THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1917. The Omaha Bee DAILY QtORNINO-mNlNQ-SUNDAT FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE FUBLISHIHQ COMPANY. PROFBIETOR. Intend at Omaha portottice aa awond-tlm matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dill; an miv par mm. e DUW allem SUDaal " Erathu ana Saedu " Crcnlag wltarat Baeiir " Se Suadar Bee eaa ' l Sen. of caenae of aodieaa ar tonsalatuy la a GUvaUtiam Saperiakad. Br Had fear, e.S8 I.W (.at 4. ' t.ti , II. at Renrit a? amft. i ml ar I E1IITTANCE. ar faetat arte. Oalr MM OFFICES. Onrta-Ylw Bee TMMhif, CMoeee Wrt Ota Ttaknaf. Some Oneae-UM N SL Hew Tint 888 Jilt ilm Ctanei Blm-H . Ma ft. Be Lan-j BX at Onnaaiiil, - CORRESPONDENCE. ASflfea) eoawnmtaattaaa lalaUaf le Ban and adHonal hatan See, Sattarlel PeHaiuamt . DECEMBER CIRCULATION 53,368 Daulyndy 50,005 A Mr tat irratelten for laa am .natd aad two la kr Dale wuuaaw, ureaiau aaaaciiWra taavsaf Dm ally have TTes Baa BiaUad a Atm. Aetere.. dun aaaltaa aa leqaeille Tell your troubles to th grand jury and cease worrying. v - i;-'. i , In its hone meat butcher, shop New York has eue enterprise Omaha will not insist on emulating. ! ,' '.i, J2Sa "': Still- Omaha is only one -of acorn of citiei where school accommodation i fall short of the demand. , At any, rate, the literacy testae to affords one instance where President Wilson has not changed his mind.- -::' '. . As usual, the expected happens. The "peace leak" quiz scores a larger assortment of denials " than assertions.. . . . . i ' Burlington money for improvements in Omaha will be jutt aa welcome as Union Pacific money or Northwestern money. Omaha can have municipal home rule if it really wants it, but the job must be done here at - h,ome and not at Lincoln. . , ' Having no reason to expect much from the present Douglas delegation, Omaha will have no right to feel disappointed. ..V. ; it The great Variety of "bone dry" bills going through legislative hoppers puts a timely crimp on the boom in the bone dust market, , ' : While Omaha'a "Welcome Archf radiates cor diality on its face, its real glad-hand smile goes with the treasury touch.' It isn't worth the money? " , t 7( - .1 .' as . .i. . . 1 1 i V' M I Should the Missouri court decision stand, the rmy becomes a aafe refuge fop wife deserters. In such cases safety puts a magnum of ginger in patriotic service. ' ' . Six additional gold-lace colonels on Governor Neville's staff! A few more and there wilt be enough to organize a regiment made op exclu sively of colonels. 1 " Preliminary estimates of the national defense hill for the coming fiscal year total $800,000,000. The high coat of living has nothing on the rising cost of national safety insurance. ' Of course, it is past history now, but would it not have been better for ail concerned had the Burlington built up its car shops in Omaha in stead of at Plattamouth and at Havelock? ; . Almost every day is a record day if the South Side market In former' times beef,' pork and mutton prices readily ascended the stairs. High living and consequent heft makea the elevator a daily necessity. ' r'f - " ' v ... Incidentally, it will be eaaier to make Omaha great industrial center if the tax rate ia kept down to reasonable limits. Let us(not forget that in bidding for new enterprises Omaha must compete with other cities keeti tea take advantage of every differential in their favor. - While revising the primary law provision should be made for party enrollment or registra tion of political affiliation throughout the state as well aa in registration cities, aa sow. ; None but member of the respective political parties should be permitted to bare a voice in making the party oominationa. ' '. What ..wit 1 h... ,4 J ' .' - wjvvw. ... ...v.. iit vitt iiaun,t UUKH is the county hospital situation any more than other officials? The courts have a direct contact with jail and workhouse or detention home for delinquents and possibly with the custody of the iauc, but they have nothing whatever to do with the matter of medical treatment for the des titute aick.. ,r - T. R.'s Description of a Forest - r 'Tkeeetora Raaaavalt, ia Scrftaar's- Iii the heat and moisture of the tropic the struggle .for life among the forest trees and plants is far more intense than in the north. The trees Stand close together, tall and straight, and most of them without branches, until a great height has been reached, fori they are striving toward the ' aun.jBnd to reach it they must devote all their , energies to producing a stem which will thrust its crown of leaves out of the gloom below into the riotoj sunljght which bathes the billowy green upper plane of the forest. ; . i A huge buttressed giant keeps all the neigh lionng trees dwarfed until it falls and yields its place to the sunlight to the most instantly vigor Jus of the trees it formerly suppressed. . i Near the streams the forests are almost impas sible, so thick is th tangle below, but awav fmm the streams the walking is easier, because only a few bushes and small trees grow in the perpetual Wiade. To the newcomer one unending wonder is the mass of vines, the lianas or bush ropes; every where they hang from the summits of the trees or twist around the trunka, or lace them together. A few kill the trees; most aeem to do them no damage, ; Some are huge, twisted, knotted cables, dragging down the branches around which they are wrapped, and themselves servinar aa auniutrta for lesser vines that twine around them. Others siretcti up. up, as straight and slender as the hroiidt of a ship, until they are lost overhead in lire arcen ceiling ot interlocked leaf and branch. Oi most of the trees I did not know the mmu lu among the. tallest were the mora, with huge fl wig buttresses, and the greenheart, with its "white trunk. It was unending pleasure fo walk I'Tungh the towering forest. In the shade it was aUas coot, even jt midday." There was no wind. All sounds seemed faint and far away.' Under the solemn archways of the trees it was dim and mys- Control of Public Utilities. The oft-fought iaaue of control of public utili ties is to come up again before the legislature at Lincoln where bills are pending to vest exclu sive jurisdiction in the State Railway commission. Similar proposals have heretofore been defeated in successive legislatures aa invasions of the home rule powers of the municipalities served by these utilities, but we may well fear that the pin are set for the present democratic legislature to "put It over," especially since the local democratic organ, which used, to make a play of fighting state control, ia showing sia;ns of "kicking in" and in this, doubtless tips off a deal made by the demo cratic bosses. To cover the tracks, the 'World-Herald pre tends that the question ia analagous to that of railroad regulation, one school of thought favor ing exclusive federal control and another favor ing federal control only for interstate traffic and state control within each state. The question, however, is not analagous where the public utility serves the inhabitant of the municipality and the state outside is not directly concerned. The telephone, as part of a state and national' system of communication, might call for central control, but why ahould a gaa company and an electric lighting company, serving Omaha, be regulated from Lincoln? Had we adopted our home rule charter, thus acquiring constitutional sanction for the city's control of it own public utilities, this controversy would have been aettled and would not now have come up. The public service corporations affected, we know, would lijce to get out from under the locaj control, at least that has been their policy in other states, but the very fact that they prefer long distance regulations, by a commission whose members come from towns that have no such public utilities whatever, does not necessarily commend it. It remains to be aeen whether this legislature will shoulder responsibility for a questionable schema repeatedly rejected by its predecessors. 1 '. Omaha t Grain Market. In the few years that have elapsed since the coming of the Chicago Great Western threw down the barrier, the other railroads had erected around Omaha, a grain market of first importance haa been built up here. Those railroads which did moat to hinder the establishment and de velopment of the traffic here are now entering on a newer and better policy, that of making pro visions that will ensure then) ample share in the local traffic, which ha come to be such an im portant factor in the railroads' business. This will give impetus to the trade, and Omaha now is well set on the way to a commanding position as a primary grain msvrkei. It ahould be more than that, however. Millions of bushels of grain now shipped from Nebraska comes back in form of flour. The milling industry ia in its infancy here, and requires a little encouragement, but if the energy that forced recognition for the grain market is devoted to support of making this grain into' flour, a aimilar success may be ex pected. Last week'' at St. Joseph ground was broken for the erection of a huge mill that wilt be devoted exclusively to grinding durum wheat, most of which wilt be grown in Nebraska. Is there any real reason why Omaha can not have mills ai well as elevators why wheat can not be ground as well as cleaned and graded here? . ' Literacy Teat Again Vetoed. "? b . v j. The second-time veto by President Wilson of the literacy test immigration bill commands our approval and endorsement because it is quite in line with the steadfast position of The Bee on this subject. We have argued over and over again that ability to read and write is no proper gauge of the worthiness of an immigrant' coming here to make hi home with us and enjoy the blessings of lib erty and opportunity denied him in hi native land.-.. - v v: In re-drafting the measure, after the last veto, the extreme restrictionists sought to escape the most persistent opposition, by providing an ap parent loophole for illiterates who should prove that they came to escape religious or political persecution. This would be a mskeshift at best and leave these unfortunates at the mercy of arbi trary decision for or against their admission by the immigration officials. More than that, aa Preaident Wilson points out, it would constitute a continuous source of embarrassment to our diplomatic relatione with countries whose laws we might be called upon to construe as furnishing ground for application of this exemption clause. The whole question, however, goes down deeper to the basic principle of the republic founded on the right of expatriation and the cor related recognition of the moral right of natives of other countries to join their fortune with u if only they can give satisfactory assurance that they will become useful, law abiding and self-supporting inhabitants. It ia sincerely to be hoped that congress will sustain the veto, fin view of the fact thathe bill waa originally passed by a majority which could easily override it, those who agree with the preaident will do well to apprise their representatives in congress of that fact.'. I ' . .!' : In the Wake of Pershing. Following the American army" out of Mexico comes s long line of refugees. Mormons and Mexicans alike who had relations with the Ameri can army during its stay below the border are fleeing in terror from visions of Villa's vengeance. The presence of Pershing provided peace; hia withdrawal again turns a large and fertile section of northern Mexico over to anarchy and dispr der. The administration at Washington is now said to again incline to allowing the Mexicana to work out their own aalvation without further meddling from this side. This means that a sorry chapter of American history ia coming to an end in flight from home of men, women and children, a land left to desolation and a murderous brigand, guilty of unnumbered and nnnameable crimes, triumphing over order, while watchful waiting wonders what will happen next The one com forting thought' in the whole aituation comes through the gallant conduct of our soldiers, whose patience has withstood sore trial. Oregon and Kansas must look to their laurela as inventora of "progressive legislation." South Dakota enters the list as a competitor for high honora. A bill depriving doctors of surgical fees in casea of wrong guesses on the state of the appendix tags a doubt of medical infallibility. StitlXif the doctors are cut out of the price of cutting in, the experience remains to console them, , ' ''..'. v ' , . " An Ohio philosopher says the "ballot is the most sacred thing an ' American possesses." A group of Cincinnati citizens are taking compul sory lessons along that line. The 1916 Vote -Naw York Triku ' When the voters re-elected President Wilson they were very far from intending that that vote should be interpreted as an indoraement of the democratic party. Mr. Wilson'a victory was a personal one. He would have been badly beaten if he had not re ceived the support of well over one million elec tors who did not vote for any other democratic candidate (a vote for Marshall) being, of course, identical with a vote for Wilson. Mr. Wilson ran so far ahead of the democratic ticket because Mr. Hughes ran so far behind the republican ticket There were hundreds of thou sands of republicans who had not been strongly impressed by Mr. Hughes' campaign and were sceptical about his progressive tendencies. They re-elected Mr. Wilson. It was evident on the day after election that Mr. Hughes had trailed far behind the great mass of republican candidates. There waa no state, ap parently, in which the vote cast for him was not smaller than the vote cast for one or more of the republican nominees for state offices or for con gress. There were few states in which he did not run behind every other republican candidate. The publication of official returns from all of the states makes it possible now to demonstrate just how much Mr. Wilson's strength exceeded the strength of his party and just how far other republican candidates outran Mr. Hughes. The election tables printed in "The World Almanac" for 1917 show the 'pluralities Sjiven for Mr. Wil son and Mr. Hughes in the various states. The president's net plurality his plurality on the' popular vote was 567,400. He carried thirty states, with pluralities aggregating 1,358,197. Mr. Hughea carried eighteen states, with pluralities aggregat ing 790,701. Here are the margins of the two can didates by statea: PLURALITIES BY STATES FOR WILSON AND HUGHES. Huahel. Alabama 71 S20 Oonnactieut ' 1.728 Artaona ;iS Delaware l.MS Arkanaaa SS.147 Ullnola , J0M2O California 1,77! Indiana S.77S Colorado 7I.60S Iowa SS.S6S Florida ............ 41,378 Maine , S.S8S Ooortla 111.41S Maaaachuaotta ........ Idaho 14.41S Mlchltan il.MS Xanana ........... as.SSO Mlnneaota m Kentuoky at.llSNaw Jaraay B7.IS4 Loulalana 7J 4o Naw York 12S.SS4 Maryland SliOll Ororoi) S.72S Mlaalaalppl ' 7.1 Pennaylvanla '..lll.SSS Mlaaourl .......... ST.S4S Rhode Ialand , 4.4S4 Montana S4.SU South Dakota..;...... 4.872 Nebraak 41, 26S Vermont 17,542 Neva4a ,. .-S.S4T Waat Virginia 2,71 Now Haronahlra.... I ts Wlaconaln y. 21,311 New Melloo.. SUSS - f North Carolina 47.413 . ' I North Dakota 1 785 Ohio 88,503 Oklahoma 50.827 s South Carolina S0.278 . y Tenneaie ....' 9S.88I . ' . : Tan 881.80T ., , ' . Utah 38.008 ' Vlrslnla 52,448 Waahtntton ....... 18,584 Wyoming- 8.818 . j Tatal ......... 1.858,187 Total ............. ,70.71 This table, of bourse, does not show the exact diviaion of votes in the electoral college. One of West Virginia's eight votes went to Mr. Wilson, Looking further into the returns, however, the very abnormal character of the presidential vote becomea apparent. The republicans carried as many seats in the house of representatives as the democrat did, and it. would not have been pos sible for them to come so near controlling the house without materially outvoting the democrats throughout the country.' The reapportionments made after the 1910 census in a number of north ern states New York, Ohio and Indiana among them were , decidedly unfavorable to the repub lican party. It is, therefore, normally much easier for the republicana to elect a president than to win a majority of the seats in the lower branch of congress. . . . w : But though losing the presidency the repub licana broke even on the house. Had the electoral vote been cast in accordance, with the congress votes in the states, Mr. Hughes would have car ried twenty-four states, with 288 votea, and would have been elected. Mr. Wilson would have car ried twenty-two statea with 231 electoral votes, and two states Nebraska and Montana, with twelve votes would have evenly divided. sWe have compiled and present below a table showing' the pluralities in the forty-eight states on the basis of the vote cast for United States aenatora and governor. The pluralities of sena torial candidates are taken in all. cases. Where no aenatorial vacancy waa to be filled pluralities for candidates for governor are used. Where there were neither aenatorial nor gubernatorial candidates in the field the net pluralities of the candidate for the house of representatives are taken. In one state Louisiana for lack of re turns Other than those bn presidential electors the president's plurality is employed. This table shows a republican popular plurality in the country of 573,3915,985 greater than Mr. Wilson'a popular plurality. Here are the figures: PLURALITIES BY STATES FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR AND GOVERNOR. Demooratio. I . " RaDUbMcan. A Alabama ...I ' 78,185 California Arlaona S,S12!ConnaUet ........ Arkanaaa 81.871 Illlnola 17.34tlndlana 2,B88Iowa 48,8171 Kanaaa 11 144Malna Colorado Delawara . Florida ... Qaorata . Idaho .... Kentucky tlxtutslana Mlsil.tlppt Mlaaourl . Montana . Nebraeka ......... New Mexico....... i Nevada North Carolina..... Ohio Oklahoma Rhode Ialand South Carolina Tennaaaa .......... Texae ............. Utah Virginia Wyoming ' 4721 84,131 73.488 74,480 84,451 12,827 11,283 8.511 1.418 47 504 15,551 41.847 7.837 S8.115 15,581 115.0401 14,1861 118.058 1 088 Maryland u.. Maaaaehuaatta iMIchlgan Mlnneaota New Hampahlra.... New Jeraoy New Tork ..V. ...... North Dakota ..... Oregon Ponnaylvama ...... South Dakota , Vermont .......... Waahlngton Went Virginia Wlaeonaln IM.tlS 8.171 138.881 11,081 85,801 181,481 10 174 lion 11,031 108,701 7.82 7,041 74,888 131,381 IS 788 181448 188,845 11,121 11.408 88.848 5,558 118,158 Total .......... J. U0,408 Total , Republican plurality, 573,391. Vote for congress, t Vote for president. The fairness of this showing cannot be dis puted.! It is representative. Giving the vote on senator the pref.rence shifts Delaware and Rhode Island from the Hughes column into the demo cratic column. But it takes Maryland out of the Wilson column into the republican column. Had the vote for governor been preferred in all states, it would have kept Delaware and Rhode Island republican, would have transferred Arizona to the republican column and wonld have added 80,000 to the republican margin in Minnesota. But those gaina would have been balanced in large part by the loss in this state of 70,000 votes and by the transfer of Washington from the republican to the democratic table. People and Events . Advance foreign orders for eggs for summer and fall delivery stiffens the enthusiasm of Chi cago dealers and predictions of dollar eggs ten months hence are current among the cold storage henneries, ' The first bunch of money out of $1,000,000 willed by Mrs. Frank Leslie to Mrs. Carrie Chap man Catt for use in promoting woman suffrage is now available, New York courta having ordered payment of $500,000 to Mrs. Catt. It ia expected the cause will at once take on fresh vigor and leap forward as never before. - The late Mra. Hetty Green for more than fifty years held a life interest in the residuary estate of her aunt, Miss Sylvia Ann Howland, who died in New Bedford, Mass., an 1865. The estate amounted to $1,250,000. Mra. Green's death releases the fortune for distribution. A total of 438 heirs have been traced, and their sharea range from $63 to $27,000. Several heirs of the seventh generation are under age. ' . I TODAY Health Hint for the Day. It IB unwise to bath when exces sively hot, but It la safer when moder ately warm from exercise than when beginning to cool off. , L One Year Ago In the War. Allies' artillery shattered German works In France and Belgium. Violent artillery fighting resumed by Italians on Isonzo river. Russians reported to have taken a Turkish fortified line forty miles long. Single Zeppelin attempted repetition of raid on Paris, but departed without doing damage. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. i Articles of Incorporation have been (lied by the Omaha Rubber company formed for the purpose of manufac turing and dealing in all kinds of rub ber goods. The incorporators are J. Hurd Thompson and jO. H. Curtis. While chasing a man whom he saw running down Farnam street with an overcoat over hia arm. Officer Bhamv- han slipped in the alley tn tbe rear ot the Canneld house and fell cutting a severe gash over his right eye, and spraining one of his wrists. , - Judge Neville has rendered a very Important decision which absolutely establishes the right of 'the cigar makers' ' union to . the trade mark which tbey have long used upon their cigars. W. H. Harrison of S. t. Morse ft Co.'o curtain and drapery department haa left for New York where he will oast his eagle eye over the eastern markets on the lookout for novelties In new spring curtains, etc. The funeral of Mrs. L. W. Duell, the oldest daughter of C. J. Karbach, was held from the late residence, 1509 Howard. William Oua Stephan and Miss Au gusta Saffelder were married by the Rev. Detwetler, pastor of the Kountze Memorial church. - Mr. Thomas Kllpatrick, a well known dry goods man of Chicago, and mors recently of Cleveland, O.. is in the city negotiating for the purchase of the dry goods house of Tootle, Maul ft Co. Mr. Kllpatrick Is a genial and kindly gentleman and a good business man and a strong effort la being made to have him locate here. This Day in History. 110s Guy Fawkea was executed for his part In the plot to blow up the British House of Parliament lf52 Gouverneur Morris, con spicuous figure in the, early history of the American republic, born at Mor risanla, N. Y. Died there November 6. 1814. - , . ' 1858 Steamship Great Eastern was launched at MlUwall, England. - 1866 United States house of rep reaentatlves oassed the Thirteenth T amendment, carrying out the emanci pation proclamation. ' 1807 Completion of the Nelson column In Trafalgar square, London. ' 1878 Preliminaries of peace be tween Russia and Turkey signed at Adrianople. i 1880 British training ship Atalanta with 280 on board, sailed from Ber muda and was never heard of again. 1892 Charles ' H- Spurgeon, 'fa mous pulpit orator, died at Mentone, France. Born in England, June IB, 1834. , ; 1893 Ten thousand persons were , rendered homeless by an earthquake on the coast of Zante, 1895 The Japanese captured Wei-Rat-Wei front the Chinese. , The Day We Celebrated ; , Milton T. Darlow, president of the United States National bank, is today celebrating his seventy-second birth day. He waa born In Greencaatle, Ind., and la one of the pioneers in Omaha bank circles. William H. Wheeler; treasurer of the Wheeler ft Welpton Co., was born at Plattamouth, January 81, 1870. He is a graduate of the University of Ne braska. Al Sorenson Is 66, but doesn't act it He was born In Nashota, Wis., and was , city editor of The Bee in the olden days when the city editor was the whole reportorlal staff and the bouncer at one and the same time. He is now running a weekly paper of his own called the Examiner.. John J. Glllin, former city treasurer of South Omaha, now in the federal revenue service, is today 38 years Old. He is a native of Minnesota. ' ' Nathan Straus, New York philan thropist, who has been selected to pre side over the forthcoming national congress of Jews, born in Rhenish, Bavaria, sixty-nine years ago today. Captain Henry A. Wiley, U. & N commander of the battleship Wyom ing, born in Alabama, fifty years ago today. William W. Attertmry, president of the American Railway association, born at New Albany, Ind., fifty-one years ago today. Zane Grey, one of the most success ful of the younger American novelists, born at Zanesvllie, O., forty-two years ago today. George W. Perkins, noted New York financier and progressive party leader, born in. Chicago, fifty-five years ago today. Theodore W. Richards, Harvard university professor and Nobel prise winner, born at German town, 'Pa., forty-nine years ago today. - Bishop Richard J. Cooke ' of the Methodist Episcopal church, born in New York City,' sixty-four years ago today. . . Timely Jottings and Reminders. Clergymen, evangelists, missionaries and other Chritian workers from many lands are to assemble In Chi cago today for the thirtieth annual alumni reunion and revival conference of the Moody Bible Institute. Delegates from many parts of the south are expected in Louisville to day for the opening of a four-day con vention of the Baptist Student ' Mis sionary movement Many well known Baptist clergymen and educators are on the program. t - War time problems' will be among those considered at the annual meet ing of the United States chamber of commerce, beginning today In Wash ington. The railroad situation, na tional defense, daylight saving and the promotion ot foreign trade are other subjects scheduled to receive atten tention. Storiette of the Day., 8he had two boys. The mother wished not only to give them a seri ous idea of her desire to make them good, but also to make clear to their minds the gravity of the task before her. At the end of a particularly touching adjuration 6-year-old Fran cis was suddenly overcome with the Impossibility of ever attaining hia mother's ideal. "Don't try to make good, mother," he said earnestly. "Just shoot us." Philadelphia Ledger. f 1 Reject All Charter Amendments. Omaha, Jan. 10. To ths Editor of The Bee: I am glad to see you attack the charter cimendment at Lincoln. There is no occasion for them. The people of this city have not demanded them. There was not a mention of them in the. last campaign. There are many representatives and senators from the other part of the state who are tired ef Omaha's oc cupying the attention of the legisla ture, after the state had specifically given to this city the right to make its own charter,. At the last session they said this to me and I conceded the force of their statement. There are several members of the present commission who were elected to office on the issue of giving this City a chance to frame Its own char ter. Because the charter that was framed, for the reason that It made several unpopular proposals, was de feated by the people these commis sioners think they are Justified in mak ing no further move for home rule. The fact Is, they think it easier to se cure ' from the legislature privileges which our own people would never grant to them. The constitution provides that after six months another charter 'commis sion may be called. Why havo 'not these commissioners called such a commission T If this city needs certain changes let these commissioners call a con vention at once. It they will sot do so, I am for the people doing it through means, of the initiative, if that is legally possible. If we can secure another charter commission I would, be in favor of submitting to the peo ple our present charter, simply in or der to some under home rule. Then we could proceed to amend It as we chose. Above all things you are right in op posing the present bills In the legisla ture. They should one and all be de feated, and, if for no other reason, the members of the legislature ought to defeat them on the ground that Omaha has the right to make Its own charter in Its own way. L. J. QUINBY. Rice as a H. C. L. Reducer. ' Grand Island, Neb, Jan. 39. To the Editor of The Bee: And now comes your Mr. Groh, of The Bee's able staff, with his "calories," but never a word for our southern neighbor's great cereal, rice. I have been advocating the eating of more rice, not so much to the lowering of the high cost of liv ing, but so as to live better, conse quently happier and longer. : , While rice is the staple, diet of three-fourths of the earth's inhabi tants, this cereal Is one of the most nu tritious of dishes. Most people, and especially children, like rice with cream and sugar and both of these contain calories galore. The last season's crop', was the largest in years and the growers re ceived less than for three years, so rice is really one of the cereal foods that should retail cheaper. In conversation with Richard Adams, manager of Parrott ft Co., brokers of Portland, Ore., a few days ago he said he had pushed rice the last season as one of the good cereals to cheapen the high cost of living, but he found that the consumer would not take hold ot It and that no more rice had been sold In hia territory this sea son than in former years. He said our people want something- already pre pared and partly digested, as many of the so-called breakfast foods, and whether-they are heavily charged with calories-or contain none at all It is the preparedness that they are partial too no trobule to get ready the break fast handout MONROE TAYLOR. . ; Gentler Help Wanted.. , Scottsbluff, Jan. 9. To the Editor of The Bee: If a hen Is an "It" and she's not a "she, how ever on earth can a rooster be "he?' I'm sorely perplexed and my soul is much vexed; I appeal to the grammar class reading The Bee; Inanimate things that do not have wings get mixed in my gram mar and causes a stammer. I have loved the old hen . since I can't tell win ephpn. If m An hAI Initiative. then who will defend her, if we don't know a "she" from an old neuter gen der. J. F. WEYBRIGHT. More, on the Subject of School Land. Oxford, Neb., Jan. 28. To the Edi tor ot The Bee There Is an honest difference of opinion as to whether it ia best to sell our school lands and there ia no doubt that a majority who favor the sale as well as those who oppose are actuated by what they believe to be for the best interests of the state. It Is a noticeable tact that most of the opposition comes from a commu nity where there are no school lands for sale, where they have not the op portunity to feel the, wrong of the state holding those lands out of the market-. On the other hand we find that those favoring the sale are mostly those who know something first hand of the blighting effects, especially on the school districts wherein those lands are situated, ot the state becoming a land speculator. L. J.' Qulnby suggests that the sale of school lands would be In the inter est of land grabbers and advertise the state aa backward in civilization. The reverse Is true. Where the present method encourages that the school lands should bring to the renter all the profit possible without conserving their future usefulness the sale would en courage home building, prevention of soil waste, school Improvements and a more populated community. That the state should hold land for speculation Is no less harmful to the community where the land is situated than for Individual speculators to hold and out of the market There is an op portunity to tax and well tax the -Individual while the states goes free. The state's prosperity lies In numerous and prosperous home builders who are gladly willing to contribute to Its support-' rv It is claimed by those opposed to the sale of the school lands that they have the good of our public schools at heart The very same argument Is made by those who favor the sale. This shows there can be an honest difference of opinion. The legislature two years ago did much to strengthen the farm ers demand for sale, when they, alter dividing a measely one-fourth ot the state money among tbe school districts- opporttoned the three-fourths, together with all fines and licenses of the county, according to the daily av erage attendance In our schools. To illustrate its working my school dis trict with twelve high school students, had their tuition raised II 1-8 per cent and then the Apportionment for those twelve students was confiscated by the town school. Nor Is that alL Town children travel a few blocks on clean sidewalks, while country chil dren travel two and sometime three miles and sometimes those roads are blocked with snow, and they are fined for the causes of nature. If the state had a section of land In the heart' of Omaha or Lincoln I think there would be something doing in the legislature this winter and It would not be in in terest of keeping achool land out of the market A. C. RANKIN. Intolerable Conditions In tbe South. Omaha, Jan. SO. TO the Editor of " ' The Bee: I have found considerable Interest in the perusal of your Scotts bluff correspondent's criticism of Mr. Agnew. The discussion ot such ques tions as those with which Mr. Wey bright deals tn bis reply to Mr. Ag new could hardly fail to excite lively interest in any citizen of fair intelli gence and patriotic sentiment "It may be true," says Mr. Wey biight "that suppression of the col ored vote contributed to increase Mr. Wilson's majorities in some of the southern states," etc. Such a gingery expression Concerning a fact which Is incapable of contradiction . could hardly escape notice. So long as con ditions In the southern states continue as they are now and have been sines ' the collapse ot "the lost cause" the formalities of conducting elections will amount to nothing more than deri sive burlesques. As for Judge Hughes, I entertain as high an estimate ot his character today as I did at any time during his grand campaign for the presidency, in all of my forty-five or fifty years of study of American history I can re call no publio character that more fa vorably and deeply impressed me than has Charles Evans Hughes. In care fully reviewing his conduct during the entire campaign I discover no act or utterance of hia that a full-blooded American could have taken offence at according to my humble Judgment. Hence I experienced a feeling of pro found disappointing and regret at his failure of election. 1 Mr. . Weybright's strictures against Mr. Agnew for complaining about the lawlessness and -violence of the whites of the former rebellious states in the conduct of, political affairs bears strong resemblance to the Ill-tempered retorts from slave holders inante-bel-lum days whenever one dared to speak or write a word ot unfavorable com- . ment upon that infamous Institution. 1 Is it an "attempt to stir up sectional Btrife" to expose and denounce this rough-shod defiance of, the organic law of the nation? How else will it be possible to do away with such a plainly foul condition of things except by con scientious, courageous and persistent campaigning against it? ' - But It Is with a feeling of regret that I have to admit my lack ot con fidence that anything effective will be done as a remedy in this case tor yean to come. CYRUS D. BELL. , SMILES. 'Xliye boy," uked ths well-meaning re- ' former, "U that your mamma over yonder with the beautiful est of fursT" "Tea, ir," answered the bright lad. "Well, do you know what poor animal tt Is tht haa had to suffer In order that your mamma might have the furs with which she adorns herself so proudly?" , "Yes, sir. My papa." -New Tork Times. IN WHICH WYH FWEtfc ClAlM we. Nifc THE USERS1. Billy Never mind. TtWlt think better of me when Z am far away. -- M illy Sure, The farther away the bet ter. New Tork Times. , j "Dearest," he murmured, 'Til try and be worthy ot you. although I know I am not fit to tie your shoe." , This was perfectly true.1 His waist meas ure was 69 Inches. Judge. - IIIIIIIIIUIWIMIUIIIIttlNIUIllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllltnl f SMOKERS J 1 ATTENTION! . We are in position to make low prices on standard cigars by the box. Foil Wrapped Manilla Cigars, Flor- entine sis, box of 12 75c s 5 Lady Curaon, Choice Domestic, In- s vincible else, a mild smoke, box of 26 for $2.00 u La Providenela, Clear Havana, a very a s small but choice cigar, box of 60 . for ....$2.00 Pletora, Choice Porto Rican, makes a I very full, rich smoke, box of 60 2 for ,. ....$340 Cubanoid, After Dinner sise, a large, i - rich smoke, cannot be excelled for 5 tbe price; box of 2ft for. .1140 i s Cuba-Roma, Breva site, many cigars j 5 sold S for 26e ar not as good; box of SO for $240 .i a Chancellors, Imperial sise, box of i i 26 for $145 Sherman & McConnell I ' Drug Co., I I Four Good Drug Stores. raiwisiJtrtiiiWBmiiiiiniitiiiiiiiti For Bilious Troubles That heavy headache, torpid liver, sick stomach, bitter taste in mouth, furred tongue, dull eyes and muddy skin, all come from a poor supply of bile. These unhealthy conditions are promptly corrected Dy 8 PUIS which stimulate' the liver, regulate the flow of bile. sweeten the stomach, and renew healthy bowel action. A household remedy ap- E roved by sixty years of pub c service. For every-day illnesses, Beecham's Pills ire a tested Remedy laawaat Seta f As- MadWa. la nVe WarU. aaHanrnwe. aa Basaa, 80a. a Opened Jan.iqBI7-!pgv 200 ROOMs loo with ton.. 11.00 "NsViif-J.V AND ECONOMY . icriuuh, ijKciuiie grcai camcarai at ousk. f '