Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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19 A
Missing Army Airmen Rescued
200 Miles South of Border
In the Wilds of Sonora.
Photograph shows the French General Gouraud looking
through powerful field glasses on the Italian front in com
pany with King Victor.
Wellton, Aril., Jan. 20. Lieutenant
Colonel Harry G. Bishop and Lieu
tenant W. A. Robertson, missing
army aviators, exhausted from walk
ing (our days in the wilds of Sonora,
Mex., without food or water, were
found yesterday more than 200 miles
south of the border by a civilian
searching party from Wellton.
Robertson was brought here today
by the searchers. Bishop, too weak
to walk, was left in charge of four
searchers in the Rosario mountains,
where he was found last night at 10
Supply of Food Short.
Two sandwiches and two oranges
each was all the food the men had
tasted since they left the North Island
aviation base St San Diego, January
10 on their flight. Robertson told the
Water, which they took from the
radiator of the aeroplane after they
landed on the east coast of the Gulf
of California, was exhausted four
days ago, Robertson said.' They had
tasted none since, he told the
Robertson was found yesterday fol
lowing the automobile .tracks. He was
following the base of the Gila moun
tains, 200 miles south of the border.
He directed the searching party to
the Rosario mountains, thirty miles
farther south, where he said he left
Bishop the day before.
He had been traveling alone for
the last twenty-four hours, he said.
Bishop had become exhausted and
was unable to walk.
Leaving Robertson in charge of
two of the searchers, other members
of the party passed southward and
found Bishop lying on the ground in
a moantain pass. He was unable to
talk and barely able to recognize the
First Humans Seen.
Robertson said the members of the
searching party were the first humans
he bad seen since he landed. He was
nuable to give definite information as
to the district where they landed, but
thought it was 250 miles or more
south of the Arizona border.
After his arrival here Robertson at
tempted to talk over the long distance
telephone but he was too weak.
Members of the party who took
charge of Bishop are expected to ar
rive here tomorrow. The searchers
said neither of the men was delirious
when found.
The propeller of their airplane was
broken, Robertson said, when they
made a landing about 12:30 p. m.
Wednesday, January 10. Enough
gasoline for thirty minutes' flight re
mained in the tank, he said.
The aviators remained with the air
plane until 4:30 that afternoon and
then abandoned it, starting across the
desert toward the mountains and
heading north. They drained a gal
lon oil can which they carried and
filled with water from the radiator of
their airplane This they carried
with them. -
Robertson gave his story in detail
'tonight to a representative of the As
sociated Press as follows:
"We left San Diego at 8:30 a. m.,
January 10, intending to go across the
mountains east to Calexico. Insuf
ficient maps made it necessary to rely
largely on compas readings. For this
reason to keep north of the Mexican
border I sailed a course 25 degrees
north of east. I counted on this course
putting me into Imperial valley well
north of the border and then having
to sail south for about fifty miles.
. Had to Fly High.
"In order to cross the high moun
tains it was necessary to travel high,
averaging more than 7,000 feet From
this altitude it was impossible to de
tect a very strong north wind which
I encountered in the mountains.
"I then turned southeast. After
about thirty minutes on this course I
could see distinctly through a haze a
large body of water thought to be
the Salton sea. The only man of this
section I had showed Salton sea
much too far south so this confirmed
my belief that I was right As my gas
was running low my only course was
to keep going farther south in order
to strike Calexico. Bishop thought
this body of water to be the Salton
sea, so both of us were satisfied we
were following the correct course.
"Neither Colonel Bishop nor myself
could possibly figure on the -drift of
the machine. As it was hazy it was
impossible to see well enough to pick
out objects'clearly. The strong north
wind also made our rate of travel
much faster than was figured on.
When after about thirty minutes of
search for the Southern Pacific rail
way, which I knew to be near Salton
sea, I decided to land and investigate.
The landing was almost completed
when the aircraft struck soft ground
and the plane tipped up. This was at
12:30 p. m., and I still thought we
were on Salton sea and was only con
vinced of error after close examina
tion of surrounding country. We then
decided on walking back to the Im
perial valley.
"We put 'One gallon of water from
the radiator in an extra oil can and
with a light lunch started northwest.
That was at 4:30 p. m. January 10.
Water Gives Out.
"We kept a northwest course,
traveling by night and day. Out water
gave out Sunday, January 14. By that
time Colonel Bishop was so weak our
progress was slow. We agreed it
would be wise to separate when we
could travel no further and take the
only available course, I to continue
on and send back aid if possible.
"This I did at daybreak Wednesday
the 17th. I kept to the northwest and
at daybreak the 18th found a trail ot
one of the rescuing parties. Follow
ing this trail I caught the party about
9 a. m. Thursday. They immediately
set out to find Colonel Bishop, follow
ing my directions and back trail and
found him about 9 p. m. January 18.
He was too weak to move, but still
conscious. It was necessary to leave
him quiet for a few hours until he
could recover his strength. I was
brought out by automobile this after
noon, leaving Colonel Bishop in the
care of the rescue parties which had
consolidated "
Your Cold
Demands Attention at the)
Earliest Poatibl. Moment.
To safeguard yourself
from more serious trouble
you should "doctor" a
cold at the first symptoms
We have preparations
that will cure you.
f lata mml He i St.
See the latest Chick,
erinr Masterpiece
the new Grand for
the borne beautiful.
For four generations
the standard by
which all other
makes are judred.
THE association in your home of beautiful pictures, lit
erature, furnishings and music has everything to do
with the proper moulding of young minds.
The voice of the
is the voice of musical refinement the everlasting goal
of those responsible for the Chickering's creation and for
the maintenance of its wonderful quality.
Uprights $500 and up. Grands $750 and up
Convenient payment terms may be arranged it desired, and liberal
allowances will oe given on pianos in exchange.
Burgess-Nash Company
Everybody's Store
Only Farmers and Professional
Men Exempt From This Gov
ernment Assessment.
Washington, Jan. 20. A tentative
draft of the administration revenue
bill was completed today by a house
ways and means subcommittee. It
will be laid before democratic mem
bers of the full committee Monday
and a caucus of the house demqerats
may be called some time next week
to approve it as a party measure.
The hill rironoses to raise $23o,000.-
000 from a tax on excess profits o(
business and increased rates nn in
heritances, and $289,000,000 from a
bond issue.
May Increase Maximum.
A provision may be incorporated i
later to increase to $300,000,000 the!
maximum amount of certificates of in
debtedness which may be issued to :
tide over the treasury until the new i
taxes come in.
The treasury now has authority to :
issue not exceeding $200,000,000 of j
these certificates limited to a year j
and to 3 per cent interest. j
In levying the excess profits tax of ;
8 per cent upon all profits of corpor-1
ations and co-partnerships in excess 1
of o per cent of capitalization, the bill
(Ichncs capitalization as including
aclual money paid in. actual property
used or owned, and all surplus and
undivided profits. Concerns having an
nual prohts ot $.i,U(Al or less would he
exempt as would profits derived from
agriculture or fron) solely personal
services such as the income of pro
fessional men.
Taxed Heavily Enough.
The subcommittee framing the bill,
which comprised Representatives
Kitchin, Raincy and Hull, exempted
agriculture on the ground that the
farmer already is taxed heavily
enough, and that it is impossible to
tell how much a farmer has invested
in his business.
Why, Roach Hardly
Make Six Per Cent
New York, Jan. 20. Less than 6
per cent profit was netted by the
railroads of the United States in
1916, although it was a record year
for earnings, according to a state
ment made public here tonight by
the railway executives' advisory
committee. Increased cost of ma
terials, rolling stock and labor are
held responsible for this small
yield on the total value of rail
road property used by the public
during the year.
President Poincare Tells Amer
ican Writer France Will
Accept Nothing Less.
Mexico Complains
People Insulted in
American "Movies'
Douglas, Ariz., Jan. 1 Pursuant
to instructions sent liim by the sub
secrelary of foreign relatibn in
Mexico City. Ives C. Lelevier, Mexi
can consul here, has sent a formal re
quest to V. M. Adamsoii, mayor of
Douglas, that he do what he could to
prevent the exhibition of motion pic
tures here depicting Mexican people
in an unfavorable light.
His instructions from Mexico City
said: "This department frequently re
ceives reports to the effect that in
American moving picture exhibitions
there are oflcn exhibited films which
are derogatory and insulting to
Mexico. For this reason 1 recom
mend that you employ every means in
your power to get the local authorities
or proprietors of moving picture
houses to suspend such exhibitions."
It was understood here today simi
lar instructions had been sent all con
suls of Mexico in the United States.
Nebraska Traffic Men
Ask Lower Rates East
Denver, Colo., Jan. 20. The hear
ing on western freight rates before
Myron 1'attison. commissioner of the
Interstate Commerce committee, as
sumed a broader character today.
Representatives of traffic interests
in Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri
river points appeared to ask reduc
tions in Atlantic seaboard rates.
j Paris, Jan. 20. President Poincare
told an American cot respondent today
i thai France will insist on the restora
! tion of Alsace-Lorraine from Ger
many. He said France would not have
gone to war for the "lost provinces,"
. bin, being in a war begun by Ger
J many, it will demand the territorv
i lest forty-four years ago as well as
I that conquered by Germany in this
I The president said the allies would
, continue the war until they obtain
: reparation and guarantees. He av
! sorted France appreciated President
I Wilson's HTnrU fnr nrariv hut iuaisterl
I France and its allies cannot pause till
victory is obtained. He said Germany
i will be beaten.
I President Poincare expressed his !
I appreciation of the aid given French ,
I war sufferers by Americans and of the :
i sympathy that the great majority of j
Americans teel tor tne cause ot 1
France. He received many letters '
from Americans, he said, telling of
their hopes that France would win.
Two Escape From South
Dakota Penitentiary
Sioux Falls, S. D., Jan. 20. J. J.
Stclz and David Snyder, convicts in
the South Dakota penitentiary here,
and employed as cooks, tonight es
caped from the prison kitchen, mount
ed the outside stone walls by means
of -an old wagon and some boards,
dropped to the ground outside and
the country is being scoured for them
Stelz is serving a life term for
murder committed in 1908 and Sny
der was sentenced in 1914 to five
years i for robbery.
Try Hlnetn's 14nlment for Hhenmatlam
If you havo rheumatism, lumbago, let a
He bottle of Sloan's Unlmenr. It kills the
pain. All druggists. Advertisement
Germany,iWants to Keep
Belqiiim and North France
Amsterdam (Via London), Jan. to.
Dr. P. F. Legor, naval reporter of
the Reichstag, lays the General An-'
zeiger of Dusseldorf, in a speech at
Munich forced a storm of applause by
demanding that Germany should re
tain Belgium and the most important
part of northern France. ,
Montana Man Kills Nelf.
t'hlrairn, Jna. John F. Brazleton, for
mir wealthy mining man. and wifloly known
In Montana political rtrrlea, l)ed today In
Oak Park, a suburb, from a sHf-lnfltcted
bullot wound. HrasHton. who wan 63 yean
old. was formiMy mayor or Ileer Lodge,
Mont., and was a member ot that
stale's constitutional convention from Gran
It rounty.
Health Talks
(Br Dr. Burhorn)
Chiropractic for
Stomach Trouble
The nerve and blood lupplr to th
stomach perform an Important- part tn
the elaboration and secretion of the
gastric juice and a very important part
of the nervous system In the furnishing
of energy for the stomach movements
during distention.
The nerves leading; to the stomach
pass out from the spinal cord through
little openings In the spinal column; if
they are impinged by a nubluxated (dis
placed) vertebra. It interferes with the
transmission of nerve energy leading to
the atomic h and cause that organ to
become diseased.
Chiropractic spinal adjustments will
free the nerve from the pressure that la
causing the trouble, nature will restore
normal function to the organ and health
i the result.
If vou are suffering with some form
of stomach trouble make a thorough,
open 'minded investigation of the Chiro
practic principle and then be guided by
your better Judgment.'
Consultation is Fro.
Adjustments or $1.00.
(Palmar School Graduate)
Suits 414-.1S Roae Bldf.,
Corasr tsth and Farvam Su,
Telephone Desuj. 5347. Lady Attendant.
Why Goodyear Tires
Win Friends
Business, it is said, finally resolves itself into a matter
of dealing with friends.
From the first, the affairs of this Company have been
conducted on that principle.
We sought to obtain friendship by deserving it
By building into our product downright worth fertile
ground for confidence and respect, the very seeds of
We won friends to Goodyear won them in prodi
gious numbers.
But our purpose continued unchanged, for holding
friends is as important as winning them.
If you will look at a Goodyear tire, a Goodyear tube,
or any of the Goodyear accessories, and learn what
they mean in quality, in value, in service, you will
readily understand why the friends who came to us in
the early days are with us still.
If you will try a Goodyear tire on your car, you will
understand why these friends were joined by other
friends month after month, year upon year, until the
Goodyear clientele, became the largest single group
of tire-buyers in the world.
If you will consider the growth of this business, you
will realize the stupendous power of the gopd word
spoken man to man, of the enthusiastic comment, of
And you realize, too, why we spend upon our prod
uct so much of effort and of money to encourage the
good word, to foster such friendliness.
"a matter of dealingwith friends."
Tire-buying will become that to you after your first
Goodyear purchase.
Whether you buy a Goodyear Fabric tire, a Good
year Cord, a Heavy Tourist tube, or minor items.
Each harbors the source of your greater1 satisfaction
and our better relation Goodyear quality.
Goodyear Tires.Heavy Tourist Tubes and "Tire Saoer" Accessories
are easy to get from Goodyear Service Station Dealers everywhere.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio