Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A'
Number of Paid Admissions to
the Auditorium Tuesday to
Be Largest, Ever.
The unprecedented demand for
seats for the John McCormack con
cert Tuesday evening has established
a new record for paid admissions to
the Auditorium.
St great is the demand that the lo
cal management with Mr. Franke,
manager of the Auditorium, have been
compelled to make extra seating ar
rangements to accommodate those
who have determined to hear Mr. Mc
Cormack. In order to accomplish this the
boxes which have always been located
on the sides back under the balcony
have been moved forward to the stage,
thereby providing space for over 500
additional seats and in accomplishing
this the regular seating arrangement
has not been affected in the least,
other than that scats have been placed
in the space in front of the stage
usually occupied by the orchestra.
i Seats on Stage.
Arrangements have also been made
for a -limited number of scats on the
stage. There will not be a seat in the
entire building but from which one
can sec and hear. The side strips on
the stage have been moved back so
that this will be possible.
The previous scat sale record of the
Auditorium was for the Ellis Opera
company in "Carmen," which was the
first number of the retailers' course,
when over 5,200 'witnessed the per
formance. That record is already ex
ceeded, to say nothing about extra
seats made possible by moving the
boxes and with those on the stage,
which are now on sale at the Audi
torium box omce.
The program is as follows:
(m Aria; "O Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave
nier' ., Handel
J' v I V - l
Odd Fellows of City Observe
Birthday of Thomas Wildey,
Founder of Order.
evening a large audience
in Odd
Fellows' hall.
Fourteenth and Dodge streets, and
listened to Rev. J. J. I'oncher deliver
an address on the early life ni
Thomas Wildey. He said in part that
Thomas Wildey was born in London.
January 15, I7W. and he was a black
smith hy trade. He was initiated into
the Odd Fellows in London in 1817,
and came to America and in IS1Q at
llaltimorc. with several other Odd
Fellows from London, organized the
first Odd Fellows lodge in America.
The order lias grown and is one
of the greatest fraternal orders in ex
istence and lias members all over the
world, besides manv homes tor or
phans and aged Odd Fellows. When
lllr nnriri ;u-rnt nvpr
I and w hen the great tire de
part 'of San Francisco, the sovereign
I grand lodge of the. Independent Orde
I-:-!...- . i
,.t,n, , UodKc'Xo. 1, Patriarch Militant, were
hrroye't a f , , , . . ,
t lie installation, after which refresh
of Odd Fellows was the first to srml 'nx wcre s"d andll
'Tell Fair Irene"
Mr, McCormack
"Adagio1 Gervet to-Salmon
"Allegro Gervet to -Salmon
Mr, McBeath.
Ave Maria", y Schubert
'Faded Flowers" Schubert
"May Night" Brahms
"Spirit Presence" Schumann
Mr, McCormack.
(a) "Sarabando and Allegro" ...... I ... Leclalr
lb) "Panuion" Kiooci
Mr. McBeath. -Irish
Folk Songs s
(h) "Moorlaugh Mary"
Arr. by JBiUigan-Kox
(b) "in Dublin a Fair City '...Arr. by Page
Musi 1 Go Bound?". . .Arr. by HubIi
TaaLhecn Flonn". . .Arr. by Milllgan-Fox
Mr. McCormack.
'Adigletto" Bizet
"Zlgeuner Wetsen" Sarasate
Mr. McBeath.
'Nocturne" O. W. Chadwick
Your tiyes",u Edwin Schneider
(t) "Deep River" T. liurleffih
(d "Her Portrait" John Melvin
Mr. McCormack.
Packs Cleveland Armory.
The wonderful magnetism of John
McCormack is embodied in the fol
lowing telegram received by A. L.
Green, local manager of the Retailers'
Concert Course, from Mr. Nash, who
happened to be in Cleveland Friday
evening, when McCormack appeared
at Gray's armory:
"McCormack tilled Gray's armory
here last night. Second appearance
tms season. Auaience most enthusi
astic. L. C. NAST."
Indian Spent One
Penny, Gets a Jag
Worth a Fortune
financial aid to relieve the needy. The i
speaker spoke about the splendid :
work being done by the Daughters
of Rcbekah.
Kelso A. Morgan spoke briefly of (
the signification of sonic of the em
blems of the order.
Past Grand Master S. K. Cireeiileaf ,
made a few remarks, telling what the .
order has done for its members.
Others on the program were:
Mlaa Uartruda Tlmm-. violin nolo: Miss
Shorter, piano hoIo; Mra. ftrtllhart, vocal
aolo; Mra. Evana, rocltatlon.
Light refreshments were served and
those who wished to dance were per
mitted to do so. Special decorations
were made for the occasion.
Omaha Lodge No. 2 has appointed
a committee to arrange a special pro-
Dan Green, an aged Indian, has I gram to be given February 2, this
established a new police record for b.em5 . e '"ty-hrst anniversary of
..I.-,.-. a,. r-- .. .,.. ...J lne toage. i ne second degree was
.''' , , ' I conferred in full form, and the noble
Friday and put behind the bars to , grand announced that work would be
sober up. He had 4 cents, whioh he i conferred in the third degree the next
was given when he was released Sat-! regular meeting,
urday morning at 7 o'clock. At 9 i Beacon Lodge No. 20, Tuesday
o'clock he was again picked up and ! t,,mn was surprised when Grand
had a jag that was worth a fortune. I Master. W. V. Hoagland of North
When searched he still had 3 cents. ,,,attc was announced as a visitor.
I The grand master was in the city bc-
Riiilrlinn flwnpn; Will i ,wccn ,rains and ,ook advantage of
Duiiuiny uwiieii win th(. octasion lo visit tIie )odKC
Fnstflr Faviirahlfl I auusi The funeral of D. V. Shipley was
our ui me largest in riorence lor
years, a great many oi me
. one
Legislative matters and other items i many
social hour. The members voted to
visit Dannebrog Lodge No. 251
South Side, Saturday evening.
Hesperian Lncainpinent No. 2
Thursday evening conferred the pat
riarchal degree on several candidates.
Kiith Kehekah Lodge No. I, at its
last meeting installed officers as fol
N. (1.. Krrrta W.inaanrt: V. O.. I.llllan
Hoyden; H.. Itoa' (loldnn: T. Clara YounK
W., Laura Holt: t:., Mary Raltner: R. M
N. O.. Bertha Mayera: I,. & N. O., Anna
Maar-k; K. 3. V. a.. Vera Smiley; L. 9. V.
O.. Minnie Byana: C. Eleanor Brailey: I. O
Mary Andernon; O. Q., James Short; M., W.
W. Royden.
The Brilliant Social club, com
oosed of members -of Ruth Lodge
will give a card party at the hall
Wednesday evening, January 25.
Knights of Pythias.
Nebraska Lodge No. 1 will hold its
regular weekly meeting on . Monday
evening at Crounse hall. - There will
be work in the rank of esquire. The
Knights of Khorassan, the torturers
from Shadukiam temple, Council
Bluffs, will be over in full regalia
All knights are urged to be present.
On January 29 Nebraska Lodge No.
1 will confer the rank of Knight. In
vitations have been sent to a number
of the nearby lodges and plans arc
being made for a big meeting on this
night. Keep the date in mind.
of direct interest to the members are
lo be taken up by the Building Own
ers and Managers' association this
year. The association is now holding
weekly meetings tto discuss these
things and to prepare for the enter
tainment of the National Association
of Building Owners and Managers, to
hold its convention in Omaha this
The following committees have
been appointed by President Byron
R. Hastings for the ensuing year:
Arbitration K. S. Jewell, Ueorgo T. Mor
ton. F. H. Myern.
Public Service William R. McFarland,
John W. Robbing. Rrnwer McCanue.
Purchasing John Crawford, A. M. Gebelt,
A. A. Remington.
.Membership Ernest Sweet. Vi. G. Spain,
Alfred Kennedy.
Insurance and Taxation A. A: Allwinc,
Charles Martin. W. H. Thomas.
Legislation C. I. Armstrong. A. M. Oe
helt, R, Nelson, A. 1). Mason, H. W.
brother Odd Fellows from the seV-!
eral lodges of Omaha were present.
Rev. A. J. McCIung, Benson, preached
the funeral service at the home. The
Rose Rebekah sextet, composed of the
following sisters. Mrs. A. R. Ander
son.. Mrs. J. Datson, Mrs. E. Nelson,
Mrs. C. Learning and Mrs. Dr. C. A.
Sorinson, sang. Jonathan Lodge No.
i 225 conducted . the funeral ceremony
at the cemetery.
Triangle Encampment No. 70, at
its last regular meeting installed the
following officers:
P. C. P.. J. rSnkrbolt: f. P.. N. Olsen;
S. W.. B. V. Engel; H. P.. .1. Trolle; .1. W,
W. ('. Arms: H, J. C. Haubroe; T., K.
Ksldldsen; 1st W.. H. Johnson; 2d W., K.
Sorensen; 3d W., O. Stonnor: 4th W.. ,1.
Johnson; I. R., A. Christiansen: O. .1., .1.
c. Nielsen: G. H. P. Henrlksen; 1st U. of
T.. A. Chrlstcnsen: 2d G. of T.. R. Lamen.
Members of Canton Ezra Millard
Malva White Shrine.
The Malva White Shrine, Order of
the White Shrine of Jerusalem, met
at Masonic temple Thursday evening,
with installation of the following of
ficers for the coming year:
Adclc J. Holtman, worthy high
priestess; W. B. Wyman, watchman
of the shepherds: Anna Nrfman, noble
prophetess; Luclla E. Shrum, worthy
scribe; Parthenia Douglas, worthy
treasurer; Jennie Kerr, worthy chap
lain ;Hattic Kellar,' worthy shepherd
ess; Grace Smith, worthy guide;
Reuna Barton, worthy herald; W. W.
Kerr, James E. Bednar and F. L.
Kellar, the three wise men; Lola Til
lotson, Helyn M. Barrows and Lulu
Rochcford. the three handmaidens;
Cuthbcrt Vincent, king; Marie Mar
tin, queen; Fanny Moore. organist:
-riismimiMm "ai mi "ktAj
The Secret of the Success of the
Hotel Fontenelle Barber Shop is
E give our customers the most excellent Sanitary Service
that experienced barbers can perform.
Every man in this shop holds his position because he is an artist in his line.
They are required to render such exceptional service that our patrons are
pleased customers.
We have nine chairs in a well arranged, modern and up-to-the-minute shop.
The shop is operated by the hotel company under the personal management
of Mr. E. K. Murray, a man of much experience, who will be pleased to
have you as one of his many pleased customers.
-- . - r '
, rLgHhv ; ' ii 7; j
7m H
- N
Eva Mickey, worthy guardian; W. S.
Wedge, worthy guard.
Mrs. Myrtle V. Miller, past worthy
high priestess, was presented a beau
tiful pin, emblematic of the order.
A number of out-of-town guests were
Woodmen of the World.
South Omaha Camp, No. 211, will
meet Tuesday evening in the new
Woodmen of the World hall, opposite
postoffice building,
Druid Camp No. 24 at its regular
meeting lasft Monday night elected W.
.1. Norman special deputy. On ac
count of numerous holiday entertain
ments, the regular meetings of the
camp have been dispensed with, huj
from now on active work wjll be par
ticipated. Alpha tamp No. I will meet Tues
day evening in Myrtle hall. The ath
letic feature recently Installed by the
camp as one of its entertaining fea
tures is proving a great success.
The tug-ot-war contest between a
team from Eraser Camp No. 49 and
Lithuanian Camp No. 444 last Satur
day evening, drew a large audience.
Lithuanian Camp No. 444 will meet
today noon at 530o South Thirty-second
street for business and initiation
session. Joe l-vick, special officer for
this camp, will furnish entertainment.
I'omatowski Camp No. 482. Monday
evening, held a joint meeting with the
members of Paderewski Camp No.
522 to enable members to get better
acquainted and outline a plan for
active work that the recent consolida
tion of these two camps maybe effective.
Woodmen Circle.
i A large delegation of members of
I Fraser (jrove No. 1 went to Blair last
Saturday evening to install the officers
oi Hlair Grove. Miss Dora Alexander,
supreme clerk, presided as installing
officer, assisted bv Katherine Rem-
I ington. grand guardian of Nebraska
! and guirdian of Welcome Grove,
j Omaha. The Dora Alexander guards
: accompanied the officers.
. Emma B. Manchester Grove No.
' 1 5ti will give its regular monthly dance
and card party in Crounse hall, lhurs
day evening. It will be a masquerade.
Homestead No. 1404 held a public in
stallation. yVjjilliam Koch, grand fore
man of thejpi-otherliood, was present.
After the installation he talked on in
surance and tailed attention to some
of the features of the Yeomen policy.
An unusually large crowd was present
to participate in the exercises and en
joy the refreshments.
Next Wednesday evening there will
be a dance for the Yeomen and their
friends. The prize card party will be
held January 31. v
Order of St. George.
Queen Mary Lodge No. 219, Order
of St. George, will hold a meeting
Wednesday night. New members will
be initiated.
Knights and Ladies of Security.
Omaha Council No. 415 will give
a prize mask ball Thursday evening in
the Swedish auditorium.
Council No. 2295 will give a card
party and dance Monday evening,
January 29 in the Swedish auditorium.
Harmony Council No. 1480 will give
a card party at Wolk's hall, Twenty
fourth and Charles streets, Wednes
day evening.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen.
Last Wednesday evening Omaha
Heavy Hoisting
12.iFarna.nSL TeLD.353
Raymond's January
Will round out the remaining days of the month-
full of Irresistible Value Giving.
From the Very fint Jay following
tht first of the month, abundant proof
of tilery ttattmtnt of FACTS wt
made at that time hat been conw'ncfnf
a throng of economical iuyen every
single business dau of January, up to
now. The nem "daily arriving" fur
nishings wt promised to show you haOe
been in ponderous evidence on every
floor of the store, and the TRICES
marked on every piece hate established,
m the judgment of all our host of
"January Sale" customers, the
GENUINE VJILUES they have se
cured bji baying now. W ith "high price"
complaints on every hand, excepting
here, you come face to face With pleas
ing surprises, in tht form of LOW
PIECES all along the line, as you
pass through long aisles on every floor,
of the best and newest in Furniture, de
sign and finish, for every room, fnook or
comet of your home. During the past
week several cars of living room, dining
room and bed room furniture that were
contracted for 6 and 8 months ago,
have been received and "PRICED
Without reckoning with the present
wholtsalt market situation- This
means OPTOR TUNITY, in tht
maximum to you. CJN YOU JF
pay you to anticipate your near future
needs and look these Values over nolo.
Prices tht are leu than our year 'round "l!Tery-Dy Low Prices"
will arousa the thinking, economical buyer to Investigation.
Our Low-CMh-Prlce-All-the-WTille method does not admit of the
published wide comparisons common to Special Sale Seasons. We are
content to rely on your good Judgment of our Low Net Prleea and have
the Value in our merchandise thereby determined, quality considered.
Find In the. Following Items the Article You
Need and Make Your Own Comparisons
The Spinet Desk, above illustrated, 38-Inch length, solid brown ma-
The Library Table shown Is mahogany, the top is 28x41 Inches, of finest
construction $21.75
Mahogany Library Tables especially featured this week of the sale, in
alsee suitable for any room. Prices range $10,75. 14.75'
$16.50. $18.75 $23.75
Library Tables in golden oak, of select quartered stock. In a variety
of patterns. At from $5.95 to $21.75
Ladies' and Household Desks, in golden oak, mahogany and walnut
ces $11.75. $14.95. $16.25 d $17.00
The Unsurpassed Assortment in Big Easy Chairs,
covered in latest fabrics and genuine leathers, is a chief
attraction right now, covering more than one entire floor.
A Big Wing Chair, tapestry cover .$16.75
Whig Chairs, covered in attractive and durable tapestries
and velours .$18.25, $19.75, $22.50
In Spanish leather these same patterns range $19.75, $21.75,
$22.50 and, .........$24.75
The Chair illustrated is a splendid example
of "Queen Anneil design. Comfortable, dur
able and decorative. It is up- A ni A A
bolstered in a-blue figured ve- j I (III
lour. January Sale Price . . . . .Y v w v
Bedroom Furniture
In Immense Ensembles,
We grasped an unusual oppor
tunity some months ago in the
purchase of several cars of Dress
ers, Chiffoniers and ' Bedroom
suites that scored
for us a saving of
some thousands
of dollars over
present market
(A lini-
Suites .and
Odd Pieces
Just arranged
on the floor,
fresh from the
We hand on to vou this Good Luck in the following Low Prices.
itfid list only can here be made.)
A 3-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite, Colonial Design 40-Inch
Dresser, 26x.i4 mirror; .i2-liich Chiffonier, o drawers, mir
rored; :6-Ineh Rase Dressing Table, triple mirror
A 4 Piece Walnut Suite, Adam Style Dresser, Chiffonier,
Triple Mirrored Dressing Table and
Full Size Ked
Adam Design 4-Piece Suite-Suitable for large bed chamber. Very wide Dresser,
mirror full width; Chiffonier in proportion; Dressing
Table, very ample, large triple mirrors; Bed, 4x6 feet.
Sale Price
Golden Oak Chiffonier $7.76, $8.50
Fumed Oak Dreaser $12.95
Kumed Oak Dressing Table, three mirrors $12.75
Fumed Oak Chiffonier $11.75
Gentlemen 'a Valets or Chifforobes, mirrored door, enclosed drawer case. $29.75
A Large Golden Oak Low Base Dresser. 18x40 mirror $13.75
Thirty patterns of newest styled wood beds at most attractive prices. '' 1 " ' ' .
While iu thetore visit the Bedroom Furniture Section whether or not your present -needs
include anything in this department.
rery wide Dresser,
e patterns 113 Wil
ton ( patterns xl No
Pam Wilton Vt'-
vti tt4.;s
5 pattemi 1x13 Ai
miDRten . . .$1B.7S
1$ pattern 9x12 V,x
tra Axm.niteraSZX.O
r ffJlVHT.Wl j!IJ.l.,.i..t,.H 91A
v nVk -t t mt 'uauT.-v-irM- m sw m
"Laft-ovara" from
Jut wtak'a apaclai
Mag. "Roll ntfa"
ufflcUnt tw tfco
mall room ,