Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Great Irish Tenor Admits He
Eats Food and Recalls
Olden Times.
Midsummer There, Ten Below
Here Cold is Only Com
parative After All.
John McCormack rose from his
i hair, closing the popular novel which
he was reading and shook hands with
i lie reporter. Thir was in his rooms
at the Fontenelle Monday morning.
The great Irish tenor wore a greyish
brown tweed suit and heavy bronn
walking shoes.
lie sat down again and immediately
lattled off a long rigmarole in which
he acted as interviewer and inter-
"Sit down. sir. If ye can't sit down,
Mam', up. Do 1 think the weather's
cold? Yes. Will we have a big houje
luinorrow night? bo 1 am told. Y'es.
Hiyger house than las' time 1 was
here? Good lord, 1 shou. '. hope so.
Do I eat food? Yes. And I don't
-ccin (o he able to get any thinner.
I guess that about covers the ground,
ilot-sn't it?"
He grinned at the reporter from
1 lie depths of the chair it. which he
w a half reclining.
His manager, C I.. Wagner, re
marked on the improvement in
Omaha hotel accommodations since
juhn McCormack was here last.
Scant Audience.
"Oh. lord, I don't remember the
hotel." said John. "All I remember
is the Hr ndeis .heater and the 11
m-nnle ill the audience. Omaha was
tin- wnr-r-sl. exeeiil one. That was
Scarborough, linglaml. I sang there.
that was tin years ago. 1 here were
fifteen people in the amli.'.icc and 1
.-ang t'irtten songs, one for each of
llirni "
"That a before the orhl had
heard of lolm McCormack." said the
t ennrter
"Alt. an it might be betther for
them if thev hadn't heard of him,
Miid John with a smile.
Mr. McCormack bought Eugene
Fi.-ld's manuseririt .' "Little Boy
I Hue" at the Allies' bazar in Chicago
last week for $'.40O This was men
tioned. ,
"An' 1 have a little boy bine of my
own at home." he said, referring to
his son.
A Human Being."
McCormack is like :io other gr
singer. You sit dr-v.i . tr' talk to
him and lie "jollies" you along and
acts just like a "human jeing." He
mentioned receiving an invitation to
attend a .nzc light i . St. ram.
"I'll no if we -ct time," he s;
"Might sec a good scrap. I'm going
over here In this theater across the
street this afternoon. I see they have
mi- old fri'nd. Douglas Fairbanks
there. That's the boy hat knoc!.".
on down. Ye always sec a good
scran in his pictures.
And so ohn rattled on. After ten
minutes' conversation with him the
reporter wouldn't think of calling htm
Mr. McCormack. He's just John. It
is said his audience feel the same way
after he has sung thrc or (our
He walked with the reporter to the
door and told a couple of funny
stories, and tun sang a trill and
danced around the room to the tune
'4 a snug someone had sent him with
the request thai hewing i'.
"It's a divvil of a good- chune." he
-aid, "but the wor-ruds are a crime."
Big Seat Sale.
So great has been the demand for
SI seats for the McCormack recital,
the fourth number of the retailers'
concert course, that the local man
agement has decided to place a lim
ited number of general admissions on
-,ale Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock at
$1 each. These admissions are for
reserved seats at the rear of the regu
lar sections.
The curtain will rise promptly at
S:15 and those not seated will have to
wait until the end of the first number
By A. R. GROH.
It's cold, i Y'es.
Still, it isn't as cold as it might be.
We'll all agree on that proposition.
Cold is merely relative. The polar
bear loves to swim around among
the ice floes in the northern sea. He
is oppressed with the heat on hot
days when the temperature is high,
say about 20 below zero.
That cajls to mind the story of the
clerk in a drug store. She was show
ing a man some thermometers.
"Haven't you any better thermome
ters than these?" he asked. "These
are the best made," she said. "These
arc genuine Fahrenheits. See the
name on them. The Fahrncheit peo
ple don't put out any cheap thermom
Harvest in Australia.
It is midsummer now in Australia.
January and February are to them
what July and August are to us. That
is because Australia is in the south
ern half of this spinning globe of
ours. They're harvesting wheat down
there now. In the interior of Aus
tralia January temperatures some
times soar as high as 140 degrees
Fahrenheit in the shade. Vc could
use some of that surplus right now,
eh, what?
The coldest cold recorded in
Omaha was i2 degrees telow zero.
That isn't very cold comparatively.
The l.skimo would call that a fine,
warm, pleasant, springlike day.
lie would call out his F.skiwiie and
the F.skichildrcn and the Eskidog and
they would go off. perhaps for a pic
nic. They would sit on the edge of
the ice and the Fskichildren would
take off their bokamoks and dangle
their feet in the nice, warm water.
Then the Eskimo would go out, per
haps, in his kiak and spear a nice fat
fish, which he would bring back, and
then he ami the Eskiwife and the
Eskichildrcn and the Eskidog would
have a nice lunch of blubber and raw
fish. You see, cold is all relative.
Coldest Spots.
Miles City. Mont., and Williston.
X. D., hold the join t record for cold
in the United States with 49 degrees
below zero. Bismarck, N. U., has had
44 below, Havre, Mont., and Moor
head, Minu., boast a minimum record
of 48 below.
Des Moines has had 30 below, Kan
sas City 22 below, Chicago 2.1 below.
New York City 6 below and Boston
13 below.
Down in Key West, clear at the
south end of Florida, they once had
a very cold day. Oh. very cold, in
deed! The temperature dropped to
41 degrees above zero. "Above,"
y'understand! Br-r-rl
In Los Angeles the lowest temper
ature ever recorded was 28 above.
You might think that Arizona and
New Mexico are never cold. But
they had 2 below at Roswcll, N. M..
once and 13 below at Sante Fe. And
FTagstaff, Ariz., has recorded a mini
mum of 22 below zero.
Spuds Slapped from
England to Chicago
Chicago, Jan. 22. High prices
paid for potatoes on the Chicago
market have attracted big ship
ments from England to compete
with the American grown product,
according to a statement made
public today by Sol Westerfeld,
former president of the National
Retail Grocers' association.
"It seems impossible that war
stricken England can send pota
toes to Chicago to compete with
the product grown in Illinois, Wis
consin and other western states,
but I have seen the bills of lading,"
Mr. Westerfeld said.
Potatoes on the Chicago market
are selling today at 52.25 a bushel.
Omaha Girl Dances Her Way
Into Famous Troupe
Will Tour World.
Burlington Hustles to
Build Bridge Over Platte
The Burlington has begun to lav
the steel girders for the bridge over
the riatte river on the Chalco-Yutan
, . - . ! cut-off. with the expectation ol having
If StUte Refu8es to Co-Operate the strucUir. completed for traffic
Financially with National
uiilnn loin wrcks, pn.wilini: I'm' j
Mtuiln'i ! i t .ii'iialily l.m . i
On I ho Burling. on., (.'lulco uum :
i-ut-'fT t!ir raiN are laid aloiiu ttir
entire grailc ami up to ihr ..ppruaclic:.
, t tlir brulKO on citlier siilc. As
soon a llic bri'lRt' tini-licrl regular
i fmnlil ami pas-enpr mtvut between
i Oirulia and
.in tru rated.
Sioux City will be
Dr. KIdb'k Nfr Life IMUi.
Krgulfir lnw,l movtmnnt Ib sumo t la 1 to
your hralH.
PI tin Hint h)tv
Take Dr. Klnf'a New Llf
: h dally movement !&c. Alt
clruRKtMfl. All vcr list niPtit.
Government They Will.
Chief Dunn Issues New
Ukase to Auto Drivers
Lliici ol Police Dunn has directed
lii- tralt'ic rquad to leipnie that auto
mobiles parked at nirbiims tdiall be
placed at mm h an ingle that the rear
.it cars shall not extend tnorc than
feet from (he curb line.
I lie chief says he intends to abate
ihe evil of automobiles extending into
At a conference on this subject City
Commissioner Jardine said: "The
tunc is comniK when we will not per
mit parking ol automobiles on any
portions of the downtown streets,
tuber cities are adopting that idea.
Sonic Ituiit th.- parking t;mc to ten
minutes and require that a driver be
In each car while so parked."
Omaha's parking ordinance permits
leaving an autonu bile thirty minutes
,it the curb, or for an indefinite period
(he parking spaces provided in the
center of designated streets.
Many Attend Funeral
Of Father of R. C. Howe
James Howe, father of R. C. Howe,
manager of the Armour Packing com
pany's plant in South Omaha, was
buried from the home of his sister.
1705 South Twenty-eighth street,
with services in Brewer's chapel. The
bearers were A. S. Midlan, William
McGuigan. H. H. Norton. Charles
Tanner, E. C Kohansky and X. R.
Denny. Rev. T. J. Mackay, pastor of
All Saints' church, officiated. Inter
ment was in Forest Lawn cemetery.
Many attended the funeral and services.
Helen Kroner has signed a three
year contract to make a lour "f the
world with Pavlu.,a. M r. I"sn'
Kroner, mother of Omaha' .au;litcr
of Terpsichore, received a n-lcBrani
Iron. -New York, telling ut the Rom!
fortune of her daughter and asking
her to make the trip. Miss Kroner
n. rapid strides in her profession
since she was selected a few years
ago to -go to New York with Marry
Walker of this city, as guest.; of Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Castle, following a
contest held at the Auditorium.
Pavlowa's Promise.
This rising young dancei lias been
with the Metropolitan Opera com
pany in New York City. Recently
she rehearsed three days with Pav
lowa before the three-year contract
was negotiated. While in Omaha a
few years ago Pavlowa saw Miss
Kroner dance and ; . that time told
the Otni.ha girl to in touch with
her and that at sonic future time in
New York she would note her devel
opment. Miss Kroner will begin her world
tour at Havana in February.
It has been a comparatively short
time since Miss Kroner was going
through her steps at Chambers' danc
ing academy.
"Friend" Leads Jensen
Into a Strongarm Trap
K. V, Jensen of Tekaniah. Neb.,
has reported to the police that lie was
strong-armed by t n men at Thir
teenth and Douglas streets and rob
bed of S. He said he. made friends
with a stranger at Sixteenth and Cani
tol avenue and started to take him to
his room for the night. When tllev
reached I bn-tccnth and Douglas
streets a second man knocked him to
the ground and the two went through
his pockets.
Corset Wearing Brakeman
Sues for Big Damages
Declaring that he is compelled to
wear a steel corset constantly, .Ar
leigb l.eeper, formerly a brakeman
for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway, has filed suit in district
court asking $35,000 damages for in
juries alleged to have been suffered
in an accident at t'latte, D. l.eeper
asserts that he is unable to make a
living as a result of his injuries.
Induces Sleep.
Tako Or. Brit's rine-Tar-Honey for that
harking night rough; tt stops the cough
and you slr-p. 2&r. All druggist. Adv.
If Nebraska, as a state, docs not !
appropriate a road-building fund in '
order to make the federal good roads
fund available in this state business
men and farmers in Douglas county
arc anxious to provide a means
whereby the county may vote bonds
and lake advantage of this federal
money for development within the
Conferences have recently been held
bv the men interested in good roads
in Omaha and the county, including
delegates from the Douglas County
tiood Roads association, which is
made up of farmers. The conference
Saturday at the Commercial club
lasted most of the afternoon and the
best kind of sentiment for co-operation
between the city and country
districts was expressed, ticorge H.
McAidle. II. K. Avery. O. .1. Ptckard.
Hans I'ahl. II. C. (ilissuian and others
were among the delegates from Ihe
fanning districts of the county.
Claike ti. Powell presided. Ran
dall K. I'.iiumi. president of the Com
mercial club: Kd (leorgc of the good
roads committee and other represent
atives from the auto club, the good
mads committee, the Commercial
club and the Douglas County flood
Roads association were present.
Draw Special Bill.
Percy Wells, president of th
Cicorge Washington Highway associ
ation, and John Paul lireeti, attorney,
are delegated to draw the necessary
bill In be introduced in the lc?isla
lure. seeking to establish a kind of
"county option" in the matter of mak
ing the federal money available for
road building in a county.
The federal law appropriates $8.
500,000 to road building in this fifth
road district, which includes Ne
braska. Missouri and other states. The
money is not available unless the stale
in which federaj money is to be spent
will spend dollar lor dollar in t lie t
improvement work. It is also pro- I
vided by that federal law that in or
der to avail itself of this federal aid
a state must establish a state high
way commission, under whose super
vision, jointly with the federal com
mission, the roads ill any slate shall
be constructed.
An Obstacle.
Thus if the state does not appropri
ate in Nebraska for this work, a law
making it possible for Douglas county
alone to come in for federal aid would
have to embody a provision for a
state highway commission.
If. for any reason, this bill should
fail in the legislature it is hoped that
another bill can be passed permitting
Douglas county to vote bonds for the
development of its own roads, as
sessing back to the abutting and bene
fited property a portion of the cost
not exceeding 10 per cent of the to
tal. , ,.
Both the Omaha and the country
representatives of the movement arc
well pleased with both plans as they
are now contemplated.
Hair Tinting
Not hint mo mlis a woman of hrr good
looka and attrartlvrnpsn aa pmy, utrRJikrd
Health of body and health of
mind. How can you have
either if you are handicapped
by constipation, by the failure
of the body's waste-disposing
This mechanism is delicate and
easily thrown out of gear. Wor
ry, hurry, improper food and
insufficient exercise cause cor
stipation. Pill-taking only
makes a bad matter worse,
because laxative and cathartic
remedies, by weakening the
natural processes of evacua
tion, tend to make constipation
Nujol is entirely free from
these objections. It acts in
effect as an internal lubricant
preventing the contents of the
intestines from becoming hai'd,
and in this way facilitating
normal movements.
Nujol is bottled at the refinery and b
sold only tn pint bottles bearing the name
Nuiol end the Imprint of the Standard
Oil Company tNsw Jersey). Rstuae sub
stitutes bs sure t'ou get the genuine.
Write today, for booklet. "The Retional
Tri-atmoiU for Constipation."
(New Jny)
B-yonne New Jeney
UJti 1
or faded hair. And lh"m Is
Mrs. Gist to Talk to
The Scottish Rite Women
Mrs. T. C;. Gist of Falls City, for
merly president of the Nebraska Fed
eration of Woircn's Clubs, will talk
on different phases of club work Fri
day afternoon, following a reception i
the Scottish Rite Woman's club will
give al the cathedral in honor of wives
of members of the last Scottish Rite
class. !
Mrs. R. E. McKelvy will talk on 1
parliamentary usage. The program is
arranged by the new president, Mrs.
Cuthbert Vincent.
morr r pa ion
or nenac In tol
erating unattrac
tive hslr titan
thrre Is In wear
ing unbecoming
The one hair
ntaiii tlut BUuida
s ii p r r m f i
"Prownftfnnr." Jl.
Footpad Suspects Get
Sentences for Vagrancy
Ui three men arrested in conncc
I'vii with recent holdups, two have
been ' sentenced to sixty da s in jail
-hi chargr of vagrancy while the
third will be held for further investi
gation. The men. who gae the
p. lines ol William A. Klombcrg. Yitt
(Jlcck and C. II. Elumherg, were ar
1 1 Med at f05 North Eighteenth street
.Hid when their rooms were searched
two revolvers were found. William
nionihcrg and Olrrk were charged
wii!i agrancy and C. II. Blomberg
will be held until holdup victims
h;ie an opportunity to look him
Many Cases of
Rheumatism Now
Says We Must Keep Feet Dry, Avoid
Exposure and Eat
Less Meat.
Here is a Federal Job
Which is Going Begging
For the first time iji years a federal
iob in the is going begging.
It is that ot charwoman and pays the
munificent salary of $J5 per month,
t he woman applying fnr the position
does not have lo pas an educational
examination, the only qualifications
asked for by I ncle Sim i& that she
-hould ii"t be under JO or not over
vcars. I he applicant must be hardv
and capable f scrubbing floors two
and a halt Innir.i in the morning and
two and a half Inmrs in the aiternoou.
M women applied fnr application
blanks la it week, but inn mic shoucd
up for the job.
Slay oft the damp gTound, avoid ex
posure, keep feet dry, eat les meat,
drink lots of water and above all take
a spoonful of salts occasionally to
keep down uric acid. !
Rheumatism is caused by poison-i
ou? toxin, called uric acid, which is i
generated in the bowels and absorbed!
into the blood. It is the function of
the kidneys to filter this acid from
the blood and cast it out in the urine,
The pores of the skin are also a
means of freeing the blood of this
impurity. In damp and chilly, cold
weather the skin pores are closed,
thus forcing the kidneys to do double
work, they become weak and sluggish
and fail to eliminate this uric acid
which keeps accumulating and circu
lating through the system, eventually
settling in the joints and muscles,
causing stiffness, soreness and pain
called rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about four
ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon
ful in a glass of water and drink be
fore breakfast each morning for a
week. This is said to eliminate uric
acid by stimulating the kidneys to
normal action, thus ridding the blood
of these impurities.
Jad Salts ib inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia
ami is used with excellent results by
thousands of folks who are subject to
rheumatism. Merc you have a pleas
ant, effervescent lithia-water drink
which overcomes uric acid and i
beneficial to your kidneys as well.
ay to No I
mixing I u t J
omit or brush It 1
inio vour hair. It
annnt b d- '
tet-ted. will ml
rub or wash oft. '
urtfl InntBnllv.
und In Hbolii(r' '
' Rrorna ton-" wtll giv any fchado from '
llEbt colrtr-n brown to black.
Vour drucElst s"Up " Urownalonc" or will
Rft ll for (,u. A ."ample and a booklet will
tip rriftll'd you upon nrrtpt of 10 nnt. and
your orders will bn filled dlrert from our
iaborntnriff If jour pTf f-r. Mention phadp i
sizes and H no
I nuts l on "nrow natone" a.1 your hair-
Prepared by (hp Ronton Pharmaoal Co.,
829 V,, Pike St.. Covington. Ky
Sold and guaranteed to Omaha by Sher
man MrConnetl Drug Co. atores and
other leading dealers.
Musterole Gives Delicious Comfort
When those sharp pains go sbootinpr
through your head, when your skull '
seems as if it would split, just rub a
little Musterole on the temples and
neck. It draws out the inflammation, 1
soothes away the pain, usually giving
quick relief.
Musterole is a clean, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard.
Better than a mustard plaster and
does not blister.
Many doctors and nnrses frankly
recommend Musterole for sore throat,
bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,
neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheu
matism, lumbago, pains and aches of
the back or joints, sprains, sore mus
cles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet
colds of the chest (it often prevents
pneumonia). It is always dependable.
Here are two letter s - exactly alike
t?K?Jrj(?"-u"r if jjt 11 r-J.Tr"-- 111 IIJ
.yTJC csr J 3- I J8 .-ji.swwairrjsr Bill II J
The same typist wrote number
one 25 faster by using the
10 era. nt the kw trial, size box
Rnlv StM) 26c, Mr. 11. At Pminrt.
JOHN L BROWN 4 SON, Boeton. Mum.
YOU' use typewriters to save business
TIME. You employ stenographers
to save business TIME.
Your stenographers are probably typing
now at their natural speed limit.
To gain more business TIME this faster
typewriter has been invented.
TIME saved by the Self Starting Rem
ington is 15 to 25 on business letters
with envelopes. Its TIME and labor sav
ing is automatic inevitable.
You must see the Self Starting Reming
ton for yourself. Its TIME saving can be
demonstrated in a flash at our offices or in
your own. There is nothing else like the
Self Starting Remington on the market.
Call, write or 'phone for a five-minute
201-.'' S. Nineteenth St.
Omaba, Neb. Phone Douglas 1284