Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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First Session to Consider Bills
to Enforce Amendment Far
from Harmonious,
(From ft SUff Corrsspoudsiit.)
Lincotn, Jan. 21 (Special.) The
joint committee of the two houses of
the Nebraska legislature is finding
hard bledding so far in an effort to
urcc on what kind of prohibition leg
islation shall be enacted. The five
members from the house, Norton of
I'olk, Thomas of Box Butte, Hostet
iler of Buffalo and Flansburg and
Waitc of Lancaster, all from dry ter
ritory, if the vote on the prohibtion
amendment isi to be considered. Polk
county gave 808 majority for the dry
cause; Box Butte. 353; Buffalo, 868,
and Lancaster, 5,202. so that the wets
have no representation on the house
committee whatever. The senate com
mittee is composed of Bcal of Cus
ter. Crjappell of Kearney, Sawyer of
Lancaster, Sandall of York Neal of
Nemaha. Albert of Platte, Moriarty of
Uuiig1asv Howell of Douglas, Mattes
i Otoe and Kohl of Wayne. Custer
Kve 1.914 majority for prohibition;
York, 1,197; Nemaha, 502; Lancaster,
5,202; J'latte, 800 against; Douglas,
10,501 against; Otoe, 71 against, and
Wayne 75 for, so that the senate com
mittee has four members who came
from wet territory against six who
represent counties which, gave dry
majorities, although the senator from
Wayne, which gave a small dry ma
jority, is considered wet.
Druggists for Dry State.
At the meeting last night Moriarty
of Douglas chargei the druggists with
some things which N. P. Hansen, a
druggist who was present, did not
like. He "stood up for Douglas coun
ty" by resenting what he termed slan
ders on the metropolis of the state
and made his ret. larks so emphatic
that at times it appeared that the
meeting might adjourn a la Kilkenny
Charles Sherman of Omaha said the
druggists did not want to take over
the saloon business, but desired that
the state be made as "bone dry" as
possible. He was backed up by two
other druggists, Pease of Fairbury
and Hansen of Lincoln. '
Representative Olson said that he
wanted the state just as bone dry as
it was possible to make it. He had
been over into Iowa and discovered
more drunkenness there under prohi
bition than he had ever seen in Ne
braska, and all because liquor was al
lowed to be shipped in.
Senator Moriarty wanted- to know
if Olson would prevent him from
coming home from Chicago with a
bottle of whisky for Iris own use. Ol
son replied that' he merely wanted to
prevent bootlegging.
Wants a Dry State.
Captain Dolan, a former merchant
of Western, said that the dry people
had made promises before election
that the personal consumption of
booze would not be interfered with
and it was upon this proposition that
the state went dry. He wanted pro
hibition that would really prohibit or
ncJne at all.
Representative West of York
county totcf of York county's long
dry period and of his own long rec
ord of sobriety and pleaded with the
committee to make the whole state
just as dry as York.
Senator Moriarty objected to slurs
cast at the metropolitan city of the
state and told West to cut out the
"sob stuff." He asked the druggists
who they were representing and in
turn was asked by West who he was
and who he represented.
"I am a lawyer and 1 am not work
ing for any soulless, corporation,
either." quickly answered the senator
from Douglas.
Representative Jim Auten of Boone
cut in with the remark that the courts
had decided that about one-half of
the lawyers were wrong, and lie would
place the suggestion before the com
mittee without further comment.
Senator McAllister of Antelope
thought the committee would not get
very far by attacking the personal
record of any member of the com
mittee, and the meeting adjourned
with ruffled feelings somewhat
The committee will try again nesl
W ednesday night, but referees will be
appointed to have charge of the pro
ceedings and the sheep will be sep
arated from the goats.
Burglary at Table Rock.
Table Hock, Neb., Jan. 2X( Spe
cial.) Burglars visited Table Kock
Sunday night and broke into the of
lice of the Table Rock Lumber com
pany by kicking in a rear window in
the office. Nothing of value has been
missed. however, although every
nirhe and corner had been searched
and papers scattered over the floor.
The knob had been broken off of the
safe by a hand axe belonging in the
Dancing Is hard on the fct. After one
ntnpplng and tanjoin your feet ache and
bum, thoy are leader and Inflamed, and a
Kood nigbt'i sleep ia generally out of the
queBtlon, do matter how tired you may be
A society sirl who 1b a confirmed lover of
danring h&a found a way to enjoy all the
dancing she wants without the attendant
fool troubles, Here is her net-ret: She buys
n parkas: of Wa-Ne-Ta at the lirujr store
for a quarter. When Hhe gvlt home nhti
hiit lie a her feet a few minutes In w.rm wa
if r In which hava been dissolved two or
three tablets of this wonderful preparation.
Then ahe joe a to bed and sleeps like a
linn Hli V hntw Wi.W.T. talru all tt...
ness, burning, sweaty, unpleanantnesn froni'1
i tie ret ann leaves mem cool and coin
fortable. Wa-Ne-Ta added to the hath
water is cleanalng and purifying, removing
impurities and banishing body odors. Ir
jour druggist hadn't Wa-Ne-Ta. send u.i in
v-nts to rover parking and shipping ehargon
and we wilt send you it samjtle paekage
to yeur address prepaid. L. C La n dun
t.'n.. .South Bend, Ind.
The Crime
of the Age
g committfd every day by the use
of wrong glase. I will examine
vour eyes and fit them properly. If
you have not the ready cah, you
.an arrange to make It in pay
ments. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dr. j. t. McCarthy
fall TOT-TO Bra Aria Ballahm
Rrd 4499. lk aad Daaslaa Sis.
Reed of Hamilton Ha Measure
to Make Remarriage More
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Jan. 23. The individuals
expecting to get a divorce and marry
again will have to hurry, if a bill in
troduced by Reed of Hamilton, be
comes a law. Under the preient law
a person may remarry after a period
of six months has Dsssfi, but under
the Reed bill they will have to wait
two years.
Another bill would not require
county judges to be lawers in coun
ties of less than 5,000 population.
This came up in committee of the
whole, but was killed. Three lawyers
helped kill it Peterson, Fultz and
Anti-Nepotism Bill.
The Howard anti-nepotisnK bill
called for seven speeches from Mr.
Howard and three or four more talks
from other members. Once again his
tory was broken and Richmond and
Howard were both found advocating
the passage of the same measure. An
amendment which would make the
engagement of relatives or affinities
illegal extending to the first, second
"and third degree caused most of the
fireworks, and one man suggested he
did not know there was any more
than one degree to an affinity. "It is
my observance that an affinity is al
ways in the first degree."
The bill however, was reported out
for passage.
Reifenrath Heard From.
Considerable amusement was occa
sioned when a telegram was sent to
the clerk's desk announcing the birth
of a sou to Representative and Mrs.
Reifenrath. Mr. Reifenrath was called
upon and in response said that be was
the proudest man in the United
"ft is a great thing to be a father,
just as great as it is to be a grand
father as is our chief clerk, Mr.
Potts." said he. "It is a bad condi
tion when one has to remain a bache
lor. A bachelor is nothing but a ring
with the circle rubbed out."
Bachelor vs. "Grandpa."
Greenwalt, chief bachelor of the
house, was called on to respond and
he said that he would admit it was
a great thing to be a father and per
haps also to be a grandfather.
"But what does a grandfather
amount to," said he with a flourish of
hishand. As soon as he becomes a
grandfather he is laid on the shelf,
but how about a bachelor, he is al
ways in demand."
Representative Osterman of Mer
rick was for the first time in his seat.
He has been under the care of a spe
cialist in Omaha for some time on ac
count of failing eyesign't. He was
called on to preside at the' session of
committee of the whole.
Bills From Committee.
Some of the bills reported from
standing committees in the house
II. R. ' H. R. 107 Double election boards.
H. R 62 Constitutional amendment for
state and county land banks.
H. .R. HO Constitutional amendment pro
viding 300 tax exemption by bead of
H. R. 99 To prohibit coursing meets and
wild west shows on humane grounds.
II. R. 82 Defining automobile theft as
grand larceny, s'
H. R. Ii9 Counties to pay expense of
sending boys and girls to state Industrial
II. R. -17 Standard containers for fruit.
Two thousand seven hundred dollars to
buy land at Grand Island soldiers' home.
To be hilled:
H. R. 139 Removing exemption from ago
of consent law, based on previous chastity.
H. R. US Increasing benefits of stats aid
bridge law.
Mr. Lampert failed to reverse the
committee report on his bill to make
chicken stealing a felony, and it went
to the graveyard.
Governor's Recommendations.
On Norton motion, Speaker Jack
son was instructed to refer to the
various standing committees the rec
ommendations made by ex-Governor
Morehead and Governor Neville in
their messages.
Passed by House.
t Bills on third reading occupied 'the
time of the house (Tuesday afternoon.
Most of them passed unanimously.
The following measures were voted
H. R. 12 Changing method of school
fund apportionment. Passed, 90 to 3.
II. R. 39 Ward representation In Omahn
school board. Passed, 97 lo 0.
II. R. I;t4 Omah;, mutiic'pal court JuilT'i
The World's Beit Piano not a
musical experiment, but a per
fect instrument that is honor
ed by music lovers the world
over, will be used by
John McCormack
The Celebrated Irish Tenor
who appears in concert this
evening at the Omaha
We eordially invite yon to visit
our Stelnway Parlors and in
spect these incomparable in
struments Uprights $550
and Up
Grands $825 and Up
Terms to suit your convenience.
We make a liberal allowance on
pianos of other makes in ex
change. Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.,
1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha.
Exclusive state representatives
to All police magistrate acanryt Passed.
9ti to 0.
H. R. 41 Amending law for county high
school tax. Passed, IT to 0.
H. R. 9 Permitting counties to volt and
Issue road bonds. Passed, 94 to 0.
H. R. 16 Payment of public surveys to
be made out of county general fund. Pasasd,
7 lo IS.
H. R. 10 Permitting state to buy irriga
tion bonds and federal land bank bonds
(with Hoffmulsler uinemlmetit limiting such
purchase to bonds of this farm loan Uls-t.-lct).
Passed. 87 to 7.
11. T. SI Permitting trust companies to
Invest hinds In fulcra! land bank bonds.
Passed. 94 to 1.
II. R. 96 Reducing lime for appeals to
.supreme court from six to threu months.
Passed. 91 to 0.
M. R. 139 Permitting appeals from .lus
tier court In attachment or execution cases.
Passed, 94 to 0.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Xcl., Jan. 23. (Special.)
The directors of the Beatrice L'uun
try club held a meeting yctenlav ami
decided to at once advertise for bids
for the construction of the clubhouse
on the golf grounds south uf the city,
which is to cost $5,000. Key tiros
beck of Denver lias been engaged to
take care of the grounds and building
and will give instructions to golfers.
The membership of the club now
numbers about 1 10.
Mrs. J. C Emery of this city yes
terday received a telegram announc
ing the death uf her brother. . I
Jaynes, which occurred at his ranch
near Gregory. S. D. Mr. Jay no :$
engaged in the mercantile buincs.
in this city and Wymore in .in early
day and later located at Mnaha.
where he lived for a number uf year.
He is survived by his widow and two
The annual meeting of the Gage
County of Society of Agriculture has
been called for February 15, at which
officers will be elected and plans for
the year 1917 made.
Arthur A. Francis, an old resident
of Gage county, died suddenly Sun
day at his home at Ellis, aged
years. The deceased leaves five chil
dren, his wife having passed away
about" two years ago.
Word has been received here from
Omaha announcing the death of Mrs.
Cora Wilson, formerly of this city,
which occurred at that place last Fri
day. The body was taken to Hum
boldt for interment. Mrs. Wilson
was the wife of the late F.dward Wil
son, ,at one trine chief of police of
Beatrice. SJae leaves three daughters.
Curtis Aggies Win Live
Stock Judging Contest
Curtis, Neb., Jan. .23. (Special
Telegram.) Curtis school of agri
culture won first plare in the agricul
ture school stock judging contest at
the Denver Slock show. The Curtis
team consists of George Gerdes, Al
liance; Frank Arncr, Crawford; Roy
Wheeler. Flwood; Robert Baskin,
Staplcton : .Milton Alhrecht, Orafino.
with Lewis Saxton of Crawford al
ternate. The lirst two men of Curtis
team made The highest scores m the
Big Ranch Near Fairbury Sold.
Fairburj, Neb.. Jan. 23. (Special.)
Jack Hughes has sold his 1.000-aere
farm and stock ranch on the Little
Rlue river to K. F. McCullough of
Fairbury. the consideration being $40.
000. This is one of the largest real
estate deals in this county for several
JndfgefctUin Due to Constipation.
Take a doee of r. King's New lAte
Pitla tonight. See how much better you
feel In tho morning. 26c. All druggists.
Drexel's Cleanup Sale
of Women's Shoes
Starts Wednesday
This is the onlv reduction in price that will be offered
This sale inclndes broken lines of such famous makes
as Hanan & Son, Foster, Weil, Cousins and Armstrong. Some
of the shoes are offered at even
(12, S10 and 9 Values Broken
sties in Women's Colored Kid and
Hone combinations, ( J r
button and lace ijOtO
IS, 7 and $6 - Values Women's
Colored Kid and 2-tone eombtnav.
tions. Broken sizes, &A A(S
button and lace P't.tO
$8 and $7.50 Women's Black Kid,
Calf and Patent Colt, some cloth
tops, button and lace,
per pair
FouMlnes of the famous John Cramer RrowlnR girls', high top, low
heel, broad toe, welt shoes, cloth and kid tops, J4.50 and $6 00 talues.
two lots, at-
$3.45 and $3.95
Six lines of misses' and growing girls' kid shoes, in button, ?3.5Q
and (4 00 values, in two lots, at
$1.45 and $1.95
The Biggest Value of the Sale
B00 pairs of tine genuine buckskin and suede In black, brown and
gray. We conldn't buy these shoes at twice the price today, In fact,
some of them we cannot buy at all. They are broken lines which
we are not going to continue. They are worth from ACL
IS to $10. your choice during the sale $.49
360 pairs of genuine Russia Calf, button and lace, odd
sizes, $5.90 to $7.00 values, now . .
No charges, no exchanges or rleTlveries.
600 pairs Women's Patent Colt, Calf, and Kid leathers,
broken sizes, lace and button, $3.50 to $5.00, now . . . .
No charges, exchanges or deliveries.
Four lines of Women's fine dress Party Slippers, in bronze, sat
in and patents, beaded and plain, sold for $4.50 to $9.00, four lots
$1.45 $2.45 $3.45 $4.45
1419 Farnam Street
Bills Introduced
Houm KIU,
H. Tt. 246, Ci-ftUdork, loutlTl.chr,
lamination tVf to t paid to Utt trai-
urer ami thn imltl out on vouchor.
It. It, til. Toulon, Ktllmor 'ountr at.
torney nitty ubponn wlttirsitrft previous ton
nu.aiiiir preliminary xanunauon on law-
II. II, !4I, rultt, Furn& Prohibits imok
Inir at HitHrftttri In any public placa by per
lum undr 1C yara of air a
It. It. 24, Stutir and fk uddsr Mayor ni
ctty round, uf rltt of Irmind i'Ihn may
provide fur newr construction Coating; nol
muro thriti fL'OO.OOO, ami $100,000 tor other ;
cltt.ttifit of .miri.vtMnnts, '
II. "TV l'fk AultMi, Uoone Cuta down tlm
pei .loti inny camp on public hiihway from
IwtMily to two hour.
II. R. !61, Behrrna and Koch Adda to
vagrant tiat man who consort with women
who priictlc prostitution or pfrsona who
encase In palmistry.
It. R. il!, Thomas and Nay tor Make
plp linen ounimon tarrlors and provide Tor
thrlr regulation by the State Hallway cora-
m I salon.
It. R. H3 Provider fop bond Mu fo
public Improvement hy majority Instead ot
two-thtrda voln In ritlrn and villa gen.
11. H l't'i4. Murtr, I'm mm In bajiks of leaa
than 160.100 mpltHlUatlon. bank oMtcor can
u J minister oath on quarterly renort.
IT. R ', Mtirtry, t'aaa Provides for
county hourd fumls-hlngr material for county
bridge cormtrui'ttoii.
II. Tt 3&S. Anderwon. Boyd Five thousand
dollars relief for widow of Krai) If Honke.
in lured In building cuiistructlon at NorfolK
u lum.
It. It. 2!i7. Trumblc. Sherman Adda to
lean, and vehicle Innuranoe provision1 aert
'tnt or Injury, fatal or nonfatal to per-
11. It. Trunihlr. Shrrmsn Ktlmlnatet
from hull In-'uninrr taw option dlvhlnn ot
Mntr Into district and provides that no
ii-iNenmncnt nosociatlort nhall Issue policies
inBinlnjt itroulng crups against damage by
II. H 2o9, lied. Hamilton Persons
1'nrrt-d from mirrtc Prt tills atate cannot
titi i a hi llcoiiMo for irgal marriage in an-
il R ;i;o. Tterd. Hamilton Decree of dl
rro Hhalt not deronie operative until afft
tn vourn ftT trial and decision: present
pn- U'iui sU montha.
H it 3R1. Mills. I ,an canter Amends pub
lic iuouiihiiit Ihw.
II. it. Steam. Sootlf Bluff Pro video
for cjitnhiinhment of school of irrigation at
ScttM niuff experiment fnrm.
II n 2fi3. Richmond, Pnugla Prohibits
enmity .ludges from discriminating between
Htlurneyx for pracllre In their courta.
II II. 2H4, Honlfy, Jefferson Kxstenalve
amendment to primary election law.
M Tt. 2ti6, Ttegan and PeteraonProvMes
for keeping Old Glory dlsplnyed on all pub
lic bull, Una In alato evory day of year ei-i-cnl
II , It. ilfiH, Trumblo, Sherman Provide
that only pernona of (food moral standing,
no) previously convicted of felony, may b
licensed as Innurnnco agients.
II. K. L'7. Rlrkard. We hater Abolishes
office of county surveyor and highway com
mtaaloncr and ealabltshea office of t'ounty
engineer. i
11. It. 2M, KifllerNSeward Amends capi
tal provision!) of trust company law,
II, R, Hut ton, Lancaster Appropri
ates 2f.0l0 for water power survey of stata
II. R. 270. Fleetwood and Radke Pro.
vide for appointment of three attorneys to
Invent Ignle conduct of practicing lawyers
in mate.
II, II. 371. Alnlay and Swanson Provide
method whereby children living within on
and one-half mtle.a of rural school In adjoin
lK dUirlct may attend audi school for pay
ment of E0 centa weekly tuition by district
In which pupils reside.
11. R. 274, Richmond, Flanaburs; ano
Others Raises stilarlea of county surveyor
of Pouglas and Lancaster counties to $2,000
a year each.
II. R. 3Jfi. Cronln. OUIs. Anderson and
Phelps Provides for audit of accounts of
county commlnfllonera and supervisors by
ptats auditor on requeat of county board ot
10 per cent of voters of county. Cost to bo
paid by county.
H. R. 27B, Rrtfenrnt h. Knox Creates su
preme court eoirtmisflon of three members.
named hv tttinrfine turi trm. In draw 14 (IIU
a year each. Allows lommlsplon two sta !
nopraphers. Commissioners to serve, four
yea re.
H. R, 377, Craddock, Douglas Require
legal reserve Insurance companies lo keep
Invented In Nebraska securities an amount
equal to Nebraskaa pro rata share, of in
legal reserve, based on business done In this
H. R. 27H, Jelen. Douglas Fixes 4 pe
rant an maximum interest rate to be paid
on depoflts by hanks or trust companies.
H. R. 2711. Relsner and Thdford Author
Isea aecrelsry of stats to have 1.600 cople
of donate and house Journals printed eacn
H. R. 2Sft. Shannon. Thomas and Others
Raises salary of state labor commiasloner
to JI.RO'i a year and allows factory in.
spec torn H&O a day and traveling expense
II. H: 2f 1. Shannon, Douglas Provides
for only eight, hours' labor for both male
and female, employes by any person, firm or
corporation, by muulripal or public service
corporation or any otber kind oflabor ex
cept farm and domestic, and not more than
forty-eight hours per week.
H. R. 211, UofTmeiatar, White and Rene
ker Removes the atate bacterologist de
J7 and (6.50 Women's Black Kid,
Calf and Patent Colt, some cloth
tops, button and lace, A j , f"
per pair p443
(0 and b Women's Black Kid,
Calf ar.d Talent Colt, some cloth
tops, but ton and lace, do AC
per pair tpOaO
$S, 17 and JS Values to Lines
broken- siies, genuine FrnSch
Bronze Kid, in button and lsce,
some cloth tops, two
lots, $4.45 and
partment ta th i;nlvaraliy of Medicine at
II, It. -S3, Ounnler and Psralnson
t'ounty fair nrgaultatlous must first pay
pram I urns before paying other faprnaes
from ttta donation from county,
11. It. ZH, Ulaon, Harlan Provides for
garnishment of wages tv pay delinquent
Keuate mils.
H. f , Rplrk. Nail ne Conatltutlonal
amandmant, providing house with fifty
members and sens is wtth eighteen.
H r. 100, ftplrk, Hallne Amends law re
lating lo tai sale oerllftoatre.
8 K 101, fkHMt, Cedar Mortgage shall
be acnompanied by Immediate delivery and
followed by actual change t possession or
be absolutely void as aaainat creditors,
H P. 103, Oberlies. lncasterJUnlawful
for notary publla to nertlfy to land convey
ance acknowledgeinante unlese the name uf
the grantee Is tndelllbly written.
t V, 103, I,ahnera, Thayer Relates to
taking of sand, oil, from beds of rivers and
other land belonging to the state.
H T. 104, McAllister. Aitihpe Provides
for mar kin a of Impaeaable ruads by county
road of fire re.
H V. 104, Cbappel, Kearney Authorises
township to construct or alii in erection of
monuments conserving Spanish-American
and civil war veterans.
8. F. 101, Cbappel, eKamey Authorises
counties to provide for the erection of such
B,v F. 107, Chappel, Kearney Authorises
cities and villages to provide for the erection
of such monuments.
Ft. F. 101, Robertson, Holt Reduces oil
Inspection fee on carload lota from 10 to H
cents per barrel.
8. F. 101. Moriarty. Douglas Relates to
making of false atetameote regarding finan
cial condlttona of persons, Arms or corpora
tions. B. F. 110. Moriarty. Doua-lss Constitu
tional amendment raising salaries ot su
preme court Judges to 17,(00. per year and
district judges lo lt.000.
R F. Ill, Mattes, Otoe Increases las on
Inaursnce companies for maintenance of
atate fire eommlaaion from S to H of I per
cent of the groee fire premium receipts.
8. F. Ill, Adams, Dawes Adds building
and loan associations to list of corporations
Against which action may be brought In
.he county where the action arose.
8. F. II, Adams, Dawes Oame commis
sion bltt Increasing number of deputies and
making general game provtalona.
8. K. 114, Howell, Douglas Makes district
Judges of tbe stale ex-officlo supreme court
H. F. 116, Howell, Douglas Requires convict-made
goods from out of the. state to
be iabeleld when sold In this, atate.
Burlington Brakemari Killed.
Crete, Neb., Jan. 23. (Special Tel
egram.) William Niemeyer, a Bur
lington freight brakeman living in
Wymore, was run over by a freight
train in the yards here about 10
o'clock Monday night and died soon
after. lie leaves a wife and four chil
dren. He is thought to have been
making a coupling when h slipped on
the ice, falling under the car, which
passed over him, severing one leg
at the hip and causing almost instant
Sloan's Liniment Relieves Congest Inn.
As soon aa you apply Sloan's Liniment,
the congestion disappears and your pain
is gone. Bodily warmth la renewed, 26c,
All drusjtlits. Advertisement.
New Styles
Every Day
9 Tween Season Shopping
Offers Good Savings
JUST before stock-taking, small lots or groups make their
appearance in different departments throughout the
store, that while they are too small to advertise, offer excep
tional savings to the woman who shops now.
rTiHE vanguard of Spring styles are beginning to make their ap
pearance and already definite information is here about the
beautiful colors that will prevail and the choice of fabrics for the
coming season.
AY tones in Blouses and Sports Wear strike 'the color note and
the inclination toward brightness and striking styles is every
where in evidence. These are days of discovery and the wise wo
man will plan to learn of the new things as fast as they arrive.
Laces and Embroideries
Two Extraordinary Items
Gold and Silver Laces, also Bronze and Steel
Heavy Bands and Edges, in gold and silver. . .
Gold and Silver Metaline Cloth, 36 inches wide.
Silk Chantilly Flouncings, 18 to 24 inches wide.
t Embroidered Flouncings
27 and 36-Inch -Beautifully Embroidered Skirt and
Dress Flouncing, in Voile, Swiss and Cambric, with JQr
plain and lace edges. Regularly worth 85c, yard. . ''C
Main Floor.
"The FREE"
The Sewing Machine
Wonder of the Age
By all tests, the "F R E E" stands high above all
for ease of action, for almost noiseless motion and econ
omy of effort on the part of the operator and it does
more and better work in a given time.
Very Special:
Wednesday and Thursday all who
purchase "The Free" will be pre
sented with our new Sewing Book,
e n t itled "Sewing Efficiency,"
which teaches the most efficient
way of using the new attachments
and also how to do the finest
home sewing and dressmaking.
Missouri Pacific Railroad
Wants Its Property Evalu
ated by Hurd's Estimate.
K. C. llunl, valuation mincer of
l!.e Miisouri 1'acilic Kailway company
was examined before Special Master
Frank Gaines in the case in which the
Missouri l'acific seeks to enjoin the j
state and the railway commission
from intcrfcrin. with its advance in
passenger rates above the regula
tion 2-cent fare.
Mr. llunl some time ago made a
valuation of the road which the state
railway commission declares was
never accepted. The commission
holds that he made up his valuation
from data found in the offices of the
Missouri l'acinc instead of goiiig out
and making a hrst-haud survey of the
valuations. The Missouri I'acilic is
seeking to use this valuation as ci-
dencc in the case to show that more
! than a .' cent passenger rate is neces- i
sary to pay out on the investment. U. !
(j. 1'owcll, rate expert tor the state
railway commission, and Attorney
General Willis K. Keed are cross-cx-
I hiiiiiuik itie iuniaiiy a wuueaacs.
i The commission and the company
j are practically agreed, it is said, on
: the quantity of equinnicTM of the road.
but the difference of opinion comes on
the valuation of the same.
The company holds that the value
of the new equipment recently added,
plus the valuation given in 1909,
makes a total valuation of the road
! i Nebraska of $19,000,000. The com
mission contends the valuation is
much less.
The hearing is on in the office of
Frank Gaines, 1004 City National
Hank building.
Pender Store Robbed.
Pender, Neb., Jan. 23. (Special.)
The E. J. Kingston general merchan
dise store was robbed Sunday night,
entrance being marie through a base
ment window at the rear of the build
ing. Three dollars and fifty rents,
taken from the cash register, is all
that is missing. Burned matches in
front of the safe is evidence that the
burglars attempted to unlock it, but
were not successful.
piandeis Stores 1
$1.50 and
$2. Yard,
We allow you $12.00 on your old
machine to apply as first payment
on this new and beautiful
1917 Model "FREE"
Flease bear in mind
that you may pur
chase "The Free" on
a first payment of $1
and pay for it at the
rate of $1.00 a week.
Third Floor.
The United States
is Yours if you are in
good health. The United
States spells Opportunity.
Health comes from right
selection of food and right
habits. Two Shredded'
Wheat Biscuits for break
fast will supply more nutri
ment than many a two-dollar
meal, and costs only four
or five cents. A meal to
work on, to play on. Shred
ded Wheat is ready-cooked,
and ready-toeat.
I Made at Niaeara FaHa, N. T.
What Mothers Say
Haws nmmA Uslk..'(
should merit expaxtant moth
.en' cooalderatlon at thtg Una.
Jn oll,rr fr th. abMnraof
a. JZi Pns occasional
r men aa rent."
"IUIm -- . TT, .
, n.,rrnai msraj V
prmarina a mum for sock
cJi.r,." if. "
Vour rtniinrlst Mlb, It Writs
on iiZtorlS"' "
The BmrllWrl Er,lrnr f.
1 Ijimsr Bldi. tllanta. Oa.
Mail and
Orders Promptly
Unusually Fine
Hair Switches
Nice,' Fluffy Switches,
made of first quality con
vent hair; 24 inches long.
Weight 2'i ounces. To
24-Inch Switches, made
of nice, wavy hair. Weight
2 ounces. They have sold
here regularly for $12.00,
special, Wed- (in rf
nesday, at .. MU.UU
Manicuring, Massaging,
Shampooing, Hairdressing
and Children's Hair Bob
bing work done by ex
perts. Appointments made
by 'phone.
Second Floor.
Wednesday Is
Caramel Day
- That means that on Wed
nesday you can come here
and buy delicious full
cream Caramels, some plain
and some with nuts, at a
price that is considerably
less than that which we ask
on other days. Wednesday
they will be ' ' )
25c a Pound
Main Floor, Pompaian Room