Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1917, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XLVI. NO. 194.
Iowan's Resolution for Exclu
sive Debate on Peace Ad
dress Tabled by Vote of
38 to 30 in Senate.
Hitchcock, Who Helps to De
feat Motion, Speaks in De
fense of President.
Washington, Jan. 30. Debate on
President Wilson's world peace pro
posals was brought an abrupt end
in the senate late today when Senator
Cummins' motion to call up his reso
lution for its exclusive debate was
tabled on motion of Senator Williams,
The vote to table the motion was
38 to 30. Senator Martine was the
,only democrat who voted with the
republicans in favor of taking up the
Cummins resolution.
What It Would Lead To. .
Opening debate in the senate today
'on President Wilson's world peace
proposals, Senator Cummins, republi
can, declared that to do what the
president suggests would involve the
United States either in almost con
stant world war or constant rebellion
against the authority of world sover
eignty the president proposes.
Asserting that he stood with the
president in every moral effort pos
sible to bring an end to the present
war. Senator Cummins said he re
fused to follow him "when he leads
the way toward the world sovereignty
which he has proposed."
Lewis Has Resolution.
Bfore Senator Cummins began
speaking Senator Lewis, democratic
whip, most prominent senate defender
of the president's peace moves, in
troduced a resolution which he tem
' porarily had laid on the table, de
. daring that the address which the
Iowa senator'criticised did not sug
gest abolition or limitation of the
Monroe doctrine or military aggres
sion by the United States in foreign
Senator Cummins spoke directly to
his resolution, which would set aside
time for exclusive debate of the presi
dent's recent peace address, but he de
parted from that phase to discuss its
merits which had aroused, thought
and debate throughout the civilized
Declaring .that the message "ojtfr-rw"-ffaws
with just anT' beautiful senti
ments so eternally right that they
instantly command the approval of all
lovers of humanity," Senator Cum
mins said it was easy to raise the
banner of humanitarism but that "it is
a 'sad spectacle, however, to see a
flag raised in devotion to the heaven
of peace leading a march straight to
the hell of war."
"I affirm as my belief," said Sena
tor Cummins, "that if this country
shall do what the president proposes
we will be involved, either in almost
continuous war waged all over the
world, or we will be engaged in al
most constant rebellion against the
authority which he proposed to set
up over us. No man shall accuse me
of questioning the sincerity of the
president in his attachment to the doc
trine he advocates, nor must, it be in
sisted that I doubt the honesty of his
conviction tnat the new world power
will fairly redivide the earth among
nations and will be able to preserve
peace among them. If I did not think
, that he is honest in this delusion I
would not be interested in the discus
sion. Theory Is Not New.
"If he stood alone as a proponent
of a new theory in human affairs, it
might be not necessary to make it the
subject of grave consideration. But
the truth is that the proposal has
been before the world for centuries,
has been af one time or another the
dream of sages and philosophers and
' in 'our country was being urged, by
ontln!il on fge Tw, Column Two.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Snow; much colder with
cold wave.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. n De.
6 a. m
S a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m
9 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m,.... 30
I p. m 32
3 p. m... 84
3 "p. m 33
4 p. m SI
6 p. m 30
' 6 p. m 21
7 p. m..... 27
8 p. m 26
, ComparatlT Local Beeord.
1017. ltlft. IBIS. 1914.
Highest yesterday 34 9 34 48
Lowest yesterday.... 23 8 19 27
Mean temperature... .28 0 26 88
Precipitation 00 .00 .33 .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal.
Normal temperatures.. 21
Kxreas for the day ..... 7
Total excess since March 1 261
Normal precipitation .02 Inch
Deficiency for the day 02 Inch
Total rainfall since March IT. 28 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 12.60 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1915. .00 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. 2.49 Inches
Reports From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
or weather. 7 p. m. est fall.
Cheyenne, part cloudy.. 26
Davenport, cloudy 82
Denver, cloudy 46
Des Moines, cloudy 28
Doda-e City, clear 64
lender, cloudy 22
North Platte, cioudy... 28
Omaha, clear 27
Pueblo clear 62
Kapld City, cloudy -4
Halt Lake City, snow... 22
Santa Fe, clear 40
Sheridan, snow 14
Sioux City, cloudy 14
Valentine, cloudy 18
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
indicates below sero.
Besolutiom Passed Calling for
Information as to Who Se
cures Federal Taxes.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.) .
Lincoln, Jan. 30. (Special.) The
Nebraska senate today reversed itself
on the federal liquor license question,
introduced forty-seven new bills, pass
ed three on third reading and killed
one other, and called it a day's work.
Senator Albert pushed through
without a dessenting vote his resolu
tion, asking congress to require in
ternal revenue collectors to forward
to governors of dry states the names
and addresses of those who paid
liquor taxes.
A strenuous -effort was made by
Senator Beal of Custer to get the
resolution referred to the prohibition
committee, but after a little parley
this was killed by a vote of 13 to 20.
no one voted against the resoluton. ,
Last week after a bitter fight the
senate passed a resolution memorial
izing congress to deney "licenses" in
dry territory. Albert, who contended
that there was no "license' only a
tax, fought the plan, but it carried
over his head.
Look Into Road Fund.
Resolutions for a joint committee
to investigate the federal aid road
plan, and report the proper proced
ure to the legislature if it determines
the $1,600,000 ought to be accepted,
were passed. On the committee, Lieu
tenant Governor Howard appointed
Senators BcAllister, Spirk and Buhr
man. A petition endorsing the Spiifk bill,
Senate File 60, reorganizing the State
Board of Health and curtailing the
powers of the board of secretaries,
was read in the senate signed by
Howard W. Quick of Crete and fifty
seven others. Several letters were
read endorsing Gene Milady's boxing
bill. ,
Bills Passed.
These bills were considered on
thidd reading:
8. S 4, Busheo or Kimball Allowing
county clerks a 16-cent fee for each In
struemtn recorded. Passed. '
8. P. S, Bushes of Kimball Allowing
Irrigation districts of more than KO.OOO
acres to Increase directors from three to
nine. Passed.
8. P. , Buhrman of Howard Requiring
actual consideration to be given In the rec
ords of a real estate transaction. Passed, 23
to .
8. P. 43, Neal of Nemaha Allowing court
reporters to take grand jury testimony If
county attorneys demand It. J,ost, 14 to IS.
Villa Forces Are
Following Pershing
As He Moves North
ErPaso,'Tex".i Jan. 30. Villa forces
have moved up to Galeana, eighteen
miles north of El Valle and only
thirty miles southeast ' of Colonia.
Dublan, according to Villa sources
here. It was claimed Villa was slowly
occupying the country being evacua
ted by General Pershing's troops. ,
General Pershing was reported
from other sources to have left
Colonia Dublan today with the rear
guard of his expedition. His depart
ure occurred after tlu; passenger
train left for Juarez today, with the
remaining refugees on board.
The Villa forces at El Valle, Ga
leana and Las Cruces were said to
be in command of the Murga broth
ers. The defacto force seen at Oio
Dc Agua, north of Chihuahua City,
was said to be proceeding to the east
ern entrance to Santa Clara canyon
and would not cross to El Valle.
Arrivals from Chihuahua City say
General Francisco Murguia, the Car
ranza commander, had admitted his
inability to garrison western Chihua
hua after Pershing's withdrawal.
Pretty Kansas
Teacher Found in
Church Drugged
Smith Center. Kan., Jan. 30. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Great excitement
prevails in the twelfth school district,
southwest of this city, over the finding
today at noon of the pretty school
teacher, Miss Maury Schwarz, in a
nearby chruch after an all night
search by the entire countryside.
When found Miss Schwarz was-in a
stupor and so far has not been able
to give an intelligible account of what
befell her after she started for her
boarding place at 5 o'clock last eve
ning. Doctors in attendance fear she was
drugged and perhaps assaulted.
Medicine Makers Found
Guilty of Misuse of Mails
Auburn, N. Y Jan. 30.-Wlyie B.
Jones and Herbert E. Woodward,
who composed the Sargol company,
manufacturers of a medicine which it
was claimed would put flesh on thin
people, were convicted of illegally
using the mails by a jury in the
United States court today. Their
trial lasted twelve weeks. More than
200 witnesses were examined and up
ward of 2,600 exhibits offered in evi
dence. The evidence showed that in
thirty-six months the defendants had
received an income of more than
$1,200 a day. Upon the verdict, it was
said, rests the prosecution by the gov
ernment of a number of alleged
frauds of a similar kind.
Four Negroes Convicted
. Of Quintuple Murder
Minden, La., Jan. 30. Chester Tyson-,
Mark Peters, Larkin Stewart and
Anderson Heard, negroes, charged
with killing five members of the fam
ily of John Nelson Reeves Christ
mas eve last, were found guilty by a
jury this morning. The verdict against
Tyson and Peters carried with it the
death penalty. Stewart and Heard
were found guilty without capital pun
ishment being imposed.
Host of Witnesses Examined
and Two True Bills Returned
High School Heads
Are Subpoenaed.
H. C. of L. Said to Be Slated
for Investigation by Body
This Week.
Court house .gossip has it that one
of the grand jury probes planned for
this week will be into the H. C. of L.
The little bird credited with whisper
ing with information in the face of
discouraging frowns from the sixteen
jurymen and the county attorney's
chief deputy, who is head ringmaster
and whip-cracker at the utra-secret
conclaves, hinted that the body may
wrestle with and floor the"vampiric
wretches" holding the high hands in
the game with Mr. Common People.
Mr. Common People says the cards
have been stacked.
The grand jury knocked off work
for the day early yesterday afternoon
after ab usy session at. which two true
bills were returned and a host of wit
nesses subpoenaed and examined in
the closely-guarded chambers on the
fourth floor of the court house.
Make Vice Sweep.
It is understood that the initial true
bills returned by the present grand
jury, the first in Omaha in two years,
were against persons charged with
violations of laws governing vice sup
pression. Rumors that the grand jury is mak
ing a thorough investigation of moral
conditions of the neighborhoods in
the territory contiguous to the Cen
tral High school and the High School
of Commerce with a view of dry
cleaning the environments of the stu
dents were heightened when sub
poeneas were isued for J. C. Masters
and K. F. Adams, superintendents of
the two institutions.
Both Mr. Masters and Mr. Adams
appeared before1 the grand jury as
witnesses. The subpoenae for Mr.
Adams, superintendent of the High
School of Commerce, was issued
shortly after 11 o'clock and he entered
the "star chamber" before noon.
, Gus Miller a Witness.
Another witness who wat called to
testify before the grand jury soon
aftef it got down to business Tues
day morning was Probation Officer
Miller, most active of juvenile court
workers and .wha nvtde-thc statement
several wceks ago that there were
conditions in Omaha vitally affecting
the moral welfare of young people,
which the Tjody rould do well to in
vestigate when it met.
One of the first acts of the grand
jury Tuesday morning was to inspect
the .county jail. Sheriff Clark acted
as guide and escorted the members
of the body through the county bas
tile, showing them every nook and
corner. Prisoners were quizzed by
the jurors as to their treatment and
of the conditions there.
To Inspect Hospital.
One woman prisoner volunteered
the information that "the:- were
treated fine; we ought to be 'happy.'"
The county hospital, the unsanitary
and crowded conditions of which have
been aired so often that the body
will have a hard time condemning it
any more .than, it has been already,
public and private homes for children
and other institutions are also slated
for inspection.
George E. Haverstick, banker and
club man who was named by
Judge Sears as foreman of the jury,
appeared to be at home in his new
role as he walked at the head of the
sixteen men in their saunter through
the jail corridors. When queried as
to what the "hours" of the grand jury
would be, Mr. Haverstick replied
with a smile, that' "we're always on
the job."
Ever mindful of the new law per
taining to grand jury "leaks," the wit
nesses and others connected with the
inquisistorial body's investigations are
doing their best to maintain a clam
like reticence. The red tape con
nected with getting in and out of the
star chamber sessions is redder than
usual and many court housers of
timid dispositions fairly walk on tip
toe and, hold their breaths when they
hover in the vicinity of the closely
guarded portals to the room of mys
tery. -
It is said on good authority that
the grand jury session will last only
a short time. Many believe the limit
will be ten days. -
Detroit Journal Sold to
Toledo and New York Men
Detroit, Jan. 30. The sale of the
Detroit Journal, an afternoon news
paper, was announced today. The
new owners are N. C. Wright and H.
S. Thalheimer of Toledo and C. C.
Vernam and Paul Block of New York.
The purchase price was not made
public. Announcement was made by
E. D. Stair, publisher of the Journal.
Mr. stair also is publisher ot the free.
Press, a local morning paper. The
announcement said there would be
no change in the policy of the Jour
nal. ,
Three Large Banks at
Cleveland Are Merged
Cleveland, Jan. 30. Formal an
nouncement was made today of the
merger of three local 'banks repre
senting total resources of $132,000,
000, linking the Union National bank,
the Bank of Commerce National as
sociation and the Citizens' Savings
and Trust company. The two na
tional banks, which will operate as a
separate unit, have combined depos
its of about $50,000,000, while the Citi
zens' bank, which will operate sepa
rately, has about $60,000,000.'
A fe&
State Department Will Take
Steps to Meet Anticipated
Change in War Methods.
Washington, Jan. 30. A warning
to Americans not to take passage on
ships armed by the 'enemies of the
central powers is expected here soon,.
Whether the warning will be con
veyed to .--the' iStMU-.JPiKtent
through the American embassy in
Berlin or trough the German embassy
ia Washington is not indicated. .
For several weeks the German gov
ernment has been submitting rep
resentations to the State department
in cases wherein it is claimed mer
chant ships, armed ostensibly for de
fensive purposes, . have attacked Ger
man submarines.
Reports that Great Britain and its
allies were considering placing still
heavier armament upon, their mer
chant ships have been regarded in
German quarters as forecasting fights
to a finish between armed merchant
men of the entente allies and subma
rines of the central powers with the
resumption of naval operations in the
spring. It is asserted in the same
quarters that upon no consideration
will British or French merchant ships
submit to visit and search in. accord
ance with the customs of interna
tional jaw, and that this adds to the
certainty of battle between the two
classes of enemy craft
Opposition to Ward
Election for School
Board Is Voiced
Opposition to the system of electing
school board members in Omaha by
wards is voiced by the Commercial
club. This came from the executive
committee in its meeting yesterday
noon when a number of bills pending
in the legislature were discussed.
The committee also favored the
state appropriation of $75,000 for an
armory in Omaha for the local com
panies of the state militia.
The proposed bill permitting
nurses after six months' training, to
become registered nurses on passing
the requisite examination was also
strongly opposed by the club. The
stand of the club on these matters will
be duly communicated to the Douglas
county delegation at the legislature.
Price of Milk Again
Advances at New York
New York, Jan. 30. Another ad
vance in milk prices, to take effect
February 1, was announced today by
one of the largest milk distributing
companies in the country, which
serves New York and neighboring
cities and towns. The increase raises
the price of grade B milk from 10 to
11 cents a quart and adds 2 cents a
"Hhalf pint to the price of cream. The
company says that the advance is
made necessary by the fact that it
has lost money ever since the milk
strike of last October.
Bone Dry Law Gives Each
Texan Half Gallon at Time
Austin, Tex., Jan. 29. A bill to
make prohibition counties of Texas
"bone dry" was introduced in the
Texas house today. It allows a man
living in a prohibition district to bring
in liquor for his own use not exceed
ing one-half gallon.
Salem. Ore., Jan. 29. The Oregon
house of representatives passed today
a "bone dry" prohibition bill. It now
goes to the senate. The measure pro
hibits absolutely importation of alco
holic liquors into Oregon.
1917. TEN PAGES.
Here Are a Few Tips for
fM ft
To. IT
A cmni. DRinm.
KMouM rtT Wt
Tint. To WHY
Hrtltt.oRY Ttel-
"f Omul
(Wt T 11
Nebraska Republican Criti
cises Their Policies in
Sunning Government.
(From a Buff .Correspondent.) ,
Washington, Jan. 30. (Special tele
gram.) The latest democratic revenue-producing
bill, thrown into the
house by Chairman Kitehin to raise
about - $400,000,000 -" was'-'MJotttpi
unmercifully by the republicans dun
ing the introductory debate on the
measure today.
Progressives and republicans alike
took a fall oat of the bill; some going
so far as to classify it as the "mon
strosity of the age. .
Congressman Sloan, a member of
the ways and means committee, was
given a splendid reception by the
house on the conclusion of his speech
in denunciation of the bill,
Money All Gone.
Mr. Sloan, among 'other things,
said that on March 3, 1913, there was
in the United States treasury $126,
664,083.28; at the present date $30,
745,773.46 less than no money. 'The
national treasury is doing business by
"kiting checks.
This condition was brought about
by giving free passage at our ports
to yavstly increased imports, by in
ordinately increased expenditures in
the usual lines of running the govern
ment, and for novel and extraordinary
enterprises, the value of which are
To remedy this new bonds to the
extent of $100,000,000 are authorized,
with direction to use $222,000,000 of
the authorized but unissued Panama
Canal bonds. There is also author
ized the use of $300,000,000 short-fime
notes bearing 3 per cent interest.
No Excuse Visible.
Reduced revenues at the ports can
no longer he excused by the existence
of war. The imports for the gscal
year of 1916 enormously exceeded
those, of any jyear in our history and
the prospect for 1917 indicates an in
crease over 1916 of nearly $400,000,000.
This hill takes no account of the
extraordinary conditions which must
iouow ine close oi ine war, said Mr.
"The majority party, faces the con
dition with the same reckless abandon
that Madame Pompadour expressed
to Louis XV of France 'after us the
deluge,' " ,
Auguste Rodin, Famous
French Sculptor, Married
Paris, Jan. 30. Auguste Rodin, the
famous sculptor, instead of being ill,
as was stated in the Parisian papers
yesterday, was married on that day
to Mile. Rose Beurre, according to
Evenement. i
The marriage took place at Meu
don, and Etienne Olementel, minister
of commerce, and M. Peytel, director
of the Algerian Credit bank, were
witnesses for the sculptor. Albert
Dalimicr, undersecretary for fine arts'
and a few intimate friends, were also
M. Rodin is 76 years old. He was
married for- the first time when he
was 23, and his first wife acted as his
model in the early years of his strug
gle for recognition.
Nomination of Grayson
Is Favorably Reported
Washington, Jan. 30. The senate
naval committee ordered a favorable
report today on the nomination of
Dr. Cary T. Grayson, President Wil
son's naval aide and personal phy
sician, to be medical director in the
navy and a rear admiral. The re
publicans of the committee opposed
it, Senators Lodge and Poindexter
leading the opposition. A fight on
the floor was indicated.
Trtlitt, tl Nats Is,
Nswi SUitU. Ml., M
IF Moo wte nx
Tfimoim ( ObuMtfeV
UURt The. WSirt
rtNY Faoo io
wauuowRV 9Nt
Uo Woutbw'T '
Hieh Wind. With Cold and
Snow, Sweeps Down From
the North.
Ellsworth, Neb., Jan. 30. (Special
Telegram.) The .blizzard ( that has
been raging in Wyoming and Mon
tana all day, warning of which the
weather bureau sent out. reached here
i rata . .
eSftt 1 o'clock this evening with a fury
in its incipency that makes it- the
worst of the year. i
At 8:30 o'clock the storm is raging
from Billings, Mont., to Whitman,
Neb., and is speedily moving east
The thermometer is gradually lower
ing. At Belmont, Neb., aero is shown
and at Ellsworth it was nine above at
9 o'clock, registering a drop of 43 de
grees since shortly after noon.
Severe in Dakota.
Rapid City, S. D., Jan. 30. (Special
Telegram.) A strong northwest gale
blowing thirty miles per hour is driv
ing snow that has been falling all day
over the Black Hills region and as
far east as Pierre.
The mercury has dropped to below
zero and stock men are fearing for
cattle on the open range.
Indications are that traffic will be
seriously impeded in the next twenty
hours. The worst storm of the. win
ter is feared. No relief for the next
twenty hours is in sigh.
, Local Forecaster Welsh has hoisted
the cold wave flag in Omaha and snow
and high wind as predicted as far east
as Omaha. v .
British Paper Praises
' Wilson's Mexican Policy
London, Jan.' 30. In an editorial
praising the Mexican policy of the
United States the Manchester Guard
ian says:
"To say that the whole country has
been reduced to order would be ex
aggerating, but the area of disorder
has been greatly diminished and is
less now than at any time since the
revolution, against Diaz-. President
Wilson's Mexican policy has been
guided by two principles determina
tion to avoid the jingoist, which is
the cover of capitalistic hunger, and
determination to allow Mexico to
work out its salvation with as much
help and as little interference as pos
sible from the United States. The
policy has difficulties and trials which
are not yet over, but it is beginning
to be vindicated by its fruits."
Extra Dividend Declared on
United States Steel Common
New York, Jan. 30. The United
States Steel corporation today de
clared an extra quarterly dividend of
lVt per cent, together with the usual
disbursement of IK per cent
These dividends, covering the last
three months of 1916, bring the total
of regular and extra common divi
dends for the year up to 8 per cent.
Total earnings for the quarter were
$105,968,347. constituting a new high
record. Total earnings for 1916
amounted to $333,625,086, or more
than double those during any preced
ing year,
Turkey Formally Adopts
The Gregorian Calendar
Amsterdam (Via London), Jan. 30.
A Constantinople dispatch to
Reuter's says that the Turkish par
liament, on the recommendations of
the government, has formally adopted
the Gregorian calendar.
The Mohammedan calendar used up
to the present in Turkey was based
on the changes of the moon and con
sisted of a year of twelve lunar
months, commencing in the Gregorian
Hutton, Big New' York Broker,
Bring Telegram Before
' Committee Which Gives
"Tip" on Message,
Must Have Come From Some
one Who Had Seen Docu
ment, it Is Believed.
New York, Jan. 30. From the file
of a Wall Street brokerage house,
congressional i ... Inquisitors today
brought light private and confidential,
telegrams regarded in sorqe quarters
as definitely indicating that there was
a "leak" on President Wilson's recent
peace note. , ' .
The most sensational telegram,
containing a brief but remarkably ac
curate forecast ot the contents ot tne
note, was sent bv E. F. Hutton and
company, one of the largest brokerage
nouses m tne street, over us private
wires to scores of other brokers with
whom it did business throughout the
country, on the afternoon of Decem
ber 20, more than three hours be
fore the first copies of the note were
handed to newspaper men by Sec
retary Lansing.
Previously Sent Abroad. '
At the time the Hutton message
was sent, according to the testimony
of Secretary Lansing before the com
mittee in Washington, no one in this
country lave persons connected with
the preparation and dispatch of the
note, had as much information re
garding its contents as the message
revealed. The note previously had
been sent abroad in code. Publication
of the note followed transmission of
th Hutton message to various brok
ers by more than ten hours. "
: Information on which the message
to brokers was based, Edward F. Hut
ton, head of the firm, testified, came
in another message, now missing,
from F, A, .Connelly, of F. A. Con
nelly & Co., a Washington brokerage
house, in which R. W. Boiling, a
brother-in-law of President Wilson, Is
a partner, Connelly was declared by
Hutton to be hastening to New York
tonight to appear before the commit
tee tomorrow, i
- ' Based on General Rumor.
' Hutton testified his understanding
was that Connelly's information re
garding, the jnote was based on. gen '
era! rumor. Indicative' "that other
brokerage concerns were in posses
sion of similar information, Hutton
said,' was another message he pro
duced, which Clement, Curtis & Co.,
of Chicago, sent his house rpior to
Connelly's first mesage referring to a
statement to be issued by the State
department, "intended to promote
peace prospects." This message con
tained no details.
Certain members of the committee,'
however, privately expressed convic
tion that the person who originally
supplied the information on which
Connelly's missing message was
based, either had read the president's
note or obtained an excellent resume
of it.-'.- -'.- - : -.;
"Some one read the note," Repre
sentative Campbell of Kansas, ranking
republican member of the committee,
declared after the close of the hear
ing. Chairman Henry and Sherman
L. Whipple, eounsel for the commit
tee, declined o express any viewt
on the situation. v -
Will Spare No Effort "
No effort will be spared, Mr.
Whipple announced, to throw the
fullest light on the origin and trans
mission of the Connelly information,
both in the message from Washington
to E. F. Hutton & Co., and the sub
sequent message sent by them to their
correspondents. The latter message,
according to Hutton, was prepared by
George S. Ellis, jr., a member qf the
firm who is now ill in Georgia, he
said. Hutton also requested the com-"
mittee not to call Ellis if it can be
avoided. : ,
Chairman " Henry, determined to
have Ellis testify,! said he probably
would be examined next week in
Washington. Telegraph operators and
others who had to do with the trans
mission of the message also are to be
interrogated. Other members of the
Connelly firm also probably will be
called. Mr. Boiling already has testi
fied at a Washington hearing that he '
had nothing to do with a "leak" of
any kind.
Connelly Calls on Hutton. '
Mr. Boiling's connection with the
Connelly firm was the .subject of
much interrogation by Mr. Whipple
during the examination of Mr. Hut
ton, when the broker first took the
stand. Hutton told of Coc:.elly call-
(CutiBaod am trntt. Two flslim One.)
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