Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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Drawn for
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Bijffalo County Mat Marvel
Will Work in Semi-Windup
at Stecher-Peters Go.
Omaha grappling fans are to be
given an opportunity to cast their
critical orbs over the person of John
Pesek, the Bohemian lad who sprang
up recently out in Buffalo county and
has been cutting such a swarth
around Shelton and Ravenna. Pesek
will wrestle in the semi-windup event
at the Joe Stecher-Charlie Peters
tangle at the Omaha Auditorium
February 9. His opponent has not
yet been determined.
The attention of Nebraska wrest
ling fans was first directed to young
Mr. Pesek last fall. He had done a
little wrestling before last fall, but
not a great deal, but when the seaspn
opened in October he got away to a
flying start and has been making
considerable noise ever since.
Pesek's greatest achievement was
to stand Earl Caddock' off for an
entire hour. Caddock went out to
Shelton to wrestle Peters a handicap
go. Earl guaranteed to throw Pesek
twice in an hour. Not only did Earl
fail to throw the Buffalo county man
twice in an hour, but he failed to
throw him at all. Pesek won the
handicap bands down. Any wrestler
who can stand Caddock off for an
hour is. some wrestler, and when lo
cal mat fans heard of his achievement
they promptly voted him another real
Nebraskan.n ;. .
Pesek is pnly. a youngster and is
still pretty green. He only weighs
185 pounds, so that he has to give
weight to most of the heavyweights
he meets. Out in Buffalo, county,
around Sheldon and Ravenna, they
areconvmced he1 is a1 coming cham
pion. . -' : ; .-.
When the Stecher-Peters match
was scheduled for February 9, friends
of Pesek got in communication with
the Omaha promoters and asked that
Pesek be matched with some good
man in the semi-windup, so that the
state metropolis could see for itself
that Nebraska has turned out another
wrestler who is going to make a
name for himself.
Golfers Over Fifty-Five
Years Form Association
New York, Jan. 30. Organization
of the Senior Golf association, com
prising many prominent men, was
announced today. More than ISO
golfers, all of them 55, years old xr
more, met last night and elected as
the president of the new organiza
tion Warwin P. Kingsley, president
of the New York Life Insurance
company. Justice Mahlon Pitney of
the United States supreme court is
vice president and Morgan J. Brien,
formerly chief justice, of the New
York court of appeals, is second vice
president. The membership includes
veteran amateur golfers from all sec
tions of the country.
Fairweather Becomes Sole
Owner of Des Moines Club
Des i Moines, la, Jan. 30. Tom
Fairweather, local councilman and
for many years prominent in profes
sional base ball, today purchased
Frank Isbell's share of the Des
Moines Western league club. Through
the deal Fairweather becomes the
sole owner of the club. Isbell re
cently purchased the Wichita club of
the Western league.
-Polly The Shopper-
The pocket this spring
is an Interesting thing;
It may be concealed
In your skirt 'neath a fold,
Or the folds may be draped
And lo! and behold!
A pocket Is formed of the drape
I am told. -Sometimes
It nay be at
The side In a panel,
And this may be fonnd both
In sports goods or flannel;
And the panel extends
From the waist to 'the hem.
You're surprised to And this
In a pocket, too then
A nkirt may be puffed at the tide.
Listen, now:
A pndket quite novel
To spring makes Its bow;
Tlic long-walsted blouses
With pep turn designs
Are fln.Ht.ed with pockets
Just, at the hlp-llne;
And again It may be ,
Kelts, on suit or coat dress,
Are widened to pockets,
Kair ones to impress
With the fact that
Unusual sockets are here
To make their debut
In the spring of this year.
Thetje pockets are not at all
Tres ordinaire.
And are more than a pouch
For Mtladl to wear
To carry her 'kerchief
Or vanity bag,'
They're exceedingly different,
Does your Interest lag?
I just want to say
That of course you mast know
That "Polly" has been
To the latest style show.
I.umbAC. and Pains In the Bark.
At the flmt twinge or pain in the back
pply Sloan's Liniment relief come at
ince. Only 26c. All druggists. Advertisement.
Today9 s Sport Calendar
BlMrdR Gforff W. Moor upttaftt
ChftriM A. MnCourt, mt Nw York, 'for
world' ttiree-uiililon carom rhamploiwhlp.
Trotting Annual mcwUn of twrili at'
Ohio racing clru.t, mt Toledo.
. Hookey Army Bcalfwt ' MwwhnMtU
Tech., at Went Point.
Foot Ball Meeting at Minneapolis to
organize leaf ne of independent teami in the
north wont.
Eobert C. Folwell, Dropped by
Faculty, Says He Will Not.
Quit Under Fire.
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 30.-A call
for. a mass meeting to protest against
the action of the faculty committee
of the University of Pennsylvania in
refusing to sanction the reappoint
ment of Robert C. Folwell as head
coach of the foot ball team, has been
issued by a committee of students.
Bert Bell, quarterback of the Quaker
eleven, declared the team was for
Folwell 'to a man," and that a peti
tion would be circulated asking the
committee ,to reconsider its action.
Folwell was indignant when he
learned of the faculty committee's
"I have known for some time, he
said, "that the faculty committee was
opposed to re-engaging me as coach,
but felt that in some way the mat
ter could be adjusted. Now that they
have seen fit to make their repudia
tion of my name public I am going to
fight the matter to a finish.
"Dr. Goodspeed says I am not ac
ceptable. Why? I challenge any
man in the world to prove that my
actions during the last season have
reflected on the University of Penn
sylvania in any way.
"If Penn is through with me, I am
through with foot ball, but I am not
crvno- to niiit under fire."
j He declared that the recent Cah
I fornia trip of the Pennsylvania team
I was more of a "lark" for the men
I than anything else, and said he is
' sorry now that he took the trip.
, rolweil came to rennsyivania last
year from Washington and Jefferson
Twelve Quarts of Beer
Allowed Each Month
(From a Staff CorTeepondenL)
Lincoln, Jan. 30. Special Tele
gram.) Twelve nuarts of beer or one
quart of whisky, or its equivalent in
wine or something like it, will be al
lowed each person in Nebraska each
month, according to the new bill,
which is being prepared by the legis
lative special prohibition joint com
mittee, so it is understood.
The committee expects to have the
bill ready for introduction some time
tomorrow and then if the members
do not amend it the state may be
counted upon to be not bone dry.
There is a provision in the bill which
requires every man wanting the stuff
to do some tall hustling to find out
where he can get it, for no advertising
of liquors can be made in the state,
nor can any drag store handle it.
American Embassy in
Mexico to Reopen Soon
Washington, Jan. 30. After to
day's cabinet meeting Secretary
Lansing announced he would get in
touch with Ambassador Fletcher im
mediately, organize a complete staff
for the American embassy and send
Mr. Fletcher and his assistants to
Mexico City just as soon as the ar
rangements can be made.
Mr. Fletcher will carry detailed in
structions for dealing with different
points pending between the American
and Mexican governments, including
objectionable parts in the new Mex
ican constitution.
Residence Burned.
Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 30. Special
Telegram.) The residence of W. H.
Debet was destroyed by fire here
early this morning from an unknown
cause, together with all the contents.
Mrs. Debolt had taken her husband
to his office in their buggy and upon
her return found the house ablaze.
Loss $2,500, partially covered by in
surance. About Constipation.
Certain articles of diet tend to
check movements of the bowels. The
most common of these are cheese, tea
and boiled milk. On the other hand
new fruits, especially apples and ba
nanas, also graham bread and whole
wheat bread promote a movement of
the bowels. When the bowels are
badly constipated, however, the sure
way is to take one or two of Cham
berlain's Tablets immediately after
supper. Advertisement. 1
Bad Caught Feverish f Grlppr?
These ailments weaken your system, don't
wait. Use Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. It al
lays Inflammation, kills forms. Sol'. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Union j Pacific Tracks Again
Cleared After Sis Honrs of
Heavy Wind from West.
The Union Pacific is again in the
clear and trains are running on sched
ule, according to information given
out at the office of General Mana
ger Jeffers, The blizzard that struck
the Wyoming 'division again Mon
day night was of short duration, not
continuing more than six hours.
There was some new snow and a
high wind, but after the storm sub
sided, shortly after midnight, the line
was quickly cleared and in the morn
ing trains went onto regular carded
During the storm the wind over
the blizzard area blew from the west
and after it reached its greatest velo
city it had much to do with clearing
pu the blockade.
C. J. Lane, general freight agent,
is authority for the statement that
the latest blizzard out on the Union
Pacific was of a variety similar to
one that . blew across the country
some years ago, when Ed Dickinson
was general manager and took a hand
in bucking snow. i
To Secure an Army.
On one of the long stretches of
rough country through Wyoming a
passenger train became stalled in a,
long, deep cut. The superintendent
of the Wyoming division wired the
fact to Dickinson, who immediately
wired back orders to pick up all the
available men and rush them to the
scene of the blockade, using special
trains .for carrying then).
At the same time Dickinson had a
special train made up in the Omaha'
yards and in his private car, attached
to the rear, started for the blockade
Reaching there he found the track
clear and no indications of there hav
ing been anv storm trouble. Talking
with his superintendent, whom he
met that evening at Laramie, he was
informed that between the time 'of
sending the wire and the time of
reaching the storm-stricken district
the wind had changed and had com
menced blowing lengthwise instead of
across the cut. The wind increased
in velocity and soon cleared the cut
of snow, permitting the train to move
out It is figured that this is about
what occurred Monday night and that
the wind aided in raising the block
ade. '
Drugless Healers Want
Their Interests Protected
Leaders in the drugless healing
professions in Omaha have asked the
Nebraska legislature to create a new
standing committee. They want -their
interests to receive consideration by
members who are laymen and not
medical doctors.
A communication to this effect has
been addressed to the legislature, de
claring, among other things:
"The physicians of the so-called
regular school should be relieved
from the odium of passing by com
mittee vote upon measures in which
they are presumed to have a selfish
"The rank and file of the common
people are in favor of medical free
dom, and while they have no desire
to overturn existing conditions by
drastic legislation, they do desire that
no further encroachments be made
upon the liberty of the citizen to
select the healing method of his
"While the subjects as they arise,
that should be referred to this com
mittee may be diverse, it will be
found that they have a common in-'
terest in that a designed phraseology
becomes of vast importance not only
to the individuals composing the
schools favored or discriminated
against, but what is of vastly more
importance, the citizen will find it im
possible to enjoy the benefits of the
law without sacrificing his cherished
The communication is signed by
Lee W. Edwards, president Nebraska
Chiropractic association; C. B. Atzen,
D. O., chairman executive committee.
Nebraska Osteopathic association, and
C. E. Herring, Christian Science com
mittee on publication for Nebraska.
Court Rules Army Refuge
For Man Flying From Wife
Kansas City, Jan. 30. The legal
ruling that a husband who joins the
army cannot be convicted on a charge
of wife desertion was made in the cir
cuit court here today when Arthur L.
Campbell, a detective and former
guardsman, was released on a writ of
habeas corpus. He was under arrest
on a fugitive warrant from Cincinnati,
charging him with wife abandonment.
Campbell's defense was that he had
sought service on the Mexican border.
Hew t Cm Csoibs and Cold.
Keep out of drafts, avoid exposure. Eat
and live right and take Dr. King's New
Discovery; In use over forty years. Guar
anteed. All drugglsts.Adverttscment.
fe3 r lr
THEri you
MUST fee
Look to Landers for
A new record for all-around track
and field supremacy is sure to be in
scribed on the pages of intercollegi
ate sports before the coming outdoor
season shall have been completed.
Sherman Landers, present national
title holder in the pqte-vaulting event,
is the individual to whom the track
and field world is turning for the
question of a , new standard of effi
ciency as all-around star.
Not since the days ofAlvin Kraenz
lein, the sensational University of
Pennsylvania performer, who was
the first athlete to prove superiority
at more than two specialties in a sin
gle meet, has such a phenomenal per
former as Landers made an appear
ance. '
Although only 18 years of age,
Landers has had more experience
than any other youth of his age in
the entire country. For the last three
seasons he has competed in all of the
big interscholastic, meets in and
around Chicago, in the Windy City
Reagan is Friend
To City; He Admits-
It, Theri Collects
After listening to an impassioned
address by former State Senator
Reagan, the city council allowed
Harold Overbeck $35 with which to
buy a new overcoat to replace a gar
ment damaged when an automobile
in which he was riding struck a heap
of city material.
Assistant City Attorney TePoel ad
vised the council (hat the damage to
the overcoat was only a few grease
spots and he recommended rejection
of the claim, but when the former
state senator told the commissioners
that he was so friendly to' them that
he persuaded Mr. Overbeck to file
claim for only $35 for the overcoat
instead of a damage suit for $35,000
for personal injuries, the claim was
Giant With Big Feet
Would Play Foot Ball
Iowa City, la., Jan. 30. (Special.)
The largest foot ball find in the
country is expected to enter the Uni
versity of Iowa next semester in the
person of Bernard H. Kceyle of Des
Moines, who claims to have the big
gest pair of feet in the United States.
Koyle will be a candidate next fall
for a position as center on the var
sity foot ball team. At the present
time he is waiting for a pair of shoes,
size 23, which are being made to or-
m, uj n ,ii uiuvktuu, .iiaaiii,
with a pair of rubbers to match. KoyleN
is IV years old, weighs ii pounds
and is 7 feet 9 inches tall.
Dundee Beats B anion.
New Orleans, Jan. 2s. Johnny Dundee
of New Tork was awarded a referee's fte-
esrioil ever Jimmy Hanlon of Denver at thw
end of a twenty-round bout bore tonight.
Both men are ltffhtweljrhts. Dundee was
credited with eighteen rounds. Two rounas
were even.
If You Can Keep
A Great Secret
j m
' - v 4 J
! I -- r - r I
All-Around Record
SANDERS. -serving
as center of attraction for the
schoolboy athletes of Oregon, Illi
nois, and all other middle western
cities, Oregon being the birthplace of
Landers and Frank Loomis, brother
of J. G. Loomis, who succeeded in
capturing three events at a national
title meet. , ' i
.These two1 lads, both of whom have
matriculated at the Philadelphia
school of learning, formed one of the
foremost teams of schoolboy stars.
Between them they won a great num
ber of titles.
Their most noteworthy perform
ance was the capturing, last spring,
of the Western Interscholastic con
ference meet. Thirty-six out of a
possible fifty points were credited to
Landers and Loomis' scores, the
former star scoring twenty-six of
To show that this accomplishment
was no fluke, they turned out the fol
lowing week and captured the Mis
souri Valley title. This star combi
nation have to their credit twelve
separate team champions, won from
combinations of the best performers
of the middle west.
Iowa Man Picked Up
On the Streets Dies
Later at City Jail
A middle-aged man, obviously un
der the influence o( liquor, sprawled
heavily to the pavement at Fifteenth
and Douglas streets Monday night.
He went to sleep there. A police
man came by,1 tried to rouse him and
then sent him to the city jail. He
was booked there "to sober up."
Searchers at headquarters found $48.25
in his clothes.
Tuesday morning when officers made
the round of the cells to release the
"sober ups," they tried vainly to rouse
him. Thinking that perhaps he was
in a drunken stupor, they shook him.
It was then they found out that he
was dead. Heart disease was the
cause of death.
Letters in the man's pocket were
addressed to A. J. Jacobs, 211 Maple
street, Atlantic, la. The county at
torney was notified and ordered the
body removed to the A. J. Jackson
funeral parlors.
The dead man was apparently a
Although police physicians . pro
nounced Jacobs' death due to heart
trouble, County Attorney Magney
ordered that an autopsy be held.
Miss Edna Marie Palmer, daughter
of G. A. Palmer, and Albert F. An
derson were married by Rev. Charles
W. Savidge at his 'residence Monday
evening at 8 o'clock.
' M
. HI
Colgate's Pure Gly. 1 A
urine, 2-oz. bottle,
Green's Chapola
"The Best For- Chaps" P
lth anal Hwara1 St. - 4 '
thmm, Dllu S44. g
City's Czar May Cavort in the
Muny Oar Only On Strictly
Official Business.
The Dalilinan automobile case is
now history.
If he ever lolls back upon the cush
ions of a city-owned car again it will
be the performance of what the dis
trict court defines as "strictly official
business." ' ,
For Judfce Leslie has issued a per
manent injunction restraining Mayor
Jim from using cars owned by the
city for anything save this same
"strictly official business," as previ
ously decreed in the temporary order.
The Dalilinan suit harks back to the
time last fall when James D. Murphy,
a South Side boilermaker, brought
suit in district court against Mayor
Dahlman, the city commissi! ners and
the city comnti oiler, asking fhat
Omaha's chief executive be enjoined
from using the car purchased for him
by 1 the municipality for alleged joy
- No Personal Rides,
After a bitterly fought case, Judge
Leslie issued a temporary restraining
order in favor of Murphy, who said
that he represented taxpayers in gen
eral. It was brought out in the tes
timony that the mayor's carl, since
the, first one was purchased in 1912,
have cost the city more than $13,000,
including upkeep, garage bills and
chauffeur's salary, Counsel for Mur
phy argued that his mayorship used
the official machine for his own per
sonal calls and other personal motor
jaunts.t ...
When Murphy's attorneys asked
that the restraining order be made
permanent the city 'legal talent re
belled and the court fight was started
afresh. The case came up for hear
ing last week, Judge Leslie withhold
ing his decision
What Mayor Knows.
City Attorney Rine at the hearing
for a permanent injunction had asked
that Judge Leslie define in his final
decision the official duties of the
mayor. Judge, Leslie in issuing the
permanent injunction said that it did
not feel that that was necessary, add
ing that the mayor should know what
are official duties and what are not.
Attending improvement club meet
ings, receptions and banquets are not
official duties, Judge Leslie decreed.
In addition to permanently restraining
tne mayor trom using the city-owned
car for anything but just "official busi
ness" the judge also restrained the
city comptroller and city commis
sioners from granting any warrants
for chauffeur's salary for the same.
Woman Sues Doctor for
Alleged Bungle in Work
he case brought against Dr. E. C.
enry and Dr. Arthur C. Bunce,
prominent Omaha physicians and
surgeons, by Melissa h.. Nelson for
$25,000 damages for an alleged bunxle-
some operation tor appendicitis per
formed last fall at the Swedish Me
morial hospital, is being heard before
a jury in Judge Wakcley's court. She
alleges that in performing the opera
tion an incisi6n of ten inches was
made, whereas, she adds, a three-inch
cut would have been sufficient.
To Chicago
Arrive La Salle Station on the Loop any
part of the city quickly reached by elevated
trains. Most convenient location in Chicago.
"Chicago Day Express" at 6:00 a. m.
"Chicago-Colorado Express" at 3:55 p. m.
, "Chicago-Nebraska Limited" at 6:08 p. m.
"Rocky Mountain Limited" at 2:00 a. m.
Connections at Englewood Union Station
(63rd Street) with limited trains for all Eastern
Automatic Block Signal
Finest Modern All-Steel Equipment
Superior Dining Car Service
Commissioner Jardine Intro
duces Ordinance for Call
ing of an Election.
' Commissioner Jardine has started
the ball rolling for another home rule ,
chartei convention. He introduced at
the city council meeting an ordinance
which, if finally passsed, would pro- ;
vide the legal authority for the com-
missioners to call in election.
Under the law providing for a '
home charter commission it would
be necessary to have a primary elec
tion anfl an election proper, fifteen to
be chosen to serve on the commission.-
Mr. Jardine explained he offered
his ordinance by request and intimat
ed that a group of prominent citi
zens will push the proposition when
the time shall come. Improvement
club will discuss the matter consid
erably during the next few months.
- Present Charter as a Basis, ,
The plan is to submit the present
city charter, or the charter as
amended by the present legislature, ,
and make it the basis for a home rule
charter, The chief purpose of those
who are behind the movement, it is
stated, is to secure the adoption of
the existing charter, rather than have (
a commission to tinker for several 1
months on a new charter and then
run the risk of defeat in the end, as
was the case ,0m the occasion of the
last charter convention. t
By adopting the present charter
under the home rule taw the city then
would be in a position to modify its
own charter through a charter com
mission, rather than be required to
?;o to the legislature every two years
or legislation which comprises purely
local matters, was one of the argu
ments offered in support of the or
dinance. - Favor the Charter.
Tne' commissioners are inclined to ,
favor the ordinance offered by Mr.
Jardine. I
"I am in favor of a home rule char
ter, but I doubt whether it would
not be wise tp wait until next fall be- ,
fore calling an election on this mat
ter. The legislature is in session just
now, but 1 am willing to abide by
what seems to be the best judgment
in the matter. I have alwavs favored
a home rule charter," stated Mayor
Dahlman. ' '
! Commissioner Withnell will snp
port the ordinance. '
We're Always on the
t ..'
to protect your interests. The
success of this firm depends on
our ability to do this.
Of course, sometimes a trai
tor creeps in an uncareful
employe may get by us, but we
are ready to make good any.
thinf that is unsatisfactory,
Omaha Van & Storage
The Bifgeat and Best
( Douglas 4163.'
806 So. 16th St.
Tickets, reservations and information at
Rock Island Travel Bureau, 1323 Farnam
Street, or at Union Station. , 1
Divisioa Paaer Ageal
Pboaa Douglas 428