Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Sunday, January 21, 1917-
At BurresB-Naah only can you
buy too Chickcring piano
.Telephone for playing lime
on the Indoor Golf Course
- Phone Douglas 37
Burgess-Nash Announce for Tomorrow, Monday
$3.50 Silk Bags, at $1.95
PI FARINPf Silk and velvet bas with
vLiEiiJU.lU. draw string, limited num
ber for selection; were $3.50, t QC
in the clearin sale. Monday, I ?Y
Silk er velvet bag, with drawitringt, were $5.95, at $3.45
Grained ivory covered glatt medicine bottlet, 69c kind, at 39c
ArU nd craftl jewelry, aiiorted lot, were 50c, Monday, at 10c
All jade-colored ivory in the January clearing at one-half price
Children! tolid-gold pendente, on ribboni, clearing tale, at 44c
Fancy back combt, were $3.50 and upward, at one-half price
Sterling tilver bud Taaei, were $1.75. clearing tale price, $1.00
Sterling lilver depoiit piccel, were 50c, clearing ale price, 29c
French gray-finithed relith dilhct, etc., clearing tale price, 79c
BurgMt-Ntah Co. Main Floor
When Every Section of This Big Service Store
Will Offer Values of the Most Unusual Sort
IT'S clearing time with us a time when we put our houe in order preparatory to inventory when we
clear our shelves and tables of all odd lots, broken or discontinued lines of winter4merchandise, while
the season is still at its height, giving patrons the benefit of sharply reduced prices at a time when the goods
are still seasonable and you have several months in which to get the good out of them.
Every section of this store catering to cold
such goods for leave-taking in this clearing sale
aaa tv iiivii w w siiviui ,
1 weather needs has entered jfL
that begin. Monday. Come. VQJco-MaCQ
$2.50 Costume Velvet, at $1.75
PI FARINPJ 36-inch costume velvet, in
V&AIV.nU. all pretty street shades,
suSh as plum, green, brown, t 7C
navy, black, etc., for suits and ' I J
dresses, at J. 83
40-inch all pure tilk crepe de chine, $1.75 kind, at, yard, $1.33
36-inch black tatin duchett, .latin lutter finith, at, yard, $1.29
40-inch black chiffon taffeta, toft finl.h. wat $2.25, at $1.63
Black chiffon taffeta, rich, high lutter, $1.49 quality, yd.', $1.10
Black tilk faille for tuitt and coatt, $2.50 quality, yard, $1.93
36-inch tilk poplint, pretty thadet, clearing tale price, yard, 49c
Fancy tilk, 24 to 40 inchol wide, were to $1.25, at, yard, 63c
Real imported Englith corduroy, for tportt tuitt and tkirtt, 79c
v Burfeu.Naih Co. Main Floor
Sample1 Handkerchiefs, at 13c
Another sample assortment of
awiss and shamrock lawn, some very
fine linen, plain white with colored
edges and embroidered comers; were
25c, at....T
Men's linen handkerchief s, were 25c, clearing sale price, at 15c
Filet lace and insertion., were 25c, clearing tele. fISc and 18c
Real linen cluny insertion and edges, clearing tale price, 19c
Plat val. laces, odgos and insertions, clearing tale price, 10c
Swits and nainsook edges, headings, etc., clearing tale, at 7c
French and German Tal. lacet and beading, clearing tale, at 5c
Beading and lace combined, clearing tale price, at, yard, 5c
t - " Burgess-Nash Co.- Main Floor
Stamped Pieces
Group of samples, includ
ing towels, scarfs, pillow cas
es, centers, pillow tops, etc.
' Third Floor
Group of Dresses at $9.75
PF FARINPf Special group of dresses,
vLmwiXU. gujtable for all uses; va
riety of styles, in the clearing, tff 7C
Monday, at a fraction of regu- tU
lar price J
Dress Goods
For dresses, suits and
skirts, widths 42 to 54 inch
es, big range of weaves;
were to $1.75, clearing price,
at 98c.
Main Floor
Men's $13.65 Overcoats, $9.75
PI FARINP.f Men'8 overcoats, in a va- L
VLUtlUitU. ricty of gt ,eg and mater. TZL
ials; were $13.65; in the Janu
ary clearing sale, Monday, at,
Stamped Dresses
Broken line of infants',
also 1 to 2 years sizes; dross
es stamped for embroidery;
were $1.60 to $2.25.
Third Floor
Women's skirts that were $5.95, clearing tale price, $2.95
Women's skirts that were to $7.50, clearing tale price, at $3.95
Women's skirts that were $12.50, clearing tale price, at $4.95
Women's skirts that were to $25.00, clearing tale price, $5.95
Children's wath drettet that were $1.25 to $2.00, clearing, 69c
Children's wash drettet that were $2.50 to $3.50, clearing, $1
Children't wath drettet that were $3.95, clearing price, $1.98
Children's wath drettet that were to $7.95, clearing price, $3.98
Bur. etS'Nash Co. Second Floor
Dress Goods
Shepherd checks, for one
piece dresses, suits and
skirts, 36 inches wide, all
size checks; special, yd., 49c.
Main Floor
Men't tuitt that were $13.65, in the clearing tale, at $9.75
Men't tuitt and overcoat! that were to $20.00, Monday. ,$14.76
Men't tuitt and overcoat! that' were to $27.50, Monday. . $16.75
Men't tuitt and overcoati that were to $40.00, Monday . , $24.75
Boyt' tuitt and overcoati that were to $4.95, Monday. .$2.95
Boyt' tuitt and overcoati that were to $6.95, Monday . .
Boyt' tuitt and OTercoatt, that were to $9.95, Monday
Boyt' tuitt and overcoat! that wore to $15.00. Monday. .$6.95
Biirieia-Naih Co. Fourth Floor ,
$5.00 Dress Fornis, Mon., $2.93
dfl FARINPf Choice of f o u r-section
$2 13
with wire skirt or collapsible
dress fornis; were $5.00, Mon
day, in the clearing, at
Wood coat bangeri, each, 3c
Dreii thieldt, at, pair, 10c
8-yard boltt biat tape, at 5c
Drett belting, at, yard, 5c
Fancy hair pint, tpecial, 3c
Safety pint, 2 dozen, at Sc
Shoe Wipert, Monday, nt 10c
Child'l kindergar'n beadt, 10c
: r
Skirt markers, Monday, 12c
Crochet Silk
19c '
Silk crochet, 100 yards to
a spool, all colors, special, at
clearing sale price, 19c.
Third Floor
Women's $4 and $6 Shoes, $2.95
PI FARINP! Women's shoes, in patent,
IL.CAIY.11U. dull calf kid skin and
bronze; short lines of $4.00 tfQC
to $6.00 boots, in the clearing, - J
Monday, pair d
Trimming buttont, each, lc
Handkerchief boxet, each, 2c
Rick-Rack braid, bolt, 10c
Bone hair pint, box, at 5c
Cotton thread, 200 yd... 2&c
Clothet bruthet, Monday, 15
Polithing clotht, Monday, 10c
Burteii-Naih Co. Main Floor
Corsets, at
Corsets of all styles and
makes, broken lines and dis
continued numbers; were to
$10.00, sale price, $3.45.
Second Floor
Child's $1.25 to $3.50 Dresses, 98c
Women's party slippers, black or white tatin, were $4, at $3.25
Women's patent kid or dull kid party slippers, were $4.00, $3.25
Women's beaded vamp, tat, or kid party t Uppers, were $5, $3.85
Women's gold or silver cloth slippers, were $8.00, now, $5.15
Women's patent kid boots, button or lace, were $4.00, at $3.25
Women's dull kid boots, cloth tops, turn soles, were $5, at $3.85
Women's novelty boots, odd pairs, were to $12, Monday, $4.85
Women's felt house slippers that were $1.45, Monday pair, 95c
Children's felt house slippers that were $1.00, Monday, 85c
Burgcst-Nash Co. Second Floor.
Box Stationery
19c ,
Odd lot of stationery, in
cluding a number of initial,
were to 50c, Monday at 19c
the box.
Main Floor
Cake Palmolive Soap Free
P1FARINPJ With each bottIe ' '!-
VL.Willlu. mond cream aj. 25C a bot
tle, we will give one l"l J fl l
cake of Palmolive soap, H K M M
Monday 1 IVJLiJj
Tally Cards.
5c Doz.
Odd tally and place cards
in a variety of styles and de
signs; were to 60c a dozen,
at 5c dozen.
Main Floor
Ideal hair brushes, at 49c
Brittle hair bruthet, at 49c
Toilet toap, per cake, 4c
Grained Ivory combs, at 59c
Pond's vanishing cream, at 14c
Hot water bottles, at $1.29
Household ammonia, qt., 12c
Burtett-Nath Co.
Witch haaol, per pint, 29c
Liquid veneer. 50c six, at 34c
Mentholatum, 25c tiie, at 15c
Canthro-, 50c site, at 34c
Danderine, 50c tlse, at 34c
Sayman's soap, 10c tiie, at 7c
Cocoanut oil toap, at 4c
Sloan's liniment, 25c tiie, 15c
-Main Fleer
PI C ADIWr! Odd lot of mussed dresses
Ll-XiiiainU. for children 2 to 6 years,
tnatwere priced $i.zo xo
$3.50; clearing sale price. Mon
day, at
Children'! blanket bath robot, lizei 6 to 16, were $1.75, at $1.25
Children't blanket bath robot, lire. 6 to 16. were $4.50, at $2.98
Children't bath robea, for aget 2 to 6, were $1.25. at 98c
Children't bath robot, for aget 2 to 6, were $2.50, at $1.75
Children1! winter coatt, for aget 2 to 6, were $3.50, at $1.75
Children't winter coatt, for aget 2 to 6, were $5.00, at $2.50
Children't winter coatt, for aget 2 to 6, were $7.98, at $3.25
Corsets, at
Corsets in mahy different
makes and factory samples;
were to $5.00, in the clearing
sale, at $2.45.
Second Floor
25c Novelty White Goods, 15c
PI FARING Novelty white goods,
ILiCAIMmj. peciaHy desirable f
dresses; regular f fat
waists and
price, 25c; January clearing
sale price, yard
o r
Paper Nut Cups
V4 Price
An attractive collection of
nut cups, in the clearing
sale Monday, at exactly half
regular price.
Main Floor
Men's Lisle Hose, at 2c
PIFARINPI -Men's good quality lisle
vwrfiiuiiu. tnread u.hose,, double
neei, toe and soles, a special
feature in the clearing sale, at,
e,, uouoie
Children1! winter coatt, tfor aget 2 to 6. were $10.00, at $4.00
Children! winter coata, aget 2 to 6 yeara, were $12, at $5.98
Burffeit-Nuh Co. Second Floor
Brassieres, at
Brassieres, lace and em
broidery trimmed, front clos
ing style, splendid quality;
were 50c, clearing price, 35c
Second Floor
Bed spreads, of crochet, hemmed, were $2.25, now, at $1.78
Nainsook, Japanese make, 39-in,, regularly $3.50, 10 yds., $2.50
Turkish towels, large tiie, were 35c, clearing sale price, at 25c
Mercerised table damask, 64 inchet wide, wat 50c, at, yard, 39c
Mercerised napkins, 18il8-in., hemmed, were $1.50, doa., $1.19
Mercerised napkins, 2222-in., hemmed, were $2.25, do., $1.75
Bed spread and boltter covert, scalloped, were $7, now, tet, $5
Felt table padding, 54 inchet wide, was 50c, clearing, at 40c
Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor
Soiled Books
Vz Price
All soiled or "hurt" books,
including fiction and gift
books, left from holiday sea
son, at the regular price.
Fourth Floor
Odd lots Of men's union tuitt, Monday, clearing sale price, 98c
Men's tilk fiber half bote, clearing tale pice, pair, 25c '
An odd lot of man's pajamas, clearing sale price, at- 98e
Men's hemstitched white handkerchiefs, clearing tale price, 10c
Men't outing flannel gowns, full site, clearing sale price, 59c
Men's tbirtt, broken lines and odd lots, clearing tale price, 69c
VI en's mufflers, reefers, knitted, etc., clearing tale price, 39cS9c
Men't neckwear, large flowing-end style, clearing tale, 3 for $1
Men's fabric gloves, mostly tmall tiiet, clearing sale price, 39c
BursessNash Co. Main Floor
January Clearing Sale in the Down Stairs Store
$1.50 Cut Glass Water Sets, 98c
pi r ARIVfl Cut glass water sets, c
VU-iUYlllU. sisting of one jug and
glasses to match; vregularly
$1.50. special in the clearing
sale Monday at.
Daisy cut sugar and creamer sett, were 98c, Monday, at 59c
Daity cut handled baskets, were 59c, clearing tale price, 35c
Innovation combination cut glass, were to $1.98, Monday, $1.00
Odds and ends of dinnerware, cut glass, etc., Monday, price
Colonial footed sherbets, clearing tale price, Monday, each, 5c
Winsor Crepe
Ntat designs, in both dark
and light colorings; mill
lengths from 2 to 10 yards,
regularly 25c, sale price 17c.
Down Stalrt Store
$3 Wool Finish Blankets, $2.25
df I FARINHf Goo(J warm, wool finished
VLiLiAaVlllU. klnr.lfpta in nrprrv nlairU
or solid colors; blankets that to 9C
are splendid values at $3.00, t M
clearing price, the pair tmss
Cut glatt vaiet. grape detignt, clearing tale price, at 25c
Matt green jardinieret, large lize, were $1.35, clearing, at 89c
Colonial glatt table tumblert, clearing tale price, 3 for 10c
Burgett-Naib Co. Store.
Mercerized Poplin
Mill lengths of mercerized
poplin, in pretty light and
dark shades, including white,
2 to 10 yards in a piece, sale
price, yard, 21c.
Down Stairs Store
n't..!ia!ccrJf!anncl 12c quality, clearing tale price, 8c
Duckling fleece kimona flannel, 12 c kind, clearing tale, 8tyc
Pillow tubing, 42 or 36-inch, 18c quality, clearing sale, 12 He
Short lengths of cambric muslin, 12 c kind, Monday, at 8c
Sateen comforts, large, $3.50 tise, clearing tale price, $2.95
Baby blankett, single, 85c and 75c kind, clearing tale price, 49c
Wool-finish blankett, 66x80-inch, were $2.00, clearing, $1.49
Gray or tan cotton blankett, large size, clearing sale, pair, 98c
Burgess-Naah Co. Down Stairs Store,
Women's Shoes
Black kid button shoes.
Princess pattern, English
welt sole, leather Louis Cu
ban heels; were $5.00, for,
pair, $2.35.
Down Sulre Stor.
Women's Suits, Price
fl FA DINT? Every tailored suit in the
ILCMUUli. Down staij,, store is
i Price
marked for an ta
rn e d i a te clearing,
Monday, at
Women's Shoes
Fancy colored kid shoes,
all gray, all brown, gray with
buckskin top, etc.; were to
$7.00, for $4.95.
Down Stalrt Store
Wo me n't houte drettet, slightly mussed, were 75c, Monday, 25c
Child's drestet, slightly mutted, were to 59c, Monday, at 25c
Women coats, late winter styles, clearing sale price, $3.95
Women's wool tkirtt, blue, black, gray, were $4.00, at $2.53
Women's sateen petticoats, in the clearing, Monday, at 93c
Women's French serge dresses, in the clearing, Monday, $5.93
Children's winter coatt, were to $10.00, clearing price, $5.93
Children's r9 dresses, clearing, Monday, $2.49 and $3.95
Burgess-Nash Co. Down -Stairs Store.
59c Cedar Oil Outfit, 29c
PI FARIf.Pt Cedar oil mop outfit, con
ILbalUllU. gisting of one triangle oil
mop and one 8-ounce can of
cedar oil polish ; a 59c outfit,
Monday in the clearing sale for
Solid brass wall toap dish or sponge holders, were 75c, at 50c
Waste paper baskets, rattan wood bottom, clearing sale, at 39c
Solid bratt towel bart, nickel plated, clearing tale price, 79c
Potato ricers, were 35c, January clearing sale price, at 19c
Blue aiyl white 4-quart berlin kettles, were 59c, Monday, at 25c
World's Fair toothpicks, in clearing tale, Monday, the box, lc
Crepe tissue toilet paper, clearing sale price, Monday, 6 rolls 25c
Burgess-Nash Co. Down -Stairs Store.
Serpentine Crepe
Serpentine crepe, in mill
ends, popular designs for
dressing sacques and kimo
nas; light and dark colorings,
30 inches wide, Monday,
yard, 9.
Dm Stain Stor.
$45 "Standard" Machines, $40
PIFARINP.f "Standard" Machine with
Vi4iftllU. electric motor something
can be easily moved about all A i a
ready for attaching to any elec-
trie light socket; $45 value, a. . . U
Muslin We'ar
A group of muslin under
wear, including gowns, petti
coats, envelopes, chemise,
combinations, $1.98 to $2.95,
for 98e.
Down Stain Stor.
Plated Ware
Crown silver plated knives
and forks, set of 6 each;
were $1.95, clearing sale
price, $1.29.
Down Stain Store
18c( Percale Remnants, at 12c
PI FADIWP.I Percale, mill lensrths. IV,
VUajraallll VI.
to 10 yards in a piece, both
light and dark colorings, dots,
stripes, checks; 36 in. wide; 18c
quality, yard
Burr.i-N.ih Co. Store.
"Standard" tewing machine, wat $55.00. . clearing price, $47.50
"Standard" lowing machine, wal $47.50, clearing price, $37.75
"Standard" lowing machine, wal $44.00, clearing price, -$39.00
Howe cabinet machine, wai $32.50, clearing tale price, $27.50
Clarhe't tewing machine (97 ij ) wat $39.00, Monday, $29.75
Paragon lowing machine, wat $34.75, clearing price, $25.00
Clarlce'i tewing machine (94), waa $35.00, Monday, $24.75
Wir.ard tewing machine, wat $25.00, clearing price, $16.50
. Bur,eat-Naih Co. Down-Stain Store.
s-ta G
Men's Linen Collars, 3 Vac
PIFARINPJ 0ne bi& "P of men'8
lL.L.mUlU. inen couargi including
such well known brands
Arrow, run tiasy, etc., spe
cial in the clearing, at, each.
Muslin Wear
Including gowns, corset
covers, drawers, combina
tions, etc., were to $1.25,
clearing price, 59c.
Down Stain Stare
Men't gauntlet maclrinaw, leather faced, Monday, $1.25
Men't heavy flannel thirtt, good colon, clearing price, 95c
Men't work mittem, lined, in the clearing tale. . .39c, 49c, 59c
Men't 2-piece underwear, clearing tale price, garment, 45c--Men't
chambray and lineen thirtt, clearing tale price, at 45c
Men't neckband coat-ttyle thirtt, clearing price, Monday, 59c
Men't latin-bordered and plain handkerchief i, Monday, at 3 He
Men't genuine black latino thirtt, in the clearing tale 65c
Men'a bath robot, good pattern., clearing aale price, $2.98
Burfeii.Naeh Co. Down-Stalrt Ston.
Gingham Remnants, Yard, 8c
PI FARINP.T 0ne t0 of gingham rem-
tLLftivinvj. nant8( all style8) check9
and stripes, good patterns, 27 to 0 1
30 in., in lengths from Yi to 1 Va X
yards, were to 25c, at, yard O0
Burte...N.ih Co. Down-Stain Store.