THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; JANUARY 28, 1917. 11 B HELP WANTED WALE Store and Offices. TOT OBKATSBT GAIN V7H . In paid ever made by any Omaha nm te the rturt at TBS OMAHA BEE) for 1114. BEST RESULTS LOWMT RATS CXTT SALESMAN (loveetmeaO lo.0 8ALBSMAN . I. bookkcepbh (mveatmeat) H.o STENOGRAPHER . I. TUB CANO AOBNCT, 100 Boo Bldg. tTTOH .tl H A n annniRU noalUonA WT28TBON RSFBRBNC1C A BOND ABgH, Proimioni and Tndc. WANTBD For repair shop report Undent, man of broad export In Ford branch , shop, olur WH u H, per year. Addreoa Swaney Motor Cm po., .Fort uoogo, I. - Drug Positions All States 101-II City National Bank Bdg. TSm AW aatauaoblle tiwrt fa at week;". Mr bMk tells you how. Kahe't Automo bile S0I190I, U M. Ht HI., 4MtMM -MO. WANTED Merchant Ui0 must be first- Mwt play either cfcvlQat or ooraet. Fayl WANTED Preiser, ate&dy job, Hoffman 1 Marhtu. Phone ar annty at one, oeo. V. Rh-des, Clarke Hotel, Kaatioga. Web. WA'ioTSlWBlswloiieetl trimmers ind iuk- en. Apply Splesberfefe VfTtoHanke Home, 1011 rmrmun Bt. Salesmen and Solictor. Bieeptlonai opportunity for experienced aalet mu. We have MJa sourl, Nebraska and western law ape. ComsaJanfoa. Will ad vance expense money. Most be able to fur nish rood refcnees. NO BA8 BBBN8 NEED APPLY. , THE IMPERIAL MBRCHANTJIHBJ COUP AWT, Direst Km represent. Uvea. Manufacturers -Agents and Brokers, Perry, Ohio. OOOtS live talesman to take exclusive auto aooeaasry in uougiaa eouaty: ousm make a little mosey its , fast L C. t-ainoun, toil tiawara. WANTED PIANO SALESMEN WHO 'ARE LOOKING FOR GOOD STEADY POSITIONS THAT PAY BEST MONEY OF FERED IN WEST; PROSPECTS FURNISHED. CITY AND ROAD MJN HJK LAKCiiJST rAUUKY STORE PIANO HOUSE IN OMAHA. ADDRESS HAD- .DORFF MUSIC HOUSE, BOX 466, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED High clM ahoe aaleeman wltk established trade In Nebraska lor wall known general una. Attractive propoeltlon for risk! man. In applying aula experl ' once and give reteronees Ik flrat letter. .' Box T-813. Boo.' THE OLD LINB ' 'rrrr ; Bankers' life of Lincoln The Company of Big Settlement Liberal Coatraot t Agents. Hilly, EH is Thompson, Oen.rel Agents. ' Dong- 1B-U City Nat. Bh. Bldg. STOCK SALESMAN To place 1 If, 068 shares in bonaflde New York corporation paying 10 per cent dividend, at l "Hart; Com mission 12 per cent. Box 2v7, Bee. , BOND AND STOCK' ', SALESMAN. , ' !' . A tborouhly capable itoclc and bono salesman, preferable wltk promotion ex perience, l1 wanted by large middle weal -"corporation whoa huslpee ,1.' wlthi ;the koat olaaa of business and profeaalonal :' men. -We," must Have a man -who Under , alanda weaterp people and weatern waya and who can mee( the moat Inlalllgonl 1 . elomant of the community eh. a plana of mental wuillty. To anah a man wo offei " an excaptloaally deelrable oonnectlbni. kota from the lewptnt of romnoratlon sad cliaraotef of work. Toe mak we want wtll be able to oajn from I. 09 to M.too, at better,. year, depending UDoo hi ability olaly. Applicant mnat poet lively be i tblrty aid be prepared to (nrnlak blgbagt reference. lie age an mn row pertenoe briefly In tlrat letter. . ADDRESS BOX lit, B8B. SALKSUAN High-grade, able to handle . beat paying specialty proposition weekly advance to the right man; Qld established house; territory now open in west and northwest. This is a Job for h . s year man. L. p. Soovtlle. 1M4 Railway Exchange, tat. Louis. LAND AND LOT SALESMEN. ' We are apaodtng a nallllop dollasg In Improvements and publicity. If you are looking for the best proposition In the south you will sBWaaot with our orgaot BSktion at onoe. You cannot afford to work for anyone else who yon aan make L twice m much money with as. Our prises - are the lowest and the auallt of our ' land the highest. W are selling In the roost pppnlar eea.tion in inenaa. urns farms, aroves and winter hemes at lei .than wholesale prtees, 1 plan of pale that Is popular and Ubere! We wtll pay you a very liberal eommlsgktn: our long exiierience in Florida and the atlon we give you will loawa psur sjutck autcess. Next excanloa dates, Fshww ry and SO. Write for territory. B. T. Anderson. Ill R Deajhorn gt. SALHBMANt-eidellna, samples fraai rrery order shipped; your commission Lli to t on each order. Attractv dlaoowts to mefebanU; 1,000 deien regular eustom-;-; ere of our agents. Write now for territory . victor eigar t-'e., hi. ieaw, mo. SALESMEN wanted; men earning $2,101 to 11.000 yearly, with new nrowwrttlsn for all retailers. Well advertised, St Uns; big company. Box P6. Iowa caty, la. SALESMEN t wakly and IS.OOd yearly from reoMora. We give sjusviisvnt l cnew ing gum vending mac bias frea, Millard, 3S Broadway, new rera. Were you bvbr . . OFFERED A GROCERY eTORBt OUR PROP08TTION IB BBfTTHR. Let us tell you how you can handle flour, canned goods, provtskma an. satire line pi groceries, as veil as paints, loot ing, stock foods, automohtle and ma chinery oils and greases. No rent to pay, no investment In stock. Large orders taken from samples. Goods of giaranteed and proven quality. Selling experience npt necessary. Very profitable work for "workers." Address R. 8. Bill, president. Hltcheook-mi) Co., Ckieago. Refaraoo Any bank or express company. SIDELINB salesmen to tarry hlcfe -grade brassieres on coaimisstea. Laoita Odd Slse Brassieres Co., ft W. Madiaon, Chi cage, III. PARTNKB wan tadi wfil make you Inde pendent In two years. See Mr. Drake, 1831 Parnam St. HIOH-CLA83 man with organisation, eiec utlve apd superior salesmanship ability, who le and has been successful and who possesses highest integrity and standing. Position that of district supervisor of salesmen for many high-class manufaetur ." era. representing millions of oaplta-l- One line Is a new wonderful gasoline trmetsr and truck of great powa and flexibility that will overwhelm and astonish the world. Hello at I5I and f-100. Hero ts the opportunity te make msre ateaey eaeh month than you ever mads In a roar, . If you tan qualify he re Is a ahawo of lifetime. Perrtne, SO N, LaSaMe Street, Chi cago. . SALESMAN for general trds In Ntbrask; new, strong proposition on staple lino; splendid commission contract for 1017, 116 weekly for - expenses, Continental Jewelry Co., 1174, Continental Bldg., Cleveland, .O. WRITE for quick-selling advertising novel ty; pocket sample. R. C. Smith Co., Denver, Colo. HALES positions, mercantile lines. WfcSTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. HELP WANTED MALE Salnn and Solicitor. SALE8HBN aw) three dlatrict aalea mana gera 10 aen aaaonmenia aaiaoie marcnan dlae. Kalr las terma eredlt. All deal ' era Ne oneway odvanoed. Pall 001 elona paid weekly. ISO to M made monthly - by good men. Bamplea coat pooket. Bo . lew Oty, la. SALBSSTEN wllk adverttalnw aiMrionee to all our Myers' Quality I.lno of oictualve art aalepdara, . every piece oopyrtghtod and made by ua oxclualvoly; togetber with out nign-graoe uae al leainer goooa, memorandum kooka and dlarieo: tke moat ewaanoot lino of 4adoor wd tdooa mU aumw. ana a very nae una or otaer awealaHlaa. Bvoythlnv maaufaoturad In our ata- faetarm Terma: Halary, miaalow ar drawing aeoouat The Elwood- Myera Company, Bprlinnwld. Ohio. WANTED One hundred aabeertpttoa to aell tke beat 4-ceevt oomklntloa ever offered. Skorlook. Do Holnea. I. MALE SOLICITOR WANTED. leak to woeklyi eak aurekant and pkyatclaa pnoapeet; froo owtflt. One maa made IKI flrat ten dare, ev year aia, he la atlll working Addreae, Saeanaaa, Me Wolla BulMuaT, qulney, III SAUBrafAN-Vaoane rV. I with old kooao Pormaaoat Boalttoo. Covet Nebraaw. Sl- ale la aeld on amoaptlaval terma. High . commtaaloB. Ill woakly advanoe. warsa Manager. Butte II. II Woodward, Patralt, SAUSRalAN for awoaial mercantile trade In Neowaaka te oell a aww propoaliiaa 01 mam; veaaner ajewr; atttaoUva oommla alon aantraat foe 111 1 lit woakly to e pomw. line F. Blxle Oa.. Ul-4 Cariln mag., cjieveiaaa, u. WANTED, TAtLORINO lALJU AOBNTS 10 can maae eae M) oeo per weea rem tke Tory etart. An apojartuatty of a life time. Wo akl eejaepleto ajad ajapanalve taUortng oontpmont, eharawa prepaid, you take order, for anaoo.ta-meagur ontheo. raneci nc neat woruatsaanip, rail aaua- faction akaolutety gnaaanteed. We are the largeet mada-to.meaaur, tallartng houaa la the couatry have atarted ban' dredo la hualaeaa; today tkey are tke leading morchaata of their eltle. If you want to oalablab yawoolf Irmly la bual noaa, bxako big money, write ua at onoa In full detail, gtrla yew uparlonaa aa aaiatman or tailoring; Balaam, If any t. w. rarka, Loo nog , Cklaago. SIDE . line aaleamen. Las Ire Mope, Pollah ana ouiov arosuooa niaaaaai to aeiL aam nlea llaht: Uheral eonmiaeion. Writ, tn- day,, Lustre Mfg, Co )l W. Jt Ci- AI4PHINIIM PROBWTfl 00. LSMQMT. IIaUo wants to oon tract with rotlabla representa- uvsa t sell tbeir Mga maa was to tner hanta In towns al I. Ml mad under In southern states. Only these having nrertews raaa expnoa aaatl apply, aan nasi lurnuR . raxoswnoea ai , if tvuiyi inftwmy aoa caaraoter. SALBHhfBN hr New Torb maaufactoia fat mlasas and ladies' special sport ooata, popular auni her. all territories, for side line on com mission. Reply with full aartlcvlara. Box 51 a, iae Broaaway, New koih, "k AALicH-nrN ' by New York manufacturer for til terri tories to carry few samples together with illustrated eat)gqp nd swatches, noDular line rain eoats. side line, on com mission. Prefer men resident In their territory and eeveriag U tboroughtT and efiazu Htply with full MrUlarf. Boa tiL, Broadway, tt w. ANTKDrr Larse broduoert of lem para ace annKR want salesmen 10 wara iino sman tewas. Big eommtaston ao arawimg count. bustlers, hi. Mass, Dales Manager. 291 Granite BIdf ., Bt, Louis. Mo. SIDE LINE aALESMAN Jlefand sales- boards, watenes. dlamoncu: oiggeat senera. Best salesman's nropogitlop,; com. and nrbflt-..harinIS to tU par ' order Chi cago ptmon4 Jmportiaf Co., Stfl' Sauth ists. t. nicaae. THB MOST promising aoaaan Is belara 2o3t (rWMS, Our new line af uleadara. leather Rlgu and asrelUea Is upto-daU aad ready for Immediate ghtpmeat ' If you wish te osanect with, an old progreasire house offering baat sarviee and hlglMst coaiBsnaataon triU Immodtatsir tat as- elusive territory. The Winter Oo Sales Dept., Springfteidt Q. WANTED An electrical sign ;' salesman. Multiples 8119 Co., fits TmJna-a, pmana, Neh. ANTS Van f good ataAdlng la his fMqinulty to take erdefs cor trass, in runs. roses, vine. Duina, qtq imwohm iiifwrp. Permanent. Blrh commission paid nromntlv. No deUveving Of collecting. Write tdy, Fint NtiBl Nunastay. Rochester, N. t.u-i , - - SALESMEN for Una of ralnooats for men, women, ohtldrsa: weiga s ma. Comralsshm 10 par eenf. Guaranty Rain coat Co., Weat 16th, New jn WaVTBD First class ptoc k aajescmn, who Cap SOU T per -Wt.- '"- rvWa-a.ia.- stook in good growing buslaess, Qtwd propoUostBoaaijaa. WANTEI First olass stock salesman to sell common ae prwi-fT auM v" oaition ror ngm parr. B sideline BALESMAK Refund diamond ainui, wnwi, . iinii man1 propoatttoa; aommlaaloa and proUt aharlag l to 111 pa order. Ohtaago Diamond Importing Ckk, IM $ BtaM St.. uaioaga. RAT.vjtuAV WANTBD, Expectance unaaar eaaary. nam wklla you laarn, . Writ lor large Hat of ppanlaga and tutlraonlau from hundroda of oar jtudoata who aara ' 10 to lill meat. Addreae aoareat office. Dept. 411 National Saloameu'a Training aaaaclatlou, Clo. Nw York, Jan Francisco. J ' - ' Aftsnti &i Cnv-cra, T.ivai wmnt waotedi AaaT Belling produots: can make 131 10 woeklyi frg torrt tory now op. 811 or wrlta. Voaa Dlemer Oil Co., Ill ftejadal 8df. Pbone Donclaa TTal. PORTRAIT ma working Independent, wrlta for caUlogua: It-how oorrtoo. Roberta Wholeaala Portratta. Kaneaa City. III.MI FIRBT yea? one map1 Bale1, Poodo Baniiary tjon. w oov- " , w, '-. hope, atarea. office halld,na. factorial, ota. 1M per eent profit, Dood SMltary . Cetl Co., Dept. I, Toledo, a AOBNTS wanted) !QI par oent profit nailing usanu apeciway, oew m., mmm , atorea and by auto owner. ; good repeater. : aeaapla free. Auburn Spoclaltlaa Co,, Dept. Ml, Ankara, N. T. I WANT aoUIng agentac big frienda; the Uaalyte Inverted IrrOoatnartl blo Oa Mantle eeU t eight, owing to Ita provrn high merit;- millions la uae. Uaalyte . doualee the light, aawea 11 gaa and oot laata a done ptkora; orory sal, af Uaalyte . makea a ateady cuatomor and frlead: every Uaalrte guaranteed perfect Don't mlsa tbla opportunity; write today for aaraple outfit (wltk full Belling tnetruottnna) of 1,0 nealytea for It, ID for 1, daaop tie. Prepaid, Retail tic each, 1 for lia. Ref ereaeea pn 4 Co. nd Corn Baahange Bank. J. I. Rohtn, maauiaatorar and patentea, 110th St. and Park. Ave.. Now torit. WOULD 1150 MONTHLY aa general agerft ror glao.oo, eorporauon ana a irora eoto of your own. Introducing Block and poultry romedlea, dine,' dkatafeetaot and oanlUry pewdueta, later eat yeo T Then oddreaa Royolsum CoperatlT Mfg. . Co., Dept. J, MonaoeUa, Ind. YOUR nm kringa a oopy of Money Making Ideaa; tna graai agenur ana mail aeaiota magazma. A. H, Kraaa, HI Kraua Bldg., Milwaukee. Wla ll.MO PER MAN MS COUOTT Strange mwanuoq Btariioa worio; agenia amaaea. Ten Inexperienced men divide 146,000 Koiptad a farmer did 12,200 In 14 day. Schleicher, a mlalatar. III! Srat It hogra. IL.10 cod cask made, paid, baaked by Stonemaa In 30 daya. Ill, to date. A hot or cold running water bet BOUip ment for any koaao at oar M-a. Self, keatlnf, na plonking r watarwrka re quired, Inveatlgata. Uxolnalvo Bale. Credit given. Send no aaaBay. Write lattor or gwtal today. AMoa Mfg. Co., M Alios Id... Toledo. Ohio. t0 A WEEK to SpociaJ ajiants to travel sy aatomantie aw wiroauat too oanoio power sea) oil lantern, for fanaers, dairy man, ftc We rum is h ths uto free. Writs tor nartlaalara. Thaanaa Mfa. Cn.. AGENTS A l-oent pqst Card will ' put you in town who ap oto-a-wosa proposition selling aluminum utoasllo and saaalaJMes direct to the consumer. Don't let 1 cent stand between yon and prosperity. Dlv. 122S American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Le- mont, ill. CH EWING GUM Sell Grape Juice and Spearmint gum t aUrekoeperm. Novel packagto. Nino years U miainoas; 16,000 dealers stocked DP and r ruler euatamera of ow agent. ' Good pserita for you, Writ today. Ths Hal mat Co., Otnolnnaxi. NEW INVPfNTION Ventilated chemical la door closet, for couatry, village and subwr baa homes; no plumbing; no water works; no cesspool; abaolotaly odorlasg; tblrty days' free trial guaraato ovary village and farm heme a customer; an order at every house one agent made fill aom mission in eight hour. Agents' outfit free. Eictuslvo territory contract Write today for full particulars of this blggaat winner ever offered to salssmsa. Addros Shafer Mfg, O, - 4U Cqltoa Bldg,, Toledo, O. HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Canvaasen. AQKNTaV No experience required to put up our genuine gold-leaf window letters; big flwiMBd; great prom, tteeiuei Co., ni Camhrtdge Bldg-,-Chloaga. AGE NTS Ms ke war-time profits, build permanent business with our big line per lume. areams, extracts, apices, mediclnea. Catalogue frot. Western Laboratories, 193 VanBurtn, Chicago. WANT KQ ctiye ipen to aolf Simplex Gas rranta. ko expentnee requireu. . tan , make 1)00 to A0O per month. Others era doing It, so caa you. Address Simplex Has Plants Co,, 114 Whiting ol, Chicago, all. AUVNT&-30 Ik. week nd axpenstt. Free , samples. Gold and silver letters for store , fronts, oftloe windows and glasp slgna Anyone ean put them on. Big demand everywhere. Liberal oifer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co,, 411 N. Clark St.. Chicago- . WE pay 3I a week aud expenses to men wttn riaa to introduce poultry compound. Year's contract- Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 7 1, aP arsons. Kan. WANTRD Agents evarywnere to tell gvn uiao California Rase Beads, o. M. Aina- worth Company, 17SQ N. Berepdo ,PIce, Ioa Angelas, Cal, BIO textile mills want ambitious men and women everywhere te show latest dress fabrics, neckwear, hosiery, underwear and sweaters. 400 styles, esay Bales. Values beat ttoret. Mapy making over 1.10 weekly. All or a pa re time. Complete earn pie outfit itaru you. Steadfast Mills, iept. H so, cohoes, n. t. AGENTS Big aansation. changeabls slan. zoo enameled letters, iro, sells, too. itxll. FraiQ4 art pioturea, lc. sella 60c. Bvory. body buy. People's Portrait, .Dept i, Chicago. . . NEWEST moneymaker: 11 -piece toilet set seinng me blase at 91.00 wttn fl.vt carving set free. Enormous profits; tre mendoos hit. Randall sold thirty in one day. Suecoss tare, Plerep Co., S7 Pierce ttimaing, uucago. WE PAY 80 monthly salary and furnleh rig and expenses to introduce guaranteed poultry and atoclf powders. Bigler Co., X 114, Springfield, III. AGENTS Free catalog and samples, new goods, quick salts, big pvoflts, make ft to lies daily, na experteaea World' a great est specialties. C rover Co.. Jackson A Campbell, Chicago, UL A -LTVFj representative wanted for Omaha and vicinity to. aell a newly-patented of fice device that every bualnesa man warns. Sells for tit k profit Free sample to worker. Wrlta now. Metllcko Co.. Ill Vhorapsna Bldg., Qhtcago, BUFFALO BILL'8 own life ato ry, 40Q pages, tiluatrataa. Taouaanos win read it. Take ardors ; make tl 00 per week. Blgheot commfsalqn. pamplt fist. Bend 10c for mailing. Herts.. Co., 11 8. Dsaplainea, Chicago, HU8TLBR8 Itl to $ made weekly dts trtbuttnf circulars, sampna, tacking signa, etc. Advertise! National Ageny, Dept. E84, Chlcage, ' -. ' AGBNT8 18 to 1 dally selUng BulTalo Bin s own story. Fascinating History or this wonderful hunter, soldier, scout. f fully Illustrated: cloth binding: sells for h it prost' pros outfit. Credit aiv- en. Northwestern Bible House. Como DIUJ., . . UlUluaajV, , 8NAPPLEBT seller 'out. don't wait, drop mat . ueaa one new, pick ibis winner; unlimited field; particulars froo. Fred A. Prehn, Dept I, f?l Bt Charles St, Slain, III. 11,901 FOR your next ISO days.1' Spot cash. now money-maamg invoqiron ror agents, general agents, managers. Recently in vented,, 3,000,000 already sold; 200 more salesmen wanted at ones. ' Amaslpg automatic cempretstd air washing ma chine. Wash tuk of iMotbes la sta min utes. NO cranks to turn or lovers to push, no rubbing; works like naaglo. Price pnly 11.10; make sale at every houas: III per sent nroAU I Palmer, Olen . Allen, Ala put out on trial 118 . machinati sold HI. Profit 107. Write today. Wendell Co., 11J Oak St., Lelp Ift. Ohla.. ... AGBNTS-60 a week io special' agenU to travel by autompbtle selling our imo or new patented household spoclaltlaa, We famish aotsmdbile free. Write today for particulars. P, P. Conway, BalM Mgr., 21 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. HURRY up, writs s quick, tremendous de mand, HO per cent prom. Agents' uppiy Houaa, Indianapolis. Ind. HURRY- up, write quick, tremendous de mand; no per.cont; pronu Aanta oup- piy Hpoae. Indian aPQtio., 1P- WANTBD A wide-awake repreaanUtlve 1h your locality to sen new supreme vinrn ie. :- Equal to any l&o vibrator on the marhst Bsclustvo territory. Retails for 111.60, costs representative 17.11. l,f00 to. ai,0l yearly opportunity. Used by everybody; nothing to got out of order; operates by a ssagnet instead of a mo tor. Guaranteed tor i yaar. No experi ence saquired.. Free sarnple to workera Act quick. Supreme Vibrator Co., 11D7 Ft Dearborn Blffg-i Ohicago. Trad Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONEY, t Nsvsr Idle Big Demand. Easy to Leant & Our Methods. IfATJONAL AUTO TRAimNQ ABfTri, n. till N.Hth St, Omaha, ' spnd for Free catalogue. " WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THB BARBER TRADE. Few weeks ouallfy te run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; wo have placed graduates In leading positions, everywhere; compara- uvur no expense; caiaioa iniiii . . MOLEK BARBER COLL BOB. 110 8. 14th SL. Omaha, Nab. (IQsti.blUbed 1815.) GOOD MEN WANTBD. To loam auto trade for the many ae alttons now open. Fine training work la guta and aleetrio qtartlaa system. , AMERICAN AUTO COLLKGH. seal ftnwn, yptana. qav (.EARN barber trade; bo Independent naoto tnan maaa poor expenseo wnue learnins; Wageg pr iniooataLgg, Wo don't awor chargt yeo to .begin. 1411 Dodge St ,. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLKQE. OMAHA Railway Mail Clerk Examinations Feb. iota. iTi to iiftt montn vacations. Common eduoatloa aufflosnt. Sample queetlons free. Write Immediately. Frank lin institute, pept. J4q xs, Kpcneoier. a. 1. Boys. WANTED Boy with wheel, mast have rat- MisceQsmeons. FEB, loth. Railway Mall Clerk Examina tions ia omaaa. commons saonin. Sample questions free. Franklin Inotl tutt. Dept. 311 B. Rechaotar, N. Y. ANDY young mah about the house to do real light work, for board and room. Good home place and shart haunt. Pbone or write Haven Hotel, Nlckersou, Neb. BE A DETECTIVE Big wage; easy work; free particulars; write Wagner, izu Lex Ingten Ave., New York, , BECOME A DETEOTrVB Inogperiena appHeaats everywhere. Write Bertillon RMnit Bsrvlee Instltut. Chicago. RAfLWAY mail Clark wwitsd; (MO first yar, promotion to $l.$M; exarahaatlans February 10 In every statot oommon edu cation sufficient with my ooachlng. Write for fret booklet QG-101 and full Informa tion. Harl Hopkins, Washington, D. X FROM $11 a week to $3,000 a year afaows pcateribfntles or lira insurance. Ton can bo trained far this buttnae. Will send you froe our correspondence course of alewmanahlp and life Insurance. This Is not advertising matter, but a couree of in struction such as you would psy $60 for. It Is yours for asking. Free,. 'Writs today. William King, Agency Supervisor, Dept. 60, Missouri State Life .Insurance Co., St. Louis, Mo. Fwtsst graving life insur ance company In America. Insprano In toroo over 11.0,00.800. HB way to get a government Job la through tno wasmagtan (jjvii oervice ocnooi. we prepare you and you got a position or we guarantee to refund your moaey. Write to Earl Hopkins, Preatdent Washington, D. C. for Book FBI If telling about 292, 26 government positions with lifetime employment, short hours, sure pay, regu lar veoattona. $10.10 WKBhTLY made writing names' for malt order houses, no canvassing. Particu lars for stamp. Ths Guide company, Memphis, Tenn. . OOO D money made at home knitting ho st ory. Machine fpmlshed oa time. We buy or sail yonr gootla. Easy and con aunt work. WbaeW Co. (lnc, $? Mad tmm. Chicago. WANTBD By a national organisation, man who has bad experience In 0 bar. table or . philanthropic work or raising fun da. An - unuaraal opportunity. Steady poaitlon. C T. Society, 401 Orilly Bids, Chicago, HELP WANTED . Mais and Foroalc, ; WANTED-II en, women' to try examlaatloaa far government Jobs. $70 msnth, vanatlona 1 Common eduoatlon suiyielent Apply lav naad lately u Bos Y-I1L Bo. HELP WANTED FEMALE Storcgand Officea. USB OUR "LIVE WIRE" SERVICE in te curing hlghoclasa position. Billing clerk, experienced. 140. Bookk. per, splendid poaitlon, 1I0. Bookkeeper, Jobbing hou,.!rS. , Stenographer, uptown office, $70. Stenographer, bright beginner. $36. Office clerk, good pan man. 4S. Stenographer, some experience, 140. Superintendent confectionery iter. $76. Aitt. bonk beeper, brtsht be tinner, IS. POSITIVELY OPEN. SEE US AT ONCE. No Ailng fee, only ll cento to invest! gate rerrenoea THB MARTI COMPANY, 1I1T-1I W. a W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, lnauranre office, $76 stenographer, law, TI; ethnographer, law, out-of-town, beginner, 140; stenographer, manufacturing firm, some oxperienoe, b0 , atenagrapher, mfg. firm, western Jo I; stanograpkor and bookkeeper, mfg. nrm, umana, tea; stenographer, insur anc off lea bogtnnor or oao with some experience, ifco; eipartencod billing clerk, mercantile, uptown oarica, w. Western Referee and Band Ass'n, Ino, (Originators of the Roforanao Business) 7(i omaho aTatlonai Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER JtT HTENOORAPHWR. 76; 8TKNOORAPH KR and BOOKKBBPER. t; DICTA PHONE OPERATOR. 0; P1CTAPHON OPERATOR, 60; STBNOGRAPHHR (Smith-Premier machine), 1-0; UTKKiX) RAPHKR twholaaale firm). Ill; 8TEN OGRAPHBR. 40; OFFICE 'CLERK AND TTrlST. $00; COMPTOMETKR OFKH ' A TOR. SR; OFFICE GIRL. 116. WATTS RKF. CO., Flrat Nat Bank Bldg. NO FILING FEB. " Ten stenographer (all good places) 140.175. piling clerk, is 6. ateno.-dicta phone, $60- Cashitr-trpUt $41. Call or write CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 111611 City National Bank Bldg. WANTEEV Experienced stonorrapher. mediately, for good salary, banking and real estate; send phots, state ago, rr perlence, height and salary wanted. Gtntn and Agency, II F. U T. Bldg., Sioux City, la WANTED Lady stenographs and hook- keeper, steady work. Answer in hand writ Ins, age experience and salary ea pec ted. The Humboldt. Creamery Ca. HomhoMt, STENOGRAPHER ...... . , . . ... , , . , . $66.00 STBNO. (OUt Of tOWn) 16.00 STKNO. (beginner) .....'41,01 THE CANO AOB"Y 100 Boo Bldg, STENOGRAPHER With experleaoc wanted at unco. Good wokm and transportatioa allowed. Phono or writs qutoa. A. A, Barry poefl 'uoe ciarmoa la. THE GRRATB8T OAIN 4I.TII fn natd want-ads over saads ar Omaha paper, Ig the record at THB OMAHA BSE for 1111. BKIHT ftfHLTwUQWWT RATE. BOOKKEEPING, guiwnphlft, clarioal 90- WESTERN REFBRBHCB BOND ASFN. WaNTBD By large pohdl estahlUhmaat, export awmptomsur operator, aiaio ax paritneo and salary wanted. A Wraps Boa WANTED at onoe lady honk has per ttenographof, rsfei required. Boa Y 116, Boo. Professions and Trades. WAITED 3irle with common school odn tattoo, between 18 ana ia yeara, to iaae up local and long aistanoo leiepnon worts. 0. r. idai ambert 11 W Douglas at. EXPERIENCED dental aasigtanli prophy lactto and laboratory work, references re quired. Ds. H. C. Brofi, North Platte, to. -, WANTBIV-Waiat and aktrt helpers; yopng girls wuh gome okpeJtoaoo prof err ed Jesse F. Fog. HI JJlty Mat SB1. WANTBD Girl to ffell candy and cigars. 1101 8. llth. Bod l4 MASRAOBilrTvra Salcgwoanen amd 8oUcitori LADIES, you ean aara' big money sailing our beautiful Woo af raney aa etanie amsn fabric ; esoae-atagiy onioyaoio wora; at money required. Experience uanaooasary Ouroroods ate In demand; our prioao low aur representatives ana enthotiastio over the resulta Seour your territory now be fore it' taken. Write for pantostat Im mediately. Baforoncea lttcoaaary. Old Oal ony Textile Co., ttl-C Broadway, Now York, AT ONCB Ten ladle to travel, demon trate and aell well established lino to our dealera; prpvtoga , exp-jrienoa not Iteoes sary; good pay; railroad faro paid. Good rich Drug Co. , Dept kXi, Csavaha, Nab. . Household and Doiwatfc. WANTED X girl "for' gaooral onsork," two 0 lamiry; raxevaqcta reouirea, air. M. Roblaa-ta, 300 8, 16th iota pi. War ney 13IL WANTBD Mlddl ased lady aa houaa- keeper; wiaow prewrroa. no eojeotiono to one child. Reference exchanged. E. J. Cradlty, Ull N St, South Stdt.- M IDDLB- AGED - voman fof light honoo work and earn of children fair wagea H. XtlB BT, tJCPERlfiJNCED girl in ami laundry, cxOallent Wages. Hynea Haraey 4111.' irfamlly, . Mra. W. WANTED Girl for housework; Call at 114 only three adults la family N. 30th 8t WANTBD A competent nurse girl, must have references. Apply ooa No, iota pt. WANTED A competent cook; also an ax perlenced heuaemaid; Call Harney 264 L WANTED a 00 ft. reliable girl: 00s that can cook: excellent wa. uoitaa , WHJTE girl wanted for gsnoral housework. 114 stason. Mana-ay WANTBD Girt for geaoral houoewerk. i rinnm. narney taaa. . . MiaceHsnsopa. pARN til weakly, spar time, writing for ota. mavtntnoa. Bxp. tinnao,: de tain) fr. Praaa ypdioata, 4I 8t Louis, EARN money at noma addraatug aavalotM and mailing Mitharg, spar Unto; joai ticulars for stamped tntvalopa Iddnsssi huccoss Duppiy uo., . tmmmn .w. Chicago. 111. vVOMEN wanted, full ttm $ll, spar time 16c an hour, selling maraaad waar proof . hosiery to wearer. lOKpononoe unnoeos sary. Ouaraatoed Stocking Mtlla, Norvta- tarn. Pa. - Trade Scboola. WANTED Ladies to learn I special rates and indrawn, en ta. ' TRI-CITY BARBER COMJatlB. 1401 Dodca. Hotels and Rastauranta, WA14BiMaidTIan4 waitress at aonntry ,. hotel at once, $6 per week, board and room. J. Kienaroa, npaning neb. EDUCATIONAL Don't be a Drag ' Get Into' the game of life and do your share. To ho a teal benefit to mankind you mnat be educated. Tht people who are really doing tmngs today are those that have prepared, themselves along eneetal lines. TRATN YOURSELF. BOY LBS COLLEGE If dAidneted for the pqrpoae of training young neoplo to think and act clearly. wa do not wast the pvptl't time with a lot of useless knowledge. Teacher selected from tht heat la the country. 11 Day or night tlasaat . Enroll now. ' BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. Boyle, President. nth and Harney -Sta, Tel. Doug. U6i Omh, Nek. EDUCATIONAL VAN BANT SCHOOL Ot BB9INB8S. DAT AND EVKNlNa SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance no. pouaiaa ,io. T. M. O. A. Day and Night SohooL SPANISH Rvaning olaaaoa by nallv leackor, Klaillo Benito, 111 Be Bid FOR RENT ROOMS . ATTENTION. ROOM HUNT Baal If yea fall to nd the room yea eel re amang theae ada oU t The Bee offlo for a Room LletQtvae oompleto doulled deeoriptton af va : cant raaaaa la all parta af the ally. If more eoavanlent phono The Boa Weat Ad Dept. and five your name ad eddreaa and a I let wtll a. mailed ta yea at once. New tlata are . loaned every week. Furnwrud Room. TICR flklUOM, AAmAa.fl In pal want .ad ever made ay any Omha paper, the reward af THB vMAH. UBH (ar till. BE RKaULTaLOWrJIT RATB LA ROB, pleasant freat room, well lighted and heated, or atnalter roam; good loca tion, oa ear lino, Haeaoom Park tunnei 111 a. ITTH-l furnuied raoraa tor aaat alee ana room wltk klloaeaaU tight aooaeaoeping. Tyiar ia,a, , BUNRRINB APARTMrlaTTB. Re, moa only. Raise It., a aad ap par week, to, N. lTth m, HANDKOMH furnlahod room for gentlemen smelly mod., private home, wat far nam. Harney IM. NTCBLY furnished treat room, with private tamiiy; on. kiosa from rlenwy ear una narney aaaa, rl'RNIMHCp room to rent la lYeaok temlly, Apply No. I. t. Claire Apt Manay K Nicu warm fgrniaaod room, one half alack rrem Jiaraey oar, rkona Marawy 4. Ill No. loth, large east front roam, enlrablo private family. Tylarllll H1UATBD room for wgrklog nae a. Mdra name, aan rjaoatur. wen. riIRN IBHalD. ROOM. Waal Famam ilatrkat modern, private horn. Haraey III. ROOMS M alory. oamfart,!., kaitaaTi -w up. iaiiiaw pa. 1111 HOWARD BT, Mader aloapta rooms. POR RDNT-.Puralekad. ateom-hetad room O. P. Stobhlna, 111, Cm loan. NICB furatahed fraxit room la prlvat, fam ily, one block to bar, aleae I. Call Web tor III! fter '4; ar Bunday. , TWO nicely furnlahi rdbmi. Not modem noma, private r.miil Ir! raferanc. raferanoa, Hons eum rara aiei Houekepin Rsota, 11 PINKNUY, I room, modera exeopt heat. 111 pa, aaanlh. 1114 N. Mat, 4 Mama, modem axaapt peat, ,1, per in,, . - 1101 Miami, T reaA,, ptadar xapt kaat, Itl per nwnlk. nil Brtelol. nam. modem, 1 per meatk. till Titus, f roaana, atrHtly medora, II par ninin v BIO REALTY CO., 1,11-11 W. O. W, Bktg. - D. Illl MICB light Bwnaekeeplag a furauhad roaaaa. roaaoaaale. Tiler in, in . bi. Ml BITRT Modern, nicely furnlahed, wall- Beaton aieoping a no ,otiaeoBif reeiw. THRKB rurafeihed raotaa. wall llblod; rent waiaut mi. a-lTRNIBHBTD room tor light heaoekeeplnf. site uaaoaaa at. I-RM. aiJITll, CLItAN, HBAT8D. NBATLT PTJRN. HOtlBKat'PINO BM. 1HI Pwdge. MODKRN.' frool kouoekeeplng rooms. Web- alar life, lilt Sharma 'Are. loc NO kwptaoaa man deal roe good oaam nafav oaa with private family', dive do- Ull and price, Addreaj Bo 11. Boa, TWO or I exeefii lent rooms for light aea kaoplag. Illl Loaveawortk, Board gnd Roots 111, LINCOLN BOlTMprARDr-Large, beau tlful room, well llshlat aad heated; moa em borne; everrihial aoa,ani,ti bam. cooking; gaatloma prafarraa. WUBT PABNAM dtatrtct, large Booth room for two atria, prlvata ramtlr. goo aoara; owarrthlng iBadara: 14 week. Wal. Illl. BHATTTiyUL, aulta oonelatlng aV liedroor. living roeon and son room, eseollaat board; orroata Bwaaa; weat warnata. uarway 41. WO aoaaaotlht froat raoma. Wtll rent mgre or anemia. plepty of Heat and hot water. n4 C&THndi', till Comfortably farplahrd KtMll , aaoaero. Ill N. lift Coally furalakad front rooms. horn prtniegoa, pnvti bOKia; v.iiung LAROB. wall furnlahed "room with boards Faraam and vumtug 'Haa. rnooo wamut zuA SOUTJIKAST flteam-beatef vate Uatkl aaeejlopt maUl Harney Itl. room with prl- THB IRVINQ, Leaonvarta. BauoiT able rata. Ill s. srrB Boom and hoard In private lamiiy: ataam Baal; wataing aiatanco. Hotel. WORKIN0MBN. kotel. Ill N. lltb St. Night, week or month. roapnMa. Call. Rooms Wtnted. YOU PKOPLB WHO RENT ROOM, CALL THB BVW WANT-AD DHVT. and Bnd out all about tha PURNISHSD ROOM QUID It'o a plan that I helntof many people ran. i nnr WAJmD I' k famlahed ' orJ' J'uafurn(abad rooma wtlh hoard ar Baralry af throe; Weat Tarnam ar FI.14 Nn dlocrwta pro forrod, cut. puttcular n4 ptlcoa In letter. Boa 114, Baa. . r FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment snd Hothwas. Apartment. - FIREPiWOKTAPAJlTMENTS. TRAVERTOk, ' 24TH AND LANDQN COURT. Close In. ovary tea. CompletAly farnlahod. Catortnc only ta people af reOned taataa. W. T. GRAHAM, D. Illl. 14 Boa Bldg. DEKIRABLTj faralahed" aad " unfuralohed aparlmenta. All elaeo and prtoea, aplea did location, t.tb aad rarnam. D. 1411. i ROOMS and bath, healed, 'The Wayne. Zlth and Dowoy Ave. aamn Broa, 146 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , Houses, TWO Kstarbrook Apt. 0. f. Stabplna, III, Chicago. MUeelUneon. I.RM., Apt. In Starling........ ISO. 10 3 alj-rm. Kata, mod. ax. haat 12.11 2023 Loouat St, t-rm 11.00 Illl Lea,., l-rm. eottago, now..., 15.00 KIRpT TBDBT COhTrANT. D. 1111. Wlrat Nafl Bank Btdg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West : CHalCESfTfTXpT. IN THE'CITY. Hss l-r, aoeommodatlone, having built-in bod and aroall dvaaalac room, which Una a built-in chiffonier. Beauti ful large dining room with Frwneh door, opening Into .bedroom, which Is plaely decorated ad white enamel tlalah with mirror door and two good ewtkee clos ets; dlalnf room wklch ha balll.l bod, oto. 1 oak flnlakl kltcho eojulpped wltb elevated over ga range, refrigera tor loed from outside, garbage Inclaera. tor, gaa drier In laundry, extra eleotrle pluga tor Iron, etc.; curtain aad over, drape rodo, Individual porche. - 1DAUA, 115 N. 33D. Apt. No. 1, the only ena left, renting for 5 aum., Ill winter, Jgnltor will show you throuh. OMAHA'S LARaUST RBNTAI, AOBNCT, HASTINOa A hhtubw, I'll rar, Ty. , till S, 1 1ST, with garaga tor two .era. seo s. net not water giant, ea. FASHIONABLE APARTMENT . in "Te pwiumv Has rooms, Inc luttlng larg living satta with froat porch, (fining room, sun parlor, kitchen, tiled bath and three goad-sited bright and airy bedrooms. You will find this apartment practically per fect la architecture and appointment. Ktflufilve and refined surroundings, on ear line. Price f&. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 111 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. ltli. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West DRAKE SERVICE Apartment Offerings DRAKE COURT 22d and Jane Streets. 13 summer and 131 winter. Living room, dlnlnff nook, kltohoa, kath and dreaalng room. Tkaaa building, ar, moat eoaerat apartment houaea la Omak. EKARD COURT. 3 1st and Jonei Streets. 11.1 aumm.r aad I1T.II winter. 4 rooBU n4 bath. Nearly new and very We have a few of the Drake Coufl a nan man la oompletalr furnlahed which will bo rented for 141 a month. .They are ootnpiele ta every reapoQl. When Yoa Think of Apartments Remember "DRAKE SERVICE." DRAKE REALTY CONST. ' CO, 111 W. p. JW, Bldf. Tylot IT1. . : THE PEVVEY,' ' 3301 DEWEY AVE. Oaod location and ekoaca l-r, apt., with -r. aammnwdatiana, amrpru-in-a-uajr had la llvtng raooi aad amall droning room wtlh hullt-la ahlffonlar, alaa dlaap peariag kaoT n, dining room, NEW. excel lent Janitor service,' III aura., 141 wtu OMAHA'S LAROR8T RBNTAI. AOKNCT. HASTINGS a HBTDBN, 114 Har. Ty, II. THS MAVKAJB. . CLPSB-IN. . lit Howard, NtlW, ha room wltk l-room aaoamjaodatloha; I bullt-ln bade, amall drowsing room, built. I. ohllfoBlar; very eholoo. Ill sum., 1.11 winter. r OMAHA'S LAROKST RENTAL AQCT, HASTINtlS t MBTDBN, 111! Bar. Tyler 0. I-R. Apf7Wtta Mvrphy-TnA.Door tad, In Viotpna, iaa a to. 11 .iwaruuj Toam, max In, preloHy l-r ABA I NKW; lit . J?lh Avo. Ml wal., Hi wrater, Janitor will ahov so through. OMAHA'S LARnBST RBNTAL AOCT. ' BA8T1NOS BBTUKM, 1414 Har, Tyl.rtO VBRT obotoe -room .team peu4 ape.fl- meat on wtwmi rww hi, JOHN W. BOBBINS, 111, FA.BNAM ST. nil. Hlh St., l-r.. k.atand 11,4 N. lid St. l-r.. mod. ex. hi... 11.10 RASP BROS., It KBBLINB BI,Pq, TT, Til North. 1114 BURT, hew 4-room mod., ateam-keatod pt.; winter, ,l.aummar, III, RlbJUWALT BROS., Braadal The. Bid. 8outh, - '. ' ' I-ROOU (lt. large rootoi, ploatr of llgkt, id aaor, tr b. 141a, near i,Bav,awriB; tv haat. III per meth. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Illl Parwam St. PeuglaalM. RANROOM PARK DISTntCT. III. Wooiworth I and 4-raom flata, madam axoept heat, aeuth rront, on park,' ar oar lino. 111 and 111, W.batar Sltl. u. v. ntjea. rr. s. tra. ,1S AND HOWARD, el.gaal five-room am riaf. etnaiiy movera. neaaooaaio rent; for kayo, oall Tyler Illl, or Doug. la Ilia illV. S. I4TH AVH , 4-room modem flat. 1 winter, ,10 ,u renter, yea i,7. MiactUanMus, 1-ROOM apt. In St.rlln,, , ' ntt trut V., V, as. atLBOANT o-room apartment very .lose In? ha Just awa aowiy eooraioa. aoe rayon a Slate. Co, (Bene DI. llll, 111 Oma ha NaUooal Bldg. . ' , HEADQUARTERS FOR APARTMENTS. - Whenever yon want ta rant aa apart ment aaa ua. Wa apaelallM oa apertmeat houaa management and are 1 touch with the -available apartment, in Omaha.- Hare ara two worthy af yYtur attontion 4-room apartment la the Plalea, Ilth and Capital Ave., nloelr arranged, plenty at heal 1 lit. SI eomavar, winter. I.roam apartmaat la tha Georgia 1 large raoma, plenty of heat; vralkiag distance. 011 IT7.H tr raouih. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, IIM r,na St Dwgla HI, $250 CASH, $39.50 PER MONTH, WILL, PUT ONE UF - .e tha aaat bargain, oa tha market taday; bread now, atrlctlr modern bungalow, I rooma and path; house built by day labor and af tha hoot materiel! ootid oak floors throughout tha noun; oak woodwork; room are all ,rllalleaUy dooorala i full base-men t; furnace! dandy aaat front; Itt block, ta ear. Price out ta M.IW. Will consider lot or mll clear keua, as part ptynxat . '.- RASP BROS., ttl-11-lleT.MltMBIdiy Tplr tt HI III a. Ilth Ava., all modem l-r. oncB not 130.00147 So. Ilth At., -r. brick Sat la eo!lnt oondltwn, LOVER & SPAIN,. Paugia. imi. 111-11 City National. (is. --.. all mod. Sat, 1141 K.-liith St tt.oo-.s., sraa- Fieree Bt H. A WOLF. Ill Ware Block. Down-tea IMS. STHAaf haated apartmoBf,' 4 rooma, Q. y. Btebklna, 111 Chicago. rpRONT roo'rna, water and gaa, 1411 Cum. low. via. 1 back room, water aad saa, fill Cum ing. a. l-ooin, 1 l S. Iltk, 111. I-R., 701 S. ttth. II. N. P. DODGE & CO. DOUG. 829, FOR RENT HOUSES FORD, llll model, l-paaaeager, Ilk new, Mi worth extra, aell lor Ml,. Buck, P. Mil, 111 Omaha Nat Bh. West. IMI HOWARD BT, A ,.,, frame, t .room, aaot alMglaa poveb. Mw faraoea Roma for 000 eai S garage It loatreoV Houoe roat 11 AVLPHBD mOMAa. SM Pi rat Nat. Bk. Bid. STONIB HOTJBB nd f erase at Hot and Dodge, 170. w. u Boipy a sou, pouglaa lei. Kaoiraa aia 1117 HARNbTT All mod. l-r. flat; vary de- eirabie; exoeiient lumaoo. xyior Ivaa. North. FOR BfSNT l-room oottaga, IIM Madtaop Ave., moworq oxcepi rurnaoo;, ,1 per month, a R. Burke, l Omaha National Bank mag, fougtaa lava, BTRICTLT modern l-roera oottage, Olfton nui, atw. ui,.M,ra., , eiroei, near car line aad aehoal, Phon owner, Walnut 141. ROOM cottage, modern eaaopt heat; block from oar barn; for sale or rent. Call pougias in. ' 7-noOht all modem bouse, newly daoorated, new furoeot, Itl. S01I M lid 8t Tel, Hed 111... 6-ROOM hoone, walViog - diitanoja, ureigntow college, -i-yier- rati. l-IU m Hit M. gttkAv.liT.a.iiT l-ROOM-wTwa baths, Want htnu dtatriot. fan -so. rnape uqngias asai. ; A WINTER BARGAIN. $20 PER MONTH, Union Bonding. lth aad Maeoa. rooma, all paadarn. Flat with boat and water; l will be allowed toward movfsa expeB&eo. Thoaa flats ro on main street, very sloe, to down tow dl. trlct o THE BYRON REED CO, Dooglas 17. Ill a ltth St. FOR RENT HOUSES M North. Houaa. 11)1 N. 40th St. ro.n. .mil till. i-ROOM moderw-auagalaw, III. CaUWal- nut mi. , South. HANSCOM park dtatrtct, eight-room mod ern house, partly furnished, no chlldren Phnae week daya. Red 4114: Sunday, HarnyMl, l-ROOM house, modern exaept furaaoa. 111 S. Iltk Ave. Haraey 4181. I-ROOM oetta., lit nor monlk. 1018 s. 41st 81. luqulre at ' the Independent Lumbar C. 40th and Leavaaworth. MiscaUansotts. I ROOMS, all nsadara. aaat treat, awrohoa, everything Bow and up-40-tb.-mlnuto. Walking danaao. Ill par awatk, Doug las til. TRAVER BROTHERS. Ill New Pint Natlaaal Bank Bldg. 10 Illl WOOLWOBTH AVK., I rooma 311401 podio SL, , rooma, all modern. 30 10 a. Ilth Avat, I rooms, modern, very desirable brtak Sat. SO 641 s. Iltk St.. I noma, vory good. atrlctlr modern brlok Sat 111711 Parnam St, I raoma, hot water heat, atrlctlr all madam. ,11 1441 Dodgo SL. haady ta Parrmm St. and Turner Park, rooma. 411111 S. lid St., I roeon. modern; Saraaa If desired; Field Ola district. 4a t( a Itih St, f raoma, aU mod ara, oloaa-l brlok Sat GLOVER & SPAIN, - Boaglaa Illl. 111-11 City Natloaal. S,.o 1,-room modern' hooaet exolualve qtatnci. rnona narney aa, .FOR RENT. I rooms, nil N. Ifth St ..111." 4 rooma, 1101 B. 14th St I ll I rooma, Illl Parker St.,, la.ll T rooma, III S, lath Ave,, (for aol- ' ored) ., M M I rooma, nil rwwler Ave,, modera. SI., T rooma, HI & Ilth St, modeaa,. It. I t rooma, III Bart St, mader.... SI. I f rooma, 1411 Sherman Ave., mad., II. BENSON ft MYERS CO.. 414 Onwha National Bank Bldg. . DBTACUBD, ' , 1134 Daranpart mod., 7I. Ml a list, l-r, axavL, Mill. Ill N. Ilth. all BsaaV, . 111. Illl Davenport a-r mad. Ill, tut Shorrou Avv, t-r, mod. ex. kL, 111. 1411 aowani. 1-., mod. ex. kt, Ml. dm N. Iltk at, l-r, part mod.. Ml. til Bouik Iltk. l-r., rail mod,, Ml.' ' (' , ,' " ATTACVibTB. ' IIVII S. Ilth Aval, -r. ad., aadh Ml. Ia-v a Ilth Ava. .. mad., J oat aamaeatad, vary dolr,l. Proa rout t rearuarp 1. till Jeaea, l-r. aad loopcag porch, aaod, , ML . - HI M. iltk, d rL, t-r. amd. ox, kx, lit ( A P. TUKEY SON. Phona . HI. Ill Plnrt Nat. Bk. Bldg. " " HOtlSaVHrALL. alODBRM. ' 111 S. 11th St, I rm Mi. tl HIT Iharlee St 1 rma,. ltia 111 Sewaad St, I rata., buaaalew.. l.o-. Ill S. t Av... , rm.,, li.H 131 a I4lk Av., II rm..., 44.00 4141 Wakeley St., t rm..,., . 41.0 HOtTHES PAHTLT MODBBN. Ill N. lid St., I ran..,, ,. 1.0 lit N. lid St, rtaa. )I4 147 LoeMt St, I rm. 11.1 414 K 4ith at, 1 rau., aara aaad poultry kaaa ',,;,. 11.11 1,1) Dooatar St., I rroa..,. 1.4 441 N. Ilth Ave., I row.,...,..,. M. 4141 Seward b.., I rat.. ,...1010 1114 Hamilton St., 4 rma. and store SO , 4117 Nt Iltk Bt, t rma,, 10-0. 1431 Oka St., i TM i,,, 11.10 tilt Davaaaort St.. I rma Ill FLATS MODBRN AND PABTLT , MODBRN. . 1111 s. nth at, 1 rm lt to - ; 1,01-1 Leaves worth. I rm eaoh.,.. ffi ,1,111 i io. a .m. is on ' i till S, lllh St, t rma.,.,,....,.., So 'ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO, Tjiar Ull. ' ' ' ' Ml Booo Bldg. , PAYNB ft SLATER CO., "OMAHA'S RENTAL ovtEN." - HOUSES ANP COTTAqES. : ' MODERN BBOBPT BOAT. , -rt.-v III a Ilth Bt, has Just haaa newly deeeralod U ran bout, two aaaak , froo rent t. food tenant, SI. - t-R. IMI ward St., ha Just bo oowty 1 decor 1.4. It. , I0-R. llll Dvuglaa. axoelleat alaoe U real ont turnlabed roaaaa. Mo. ALL MODat&bt. I-B. till Boat haa joat aeon pert la ttt. alaa, aoaoltban, walking dlataoce, II. -B- Oil Caarlaa, ,ood haaao far ll. I-R. (14 North Ilth Sta brae aaor, peaela. ktmsaMw, parlar, t front ISt.M. I-R. Ml B. Ilth Bt. I (eod aoadlttoa, FI014 alub dtetrtoL atrtatly khh- claaa, roduoed t. Ml. I-R. 911 North Ilth St, I baaweaoa 4 eleenux porch, nearly now, H7.aa. I-Bt IMI Maaoa , a tho money. Ml. Am1x Hnuaiat 4 k I -H llll Qrant l. aoorlX . 0opeatd throaigkaat, Sanaa, M. - .. llll Parnam, will an la ox dltloa Or tenant, M. , FLATS. l-R-,1410. N. 17th at, ottp waaaa. tl. ' ' l-B. 1411 N. 11th Bt, alty water. It, . PAYNE ft SLATER CO, 01 omaaa ptat na. til.oo Swan l-n. lot. avat, iltk aad Wlllla Ava. 111.10 I rma., all mod, l4l . in, 111.00 I rma,, mad. ex. bt, lan a. Ilth. 111.40 4 rma,, mod. ex. ht, 141 N. 40th. 11.00 t-room cottage, III! Pert St Wo kav, a largo Ut. EDW. F. WILLIAMS CO. P. 428, SEE THESE TODAY. Ill 11 Amoa Ava., I rma,, xoooT-axht. Ill 1431 Emmet St. t rma, partly mad. Ill sill Charlo at. I rm, mod. ox. ht. 1 411 Pacino st, ilt.ia.No. is Shelby Court a-np, caitas.. Sad. near Loaveaworth, pvad. ox haat. HIHI No, Ilth, S-room cetl-, . 11410 No. 17th, 4 rooma, partly aned. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 111 Farnam St, Dovgla. III. Houses" Artb'FOTS'FQR w . 111.1 tilt Clrk atroot. llll Clark atroot ' 11.00 -r., Ml, North 1Mb. ttroet, anod- arn axawat heat IT.! -r., t aaau raaaaa, I Davtdgo ll.o 4-t, Ml South Hth aeeaui. wood. a-v, axa awnta Iflt 1 si.eew., - aa. rrs nat lt.5lw.l-r, t Davldg, black. SI.I0 l-r, 101 Corby uroot 41. S-r, 111 South Ilth street, gs rage. 10.0 l-r. 14 Foraam itraet, xoadarw. I0.M -r, 117 North ltd svaaoa, mod- GEORGE ft COMPANY. :, Phono T. TS. -' IM City Nat Bk. Bid. Till Burt St, i ma., eledtri tight. t 1.51 Sill Burt St. I rma.. electric light.. 11.S 1101 California, I rma, now, nod.. 11.4 SMISpeaoer, I rma, rood 17.6, SSI Decatur, I rm,, mod..... 1 44 IO0IN. lltb, I rma, rood, ex. heat.. M.I lis N, loth,' I rma, mod. ex. heat. . !. 14, Blnney, I rma., mod.,,. 13.6 llltspruoa, I rma., vod. ex. heat..' 12.0 2411 Emmett f rma, mod 12.1 102 s. Hth, nn., mod, ex. boat..,, u.o -240! St. Mary's, II rma, alt mad..,, 10.0 S3! S. 40th St. I rma, apart, mod.. JH.00 510 S, 14th,' I rma, mod. ex. haa.. IMI 144 H. 4th Ave., I rma., mod M l stsott S. nth, rm.,, mad. ex. haat. 12.1 131 S. Ilth Ave, ram, mad 12.5 141 . Hth Ave, t rma. ..mod. ex. ht l.0 FOR RBUPONBIBLB OOLOxUU). 1Sl4Biaroo St. froat 4 rat. ....... 114 lill Capita Ave, I ronai.. ........ la ItOIPaol St, 4 rma...-..,.,..... 111 IUK ilth Ava., 4 rm,....' , la." 2411 Braktna St, 4 rma, mod. ex. kt 14.1 McCAOUB INVB8TMBNT COMPANT, 1601 Dodra St. j - P. 411. f-R, mod. ax. heat. 261 Cumlag, 111. e-a, wi.v bw, ... r.. t.iu e.a.v 4-R., 210 N. 14th St., It. , N. r. OUUUii. at LU. DOUtr. B. i ROOMS, oloctrio light, J7H K. Ilth. Hi- Niao I -room rial, isut vojwmg bi, aaa. 7 raoma, modern, S0l Maeen St 2I. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1101 PARNAM ST.