THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 21, 1917. 3 A Nebraska CONTROL BOARD ASDH6F0R MORE Two H.indred Thousand Dol lars Additional Sought for State Institutions. SOME DEFICIENCIES RESUL (From a Staff Correspondent.) , Lincoln. Jan. 20. (Special.) 'The closest scrutiny of our expenditures will show there have been no extrava gances." declare Judge Kennedy and cx-Governor Silas Holcomb, members of the Board of Control. The board had raised criticism in certain quar ters in asking the legislature for $200,- UW more appropriations than two years ago for the maintenance of the fifteen state institutions. The board is also asking $46,000 for a deficiency appropriation, which it declares is more than met by other funds which will lapse into the treas ury. The legislature divides the ap propriation into funds, and each item must he taken from that particular fund. There is no lump sum to draw from. It is pointed out that the deficiency four years ago was $100,000 and two years ago $75,000. To offset the last deficiency $89,400 in other .funds re mained untouched. In spite of the increased cost of maintaining the 4.0C0 or so inmates, which increased in number 10 per cent in 1915 over 1913, on account of war conditions, the two appropria tions of those respective years were about the same, $2,087,000, according to the board's figures. One itc,m in the deficiency list is $625. salary for the first quarter of C. O. Martz of Seward, consulting engineer, employed to look after ef ficiency in managing the lighting and ' heating plants of the institutions and the wiring and plumbing and sewer age. He is under a contract to save twice his salary to the board in ef ficiency systems. The Board of Control, in all its in stitutions, uses 36,000 tons of coal an nually. It maintains electric plants at the penitentiary to supply the capitol, the prison, the orthopedic hospital, the governor's mansion, the hospital for the insane and the home for de pendent children, and has similar plants in Hastings, Omaha', Norfolk, Grand Island and Beatrice. NEW SECRETARY OF STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Dodge County Poor Farm Earns $1,000 in Year Fremont, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.) A profit of over $1,000 was made during the year on the county farm, the report of the committee on poor farm of the board of supervisors shows. The receipts from the sale of live stock and other produce to taled $4,507, against $3,489 for expen ditures. The board adopted the plan of invoicing the live stock and other property a year ago and at the end of tach twelve months an invoice is taken and the profits figured. Injured in Car Turnover. Geneva, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.) Yesterday afternoon while leaving Milligan a new car driven by Fred Barfo, with John Svech, turned over twice. Mr. Barto received some bruises, while Spech was not hurt. BUls Introduced House Rolls, H. R. 217, Olson of Harlan Amends Sec tion 8772, statutes of 1913, changing penalty from jail to penitentiary sentence from five to ten years, relating to procuring female for prostitution. H. R. 218, Burrows of dago To compel railroads to furnish .shippers freight cars with penalty In damages. $1 first day a car, $2 second day and Increasing amount 11 each day during failure to furn ish cam after notice from shipper. Emer gency. H. R. 219, Rlckard of -Webster-Relatlng to payment of claims against estate of de ceased persons, changing time of hearing from sixty to twenty days, first hearing to consider only funeral expenses and expenses of last sickness, and within sixty days notice to creditors of hearing,, claims draw ing 7 per cent from date of allowance, Hr R. 220, Hughes of Madison One year penalty in penitentiary for stealing, receiv ing or buying stolen automobiles, or who ronceals an automobile knowing It to have been stolen. Obituary Notes MRS. WILLIAM BALL, 46, mother of seven children, died at her home at Fremont following an illness of three months. Mrs. Ball was born in Mary land, but came to Nebraska soon after her marriage to Mr. Ball In 1889. She had since made her home here. JOHN GLKASON, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason, Washing ton, Neb., died Saturday at a local hospital as the result of an operation for appendicitis. The body will be sent by Stack & Falconer to Washington for burial. MARY ELIZABETH PENNOYER died at Central City at the home of her son, Willard Pennoyer, Friday, aged 74" years. She had been ill for two weeks and it was thought she was improving. ROBERT L. PHYTHIAN, U.S.N., I'ommodoVe (retired), died at his home at Annapolis, Md., Saturday, from the effects of a stroke of paraly sis. Ho was 81 years old. Commodore Phythian was a student at the naval academy at the same time when Ad miral Dewey was there. He was super intendent of the academy from 1890 to 1894 and retired in 1897 with the rank of commodore. WANTED A thoroughly capable stock and bond salesman, preferably with promotion experience, is wanted by large middle west corporation whose business is with the best class of baiiness and professional men. We must have a man who under stands western people and western ways and who can meet the most intelligent ele ment of the community on a plane of mental equality. To such a man we offer an ex ceptionally desirable connec tion, both from the viewpoint of remuneration aod character of work. The man we want will be able to earn from $3,000 to X6.000. or better, a year, depending upon his abil ity solely. Applicant must positively be over thirty and be prepared to furnish highest references. State age and giva your experience briefly in first letter. Address Box 1486 Bee Qiinrfau Maiioc Mrm; on vununj iiivvi,j iiuii uii Issue at Central City Central City, Jan. 20. (Special.) Sunday at. the movies is the para mount issue confronting the people of this municipality and many f pro nounced ideas have taken a definite stand in the tanks of the pros and cons. At the present time there is ito ordinance on the hooks prohibit ing the operation of the movie thea ters on Sunday. It is stated, how ever, that there is a state law of the "blue" variety under which these the aters may be prohibited from running. On thy other hand, it is asserted that drug stores and other places of busi ness fall within this classification and consequently an effort to close the theaters would mean the closing oi all other places of business 'in con flict with the-statutes. Although no definite step has been taken at this time, an effort may be made to pass an ordinance prohibiting the Sunday operation of the movie houses. It is not known just how the council stands on the proposition, although two members to date have made put lic their intention of voting against an ordinance of a restraining charac- Bloomfield Firemen's Ball Is Successful Affair Bloomfield, Neb., Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) The annual ball of the Bloom field volunteer fire department was given at the opera house Thursday night and was the biggest affair of the kind ever staged in northeast Ne braska. Nearly 500 tickets were sold and the hall itself was attended by a crowd that cclipsed""all previous af fairs in this or neighboring towns. Bloomfield has one of the best equip ped and most efficient fire companies in this section and that the people ap preciate it is evidenced by their liberal patronage of the annual dance. G. 0. P. LIKELY TO OPEN HEADQUARTERS State Chairman Beach Consid ers Suggestion of National Chairman Woods. BALANCE IN TREASURY (Krom a Staff Corropondnt.) Lincoln. Jan. 20. (Special.) Lo cation of permanent headquarters of the republican state committee is urged by Frank R. Woods, chairman of the national republican con gressional committee in a letter To Ed Beach, state chairman of the repub lican party of Nebraska. Mr. Beach desires to take the mat ter up with the state committee and other republicans of the state before taking definite action and desires that republicans interested in the matter write him giving their ideas on the matter. A fairly good balance was left from the last campaign, sufficient to take care of incidentals: such as stamps. stationary, etc., but if permanent headquarters arc mamtatnea it win necessitate raising a fund. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice. Neb.. Jan. 20. (Special.) The farmers of Island Grove town ship east of Blue Springs will hold a wolf hunt next Monday, January 22, the lines to start promptly at 10 o'clock. During the last few months the wolves have carried away chick ens and young pigs belonging to farmers in this section and they pro pose to exterminate the pest if possi ble. Only shotguns and .22-calibcr rifles will be allowed inMhe hunt. At the farm sale of Henry Venner, five miles north of Beatrice yester day, stock of all kinds brought fancy prices. A team of horses sold for $400. and a 3-vear-old colt brought as high as $199. Milch cows went for $75 and $100 each. The Beatrice High school basket ball team was defeated by the Have- lock five Friday night by the score of 39 to 16. Certificate No. 3287, a patent for 160 acres of land from the United States to John M. Young issued in 1871, was placed on record with the register of deeds yesterday. The 47-year-old instrument was signed by Ulysses S. Grant, then president of the United States, and was issued from the land office in this city. Perkins' Suit Against Fremont City Dismissed Fremontv Neb., Jan. 20. (Special.) A decision dismissing the suit brought by Marc G. Perkins, editor of a weekly newspaper, against the city of Fremont to prevent its pur chasing a new turbine and generator for the municipal light plant was handed down in district court by Judges Button of Fremont and Thomas of Columbus. The court held that the action was prematurely br&ught and ; ordered the suit dis missed, taxing the costs to the plaint iff. The city council had instructed the board of public works to inves tigate prices and proceed with the purchase of the machinery. Five Years at 1324 Farnam Street. sv5 TPFTM We Please You or Refund Your Money Dr. McKenney Says: "In this day of advanced Dentistry there is little excuse for decayed, broken-down teeth and diseased gums. We can put your teeth in perfect condition at little cost." Beit Silver Filling 22k Gold Crown. $4.00 $4.00 $5-58-510 CA I Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth. MEfJNEY DENTISTS Hour.: 8.30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday and Saturdays Till 8 P. M. Not Open Sunday. 14th and Farnam Sts. 1324 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas 2872. NOTICE Out-of-town patrons can set Plates. Crowns, Bridges and Fillings completed in 1 day. Free Examina tion. Lady Attendants. No Students. arc YS WJ AnAnsverFound. to the question of whatmedkane to keep in your home, ever ready to take, when one of the family succumbs to bad weather or any of the common ills. Because such ills manifest themselves in congestion, which is but another name for acute catarrh of the mucous membranes, through which we breatne and through which our food is absorbed, the. first step is to remedy this catarrhal condition. A medicine that will relieve contfhs. colds and tfrio: that will restore impaired digestion, correct irregular appetite and drive out all mat dogs tbe system, is tba one for you. ExperienceiSaus that Pprtmn dnea these thintfs. Dromotlv. surelv and tfently. It's safe for aa It has stood the test of yean, and it has won thousands to a devoted adherence and advocacy as their family remedy, above all others because it makes good. Profit by This Yourself The experience of others is the sorest guide. Every community has some one who has been greatly benefit ed by Perona. What it has done for them it will do for others. Yoa are in need of a reliable famfly medicine yourself why not nee the one that has done so much for thousands! TOD tUT OfTAM mOM IN TUUT F0U4M CMfflnaua. The Parana Company, Columbus, Ohio Pingocraft is the new art that women have been learning in this Art Embroidery De partment for the past two weeks. Come in and see it. Third Floor. - Ibrandeis Stores PATTERN DEPARTMENT OFFERS DESIGNER sail, lor 10c a copy en ntwtUndt 12 months Is ,..$1-20 NEW SPRING FASHION BOOK.,... JS . ONE COUPON .;! Total 10 Our Pric. for all Ssvlsf -.SI .01 Splendid Sale of High-Grade Silks, $1100 $2.00 to $3.00 Values . JlYd. Every year at this time, we offer unusual values from this Silk Store, and now, despite the unfavorable market conditions that prevail, this Sale offers values, that are more than re markable they are phenomenal. Thousands of yards of 40-inch Silks, values $2 to $3, at $1.00 a yard $2.25 40-Inch Taffeta, black and colors. $3.00 40-Inch Radium, Plain and Novelty. . . $3.uu 4U-lnch beautiful Chiffons. Gold and Silver Embroidered ...... t 1 00 Yd. , $2.00 to $3.00 40-Inch Remnants. Crepe Meteor, Satins, Charmeuse. $3.00 40-Inch Matlasse in good colors. i $2.50 40-Inch Soie De Raye; all colors. Mill Ends of $1.00 Shirting Silk, $7 (48-In.) All-Silk Chiffon Velour., $2.95 Mill ends of 32 and 36-inch Satin Stripe Shirting Silks, For Monday we offer 48-inch All-Silk Chiffon Velour, in a splendid range of color combinatibns. Worth $1.00, in navy and brown only. Very soft, drapy finish. A bar yard 39c gain at $7.00. Very special, at $2.95. Main Floor. ' V 4 V New Shoes for Women $4.95 and $6.00 Four Styles Now Ready THESE PRICES for Novelty Boots are extremely moderate. The nine-inch top is one of the accepted features of the Spring styles. The distinctive new notes ,come in the colorings and combinations. Cocoa Brown, Powder Gray, Sea Green top with black kid vamp ; Dull Copper a remarkably attractive quartet. Two Spat Pumps at $6.00. One dull mat kid and the other patent leather; point ed toes, high throat, snug vamp ; Louis heels and light turn soles little artistocrats. Two Attractive White Spats. TAILOR-MADE Broadcloth, at $2.98 and French Felt at $1.98. Main Floor. Beautiful Blouses, $5.98 to $15.00 Too Many Styles to Detail The general trend of Fashion W Blouses for the new season, clearly evidences the fact that the large, Square Sailor Collar has xome to stay and also that Georgette will hold first place in the lineup of materials. Frills and Fancy Buttons are almost entirely de pended upon to relieve the severity of one-color effects. The introduction of brilliant tones, such as Peach--Blush, Watermelon Pink, Kelley Green, etc., make the , showing this season one of the most fascinating we have ever seen. I 1 . The variety of styles at $8.98 to $15.00 is much more comprehensive than we have ever shown before thus early. , Second Floor. The New Sanford Hotel Awarded to the Brandeis Stores the contract to furnish all Linen Luxor Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Curtains, and Cretonne Drap"eries. This is another evidence of the SERVICE which- this great establishment is able to afford. Supplying the small est or the greatest need with the same facility. We will be glad to esti mate on the Draperies, Shades, Curtains and Rugs for your new home. Dainty White Goods Our showing is very comprehen sive, including all the most wanted materials for the coming season. We are offering a beautiful col lection of New Embroidered Flouncings. New line of White Novelties, in checks, pretty cluster stripes, em broidered effects suitable for dainty blouses and dresses. 38 inches wide. Sale price, yard, 59 White Poplin, highly mercerized, pure white. Launders perfectly. For nurses' uniforms, middies, skirts, suits, etc. 36 inches wide. Special, yard 35 Good quality Corded and Satin Stripe White Madras, 32 inches wide. Yard 20 $2,000 Worth of Laces and Embroideries To Be Sold at About 50c on the Dollar We made this purchase from S. Steinfeld & Co., of 23d Street, New York City, who are very well known importers of fine laces and embroideries.' ' A fortunate circumstance enabled Steinfeld to obtain these at a great concession, and we, in turn, purchased them at prices which enables us to quote the figures that follow. . . SIX LARGE BARGAIN SQUARES on the Main Floor, will be devoted to the selling of this merchandise. x ' It is an opportunity to economize not lightly to be passed by. Dainty Lace Flouncinsrs. 12 to 22 inches wide; fine silk and cotton Worth 59c designs I Yard 39c French Novelty Laces, beautiful designs, full widths Gold and Silver Lace Flouncings, to 27 inches wide , Novelty Colored Flouneings, em broidered with gold and silver on silk tulle and fine cotton nets. 18 to 24 inches wide Gold and Silver Laces, also Bronze and Steel Effects Heavy Bands and dges in gold and silver Gold and Silver Metaline Cloth, 36 inches wide , Silk Chantilly Flouncings, 18 to 24 inches wide Oriental Net Top Flouncings, white and cream, 36 inches wide. Gold and Silver Laces, suitable for hats All-Silk Chantilly Flouncings Fine Shadow Flouncings, up to 24 inches wide, white and black. . Worth $2.00 and $2.50 Yard $1.19 Worth $1.50 and $2.00 Yard 98c Worth $1.00 Yard 59c Gold and Silver Run Laces Net Top Flouncings, to 27 inches wide , . . . v ... Net Top Lace Edges, to 6 inches wide. - White, cream and ecru. . . Fine Shadow Lace Edges, white , and cream All-Linen Cluny Bands Worth lo 25c Yard 10c Fancy Wash Laces Dotted and Plain Footings, white and cream , Filet Vajs., Edges and Insertions to match French and German Vals., cream and white Piatt Vals., Bands and Edges. . . Ecru Cotton Cluny Laces, Bands and Edges Edged and Plain Beadings ...... Worth 10a Yard r 5C 10c Edge Footings and Val. Edges and Inser tions, special, Monday, yard 2(4t 50c 18-inch Net Top Lace Flouncings, with col ored embroidered edgings, the 'yard 10 The Embroideries A splendid assortment of Swiss and Nainsook Embroidered Flouncings, 18 inches wide. Extra fine quality and neatly embroidered patterns, suit able for corset covers and skirt flouncing OP and children's dresses. Worth 39c, yard, 27 and 36-Inch Beautifully Embroidered Skirt and Dress Flouncing, in Voiles, Swiss and Cam bric, with plain and lace edges. Regularly OQ Main worth 85c, yard 27 and 42-Inch Embroidered Flouncing, in Swiss, Voile and Nainsook, with plain hems, lace edges. Suitable for dresses, skirt flouncing CQ and baby dresses. Worth $1, sale price, yd. OJ7C White and Colored Embroidered Edges and In sertions, 3 and 6 inches wide. On the best quality Swiss, Organdy and Nainsook, with open and plain edges. Suitable for trimming children's J dresses and underwear. Worth 10c, yard. . . Floor. Fascinating Frocks, $25 We have sketched one of the most interesting models in our collection of dainty frocks for the new season. this dress is of Crepe Meteor and Georgette. The Skirt features the new hip drapery. The blouse -shows (half concealed), the use of metal laces. Smart novelty buttons and a metal belt fastened to braided material completes this style. This is a f?tJc"k that will appeal to the woman who wishes something that combines dressiness and ser vice, and is at the same time distinctive enough to be ultra-fashionable. ' All the new colors, such as GOLD, Copenhagen Blue, Navy, Gray and Black. Other charming frocks in the new Taffetas, Georg ettes, Crepe Meteor and Crepe de Chines, ranging in prices from $35.00 to $50.00. Second Floor, New Spring Sport Skirtings In the Dress Goods ftept. Our assortment was never more varied. Velours and fine French Serges are the most promi nent materials, in very pleas ing color combinations; large and small checks, blanket designs, rainbow stripes, wide and narrow, and : a plendid variety of mixtures. Stripes and plaids - take first place in the procession, and the influence of Scotch plaids is very noticeable. $2.50 and, $3.50 a Yard Main Floor.