THE BEE: OMAHA, JANUARY 1917. Want-Ad Rates KO AD TAKEN FOB LEU TRAM A TOTAL OF ti OB LESS THAN 1 PKB DAT. CASH WITH ORI.EH. Bat Solid (No DUplar). lc! per word each Insertion ' , If Paragraphed or Dtipteyed tn Larger Typei . ic pr line "n 1c for Hn.. or mor. eonaeeotlT. Inaartlona (Count atx word to tb lino. arrrTATIONS WANTED I reek!? re :o per lino CtBIM OF THANKS. DEATHS AND FFKEBAL NOTICE81 1M par tlno each Inotrtloo (Count oil word! to tho lino.) (Minimum eha-, ill conn.) elONTHT.T RATH POR BTAVDtNO ADS. (No .nana, of copy allowed.) O1.0 lino T t llnea or moro por lino, 11.11 (Count tlx vorda to tho lino.) ALL rORKTON ADVERTISING WDEB HBI.P WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: fa per word ono tlmo m par word, two or moro oonoocutlro ln . portions. ' t .,, . , 1 PE1AL TOMBINATION BATE C land. Poultry nn Other Adrortlolui. TWK OMAHA BER raver 40..00 dellr) I.TH CENTUKT FARMER (or lll.lM wetl). A combined clrenletleo which will reaob " both tho city and rural rosldnnt. , Hneclal Ref.' Ratea. RaU. I .naerflon. In OuuM Bn .nd 1 insertion In Uth Con. Farmer, par lino Ho ' 4J t Insertion, In Omaha Bee and . I Inoirtlon of Xeth Can. Farmor. . , par word . to , 7. T Inaartlona In Omaha Dm and 1 Inaertloa In SOtb Can. Farmor, par lino II. T30 1 Inaartlona In Omaha Bao and 1 Inaartlon la lttb Can. Farmerv ar word , lo tto (Contract ratao on application.) TUB BEB will not bo ruponalblo for mora than ono Incorrect Inaartlon of an dvor Dormant ordarad for mora than ono tlmo. ADVFKTISBRS ohould rataln receipt, (Ivan , by Tha E3-1 In paymant for Want Ada. ao . o mlatako can ha raatlflad without them. USB THN TELEPHONE If yon cannot con venlentlv bring or aand In your ada. Aak for a Want Ad Takar. end you will re- 1 colao -ho oama jood sarvlco aa whan da llvarlnf your ad at tha office. PHONE TTI.BR 1000. "a NT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVRNINO EDITIONS ,...ll!0lL MORNINO EDITIONS H:0 P.H. MOVIE PROGRAM. Currnil offerings of tho boot Motion Plo tnro Theater, la Omaha. (Chang. Dally.) North. AND. 1ITH AND BINNjST FRIDAY AND SATURDAY : WILL BE ATTRACTIONS OF SPECIAL MERIT. ' DIAMOND, , 14TH AND LAKE ITH CHAPTER OF FRANCES FORD And GRACE CUNARD In "THE PURPLE MASK." ' OP, 4TH ANS LOTHROP FR'lDAT IS OUR ' "I.AFF DAY." VERT OOOD COMEDIES. " South. APOLLO, ilTIl AND LEAVENWORTH, MARY MILES MINTER in i "lOUTH il ENDKARINU CHARU. ' COM KPT. ' BOULEVARD, SJD AND LEAVENWORTH ' EDMUND BREESE in" vvc" "THE. WEAKNESS OF STRENGTH". . AND COMEDY. ilOHLFF, Hbf LEAVENWORTH DOROTHY OISH. In "ATT A BOY'S LAST RUN." AND COMEDT. " I West. IIONIIDB. FARNAM FLORENCE REED In "THE COWARDLY WAY." AND COMEDY. , South Side. HKUM, . n. SITU AND M PRESENTS THE LATEST ' PICTURES ALWAYS. AND VERY OOOD COMEDIES. DEATHS A FUNERAL NOTICES. NELSON MrE Mar)', a led 45 yaara T montha IT daya, January 14, lilt, at bar reaManco. lol Bancroft atroat. Punere.1 Sunday aftarnoon at I a'elook from tho reatdenoe of her, daughter, Mra. W. W. Dolan. 1111 South Ninth atroat. to Graf Baptlat church, Tanth and Arbor - streets, at t:ll. Interment Foroat Lawn. camatary. Frlanda are welcome. H I LLET Michael, Wednaaday, January It. j at ad Tf yaara. Funeral from -reildenee of the daush , ' tar,. Mra. C. F, MeCroary. 1410 Mandaraon St, Saturday, January 17, at l:X0 a. tn - to Sacred Heart church, lid and Blnnoy, I I. a Interment Holy Sepuluhm ceme tery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HUI.8E A R1EPEN, undertakara and ia Palmare. 701 8. Ulh St. Donlaa ll. I DlirFY A JOHNSTON, embalmere and fu- .narml dlrartora. 71T S. nth St. Tyler 1414 FRATERNAL ORDERS. CROUNBB HALL. Oppealto poatofflaa. New hall for ktdaa meatloca and dancea. Evcellent floor. TOUNO DOHBRTT, III Brandela Theater Bids. DoUf. IJTL FLORISTS ' BEST QUALITY CUl ' FLOWERS or plenta. Art corablnatlona ahlppad ovory where. Bacollaat lervlco to our cualom era In paat yearo reeommonda. HESS A 8WOBODA. III! Kamatn St. Dons. lall. LAROB8T ASSORTMENT of fToah "floweri dalivarad or ahlpped anywhere, U HHN. f'ERSON, 1411 Farnam St. Pour. 1131. ''ontffnUsi LEE L LARMON IBM Door la Dou. 1144. PARK WR Klowftt tu)P, 4H g, Uth. D. lt. BATH, MaUonaTTloriit; 1S04 .rr7rirBt MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th (otrotrtntf Uctnaea to wd have ben Nam and Addnaa. ; , Am Oscar K. Turnqutat, Omaha.......,... IS iy Day, Omaha 11 Hmnw M. fitnn, Moorflald. Nab........ IS viola a. Rouacn, car.aton, Neb...N i; Harlan W. Grow. Omaha ...,,... S9 PloroBca P. Nlcholaoa, Omaha 13 m BIRTHS AND DEATHS. nirthiHoward L. and Kva 8ppncr, IT 01 jfandrion. ilrl; Carl J, and Paytt Hnr 4ft, 123 North Twenty vath, boy; John arol Virginia Warron, 1131 Ogd,B, boy; 8. H. and Dolla Porrta. ho-olial. boy; Frt.nk and Bllsabolh Ovorholt, S47 South Nin tftnlh avonfo, girl; O, N. and May Hanoa, V2 norm -i woniioin,- ooy, Datliu--Uenry Rolbold. I. hMpltal: lal doro Wolk. 11, liai Docalur; IMck Toung, 1. 1711 Dowoy avenuo. BUILDINO PERMITS. Harney Realty company, ISOS ilarney, al teratlona, 1,H; Harney Realty company, 1104 Harney, ropalra, IS.MO; B. B. Price, 1716 Pontenelle boulevard, frame dwelllnt II..M: a B. Price, till UamUtoa, frame ,lw'"l."S)Ja-M-l , M , LOST-FOUND-REWARDS . " OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TKEBT RAILWAY COMPANY. Peroona having loat aome article would ' . do wall to call up tho office of tho Omaha ' Council BlaJU street Railway oompany to aacaruia whether thay left It In too ' Mreet 'CO. . Many article, each day are turned la and the oompany la anxlouo to rootoro them to the rtsbtful ownara. CaU I viar aoa. . ' TWS ORBATBST OATH It. 711 in paid want-ada over made by any Omaha paper, la tho record of TUB VMAHA BKB for 1I1C, JJUtST BBHILTS LOWEST BATB ' LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IP you looo anything and will advortlao It hro, yon wilt surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable, recov rlea are brought about avery day through thla column. THE HONEST WAT. If yotl And some thing of value, or a keepsake of value only to tho owner, la to Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In moat cases to will ing to refund the cost of advertising. LOST Wednesday, m, ladya gold Watch. either in downtown store or on mn street or Dodge car, Mrs. A. M. Peterson. Phone Webster 10H7. Liberal reward. REWARD for the return of or Information aa to the whereabouts of good lxd b' Indie and white bulldog. Answars to nume of Spud. Telephone Harney 67 II. FOUND soSaam. GREEN'S PHARMACY, 11th and Howard. LOST, valuable reretan cat from 1411 Fow ler ava. Mala; orange brown. Reward. Colfaa 1141. LOST In bualnna dlatrlct, one diamond brooch, pear ahaneil; liberal reward II returned to 423 N. 40th St. BROWN Marten muff laat Saturday. Re ward. Phone Harney 1414. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. ECONOMY SALE By purchaaln. your fur niture where your money voce me tar. theat. Our rooda are rare bariraine at the prlcoa we quota. Pon't take oar word, all we aak la that yau come and aae. The STATB FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dods. Bta. Pouglaa 1817. THB GREATEST (JAIN 11,711 In paid want ada over made by any Omaha .paper, la the record of TUB OMAHA 1IKI0 for 1111. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB MONEY RAISINO SALE. 11,009 atock of furniture, nice, linoleum, all klnda of baddlns, complete line of houao furnlihlniji, lml-1147 N. 14th, Tel. Web. 1407. Open 7:10 a. m. till 11 p. m. JtUOS MADE FROM CARPETS. WRITE for Illustrated folder of ruia. I do1 frjtn carpata. Frelvht paid. Llnooln Ruk ractdry, Lincoln, Nab; 8TOVF.B, ALL KINDS. Sao ua flrat. Prlcea right, city irurntturo Co., iut a. ifin. Loyal Furniture Co.. Ill N. lith St. BUY a Utile OlanJ Ironing table. II glvea absolute aatlalactlon. Tno i.ittio uiani Manufacturing Co., Omiha; I OOOD haatarafor Bala, cheap. South .1110. 1 . Sewing Machines. .. SEWING MACHINES ' Wa rent, repair, sell needles and part of all aowtng marhfnta, i - MIOKKL S ' NEBRASKA CYCLBvCO.. l&th and Harnay Sta. Doug. Billiards and Pocket tablci. POR BALK BILLIARD TABLES. - Brand new. carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 1100; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar store fixtures a specialty, Hand for catalogue. THjC BKUN8WICK-UAl.KK-C0J-Hl.NDER CO., 40T-4A9 Bouth 10th fit. Clothinj, Furi.Etc. LADT'fl fins new coat thla year's modal,, never been worn, will aacrlfloe. Wsbater 11. " - Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold tha same aa rant II per month. - Sea ua before yon buy or rent. Shipped any place, on tea 'days' ' free trial. Bqtts' Typewriter BscUaoge, 410 B. llth BU Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold, rental and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter t montha for b. Central Typewriting Eiefcanga, 101 Ferryim. IIEM1NOTON8, Monafchs and Smith Pre miers for rent; sent anywhere. Remington Typewriting company, v. ixm. OUARANTKBD typewriters, 110 up. Writ for list. Midland Typ. Co., Bee Blrfg. Store and Oftice Fixtures. AN 8-ftV Uppincett wall soda founUln. with ooonier and charging oatni; louniain nai boon used soveral aeaaofie, but la In first oUmai itondltloni only reason for seUlng, too email for our business, Inquire m Ue Wit t Prow low, Stanton, .Nep. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. alao publlo Btsno. Phone Cor prlcoa. vougiaa 040 Paiton Blk. UltiT our prkes on Job printing. Bee BIdg. Douglaa 1171. WATERS-BARNHARDT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. Jim. 6S4 a. latn Machinery ana engines. NKW Mil) BKCOND.IIAND MOTORS. EXPERT; I AN S ANli MACHINISTS. LB BRON KIjBCTRICAIj WORKS, lll-lO Ho. 12th St.. Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, gaa engjnea, plpos uross w racking :o in tjumtng. Harness, Saddles, Traveling Goods WH MAKE them ourselves, and aell direct to consumer, no middle man a pront. wny pay two profits for Inferior goods when you cm get high-grade goods at first AIJTRKD CORNtSU CO., 1 1219 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. ' Wurseries, Seeds" and Plants. ALIj FOR" 80o POST PAID." , to packets of seeds, t Icicle Radlil), f Orand Rapids Lettuce, I Early 'Beela, S mono Tomatoes. Rush your order. O, P. ConkHn, Frfrtiont, Neb. '' Miscellaneous. OMAHA PlLLOVc6. Kelt "and hair mat- treaaeb made over in now ucaa ai Aati tha price ot new ones. All your own feathers back when w renovate, HOI- Cuming St. Doug'.aa I4BT. ' ' DEHKB, safes scales, ehoweaaea, shslvlng. etc. we buy. sell, umana Future and Supply Co., 4 14 -U -II H. 19 th. -Doyg. 17 1 4. ONE Iron stand and 10 Job .typo oaaes. cheap. JJ. 8. Printing Co. rHT KIN DM NO WOOD. ACME BOX COM CAN V. UAH NET HIT. SWAPPERS' COLUMN .r. IF TOU rtAVR some artlclo that has out lived Iut usefulness to you, make up a little ad and run It In thla column at lo per word. You will be more than pleased with tha remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two insertions In nearly all . oases are sufficient to get what you want, TRY IT TODAY. I . THM GREATEST GAIN tl,Ttl In paid want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper, Is tha record of TUB OMAHA BKE for 1911. BEST RESULTS LOWBIST RATE. WK swap or buy kodaks; films developed free; one-day service. Kaae Kodak Studio. Nl-vIUs Blk.. llth and Harney. A, LITTLE AD In this column will bring about aome remarkable oKcnangea. GOOD two-horse popcorn' wngonT trade" "for Ford car. Addreaa O. W. Fields lf69 lodge St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED TO BUY. for Furniture. Rutra Clothes, Pianos, Office Furniture, Trunks, Shoes. Doui' 1971. Rea.W abater 43 01 DESKS'" DESKS DESKS New desks, used denks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. HOT Farnam. IX 9HC. t)jVii.lViO aw dothes. shoes, trunka. etc. Red 1T. Rea.. thiuglaa 991 1. KOCH M KK ptty ful value for furniture, " ill klnda aaM cjo.JDkllCl WANTED A uaed gasoline tank and pum WANTED 750 second hand opera chair. Inquire of W. J. Hemphill, Dealer. la. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. Ill Ramea Bids. Phone Doug. 1101. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paltoa-Mltchell Co.. SJth and Marts. Bn, " Caterers. WHOBVVR aeode an exp. caterer frail Mra. Rlukett. Tr. 1(31. Will fur, waltreaaea. Attorney at Law. rRAKCIS 1IUHHAN, 113 Bae. Doutlaa 40H. Bakeries. " f" ' ORTMAN'S NEW C.NI1LAND BAKRRT, til N. 1TU BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDBN BROTH KR8. OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKKD OOODS. CAKRS, paatry and fancV oakarv food aupiilled 10 partlaa, lod.aa and entertain, m.aia. K H. Raader. IUI N. w "'- ANNOUNCEMENTS Baths. ELRCTRIC TURKISH BATHS. Tha only abaolutely lanlury bath. Tllshly 'ecommandud by phyalclana. Staata Inatltuta, 1500 Uamay St. 1. 7017. Open evenlnira and Sundaya. DR. 11KNDA Sulphur, ataam. Modern Tarfc l.h BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartmanta for ladlea, wttb lady attend, ante. 1919 Karnam. Phone Douar. 1877. RITTENHOl.'HK Hanltarl'im; all fclnda, batba. 11-;il Balrd Iilk . 17tn and Iwuga. MIN'rijtA!,. ataam, hot batha and maaaace. R. 2H Navllla Blk.. 14lh and Harney. Carpenters snd Contractors. LK88AKD A SON. 2021 Cumlnf. Tyler 1112. Chiropractic. Dra Johnaton, 1 115 W. o. IVBId.. 51 Chiropracti.and Spinal Adjustmerft. Dr. Burhorn, Rose Bldg. Palmer affhool graduate. I)ous. 4147. Dr. JC. Lair ranee, Brrd Bid. D.I441. Dr. grancaa DawaotT 4023 Roaa B1d."T. 2341. Ura. S A L. Bllllncham Crel.hton Bl". D.760I Detectives. Private detective, evidence ecured, all caaea, atrlqtly ronfldentlal. Gov, ref. Klo. 446. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Nevlifa elk. ' Evldenoo aecurad In all eaaee, Tyler 1114. Interatate Detactlve lAaa'n. 432 Ramge Bids. Dentists. Dr. Bradbjry. No Pln. I12jf. O. W. Bldg. Tafri'Dant. Rnja., 3 Roaa Bldg. D. 2114. Dancing Academy. 111? T TTY1? BALL TUBS.. THUR&. LCj XjUAIj HAT.. BUN. EVE. SCHOOL MON. EVE. Ill S. 141b St., Op. Pontenelle. Fixtures and Wirine. TtTTPftXT Eloctrio washing tnacbtnea, U U IVJA.J.1 1 electrlo Iron, and reading lamp.. 1222 Cuming Bt. Douglaa 2611. Furnace Cleaning. BLSASSER, "furnace claanera; work guar anteed: beat prlcea. 1121 S. llth. D. 4434. Dressmaking. OOWNS AND DRESSMAKINO BT XAT. MISS COK. HARNEY 3601. Sewing by day. 1823 Locual. Webeter 262. iraR. A. ConnallyT 200 nalrofBldgrD. fb7 D'maklng by tho jlaii, JJIOJbiJ "!. Terry Draaainak'g Coi 20tn 'and Farnam. LADIKS' aulla'ramudaled. TJOuglaa 4141. SBWiNiriJAY""OR"WBEK. TYLER 1214. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife.'' .unburn, boa pleating, covered button., all alaa. and atylea; hematltchlng, picot edging, em , broidery, beading, braiding, cording, ay. let cut work, buttonholea, pennant.. IDEA , BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300 Douglaa Blk. Douslaa 1121. VAN ARM AN Dreae Pleating and Button Co., 311.7 Paxton Ulk. Doug. 1101. Accor dion, knife, side, apace, box, aunburat and combination pleating, hematltchlng, plcot nu.Pnv hot. tone, all atylea and all alxaa.' Price Hat tree. ACCORDION, Side. Knife, Box ,Pleatlng Cov. Butlona, Hematltchlng. Neb. Pleating and Button Co., 411 Paxton Blk. R. 414.' Furnace and Tin Work. BORNEMAN, fur,, chlm. cleaning. D. 7231. Hair Dressing, IDEAL Hair Parlor., 907 Baliri Bldg. Mani curing, toilet artlelea Douglaa 414. . Job Printing. OATH CITY Printing Co., high-grade print ing. 2411 N. 24th. Phone Web. 1417. Masseures. SWEDISH and muacular maaaage, eleetrtu traattnant of all klnda. Htaata loatltule, .1104 Harney St. Douglaa 7097. Open eve ning, and Sunday Uaaaaga, chiropody. Mlnnta Nagle, 208-14 Balrd Bklg.. 7th A Douglaa. P.. 4t. M laa Mae, R 231 JJeylli Blk.4tlHarney. MlBSLlLLf Maaaaga7batha. 1232 irarnamT Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter ' national Patent Co., 583 Brandeia. D. 4411. ' Painting and Paper Hanging, LET OAHNETTE, the I'APERH ANUEK. do your next job: eatlmatda free. Harney 171. .WALL PAPER (4 price, real bargain; aale now going on. Economy wail jrapor Store, 1414 Harney. ' CALL Charlea ltoadh for paper banging and , Intenur decorating. Douylaa 3390. Pianos for Rent, 11.50 ear mo. A. H oapo Co.. UlSTJonglaA Theatrical Costumes. LARGEST atock ot eoaturaaa for theatrical, and maequerade. In the country for aale or rent, LI, ban A Son, 1514 Howard. A THEATRICAL gowna. full dreaa'aulta, for rent. 204 N. 17th. John Kaldman. D. Sill. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 307 S. Uth. P. 111. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING aainouncaments and printing. Do-iglaa Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 144. Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATBMSMNliOl t ARNAM. BURROUOHS CAFE. OMAHA, NEB. (Service) LINCOLN, NEB. Ill 8. ntk St. , 132 . uth at. BUSINESS CHANCES Hi. CUMINO 8T.. 80x0, line corner lo cation, near Cross-town transfer, I3S.60. .301 Cuming Htorr.cs, scales. 5ard and bins; suitable for coal arid (oed atoro. ' 936.00. ' ' ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. !. Tyltir H3. 833 Roao Bldr HIGHEST 8lUT CAHH FAIO for atoro and atocka of manhandiao. In city or country; quick action. . OMAHA BALVAflB CO.. . ' 740 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Tel. Doua;laa IBSL, ' - THB GREATEST GAIN 61,731 In paid want-ads ever mado by any -Omaha paper, la tho record of THM Oil Ail A 11 KB (or 1111. BUST Ki3.SUtTli--LOWI.13T BATB POR SAI.K Movlns; picture show In a town of 1,-00 lnhahitanta; building- and contents complete; doinc a bunion of per ( week. Prlva if Uken at onve $4,090. Corn Hlt Ra Uy Oompany, Origans, fieb. SHOB SHOP for sale. Have all tho work I can do at good prions. Only shop in town. Cheap rent. Good location. Reason for selllnir, sickness In family. Address Ho a.4. 13t)llwood,Kan. . 1 FOR--IAi.B Barber - shop and conOctioiv ry; only shop In town of 3&0 population; dolnv Rond builneasi must sell at once; price a real money maker. Boa BIT, Omaha iiee. WILUAM K. OSTKR MARKS A SPBC1AI. TY OP TOOLS ANIJ MOD Kb AND , ISXPKR1MKNTAL WORK. BURKLUT BLK., I2TH AND HOWARD, RKD ii06l. WANT to sell variety business town" of 100 population; rood place for business ; fur ther information, write or call. Addreaa Vincent Prochayka. Ho wells. Neb. FOR 8ALB A profitable grocery buslnes in a good thriving Texas town. Terms cash. Address W. K, Drawn, Hi Main St,, Denl son, Tex. t FOR BALE Oood, clean stock of hard ware; live (own, central Nebraska. Oood reason for sUln. Be quick. Address T 267. Bae. RKSTAURANT and hotel In connection. . Oood town at the end of railroad. Inveatl gate to your approval. J, U. loulaborg. Hloomfleld, Neb. DRUO store for aale; Invoice- Sl,000; aales. 11,000 last year; compelled to quit druc busln-Ms; location, Nebraska. Write quick. Boa Y Dili, Heo. TALK NO MACHINB MANUFACTURERS 1 have a talklna; machine patent that will Interest you. Write Hans K. Neve, Han veocla la. a ON account of other business wttl aell at a barraln. If taken at once, candy k He hen fully equipped town ot 1,600, InQUlre 2308 Leavenworth. MOTION picture machlnea (new and re built), theaters, supplied. Oman Film Kxi'hange, 101 tV 14tb St. COMPLKTB (lxturos of 1 -chair barber shop, very reasonable. Miller Hotel. South Omaha, rnone ttoutn 1SS3. , WE BUT, we aell motion picture theater, machines, feature films. Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 210 Bromley Bids;. WILLIAMS, ostabiished 1 yeara. To buy or sell business aee him. 411 McCagua Bids", Rfeferance. U. 8. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., .Omaha, have eloaed out more mdse, stocks than any other Jpl?U' Write for termai IF TOU want to aell .or buy a business or roomlns; houao call on Buach & Borghoff. 7 JO World-Herald Bldg. Phono D 1311 FOR HALE Flve-t-halr barber shop In town of (.000. nest location In town and doing good tnmlnm. Ho Y T8, Bee. To get In or out of buslneaa Call at SOUTH OMAHA LN'VLfTMICNT CO. 4111 8UUft Mtht laiUa. Uih . BUSINESS CHANCES BARBER 8HOP for aale, 22K caab. Only -kSbop In small town: doing good Business. J. PChrlstensun, Haskell, Neb.J LIVELIEST butcher shop'ln"town with 140 tons fine Ice for sale cheap. Box T 21. f net. GUARANTY PLAN; get In or oat business. A1J sUJes. T. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. TO OET in or oul of business coil on OANGKSTAD. 42t Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. FOR SALE Cheap, a rug factory outfit. J, F. Thomas, Webber, Kan ESTABLISHED bath parlor. Box 2X1, Boe. Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSES, all sliea. great bar gaina4 It Roao Bldg. Phone Tyler 14 IT. 11 ROOMS, handiiomeiy Jarnlthed, close In; full roomers. Phono D, 4107. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 20c PER LINE. Business ads, regular rates: t lines one waok. 40e I lines ons week 0e Bach ertra lino 20c par week Male. THB GREATEST OAIN-vl.Ttl Tn paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper. Is the record of THB OMAHA BEE for ltll. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB f YOUNO man wlahes to connectSvlth reliable firm; has good education and can furnish the best of references. Would like to start at beginning, where chance of ad vancement la good. Box 242, Bee WANTEDPosltlon in stockroom, ware house, shipping or receiving Dept., or any kind of steady work; mall order exp.; handy and sober. Qray. Phone Doug. 6640. POSITION aa manager country elevator; fifteen years experience; beat of refer ence. Addreaa X n. care Bee. COMPETENT office man open for position January 25, Wide Experience aa book keeper, oashler, auditor and gen. accL Clean record and good .references. Box 138, Boa.' ' EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants work for spare time. Books posted, systema tized, audited, etc., Oood reference. Box lit. Bee. POSITION wanted by young roan. Seven year' experience as stenograpner ana bookkeeper. Box 126, Bee. ; WORK wanted by a first clasa plumber, steam fitter; by day or contract Tel. Wal nut 2838. WANTED By a colored roan, early morn- Ing work, 2 or 8 hours. Web. 16 G 3. ODD Jebs or Janitor work'by'Alay, week or month. Web. 286. ' ' wViVTED Job as mechanic, Cyrs. experi ence, can keep car In repair. Box 184, Bee. BARBER.-with 10 years" experience wants Job. Address Box 233, Bee. - FIRST-CIASS Janitor, city references. Web ster 3588. Female. WANTED Permanent position with relia ble firm or bank. In city or country, by : competent lady stenographer; nine' years' experience; good penman; can assist in bookkeeping. Address Y 908, Bee. THE BKl'l charge for "Situation ada" is Jower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. POSITION aa night maid or chamber maldr not private family; competent, reliable glrk Call Eugenia Taylor, Doug. 4446. EXPERIENCED person desires position aa housekeeper for business couple, CaU be tween 8 and 12 a. m. Harney 2898. Refined lady wants work nights. Will con sider any occupation. Phono Doug. 66 63. COLORED woman wants cooking in bfiard- iji h p r 15 m ? 1 y Red tva 6 . DAY work of any kind. Experienced. Call Webster 4844. WANTED Steady work by colored lady. Mrs. L. Harris. ' COLORED LAUNDRESS, washing, ironing or cleaning try tno day. Webeter 3818. COMPBTENT colored woman wants work by the day or weak. Web. 2911. - Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work. Webstar 2327 aak for Miaa An tiunion. 1ST-CLAS8 colored woman, position aa cook or day work. Web. 63l. Aak for Lula. FOR experienced bundle washing call Web ster 1177. Prompt delivery. . Day work, any kind; comp. ref. Web. T467. Ex. lady wants b'dle wash. Guar. Web. 4001. LAVNbRYandday work. Webster 824T Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1119 Daren port St. Douglaa UM, Headquarters for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER. Kllgoro, Neb. .S7S Eight stenographers ; 166-1S6 Office clerk and correspondent $50 Billing clerk, quick operator ........ .170 TUB MARTI CO., 1317 W. O.W. Bldg. THB GREATEST aAINMn In paid want-ada aver mado by any Omaha paper, la the record of THB OMAHA BEB for 1118. BEST RESULTS LOWEST RATB STENOGRAPHER who has executive abil ity, good personality and able to take rapid dlotation: excellent future for right man. Salary $76 to 186. WATTS RICF CO., 1ST NAT BANK BLD. STENOGRAPHER 176.00 SALESMAN (exp. unnecessary) .... IB.Ou - HOTEL CLERK ... 126. board and room THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEB BLDO. BolUCEEPER, some Htono. workTTlja'H steno., 70; bill clerk. S76; bill clerk, S6i. WATTS REF. CQ.t First Nat Bank . Bldg. HIOHORADE commercial positions, WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. Drug Positions Ail States CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., - lols-ll City National Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced trimmers and mak- "ers. Atply Splesberger'a - Wholesale Honsa, 1014 Farnam St. Salesmen and Solicitors. BOND AND" STOCK N , .SALESMAN, A thoroughly capable stock and bond1 sales man, preferably with promotion ex perience, la wanted by large middle west corporation whoso buslneaa la with the best claao of buslneaa and profeaalonxi man. W must have a man who under stands western people and western' ways and who can meat tlu most Intelligent element of tho community on a plana of mental equality. To such a roan wo offei an exceptionally desirable connection, both from tho viewpoint ot remuneration and character of work." Tho man we want will be ableto earn from 91,000 to IM00, or fetter, year, depending upon his ability solely. Applicant must positively be over thirty and be prepared to furnish highest reference. State age and give jrour ex perience briefly In first letter. ADDRESS BOX IIS, BEB. THE OLD LINE Bankers' Life of Lincoln Tbe Company of Big Settlements. Liberal Contract W Agenta Kilty, Ellis Thompson, General Agenta. Do"- ast- City Nat. Bk. Bldg. MEN of ability who can sell the best t and cheapest accident and health Insur ance. We are general agents and can offer you exceptional proposition.1-, INTERSTATE REALTY CO., 110-30 City Nat. Bldg. WANTED High class shoe salesman with established trade in Nebraska for well known general line. Attractive proposition fur right man. In applying atate experi ence and- give references In first latter. Box MM, Boa., ' WANTED First class stock salesman, who can sell 7 per cent preferred accumulative stock In good growing business. Good proposition. Box 121 Bee. ' WANTED Flrat clan stock salesman to aell common and preferred stock;-good prop osition for rlghtparty. Box 121 Bee. WRITE for qulck-seinniTadver Using novel ty; pocket sample. R, C. Smith Co., Denver, Cold. . SALES positions, mercantile lines. Y!tX&tl &Jf&&&HCX 4 BOND ASS'N. HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Canvassers. THREE neat appearing young men to travel on road under -manager demonstrating among country homes. Oood pay with ad vancement to hustlers. Permanent. 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. in. H. M. Bur lin game, Castle Hotel. Trade Schools. AtTTO MECHANICS. . EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS" 2817 N. 20th St., Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN JHE BARKER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run ahop or work for others: venrs of annrentlceshlp saved by our method; we have placed graduates In leading poult tons everywhere; compara tively no expense: catalog mailed free. HOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Ill 8, 14th St., Omaha, Neb..," (Estibltshed US3.) OOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto trade for tho many po rtions now open. Fine training work la auto and electric stsrtlng system. AMERICAN AUTO COLL-BOE, ' 2063 Farnam, Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while Jearnlng Wages or percentage. We don't over-charge you to begin. .401 Dodge Bt TRT-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Boys. WANTED .Two office boys. Call South Z4SU, l WANTED Boy with wheel, must have ref erences. Din ujzo's Drug Store. v Miscellaneous. FEB. 10th. Railway -Mall Clerk Examina tion tn Omaha. Commence $71 month. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 239 B. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Reliable good men to sell bot ta males, 2218 Leavenworth St, ELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Men, women to try examinations for government jobs. $70 month, vacations. Common education sufficient. . Apply Im mediately to Box Y-311, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, $75, steno. and asst. bkpr., $60; offico clerk, $40; superintendent con fectionery store, $76. NO FILING FEB, - only 60 cents to cover expense of Investi gating references, THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENO. and bookkeeper, $65; steno., $56; diet. opr. and steno., $50; steno., $45; steno., $30; office clerk, good penman, $30. WATTS REF CO., Flrat Nat'l Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER with experience wanted at once. Good wages and transportation allowed. Phone or write quick. A. A. Berry Seed Co., Clarlnda. la. THB GREATEST GAIN 6S.71I In paid want-ads ever made by any , Omaha paper, la tbe record of THB , UnAnA -BE. Hi lor lilt. ) BUST RESULTS LOWEST RATB. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic, clerical po sitions, WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls with common school edu cation, between 18 and 2$ years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C. F. Lambert, 1817 Douglaa St. MASSAGE girl wanted. 1122 Farnam St. Household and Domestic. WANTED A gtrl for general housework, two In family; reference required. Mra. A. M. Robinson, 201 S, 36th Bt. Har-J WANTED Middle-aged woman to keep house for semi -Invalid Woman and her son, in small village. A. A. Godwin. Hamlin, la. EXPERIENCED girl In small family, no laundry, excellent wages. - Mrs, W. J. 1 Hynes. Harney 4760. MJDDLB-AGED womlfn for light house work and care of children; fair wages. 1530 No. 20th St. - WANTED Girl for general housework ; only three adult in family. Call at 114 N. 30th Bt WANTED middle-aged or elderly woman for housework, no washing. $328 Parker St. WANTED A competent nurse glrljs must have references. Apply 405 No. 40th St. WANTED A competent cook; also an et perlenced housemaid. Call Harney 2841, WHITE girl wanted for general hojtsework. 3140 Mason.- Harney 3441. WANTED Girl for general housework. 1811 Farnam, Harney 5383. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Maid and Waitress at country hotel at once, $5 per week, board and room. J. H. Richards, Spalding, Neb. , EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. V DAY SCHOOL. . NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is tarollmen -day. Book keeping, shorthand, stendtype, , typewrit Ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial i.nd ling Hah, branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLKGB, Douglas 1565. llth and Harney Bta VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND" EVENINO-SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance 220. Douglas 5890. Y. M. C. A. Day and Night School. SPANISH Evening classes now On by na tive teacher. English-Spanish transla tions guaranteed. 616 Boa Bldg. -Eladio Boblto. Douglaa 2447. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West 220 N. 23D Beautiful 4 -room apartment; steam-heat, Indirect electric lighting, good porches, excellent ventilation. Phone Red 4233. VERY choice 6 -room steam heated apart ment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. South. FINE 6-r. apt., Hanacom park dlst, mo. rent free if taken at once. HI ATT COMPANY, 246 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 80. 31HT AND HOWARD, elegant five-room brick flat, strictly modern. Reasonable rent; for keys, call Tyler 151$, or Doug las 8610. Miscellaneous. ELEGANT 4 -room apartment, very close In; ) ha just been newly decorate, See Payne ft Slater Co. Phone Douglas1 0U. 616 Omaha National Bldg. ' 3-ROOM apt In Sterling, $30. First Trust Co.. D, 1161. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. BROWN BUILDING B. B. Corner 16th and Douglas Sta Offices Single or Bneultr 407 Brown Bldg. Douglas 162s. STORB ROOM. 26x60. with full bsaement. In brick bldg.; suitable for light 'wholesale or distributing; close In; $26? Tyler 71. HALF of modern store with enclosed show windows. Fine locations reasonable. 618 So. 16th St 111 S. ISth St., steam heat, $100. Hall, 24th and Parker Sta.. on year' lease. Offices and Peak Room, OFFICES.. Single and an suite. In a central looa- BROWN BLDG? x Room 40T. ,, Douglaa 1628. ubMKAbLK utile roum in in rwuiudele'1 Crounae block, lit N 16 lb St. .oppoeTte postoirto). $19 to $16 per uiontb Conrad Young. 831 Brandela Theater Doug 1671 CHOICE o:lri spaca Baird Bldg., 17tb and Douglaa McCagu Inv. Co. . Garages and Barns. $20 617,8. 18TH AVE.-r.ood brick garage, electrlo light; room tor I or 6 cars. GLOVER & SPAIN, K" Douglaa 1541. , lll-IO City National. Miscellaneous. (.ARatS, baaement. 14th and Howard, cheap. Wrlahl Laapurr. Eotta, 141. Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLEY -DAVIDSON MOTORCTCLE8. Bar- aalna In -Mod machlnea. victor Rooa, To. MQleraycle jfao," Z1QX Leavenworth. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION; ROOM HUNTKR8I If yoo tall to and the room yoa dealre amona theee ada call at The Bee office for a Room Llat Olvee complete detailed description of va cant roe ma la all parte of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and alve your nam. and addreaa and a llat will b. mailed to yo. at one. N.w 11a ta an la.uad .vary weak. Furnished Rooms. COMMODIOUS, well Itcnted room, with every modern convoaVnca, .nlMble for one or two tentlemeh; location In Weat Farnam dlatrlct, en car line. Come and aee thla room. Ton will like It. Bent reaaonable. Phone Walnnt 8001. THB GREATEST OAIN .1II tn paid want-ada ever made by any Omaha paper, la the record Vt THS OH AH , BEE for ltll. v BE. RESULT J LOWEST RAB PRIVATE home in good district will rent room to lady employed. Price not so much object aa companionship. Husband wortti nlghta. Reference required. Box 201 Bej rVERY desirable furnished room. In new modern apartment. Private family, ueni Ieman preferred. References. Harney 6215. FARNAmT3 107 Large, "cleaniy-fur. rm., steam heat, everything modern, close to business district, $4 per week. ONLY minutes "from " 16th and Farnajn. nicely furnished parlor room with kitch enette. 2007 Ht. Mary's Ave. - 91t S. 27TH 2 furnished rooms for rent, also one room with kitchenette or light housekeeping. Tyler 252X-J. . SUNSHINE APARTMENTS. Bor men only," Rates 22.60 and up per week, apg N. 17th Bt. HANDSOME furnished room for gentleman, strictly mod., private home, West Far ' nam. Harney 3776. 60S No. 20th, large east front room, very desirable; private family. Tyier im. NICE warm furnished room, one half block from Harney car. Phone Harney 4005. HEATED room for working men. Modern home. -242S Decatur. Web. 4674. 2682 HARNEY Clean, warm roomj neatly furnished; 12 per week; close in. FURNISHED ROOM. Weat Farnam district; modern, private home. Harney 2366. THRER furnished rooms, well lighted; rent reasonable. Walnut 3270. Housekeeping Rooms. 616 S. 22D. SUITE 2 newly furnished rooms, clean and plenty of heat; 6 blocks to Bur-gess-Nash. Rent reaaonable. - " NICE light housekeeping and furnished rooms, reasonaDie. Tyler 33. on a. nth st. . 20201 BURT -Modern, nicely furnished, well' heated sleeping and housekeeping rooms. Douglas 9242. ' THREE furnished rooms, well lighted; rent reasonable. Walnut 3279. 3 TWO housekeeping rooms en suite. 2219 Leavenworth. FURNISHED rooms lor light housekeeping. 2114 Chicago St. Hotels. WORKWOMEN'S hotel, 209 N. 13th St. Night, week or month, reasonable,, Call. Board and Room BEAUTIFUL suite consisting of bedroom, living room and sun room; excellent board; fine private home in west Farnam district Harney 46. - LOTHROP, 1466 Comfortably furnished room and - board. Strictly modern. Web. 764. , 223 N. 23D. Cosily furnished front rooms, home privileges, private home; walking distance. LOTHROP, 1466 Comfortably furnished room and board. Strictly modern. Web. 761. THE IRVING, 2102 Leavenworth, Reason able rates. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD -OKPT. and rind out all about the. FURNISHED ROOM GUI DR. It's a plan that la helping many people rent tneir rooms. WANTED TO RENT WANTED. 6-room bungalow; all Improve- menta; tn the neighborhood of Fort Omaha. Address A. Leo Htevens, Hotel New Sanford. . FOR RENT HOUSES West. , ISM HOWARD ST. A l-etory frame, f rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace, . Room for one oar la garags If dlred- House rant. III. ALFRED THOMAS, U First Nat. Bk. Bldg. STONE riOUEB and garage at 61 at and Dodge, 670. W. L. Selbr & Bona. Douglas 1610. Keellne Bldg. North. . RAILROAD MEN, ATTENTION. Linton Bldg., 13th and Mason. , rooms, all modern, heat and water Turnisneo. lo.vw allowed on moving ex penses. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, DooKlaa 117. 112 8. 17th 81. wAl-KlNG DISTANCE. Ill N. 20th Ave.. 111. Hot water heat, I rooma- Thla houae haa been thor oughly redecorated and repaired. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Douglas 227 . x 212 8. 17th St, 7-ROOM all modern house, newly decorated. new xurnace, izo. zoifi n z-.a st. Tel. Red 1881. 6-ROOM house, walking distance, near Crelghton college. Tyler 2288. 6-R.. mod. cot, 2544 N. S6th At.. 216. T.47U. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT, HOUSES AND COTTAOKS PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 1616 Carter Lake Blvd........ 14.06 6-R. 603 Martha St 12.60 6- R. 611 Martha St... 12.69 7- R. 6016 N. 42d St 16.01 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. ' 6- R. 1910 Saratoga St $18.00 f-R. 2819 N. 27th St. (for colored) 16.01 , " STRICTLY MODERN. f-R. 6S27 N. 27th St .brand new). 26.06 7- R. 4612 B. 23d St 36.00 t-R. 3430 Bristol St. (with barn In the rear) 22.69 FLATS , STRICTLY MODERN. -R. 2018 Dewey Ave. (very cholce)l37.6l HEATED APARTMENTS. f-R. 2916 Farnam St. (strictly mod ern and up-to-date in every re spect) 133.09 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER A SHOT WELL, 202 S. 17th St Doug. 6013. , STOP HERE1 We've got the location you want. PAYNE & SLATER, Phone Doug. 1016. 932 N. 24TH ST., 4 rooms modern except heat,. 113. 122 N. 20th St., 6 rooms, flat, modern except heat, 620. " 2026 Spruce, 6 rooms, part modern, 216, 2219 Burdette, 6 rooms, all modern, 130. 424 8. 24th St, 6 rooms, all modern, 6 30. 116 N. 27th Ave., C rooms, all modern, hot water heat, $26. 2407 Jackson, 6 rooms,- all modern, hot water heat, $26. 222 2 Burdette, 7 rooms hot water heat, 26. 3217 Dodge. 9 rooma, all modem, $60. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, Douglas 297. 212 B. 17th St. WK "want more houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have, practically cleaned out out big list is conclusive proof ot the efficiency of our rental service. II you want to keep your places" rented see Payne & Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental 4Cen," 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . nAiirltui 1013. I ROOMS, all modern, east front porches. Walking distance. $36 per month. Deug- TRAER BROTHERS, $19 New First National Bank Bldg. rooms, 291S Fowler Ave., modern, $26.00. g rooms, 1306 8. 2sth St. mod., $27.60. T rooms. 3316 Burt St.. modern, $22.60, BENSON & MYERS CO.. 424 Omaha NaL Bank Bid. 1008 S. !2D, 9 rms., ail mod ...: $33.50 1608 Ohio Hi., s rms., pan moa. . t&.v $1T 8. 26th St.. 8 rms., city water .. 6.00 BIKKETT & COMPANY, ?59 Bs'Bldff. Doug. 933. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houset. Apartments. DESIRABLE furolahed and unfnrnlahed anartmanta. All alxea and prlcea, .plan did location. 24th and Farnam. D. 1472. Miscellaneous. ROOMING HOUSE FOR RENT. Hlght rooms, modern, brick, close-in; suitable for roomers; 0 per month. Act promptly if you 'want this. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 411-18 Kerllna Bldk. Phone Dotix. 440. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAKEHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 219 N. Uth Bt. Phone Douglas 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to ordera for moving, packing or storage. Office at Ilayraond Furniture Co., HIS and 161& Howard St Phone D. 6624. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and planoa, moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 808 B- 16t Douglaa 4162. ' FIDELITY Sg!E& FREE Phone Douglaa r88 for complete f list of vacant houses and apart menta. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. MflCfTfirH , Van nd two men. si. z per hour. Van and Storage Co,,' Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Dong. 1496. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230, or Douglaa 4338. JP Pr?TTT fc-xpre-w Co. Moving, J. SXEjEjU packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Douglaa 6146,. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO., 1622 Caas SU Dougas171 7. Trunks stored a specialty. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST Farnam, ftve-rpom bungalow, corner lot anil streets paved; oak finish and many built-in features. This is a bar gain for small family at $3,350. A cash payment of $600 required. ' SHULER & CARY. Douglas 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg. HERE fi days only, non-resident 6-room House, atrictly modern, hardwood floors, garage. Lot 60x120 paying 10 per cent, $2,701), easy terms. 2616 Fort. Owner I. Smith. Castle Hotel. 1VUST KARNAM, stucco, 1-r., modern. Lot value, $3,009; house value, $4,009. All for. $6,009 219 No. 28tb Ave. Doug. 2947. FOR SALE 4628 Cuming St., 6 rooms and bath; modern. Oood condition, large lot, easy payments. Phone Red 6483. North. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $2,900.S Five rooms, nearly new, all modern, oak finish; large corner lot, one block to deaf Institute car, vestibule, book caaea, clothes chute,1 sun porch, pantry, large attic, all floored, heated and lighted, brick founda tion, etcOwner, 4336 Bedford Ave. 6-ROOM modern house in Kountze Place for $3,660. W. U. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. South. BIO BARCfAIN. SOUTH 20TH STREET. "' Good 6-room cottage and a 4-reem cottage, on one lot, at 2433 South 20th, In excellent repair paving al) paid.. Only $2,760 for the two cottages. Easy terms. NORRI3 ft NORRIS. 400 Bee Bidg. Phone Douglas 4279. Miscellaneous. w CLOSE IN NEW BUNGALOW : ' . 'I Large living room, dining room, kltchea en flrat floor; three large bedrooms and bath on second floor; oak finish and oak floors; built-in bookcases and buffet; full basement; guaranteed furnace; eaat front lot;' pdved street; fine location. Price $4,600. Terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Dour. 1001. around Fir. McCajru Bldg, . Strictly Modern ' 5-Room Bungalow $200 DOWN $27.50 PER MO. ' Located leaa than 100 feet from car line, atorea and acnoot, and on a lot 40x ' 127 ft, with alley. Call Tyler 10 and aak tor Mr. Clark. ' Hastings & Heyden, '' 1614 Harney' 8U Bargain Close In Strictly modern (-room house on a good lot and In a good location. Cash pay ment and balance like rent. CaU Tyler 60 and aak for Mr. Clark. Hastings. & Heyden, 1614 HARNEY STREET. 1 ARE YOU Always going to rent? Why not aay. Til buy at once?" For a small -down pay ment and easy monthly terms you can buy a beautiful new 6-room, strictly mod em, eaat front horrte; handy to car, school and stores. Phone Doug. 3628 days, or Harney 3&Q6 evenings. BARGAIN, $1,850. 6-r. home with cemented cellar and laundry tub. Lot runs through to othov stroet, with barn In rear. F. D.WEAD, 310 S. 18th St, Wead Bldg;. Poug. 1T1. SPRING OPPORTUNITY. Brand new 6-room bungalow, oak fin ish and modern in every way; choice 60 foot lot Price, $2,800. Nothing like It for the money; terms arranged. , RASP BROS., 210-12-H Keellne Bldg. Tyler TM, THB GREATEST GAIN 68,738 In paid want-ads ever made by any Omaha paper, ta the record ot THB OMAHA BEB for 1916. - BEST RUSULISLOWEST RATB MODERN BUNGALOW ' Fine location, east front, paved street, 6 rooms, hardwood floors and finish, close to school and car. A bargain at $3,000. Easy terms. Call owner. Dug- 1722. 28.600. Bargain, close-in flat, 2314 Howard; nearly netf, all modorn brick flat, 2 apta. of 6 and 6 rooms; best location In city. 1J Wrier, n ainm. "v" - FOR t?AL.E One share stock in CARTER LAKH. UJUUU, wun wii-iuiwu lot- no taxes ; life membership; no dues; nrtt. 1700. P. O. Box 17. City. NEW bungalow, also 8-r. and gardening; i hnxpa coat $3,600). $3,600. D. 2107. FIVE rooma, new, oak Onish. fully deco- rateO. ail mouern, ,iv, -v "a. hai-nAa mnnihlv. Colfax 7836. HAVE 'bargains In homes. Persona of mod erate iineans;Easyjrms;J HOUSES In alt parts of the city. CREIUii. BUiXB m -.. awn dct pm. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4. 6 and 6-roomed houses that can bo sold tor iuu casn, Daianti F"f month; - send complete description first w!r FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320' Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1064. LIST your 6 and 6room ho usee with us. CO. Doug. 1474. LIST your" 6 and 6-room house with BDWAKU .IT. WlliUlAMO aVVU. 1V. REAL ESTATE-Other Citie 1 HAVE for sale a number of good dwell ings, aiao buiii" f "" have a good farming country and our town Is growing; come and look it over nrf hulp us boost Jamca Walton, Fact Calhoun. Neb. ' 1