fHK BKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 81, 1917. REAL" ESTATE IMPROVED South. Why Look Further? HERE IS THE HOME YOU WANT. Lars ilx-roora urat-bunsilow, living room aoroM front, open itatrway, unuau ally fine dining room and kitchen; three good bedroom and bath; clothes chute: extraordinary closeta; beautifully deoo rated throughout; all. In oak and white enamel; full brick foundation. Tula la a bargain In a brand new home. Osborne Realty Co., .01-2 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bia. Trlr OS, Your Own Terms Six roomi, all modern. In good condi tion, with east front lot, at northwest corner of 86th and Marry, on high ground, one block south of Leavenorth St. Owner has decided to sell and wants an offer cash or terms. Tour chance to gat a bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas ::. !- City National. $250 Cash $27.50 Per Month Seven -room house, located at 3817 S. 2:id St., 8. Side, five large rooms and bath on first floor, two large rooms on second floor, strictly modern, large screened-in back porch, 12x1; nice laundry, wired for electric washer and Iron; lot 50x142; cement walks, fine shade, good garage and chicken house, paved streets, one block to car. Price only $3,800. Phone South 2818. ON THE SOUTH SIDp PRICE $1,500. $100 DOWN, $15 PER MONTH. S-room cottage, nicely decorated; elec tric lights, gas, toilet; three blocks to car. Call Doug. 6013 during office hours and Col. 2450 after 6 p. m, B. I, Morrow. BIG BARGAIN. SOUTH 80TH STREET. Good 6-room cottage and a 4 -room cottage, on, one lot. at 2433 South 20th, In excellent repair, paving all paid. Only 12,750 for the two cottages. Easy terms. NORRIS ft NOHRM, 400 Bee Sidg. Phone Douglas 487s. Miscellaneous. CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW Large living room, dining room, kitchen en first floor; three large bedrooms and bath on second floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in bookcases and buffet; full h&Mtnent- guaranteed furnace: east trout lot; paved street; fine location. Pries 14.609. Terms, SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 1002. Qronnd Fir. acCagne Bldg. THE GREATEST GAIN ,TM Mid nnudi aver made by an Omaha paper, la the record el THd OMAHA lOr J.S1B. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATE MODERN BUNGALOW irina location, east front, paved street I rooms, hardwood floors and finish, close to school and car. a oargain at m.wv. Easy terms, call owner, ucog. mi. NEW bungalow, also S-r. and gardening; your terms and price; lnv. with $400, rent 3 bouses (coat sa.puvj. sa.evv. u. xvi. btvk rooms, newi oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc. 32,760; $200 cash. balance monthly. COltax 7B3&. HOUSES In all part of the city. CREIOH. SONS A CO.. 608 Bee Bldg. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Insur ance, 442 oee jsiag. uougias suvt. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West the Greatest gain 42.712 in nald want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THE OMAHA BEE tor IVle. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATS North. AFTER looking at MINNB LUSA. O0 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the maricst ana tney hacked their Judgment by buying lota. IF TOU will come out today you will understand why the otners are paying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. MINNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave near 24th St, can be bougni at a bargain; wis lot most be sold. See me quick. C A, Ori mmeL, Ml Omaha Nat BanK Bldg. TWO dandy south front lots. N. B. corner 8nd and Lafayette Ave. MonUlara Addi tion. Phone Harney issh. REAL ESTATE InvesbnenU Down Town Investment 19th and St Mary's Ave. Income $L560 Per Year Tb.is splendid Investment can be bought for $16,000, if you act qoicxiy. Hastings & Heyden, 1M4 Harney St Phone Tyler 60. FOR OMAHA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ON DODGE STREET OR DOUGLAS STREET SEE HIATT COMPANY, 245 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK TYLER 60. l CORNER lot, 4614!, unreitrlcted and HUflable for store or flats, lo be so hi at a sacrifice for cash, for owner, who is leav Ing Omaha. This lot Is on corner of Far nam and Cuming car lino and all paving h in and paid for. Call us If you are In- treated In a bargain. Shuler & Cary, J04 Kw.llne Bldg. Phonf D. 6074. SEE US FOB INVESTMENT AND .SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 620 first National Bank Bldg. APARTMENT $76,000 Income 12 per oent, one year old ery One location; mortgage 26.000 and aill accept $20,000 In trade; balance -iir) or negotiable papers. CALKINS ft CO., "nufrini U1I City Nat'l Bank Bldg HOME BUILDERS, INC New capitalisation, $1,000,000.00. New $1.00 Preferred Shares Guaranteed. 7 Of cash dividends Jan. 1 ft July 1. O on any number i f shares Feb. 1. American Security Co., Fls. Agta.. Omaha. KJtiAL ESTATaV WM. COLFAX. 7SB Kewtln Wldg Dous FARM LANDS FOR RENT FOR RENT Improved quarter. Swift County, aatnneaota, two and one-hilt miles from good town. About 100 acres In cultivation. Crop or cash. Address Dr. W. U. PaUtU. Crete. Neb. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON. BUT THS LOT. $11.00 down and $12 00 per month; price 1 100. 00; else, 60x128; located on Locust SL, between Clark and Burn ham. not far from school and car Una. Geo. B. Wright Bee Office. Omaha. " BENSON home at real bargain. 6-room house, east front corner lot Fruit trees and shrubbery. One block to car. $S00 down and $20 per month, to reaponBlble party. Will sacrifice (or quick sale or will trade on Omaha property. Benson MW. Dundee. DUNDEE. Just listed, one of the swcllest little bungalows In Dundee. Six rooms, strictly modem, located near 50th and Davenport. Lot 60x135. Oak floors and oak finish; 14 block to car line. Owner being trans ferred to another city, will sell every piece of furniture also. This home Is priced at $4,250. A genuine snap. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 117 Omaha Nat Bk. Bid. D. mi. 8SVERAL Iota, building restriction. II,- 100.00. Adjoining Happy Hollow Urol. M00.00 to 11,000.00. W L. SELBY A SONS. Dour. 1110. A DUNDBB lot bargain, near achool and oar line. Writ. Box Si... Be. Florence. I2H0 ACRB, acreage Mid; I tracta left at 1300. Laat chance, call Netbaway, no. 121. South Side. CHEAP HOMES. We bav. a large number of small nouses wltb I to 4 rooma, ranging in price from 1100 to $1,300, on full alaed lota, wblcb we can ae!l at your own terma. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., 4925 S. 24tb St. Pbone South 124T. FOUR ACRES. Well Improved W1U take good bunga low aa part payment, S.r P. BOSTWICK A SON. -Tyler ISM. too Bee Bldg REAL ESTATE To Exchange MUST sell or trade, nonresident. 6-room, story and a halt nouse. Nearly new; strictly modem; hardwood floors, garage. Lot fiOxl 20 paying 10 per cent ; $3,000, easy terms. 2615 Fort. Owner, I. Smith, Castle Hotel. . TO EXCHANGE 502 acres northern Minne sota land. suDieot to mcumorance ii.ttvu. due 8 years at f per cent. What have your Write for price ana particulars, uox 608 Mannato, Minn. TWO fine houses In best locations to ex change for vacant lota in west Douglai St. or West Dodge Bt. districts. Inter state Realty Co., 928-J0 City Nat. D. 8X62. WE have some good homes and rental prop erties for Neb. or lowa land. Kdwara v. Williams Co., Omaha Nat'i Bank Bldg. TKAPFSTKAilKS TKADE3 Parma. Cattle. Ranches. New Apartments. Plats, etc ABBOTT. 4 Patterson Block Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for elty property. Franta, 570 Brandels Bldg REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE. . 2 -lt0 acres C. 3. Q. trackage at Gibson. Suitable tor Industry desiring large area with low price. Also have 6 acres beautifully located on boulevard, a. E. part without trackage. W. L. Selby ft tuns, K.eeune mag. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4. 6 and 6 -roomed bouses that can be sold for 10o cash, balance 16 per month; send complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1820 Farnara. Tel. Doug. 1064. LIST your 6 and 6-room houses with us WIS SELiLt THhtU. USUUKNlfi Kill ALT I CO Doug 1474 LIST your 5 and 6-room house with EDWARD F, WIliLIAMS CO.. Doug. 430- FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans. Mortgages. C1TT and farm loans promptly made. Ratea I, IV, and a per oent. -Heaeoqable com. mlaaioB. UNITED STATES TRUST CO.. Ill South lTth. Omaha. Nob. City and Farm Loans 6. 644 and 6 per cent Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for sale. J. H. Dumont ft Co., 4X6-18 Keellne Bldg., 1 7th and Harney. XUhi URaiATD'l GAIN 58. m IB paid want-ads ever .made by any Omaha paper is the record of THE OUAHAf BBB tor 1IU. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATH. 1 PER CKNT to 6 per cent on best class city residences tn amount $2,004 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Famam St. 18,000 MORTGAGE bearing 6 per cent seml ann.; secured by property values at 611, 600. Talmage-Loomls lnv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. STANDARD SECURITY AND IN VESTMENT CO.. WEAD BLDG. 18TH AND KARNAM. SUUPEN ft CO., PR1VATU MONHT. $600.00 to loan on Omaha real estate or Jentral Neb. land. W. L. Bel by & Bona. Keellne Bldg. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches, we also buy good farm mori gages. Kloke lnv. Co.. Omaha. RELIABLE Insurance. See O'Nell's Real Estate snd Insurance Agency, t32ti Bran dels Theater. Tel. Tyler 1024. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W Binder. City National Bank Bldg 5y2 t7 U1TY 2 LOANS " GARVIN BROS., "Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 6o MONEY HARRISON MURTUN, lti Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KBEFE R. K. CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. FARM and city loans, 6-6 "ri m ' S per cent W n inomas, Keenne piag. uoug. nn, WOULD Kb. ALT Y CO., 8u" ''ater" REAL ESTATE loans. 6 per cent D. E. BUCK A CO., 8U omaha Nat. Bnk. CITY and farm loans, lowest rates. B. B. LUUOEE, inc., 631 Keellne BJdg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, wead Blag . imo ana parnam a. Stocks and Bonds. ONAUMAN IRON CO. For Sale 1.100 shares Onahman Iron stock at bargain; also 100 shares Amerl can Manganese Manufacturing company. C. E, Updike. 610 Andrus Biog., Minneapo lis, Minn. TWENTY shares Commonwealth Mortgage company, Minneapolis, common stock for sale. The company Has just aeciareo s per cent on th preferred. C. E, Updike, 610 Andrua mag., minneoiis, juidq. Abstracts of Title. Kerr 11 tie. Guarantee and Abstract Co. X06 a 17 th St. around door Bonded by Mass. Bonding ana ins, uo. KM ED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of- flro tn Nebrssks 80B Brendeln Thnater Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON. ReDresent Drompt pay Insurance com pantea 644 Brandels Bldg., Omaba, Neb FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 6pp6kfUNITY OF A LIFETIME to secure a 330-acre farm, the whole piece In win ter wheat, farmed right, sod crop, located on main hilt h way. 2Vi miles from Yuma, Colo., whose population has doubled in the last two years; newly fenced, ;new well-built storage building, 40x14 ; sod crop means sure ylsld, should go $5 to 46 bushels to tne acre ana at next yean nrlces more than pay for the land: hard, level land, no sand; a rare chance to settle In a new, live community without waiting two years for a crop and without kilting your horses breaking new ground four elevators within 2 miles. Here is everything done but tho harvest in the best dry-farming district in Colorado. IT'S A SNAP at $60 an acre, half down. Who wants It ? Quick action neceiipary. William P. Tarrant, Saratoga Springs, N. I. South Dakota Lands. BENNRTT and Shannon county, S. D. land on Pine Ridge reservation. Get tn before It Is too late. Finest soil tn the world, Have a few good ranch proposition, too, Wayne L. Barker, Brenaan. S. D. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTY. We have the rwcord crop truck garden and citrus fruit land tn the United States. You can buy on easy terms. Note: If yiiu am a good land sales man Palm Beach county, Florida, offers you the tat-st land proposition In America. PARSONS & BON. 653 Brandels Bldg. PouglM 784$. Excursions lae Omaha first and third Tuesdays every month. Mako yiur reser vations with us early. THREE THOUSAND ACRES. Florida farm land (or sale In tract, of 10 aero, and up. To ault purehaaar. R. E. M'NEILL, Live Oak, Fie. RAISB! ALFALFA IN FLORIDA (Natal Hay) tola winter. Flrat outline;, so day.; 160 to ISO annually on HO land. Ill Paiton Blk Walnut HIT (evonlnawl. lovru Land. 30 YEARS OWNER OF THIS FARM. NOW GOING TO SELL. 373 acres Crawford Co., Iowa; has 6-room house, barn 61x60, cattle' barn, hog house, double corncrlb, chicken house, ma chine shed, granary, well, wtndmllL all Improvements flrst-olass shape, well Minted, all fenced hostigbt. with 6 sep arate fields hog-tight, 100 acres under plow, IS acres alfalfa, 40 acre blue grass, balance timothy and clover, T miles from Dow City, 7 miles from Charter Oak, $ miles from Klnwood. Price $17$ per acre. Utge. $20,000. five years, pet; owner will take $10,000 cash, carry bal ance at 6 net. excent owner wants $200 and interest each year; farm rented for IV per acre for 1017. S. O, NORDQUIST. ' $22 Neville Blk.. Omaha, Neb. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $6 monthly; no Interest or taxes; mgmy pro ductive lald; olose to $ big markets. Write tot photographs and full Informa tion. Hunger, A-llt, N. T. Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. ' Nebraska Lands. WK FARM the farm we sell you. THE BUNOEHFORD POTATO GROWERS' ASSN., Co-oneratlve Potato Unarming, 16th and Howard Sts., opposite Auditorium. SOME bargains in Kimball county- farms; Improved and raw land; lana tnei raises 16 lo 36 bushels of wheat per acre; $! and up, Farmers Land Co. WET land made dry enough for crops or no pay, Is our way of draining land- no tract too large or too wet, Guarantee Drainage Co oaKianq. wen. SECTION CHEAP, near Valentine; easy terms; ouy quicg. w. koss, w nuerocxs. Utah. CAN sell or exchange any land you have to offer, a J. Canan, McCague Bldg. 1.000-A. FARM for sale or trade. D. 6707. A- W. To land ft Co.. 440 ee Hiag. Miscellaneous. SOUTHERN FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS. We can sell you anything from a fifty- acre farm to 60,000 acres of timber, and at any price from $a per acre up. Write and telfua what you want THE INTERSTATE LAND CORPORATION, Bristol, Tennessee. Texas Lands. T7. & FRANKS Real estate, east Texas lands 2nt Nevllld Blk. Douglas xsoo. MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. HIGH CLASSED LOANS. Ten per cent Interest per annum and 10 per cent broKerage rees. irovmea py law. Easy Payments. utmost privacy, Twenty-five Years Established. OMAHA LOAN CO. Licensed and Bonded. TeL Doug. 2296. Room 640 Paxton Btk. FURNITURE, pianos, ind. notes as security. $40 j-mo. H. n. gds., total cost eS.&o; 40 Indorsed notes, total coat $1.60. Smaller, larger aro'ts., proportionate rata. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Organised by Omaha Business Men. 413 Rose Bldg., lfith and Farnam. Ty. 66. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. FOR SALE Beautiful sliver gray hearse, rubber tire, latest design, nana carvea, elegant condition, used very little; cost $1,400; will sell very cheap. Ensign Om nibus and Transfer Co., Lincoln, Neb. PAIR of good geldings, G years old, weight $,200, and sound. Also tnree goc . young spans of mares. Must be sold. 1416 North D, Fremont, Neb. Phone Hi. AUTOMOBILES GUARANTEED TIRES. 12 Price Wo make one new tire from the old ones. GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES We Buy and Sell USED CARS TIRES. Live agents wanted. II yon are a bus tler write for our agency proposition. 2 IN 1 VULCANIZING CO 1616 Davenport St. Omaha. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 220$ Farnam St. Douglas 3310. Chalmers "6" Sacrifice Hupmobile "32" $276 Mitchell ",' touring 400 Chevrolet touring 160 THE UREA TEST GAIN 58,718 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha, paper. Is ths record of THE OMAHA 3EE for 1816. BEST RESULTS 'LOWEST RATE. 15 PCX. Cash rebate on your auto Insurance pol icy if you car Is equipped with PERRY LOCK. Pbone Douglas 121? 884 Brandels Bldg. S.O.S. MOTOR CO. Steam Heated 2406 Leavenworth. and Fireproof storage. $6 per month. Day and night service- Pbone Tyler 71T. TO RENT Best location in Council Bluffs for garage; will remodel to suit tenant; 7,600 sq. ft floor space; one block from corner of Main St. and W. Broadway. See H e ndrlcks & Son, Co. Blnffs, la. 1913 PAIGE, electric equipped, $210. 11914, 6-50 Maxwell, speedstor, $400. Several second-hand Franklins. TELL & BINKLEY, 2318 Harney St. D. 1670. CRUSSTOWN Oarage, 316 S 24th. D. 4442. New Ford wheels, rear $2.60, front $1.60 ea.; Stewart vacuum system, $6; other bargains. Motorcycle presto taup, full, $4. FORa"lb 101 6" Packard 1-267 seven-pas Sanger touring car, Z extra tires, bumper. For quick sale, $2,600. Hatboro Auto Co., Mason City, lowa. WE will trade you a uew Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL GARAGR CO.. 20th and Harney. Douglas 6251. FOR SALE Owing to my leaving city, my 1916 Overland coupe is for sale, cheap, cash or payments. Address Apt 807, New Hamilton. USED CARS AT REAL PRICES. C W. FRANCIS AUTO OX, Doaglas 861. 2216-18 Farnam St REBUILT high and low tension magnetoes. magneto pa '.a or magneto repairs. Mat' tox, 1426 South llth. Tyler 111I-J. BALL and roller bearings, all makes of cars, good aa new at half the prioe. Mattox, sooin :tn lyier uia-j. FIRWT reasonable cash offer takoa my 1016 Maxwell touring car. Just like new. Call Tyler 1816 after 6 p. ra. FOR SALE 118, flvo-passenger Fond cheap lor caah. Must be sold at once. Owner lea vtog ty.Box262,Bee.j HERTSCHV kan-Kix-i'l."" "soutneaet cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas Till. SECOND-HAND Ford touring car for sale. Call Colfax 40f. Auto Livery am1 Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car ah ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Har ney St Tyler i&6. AUTOMOBILES Auto Repairing and Painting. 1100 reward (or maan.to w. can't repair. mil, repaired Baylorr.r, in N 111! NKB. Auto Radiator Repair garvtca. and prirM riant 111 8 utn o io. Motorcycle and Bicycle. 11AUI.KY. DAVIDSON MOTOROY(-I.KS Bar. Italna In uaed machine,. Vletor Rooa. "rne Uotororol. nan." "TOI Umrenworth. PERSONAL PaEi, FISTULA tfURBD, Dr. K, R. Tarry ovrsg piles, fistula and other reetal diseases without surgical opera tSoo. Cure guaranteed and no money nald until cured. Writs (or book on reo tal disease with testimonials. DR. SL It TARRT, 140 Beg Bldg., Omaha, Nab. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga El nee. We collect. We distribute, Phon Doug. 41U and our wagon will oalL Call and inspect our new home, luv-iiii-uii Dodge St THE GREATEST OAIN 6$.T$I Omaha pa per. Is t h reoord of TH S OMAHA BEE for 1114. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATI MISS LARSON Baths, massage and manl- cur Scalp "tid facial niaasag . Sluts Institute. 1606 Hsrney St D. 707. Open venings aims Hundayi. Sulphur, steam and eucalyyptus baths for obronlo diseases; exp, attendant for ladles and gentiemen. 401-1 Rose Bldg. Ty. 8361. RUURBflucceeafully treated" without a urgloml operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. rVrmy. 106 Bee Bldg WANTED to adopt a little girl between age of I to 6 years, good home. Address Lock Box 120, Stratton, Colo. DR. BUR KB, OMAHA MEN'S SPECIALIST. 118 CROUNSK BLK. OPPOSITE) P. O. east MISSES LILLY AND GOULD Bath, mas sage 1118 Farnam St Phone Doug $410 LUEI.LA WEBSTER, massage and mani curing. 618 Paxton Blk. Red $400. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg Phon nugie B37i. i MISS S. BENJAMIN, manicuring, facial, scalp treatment Staats Ins, 1606 Harney. MISS NASH, BRUOMAN. scientific massus and be the 103 Rarbach Blk. Red 871,. ALL Right Private Maternity Borne, SOU Miami St. Webster 190S. E BROTT Magnetic massage. 2434 Cuming. MISS PILE, mass., chiropody. ISM Farnam. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. Rm. 19. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Robert W. York to Fred Wead. north west corner Twenty .ninth and Leav enworth streets, 140x160 $ 1 Lumbermen's Insurance company to Henry M. Christie, Twenty-fourth street 46 feet south of Willis ave nue, east Side, 46x36 1,000 Ralph E. Harrington and wife to Mary H. Bloeforn, Burt street 42 1.866 feet west of Twenty-fifth avenue, north side, J3.876xl3C 1 Carl H. Nordman and wife to Martin Graf et ah Nineteenth street 360 feet north of M street, west side, 46x130 1,300 William J. Travor and wife to Peter Malmqulst, Park avenue, 160 feet south of Popple ton avenue, east side, 61x142 1 Peter Malmqulst and wife to Harriet F. W. Smith, Park avenue, 160 feet south of Poppleton avenue, east side, 61x143 ,1 William H. Gates, guardian, to George L. Williamson, Ohio street, 114 feet east of Twenty -second street south side, 30x110 1,1 KB Loren E. Nebergall and wife to Will iam F. Wapplch, Forty-first street 1 183.4 feet north of Davenport street, west side, 41.3x110 1 State National Bank of Cleveland to -Claude C. Kapple et al. Thirtieth street 320 feet south of Orover avenue, east aide, 40x136 $46 George fi. Ring to Ella P. Goodrich, Twenty-fifth avenue, 100 feet south ' of Poppleton avenue, west side, 60x 127 t John Baden to John R. Brandt Twen . ty-lghth avenue, 1,186 feet south of Pratt street Mt side, 80x120 1 Mary C. Browne et al to Mary E. Clouso and husband, Sixteenth street, 200 feet south of Canton west side, 60x127 1 Rosa A, Thomas and husband to Isaao B. Zimman, Ferry itreet, Florence, 162 feet west of Buffalo street, south side, 182x261 1 Ella Petersen et al to Mary Proud foot, northeast comer Twenty-third and G streets, 87x120 1 John W. Rasp and wife to Afton Ward, Thirty-third street 88 feet south of Mason street west side, 44 xl26 1 N. Sumner Breese and wife to Edmund A. Van Valkenburg, Douglas street 16 feet east of Forty-eighth street, north skle, 48x128.6 1 Leandcr L. French et al to Genevieve C. Porter, Chicago street, 100 feet cast of Fiftieth street, south side. 60x136 6,000 Death Wins Long Fight From Henry Hbrnberger The bodv of Henry Hornbereer, 30 years of aKe. until recently phar macist for J. L. Brandeis & Sons, arrived in Omaha Monday and was buried after services at 1 o clock Tuesday at the Jackson chapel. In terment was in West Lawn ceme tery. Death was due to tuberculosis. Mr. Hornberger had gone to Albuquerque, N. M in the hope that his condition would improve. He arrived there Jan uary 21 at noon and died that even ing. In addition to nis wire, Mr. Morn- berger is survived by his mother, Mrs Jessie Dearing of Winnebago, Neb. The Hornberger home was formerly at 2201 Chicago street City Council Approves New Plan of Banking The city council approved the new plan of depositing city funds. Time deposits of $25,000 a month for three months, beginning March 1, will be placed in the Security State banWand the State National bank, with open accounts in other banks, lhe two banks mentioned offered the city more than 2 per cent interest on time deposits of six months. The supenn tendent of accounts and finance will invest a portion of city funds in im provement district and school war rants. Rabbi Sternheim to Talk Before B'nai B'rith LTodges Rabbi Emanuel Sternheim will ad dress the B'nai B'rith lodges Sunday at 3 p. m. in Myrtle hall. Fifteenth and Douglas streets. William McKinley lodge No. 521 will meet Thursday night at 8:30 to discuss a proposed amendment which would establish a central coun cil committee of three members to hold office for six months. Breaks Into Jail and Then Ward is Content H. A. Ward, itinerant, who asserts he was robbed of $30 in Council Bluffs Monday, has broken into jail. Ward says he is ill and out of work and believes he is better off in jail than on the stem. HOW CAN WHEEL BE FLAT ANDROID TOO Learned Street Car Man Eluci dates the Perplexing Ques tion to Mr. Qrob. NOW HE KNOWS REASON By A. R. GROH. "Why are flat wheels?" This winter weather has made them plentiful. They pounded on my ears so much that I propounded the above question to a street railway man. He was a very learned man. Oh, very learned, indeed. And witty, too. Almost as wittv at mvself. He answered me scientifically, metalurgically, polysyllabically and silly-logically. "There are really no flat wheels, he botran with a smile. "Pardon me," I said, "but out where I live you can hear the wild flat wheel calling to its mate both by day and bv niffht." "Nevertheless." he persisted, "and strictly speaking, there are no flat wheels. If thev were flat they would not be wheels, don't you ee? And, vice versa, as long as they are wheels thev cannot be flat, lhe terms are mutually contradictory. You get my thought? "Some thought I" I exclamation- pointed. Or a Square Circle. "You see, we might just as well talk of a square circle or a round triangle as of a flat wheel." he rambled on. "Yes, or of an intelligent interview with certain people, I appended, not without subtle wit and innuendo. He was silent, eying me auspic iously. "You know what I mean," I taid, following up my advantage. I am speaking of wheels commonly known as 'flat wheels.' sometimes found on street cars and which come up the street, punctuating the circumambient atmosphere with dull bump-Dump- bumps against tne partem rans. "Ah. now 1 grasp your meaning, said mv wittv little friend. "Yon re fer to wheels, round wheels, on whose periphery there is, at some point, sliffht flatness." Your perspicacity ana perspicuity are perfect," I said. "Now, elucidate, please. Why are flat wheels? Wheels Slide. "I will tell vnu." he said. "In such weather as we've been having this winter, the rails are often slippery. When the cars are stopped suddenly the brakes sometimes lock the wheels and they slide along the rail for a few feet or vards. "With several tons ot weight on each wheel, vou can imagine the grinding that they get against tne rails. That is what makes them flat." "Is there any cure for flat wheels? I asked. "If the grinding hasn t gone through the outer surface of chilled steel, the wheels can be ground down to perfect roundness," he said. "But it the grinding lias penetrated tnrougn that little layer of chilled steel, the wheel is ruined and must be dis carded. Rectifying of flatness in wheels is constantly going on. "I thanked him warmly for his masterly elucidation of a subject that had been puzzling me. He protested that no tnanks were needed, that conversation with me was in itself ample reward for any slight service he might have rendered. And so we parted with mutual ex- pressions of respect. U. P. Has Little Perishable Tied Up by the Blockade Union Pacific freight officials are congratulating themselves in having so little perishable stuff out on the line in Wyoming during the blockade and cold spell. All citrus fruit was held back, instead ot having been sent into the zone ot cold weather. One hundred and fifty carloads of apples and potatoes, coming in off the Short line from Oregon and Washington, were run down to Green Kiver and there put into tne round house and consequently there will be no losses trom treezing. Mother and Two Children Play Firemen Profitably Assisted by her two young children Mrs. Charles Wittlake, 3424 North Fortv-first street, fought and ex tinguished a fire in the kitchen of her home which firemen believe would have destroyed the place if it had not been conquered just when it was. An overheated range set hre to the kitchen walls. Mrs. Wittlake called her children and they helped her fieht the names with buckets of water. When the firemen arrived the fire was out. The damage was slight. Omaha in Federal Fight Against Price of Paper The high cost of paper has hit Uncle Sam with a bang. An order received bv the postmaster raises the price of stamped unprinted envelops from $21 a thousand to $21.32. The increase on paper, not counting the value of the stamps, is approximately 32 per cent. All postmasters were instructed to make an invoice on the envelopes they have on hand and notify the department at once. The increased price goes into effect im mediately. Wives and Hubbies Make Up While Court Waits In Judge Day's court, where large numbers of decrees are ground out of the divorce mill each week, five cases have been dismissed in the last dav or so as a result of reconcilia tions. There are about twenty-five more divorce cases slated for dismis sal in the next few days. "For the sake of the children" is often a big factor in couples making up on the eve' of the granting of a decree When You Have a Cold. It is when you have a severe cold that you appreciate the good qualities Frank Crocker, lana, ill., writes "Our five-year-old son Paul caught severe cold last winter that settled on his luniis and he had terrible cougli mg spells. We were greatly worried about him as the medicine we gave him did not help him in the least. A neighbor spoke so highly ot Cham herlain's Coueh Remedy that I got i Wtlc of it. The first dose benefited him so much that I continued giving it to lura until he was cured. Adv WORE HEW LIGHTS HAVE BEEN PLACED Council Spots Nearly Two Hundred More in Various Parts of the City. . UNDER THE NEW CONTRACT The city council approved locations for 16S more new electric lights, mak ing a total of 565 new locationi which the Omaha Electric Light and Power company will be directed to install according to terms of the new five year contract. The list follows: Lolhrnp and lfth. 3 Ml) Ave. & leaven Martha and loth. worth. Arbor and 20th. Ida and 42d. Lakn ami 21t, Ida and 44th. YatM and int. Ida and Oth. lavnworth A llBt.Jaynes and 13th, Levn worth & Iftth.lUrtman Av. A tUa. Lnavenworth ft 93d. Maple and 3M. Raratora and 46th. Jackson and Slit Ave. B nnoy and 14th. .Tonw and si av. Nicholas viaduct, 4. .Innwi and SUt Howard and 11th. Plnkny and wn. !ocust viaduct. S. Bpncr and 4th. Bivnth viaduct, l.wirt ana Vinton viaduct, I, Burdctt and 4Mh. 4th viaduct. 1. Parkr and 43d. Douvlaa and Sth. rHeatur and 43d. JaynAN and ISth. Frank)) n and 43d. T.ncimt ami SSrf Hahlnr Ktid I Din. WianHn nrt KA.t CmmAM Avft. ft 311th. Hppncer and Sth Ppragua and ain. Martha and Mat. dnraaua ana Jiin. Fart and 39th. Boyd and Bahlar and r linn Av j nam aiat avr. Uiurel Ave. and Sth.Hi.ir1a and Slit Ave. RiMltrk Av. an it inth Minitunon ft Silt AV, Read and 44th, Bedford and av. Read and 14th. Spencer bet. 33d and uurns Ave, and 3tn, sao. Curt in Ava. and SRth Wtrt and Slat Ave, R pi! Irk Ave. and Hat. Wirt bet, m Ave. Hunting-ton Ave. and 3Sd. 3 lit. Wirt and 1 3d- Kanaaa Am. nrl llthninnav and 33d. to 17th.1 Blnney ana napw Vane and tad. near t4th, tda and 23d. Maple and 84th- Newport Ave. A 13d. Corby and 34th. Redtck Ave. and 2d. Corby near Sfttu Nebraska Ave. ft 33d. Miami and Ohio near Crown Pt. Ave. A 23d. Iflth. Hlmebaugh Ave, AOhlo ami Htn. 23d. Lake bet. Jth A ITth. Klllaon Ave. and ISd.Cretffhton Blvd. and Otden Ave. and IKd, Lake. Lartmore Ave. ft ISd.Crelxhton Blvd. and Camden Ava. and 3 3d. nru.nL Camden Ave. ft 84th. Crelvh ton Blvd. and Jaynea and 33d, tiurdettt. Hartman Ave, ft Stn.Cretihton Blvd. and Laurm Ava. and SXd. Hlondo. Kanena Ave. and 8Sd.Crelihton Blvd. and Kanaaa Avi A ath Fran K in. i Kaneaa A Slit Avea. Cretin ten Blvd."" and Nebraska Ave. A Slat. Heward. Nebraak&ABlit Ave. Crelfhton mva. ana Nebraska Ave. A 37th. Hamilton. Newport Ave. A 30th. Cuming bet. ta ana Titu Ave. and 80th. 80th. Ida and 30th. Cumin tr and Burt on uounty Road A 40th. 29th. 48d and Raed. Burt and 28th Ave, 40th and Ida. W-bater bet. 87 and IS. 43d. Ave and Blnney. Caee and 28th Ave. 46th and Manle. Lincoln Blvd., bet Miami A Fontenelle. Isth Ave. and 30th. 2 let and Spencer. Lincoln Blvd., near lilt and Pratt. Davenport at. S3d and Seward. Ltnooln Blvd. and 26th Ave. and Kvana. Capitol Ave. 28th and Bprasue. Dodge and 80th. 48th Ava. A Hickory. Dour. Blvd. and 8 let 3fith and Cantelar. Blvd., bet. Farnam ft Slat and Pacific. Hnrnav and Silt 28th and Poppleton. Blvd., bet Harney and 37th and Doiurlaa. Dewey ana Slu 36th and Douglai, Dewey and 33d Avea. utn ana mcnoiaa. no war a tna jomi 18th and N. Blvd. and S2d Ave. 18th and Q. Jackaon and Jonea, 37th and Taylor. near 84th. 42d and Mary. Jones and 16th. 43d and Ohio. Marov and Kin. 44th and Blnney. Leavenworth and Mar. 47th. Mti.ia.rv avi. cv net. im ana 46th and Lake. Mason, bet 34th and sitn ana spencer. 3b in. 22d ana Bprafue. Maaon-FaciDfl, oeu 224 and Miami. SSd and 84th- Pratt bet 26th Ave.Maaon-PaclBc, bet and 37th. 84th and 86th, - 41at and Page. Pratt and 4th , 36th and Pine. Corby and 46th, 30th and Martha. Ohio and 48th. 22d Ave. ft Caatelar. Franklin and 4Rtn. 29th and Decatur. Locuet and 30th. 28th and Douglas. Miami and 20th. Kith and Paniflc Hamilton and 20th. 28th and K. Carter Blvd. and 13th. 16th bet M and Mil-Deer Park Blvd., bet aourl Ave. 18th and 19th. 27th ft Lartmore Ave.SBth Ave, and Martha. 26th and Caldwell. 96th Ave. and Amor. 8th and William. 26th Ave., net. astta ft Camden Ave. Doug, and Farnam, 26th bet Dewey and 3 4th and Hpauldlng, Ht. Marv'a Avea. St. Marys Ave., net. 86th and Dewey Ave. 18th and 30th. 36th Ave. A Howard. 43d and Nicholas, 36th Ave. A Jaokion. Wild Horses Drag Ten More Men Into Much More Trouble Ttir. crnvernment will itart action against the "wild hone" men who did not Hand trial at the recent case as soon as the men found guilty are of bv Judge Woodrough. Forty-two persons were indicted by the federal grand jury in ivit, out so far onlv thirteen have been brought to trial Since the indictment was returned a number of the indicted persons have been pardoned and some have died. About ten still face the charge for alleged conspiracy to use the mails to defraud. The later trial, government attorneys say, will be prosecuted with as much vigor as the nrst. Ordered Out of Town, but Not With Two Overcoats Sherman Fanesrood, 20, cursed his lock when he was arrested two hours afterlie had drawn a "floater in po lice court. Fangsrood was instructed to leave Omaha at once. He scouted up two overcoats and was all ready to grab a box car when he was re arrested for vagrancy. "Judge to.d me to lead on and I sure did lead on," he said. "But I only got as far as Twenty-fourth street." Fangsrood's possession of two overcoats aroused the suspicion of of ficers. Injuries He Received Makes Him Want to Kill Himself Setting forth in his petition that at times he feels he ought to kill him self, John Humer, formerly employed as a car repairer for the Union Pa cific, has filed suit against the railroad in district court for $15,000 damages. The temporary spells of dizziness in which he is tempted to commit hari kari are caused, he alleges, from in juries he suffered on September 16, 1916, in an accident at the railroad shops in Omaha. Fanning, Miller and Weis Pay for Triple Trouble Claude Miller, Frank Weis and Charles Fanning of Council Bluffs put on a row in front of 1002 Doug las street and as a result a plate glass window in Steve Colomba's saloon was broken. In police court they were each fined $5 and costs. Indiceatloii Bad Brwtti, Sour Stomach. If you suffer any of thaaa take a dose of Dr. Klnx'a New Life Pllla tonight. Ooly 26c. All drugffltt.. Advertisement. ONE THOUSAND MEN C0MIN0T0 OMAHA Nebraska Retail Hardware Dealers Will Send a Small Army of Delegates. INVITE THE BUSINESS MEN If Nathan Roberts of Lincoln has calculated correctly 1,000 delegates will be in Omaha next week, Febru ary 6 to 9, for the convention of the Nebraska Ketail Hardware associa tion. Nathan Roberts is the secre tary of the association. "We bring to Omaha master minds and leaders of thought in mercantile channels," he says. "We cordially ex tend an invitation to the young busi ness men of Omaha to the session of our convention, in which there is a message for them. Especially would we urge their attendance at tne ses sion Tuesday, February 6, at 2 p. m., subject, 'The Relation of Personal Efficiency to Business Success.' Tho speaker is E. G. Weir, Dowagiac, Mich." There is to be tn the Auditorium during convention an exposition or kind of hardware show open free to the public after 7 p. m. Tuesday, Wed nesday and ihursday. uuinren to be admitted must be with guardians. C. B. DichI of Mratton is president of the hardware association. The sessions are to be held at the Hotel Castle, while the exposition is on at the Auditorium. Chicago Man Says He is Pleased to Lose Big Bet "It gives me great pleasure to lose this bet." This was the remarkable statement of a man as he wrote out a check for $2,000 the other day in Chicago. The man was lownsend wetcner, a friend of George Brandeis, a mil lionaire, a department store magnate of Chicago and a visitor in Omaha during the Ak-bar-Ben ball last year. , Mr. w etcher paid tne net at tne marriage of Miss Virginia Milner and Gordon Thome in St. Alban's church. Last fall Netcher bet Thorne that the latter would not be able to persuade Miss Milner to become Mrs. Thorne. Mr. Netcher s pleasure consisted not. only in losing $2,000, but also in acting as best man at the wedding. lhe bride is a daughter ot James T. Milner, vice president of the Na tional Car Truj k company. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. thorne, 481 S Urexel boule vard. Landlady's Lucky Return -Saves Man ;rom Burning When Mrs. William Adams, land lady at 1412 Chicago street, returned at her home Monday night she found one of the rooms in names. she aroused William Texter. a loicer. who was asleep in a room next to the fire, and called the fire depart ment, bitty dollars damage was done before the flames were extin guished. Origin of the fire is un known. Sleek Gent Works His - Game. Once Too Often Tack Schindler, Philadelphia; "slick er who resurrected an old employ ment agency "con game" and fleeced two or three of Omaha's unemployed out of sums of from four bits to five bucks, pleaded guilty to vagrancy in police court and drew forty days. Schindler represented himself to be an agent o: tne neorasKa Jieiepnon company in search of laborers. AHIIHHMKNIV "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tAt0rfW Dally Mate., lS-2S-S0e THrfrEvaa'ia, is-as-so-75. Senad liltlm at Hit Bis SoaaK twetaato spie&l-s Marry Rounders JSgg. Hllarloaa Foa Online, Headed By ABE REYNOLDS & GEO. F. HAYES 8ml Cut aid Hoaty-twMt Baitihr Chemt, (Final Porforraanca Fridav Ntta.) LADIES' DIME MATINEE Ev.ry Wak Dai lav sat. MatlnM and Wek: Geo. Stone A Stu Plllwd. Pbone Doug. 4M. THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE Dally. Mat, 2:ISi NlfhL S:18 All Week. ALICE EIS AND BERT FRENCH CO., aa "Hallowe'en" BERT FITZGIBBONt CHAR LEY GRAPEWIN ANNA CHANCEl Ray. mond 4t Caverlyi Mile. Dorloi Brent Hayoat Nell O'Connelli Orpheum Travel Weekly. Prices I Gallery. lOct Best Seata lexeeDl Sat. Sun.). 25c. Mints. 10c. 2Se, SOc. 7Sc. NORINE CARMEN'S MINSTRELS TILFORD AND COMPANY BURN HAM VANT. BILLY JOY Viola Dana In The Cossack Whip" caieon e rrvw-Aci maaierpieca. PHOTOPLAYS I WILLIAM S. HART! u. : "TRUTHFUL I TULLIVER."! I K Claaaic of the Western Country. knnnwimKiriiittiMuiiiii'itiii niiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiit Marie Doro in "LOST AND WON" Mrs. Vernon Castle as "Patria," in "Winged Millions' PRINCESS Sc FIVE REELS FIRST RUN 6c FRANCIS FORD anil CRACE CUNARD. tn No. 6 ol "THE PURPLE MASK A Screeminf L-KO Comodv "FAKING FAKIRS" International Cartoon