At Iraurel, Neb., 'Wedneiitlay, February T, at t P. in., one door south of Lemanj Unt.l ntnek nf rrrtcerlrts- ahoaa over alls and other furnishings; also flitures. Invoices 92,600. Store will be open Tiies day morning, renruary s, until sai Right to roject any and all bids ls c served. PKTBR BALKKMA, Trustee, 801 Trimble Building. Sioux City, Iowa. TO Bit. SOLD at public auction- In lump at 10 o clock Saturday morning, Feb. Auto repair shop bargain. Very close In J treat front. 210 South Hth BL, Omaha, leb. Low rent, small stock accessories. Drill press, - forge, vices, anvil, gas weld, inff outfit, chain blocks, and large assort ment of taps, dies, drills and other small tools; also Includes good service car tool room. I nt.ng. etc. isverytning reaay. Owner haa other business, must sell at once. Bplendsd chance for a good me chanic, - r . HIOIIKBT SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of mevohandlso, In city or country t oulck action. OMAHA BALVAH Ca. .. HQ Omaha Nat. Bank Bid., Tel. Douglas 1832. - SS.600 BUYS Chloago corner saloon; lease, license, stock and fixtures. Club attached, WUl stand closest Investigation, Oood rea- son for selling. Chas. Crawley, S1W W Uadlaon St.. Chtcaao. 111. OOOD BUSINESS OPENINOS On the South Side, If for sale, are reas onable In price and are worth while, you may be sure are listed exclusively with the SOUTH OMAHA iW VHBi MEiNT 4135 8. 24tb St. Phone pouth 1147, , TELEGRAPH COLLEGE For sale, doing good business, $300 cash wilt handle. Oood opening. Nebraska Telegraph College, Lincoln. Neb. POR SAl,BJ Good, clean stock of hard' ware; live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. . Be quick. Address T 267. Bee. - TO'.OKT In or out of business In SOUTH t OMAHA call at SOUTH UUAHA INVWr MKNT CO. 412b South 2Sth. South 134T. TALKING UXCH INB M ANUF ACTURER8 I have a talking machine patent that will Interest you. write Hans a. neve, Haj oonk. la. FOR SALB ""aronj Equipment av"behch tools tor auto wpftr worK, mciuuing Bowser 406-gallon tank and pump, Ad dress C. W. Kay, Craig, Neb. - FOR BALK A profltable-mllltnery business in a town or anout uv, no oompeuuon. Fine country trade, Reasonable rent. Write. Ona B. Kuee, Cook, Neb. LOC AT ION-In formation regarding a fin location in rb,, can bo bail by aaaress lng Box T 88, Bee. MOTION picture machines (new and re built), theaters, suppuea. umana mm Bxchange. 108 B. 14th Bt COMPLETE fixtures of 1 -chair barber shop. very reasonable. Miller Hotel, South Omaha. Phone South IMS. WB BUT, we sell motion picture theaters. machines, feature fllms, co-operativs Film and Supply Co.. lit B.omtey Bldg. FOR SALE Owing to severe sickness my drug stock Tor sale at a Dig sacrincs. Eckerman, 34th and A Sts. Phone B. HI. FOR BALK CHEAP. One bowling alleys In good order. For tnformauon writ H. AlvenkleL Vail, la; WILLIAMS. asUbllehed SI years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 MoCague Bldg. Reference, U. B. National Bank. DOWD Sals and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mora mdse. stoeks than any ther firm in U. S, Write for term JF YOtTwant to' sell or buy a business or rooming house can on suscn HorgnotT, 710 World-Herald Bldg.. Phone D. 1311- FOR SALE Five-chair barber shop In town of 6,000. best location In town and doing goon business.- box rise. nee. STATE proposition for auto accessory; you can t help but make money. Calhoun, l'tt Howard. TO GET in or out of business call on GANG EST AD. 421 Bee Bldg. Doug34TJ, GUARANTY PLAN: get tn or out business. All states. F. V. Knieat, Bee Bldg,. umana. 36-ROOM hotel for bale or trade. Box Y 126, Bee. WANT Job printing plant to move to small town. Canan, Mct-ague Pidg. PROFITABLE office business, cheap; small capital required; Investigate. Red 5790, Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSKS. all sites, great bar gains. 411 Rose Bldg. rnona Tyier ssi. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, PER LINE. Business ads. regular rates; t lines on wek, 46 I lines one week. ...... lee Each extra Una ......30e per week Male. MARRIED man wants job lb blacksmith shop; yar around, alia round man, age 3ft. No, beoter. Write P. O, Box t, Cali fornia Jet, la. CAPABLE salesman with twelve years' traveling and executive experience, wants to represent flrst'C.ass eoneem In Colo rado; best of references: will be in Omaha for personal Interview about Feb ruary 6. Address Julius UL Goulb, 3319 Pleasant Ave., Minneapolis.'' Minn. MARRIED MAN wants employment as farm .manager in Nebraska; farmed In Kansas, also Illinois; confident I can glva good aervlee; reference furnished; good wages xpectod; write particulars. C. C Car mack, Salem. Ind. ' - EXPERIENCED salesman wants position as traveling or city salesman; beat of refer- Hox 293. Bee. Wi NT ED Work by man and wit on th farm or to run farm on shams; aged 13 llir. Box 172, Douglaa, Neb. ( InSijB work, middle-aged man; handy W4JH toU er machinery. Web. lill. Male. FIRST CLASS butcher want, steady posi tion. References furnlsnon. narney avo.. WANTED To manage a farm, married, can give references. Box 143, Herman, rep. WANTED General Job work of all kind. 26c per hour and up. Webster zwb. ASHES or all kinds of hauling- Tyler 2582. Female. WIDOW with one child desires permanent poaltlon as housekeeper. 8210 ttortn soin St., Omaha. . THE BKE charge for "Situation ads is lower than any other form ox aaverusin. not enough to cover the coat ot printing. EXPERIENCED colored woman want, day work Monday's and Tuesdays, wen, tin RELIABLE colored woman want, bundle washing or day work. Dougla. 74.S; COLORED woman wantn cooking in board- ing house or day work. Red 63.Q. COLORED girl wants housework dr cbam- bermaid. oood references, yep, ipv. EXPERIENCED woman wants position as housekeeper. Box T 822, Be ; WANTED work, mornings and .Toning, for board and room. web. Iz. PRACTICAL nurse wants poaltlon; house work also. Harney 41... WANTED To work in a furniture store. Douglaa 8385. A-NO. 1 cook wants position, colored. Phone Harney zmh, Laundry by the day. Call Webster 6027. NURSE girl. Ironing and general cleaning, experienced, day worK. lyier zuzz-w. Laundry and Iiay WorV. FOR experienced bundle washing, 6all Web- ster H77. Prompt delivery. RELIABLE colored woman want day work. Phone Web. 7748. COLORED- WOMAN wants day work for Tuesday, Webster 141. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 6844. Hotels and Restaurants, RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1119 Davenport St. Douglaa 1I8C Headquarters fnr hotel hlp. HELP WANTED MALE Store, and Office,. TWO OOOD ONES. RArROXD ACCOUNTANT, at ones. 180. Stenographer, private secretary, 686. TUB MARTI CO., 1J17 W. O. W. Bldg. STKNO., 885 steno., 876; steno., (66; typ ist. 80; ornce cleric, 8vu, WATT8 KEF. CO,, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Stenographer IS to 20 years. some experience; cnanco lor aavance ment. Western Smelting and Refining Co. TYPIST ,.. 876.00 ARCHITErjTURAIi UKAirrBM A . . SB.UB THB CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDQ. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Professions and Trade. Drug Positions All States 101b-18 City National Bank Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. Exceptional opportunity for experienced sales man. We have Mis- ' sourl, Nebraska and western Iowa open. Commission. Will ad vance expense money. Must be able to fur nish good references, NO HAS BEfeiNS NEED . APPLY. THE IMPERIAL MERCHANDISE COMPANY. Direct Mill representa tives. Manufacturers' Agents ' and. Brokers, Perry, Ohio. SALESMEN Old established concern, pay lng liberal salary and expenses, will add ten experienced men to traveling sales force selling roofing and paints; perma nent position If you are a real salesman and reliable. Call on B. J. Johansen, Pax ton Hotel, room 210. SALESMAN AND DEMONSTRATOR WANTED. ' For Easybrlght carpet andug cleaner. Exclusive territory. Removes Ink and grease from clothing. Sample pkg., $1.00. Easybrlght Mfg. Co.. Hudson. Wis. EXPERIENCED accident and health mgr.; $100 per month and commission; bond re quired. Call New Keans, Douglas 3726, now. WANTED A single youngs man of good habits to travel In Iowa to solicit See L. 8. Cook, Hotel Rome, 10-13 a. m. SALES -positions, mercantile lines. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. TEAMSTERS wanted. Apply Sunderland Brothers Co. 20th and Hickory St. 34th and Taylor St. 42d and Izard St. Steady employment, good wages. ' -rZ Trade Schools. CALL OR WRITE FOR OUR FREE Illustrated catalogue explaining how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual xperlenoe. Careful Instruction, eta. Large est modern-equipped barber college In the west. MOLLER'S, (OtTtaMlshed 1498.) Ill 8. 14th Bt Omaha. Neb. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASfflT. 2817 N. 10th St.. Omaha. Bend for Free. Catalogue. OOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trad tor th many pe titions now open. Fin training work la auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTQ COLLEGE, , 2063 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than maxe your expense wnue learninc Wage or percentage. W don't ovri charge you to begin. 40l Dodge St TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. LEARN telegraphy. Railroad and commer cial. Touch typewriting, fosi.iona se cured. Nebraska Telegraph College, Lin coln, Neb. Boys, WANTED office boy. not under .1$. years; good opportunity ror right noy. Appiy Cuplahy Office. South Side. ' Miscellaneous, FEB, 10th. Railway Mall Clerk Examina tion in omaba. commence 7 mania Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept 239 B, Rochester. ,N. Y. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men, women to try examination for government lobs. 6.0 mnntn, vacation. . Common education sufficient. Apply lm modlaUly to Box T-IU. Be HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and OnVes. SfENO.. $75: steao., $66; bkkpr., $76; ass't . for or edit dept, $60 to $S5; steno,, $60; teno., $40; typist, $40; P. B. X. opr $40; office gtrl, $35. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat Bank BWg. BOOK KEEPER and stenographer expert" - nced in real estate and Insurance; splen did position for a lady with executive ability, fioo. , THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER $65.00 STENO. AND TTPIST 75.00 STENO AND CORRESPONDENT.. $6,00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, clerical po- ' sit ions. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND AflgN. WANTED girt tor errand work. Apply Supt. Offlc, Balcony. Bargess'Nasn Co. Professions and Trades. WANTED Olrl "with common school edu cation, between 1$ and 23 year, to take up lecal and long distance telephon worn. V, f. l-Mnoeri, isut jjougias dl WANTED Girl to sell candy and cigar. 1102 8. 13th. Red 6149. Household and Domestic WANTED High school girl (colored) to as sist with housework Friday afternoon, Saturday and part of Sunday, Phone liaruey 5103. SOU Davenport EXPERIENCED girl for work; family of three. St. Harney 317. general house 102 South 38th WANTED A competent nurse girl, must have references. Apply 405 N. 40th St. Harney 2031. WANTEDReTiablo white gtrl to help with housework References required. Call Col fax 2111. WANTED Girl to help with general houi work. 17 N. 26th St. Douglas 8453. GOOD, reliable girl to awist with house work, with references. Wat. 8272. WOMAN for hall cleaning In apartment and flat. For particulars, Webster 2863. GIRL for hoiweworfi; 3 grown-ups In fam ily. Call 114 North SOth St. WOMAN of 25 or 30. as attendant for In valid. Phone Doug. 7163 WANTED A girl for general housework. 4112 Dodge EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, slenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. boyles College, Douglas lQCfi. Uth and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance ZzU. Douglas ft 80. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. CHOICEST 4-R. APT. IN THE CITY. ' Has S-r. accommodations, having s built-in bed and small dressing room, which has a built-in chiffonier. Beauti ful larse dining room with French doors opening Into bedroom, which Is nicely decorated and white enamel finish with mirror' door and two good clothes clos ets; dining room which has a built-in bed, etc.; oak finish; kitchen equipped with elevated over gas range, renrigera tor trod from outside, garbage Incinera tor, gas drier tn laundry, extra - electric plugs for iron etc.; curiam ana ovsr drape rods, individual porches. IDALIA. 115 N 33D. Apt. No. 8, the only one left, renting for ISO sum., 866 winter. Janitor will how vou through. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, HASTINOS & HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 6P. FTVE-ROOM flat, 206 Paxton court, between 25th Ave. and 26th. Douglas ana Far nam ; haa Murphy In-a-door bed in din- Ins room, besides two large, light bed rooms, gas range, refrigerator, window ahades, curtain rods furnished, new, $37.60. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL. AGENCY HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 161 Har. Tyler 89, inn. UCWCI, 3301 DEWY AVE. Good location and choice 3-r. apt., with S-r. accommodations. Murphy-in-a-Door bed In living room and small dressing room with built-in cnuronier, aiso aisap nearlng bed In dining room. New. excel lent janitor service; 136 sum., 40 wint OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 66. THE MAYFAIR, CLOSE IN. 2222 Howard. NEW, has 3 roftma with 6-room accommodations; 2 bullt-tn beds, small dressing room, built-in chiffonier! very choice. $31 sum., 136 winter. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler B0. S-ROOM modern apartment tn the Hudson. 207 8. 26th Ave. Heat. and Janitor serv- 1C6, BENSON & MYERS CO., ' 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. CLOSE-IN 6-r. flat, 2671 Harney; walking distance; strictly modern, $30. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY H ASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler 50. FOR RENT Close in, strictly modern 4 room Apt, new. 2711 Dewey .va. $33 is summer, $40 In winter. Phono Harney VERY choice 6-room steam heated apart ment on West Farnam St JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. South. -ARE YOU YOUR OWN . JANITOR? There's no need to be. Rent a cosy flat in the Carlyle, 62fi South 18th St, a rnnma and tile bath, on first floor, the most desirable or all. Here you have no carfare. $32.60 summer, $42.60 win- tW" PAYNE & SLATER CO., - REALTOR. 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone D. lQl- 6-R. flat, 214 Woolworth. new electric light ing nxtures. gooo iwwnit, .8.., good ard, large porch, $23.60 and water Haitln gs A H eyden, 1614 Har. Tyler SO. Miscellaneous - $30.00660 So. 26th Ave., all" modern 't-r, brick flat $30.00547 So. 27th Ave., l-r. brick flat, In excellent condition. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 111-20 City NaUonal. 3-ROOM apt. In Starling, $30. First Trust Co.. P. 1161. FOR RENT Baine6 Pr'p'ty 2219 CUMING ST. 20x60, good location, near crosstown transfer, $27.60. 2306 Cuming St., office, scales, yards and bins, suitable for coal and feed store, $36.00. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1636 333 Rose Bldg. Stores. CONFECTIONERY or bakery store for rent, with living room In rear, 16tb and Wirt, good location, $25. Call us for appointment HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Barney Tyler 60. STORE ROOM, 2115 Cuming St. with room Id rear; good for shoe or tailor shop or any small business. $25 per month. Call Webster 3368. RESTAURANT to rent with fixtures, gas stoves 107 s. lain st in a. loin Bt, steam heat, $100. HALF of modern store with enclosed show windows, irine location; reasonable, sis STORE for rent, Kth St. near postofflc. P. Btebbins, ijiu unicsgo. Othces and Desk Room. OFFICES. Slngl and en suite. In a central looa- tl00, BROWN BLDG.. Room 407. " Dougla 1623. DfcUiAHLB oiftce rooms in the remodeled Crouns block, 11 N lito ot. (oppoaus poatoffloe). $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Toung, ail uranocis i pesier. iww ib. i, CHOICE o:lce spaa. Balrd Bldg.. 17tb and Douglas. McCagus inv. Co. Garages and Barns. BARN for car or horses. $4 a month. 614 S. 3$th St Miscellaneous. LARGE, light basement 16th and Howard. eh, wrtgni . uasouir. iwrag. iss. MOVING AND STORAGE G0TD75NVAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage - and mov ing. 219 N. llth St. Pbont Douglas 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. - Careful attention given to Orders for moving, packing or storage. - Office at Raymond Famlturt Co., 151$ and 1116 Howard St Phon D. 6324. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving; packing and shipping. 4 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., $03 a 16th St. Dougla 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real service in moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 250, or Douglas 4332. FIDELITY RENTAL tTPTTl? BKRVICE XJtljJLl Phon Douglas '36 for eompiet it ot vacant houses and apart- Aura for storage, moving, llth and Jackson Sts. " Maggard Van and Stitrag Storage and Ship Van and two men, $1.35 pr hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phon Doug. 1490. 3TC. REED Express Co. Moving. Packing and storage. 1!0T Far-am St Web. 314K. Doug 6146. TWIN CITY EXPRESSCO?Tl623 Cass 8t itouglaa 1717. Trusks siorea s specialty. THB GREATEST GAIN 61,718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omahfc paper. Is the, record of, TUB OMAHA. BEE for HIS. BES RESULT i3 LOWEST RATE 3639 LINCOLN boulevard," large, beautiful room, well lighted and heated; modern home; everything convenient; home cook ing; gentlemen preferred. , EXCEPTIONALLY nice front room, with private family; everything modern. line location; l block from car. Hanscom Park District. Harney 244L NICE front room, well furnished, strictly modern; gentlemen preferred, S3.oQ weeK. Douglas 7665. . WEST FARNAM district comfortable fur nished room, everything convenient; num erate; private home. Harney' 2355. HARNEY ST., 2633 Double front room. electric light, hot water heat, walking distance. $4 per week. Harney $757. HANDSOME furnished room for gentleman, strictly mod., private home, Y est ar nam. Harny 3776. . ELEGANTLY furnished room In private home, sui table for three ; walking dis tance. 2S54 Harney. 2116 HARNEY ST.. nicely furnished for one or two gentlemen In private iamuy. Phone Douglas 3447. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for housekeeping ; steam heated. 1414 Sher wood Ave. Webster 6744. 311IH CALIFORNIA 3 modern furnished rooms, with heat; first floor; reasonable. .Harney 4001. COZY sleeping room, breakfast Included, $3 week. Nicely furnished. . modern, good heat. Gentleman preferred. Harney 1208. THE COLONNADE. 2474 Harney; first-class modern furnished rooms. Very close in. From $2 to $6 a week. HARNEY ST., 2633 Double front room, electric light, hot water heat, walking distance, $4 per week. Harney 6767. 2204 CALIFORNIA ST Large modern room. suitable tor two gentlemen. Ked mub. ROOMS 2d story, comfortable, heated; $2 and up. 1811 Cass St. BOARD and room, $5 per week. Torn la. Douglas 49 2 6. NICE warm furnished room, one-half block from Harney car. Phone Harney 4045. 2212 DOUGLAS Three nice sleeping rooms. Gentlemen preferred. Douglas SB97. ONE furnished or unfurnished room, mod ern, walking distance. Red 6790. HEATED room for working men. Modern home. 2428 Decatur. Web. 4674. BEAUTIFUL front suite; also large single rooms. 2648 Dodge. Harney 4176. 1611 HOWARD ST. rooms; steam heat. -Modern furnished FURNISHED rooms, 2408 Davenport St; private family; references required. Housekeeping Rooms. Kit S. 22D ST", suite of 2 rooms on bath room floor, newly furnished for light housekeeping. Beautiful fire place, well heated; 6 blocks to Burgeea-Naah. Rea sonable. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, everything fur nished; good heat; close In; cheap. Red TWO or 3 excellent rooms for light house- Keeping, sin Lrftavenworrn. Board and Room BEAUTIFUL 2 -room suite, fireplace, mirror aoors, large closet, suitable tor four: fur nished or unfurnished; also single and double furnished room; hot and cold water; walking distance; excellent board, Harney 6607. 660 S. 28th St. SOUTHEAST, steam-heated room, with prl vate bath; excellent meals; garage. Phone uarney nw. WANTED A working man for board and room. 717 S. 19th St. Phone Douglas BEAUTIFUL suite consisting of bed ro obi, living room ana sun room, excellent board; private home; west Farnam. Harney 45. LARGE, well furnished room with board, on rarnam ana Cuming line. Phone Walnut zovt. Hotels. WORKING MEN'S hotel. 209 N. 13 th St. Night week or month. Reasonable CalL Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THIS BUJB WANT-AO DEPT. and find OUt alt about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE!. It's a plan that Is helping: many people rent loeir roomi, FOR RENT HOUSES West US N. S7TH AVE. $25. Hot water heat. ' rooms. This house haa been tborouKhly noMwsiw aau repairea. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Douglas 397. 212 8. 17th St. 8803 HOWARD ST. A 1-story frame. 1 rooms and sleeping porcn. new lurnac. xtoom ror on cat in garage ir I'sired. House reot 130. ALFRED THOMAS, 301 First Wat. Bk. Bldg. rSTONE HOUSE and garage at 61st and jjoage, s .u. w. ju seiny sons. Douglas ioiv. xv ee una xiiag. North. - A WINTER BARGAIN. $20 PER MONTH. Linton Building. 13th and Mason 6 rooms, all modern. Flats with heat and water; O&wtll be allowed toward uiuviui uAfisiiacD. x iinBu nftin arts on main street, very clot to down town dis trict THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Douglas 297. j 312 S. 17th St. NEAR 24TH AND BURDETTE. Nice, all modern cottage on good car line, In excellent repair. 2223 Burdstte St, 7 rooms, hot water neat, 036. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Dougla a 397. 313 S. 17th St. RAILROAD MEN. ATTENTION Linton Bldg., 13th and Mason, 6 rooms, all modern, neat and water rurnisned allowed on moving expenses. THE BYRON REED COMPAN Douglai 297. 312 S. 17th St 6 ROOMS, all modern, east front, porches, everything new and up-to-the-minute. Walking distance. 335 per month. Doug laa 6186. TRAVER BROTHERS, Sit New First National Bank Bldg. 211SPENCER ST.. S-r. all-mod., $25. 2922 S. 16th St, 6-r., dandy, all mod., $20. 2626 Wirt St., 6-r., mod. ex. ht., $12. 1104 N. 22d St. 4-r.. mod. ex- ht, $16. RASP BROS., 210 Keeilne Bldg. Ty. 7 7.ROOU ail modern house, newly decorated, nev furnace, $20. 2016 N 22d St Tel. Red 1681. ' , - THREE-ROOM house and bam for rent Florence. Phone Florence 401. 6-R.. mod. cot. 2544 N. :9 th A v.. $16. T.471L South. itctrnisHKD S-rooin house and garage park district. Walking distance. Red 4194 days, Harney 901 evenings. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT TOD WANT. HOUSH9 AND COTTAQKS v PARTLY MODERN. 4-R 1616 Carter Lake Blvd 14. I.R. 603 Martha St 13. L.R 611 Martha St I.R. 8016 N. 43d St 16. HODKRN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-R 1818 N. 7tb St. (for colored) 16. STRICTLY MODERN. .R. 6837 N. 37 lb St. (brand new). 15.66 7-R. 4613 8. 33d 81. 16.66 .R. 3430 Briatol St iwlth barn in the rear) JI.66 FLATS , . STRICTLY MODERN. f.R. 8018 Dewey Ave. (very chotce)SS7.66 WB HAVE OTHERS. SRE OUR COM PUSTE LIST BEFORE HKNT1NQ. PORTER SHOTWELL. .) 1,3 . 17th St. Doug. 6011. 833 N. 34th St., 4-r., mod. ex. ht... .$13.00 833 N. 30th St, 6-r. Sat. mod. ex. ht, 20.08 3.35 Spruce, 6-r., part modern 15.00 115 N. 37th Ave., 6-r., all modern, hot water hat 16.00 1407 Jackson, 6-r., all modern, hot water heat 3 1338 Burdstte, 7-r., hot water heat. 36.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Dougla. 807. 311 S7Jh St. ""PETERS TRUST COMPANY, . RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. WE want more houses and apartments ta rent. The fact that we nave practic-i.-cleaned out our big list is conclusive proof of the eHlclency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne ft eiaier o., i.ii.a cu' Men." 616 Omaha National Bak Bldg. $16.00 Swell 6-r. flat, mod., 18th and V ra ils' Ave. 91 6.00 5-r., all moa., ibis wo. inn. 113.00 5-r., mod. ex. lit., 3022 So. llth. 111.00 4-rrf mod. ex. ht., 1407 No. 40th. $5,00 3-r cottage, 3815 Fort St We have a large list. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO. DOUG. 420. CHOICE 6-r. house, 2102 Spencer, water paid; excellent condition, new ngnung fixtures, large yard, Kountro Place, very choice, $26. Omaha a Largest Rental Agency. Hastings A Heyden, 1614 Har. Tyler 50. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apartments. All sizes and prices, splen did locauon. ztn ano rarnam. u. in. EB. 1 t-room furnished, heated apart ment; clone In. Harney 4141 or Walnut 2257. DEWEY AVE., 6-room duplex flat, modern. Red 3038. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. DO YOU WANT TO RENT YOUR VACANT PROPERTY? IF SO list it with OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGC'Y. as we cannot supply the demand for va cant property of all kinds. Call us and let us talk it over with you. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Tyler SO. Rooms Wanted. YOUNG German widow, with 6-year-old boy, wants comfortable room with board with Protestant people, without children, who will take full charge of the boy. Clone to public school. Phone Red 492$. 1911 8. 17th. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. . 513 S. ,35TB: ST. 6-room, new, all modem, beautiful bungalow. Price, $3,600. $500 cash bal ance $32.60 per month. H. A. WOLF, Realtor ' 614 Ware Block. Douglas 8068. -ROOM modem house in restricted neigh borhood, finely furnished. Property and furniture, 86,000. Clear. This is a barpiln for somebody. Watts, E37 Paxton Block, WEST FARNAM, atucco, t-r.. modern. Lol value, 83,000; bouse value, ....... an xvr. 86.000. 818 No. 38th Ava Doug. 864T. North. 5-Room Cottage . 4509 21ST STREET, 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. : One-half block to ear. Hurt be sold within next few days. Price reduced to 32,100 for quick sale. See ua at once. Terms. Hiatt Company, H6-T-8 Omaha, Nafl Bt .Bids. Tylsr 0. Good Location T-reora strictly modern hoUM ear Jountze Park; handy to car line, serjools. stores .nd churches: can be bonght for 82,460; 8360 down and 328 per month. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. ' Hastings & Heyden, 1614 HARNFT ST. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished In Oak. Located at 3833 N. 26th SL Pric. 33,160. Terms. Will take small cettaE. In trade. NORRtS 8b NORRIS. 400 Be. Buildlna. Phone Doutiaa 4378. South. "ON THE SOUTH SIDE PRICE, $1,500. . $100 DOWN, $15 PER MONTH. 5-room cottage, nicely decorated: elec tric lights, igaa, toilet; three blocks to car. Call Doug.' 6013 during office hours an4 Colfax 2460 after 6 p m. E. X, Morrow. Miscellaneous. CLOSE IN " NEW BUNGALOW Large living room, dltilng room, kitchen sn Jlrst floor; three large bedroom and batb on second floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in bookcase and buRet; full basement; guaranteed furnace; east front lot; paved street; fin location. Pries 14,600. Term. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 1000. Ground Fir. McCagus Bldg, CHOICE HOMES. Modern to the minute, ranging In pric from $3,000 to $6,000, on large plots, re fined surroundings and every known Im provement and convenience; for sale at your own terms, eiclusively by the SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 4025 8. 24th St Phone South 124 THE GREATEST GAIN 8,711 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omab paper. 1 the record of TH i OMAHA BEE for ltU. BEST RESULTS LOW EST RATB KEV bungalow, also 8-r. and gardening; your terms ana price; inv. wim stvu, ronu 3 house (cost $3,600), $2, 600. D. 2107. MODERN BUNGALOW Fine location, east front, paved street, I rooms, hardwood floors and finish, close to school and rar. A bargain at $3.00. Essv terms Psll owner Pou Ht. STOP! I! LOOK II! LISTEN!!! Before you buy or rent see the BIG 4 REALTY CO., 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Phone D. 3436. FIVtt roonis, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, .to.. 32. '60: ISOu cash, balsnce monthly Colfsa 7885. HOL'SBS In all part, of the city. CRE1QH, BO. IS. St CO.. 6.6 Be. Bldg. J. B. ROBINSON. Iteal Estate and Insur- ance. 443 Be. Dldg. Douglaa 8067. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West ' , 82x187 ?6,000 N. E. corner Thlrtr-etghth avenue and Jackson, In same block with Millard and Manderson homes and Weat Farnam apart menta. Mighty cheap for this ground; 'good for homo or .partment. - GLOVER & SPAIN, y Douglaa 1663. 111-:. City Nation.!. North. AFTER looking at M1NNE LUSA, 10. dif ferent buyer, decided that It w.e th. bMC proposition on th. market and they backed their judgment by buying lota IK YOU will come out today you will understand why th. otbar. ar. buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO,' 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 167. M1NNE LUSA NIC lot on Tltu. Air, near 34th St-, can be naught at . bargain: IMS lot must be sold Sea me quick. C A, ilrlmmel. Omens Nst Bank Bldg. FOR HALE Lets No.. 18, 18 and 30, block 31-, Walnut lllll. W. H. Weller. 8;, Maun Building, UUea, N. T. TW(T dandy south f-ont lots. N. E. ooro.r 8 . and lal.y.tte av.. Monld.r. Adds, tlon. Phon. Uarn.y 1186,