Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Fvepare This tor a Bad ;
Cough It's Fine
Ckesplr Bull? Made, kat
uooa w we KiKU;.
Tlirt u .
. uuiov 1VU(U BVIUP KUlincjF
can buy, costing only about one-fifth as
much as ready-made preparations, can
easily be made up at home. The way it
takes hold and conquer distressing
cou'Us, throat and chest colds will
really make you enthusiastio about It.
Any druggist can supply you with
21,4 ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth).
Pour this into a pint bottle and fill the
Iwttle with plain granulated sugar
csyrup. v Shake thoroughly and it is
ready for use. The total cost is about
M cents and gives you a -full pint a
family supply of a most effectual,
pleasant tasting remedy. . It keeps per
fectly, ga
it's truly astonishing how quickly it
acts, penetrating through every air
passage of the throat and lungs loosens
and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals
the inflamed or swollen throat mem
branes, and gradually , but surely the
annoying; throat tickle and dreaded
roun will disappear entirely. Nothing
better for bronchitis spasmodic croup,
whooping cough or bronchial' asthma.
Pinex is a special and'highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, combined- with guaiacol
and is known the world over for its
prompt healing effect on the throat
Avoid disappointment by asking your
druggist for- "2 ounces of Pinex" with
full directions and don't accept any
thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat
isfaction or money promptly refunded
goes with this preparation. The Pinex
Co., Ft Wayne, Ind, ,
Why "Lax-o!a'! Is
Key to .Health
, . . 7-
Ends Constipation, Root of Many Ills
If people generally appreciated the wr
.ounness of constipation, and bow to really
overcome thta distressing condition, they
woyld knftw how to rid the world of mont
of its ailments. Authorities state that at
least 95 per centWof all' disorders Is directly
or indirectly due to chronic coBtiveness.
Sick headaches, "that tired feeling." sal
lownesn, pimples, blotches, sour stomach,,
bitiouanesfl, congested liver, nervousness,
rheumatism, are a few of many troubles
often caused by the poison absorbed from
the waste matter in the intestines. Regular
bowel movement caaries this poison odt
'of the system, stops constipation nd so is
a preventive of many diseases.
To create a 'normal bowel activity, take a
lAX-OLA tablet every night for a few
nights. You will feel Nke a new being. Its
the best way.
LAX-QJ.A is that wonderful chocolate
flavored tonic -laxative that is meeting with
such splendid success. Mild, non-gnping,
non -injurious. Tones you up. instead of
weakening you and It contains no habit
forming element. Truly the ideal iaxative.
LAX-OLA is 25c a box at Druggists.
Money bark if not perfectly satisfied. Accept
nothing else I 1
Simple Home Treatment
to Remove, Hairy Growths
' (Beauty Culture)
Two or three minutes use of a dela
tors paste will banish every bit of
Hair from your face, neck or arms.
This paste- is made by mixing some
water with powdered delatone. After
the paste is removed, the skin should
bewaJhed-'to free it from the remain
ing delatone and it will be clear and
spotless." You will not be disap
pointed with this treatment if you are
sure to obtain real delatone from your
druggist. Advertisement. '
To Really Clean Teeth
Natural or Artificial
y Artificial' teeth so often become tinged
Vtih a sort of yellow-gray color which de
' strove every trace of beauty and at a glance
lays bare the fact that they are not natural.
1 A well known Chicago den 1st' some time ago
discovered that ordinary avatol would ban
ish the unsightly discoloration very quickly
and make the teeth look quite like one's
own. , ' ;
Continuing his experiments he found this
antiseptic substance equally effective in re
moving stains from natural jteeth, even the
most obstinate "placques" upon which ordi
nary dentifrices' have no effect at all. Orad--iially
the Information has .spread and many
' now have discarded the usual tooth pow
ders Mid creams in favor of avatol. As
druggists carry this in convenient tubes and
as It Is used like any tooth' paate, there Is
no trouble in- brushing the teeth with It
regularly. This simple method offers aw
many advantages It ts destined to become
popular with all who destre sparkling milk
whtto teeth. Avatolt besides being perfectly
harmless to the enamel,1 Is a 'real preven
tive of tooth decay, tartar, mouth germs,
gum affections, as well as pyorrhea. Being
.alkaline, It la of course valuable in overcoming-
an .aetd condition, Advertisement.
When ,your feet are sad wtth tho sor
rows that rome of standing or walking
long hours, when they burn and throb, when
they perspire excessively and grow tender
as bolls and you (vlsh that you had wooden
legs, .then you will remember this little
story W how a rlrrk In a big store found
relief from his foot woes, lie was a sUf
ferer,: None more 'so. Then one day he
heard of a simple, easy method of relieving
his agonies. He tookvthe hint and bought
a 25-cent package of Wa-Ne-Ta at the drug
store, 'Two tablets In a basin of hot water,
then a few minutes' immersion of thA ach
ing, throbbing feet, and lol the pain had
gone, the no re new) vanished, the burning
sensation had been replaced by a cooling
comtjrl, Tou .'fan easily try It yourself.
Delightful for use In bath. Leaves akin
no ft and sanitary. If yoar druggist hasn't
Va-i-Ta, send ufl 10 cents for a sample
nark.gc and wo will mail it to you prepaid.
You'll tiank us for the suggestion. L. C.
LantUn Co., South Bend, Ind. Adv. :
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25cat all druggists,,
IT.wi's. iteUiinff batter thi
TVry art mmnttj. TtT BMaV
one antf yng'11 ntTT tM aarja-
geeev" Prfcsa 2 aa.ttv
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or
, money back. SoU tad guaranteed by
Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.
v Brief City News
Platinum Wedding Kings Edholm.
Hat. Boot Mat It Now Beacon Fraos.
W. Whittaker and Myrtle 'A. Kelley
announce their removal to 1838 First
National Bank' building.
Clerks Hop The PostofflceClerks'
association will give Its JJret annual
hop at the Hotel .Rome the evening ot
February 17.
Ford Stolen Harry Benford, 511
South Forty-second street, has re
ported to the police the thett of his
five-passenger Ford car from in front
of his home. - -
Isaacson is. Confirmed The city
council confirmed the- action of the
Board of Public Recreation In the
case of Jacob Isaacson, who was ap
pointed superintendent of recreation
to succeed C. H. English.
Called to Mother's Bedside Peter
Anderson, mail cerk, was -hurriedly
called to Fort Dodge Monday after
noon because of the serious illness of
his mother, who Is suffering from ail
ments incident to old ager . ,
' Prince Anto Company Capitalized
at (16,000, the Prince Auto company,
which will do a general motor car
business, has filed articles of incor
poration. Hlman Goldstein, Abner W.
Prince and Dorothy Goldstein are the
Sues for Loss of an Eyet-Clrtno
Oddo, formerly a car repairer for the
Union Pacific, has filed suit for $5,000
damages in district court, alleging per
manent injuries and the loss of his
right eye as a result of an accident in
'the company's shops. '.
Mail Men Help ScbulU Nearly (200
was collected by mall carriers and
clerks for Fred Schultz, an employe of
the postofnee who has been afflicted
for the last year with a malady That
has affected his joints, lie has been
sent to Excelsior Springs. '
New Realty Company The Invest
ors' Realty company, with a capital of
1100,1)00, has tiled articles of incorpo
ration with the county clerks The in
corporators are E. H. Luikart, William
B. Hughes, Henry Keating, Henry
Rohlff and Edward B. Martin. ,The
Arm will do a general real estate busi
ness. . '
Three Divorces Granted Three de
crees were granted and one petition
filed In divorce court, as follows: 'Ma
rie Jones from Newton Jones, Denby
M. Moss from Harry W. Moss, Cecelia
Agnes Lenahan from John J. Lena
han. Eva Trader seeks a divorce from
George "W. Trader on grounds of al
leged cruelty.
Tjaoe Goes to Washington General
Freight Agent Lane of the Union Pa
cific has gone to Washington, where
as a delegate" he will represent the
Omaha Commercial club at the annual
convention of the Chamber of Com
merce of America,' an organization
made up of commercial club members
from the -principal cities' of the United
States. . . ,
Knights of Pythias Initiate Over
200 members of the Knights of Pyth
ias from locals from Paj)illlon, Spring
field, Elkhorn, Calhoun, Blair, Lincoln
and Ord met at the Crounse hall Mon
day evening to Initiate new members
and discuss the work- of the lodge for
the coming year. William Lowe, the
grand secretary, of Lincoln had charge
of the ceremonies. . .
Omaha Boy-Advanced Dan Parsons,
an Omaha boy, who ten years ago was
a passenger rate clerk in the head
quarters offices of the Union Pacific,
was recently appointed vice president
and general manager of the Louisiana
section of the Southern Pacific Rail
road company, with headquarters in
New Orleans. He is a brother-in-law
of Claude Stockham of the Union Pa
cific. " .
Held Under Mann Actr-Earl MorrlB
was bound over for the next term of
the federal grand Jury following his
hearing before Commissioner Mc
Laughlin on the charge of violating
the Mann act. He is accused jot bring
ing his wlfe from Sioux pity to Omahal
tor immoral purposes, uovernmem
witnesses testified that Morris had
beaten his wife and forced her to give
him money which she had earned. His
bonds were -placed at $1,000.
line Fireplace Goods Sunderland
Bible Class Leaders
Honor Mrs. D. A. Fooote
Kirs. D.', A. Foote, leader of the
Neighborhood Bible classes since the
"Billy" Sunday campaign, who leaves
early in March for Pasadena, Cal.,
was honored Monday afternoon at a
meeting of 130 leaders of Bible
classes at the Young Women's Chris
tian association for the work accom
plished under her supervision. '
Rev. Hugh Speer spoke of the value
.of these sessions to Omah and in
behalf of the extension- committee
thanked Mrs. Foote for her part in
the work. Miss Belle Griffith, re
turned missionary from Japan, pre
sented. Mrs. Foote with a beautiful
wrist watch, a gift of the leaders.
Mrs. W. S, Baird of Council Bluffs
succeeds Mrs. Foote as leader of the
classes. '
Walter Cohn Fails to Get
To Coast for the Wedding
When Walter Cohnleft.Omaha last
Thursday to be best man at the wed
ding of Ervine Brandcis in San Fran
cisco the heavy snows in Wyo
ming were already giving the
railroads trouble; Some of his
friends expressed the fear that he
might not get there in time.
But Mr. Colin said that, with twenty-four
hours leeway which he had
allowed himself, he would get through
all right.
, The big blizzard, however, proved
itself the master even of the best
trains and Mr. Colin's train was 'so
much' delayed that he couldn't get
there by the time the wedding belli
rang. He is now on his way back to
Omaha. -v '
Union Pacific May Be
Going to Extend Yardage
Real estate men have it that the
Union Pacific has purchased 100
acres of land lying between Albright
and Avery and, 'that eventually the
tract will be used in the extension of
the switch yards connecting up with
the Union stock yards system.
At Union Pacific headquarters it is
asserted that if the company has
bought Jhe land south of South Oma'
ha the fact has not come to the
knowledge of the local officials.
Gold Wave Flag Hoisted
As Warning to Omaha
The cold wave flag has been hoisted
over the federal building in'anticipa
tion of a decided drqp here in the
temperature during the next twenty
four hours. A drop of thirteen de
grees was reported in the last twelve
hours. Temperatures of 26 below are
reported in South Dakota, 'while 36
below is recorded from points in
Now, is the Time
mm ml you P;CTf raNPI
1 : - '
Druggists Agree .
Mo Add Jitney to
; Damp Breakfast
frying to beat OldMan High Cost
of Living in the race to the wire is
like trying to trim Dario Resta with a
one-lunged Sputz that's got nervous
All over the wide7 wide world it has
been possible in the past to amble up
to the marble bar and purchase a glass,
of malted milk for the reasonable tax
of one slim dine. But Uiese glorious
days are no longer. Old H. C. L,
has horned linto the sanctity of the,
soda jerkfr and henceforthnd here- 1
after a malted milk in Omaha will
. , r . . a.. J : . : .
COSl 13 CeniS. 11U ll JUU'Wdlll u-
flavored with an egg the white
aproned individual behind the marble
will- give you' a pasteboard which
reads 20 cents.
All of the large drug stores in
Omaha Monday entere'd an agreement
to advance the price of malted milk
and over most of the soda fountains
in the city neat placards inform you
of the advance.
When the price of wheat cakes and
cereals in the restaurants went 'up the
drutr stores get a big malted riiilk
.play , in the morning, a malted milk
being a tolerably nourishing break
fast for a reasonable sum.
In old man Aesop's-day the tortoise'
trimmed the hare, but it's not being
done any more. t '
New Wheel Tax Ordinance '
- Is Now Before City Dads
The city council received for con
sideration an ordinance providing for
a wheel tax. The proposed schedule
of rates was announced last week.
The ordinance was referred to the
committee of the whole lor discus
sion. .
Big Shubert Shows Are
', Annodnced forvthe Boyd
Manager. Burgess of the Boyd has
received word from the New York
office of Messrs. Shubert of the ean-lyS
appearance in Omaha of four of that
firm's mosti important productions,
At Jolson, now playing in Chicago in
"Robinson Crusoe, Jr.," comes first;
then Willie Cblljer in "Nothing But
the Truth," following by "The Pass
inff Show." and this bv' a return en
gagement of "Experience." Exact
dates for hoso srows will be an
nounced later. In March the Boston
Oand Opera company is also to be
heard at the Boyd. Its dates ire
March n to as. , ,
If You Are Not, fry
Dr. Burhorn can read your
spine as you would read a book,
and it is from this analysis that
he can and will locate, the cause
of 95 of your ailments.
You owe it to yourself, your
family, your childreYito investi
gate the Science of Chiropractic.'
Consultation is free. Adjust
ments at the office, $1.00. , Out
side calls made by .appointment,
2.00, r - V
(Palmer School Graduate)
Suite 414-418 Rose Bldg.,
Corner 16th and' Farnam Sts.
Ph. Doug. 5347. Lady Attendant.
Expecting &e Stork?
Everr mother-to-be should be In the midst
of nleasant and eomfortablee surroundings.
and a constant user of "Mother's friend" the
true friend o expectant mothers. The future
baby's health and that of Its mother Is of utmost!
Importance and nothing can take the place -ef
"Mother's Friend" In preparing for such an event. Gct It
t jcr druggist. Write for free book on Motherhood.
zio Lamar Bidg.,
Atlanta, Ga.
WE started business in
Omaha five years ago.v
The present business is
one to be reckoned with, as
everyone, knows'. 1
Honest Products, Better " Ser
vice and the ever increasing
consumption of gasoline , and
oils has made us grow. . '
Our equipment is the most
modern and the best to be had,
but we need additional' equip-'
' ment to handle the', growing
business. To do this we are
selling, some of our capital
stock. The shares are $100.00
each one to five shares to
each investor.
The? L. V. Nicholas Oil Co.,
v "Bunnell it Good, Think You"
Grain Exchange Bldf., Omaha, Neb.
-if m
Three to Be Built This Spring
to Increase Storage Ca
' pacity Fifty Per Cent.
The announcement , made by Bur
lington officials that during the com
ing summer in Omaha the company
will erect a 2,000,000 bushel capacity
grain elevator is received with great
satisfaction by members of the
Omaha Grain exchange. They assert
that with this elevator constructed
and the two now being built, one by
the Northwestern Railroad company
for the Updike Grain company and
the Clher by the Farmers' Terminal
Grain -company, Omaha will Jake a
much higher rank as. a grain mar
ket. They add that withthis increased
storage capacity Omaha ought to
quickly become the greatest primary
grain market in the United States.
At this time the grain storage ca
pacity of Omaha elevators aggregates
byween 7,000,000 and 8,000,000. Two
years ago this was considered suffi
cient for all time. However, with the
increasing popularity of the Omaha
market it has been found that this
capacity is much too small and that
the lack of capacity has been some
thing of a handicap in preventing the
market from forging ahead. Now,
with the three new elevators going
up, the storage capacity will be in
creased about 50 per cent and it will
be in a position to reach out after
new territory, affording facilities for
the new customers who will market
their grain here. w ,
Capacity of Plants.
The capacity of the new elevators
that will be ready to hamlle the crop
of the coming season will be as fol
lows: "
Northw,.Hlin . 1,500. Ono
KarmrM Terminal 1.000.000
Trtil .wfclOO.OOO
This new total, added to that now
existing, makes it fjossible for Omaha
elevators to put in storage at one
time between 11,500,000 and U.000,
000 bushels, this capacity being ex
ceeded in the west only by Chicago,
Minneapolis and St, Louis.
sent here soon to teach potential
bird-men the rudiments of the art of
riding the clouds. Lieutenant Da'
vidson of Santiago is the only in
structor here now.
Soldier Boys Soon Will
Begin Course in Flying
"There he goes, up, up and up."
Crowds may crane their necks soon
at Fort Omaha watching the soldier
boys learn haw to fly. ' Four obser
vation balloons of the live ordered (or
the sky pilot's school at the fort have
already arrived and Captain C. D.
Chandler, signal corps, United States
army, says trial flights will be mads
in the near future, i
A detail of officers and men will be
Right now, while public attention
is being drawn to THRIFT DAY
talks and the ideas and thought
of our best writers engage your M
perusal on every hand, why not
investigate January Sale Prices at
RAYMOND'S. Thrift is the head
liner for buyers RIGHT NOW at
RAYMOND'S; in fact, it would be
about the thriftiest' thing you
could do to anticipate your spring
needs in Furniture, Rugs and Lin
oleum and take advantage of
Wednesday, the last day of our
January Sale. Every thrifty house
wife realizes the value of just
what one day may hold in the way
of bargains and now an opportun
ity may be lost by letting one day
pass. Wednesday, January 31, at
Raymond's will be that kind of a
day, with prices less than "our
very day low prices" means a
thrifty opportunity for everybedy
who has furniture to buy. ,
r us eicn ,iuasii
everybody store'
Tuesday, January 3d, 1917. STORE NFW FOR WEDNESDAY Phone Douglas 137
Wednesday the Last Day of Our
January Clearing Sale
Affords Unusual Buying Opportunities'
DURING this sale we have been house-Cleaning in every section of this store and
have found lots of odds and-ends of seasonable , merchandise because we like
to keep our stocks fresh and sizes complete, we have marked them at a good saving
to you to clean them out quickly Wednesday, the last day, promises to outbid all
other days for value-giving; many lots too small to advertise, , :.. , , y .
"Peter Thompson" Dresses
Enter the Clearing Wednesday
At $7.50 -
ALSO tjie well known "College Girl"
dresses. The most : fashionable
and practical little dresses that you
could wish for trie college or school
miss. ' 1
Made of fine serge in navy blue with large
sailor collar trimmed with emblem on sleeve;
some in two-piece garments, allowing skirts to
be worn separately if desired sizes 14 to 20;
were to tlft.BO, Clearing Sale price, $7.60.
Girls' and Misses' Suits,
Were to $19.50, at $7.50
Made'of poplins, serges and gaberdines, for
the school girl, with belt; some fur trimmed
collars; also skirts with pockets; in sites 12 to
17 years; were to $19.60, sale price, $7.60.
Burgui-Nub Co. SkobS Floor'
-Package Goods ,
JUST as soon as the big box
containing thia new line' of
the famous package goods ar
rived it was rushed through to
the Art Department with as lit
t)e delay as, possible, and here
is what it contains:
Children's and Infant's
Hats, Caps .
Dresses, .Skirts, y
Coats - Carriage Robes,
Night Gowns, Corset Covers,
Combination Suits, -,
v j Aprons.
Abo , . '
Scarfs and Pillows, ,
: Dresser Sets, Centers, .
. Dressing Sacques and '
. ' , Boudoir Caps.
Price range, 25e to $1.50. --
' BurfMt-Nash Co. Third Floor.
These Women's Boots on
the Downward Slide Just
During the Clearing Sale
EVERY odd pair and broken line of women's shoes enter into
this clcaraway for Wednesday. This idea: '
Women's $5.00 to $3.00 Shoes, $2.95
Women's patent tolt lace shoes. .
Women's patent colt button shoes..
Women's patent colt with gray
cloth top . .'
Women's1 bronze, kid button and
lace ,.
Women's black kidskin button
Women's $7.00 Boots, $4.85
A tan Russiai calf, high cut lace boot;
was $7.00, pair, $4.85.
Special in the Children's Section
Patent and dull calf for dress and school,
sizes 8V to 11; were $3.00, fof $2.25.
Sizes 14 to 2; were $3.50, for $2.55.
Big girls' sizes, 2 to 6; were $4.00,
for $3.25. " v
& Hudson Iron Clad and Kindercraft shoes for chil
dren, arc the best wearing shoes made. Co. Socond Floor ,
NOTE We are the exclusive selling agents for the James A.
Banister fine shoes for men. Fourth Floor.
Men's Soft or Stiff
Hats. 95c -
The remainder of the stock
we bought from "Black the Hat
ter,'.' There s a style and shape
here to suit you and the values
are simply sensational,.; QC
at .....v.,... srac
BurfM-NtMh Co. Fourth Floor.
Underwear in the
Clearing Sale
Three big values that . are
most interesting. .
39c Union Suits, 23c V
Women's union suits, fine,
wrute cotton, low neck, sleeve
less, lace bottoms,; were 39c,
for 23c. -. , f J
$1.25 Union Suits, 73c ;
Women's union suits, ligh,
medium and heavy weight, fine
white cotton; high neck, long
sleeves; dutch neck and elbow
sleeves, ankle length; all large
sizes; were $1.26, at 73c. - t
$2.25 Union Suits, $1.23
Women's "union suits, white
or gray, part wool, anklerlength,
broken sizes; were to $2.26,
for $1.23.
Bursou-NMh Co Mota Floor ,
$5.00 Corsets, $2.49
Broken lines and discontinued corsets,
all standard makes, a corset suited to
your figure can be found in this lot. Ma
terials are silk batiste and coutils, and
others, formerly priced to $5.00, $2.49
reduced, now, to
$3.0u Brassieres, $1.19
Broken lines in brassieres of the better
qOality ip allover embroidery, or trinv
med in cluny, or effective lace; splen
did garments; were to $3.00, CI 1Q
Bureoo.-Nab Co. Second Floor
Blouses at $1.25
Flesh and white crepede chine blouses, In
tailored models with hemstitching and tucks; all
long sleeves; flat or hylo collars, . J J J
$3.75 to $6.50 Bletues, $2.50 ' '
Lace, net,, georgette crepe and chiffon blouses
in a widcvaricty of styles. ,
$3.95 to $5.00 Blouses, $05
TailorcdsiUc blouses in suit-shades, also crepe
de. chine and pussy willow blouses, in flesh and
white. , - .
$15.00 to $16.50 Blouses, $3.50 and $4.50 '
Chiffon' and georgette crepe blouses, in all
suit shades; a few fight laces and nets in this
lot; beaded and embroidered blouses, and others
lace trimmed.
Bur..-Nh Co. Sooood Floor - '
A pure grape brandy of
the better sort.
jarVis brandV CO.,
St. Joe, Mo.