10 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1917. ; i LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of AH Kinds Are About Steady-Sheep About Steady With Yesterday' Close. HOGS HIGHIB TO LOWES February 1, Hit. (tle Hoi Official MonOar Official Tueedwr....... 1.111 Official Wedneedar ... T.110 Eetlnate Tbarsdar .... 1.100 roar imjw thla week 11.711 su-m it n loot w k ti,m 8ame 4a,e t wMka airoll.771 lama dara 1 weeka ac 11.111 Kama da 7a 4 weeka afoll.UI Sa na . jra laat joar. .1L.17 10.121 11.111 ll,7l M.lll 1.7M i,m 1.011 7.111 I.KI 47,T1 11.141 11.171 1.111 1.0011 S0,MI 41.111 11.141 I1.177 47,110 11.111 Cattle 1U wlpta wara ltaht aa aaaaj a nMH. eel. r.rtr.tbraa ear being; re acted lu. For lha week ra alpta amount t 10.707 Head. DeinOr e.eos nesa irsr a year aa-o. The rarket did not now auch chanra. price being generally about i ad with jesurw. r . .- .... ...in. Mod to choloser II-,. nee.ea 111 Mail 10: food to ebolce k tmttu iu: fair' ta mod vaa II 114,1. II; eesomon to fair beeves. 11.00 00 70- good U cbulfl neifera. 17 71) 14. ZA . .koloo news. 17100111; fair ta good oawa. HUH 10: oonmoo ta lilr w 1! 10d)0 10; prima faadtni ataara. II 000) in oo I I. renin, teeder. II mat 00. fair to I nod feeders. I7.H4JI.M: oomraor. to fa!r feeders. I lol 10; ioM to .' lockera. I7 71O0 10. atoca aain e, i . hi. M l.t7.7l-. atook oalvra ,i .. veal calee. ll.Hail.00: beef bulla, atam. ate 1 : bologna bulla .a.0.l.M. BBK STHKR8. I. A.. Pr. NO. . AV. Pf. 1... 410 II 10 14........ Ill 17 10 1 100 1 01 I.. ... 040 1 70 11 Ill 7 II ,114 I II II Ill I II 20.. 11.. .14.. 1.. ... 141 ... 101 ... Ill ...1074 7 10 I 11 I 10 I 00 I 00 I 10 tl. ...... .100! II.. :i.. 14 ! 21 1070 11 Ill 11.. ...... 1031 II Ill i no 17 IMt II Ill 1 1130 I 40 I 10 I 10 II as. i , is so I. II.. I. 11. I., 51. .1114 10 11 ...1177 10 10 .. Ill 10 II 14 1111 10 41 ..1110 10 10 1 1401 10 01 ..1111 10 II 17 1410 10 IS ..1UI 11 00 COWI. 7 117 i 10 J.. 170 S 76 1........ Ill I 00 7 7 31 4 1110 I 10 It Ill I 71 II..... ...1170 7 00 14 114 7 21 I.. ......1111 7 11 1 ..1170 7 00 II 1041 I 11 17 ...1114 I 11 1 110 I 91 20 1113 I 40 Hog Owing to the bad atorm and se verely cold weather sweeping the whole northwoat, bog reoelpta were very light, ar rival! being ooy slxty-flvs cara, or 4,700 head. For the four daya the run foota up 1,111 head, an agalnat 11,073 laat weak, 01,110 two week ago, and 73,341 a year ago. eventually everything was cleaned up yea. terday, eellere making -"ToeHo concession from early prleea to avoid earrylog any hoga over during euch bad weather. Ru. mora of a top of 111.11 proved to be ground leea, 111.70, which waa paid a great many tlmee, being the day'a high mark. Outalde potnta reported freeh advanoee (.n opening round thus morning and local ahlppera opened the market by buying about half tba receipt on a lOaiOc higher baaja. Thay made a great many of their purchaaea at IU.I0O11.71. and paid al high aa 111.11 for a load or two, oatllng a new record tor the market. y Around 11 o'clock two of the tracker picked up a few hoga that were anyway 10 alio, and In extreme caaea were quoted loo, below yeaterday'o general market or, In other worde, a big quarter below the early ahtpper price. Up to noon the other two houaea were atlll holding back and ten or more loade were etill In first hands. What hogipackera bought aold largely at III. 2IOU.I0, making the bulk of all the aalaa, such a It waa, lll.2iall.7C. The beat prices paid by packsrs waa 111.00 for prtms heavlee, while, ae noted, ahlpping hoga reached 111.11. Other marketa which had opened sharply higher to ahlppera were closing lower. Noon quotations on pro visions showed that a large part of the early slump had been recovered No. Av. Hit. rr. no. av, n. rr. 31. Ill 110 11 II 17.. 311 120 II 10 11. .Ill ... 11 10 11.. 121 ... 11 10 si. .311 11 10 II. .301 110 11 It no u II 11.. Ill M..1M 73'.. Ill 4 .,.364 ... li it II 11 71 ... 11 IS BheoB" While most of the estimated sup. ply was yarded by mid 'erenoon. the lamb market, which yesterday proved to be very high ermpsrod with other points, waa .an . jV The"7 . ' :' y k ll Logical M Smoke! other dreggy, uneven affair. On yesterday's close a top of 114.41 waa scored on obolce Ug it alexloane, while some ox in good heavy lambs landed at J .oa. Aa a general thing, today's market, while vary irregulac, waa fully staady with yes tarda. Compared with ' a few af yester day's early high aalaa, the prices paid looked. If anything, a Rttle lowec, hot an the general run at stuff valwea wars about the same aa Wednesday, and In a few rasee aalaa were strong to a little higher. Lambs of toppy quality wars lacking, but some thing aa good aa tba lambs at 111-41 lata yesterday were Domtnally quoted that high. The best price reported up ta Boon waa I14-.lt tor pretty good Meal carta and 114.11 for handy westerns thai ware lacking in finish. Strong weight westerns and Max. leans ware bought at 14.00ai4.la. Quotations on sheet) and lambs: Lambs. good to choice. I14j0t.14.4l; lambs, fair ta good, gl3.ioai4.0l: lambs, dinned. 111.21 13.10; lambs, feeders, ll2.loai4.2t; ysar- nnra, good to choice, il2.ooail.00; year. Hags, fair ta good, I11.00ai2.00; wethers, fair ba chains, Il.llai0.7l; ewea, good to choice, rio.ioaio.41; ewea. fair to good. li.7seia.es; swea, plain ta nulla, 14. M 9 ceo. CHICAGO UTS STOCK. HABnTFTT. Cattle Steady nags Higher gbeep etrong as sugnor. Chicago, rob. 1. Cattle Heoelpta, 1,100 head; market steady; native beef cattle 7.71ail.0l; western steers. I7.7tai0.lt stockers and feeder, ll.ooal-ll; cows and neirers, lb.0StfI0.26; csivea, 10.t0ai4.3l. Hogs Receipts, 36,100 head; market opened lto to 20o higher than yesterday's average and closed lo to 3 la lower than the opening; bulk af sales, IlLloaU.IO; light, 11.26013.00: mixed. 111. JIB 12.10: heavv. 111. 36912.15; rough, lll.36wU.tO; pigs. 1V.VV. Sheep Receipts 10,000 head; market strong to 16o higher; wethers. 10.36ail-t ewes, 7 60t14,7S; yearlings, 112.S0JJ1I.6I lambs, tll.ltai4.10. Karnes City Lira Stank Market. Kansas City, Feb. 1. Cattle Receipts, s.ues naaa; market steady ta loo lower prime steers, 111.00011.71: dressed beef steers, ll.7taio.il; westsm steers, 17.76a 11.26: cows. Il.00ai.60: heifers. 17.00a 11.00; stockers and feedera, Il.toai0.00; ouiia, s.tvQio.e; oaivea, S7.soi!.09. Hogs Receipts, 1,000 bead: market hlgbor, advance lost: bulk of sales. Su.loft 11.00; heavy, 111.10 1 2.00; packers and outcners, iu.soaiz,ie; ugnt, ui.xoaii.it; pigs, l.tttfll.lt. Kheep Receipts, t,IO0 head; market higher: . lamba. I13.l6ai4.i0; yaarllnga, I12.ooai3.00; wethers, 1II.00O11.00; owes. sv.isvis.ev. Ma. lanla Uvs Mask Market. HI. Louis. Feb. 1. Cattle RecelpU, 1,100 head: market lower; native beef steers, I7.60ail.7t; yearlings steers and heifers, ll.6oall.60: cows. l6.Mai.7l: stockera and feeders, I6.10a.60; prima southern beef steers, ox.flewil.ov; beet oowa and helfera, 4.26al.00; prim yearling steers and heif ers, r toaio.oo; Dative calves, I4.00S14.10. Hogs Reoelpu, 11,600 head; market lower; lights, 111.1011,70; pigs, ll.oea 10.76; mixed and butchers, Ill.40an.l0; good heavy, lll.7tail.lt; bulk of sales, ll.4tail.IO. Sheep and Lambs Markwo-ataady: lamba, 11.1t14.l0; awes, 14.tiaiO.60; yaarllnga, 11.00all.36. . Man CHy Uva atook Market. Bloux City, Feb. 1 Cattle Receipts, 100 head; market steady; beef ateera, 110.00a ll.lt; butchers, It.0oai0.00; tat oows and heifers, I4.00O10.04; cannars, It.ltai 71; stockers and feeders, M.ioai.00; calvea, l.tOaiO.00; bulls, stags, etc., II. 1001. 10; feeding oows and heifers. Il.00ai.ll. Hoga Receipts 600 head; market steady; light, iii.oovu.it: mixed, iu.ieaii.il: heavy, ll.loail.7l: pigs, 11.10011.00; balk of sales, IU.I6U.1. eneeo ana ijamno Ksoaipta. loo head: market steady; fed mutton, 31.11011. II; wethara, 110 00 011.001 ewes. .3iai0.lt; lambs, 13.teai4.IO. ' St, Joseph live Stask Market. St. Joseph. Feb. 1. Cattle Reoalnts, 3.- 600 hsad; market steady to 10o hlaheri steers, 11.000 ll. 7S: oows and helfera, 11,11 aio.to; oaivea, ll.ooan.lO. Hoga Receipt. 11.000 head: market opened lto higher; top, 113.001 bulk of .lea, III. loan. 10. Sheep and Lamba Reoelpta, Loo head: market 10015c higher; lamba, 11.760 it.ev; awea, fv.iewiv.si ft. , U9 StMk la BifM, tway at Ui flvt ptinelpal western tn&rkata: umtti. Hon. DDMD. Omab ve.... 1,100 4.700 7,000 Blous City 100 800 100 Kan.u Cltr 1,000 M00 1.100 BL dVonU , 1,100 Totftli 11,400 .7,100 11,10 It.OOQ 10,000 U.H0 nt , The little Cigar is the logical short smoke because it's all tobacco. "But," say you: They break!" ..." They burn the tongue and are bitter to the taste!" HEW YORK STOCKS IVUrket Put to Another Su preme Test by German U-Boat Manifesto. SHBIKKAGS QUOTED V.<JES Nrw Tortt, Feb. 1, Th lock nuibet wu put t xtotber nprama tmt of Its Qdtnv arraBeflmcnt of lta Intantian to renew inib- ttiartn optnOom wn a broadw aad mf onrfntrlcted aeal eauilns an aU-arotuid hnukatt of quated value. Sllin wu at It height in the flmt Hour, whn Uia tradjnc waa of frenzied character and lowest prices were made. Rallies of 1 to f potnta, wltb -is much as 10 for Utah Coppr, wore registered before midday, but recurrent liquidation took place after 2 o'clock, driving prices hack to or near Initial minimum. ' ' The movement lacked the enormous Indi vidual offerings of last December's feverish markets. Esopt for United States Steel and some efehe metals, declines, while ex tensive in the aggregate were on an orderly baats after the early oat bo rut, which prob ably represented involuntary unloading of margined or speculative account a A large proportion of the day offerings was reported to have come from out-of-town points. The further selling of the Una) hour derived Impetus from rumors that severeance of diplomatic relations with U re- many would be announced later in the day, Bethlehem Steel broke 3C oolnts and ral. lied 10, shipping lost 10 to 11, making oul reeoie raiites, ana rails at gross conces sions oi 1 to I points, closed mostly al lowest hrvels. ' Little attention was paid to the weak ness of foreign ez chance, with marked con- cession in rates oa Berlin and Vienna and a new low recora lor Urea, or Itallaa ro- nmiances. Virtually every Internal bond of ths resulting from the war, sold at lowest prices iao .oeir noiauon in mis market. Pans to brooking 2 polnta. With American fur. sign securities Ss down 1. Pomestlo bonds were heavy to weak, speculative rails fall ing abruptly Total sales, pur value, $, 660,090. United Slates bonds were unchanged on calL Number of sales and range of price of . 4 Sale. High. Low. Closa Am. Beet Sugar... 0,300 8t 01 tu American Can lt.400 43U 31 38 ...... . ruuiiui ., may mi Dal Am. Locomotive, . . 1,300 70U 86U 06 Am. Smelt A Ref.. SO. Inn isa t Am. Sugar Refining 1,600 1M 10H 100 Am. iei. re j,700 125 ijju J34 Am. A., L. at 8. ... 2,100 26 32 33 Anaconda Copper.. 40.700 70 70 78 Atchison 7,OiV30S 101 102 naiu. iocomoiive.. 11. .00 Baltimore at Ohio. 7,700 Brook. Rap. Trans. B. at H. Canar 2,400 MOO Cat. Petroluem 7,900 Canadian Pacific. Central TtLthur . 11,300 158i 31,100 77 Chesapeake A Ohio 7,400 80 W., Mi 8L F, , . . , Chicago N. W p.. R r a p n 300 121 ' 10.M0 ' 120 M Chlno Copper. .V. , , (JO o. mie iron. 1,200 44 Corn Products Ref. 14,000 Crucible Steel 11,000 Distiller's Seca 1.700 Brio r 22,600 20 General Biectric... 3,300 166 Ot. Northern pfd.. 2.600 114 Ot North. Ore otfs 11,400 12 Illinois Central.... 700,104 Int. Consol. corp.,. E,100 14 Inspiration Coper.. 28,100 63 Inter Harvester.... 1,600 118 Int. M. M. pfd. etfs 68,300 72 tt. c. southern.... i.aoo 24 Kennecott Conpen. , 44,000 Louisville ft Naah.. 300 max. fetroiffum Miami Coper... 17,800 14.600 34 Mo., Kan. ft T . pfd 400 mo. ractiic, new.,, Montana Power..., National Lead..,., Nevada Copper..,. N. T. Central N. T.. N. H. A H. 3.800 31 1.600 100Z 2.300 67 9,600 22 17,600 28 11,000 42 Norfolk ft Western 6,100 131 Northern Pacific,,. Pacific Mail Pennsylvania ..... SOw 107 1,800 11 8,600 66 16,400 26 42,300 Ray Con. Copper.. neaaing Rep. Iron A Fuel. Shattuck Aris Con. 2.000 26 24U 2,000 2KH Southern Pacific... 13,100 4 tn (Southern Kail way., s,uo go IS 20 Studebaker Co... .?. t Texas Comoany 4.400 212IA Siovt. Union Pacific 33,710 138 134 136 Union Paclfle pfa 84 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 41,200 lit 111 113 United States atseL18,600 106 i 102 U. 8. Steel pfd..,.. 1.600 110 113 118 Utah Copper 44.700 107 07 103 Wabash Pfd "B'. 1,100 27 2 3U Weatern Union.... 1,200 04 14 04 Westlnghouse RIec. lg.OOO 61 48 48 ai sale ror tne nay, 1,100.900 inares. They are not uniform!" "The wrapper doesn't blend with the filler!" Every one of these objections is 'overcome by on the LITTLE CIGARS IT IS MADE ENTIRELY OF PURE TOBACCO, AND NOTHING BUT TOBACCO. A new, scientific discovery that makes the mildest, sweetest, purest smoke Eou ever 'smoked. The mild flavor of the wrapper lends with the rich quality of the filler. lo5 in foil-lined, packages. That means ail the good preserved for you. - Invest a nickel and get a dividend. aia! .' CHICAGO GRAIN AND PBOVIHIO.VS. Gscwianro Be Warfara Mavsrrawset Break f la Coats ba v3ssta. Chicag-o. rah. L Breaks that wars fore seen ta be kkrritabis tbday In the price of wheat tnrned out ta bo much worse 1 had been generally looked for, but - the downward plunge of ths market was ended far ejnickar than most traders were expect lag Solely as ths result of Germany's notice of sea wat without limit, wheat values made an Instantaneous sheer descent of 1514 cants. Within twenty minutes. however, the market had rebounded cents, selling ot a panic sort waa over, and thereafter prices Kept inside of a 0-cent range, closing un settled, 449a net lower, with May at si- VLMtt. and July at fi.4iHOi.4i Extremn declines In corn, oata and provl slons were respectively 4c, 6c and $3.26, but the final fiaures showed losses aa com pared with yesterday's finish to have been narrowed to tba following: corn. ZCfZc oata, l92c, and provisions, 6266c U IL,I(4. Tension at the outset In tho wheat pit ap peared ta be oi a nerva-racklog character, seldom, if ever equalled on 'Change in Cbl cago. Every foot of standing room from the top atp down to. the center of the closely packed .crowd waa occupied, and scorns or brokers were literally standing on tip toes, eager to sell at tba first clang of tha gong. Tha strain of tha wait for the signal proved too great to bo altogether wuiistood and just before tha bell sounded one perspiring trader shrieked. "Sell May at 46- In tha bedlam that followed this first offer tha opening bell received not the siigntast attention. May wheat, in which the chief iaterest centered and which had closed yesterday at $1.71 01.714 crashed down to $1.66 and there was no In itial sala recorded higher than $L63, lust 2 cents below the earliest offer that was heard. Selling on a tremendous acaia continued unabated In wheat for about five minutes, but then the pressure began to slacken a little and the market, though fluctuating violently for the next quarter of an hour, was less one-sided. peneral expectations mai ina utmost aeciine wouia noi greauy exceed 10c a bushel had proved wrong by more than 6c, but was now making itself felt as a steadying influence. Further sta bility resulted also from wholesale prom taking by traders who of late had been plunging heavily on the bear side of the market Another Influence toward tha restoration of comparative con Ode nee was the announcement that after having been tied up over night the traffic In and out of New Tork harbor had boon resumed. In later dealings the nervousness of the wheat crowd was renewed by reports that railway embargoes were spreading and by Washington advices that a break in dip lomatic relations with Germany was not unlikely. At no time during the session, however, was there a return of tho demor alisation which characterised the opening, when at the worst of the collapse tne mar ket was down 38o a bushel from the maximum jsuropean war price nere, fi.nb for May. Some Idea of the magnitude of the Inter ests affected by today's violent setback In prices may be gained from estimates cur rent tonight that a single firm here has sold short within the last few weeks nearly 20,000,000 bushels of wheat. Another concern was said to have purchased alone 2.900.000 buaneia toaay. Corn and oats gave way and rallied in line with wheat. The fact that neither of the coarse grains is exported to nearly as great a degree as areadsturis prevented such sensational action as was shown by tho more expensive cereal. Trading was unusually active, but outside of the first half hour tha changes 1b price were not ex traordinary. Provisions shared In tha general weak ness), due to the prospect that ocean ship ping waa to be seriously hampered by the Germs n naval program. The greatest de cline Was In pork. , Cash Prtcea Wheat: No. I red nominal; No. 3 red. $1.43; No. 2 hard nominal; No. 2 hard. 11.04. corn: no. 3 yellow, 7c: No. 4 ystiow, fSBtavc: No. i white. 2406e. oats:, no. 8 white, tittow standard, S3 68c. Rye nominal. Barley, $1.00 fj 1.27. Seeds: Timothy, $3.60 V 6. 60 , clover. 81 1.00 a 17. 60. rrovistons : - font. $28.26; lard, $16.72; ribs. $14.43; ribs, $14,62 .W18.12. natter uncnangea; receipts, 7, out luos. Eggs Higher: receipts, 1,569 eai firsts, 42a; ordinary firsts, 40f)42c; at mark, tees included, 40043c, Potatoaa Unchanged ; receipts, 83 ears. poultry Alive, unsettled; xoww, itc; springs, lie; turkeys, 18a, Kansas City. Pah. L Wheat No. 2 hard. si.s4oyi.7i; re, gi.MfyLs; May, 81.100)1. 49: Jury. 81.27. com no. 2 mixed, 4sko: no. I whits. 94m; wo. 1 yellow, ststtto; May, 14 4y4e; July, 2c ,. oatsNo. 2 white, 66 Slice: No. 2 mixed. $6 067c IS GRAIN AND PRODUCE Wheat Market Suffers Heavy Decline and All Cash Trade is DoIL COEN DROPS rOUB CENTS Omaha, February 1. 1117. Trade In the local cash market waa ex tremely doll today on account ot the heavy price losses la futures and while the local reoelpta of grain were vary light, only a small percentage of the wheat and corn samples were sold and no sales of oats were reported up to noon. The wheat market suffered ons of the heaviest declines that It baa experienced since the beginning of tne war and ths result of this decline. waa seen la today's cash market, the better grades of wheat selling all tha way from 10c to 14 under, yesterday's market No. 2 hard wheat was Quoted at $1.16: No. S hard brought from $1.42 ta $1.62. and the No. 4 hard sold at $1.40. Corn followed the break In wheat with declines of 2o to 4e, and while tho sales of this cereal were very light the trade In corn was comparatively better than wheat. Tha sales of corn reported up to noon showed practically all of the better samples of yellow corn selling at lie and tha mixed at 90e to llo. No oata, rye or barley waa reported aold and tho quotations on these cereals were nominal at a rather heavy decline. Clearances were wheat and flour equal to 828,090 bushels: corn. 16,900 bushels: oats, 62,000 bushels. Primary wheat receipts were 713,900 bushels and shipments 720,004) bushels, against receipts of 1,126,000 bushels and shipments of 1,272,000 bushels last year. primary corn receipts were 1,346,909 bushels and shipments of (02,090 bushels, agalnat receipts of 016,000 bushels and shipments of 1,001,000 bushels last year. CAB LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 40 .63 136 Omaha 9 26 4 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: I cars.l.C6A: 4 cars, $1.46. No. 3 bard winter: 1 car, $1.43; 1 car, 1.62; 2 cars, $1.91. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.60. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.61 No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car. $1.68. Corn No. 3 yellow: 1 car, lie. No. 3 yel low: 4 cars, lie. No. 4 yellow: t cars, lie. No. 3 mixed: 2 cara. lie. No. I mixed: 1 car, lie; 3 cars, I0c No. 4 mixed: 1 car, sottc; I car, 0c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No.' 2 hard. $1.644yl.66; No. 3 hard, $1.41 J 1.43; No. 4 hard, $1.6291.41.' Corn: No. 2 white, I09 91c; No. $ white, IO0Oc; No. 4 white, 09l0o; No. 5 white, 0ty0c; No. 6 white, 8t90e; No. 2 yellow, 90ylc, No. 3 yeflow, O091c: No. 4 yellow, 20 t9lc. No. 6 yellow, 0(y90r; No. 6 yel low, 81 910c; No. 3 mixed, I049lle; No. 2 mixed. 2090c; No. 4 mixed, 10 90o; No. 6 mixed, 00990e; No. 4 mixed, ll0tOc. Oats: No. 3 white, 69 60 He; standard, 60 9 60c; No. 3 white, 41960c: No. 4 white. 41941c. Barley: Halt ing, $1.0191.14; No. 1 feed, Mr.4Ml.08. Rye: No. 2, $1.3091-32; No. 2. $1.2191.31. , A radically bearish construction was placed by grain traders on the German note received late yesterday. reaca reports nave been in the air for several days, and while the note was re garded sa putting tne possibility or im mediate peace out of the question, an ticipations of political complications be DONT BURY YOUR MONEY Make It Earn Dividends It is folly to hide money around home when it can be deposited with The Omaha Loan and Building Association, which has been the cus todian of the savings of the people for thirty-four years. You Can Deposit Any Sum From $1.00 Up . It Will Earn Interest While You Sleep Of all the millions deposited with this Association, not one dollar has been lost to depositors. Your money can be withdrawn on short notice. It is absolutely secure and pays good dividend rates. Ask for our illus trated literature. THE OMAHA LOAtf AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION , Fifteenth and Dodge Streets p If X"aVaganCe k a a habits grow jj """" I rjJB ' Start a Bank Account '. .. j f !frL. ' - Save For the Future ll juf 1) I irfffjL a Very Small Amount Will Open an Account JPTfljl I We Pay 3 Per Cent Interest on Savings Accounts AMERICAN STATE BANK tOl EVERY MAN'S DUTY TO HIMSELF 9 JO TO SAVE WHILE HIS EARNING CAPACITY IS GREATEST Occidental Building and Lqan Association Pays ASSETS $5,000,000 7 Dividends SURPLUS $180,000 OCCIDENTAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 322 South Eighteenth Street JOHN F. FLACKPresident; R. A. McEACHRON, Vice President; GEO. C. FLACK, Treasurer. ' E. N. BOVELL, Secretary; JOHN T. BROWNLEE. Assistant Secretary. ' ' ROBERT DEMPSTER. WHAT IS THRIFT? . . Thrift does not mean being stingy, being a miser, er being a tightwad. x ' Thrift DOES mean handling money wisely getting the most out of every dollar of income keeping an eye on the future and using one's money as an instrument to build up a strong character i and a bank account V THAT IS THRIFT PRACTICE IT." The Conservative Savings and Loan Association ' 1614 Harney Street. tween this country and Germany were up permost in the minds of JJ10 trade, as was seen In today's market, when May wheat opened from 10c to 12c lower and the July opened from 7c to 8c oK. The May option recovered some of the early loss, but only came to within so of yesterday's closing quataoetia. Tbe net loss for today en corn as com pared with the close yesterday was 2e on May and 3o on July, and the trade In this market was very slow. Oata opened about lo lower en both options, and while July sold c up from tbe opening, the Hay option closed c lower. Local range of options: Art I Open. Hlgp7TLow. Close. Yes. WhtT"! T I May 1 649& 1 $1 1& 1 00 148 July 1 26934 1 36 134 1 26 143 Sept. 1 23 1 20 123 1 26 131 Corn. May 14 14 11 93 06 July 12 12 12 12 16 Oats. . May 62 63 6) 61 64 July 43 48 4$ 48 41 Chicago closing prices, furnished Tho Bee by Logan s Bryan, stock and grain brokers 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha Art Open High' If Low Close. 1 Tes. Whf May July Bept Corn May July osie May July Pirk May July l,ard -May July Hit May July T 1CS91B 1 $ til 1 $3 171 1409136 1 43 139 1 41 146 l3J9.- 1 3212I 1 22 126 9697 7 ' 17 tt 69IIH . 13 l 18 161941 84 49 62 66 604 64 j 49 62 63 I 27 69 It 20 124 60 28 17 1 20 75 2730 2$ 00 37 6S 27 7$ 2I 42 14 40 16 40 116 76 16 02 16 67 I If 17 It 87: 1$ 00 16 17 16 70 j IS 16 16 16 114 60! 14 12 16 67 I 16 16 16 IS jl4 t0 16 07 Il6 72 NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qoalatlnas of the Day aa Vsrteeu Treading New Tork, Feb. 1. Flour, weak and nominal;; spring patents, $8.6698.90; win ter patents, $8.3598.60; winter straights, $8.0098.26; Kansas straights, $8.6698.90. Wheat Spot, weak; No. 2- hard, $1.84; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.19; No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, $1.07, f. o. b. New Tork. corn spot, weak; No. 2 yellow, si.Qtt. o. 1. f., 'New Tork. Oata Spot, weak; standard. 66 967c. Hay Steady; No. 1, $1.10; No. 2. $1,009 1.06; No. S 6997c; shipping, 80 95c. Hops Steady; state common to choice. 1116, 46960c; 1915. 3911c. Hides Firm ; Bogota, 41 9 42c : Central America, 41c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, T7c; sec onds, 66c. Provisions Pork, unsettled; mess, $33,009 83.60: family, 332.009S2.60; short clear, $32.00934.00. Beef, unsettled; mens, $33.00 9 23.60; family. $26.60927.00. Lard; weak; middle west, $1SJ091$.0$. .. . Tallow Steady. f Butter Firmer; receipts, $,131; tubs; creamery higher than extras, 424Sc; ex tra (13 score), 41o asked; firsts, 369 41c; seconds, $4936c. Eggs Firm; receipts, 0,093 cases; fresh gathered, extra fine, 46947c; extra firsts, 46c; firsts, 4494$o; seconds and lower grades, 43914c; , refrigerator seconds to firsts, 17tf390. Cheese--tnrni: receipts, 1,743 boxes; state. whole milk flats, specials, 2$ 9 26c; state, average fancy, 24 926c. , Poultry Alive steady ; chickens, 20 9 29c; fowls, 22923c; turkeys, 26c Dressed: Firm; chickens, 20 9 21c; fowls, 17 9 24c; turkeys. 20934c. - U An Dpitoo Plimk TA leights Here J ogs W3U estab- X ards Thursday of $11.85 was 1 Record Heights Here A new record for hogs I'sh.-d at the stuck yards when the record price reported. Yesterday the to., pries was $11.70. The market has been very strong all this week. Monday $11.55 was paid for choict hogs. MllliieeM.Ua Grata Market. lllDBeapolls. Feb. 1. Flour Fancy oat. eota decline lie; quoted at II. Other grade, uochaofed. , Barley lel. 31. Bye ll.llcjl.10. Bran I31.00,?S1.60. Wheat liar, ti.is61.ti: July. Il.li4. Cash: No. 1 hard. 11.7461.71; No. 1 north, em, 11.6761.70: No. I northern, tl.l4tjl.7a. Corn No. t yellow. 11014c. Oata No. I white, 4lh6i0ttc Flax 11.12 61.11, . Lansa Grain tburke. St Loots, Feb. 1. Wheat No. 1 red, ' nominal: No. i bard, 11.74: May, ILIlkl July, ti ll. Com No. t. ,114c: No. I wrdta, M llfec; May, 17c: July, llttc Oata No. t, 12 ttc; No. t white, nominal. AGUACATE MINE S Actively traded in on N. Y. Curb Market " WE have prepared a booklet describing in detail the properties,'' history, production and financial condition of this company. A copy will be mailed npon request for booklet M-52. J. A. BRENNAN & CO. 39 BROAD ST. NEW YORK Sell Your Alfalfa and Grain to Us Squar. Daal Prompt Return M. C. Peters Mill Co., Omaha SwnCk Sat, Statana FARNAM AT EIGHTEENTH 6 Per Cent Quarterly in satisfaction. Resources, $13,000,000.00. Reserve, $350,000.00. 1 1 1 ,i 4 Sn 1'4 i ' ' I i 1 '