Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1917, SOCIETY, Image 16

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    2 B
What '
i in.
is Going On rJO
in Society Circles
Denver Betrothal Announced.
From Denver comes the announee
fment of the engagement of Mrs. Inez
Richards, widow of the late Bartlelt
I Richardii, and sister of J. DeForest
Richards of this 'city, to Herbert
! Kennedy, prominent lawyer and club
,man of Denver. Mrs. Richards is
'living in Denver, where she has a
,hime. her mother living with her and
her daughter being in school there.
Her two sons are both east, one at
St. Paul's school and the other at
Williams' college. The wedding will
not take place before spring. Mrs.
Richards is well remembered in
Omaha as a beautiful young girl who
visited here quite often at the home
of Judge and Mrs. E. S. Dundy.
v i r w D -II
bunvncun iui mi a.
Mrs. S. S. Caldwell gave an infor
mal luncheon Friday at her home for
'Mrs. Robert Bell of Denver, when
l:j vr, n.ll Mr.
1 Joseph Barker. Mrs. Arthur Cooley,
Mrs. Charles Duffy of Burlington,
i Mrs. Willard Hosford. Mrs. Moshier
Colpetier, Mrs. A. V. Kinslcr and
i Miss Frances Wcssells.
i Wedding Guests Return.
Vir fhar1 Metr and her dailffh.
,'tcr. Miss Gertrude MeU, and Mrj.
Arthur Metz arrived home Thursday
from New York, where they spent
cetcral days, going there from Buf
falo after the Metz-Mack wedding.
, Mioi Kuhn, who accompanied them,
1 topid- over in Chicago with her
, fatiier, John A. Kuhn, and did not
airive home until Friday. Charle
j Mttz and C. F.. Metz reached honu
; hunanyV Philip Metz and his bride
I direct to the Pacific coast and
ill sail Thursday from Vancouver
; for japan and China.
Wedding Announcement!.
- Mr. and Mrs. R. .Simon nf Cminril
: filuffs announce the approaching mar-
' : -1 . i i i. . . , i
i ikc ui tncir uaugmcr, icona, to Mr.
Isador Kirschherg of . Chicago at
their home Tuesday' evening. The
1 honeymoon will include a trip to
Texas and California, from whence
they sail from ban hrancisco on the
' Matsonia March 21 for Honolulu. On
! their return from . the Hawaiian is
lands the young couple will reside in
El Paso. - ,v .
Out-of-town guests who have ar
rived for the wedding include Mr.
, and: Mrs. S. Hirschbcrg and daugh
ter, Mollie, Of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs;
Frank Kraaiie of Fullerton, Mr, and
Mrs. Ben Pill and Mr. Max Pill of
Sioux City, and Miss Belle Gra
bowsky of Bay City, Miclr
Mr. and Mrs. John N. O'Neill an
nounce the engagement of their
, daughter, Irene Helen, to Mr. Frank
A. Hebenstreit of Fall. City. Neb.
The wedding will take place Feb
he wedding
ajy 1.
sett Warmer
Warmer Climes.
Mrs. W. A. Redick goes to Chicago
this week to join Mrs. W. R. Sweatt
of Minneapolis, and from there they
go to Palm Beach,. probably by way
of Kfcw York. They will be at the
Ponciana at Palm Beach, where they
were last winter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford, with
their small son, and accompanied by
Miss Claire Helcne VVoodard, will
leave the end of the month for Los
Angeles, where they will visit at the
home of Mrs. Bradford' parents for
two or three weeks before going to
Co'onado Beach. .
War Benefit Play Rehearsal.
The first rehearsal for "Lady Win
demere'i Fan" will be held today at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Doorly. So far the cast of eleven or
twelve character called for in the
,. play will include Miss Anna Bourke,
Mrs. Doorly, Miss Joy Higgins, Mrs.
Rex ' Morehouse, Mrs. Miriam Patter
son Boyce, George Mclntyre, Sidney
Powell and Paul Cooley. Miss Lil
lian Fitch of Chicago has been en
gaged to come over to direct the play
' the last two weeks of the rehearsals.
The date set for giving the perform-
1 ance at the Brandeis is between
February 12 and 17.
Residence Change.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Wearne
have sold their' home in the Field
dub district and will be at the Black
stone after February 1.
Masquerade Parry.
The Friday Night Dancing club's
, first annual masquerade ball, held at
Druid hall Friday evening, brought
forth a number of original costumes.
Mrs. Ed Lawler as a small-town
bride took first prize for character
lady, and the Turkish harem beauty,
Mrs. E. C. Conley, for the most beau
tiful lady. .Gentlemen's prizes were
awarded to Mr. Ren Forbes, the
roughneck, and Mr. Harry Van Ars-
dale as. the old original down and
outer. Mrs. E. R. Brainerd appeared
as one of the sob sisters and had no
rack of male consolers. Mr, Willis
Crosby displayed his infantile charms
in the character ot Little Lord haunt.
leroy, even accompanied by . his
tnorougnorea canine companion. Mr,
E. H. Ella had charge of the decora
tions. Sixty-nine couples were pres
ent. ; The club's next party will be
. ueia rrioay evening, . , -
Card Party.
'.and No. i of the Independent
Circle of Sacred Heart Parish will
have a card party January 22 at the
hall on Locust street at 2:30, when
. ten prizes will be awarded.
Stork Special . ;... , ,
A' daughter was born to Mr. and
Airs., clarence. Bergman on ihurs-
day. .
A 'daughter was born on Mondav
January 15, to Mr. and Mra. G. A.
Skans of Jamestown. N. Y. Mrs.
Means was formerly Miss Henrietta
Mass of Omaha.
A daughter, who has been named
Mabel Winifred, was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred A. Blazer on .January 17.
Mrs. Balzer was formerly Miss Jes
sie Doty. ' , -1
A daughter was bora Thursday to
Mr.' and Mrs. Clarence L. Bergman
at Birch Knoll sanitarium. Mrs,
: Bergman was formerly Miss Lillian
Weinberg. ,
Wedding Date Set
The marriage of Miss Ruth Lindley
to Mr. Harold Noble of Kansas City
will take place the evening of January
30 at the home of the bride's parents.
Owing to the present illness of Mr.
Lindley the wedding will be a quiet
Paterson with an ostrich fan that wai brought from Paris in
Cf-: I K icA
g. entity'
a. " '
More and more beautiful fans are
coming to light each day. A cos
mopolitan fan, an heirloom which has
traveled all over the United States,
visited in New York and Washington
and even gone abroad, is the hand
some possession of Mrs. Ronald Pat
erson. It is a beautiful article of
black ostrich feathers end genuine
tortoise shell, which was brought
from the Austrian exhibit at the
Paris exposition in 1879 by an uncle
and presented to Mrs. George Pater
son. In all its tong and varied life
it has never been broken or injured
in any way. :
home affair, with only members of
the family and a few very intimate
friends present.
Pleasures Past.
Miss Helen Foley gave a dancing
party at her home Monday evening,
at which the decorations were car
ried out in blue and white, and a
buffet luncheon was served. The
party wis chaperoned by Mrs". James'
H. Foley. The guests were:
MIumm Ml, i a
Idnry iug1ulr, V Kathvrtn Murphy,
Urtrtid'i MdMrmott. Oertrad Madden,
Bonnie Uaan, . Luclle Hrhail.'
Meaara, Maenra. I
Joaaph Oadalk, TllllmMn nYhatl,
Auattn Hadauatrelt, (1orf Mullln,
Karl Garner, Jm'k Murphy,
WtMam Berlat'k Carl May.
i Members of the F. B. C. club were
entertained Saturday afternoon at the
home of Miss Kae Bauermeister.
Those present were:
Meeaainaa MMdamee
William Foahier.
William Bauermelaler.
Mlaaaa Mtaaaa
Mailne roahler, Helen Orlddell.
Geldle Pettereen, Hasal Aver,
KIvr Ntswonsar, ' Florence York.
Dinner Party, i 1
Mrs. Dick Edens entertained at
dinner Friday evening in honor of
Mrs. J. C. agler, who leaves next
week to make her home in Los An
geles. A basket of pink roses formed
a centerpiece for the table. Covers
were laid for:
Leigh Xowisll,
Jamea Blaha.
I. F. lAtttley.
J C. Pafler.
a R. Frailer,
Mont Roeoker,
Walker Haileton.
H. A. Baohau.
Emeat F. William.
Home Prom Wedding Trip.
The Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Flock-
hart, who were married January 10,
returned Saturday from their wed
ding trip to Chicago and Milwau
kee, They will live at 127 South Thir
ty-eighth street, in the, house to be
S '!
. J?
uaisy-not wrinkle
In sight "Remarkable
discovery of skin os
mosis quickly enables women
with sunken cheeks, wrinkles
and marks of age to become
most beautiful, youthful and
By Mlk. Marten, Franc' Grut Prba Beauty
It'i wonderful to look beautiful and youth
ful. Tht CountMS d Chcvann, wh at iev
rnty yart of aat poacetsat a marveloutly
oft, amooth, vclvet-lik tkim and almost rirl
like complexion, without a wrinkle In eight,
told the writer personally in Pari that she
owed it ail to the discovery of skin osmosis.
With this marvelous discovery every com
plexion blemish can be banished in three
nifhts in many instances, and you can
awaken in the morninv with a beautiful nat
ural rose-colored complexion as fresh as
a daliy.
1 bavt known doiens of hollow-cheeked,
wrinkled, nved-lookins women, who hsd
riven up all hope of ever look inn beautiful
and youthful avain, to "Come back" and
atrain become most beautiful, youthful and
faacinatinir in from two t three weeks'
time by this wonderful simple method.
. Mo matter what your as or what you
have tried unsuccessfully, skin osmosis will
positively briny you new beauty and youth.
Merely wash your face in warm water at
nifbt and rub in a tcaspoonful or two of
any rood pure roseated cream, which you
can obtain from your druggist. In the
morning wash the face with cold water and
rub in more eream.
In thrat weeks or less watch the magic
transformation. See how the old, hardened,
coarse, rough skin turns into new, fresh,
oft, youthful looking skin almost before
your very eyes, all due to simple skin
oemosis produced solely by warm water and
roseated cream. But be sure to use only
pure roseated eream, as It U an entirely
different thing from ordinary face creams
and must not be confounded with them. I
given up by Mrs. Flockhart's mother,
Mrs, H. F. Myer. '
Afternoon Musicale
A musical program by piano pupils
of Miss Helen Mackm and vocal
pupils of Mrs. Millie Ryan will be
o,iven at the House of Hope, Florence,
Sundav. at 1 o. m.. at which all friends
of the house are invited.
Member of Ambulance Corps.
Mr. Paul Hornung, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hornung of this city, is
now a member of the American Am
bulance corps in Paris, according to
word received from hint by friends.
Mr. Hornung formerly took part in
many amateur Omaha theatricals and
later went to New York, where he
played for some time in "The Poor
Little Rich Girl."
Creighton Glee Club Concert.
"On can never tell what an over
turned boat may conceal at least so
the coxswain thought." The forego-
Fresh as a
J 111 II
pemonatly prefer Creme Tokalon (Rose
ated), but any wood brand will do. If you
have wrinkles set a box of Jusim Ic
Ponrils and use them in connection with the
cream and you get quick action on the
deepest wrinkle, no matter of how long
standing, in one night's time and awaken
en the morrow to witness most astonishing
l personally guarantee success in every
case. In any of mv dcwimmf. artfolM arhirh
I - write on subjects relating to beauty, or
I will refund the amount paid for any prod
ucts which I recommend, provided you take
your dealer's receipt at the time you make
your purcnase. my American address is
Simone Hariex, 20 West lUd street. New
i one.
NOTK The manufacture re of Creme TV
kalon Roseated have such unboundml conft
dence In their particular brand, that they
offer to forfeit llSOtvOO to any charitable In
stitution, If It can be ehuwn that it will not
banish every complexion blemish and give
nioM mMtonlshlna new beauty to wrinkled,
careworn, aged woman in three day' time
In many Instances. It can be obtained abso
lutely frwh and guaranteed pure from Sher
miin'McConnell, Green Pharmacy, V'flllam
rtamian, tfunrMt-nMKn, tsranaein, riayden
Hrott., Thompnon-Bniuen A Co., or most any
lUU UTUgglBl III llliS ULjr.
HaZeline Iran.
ins; sentence is being used by mem
bers of the Creighton Glee club to
arouse interest in regard to their
concert, which will be held at the
Brandeis theater Thursday evening,
February 15. That it has some spe
cial meaning in regard to the con
cert, they insist, but just what that
meaning is they refuse to tell.
Events of the Week.
A luncheon tor Dr. William E.
Gardner is planned for Monday at
the University club.
Mrs. W. F. Milroy, who has just
been re-elected president of the
Woman's Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church, will entertain at
luncheon Thursday all the division
leaders and executive officers of the
society, after which there will be a
business meeting to discuss the plans
for the' new year. Covers will be laid
tor fourteen. '
Mrs. B. F. Marshall will entertain
at a kensington Friday in honor of
her house guest, Mrs. T. F, Marshall.
Personal Mention.
W. R. Harding, veteran passenger
conductor of the Union Pacific, and
wife, left for the Pacific coast Satur
day. They will visit all the coast
cities ana win ne gone several weeks.
Mr. (Frank Mead was a guest at the
Phi Delta Theta house in Lincoln the
last week.
Mrs. Eugene Holland Of Lincoln,
formerly Miss Louise Bedwell, is
making a week s visit with her par
ents, ylr. and Mrs. L. fc. Bedwell.
Mrs. W. K. Milroy, who has been
confined for the last three weeks with
the grip, is planning to go to Ex
celsior Springs early in February for
a rest.
Miss Nora Neat, organist at the
First .Methodist church, has returned
from a month spent with Miss Grace
Saxe of the "Billy" Sunday party in
Boston and later in New York,
Niagara and Chicago.
Social Gossip.
Mrs. Charles Shiverick arrived
Monday from she cast, where she
has been for the last year and a half,
with her sons, in New York and
Rochester. Mrs. Shiverick is with her
daughter, Mrs. Floyd M. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Wharton are
at Excelsior Springs and are not ex
pected home until the latter part of
the week.
Mrs. Charles Turner will come in
from Fremont for the McCormack
concert and then goes to Kansas
City to visit.
William E. Martin, who has been
west on a business trip for six weeks,
is expected home the early part of the
Captain W. G. Doane, who i' r
Did it ever occur to you that every
movie actress you have seen has
lovely hair, while the most popular
count their curls as their chief
beauty? In fact, many are leading
ladies just because of their attractive
locks. Inquiry among them discloses
the fact that they bring out alt the
natural beauty of their hair by careful
shampooing, not with any soap or
makeshift, but with a simple mixture
by putting a tcaspoonful of canthrox
(which they get from the druggist)
in a cup of hot water and applying
this instead of soap. This full cup
of shampoo liquid is enough so it is
easy to apply it to all the hair instead
of just the top of the head. After
its use the hair dries rapidly with uni
form color. Dandruff, excess oil and
dirt are dissolved and entirely disap-
fiear. . The hair is so fluffy that it
ooks much heavier than it is. while
its lustre and softness is delightful.
One Way
to Reduce
the H. C. of L.
Instead of goirrg out
of the home to seek
JlmiA ) pleasure, take pleas
ure with the home.
Send Flowers
"The Careful Florist"
1804 Farnam St., Omaha.
Phone Douglas 3000.
IS :
21, 1917.
leave at Berkeley, Cal., has been
transferred from the Twenty-fifth
infantry at Schofield barracks in
Honolulu to the Thirty-fourth in
fantry at El Paso. Tex.
Mrs. Louis C. Nash and Mrs. Ward
Burgess are spending a few days in
Chicago. '
Mrs. Will Burns is spending the
week in Chicago as the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Conrad Spens.
Mr. L. F. Crofoot returned from
the east last week.
G. W. Wattles and F. J. Burkley
are spending the week-end in Chi
cago, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. Cudahy.
E. A. Cudahy, jr., was in Omaha
last week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bullock are
newcomers to Omaha from Indian
apolis and are living at the Black-
D. C. Stapleton, who came from
Washington to see about the ship
ping of some of his household effects,
was confined to the hospital tor sev
era! days and was only able to return
east Wednesday. ,
Gossip of Visitors.
Mrs. , Edmund V, Krug of Pasa
dena. Cal.. is expected the end of the
week to visit her mother, Mrs. J. F.
Miss Mildred House left Wednes
day for Denver to visit her aunt. Mrs.
S. S. Murphy. Later she will accom
pany Mrs. Murphy to Excelsior
Springs and Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fish of Neenah,
Wis., are stopping on- their way to
California to visit their son, Mr. H.
H. Fish, and Mrs. Fish.
Miss Marie . Hanlon of Minneap
olis, who has been at the Btackstone
with Mrs. and Miss Flanigan of
Minneapolis, will be the guest of
Miss Alice Dnval after today. Mrs.
and Miss Flanigan, who have taken
an apartment at the Btackstone for
three months, are going south for
Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell of
Anchorage, Alaska, who have been
tows::);;, -kv -i:. :uadAaaV,'''xS'
jtgValt.iMii' a8V I
I D 12 J , I U
cWt,Uand"!Iot "Sw I 94S" 1
' Tha Faraenn 8uhjho-Chloriie Min- S'!!11'"'4 " ' V
era! Water ia delivered in Omaha ..a-Baanrxar-i Jm?"'
in five-gallon jags, ll.SS SCc w- -JaaaaaaaM aaaaa ' ae . Jl j j !. .i-a
I ft""" returned. 1-SW
133th and O St. . South Side. Pbofle South ir
Osteopathic Phyaactan in Charge.
1 Are you trying to reduce the H.C of L? There are many
3 opportunities if you wish to take advantage of them How
j about the BREAD QUESTION? I
I Perhaps. you have not takenlnto consideration the econ-
omy of baking your own bread, and the great satisfaction of
I lennwino that the ingredients are the Durest and most healthful I
that can be obtained. Your family will prefer HOME-MADE
We have found by actual test that a 5-cent loaf of Bakers'
Bread can be baked at home "THE GAS WAY" for 3i
cents, a saving of 36 per cent. Ask for our receipt. We shall
be glad to send a demonstrator to your home this service is
absolutely free. Write, phone or call at our office.
Omaha Gas Company
Douglas 605 1509 Howard Street
visiting her mother, Mrs. E. L. Rob
ertson., for some weeks, have gone
to I'hocnix, Ariz., to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Barber. Next month the
latter's brother, Fred Hamilton, and
Mrs. Hamilton and son, Frederick,
jr., are going out to Phoenix, to visit
the Barbers.
Mrs. Campbell Fair is in Fort
Dodge, la., visiting her son, Campbell.
Mrs. Sjogren of Hermosa, S. D..
formerlv of this city, is the guest of
her mother, Mrs. George Sharpe.
Among the many affairs being plan
ned for Mrs. Sjogren is a dinner Mon
day night, given by Mrs. Sharpe, and
a box party at the Orpheum Wednes
day evening, when Mrs. T. G. Waite
will be the hostess.
Comes for Short Visit.
Friends of Miss Gertrude James
will be pleased to hear that she' is
stopping in Omaha for a few hours
Tuesday afternoon and they may call
to see her at that time. Miss James
:B K rflaoohtor nf th late Henrv
James, former superintendent of
Omaha scnoois. sr.e win dc tne
guest of Mrs. W. W. Grigoiy'Juring
her short stopover in the city.
Publicity Card Party.
The South Side Publicity club will
give a card party at its hall, Four
teenth and Castelar streets, Wednes
day evening at 8:30. The hostesses
for the occasion will be Mesdames
Baxter Mitchell, John Mulvihill. Con
Morris, Con O'Brien, W. O'Kief and
,W. P. Russell.
Two Theta Brides Honored.
Miss Marie Hodge and Miss Ruth
Lindlev are beine much feted by their
Theta sisters and the calendar for
this week seems crowded' with prenup-
tial affairs in their honor. Monday,
Miss Charlotte Bedwell will entertain
for them; Wednesday, Miss Marguer
ite Marshall will have a kensington,
when those present will be the
younger Thetas, and Saturday Mrs.
Samuel Reynolds will give a bridge
Theta Meeting.
Mrs. J. K. Morrison will entertain
, V. mmKva ni th Ifanna Alnha
Theta sorority Tuesday afternoon at
the regular monthly meeting, inese
fraternity women have not forgotten
if The Most Beautiful Place of Residence 1
in Omaha T
The deairabilitr of th Blaekitone M residence is unsur-
passed. It means association with people ot raflnemant amid
I the moat luxurious surrounding. II
Rentals are moderate, as comparison will show. The cost of
an apartment includes every service, such as free telephone
service on Omaha exchange, linens, light, heat, use of the
magnificent lounging rooms, roof gardens, etc.
Apartmenta range in sise from one to seven rooms each and
range in price from $42.50 and np per month.
Information concerning week!, monthly or yearly ratea will
be given upon reqneat
If upon examination, suitable apartments cannot be had at
present, have your name placed on our waiting list.
For an appointment to inspect our suites telephone
i iiiiiiiiniiiii!ii!ii!i n
their college days and the many needs
of the sorority house, for they spend
the time at their meetings in sewing
on table linen for the chapter house in
Junior Prom.
TL. l.,n;.-,r Prnm fif FriHaV VCn-
ing at Keep's academy is a special
event for the school set. Floyd
l'aynter, president of the class, and
rhsrlac MnrMrtv. last year's oresi-
dent, are the committee in charge.
The foot ball team ot L.entrai nign
will be guests of the class, enabling
nl..m.,; nf rimalia anH Lincoln to
meet Central's only Missouri Valley
champions. Another leature win dc
a home welcoming to Commander
Etsasser and Turk Logan, who have
recently returned from the Mexican
border. Other guests of honor will
b Tom Mills, H. Mulilgan, Mr. Spin
ning and Mr. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Paynter and Mr. and Mrs. E.
F. Morearty are to be patrons and
Thompson, Belden & Co. Will
Show How Silk is Made Up
Thompson. Belden & Co. will on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday have
quite an innovation in the line of pub
i.:... nl.i:,y Rrrta th ninneer silk
manufacturers in this country, whose
line ot silks is nanaiea exclusively m
this city by Thompson-Belden com
pany, have caused to have made by
the Pathe Film company 2,000 feet of
film, which shows the silk industry
from the time the moth spins its co
coon to the finished piece of silk made
up in the form of a gown. It will
take a half hour in the showing and
there will also be a lecture on the
manufacture of silk in connection. Not
only will the showing be interesting,
but will h enhanced by being m
natural colors, for which the Pathe
people are famous. Quite a space has
been set aside on the second floor of
their store with a moving picture ma
chine, curtain and seats for quite a
number. This film when it is shown
at this store will be but the seventh
time it has been exhibited in the
United States.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
i! i wmmmmmmmm